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  • File : 1328063445.png-(1.38 MB, 900x1271, skaia_prospit_by_mistix-d2zrow9.png)
    1.38 MB Homestuck Dream Selves Cosplay Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)21:30 No.5437217  
    May I please get some suggestions on what type of fabric to use for Homestuck Dream Selves cosplay? I see it as being either royalty-like wear or...pajama wear.

    Both of which would normally use satin or velvet.

    However, I know both those materials are coplay no-no's...
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)21:46 No.5437280
    No, you twit, SHITTY satin and SHITTY velvet are no-nos. Shitty fabric in general is a no-no, but costume satin and crushed panne velvet are what people with no clue always sub in for the decent stuff and they just look.....SO bad.

    For satin, you want casa satin (Joann store brand) or duchess satin. For velvet, you need a swatch to see if it's worth your time. Decent velvet is soft and plush. Some of it's synthetic, some is rayon or even cotton. Now you know.

    For those garments, I'd go for a cotton velveteen. If you're feeling cheap, try microsuede or fleece.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)01:01 No.5438305
         File1328076097.png-(221 KB, 480x640, 1328055168961.png)
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    I know shit all about fabric and sewing, but please, if you feel up to it, do fancy dreamwear. Please.

    I'm now going to dump the gorgeous dreamwear drawings i have, all warned.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)01:04 No.5438318
         File1328076251.jpg-(274 KB, 663x669, 1327988758728.jpg)
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    I have.. like four. Bear with me. Then I might dump some actual cosplays.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)01:06 No.5438328
    wait what how is this homestuck. i thought they all had horns and grey and had something to do with the zodiac?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)01:10 No.5438355
         File1328076651.jpg-(435 KB, 590x655, 1326864313755.jpg)
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    I have a huge homestuck folder that I have neglected to organize... This is taking a bit longer than expected.
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 02/01/12(Wed)01:13 No.5438369
    My understanding of it goes that the grey ones are the trolls but the stories (suposed) main characters are four kids who are playing this game about altering their world or something like that. The people in these pictures are the kids. But I dont read it myself so correct me if I'm wrong.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)01:32 No.5438435
         File1328077950.jpg-(159 KB, 800x683, 1327277717810.jpg)
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    That assumption is a sad, sad side effect of our fandumb. I am so sorry.

    But there are also these guys, also knows as the Kids. They're human, sort of.

    Sidenote: Jesus Fuck I've got a lot of homestuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)01:49 No.5438488
         File1328078953.jpg-(206 KB, 444x800, 1327114719834.jpg)
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    Yup, for the most part, you got it spot on.

    The short short version is;
    Four kids play a game that ends the world. But the world was totally gonna end anyway. The enter a place called the medium and begin to play an RPG starring themselves. They also have dreamselves on planets called prospit and Derse. Derse dreamers can come in contact with Lovecraftian monsters called the Horrorterrors, who probably are not evil, not really, and Prospit dreamers can see snippets of the future in the clouds of a land called skyia. Soon, they are contacted by a race called the Trolls, who have played the game before, beat it, but seriously got screwed at the end.They also created our universe. There's also this guy who works for this other guy who is pretty much the Devil in a nice green suit. But not really. An archagent of Derse, against the game programing, gains a shitton of power. Shit hits the fan, the chips were gone, bunch of stuff happens, the pooch is throughly screwed, and they hit a hard reset on the game. Then we get a new set of kids, who are completely awesome and badass.

    ..And that was the short, short version.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)01:57 No.5438524
         File1328079431.png-(370 KB, 800x515, 1327363939236.png)
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    The ones I posted aren't the original kids though, these are the post-hard-reset kids, who are not the same people as the originals, who are sort of still alive.

    I seem to have run out of fancy Dreamers.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)02:14 No.5438562
         File1328080482.png-(278 KB, 500x660, tumblr_lygjbtvw7o1r2ptcxo1_r1_(...).png)
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    Nope I lied
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)02:16 No.5438567
         File1328080618.jpg-(192 KB, 650x650, tumblr_ly0qk3x3Jo1qzasudo1_128(...).jpg)
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    I swear I'll get to cosplays eventually.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)02:29 No.5438608
         File1328081374.png-(162 KB, 250x333, tumblr_lxvkohhCSJ1qexi1uo3_500.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)03:47 No.5438822
    OP here.

