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  • File : 1327955506.png-(28 KB, 367x228, header1.png)
    28 KB Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)15:31 No.5430993  
    Heard there was some drama with the Ohayocon masquerade. Details?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)15:46 No.5431054
    There was none. Just 4ng3l and Soni getting butthurt that they lost to a bumped up journeyman class
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)15:48 No.5431065
    Anyone have pictures of the winners?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)15:52 No.5431086
    Gee, we're all surprised those two untalented morons caused drama.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)16:01 No.5431132
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)16:07 No.5431171
    Wow. Looks at allllll that butthurt.

    >>don't win award
    >>complain about organization

    Whatever makes them feel better.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)16:13 No.5431205

    The twist was that the judges didn't even know that it was a journeyman. The idiot signed up as a masters entry originally and supposedly changed it afterward. But no surprise in Ohayocon cosplay being disorganized as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)16:19 No.5431243
    Signed as a masters then thought they had no chance and tried to go into an easier bracket.

    Calling bs on the little pity game. BAWL I WON MASTERS EVEN THOUGH I WANTED TO WIN JOURNEYMAN BAWL! Why the hell does this sounds weird to me. I am getting this odd feeling 4ng3l and Co tried to rig the competition and the judges outsmarted him. Crying backstage because you won masters to the point Soni had to comfort you? Yeah, more bs.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:26 No.5432214
    4ng3l and Co sound like they want to take over this contest too. Hope Ohayocon does not fall for their tricks.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)19:43 No.5432291

    The funny thing is that girl already won Best Journeyman. With that same costume.

    Touring is stupid enough already, but with such a basic costume it's plain idiotic.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:38 No.5432534
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    I think I'll post some cosplay from the con
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:39 No.5432543
    I saw that Link walking around with 4ng and co a few times during Ohayo...interesting...
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:41 No.5432550
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:44 No.5432572
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:47 No.5432583

    Isn't entering a winning costume against the rules?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:50 No.5432600
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:51 No.5432611
    Joe, resize your images.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:52 No.5432617
    She hadn't even entered in the contest in the contest originally. One of the hallway contest judges was like OMG DID YOU ENTER THAT IN THE MASQ HOLY SHEET. Thus she entered and was very hurt afterwards knowing she had accidentally stolen a win. The judges must have not been looking though since her walk on was nowhere near the master's grouping. And there were separate masq and craft judges so no excuses there.
    >> Claudie !!5M+s+ZHeFhU 01/30/12(Mon)20:52 No.5432622
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    Ahhhh all of my love ♡
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:54 No.5432639
    Since when is a win at a free, one-day con in Bowling Green enough to count as a serious win?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:55 No.5432649
    She didn't steal a win. She was a plant
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)20:57 No.5432660
    Wow 4ng3l never stops bawwing does he? Another golden checkmark against him along with that shitty one-sided defense he tried to make for LimeBarb after she had given a customer a shittastic commission.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:00 No.5432681
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    I did a shitty job here obviously, but I thought they were cute.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:09 No.5432723
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:39 No.5432858
    Jesus Christ. Soni and 4ng31 are absolutely disgusting, horrible people. Is there some mental disorder that prevents you from being absolutely embarrassed and mortified to act like that publically? Normal people couldn't pull that shit without realizing "Wow, I don't look like I'm championing the rights of the oppressed. I look like an idiot."

    Seriously, I could not stop cringing reading this crap. How anyone becomes so arrogant, snide and delusional about dress-up is beyond me. Fuck, there is no way these two have actual friends. Friends would tell you to turn off the computer.

    Southeastern fag here, I thought only Florida had contest drama this bad. At least we keep it anonymous and don't pretend the delusional shit we spew online has any merit.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:48 No.5432899

    Nah, Pikabellechu makes sure to publicly bitch and moan whenever she doesn't win. Even if it's a costume contest at a video store or something. She acts as if her firstborn baby was snatched away from her clutches.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)21:52 No.5432918
    >Soni and 4ng31 are absolutely disgusting, horrible people.

    What did they do?
    >> Hikaru !HIME.ueZ8U 01/30/12(Mon)21:52 No.5432921
    smdh at Panda Majik asking (several times) why he/she didn't win an award. I feel embarrassed for him/her.

    Lose with grace, people. >:|
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 01/30/12(Mon)21:54 No.5432925
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    Hodamn! I met the Link the previous day before the competition because she joined us when we were having dinner with one of our mutual friends. I don't really care about winning or losing since I only competed because 4ng asked me to, but I get pissed off if I see a girl backstage crying because she didn't want to win a Master's award because she was journey and didn't want to be placed in a higher category than she needs to be. I have no problem with her winning, I loved her costume and she knows this because I kept reassuring her that it was deserved. But some of the conspiracy theories running around that she was a plant and all this other stuff is kinda what makes /cgl/ so special with how they'll believe anything they read on the internet.

    My beef with the competition was how poorly the judging process went, it was terrible, and I'm being nice about it. I said my piece and I was done with it, people can either agree or disagree, I just stated my experience in the judging room which other people shared similar experiences. Would I compete there again? Probably not, but then again, I don't really compete anymore. Do I think the judges set a bad tone for some of the new people who had a similar bad experience and don't wish to come back to compete? Yes. Yes I do.

