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  • Are you a bad enough dude to help save the Web?

    File : 1327169344.jpg-(6 KB, 259x195, Definition - 'