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  • File : 1328328329.jpg-(108 KB, 378x536, Tsurupeta Chibikko Cosplayer.jpg)
    108 KB Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)23:05 No.5451546  
    ITT: Actual photographer creepers. Let's hear about some creepy photographer encounters you've had.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:21 No.5453785
    bump for stories
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:25 No.5453790
    >Guy asked to take pictures of me once.
    >Greasy face, ugly.
    >It was so creepy OMG
    >> Voldemort !3zD.naginI 02/04/12(Sat)14:26 No.5453796
    inb4 Tom Savage
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:27 No.5453802

    nothing but privileged cunts desperate to pretend they have any sort of adversity in their life so they complain about how the socially awkward guy who asked for a picture was actually out to rape and eat her corpse

    the worst part is that people actually take the seriously
    >> PP+1 02/04/12(Sat)14:44 No.5453834
    I guess worst experience so far has been walking up floating stairs at a convention dressed as sailor mars four years ago and seeing people taking up shots if all the ladies.

    But I generally am very camera so I avoid cameras like the photographers have Ebola.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:48 No.5453856
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    Oh boy, I might actually have a story for this. Not fully related to picture taking but it is a guy who was asking for them so...

    >Few years back, attending con with lesbian friend
    >We're cosplaying two characters from a show
    >Get asked for a few pictures from various people, no problem
    >Eventually get asked by a nice enough looking guy for some pics
    >He sheepishly asks if we could take a pic kissing, as our characters are in a relationship
    >No biggie, she and I kiss somewhat regularly
    >Pics done, guy continues to hang out, he's cool and we don't mind
    >Few hours later we head up to our room to relax and rest
    >He joins us
    >The moment we walk through the door he takes off his shirt and begins removing his pants
    >"Woah woah woah, dude, what the hell?"
    >"Huh? What, I thought we were doing to have sex."
    >"Fuck, no, what the hell made you think that?"
    >He can't really give me a straight answer
    >He still has his pants at his knees
    >"So are we not going to have sex? What about with her?"
    >"No, dude, you should leave."
    >"What about with you?"
    >"No, I'm not gay, I'm sorry. Now seriously, you should leave."
    >We continue to go back and forth like this for ten minutes, him trying to convince us to have sex with him
    >I finally get sick of it and just grab him and pull him out of the room
    >Slam the door
    >Take off our costumes and don't wear them for the rest of the con

    This happens every damn time. We go to a con, something gross happens, and then we stop wearing our outfits for the rest of the trip so we don't get bugged.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:49 No.5453860
    What is it with you people crying PRIVILEGE every chance you get
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:55 No.5453878
    because it's the only way i can reason that someone would be mortified by having their picture taken by a neckbeard enough that they need to cry on internet message boards about it

    that you're so sheltered that someone like that is actually a notable and frightening thing to you.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:56 No.5453882
    Privilege is a buzzword.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:56 No.5453883
    how does privilege equal sheltered in your world?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)14:58 No.5453889
    because it means you had everything provided for you and therefore managed to float through life without encountering any noteworthy problems, hence why you have to complain about exaggerated "creepers" to feel like your life hasn't been a cakewalk

    granted i just remembered /cgl/ is a female board, so maybe you're just complaining because you're women and that's literally all you do
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:00 No.5453899

    Except, the thread is about /actual/ photog creepers. Not OMG some less than attractive dude hit on me!

    If you hadn't notice, those silly bitches get laughed out of the thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:02 No.5453903
    >complains about privileged whiners
    >says something extremely sexist

    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:02 No.5453904
    >Except, the thread is about /actual/ photog creepers.

    yeah, i'm sure it is

    >If you hadn't notice, those silly bitches get laughed out of the thread.

    which is why they exaggerate and embellish their stories so the awkward guy who wanted a photograph becomes some horrific monster who tried to pull her shirt off right there in the middle of everything and whipped his dick out and etc. etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:02 No.5453906
    Are you a guy or a girl?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:03 No.5453909

    Regurgitation without comprehension is how. Fucking tumblrfaggots.

    Privilege in the context they're trying to use it in does NOT mean "a privileged life", it doesn't mean a little rich bitch who has had everything handed to the on a silver platter.

    It's especially funny in this context considering men have more privilege then women.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:04 No.5453912
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    >a man
    >accusing women of being privileged

    If you are enough of a social justice activist to throw around the word like a little bitch, you should know why that's bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:04 No.5453913
    As suspected, privilege is only used like that when some pseudo-compassionate circlejerker is trying to force white guilt and "first world problems" on people. I recommend returning to Tumblr.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:05 No.5453917

    So? If they're entertaining who cares? Don't see you in the Weeaboo horror stories thread screaming about privileged bitches making shit up. 90% of the are heavily embellished bullshit to make it seem like the weebs in them are horrific monsters too.