    AND THAT'S THAT. Here's a picture of a boss ass penguin.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:05 No.5432975
    Who even judged this year? I feel like Ohayo runs through judges faster than any convention - I've never competed, but I feel like they're constantly struggling with their masq process every single year.
    >> Korin !Ls0QbhK90s 01/30/12(Mon)22:12 No.5433014
    Ehhhh, after reading the thread and all of the forum posts: concerning the judging, I've been to many cons and have competed in many contests and that judging doesn't seem that out of place. You want bad judging? JACON 2008. Now THAT was terrible judging. The contestants were shoved into an non air conditioned back hallway in the middle of a Florida summer and given about a minute to describe our costumes while the judges barely listened and didn't inspect our costumes AT ALL.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:14 No.5433019
    No self-respecting woman should stand shoulder to shoulder with an absolute dickhead like you do. Does it not bother you when he goes on these over-zealous butthurt rampages? Or when he sneers and outright declares he is better than everyone else?

    I can't help but be curious as to why you have anything to do with someone who can't resist being a desperate, raging tryhard online to complete strangers.
    >> Professor Züm, SORCERER SUBPAR 01/30/12(Mon)22:27 No.5433088
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    I took my wife to Ohayocon on Saturday, it was her first con.

    It was pretty fun, although it seemed a bit unorganized.

    Before we moved to Ohio in October, I'd only ever been to Tennessee's MTAC, which is usually a lot less hectic than what I saw at Ohayocon.

    Having said that, there were some great costumes at the con.

    I'll post some of the cosplay photos we took as well.
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 01/30/12(Mon)22:28 No.5433093
    Its hard to explain but there's two sides to 4ng. There's 4ng31 who I try not to pay attention to because he's a dick at times, and then there's Chris, the man I'm marrying. Anyone who knows Chris knows that he's a good guy that will do anything and everything for his friends, and then there's 4ng31 who will run circles around people when he argues and then initial argument is something completely different. A lot of people don't like what he has to say, but I will give him credit that he doesn't sugarcoat a single thing, something that is rampant in this hobby. He knows better than to pull that 4ng31 attitude with me, but I'm not going to censor him since that's part of his charm. One of our friends likes to say, "On a scale of 1 to Chris, how mad are you?"

    It doesn't bother me that people don't like him, he's not really out there to be friends with everyone. His circle of friends are very tight for a reason. But I'll be honest, if you're going to get into an argument with someone, he's not someone you want to start with. I was half thinking I should've given the people in that thread the heads up that 4ng31 was ready to reply. Whoops.
    >> Professor Züm, SORCERER SUBPAR 01/30/12(Mon)22:29 No.5433100
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:29 No.5433103
    hyatt worker here again, just saying thanks for trashing the place you turds
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:30 No.5433109

    I'm so, so sorry.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:34 No.5433128
    whatever you need to tell yourself to think you're in a healthy relationship. no self respecting woman would ever be with someone like him, but from some of the things I've seen and heard from you, you guys deserve each other.v
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 01/30/12(Mon)22:35 No.5433141
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    Oh okay then.
    >> Professor Züm, SORCERER SUBPAR 01/30/12(Mon)22:36 No.5433143
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    That was something that bothered me, was how people were literally making a mess in some areas and leaving it for someone else to clean. It was ridiculous.

    As I walked up to a trash can by the 2nd floor stairs to throw away an empty bottle, some guy sitting right next to the trash can leans forward and just vomited everywhere, including splashing my shoes. He made no attempt to use the trash can or make it to the bathroom or anything. Afterwards he just sat there staring at it as we walked away.
    >> Professor Züm, SORCERER SUBPAR 01/30/12(Mon)22:39 No.5433166
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    I apologize that some of my pics came out fuzzy. : /
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:40 No.5433175
    on sunday, housekeeping reported 6 piles of vomit on the 6th floor alone.

    My old roommate went in a commander Shepard suit of armor, he said it was too crowded this year
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:40 No.5433180
    I saw that guy and if it makes you feel any better, he went up the whole chain of security from con staff to hotel staff to hotel security and finally the actual police, insisting that he'd done nothing wrong and that he was okay and wouldn't leave because he had a right to be there, etc etc. Eventually he got arrested and hauled out in cuffs.
    >> Professor Züm, SORCERER SUBPAR 01/30/12(Mon)22:41 No.5433189
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    >> Tangerine 01/30/12(Mon)22:43 No.5433202

    I love when my boyfriend posts on Twatter that I wet the bed for everyone to see. It's endearing.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:44 No.5433209
    Bitch, I tipped 10 dollars in my room when we left. I best not hear you whining
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:46 No.5433228
    you're a diamond in the rough then, anime con's are far and away the worst for tips. I think I made 35 bucks on sunday with the checkout. Also, how many fucks did they have on the staff? Apparently they were "told" they could use the service elevators (which clogged with them) but I must have seen like 100 of them.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:47 No.5433232
    I know one person that stands toe to toe with him. It's hilarious seeing them in the same area. It's like a stalemate staredown.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:48 No.5433241
    Who can stand toe to toe with him?
    >> Professor Züm, SORCERER SUBPAR 01/30/12(Mon)22:49 No.5433244
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    Anyone else see them interrogating the kid who shoplifted a bunch of Gundam models and such in the Dealer Room?

    My wife and I overheard the creepy old woman who was selling the stuffed Godzillas and kaiju merch telling him that she hoped he enjoyed spending so much money for a weekend pass and the trip to Ohio, because she was going to have him thrown out.

    [spoiler]That was the first booth we stopped to browse in the Dealer Room.[/spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:49 No.5433245
    Damn straight, I work delivery. I live by the tips, I die by the tips.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:51 No.5433252
    Oh, Saturday night, why was there an ambulance around 7-8 pm in front of the hyatt?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:51 No.5433254
    Bro, if I had the goo gone to clean up the vandalism and stickers plastered all over the place, I would have. I really hate that cons are full of so many assholes that think nothing of wrecking the place and straight up vandalizing the place. It's embarrassing.
    >> longfarticus !!BJUPqYrEebh 01/30/12(Mon)22:52 No.5433260
    Lordy, I have learned so much since I first went last year.. So so so so so much.

    Never tell someone to go there as a first con and never ever "cosplay" justin beiber. Never again.
    >> Professor Züm, SORCERER SUBPAR 01/30/12(Mon)22:52 No.5433261
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)22:53 No.5433263
    Do teenage jobless congoers tip at restaurants? If they don't have money for most stuff, I wouldn't expect a tip from them at a restaurant or for the hotel maid.
    >> Professor Züm, SORCERER SUBPAR 01/30/12(Mon)22:56 No.5433291
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    >"cosplay" justin beiber. Never again.
    B-but... Why would you subject yourself to that?
    >> longfarticus !!BJUPqYrEebh 01/30/12(Mon)22:58 No.5433297
    because I made a bet with the person that I was with that weekend. I had the hair and the chunkiness to make it "ironic." But never again. God no. I have learned my lesson after a guy threw a waterbottle at me. I gave him permission, but jesus it was humiliating.
    >> Professor Züm, SORCERER SUBPAR 01/30/12(Mon)23:00 No.5433314
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:01 No.5433323
    here's the thing, if you want to use a bellhop fine, tip him. If you don't have the money or don't want to tip, carry your own damn props and luggage. With 50 people staying in each room, don't tell me you NEED that bellcart. Also, everyone who didn't tip on checkin had a hell of a wait on checkout I bet
    >> Professor Züm, SORCERER SUBPAR 01/30/12(Mon)23:02 No.5433329
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:03 No.5433339
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    Any one got more of these Felicias?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:04 No.5433344
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    >> Professor Züm, SORCERER SUBPAR 01/30/12(Mon)23:04 No.5433348
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    >Do teenage jobless congoers tip at restaurants?
    You mean fine establishments like All-American Hamburgers Indian Cuisine in the center's food court?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:05 No.5433352
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:06 No.5433367
    Yeah, that's what I was thinking. They probably wouldn't even go to a sit-down because fast food is cheaper.
    >> Professor Züm, SORCERER SUBPAR 01/30/12(Mon)23:07 No.5433368
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    >> Professor Züm, SORCERER SUBPAR 01/30/12(Mon)23:11 No.5433391
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    Again, apologizing to the poor Hyatt workers, that food court was the stuff of nightmares. We ate at the Charley's because we didn't know our way around Columbus and didn't want to have to pay to get back into the parking garage. The only table my wife and I found open was smeared with brown rice and some sort of sticky brown sauce.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:11 No.5433393

    This is a load of crap. She signed up as masters, judged as such, apparently no one told the judges and if anyone other than her is to blame it's the department staff.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:12 No.5433400
    I want to know too. Who can stand toe-to-toe with 4ng31?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:13 No.5433411
    But..but before checking out, I cleaned the room up, put all the trash into plastic bags, put the towels in a pile, put the blankets on the bed and left $30.

    I did forget my shoes though.
    >> Alex Mercer 01/30/12(Mon)23:15 No.5433434
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    maaan, i wanted to enter the contest right? they didn't let me in because i was like 5 min late to the rehersal. you pissed? im pissed. I wanted to be the first to represent and enter with a [PROTOTYPE] cosplay and win or try to win, but i never got the chance they like fukin objected me.... -____-
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:18 No.5433464
    I learned that cosplaying is not as horrible as this board makes it out to be.

    Truth be told, I was pretty much convinced 90% of cosplayers/con goers were raging bitches about other's costumes from lurking here looking for tips and advice(there's about 15-20 drama threads for every 1 actual wig/prop/costume thread).

    I liked it enough to continue cosplaying. Competing in this con will be another story though.
    >> Professor Züm, SORCERER SUBPAR 01/30/12(Mon)23:21 No.5433482
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:23 No.5433492
    naturally the shit is talked behind your back
    when you're in person everyone's all nice and happy
    if you haven't seen shit about you, oh, it's coming. it's coming.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:23 No.5433496
    This board is filled with women. Women are catty. Don't worry, they will talk all kinds of shit about you behind your back.
    >> Alex Mercer 01/30/12(Mon)23:24 No.5433502
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    I was more scared that i was going to be bashed for cosplaying my character, but it turned out just fine like you guys said ;), i cared about is if made a good impression for my first time. i guess you really can't trust haters online...
    >> Professor Züm, SORCERER SUBPAR 01/30/12(Mon)23:25 No.5433512
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    This guy was awesome.

    Say what you will about his costume, but he stayed in character when talking to me.

