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  • File : 1328121002.png-(61 KB, 421x462, 2a5hy07[1].png)
    61 KB Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)13:30 No.5439650

    You guys have completely forgotten about this with just a week to go. I think we should get this more updated, shall we, seagulls?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)13:31 No.5439653
    >Team colors are pink and brown.

    Well that killed my enthusiasm.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)13:32 No.5439662
         File1328121168.jpg-(368 KB, 2196x1816, Io7qi.jpg)
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    Literally every other color combo looks better.
    >> Enemy Of Justice on the motherfucking phone !!RSk8At/etxd 02/01/12(Wed)13:35 No.5439673
    What exactly is this and why should I care?

    I haven't heard shit about this on /fit/
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)13:35 No.5439674
    I say 2 or 3, because they feel like more on the female spectrum.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)13:37 No.5439681
    >not knowing about the four dramu whores in the other thread
    >not knowing about week-long 4chan cup mayhem

    Latefag or newfag?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)13:37 No.5439682
    that's because the latest tournament is for new teams like /cgl/, /vp/, /m/ and /toy/, while /fit/ competes in the main tournament in winter and summer. Therefor, they wont be commenting because they won't be involved

    Anyone care to update the images on the wiki so the guy who makes the teams has something to base the teams on? They'll look lame and default at this rate
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)13:38 No.5439685
    Seems like a tryhard too.
    >> Enemy Of Justice on the motherfucking phone !!RSk8At/etxd 02/01/12(Wed)13:40 No.5439690
    More like late I also tend to ignore stupid gossip threads about bitches
    also all I do is hear /a/ bitch about this and call it cancer
    I see
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)13:42 No.5439700
    /a/ call everything cancer. /a/ hates everything

    Anyway, as I said, can anybody update the images on the wiki page in the OP post?

    Vic Mignogna
    Lace Monster
    Not A Fetish
    Mr. Yan
    100 Dicks
    Dramu (gold) (starter)
    Cottage Cheese
    Tuna Melt
    Lovely Horse Derpy-chan
    Crushed Velvet
    Jealous Fatty (gold) (starter)
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)13:43 No.5439706
    WE have to give them images so they can update. No one person has all of those.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)13:44 No.5439714
    I know, I know, but we still need people to update the wiki so it looks better. Compared to the likes of /toy/, /vp/ and /m/, we look like tramps
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)13:46 No.5439722
    We gave him a ton of images in the last thread-- did you save them, OP?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)13:46 No.5439723
    He's new as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)13:50 No.5439742
    I can painfully see that. /secondhand embarrassment.
    >> Dragonfag Matt 02/01/12(Wed)13:52 No.5439750
    Unfortunately, I've never browsed /cgl/ in my life, I'm just helping Germanbro get the less prepared teams more developed for the friendlies starting next week I'm actually a /vp/oreon..

    So the answer: No, I never even saw the last thread. I just hope somebody else did
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)13:52 No.5439752
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    Sup Cheerleader squad, you can be our Women's team
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)13:52 No.5439755
    I thought PT was a gold player
    >> Dragonfag Matt 02/01/12(Wed)13:57 No.5439777
    You have to have 1 gold, 1 silver and two bronze, so that needs updating too
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)14:00 No.5439786
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)14:02 No.5439792
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)14:04 No.5439798
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    >> GermanBro !Qg4DEzuQbM 02/01/12(Wed)14:05 No.5439806
         File1328123123.png-(61 KB, 564x356, u spurdo.png)
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    I updated the wiki with requirements that each team has to fulfill as well as friendly slots for this month and the deadline until when your team should be done and ready.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)14:21 No.5439851
    So is somebody gonna update this?

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