    Were you the subject of a creeper story anon? Get it off your chest, you'll feel better.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:06 No.5453922
    I'm a dude.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:06 No.5453923
    SPOILER: Just because women scream and run away when you try to approach them doesn't mean they're privileged.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:07 No.5453925
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    deal avec it

    i don't give a fuck about your "male privilege" delusion

    it's not entertaining to anyone but like-minded people
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:08 No.5453930

    Yeah, then stop using the word privileged you douchecanoe. You clearly don't understand the meaning.

    Or hey, it's misogyny-kun in a new disguise using social justice terms without understanding them to sound like they know what they're talking about!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:09 No.5453935

    Well, like you said, we're a board full of women. Obviously we're all like-minded here. Don't like it GTFO our board. You're probably only here for the fap material anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:09 No.5453937
    oh I see you are just legit stupid

    carry on
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:11 No.5453940
    at least other boards try to come up with half-assed arguments when they views are proven wrong, you just skip straight to the insults

    or is it because you can't even pretend you have any counterargument
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:12 No.5453945
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    >he actually thinks male privilage is a myth!

    Let me guess, you also think that it's unfair that black people call each other nigger, but they get all mad when you do?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:12 No.5453946
    Sorry but that sounds hilarious

    "I thought we were having sex?"
    "No, leave.
    "What about her?"
    "What about you?"

    And then he went on for ten minutes?

    That's comedy, right there.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:13 No.5453949

    It's because we see it so much from guys like you we just stopped giving a damn really. Can't educate or argue with deeply ingrained stupid.

    More horror stories!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:18 No.5453964
    >he actually thinks male privilage is a myth!

    it is a myth. it's bullshit from people who never heard the phrase "the grass is always greener"

    >Let me guess, you also think that it's unfair that black people call each other nigger, but they get all mad when you do?

    I think it's hypocritical and they have no business complaining about it, but i don't really give a fuck
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:20 No.5453973
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    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:21 No.5453974
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    4/10 for commitment babe~
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:21 No.5453975
    The girl I was with thought it was hilarious and thought it was even funnier the way I was reacting. She also told me she was kinda shocked I turned him down so immediately. We don't invite or allow anyone in our rooms any more though.
    >> PP+1 02/04/12(Sat)15:22 No.5453981
    I agree more stories needed

    This did not happen to me, but rather many girl's at AGO
    >Some dick with a super soaker runs up to ladies and sprays them on the chest
    >photographer friend snaps their picture as they rage
    >there was justice their membership got revoked
    >> PP+1 02/04/12(Sat)15:23 No.5453983
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:25 No.5453989
    0/10 for wasting my time with troll ratings because you are so fanny-flustered that you can't even argue with what i said
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:34 No.5454022
    becasue you didnt say anything worth argueing with
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:49 No.5454076

    oh my god, I haven't heard the word fanny for a long time!!! It's such a silly and cute word, thanks for reminding me it existed!

    and also to the rest of your comment
    you weren't really saying anything worth arguing. You seem to honestly believe that you've had no luck in life and pesky minorities and women do.

    and um question just for the sake of science: are you British by any chance?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:51 No.5454086
    >you seem to honestly believe that you've had no luck in life and pesky minorities and women do.

    no, i believe no one has luck in life. if you honestly believe one gender has it significantly better than the other then please kill yourself
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:51 No.5454088
    I'm usually the photographer for my buds so I have no stories but my gf has had a pretty large number of creepers ask her if she wants to take some photos in their hotel room.

    regular douchebag stuff really
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:54 No.5454097
    >come to board with high female pop
    >see thread talking about bad con experiances
    >complain about how women have nothing to complain about.

    >slow day on /b/ son?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:56 No.5454108
    I've had female congoers with point and shoot cameras feel me up. That counts, yes?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)15:59 No.5454122

    Eh, why not. Were they taking pictures when they did it?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)16:02 No.5454135
    Usually these threads are about "professionals" and that would fit into weeb horror stories threads, but seeing as there's a lack of content that's fine.

    Details you'd like to share?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)16:10 No.5454162
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    Remember this guy?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)16:20 No.5454189
    he has a point, all genders have privliges that others dont.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)16:28 No.5454219
    ...I came in this thread expecting more stories like >>5453856
    Instead it's just catty fighting