    He made robotic movements and sound effects when turning to talk to me and even did a great Franky impersonation before I took the photo.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:28 No.5433533
    Well! Great, that's the shit I don't give a fuck about.
    I'm just really bothered when someone confronts you about something (it does make a very notable impression on you that someone took the time to say something to you), the stuff talked behind your back? I'll admit I'm very heavy into "out of sight, out of mind". Was more afraid of people constantly coming up and saying so-and-so was crap or inaccurate.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:28 No.5433535
    Sitting around the con nearing midnight and all I saw were security running with wheelchairs and then running with a passed out person. I honestly don't understand how you could be so fucking stupid to drink that much in a public place.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:29 No.5433540
    last post from hyatt dude.

    1.) thanks to those who did tip, I assume that most of the people on this board are a cut above the average con-goer

    2.) if you want non-shit food that doesn't cost a lot and you can walk to, ask us, thats what we're there for (aim for the not middle aged people as they hate "them pokemon people")

    good night
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:31 No.5433553
    Well, it IS an anime convention... People do a lot of stupid shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:32 No.5433559
    Did not a lot of people know about the Bucca right by the Hyatt? I mean it seriously is across the street to the Nationwide Arena, we walked there for dinner and had a great time and food. It was barely a 5 minute walk.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:33 No.5433562
    P.S. hyatt dude who still isn't in bed here, next time ask me for a coupon to Buca
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:35 No.5433574
    Gonna call her Flutterbitch: I saw a Fluttershy on Friday who looked really cute and soft, all plushy and fleecy and nice. I told her so and that she looked super-cute and had done a great job. Most people you tell that, they say thanks. Not Flutterbitch.

    "Oh, yah," she said, her face blank. "I've seen a lot of Fluttershys here, but none of them are as good as me."

    Keep rocking your classy little self, Flutterbitch.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:36 No.5433577
    nerds are VERY passive. i was in a line for hall H at san diego comic con. huge line. wraps around like its the labyrinth. the aisles for each turn are huge and people weren't filling them up so staff were constantly shouting for people to move up but a lot don't for whatever reason. i and a others move up, like the staff were telling you to do, and people would bitch about it to their friends loud enough for you to hear as you passed but not actually confront you or talk directly to you.

    then again, there was the pen in the eye a year later.
    >> Professor Züm, SORCERER SUBPAR 01/30/12(Mon)23:42 No.5433609
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    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:44 No.5433620
    At this ohayocon, was I the only one who felt it was hard to meet new people this year? I can usually go to cons and meet new people & friends no problem but the people there were just so passive and stuck to their own groups. This was my first ohayocon, so maybe it's just me I don't know,
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:48 No.5433643
    Same here, it was my first one and no one gave me so much as a second glance. Kind of depressing, really, but what can you do.

    Also there were two fantastic cosplayers I noticed, Commander Shepard and one seriously spot on Junpei from P3. Anyone have any of them?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:51 No.5433661
    Not just you. Weird, weird scene. A couple big groups like the trolls and the hetaliafailure and the ponies, and everybody else was just walking around not meeting anyone's eyes. No wonder there were so many drunks. Should have been more. Should have been handing out jello shots on the fucking stairs to help people relax and dare to shoot the shit with a stranger.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:55 No.5433697
    Thank god, I thought everyone was just avoiding me :l Hell, I should've been drinking too but then I wouldn't have had money to drive all the way home.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:56 No.5433702
    That Tenth Doctor was so hot.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/12(Mon)23:59 No.5433725
    If its the guy I'm thinking of, he was awesome. I was in the con center's convenience store to get some moleskin for my shoes. He says excuse me and rushes past to the drink fridges, smacks his foreheard opening the door and goes "You didn't see that?" I say "See what?" He beams and hugs me going "Oh aren't you just brilliant." and proceeds to fill his arms with bottles of Bawls saying something about his friend Jack needing them.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:00 No.5433727

    That Pavi! I was so glad to get a picture with him. He was very nice.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:02 No.5433745
    Even in the big groups it was the same way. I was a pony and during the photoshoot it was so weird. Someone would yell out one of the main characters, and all those ponies would get up and pose, and everyone would just stand staring straight ahead and take photos. Then a different pony. Then another one. The whole time everyone's just standing there. Nobody's talking to each other. The people getting their photos taken don't group-pose or hug or even look at each other (except the Applejacks, thanks gals). Then they run out of characters and everybody just sort of drifts away awkwardly. FUCKED UP. Is there just something wrong with Ohio?
    >> Sirene !0Mgann.iWs 01/31/12(Tue)00:02 No.5433746
    Interrupting the drama just to say thanks for taking our picture~! There was so much Adventure Time love at this con, it was great!
    >> Fel 01/31/12(Tue)00:03 No.5433753
    >Is there just something wrong with Ohio?
    Yes. Yes there is.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:05 No.5433758
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    they could not have possibly lost because someone was better than them; this is clearly a judging conspiracy!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:06 No.5433767
    OMG this. I'm pretty shy myself so I wasn't sure if the other girls wanted to get close or not ( I was one of the Applejacks) and that photoshoot was the most awkward thing I had ever witnessed. Plus I was having such a hard time hearing because of the loud music beside us.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:10 No.5433781
    Especially since it was her and her boyfriend that was spreading the lie about the Madoka cosplayer.