    Keep posting, please!

    I'm mainly interested in Jade and John, as that's what my partner and I will be cosplaying.

    I actually really like the fancy versions, but I'm not sure about how to go about it...because we are also trying to stick to the canon outfits.

    I'm thinking of adding some subtle things just to spice it up a little, but we also don't want to be seen as (1) attention whores, and (2) non-canon.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)15:39 No.5440136
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)15:42 No.5440144
    I personally do not think the added parts of rumminov's design could be properly executed and not look ridiculous or terrible. They are great to draw, and adding some details can be good, but they're exceedingly over the top.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)16:10 No.5440259
         File1328130651.png-(83 KB, 250x333, tumblr_lxvkohhCSJ1qexi1uo1_500.png)
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    Pschaw, child. Let your inner fancy dreamer roam free. The cannon designs are extremely simple and practically left open to interpretation; Hussie may be a good storyteller, but a designer he is not. I'll try to dig out and Jade and John I might have.

    I love the everloving crap out of these designs, but I feel like some of them don't fit the Dreamer or adhere to the template, namely Karkat and Rose's outfits.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)16:10 No.5440260
    i imagine it to be more pyjama-like, really light and wafty,

    whatever indian people use for saris
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)16:36 No.5440365
         File1328132210.png-(111 KB, 250x333, tumblr_lstvp7bwDu1qexi1uo2_500.png)
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    Whoops the comment I posted before did not match what I wanted to say.

    And that is that I agree. They are gorgeous, most of them, drawn, but they would have to be extremely intricate and well made or they would just look silly. Some of them already look silly. The ones I 'love the everloving crap out of' are dirk and roxy's. The belt looks silly here.
    >> Hanyaan !OmDdt8anl6 02/01/12(Wed)16:50 No.5440408
    I kind of want to do the Rumminov Dreamer for Gamzee... it's absolutely ridiculous and therefore I love it, and I have enough gold fabric that I could probably put like five shades of gold on that fucker. With extra beads. Oh my god why do I have three types of gold spandex, two gold satins, and two gold vinyls. However, this would be a "leftovers" project, that I do inbetween all my others... still worth going for if it wouldn't be finished for ages? or should someone like me go for a different Prospit dreamer to get rid of my stupid amounts of GOLD EVERYTHING?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)17:03 No.5440450
         File1328133807.png-(117 KB, 250x333, tumblr_lstvp7bwDu1qexi1uo1_500.png)
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    I actually don't remember what the DreamGamzee looks like, but I think go for whatever you have the materials for. If you can finish it really soon but at subpar quality, wait. If you're not particularly attached to Gamzee and body type permitting, do a different dreamer.

    I also really want to cosplay something from homestuck but I won't be able to go to a con for a very long time and I'm terrified Homestuck will be over by then, and I won't be able to have long discussions and speculate with other fans in a glorious nerdy congregation.

    And as long as I'm dreaming, I'd like to be a bit hotter.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)17:10 No.5440482
         File1328134217.png-(90 KB, 250x333, tumblr_lstvl4g8VO1qexi1uo7_500.png)
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    This is the one I keep putting down. Alright so it's not that bad, but... it's silly. And in the basic pattern, she wore pants. Not an odd looking ruffly skirt thing that for the life of me I can't seem to imagine how it would look good in real life.
    >> Hanyaan !OmDdt8anl6 02/01/12(Wed)17:11 No.5440487
         File1328134268.png-(729 KB, 1548x1544, rs9Ox-1.png)
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    it's this outfit. Hnngh so sillyamazing.

    And I've been cosplaying Gamzee myself since before there was even hero mode... it's just that I've also been told it looks "off" when I do it because I'm very short (5'3") and it fucks with people's headcanon.

    But as for you... honestly, if you do a "fancy" dreamer RIGHT, people will enjoy seeing it no matter WHAT it's from.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)17:19 No.5440512
    Wait, so would it be bad if I wanted to do a normal Dreamer outfit, and not the totally regal ones.