    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)16:44 No.5454277
    Okay I've never told this story before even tho it happened so long ago so enjoy
    >be at Acen 2002
    >wearing Amazing Nurse Nanko costume getting lots of pics taken
    >well known Asian cosplay photog comes up and asks if we can take a pic in a "private place"
    >say okay b/c I've seen him before and I know him by name
    >he takes me to the fountain near the main hall of the Hyatt (fountain is gone now) put camera on tripod and tells me to stand in front of fountain
    >I do but then he sits down on the edge of fountain & pulls me onto his lap
    > too awkward to say anything so I take pics and then decide to gtfo out of there
    >as I go to leave
    >mfw my waist tie was in the fountain when you pulled me onto your lap
    >he says oops, sorry anon and shrugs
    >he leaves
    >I go back to my room and have to blow dry my costume
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:19 No.5454375
         File1328393987.jpg-(34 KB, 300x450, chobits-chii.jpg)
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    >attending first con with my boyfriend, my cosplay was a so-so Chi from Chobits in her pink dress
    >walking around all day with le boyfriend, got a few people asking for pictures, couple of people telling me how cute I looked and how well made my dress was which was nice since I didn't even think I'd done that good a job on the cosplay
    >really, pleasant nice evening with nothing dramatic or untoward happening
    >suddenly hear yelling


    >turn round, see fat guy in a stretched out t-shirt, glasses and badly-dyed black hair (roots were showing) running/waddling towards me
    >as he gets closer I notice he has an image of an anime loli clutching a pillow with a frightened look on her face printed on his t-shirt
    >couldn't make this shit up
    >suddenly realize he is waving a camera as he runs, think "okay, he just wants a picture"
    >when he eventually reaches me, he's gasping through breaths about how he wants a picture, but he's staring at my boyfriend the entire time
    >of course I agree, buthe asks boyfriend to move out of the way for the shot, which he begrudgingly does
    >I pull a few poses, the camera flashes, he gets a few shots, it's all good
    >boyfriend comes back over and grasps hands with me and we begin to walk off again
    >for the rest of the day I keep noticing the same guy in the loli t-shirt out of the corner of my eye, like weaving between crowds and shit

    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:20 No.5454380

    >think nothing of it, the con isn't even THAT big
    >every now and again I'll see a flash from behind me, or to the side but I think nothing of it other people have cameras with them.. though it's a little strange that they all have the flash on since it's still broad daylight outside
    >the first day of the convention is drawing to a close and I and my boyfriend decide to call it a day and head back to the hotel with all our swag having just come back from the artists alley
    >walking down some stairs, but they're slatted so whoevers under the stairwell would be able to look up and.. y'know
    >suddenly there's a load of flashing from beneath me, I jump backwards and fall over out of surprise
    >looking down, there's the fat guy in the loli shirt with his camera angled STRAIGHT UP MY DRESS
    >fatty makes his escape, but he's too slow, boyfriend easily catches up him, grabs his shirt and starts yelling about he's gonna beat the shit out of him
    >security comes over and separates them, I take one of them to the side and explain the situation and what just happened
    >they tell me that they've actually had a few reports about this guy throughout the day and confiscate his camera for a few hours
    >apparently they examined the memory and it's was filled with a shit load of panty shots from under tables and other girls walking down the same stairwell, loads of shots of me throughout the day
    >fatty gets his camera back with all the images from that day wiped and a lifetime ban
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:26 No.5454403
    Oh wow I really want to hear your blog about the con. Great story. Can't wait to hear more, maybe about the time you did stuff and talked with friends once.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)17:50 No.5454516
    >A couple of years ago, me and my boyfriend went to a con.
    >We're cosplaying a CloudXTifa duo.
    >Walking around the con.
    >Turn around and this weird guy's ALREADY taking pictures without even asking.
    >Pose awkwardly and wait for him to go away.
    >After about 5 minutes my boyfriend literally drags me away with the creeper still snapping as my boyfriend hurries me away.
    >Some time later.
    >Our hotel is on the other side of town and I'm tired.
    >Boyfriend says I can have a nap on him.
    >Find a quiet part of the building where no one goes.
    >I quite happily lay across my boyfriend's lap and fall asleep.
    >Wake up about an hour later on the floor, with the creeper also on the floor with a nosebleed and my boyfriend being questioned by security.
    >Apparently the creeper had followed us and started taking photos of me whilst I was asleep, without asking again, much to my boyfriend's annoyance, and then proceeded to ask if he could take some pictures of Cloud RAPING Tifa in her sleep.
    >Boyfriend says no and tells him to back the fuck off.
    >Creeper then asks if boyfriend will pull my trousers down so he can get some panty shots instead.
    >Boyfriend tells him to fuck off.
    >Creeper attempts to UNZIP my top.
    >You can guess what my boyfriend did.
    >Once I properly wake up, I tell security about earlier.
    >They escort him out of the building and tell him never to come near me again.

    mfw I hate being a heavy sleeper.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:10 No.5454629
    So how many of these were guys with DSLRs? I'm trying to get an idea of the DSLR to pocket camera creepy ratio.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/12(Sat)18:21 No.5454677
    Creepers tend to be the ones with compacts, as they cant afford DSLRs due to buying used panties from japan

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