    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:10 No.5433783
    Oh hun, I wish we'd both been at a different con. I was AJ too and I wanted to drop through the floor it was so awkward. I would have loved to do some goofy stuff. Were you the one in the black hat?
    >> Fel 01/31/12(Tue)00:11 No.5433786
    >spreading the lie about the Madoka cosplayer
    What was that all about? If it's the Madoka I saw she was really well done.
    >> KnuxieChan 01/31/12(Tue)00:12 No.5433792
    Which Commander Shepard? I saw one in armor and one in the dress uniform. I know the one in the uniform.

    Also it was a very... tense con. Last year was much better. Even I was feeling bitchy (but there were a number of reasons that lead to that even before the con started.)
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:13 No.5433798
    Shit like this makes me glad I don't enter too many masquerades.. All the different tiers and bullshit non-prizes and drama and judges who don't know their shit.. OR do know their shit but play favorites so their shitty friends can feel good about themselves.

    Oh well.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:13 No.5433802
    Ah I forgot about the dress uniform one, seemed like your typical Marine Corps dress with N7 stamped on it. I was referring to the armored one with the LEDs, rifle, and all.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:14 No.5433805
    I liked the Madoka but was still kind of bummed that even a best in show still couldn't do her spiky pigtails right. The wig looked like it came straight from its bag
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:14 No.5433807

    probably jessie. he sort of hates her for it.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:15 No.5433814
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    Yeah, I totally agree. No, I was the one with the slightly off color hair and dark brown hat. (Pic related) But dear god, I actually walked by an AJ in the dealers room and smiled really big at her and she just glared at me and walked off.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:15 No.5433815
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    >Bawls for his friend Jack

    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 01/31/12(Tue)00:15 No.5433817
    No? That was a rumor that started right after the winner was announced when a judge at another con was competing and said the madoka was the same girl who competed with one of the judges for this con. It spread like wildfire and before I was even outside of the masq room, everyone was already talking about it. The rumor has already been debunked since said judge who started it didn't even know what she was talking about.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:15 No.5433818
    When he didn't win he decided to tell everyone who would listen that the Madoka cosplayer didn't make her costume, one of the judges did. Even showed her ACP page. We were all fairly offended. Turns out it wasn't even the same fucking girl.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:16 No.5433819
    Man, my group split up, I went to park the car while two friends went up to the room (had to use the bathroom after the long ride) and when I got back the luggage had been delivered and they hadn't tipped.

    Part of me feels bad-- the other part of me wonders why we tip bellhops? I work tailoring clothes for people and get paid hourly. I don't get any tips, no matter how many times I have to let your pants out because you're gaining weight
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:16 No.5433825

    sitting at home with nothing to do all day but look at cosplay on the internet, they saw a madoka cosplayer on ACP who was friends with the judges.

    they then assumed that this madoka had to be the same madoka they lost to, despite the fact that it was a completely different costume and cosplayer from the person they actually competed against IRL.

    in summary, a typical example of s0ni and 4ng31 "logic."
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:17 No.5433827
    If it was debunked so fast, why did you still post it on the Ohayocon forums and instead of deleting it, you just striked through it? Please.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:18 No.5433838

    I was the only Applebloom there! I noticed. I know the one 'running' the photoshoot didn't want any 'pairing' going on... So... erm yeah. Not to mention the photoshoot was like half-done when I got there, and that was like four-five minutes late. The Zelda photoshoot also started 15 minutes early. Why the fuck you do this, bros?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:18 No.5433842

    looks like I wasn't the only one witnessing their backstage behavior.


    yeah, a rumor started by you and 4ng...........
    >> Fel 01/31/12(Tue)00:19 No.5433847
    That kind of thing is the norm then, huh. Exciting.
    And by exciting I mean insipid.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:20 No.5433852
    Oh goddammit, you're adorable. Those freckles! I was nothing special and I really don't have a photo, but I was the one with the corduroy jacket and the rolled-up pants (and the really shitty light wig, it was the only one I could get in time). I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to dork it up.

    Also, if I was the Applejack who glared, I'm sorry. I probably wasn't, but I get this mean-looking hundred-yard stare when I'm tired sometimes and I don't even realize what I'm pointing it at.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:21 No.5433857
    So is Ackson gonna do a video? I saw him there a few times but never saw him filming anything. Granted there wasn't much variety to film... everything was fucking Homestuck and Ponies.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:22 No.5433861

    they have nothing better to do with their lives except start internet drama. that's the saddest part of it all. no jobs, no career, no future. just cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:23 No.5433865

    Oh shit, I remember somebody mentioning here before the con that they were going to be one and I was so excite, and there you were! You killed that costume, serious. I'm glad you made it even if just for a bit.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:24 No.5433869
    Oh man these Soni and 4gni whatever dude need to chill out, I hope they don't bring this mess to ACen

    One of those Felicia's posted on her twitter account that she was escorted out by the police becuase of indecent exposure
    >> Fel 01/31/12(Tue)00:25 No.5433872
    Unfortunate. I kinda like this place but I guess that stuff comes with the territory.
    If I recall she had her ass completely bare. Not really surprising.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:26 No.5433878
    I loved your AJ! WIth the green bandana? Seriously very cute idea. It set you apart for all the daisy dukes and it reminded me of an auctioneer or 4-H judge at a county fair (I love county fairs) And no it was definitely not you that glared at me.
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 01/31/12(Tue)00:26 No.5433879
    Don't you worry, we won't be there. I'm graduating that weekend.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:28 No.5433889
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    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:28 No.5433890

    provided you don't fail all your classes again, you mean
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 01/31/12(Tue)00:31 No.5433900
    Doubtful, already got into the masters program with advanced standing. But thanks for the concern, anon!
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:32 No.5433909