    I just want to stick closer to canon.
    >> Hanyaan !OmDdt8anl6 02/01/12(Wed)17:20 No.5440517
    nope! Although I think if you do it regular/"canon" style, make it as totally pajamas as possible. Break out the flannel and the fleece. Make it so you'd actually want to sleep in it.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)17:22 No.5440526
    Okay, thank you, I'll keep that in mind for Jade's.

    But what if I wanted to a more interesting one like Kanaya's Prospit outfit or Feferi's Derse?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)17:39 No.5440610
         File1328135943.png-(102 KB, 250x333, tumblr_lstvl4g8VO1qexi1uo6_500.png)
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    I have a very pertinent question.

    Are you going to update the Dreamoutfit

    To resemble Gamzee's canon Godmode?

    I would love you so much.
    >> Moose 02/01/12(Wed)17:46 No.5440651
         File1328136418.png-(568 KB, 494x700, tumblr_lycoikwlef1r42axoo1_500.png)
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    Mother of god I want to do this design so badly it hurts...

    Also here is one of Aradia~
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)17:50 No.5440662
         File1328136631.png-(103 KB, 250x333, tumblr_lstvl4g8VO1qexi1uo2_500.png)
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    As a six foot female, I have no right to judge you on your height. That seems about average, but if you are that worried about messing with people's headcanons, we do need some good other trolls too.

    If you want to do it more pajama-y you could even make it like a nightie, or do your own design.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)18:11 No.5440744
         File1328137886.png-(69 KB, 250x333, tumblr_lstvl4g8VO1qexi1uo3_500.png)
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    I'm curious- what do you think is the best makeup for the grey tone?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)18:15 No.5440759
    Ben Nye, from what I've heard.

    I can't say myself, I've only ever done a test run with Snazzaroo (sp?) It's okay, but you pretty much have to seal it, or it gets everywhere.

    Speaking of which. Is there anywhere that'll sell Ben Nye in the UK?
    (Also if anyone could source me something to work with for Terezi's glasses, that'd be great. People keep linking to novelty sunglasses but none of them will ship to where I am)
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)18:21 No.5440778
         File1328138474.jpg-(124 KB, 900x675, asdki.jpg)
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    Here you go. Not me cosplaying.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)18:55 No.5440892
    Questions, since you seem to know a lot about the series.

    (1) Are Jade and John brother and sister?
    (2) How popular is that paring?
    (3) Can you explain the whole "clone of self" thing as if you were talking to someone in a special needs class to me?
    (4) Like...Bro is actually not Dave's brother, but another version of himself? Then who is their/Dave's dad? Or did Bro just get created out of laboratory foolery?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)19:05 No.5440937
         File1328141109.png-(92 KB, 250x333, tumblr_lstvl4g8VO1qexi1uo5_500.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)20:41 No.5441324

    .....Why would you want to know whether John and Jade are a popular pairing?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)21:09 No.5441441
    Is that fleece or flannel?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)21:30 No.5441507
         File1328149806.png-(319 KB, 500x384, prospit.png)
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    To expand:
    1. Yes, biologically. They also act like it.
    2. No. Its definitely not. Not only is it weird and out of character, it's just awkward.
    3. So when a man and a woman have no idea who eachother are but their kids know each other, they will eventually play a game. In this game, one of the kids will find a Magic Science Cloning Station (ectobiology). He will take samples from his grandma, his friend Jade's grandpa, and make clones f them. Then the two samples are mixed and two babbies are formed. There are now four babies: CloneGramp, Clone Gran, babyJohn, and Baby Jade. The grandma/grandpa clones are sent about 70 years to the past, where they live their lives, and discover/get killed by babies Jade and John, sent 13 years into the past. The same shenanigan occurs with Mom and Bro, creating Rose and Dave.

    3. Actually, biologically, Bro is Dave's dad. Rose is also Dave's daughter, and Mom is both their mothers.

    They exist paradoxically, they are self fulfilling and self creating.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)21:55 No.5441621
         File1328151337.png-(99 KB, 250x333, tumblr_lstvl4g8VO1qexi1uo4_500.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)23:26 No.5442040
    Hah, thanks for this very much.

    ...Because my SO will be cosplaying John (me Jade), and we often do PDA (no like, making out though...hugs/light kisses/clings/holding hands).

    I...I don't want to get killed by the fandom if they see JohnxJade cosplay stuff, because I've...heard things on how the fandom reacts to stuff they don't like.

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