    Aww, thank you! :) I was so happy when I was greeted by the meetup. Really made my day! Especially since outside of the pony meet, only one or two people knew what I was! I think I got a picture with an Applejack, but I was watching my kid brother at the time and arguing with an obese Twilight Sparkle, so I know it probably wasn't very good! The other Twilight asked me for a picture too... while I was on my phone, none the less.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:35 No.5433922
    I'm glad it wasn't. Also glad to see somebody else who likes to put AJ in proper working pants! I love that ready-to-pitch-in approach.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:38 No.5433943

    good thing your hispanic

    people like you certaintly dont get in on academic merit
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:38 No.5433948
    I seriously regret not tracking you down and getting a shot with you before the meet broke up. It was just so odd I kinda wanted to run away. Yeesh, what a mess. Maybe we'll be able to manage a little better next year. Probably not as ponies, but hey.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:39 No.5433952

    And you certainly aren't either.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:41 No.5433961
    honestly, I mostly feel sorry for the kids. like their lives aren't shitty enough.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:45 No.5433982

    I've always found it ironic that someone who wants to work with domestic violence victims is almost guaranteed to became one herself after her marriage. s0ni, you need to find another line of work. believe me: you are completed unsuited for it.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:46 No.5433989

    Aww, I'm sorry. Both AJs mentioned in this thread were fantastic, btw :)

    Why does it seem like the only people who post pics from photoshoots are one who took pics on their cameraphone ? I found an adorable picture of me and the Big Mac who kneeled down next to me, but it was super blurry and grainy. :|

    Also who the fuck cares about Soni get over it bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:47 No.5433996

    given s0ni's track record with cosplay stuff, she'll probably get fired for a confidentiality breach due to disclosing some poor family's personal information on twitter/facebook/etc for a cheap laugh/shock value
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:47 No.5433997

    it was started by dokudel, not them
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:49 No.5434007

    needs m0ar screencaps for proof

    evidence seems to be in favor of it being s0ni/4ng
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:52 No.5434024
    There's a difference between cosplay and a job. S0ni wouldn't stoop that low.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)00:57 No.5434062
    Dokudel was a craftsmanship judge at Youmacon where UsagiNoSenshi and Tokidoki Loki competed in Madoka costumes. According to dokudel, UNS made a lot of TDL's costume which was confirmed on TDL ACP and dokudel said that the Madoka that won Best in Show was the same as the one she judged at Youmacon. That's how the rumor started.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)01:02 No.5434085
    Was standing next to Dokudel when they were announcing the winners. It was, indeed, Dokudel who started it.

    Now back to lurking.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)01:09 No.5434117

    100% was dokudel.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)01:12 No.5434133

    ITT soni and 4ng once again try to cast the blame on other people

    please learn from your mistakes instead of repeating them endlessly
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)01:14 No.5434142

    and ethics are ethics, no matter who or where you are.

    I would not feel comfortable with her knowing any of my personal information based on what I've heard about her.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)01:19 No.5434167
    >what I've heard
    >on 4chan

    Go die please.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)01:22 No.5434184

    >assuming that I don't have 50 mutual/ex "friends" of theirs each with their own horror story
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)01:24 No.5434192
    From what you've /heard./ But have you actually met her before?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)01:24 No.5434197

    well she does kind of post her opinion all over the internet + directly here. not hard to form a direct opinion based on that stuff, even without ever having met her.

    I wonder if the fact that employers google their potential employees has eever occurred to her. she's got quite an internet trail.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)06:00 No.5434833
    bump for more pictures!
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)06:57 No.5434896
    A man who "doesn't sugarcoat" is just another term for rude asshole. There is nothing impressive or wonderful about being a guy who argues on the internet and treats strangers like garbage for no reason. If you perceive Chris as "winning" these arguements, there is some warped hero worship going on. He usually ends up focusing on one or two minor details, misses the big picture and plugs his ears and goes LALALALALA until everyone leaves. Being the last one talking doesn't mean you won the arguement, and he got eviserated by the craftsmanship judge on the Ohayocon forum who still managed to go toe to toe without losing dignity and tact.

    Sidenote, a man is not judged for his kindness and loyalty by how he treats the women he fucks or his regular group of friends. He is judged on how he treats strangers.

    One mistake many women make in dating a man they perceive as "alpha asshole" is thinking that awful behavior won't ever be directed toward them. Better hope he keeps cosplaying and focuses all his energy on others, because when it turns, it'll turn on you.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)09:07 No.5435017
         File1328018835.jpg-(2.72 MB, 4000x3000, Ohayocon 2012 037.jpg)
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    I didn't take a lot of pictures, but I'll see about posting the rest I have
    These two from the AA seemed a bit aloof, but they had awesome cosplay and outfits and I always like their stuff.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)17:40 No.5436419

    thank you!

    half our scene in nyc here is taking bets on how long it takes her to end up in a battered womens shelter.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)17:53 No.5436464

    does your roommate live in columbus or somewhere else? I saw it in the hallway, it looked awesome.
    >> Whores !!ZYBu3bM3vxr 01/31/12(Tue)18:00 No.5436482
    Completely unrelated, but I heard a rumor about someone trying to break in to the dealers room and almost making it out with a bagload of merch, as well as someone serially pick-pocketing people.
    Was there anything behind those?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)18:52 No.5436637
    how are these people (soni and 4ng3l) going to conventions without reprecussions? After that fucking Youmacon video, and now this? Us midwest congoers need to step up and stand up against people like this and let them know they are not welcome. They seem to bring poison wherever they go.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)19:09 No.5436649
    You must be new here. Ohio pretty infamous for turning a blind eye to bad behavior. Nothing changes. If you try to be hero, you get harassed online, find yourself dodging bullshit lawsuits, and even your life threatened.

    As long as Soni and her guy don't take con stuff seriously enough to threaten to kill me, they're far from the worst.
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 01/31/12(Tue)19:11 No.5436654
    That's just extreme.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)19:20 No.5436670
    Conventions are serious business to some people.

    Btw, I don't know you personally, or condone everything about you and your husband but I do think people are seriously overreacting and making a big deal over nothing. What you/your husband may not have been said perfectly, Ohio cons are fucking bad at addressing honest issues, and there's actual valid crit in there that's being overlooked for the sake of dumping of you guys.

    Actually, someone and I were talking about this today. There's no excuse for how badly Ohayocon was run, and we're sick on cons in Ohio refusing to improve.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)19:28 No.5436681
    Actually, Youmacon was 50/50 for some people so I wouldn't blame them. Certain events involving guests were changed without communication apparently so it ruined it for patrons.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)19:28 No.5436682

    They got married already?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)19:32 No.5436691
    >us midwest con-goers

    Midwest cons have kind of been going to shit for the past couple years. Have you been to ACen? Their Masq was a fucking joke.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)19:49 No.5436743
    Because editing your post to have a strike through rather then removing it completely and apologizing for acting like a dumb twat spreading bullshit is totally not a reason to get your ass dragged through the internet mud pile. They are high on the soap box to the point where they seem to think they need a handler for a fucking taokaka cosplay. Don't play the "oh I can't see" card, I saw your faggot fiancee walking around just fine with the mask up and putting it down for pictures.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)19:50 No.5436746
    >Have you been to ACen? Their Masq was a fucking joke.

    Ugh, don't remind me.
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 01/31/12(Tue)20:02 No.5436803
    That's the thing, erasing it completely will just bring a screenshot from someone saying "OH YOU SAID THIS BEFORE AND NOW YOU'RE BACKTRACKING." You win some and you lose some.

    Also, my fiance didn't have access to his hands, we had a handler, who is a close friend, because he has medical supplies that needs to be kept on hand and easily accessible at all times. That costume is extremely hot and his blood sugar can drop at a moments notice, so it was important we had someone that can get his glucose tablets for him since my mobility wasn't great either.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)20:17 No.5436875
    Sup PaXingCai, still mad no one cares about you even though you suck up to every popular cosplayer you can?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)20:24 No.5436910
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)20:32 No.5436956
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    you mean real diabetes. cuz type two's are fat fucks who only have to take a pill and diet to get rid of there's.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)20:36 No.5436971
    >not getting a new pancreas
    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 01/31/12(Tue)20:37 No.5436982
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 01/31/12(Tue)20:40 No.5436993
    Lol, if you want to donate to the cause, you can.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)20:41 No.5436998

    You people make me sick~
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)20:44 No.5437008
    >not buying a new pancreas at Walmart
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)20:45 No.5437012
    >This is a male

    You sure?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)20:46 No.5437018
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    >get rid of
    >type two
    Do you just spew stupid or is it naturally occuring?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)20:49 No.5437032
    Yeah I remember the shiver going down my spine.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)20:58 No.5437064
    If your health is that much of an issue then 1. don't wear a costume that could potential effect it and 2. don't enter a contest you can only half participate in.

    Fucking ridiculous. This isn't rocket science. There is no sympathy for someone acting that fucking stupid. I have type 1 Diabetes and I would NEVER do something so fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)21:00 No.5437070
    Or you know. You could live life and have fun, even if you do need a friend to carry your insulin when you can't.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)21:03 No.5437090
    There's a difference between having fun and taking risks and expecting everyone to cater to you. If you are going to take risks, be a man about it. Don't whine about it and expect sympathy.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)21:07 No.5437114
    This thread needs laughter
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)21:09 No.5437125
    You said laughter not shit.
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 01/31/12(Tue)21:19 No.5437174
    He doesn't carry his insulin around. And he doesn't need to be in a ridiculous costume to have his blood sugar tank suddenly. It can happen at any moment. Couple of glucose tablets, some candy, and some soda and he's good as new. Dealing with someone with low blood sugar is scary business and you want to make sure all the necessary precautions are taken in case something goes wrong, but he doesn't live his life in fear of when and where his diabetes takes over. This is something all of his friends understand.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)21:27 No.5437204
    well at least we know karma works when it comes to 4ng31. though trying to make us feel sorry for the prick is kind of adorable. (not really)
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)21:33 No.5437229
    I've had type 1 for two decades. Stop being whiny bitches about it, if you're too weak to handle a stuffy costume you shouldn't be doing this shit in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)21:35 No.5437237
    Not that it matters because I really don't know who any of these popular cosplayers you people speak of, but from a random anon passing by this thread, um Soni I really don't think it's best to try and defend your husbands actions on here. I know you want to get your side of the story heard but it's really not that serious people are going to talk no matter what, and personally I wouldn't want my future wife on here going back and forth with anons about costumes.

    It honestly just seems silly to continue this thread and nothing is really being said here.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)21:40 No.5437258
    She can suck up to me anytime
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)21:41 No.5437262
    >>I wouldn't want my future wife on here going back and forth with anons about costumes.

    You clearly know nothing about either of them.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)21:45 No.5437275
    I really don't, but I'm guessing from your post they do this all the time?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)21:48 No.5437283
    she never voluntarily signed up for Masters, the staff put her there because supposedly they didn't have many masters. She wanted to entery Journey.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)21:50 No.5437297


    Cluster fuck every year now. Ever since they came under new leadership the convention sucks ass. They try, but they do not have the touch like the others did in the past.

    Now Ohayocon is running rampant with 15 year olds who want to get laid, weaboo screeching, a masq that turns into a clusterfuck every single year, and staff who act like drill sergeants in boot.

    I miss the old days when they had decent staff. They either chased out all of the good staffers or found cheesy fucking ways to get rid of them, or most of them saw the sinking ship and fucking bailed.

    I want my old Ohayocon back.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)21:52 No.5437299
    Youuuuu got it!
    >> MLAE !tlQ/KTW04k 01/31/12(Tue)21:57 No.5437311
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    HAHA. Ohayocon was... Interesting, to say the least. Anyone hear about the guy who got arrested for punching a police officer? He was drunk as hell, and he started to get into a fight with someone. Security tried to stop him, that didn't work. They called the cops, to try to calm him down. He hit a cop. Now he's being charged with assault of a police officer, underage consumption, drunk and disorderly conduct, and there was one more thing that I can't remember. That con was... Different than I expected. I'd heard so many good things. What the hell happened?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)21:58 No.5437317
    I am afraid that some of us know how to spell better than you.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)21:59 No.5437318
    I never heard that one, but I did see the ambulance at the con without fail every single day.
    Ohio is fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)22:00 No.5437321
    Is it because you guys have nothing better to do than grow corn?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)22:03 No.5437328
    I saw that guy getting arrested i walked into the lobby and heard screaming then saw hin on the ground with 4 or 5 cops around him they alrady had in in shackles ( both arms and legs) and had a rope between the arms and leg shackles effectively hog tying him. Then they just picked him up and walked out. He was screeming "NOOO" and "I'M GONNA KILL YOU" at the top of his lungs. He wet himself twice and hit a paramedic
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)22:03 No.5437330
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    Pretty much.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)22:06 No.5437337
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    >He wet himself twice and hit a paramedic
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)22:18 No.5437390

    Yo. You.


    I'm with this person. I just stopped by here for the first time then read that clusterfuck of a thread on that website some anon posted early on.

    If that whiny bitch named Asuka or whatever is the person you're talking about, Jesus fucking titsquirting Christ, what a fucking loon. He sounds like a two year old.

    (Is it a he, btw? I looked up the character name they mentioned and it looks like a furry-lite female so I wasn't sure... Also, he/she mentioned pink.)

    Anyway, whatever. You sound like a defensive bitch and that thing in the forum sounds like an aggressive bitch. So, kudos to a match well made?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)22:32 No.5437461
    AsukaBMZ, yes that is him. Also runs
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)23:20 No.5437693

    LOL. people like you don't have close friends.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)23:24 No.5437713
    What happened to her and Anorexic Angel?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/12(Tue)23:28 No.5437737
    This was my first and last Ohayocon. I've been to tons of other cons but all in all I didn't really have a shred of fun at this one. Just the sheer amount of blatant attention whoring everywhere just really put me off. Not to mention the really lackluster dealer room. Also the panel list was pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)02:36 No.5438623
    Just read the whole thread. So sad that I missed seeing this clusterfuck live and in person. 4ng3l comes off as a pretty fucking stupid and naive for such a "seasoned" competitor. Masq sounds like it was run as a trainwreck. Only reason I can see judges defending a 3 minute slot per entry is so they don't have to put up with whiny bitches for longer!
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)02:41 No.5438635
    It could get better.
    Maybe. Possibly.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/12(Wed)10:32 No.5439298

    I know she isn't gonna listen to some anon or anybody regarding this (cause I know I fucking didn't), but I used to date a guy a lot like Chris. Didn't sugarcoat, always "said it like it is", was prone to getting in arguments and being an asshole...but good to his friends and those close to him. So it seemed. So I thought.

    Well, I married him. And it was good for a while.

    Then he decided to not work, spend all our savings, and become verbally and emotionally abusive, always wanted me to stay at the house...

    Got divorced, and my entire family told me "Thank God. He was such an asshole and treated you like shit." When I asked why they never said anything prior to getting married to this doof, they said "Because you wouldn't have listened. You have just got upset and denied it. You were in 'love' and didn't see it and had to see it for yourself." Even *his* friends came to me, and told me they thought he was a douche and treated me wrong.


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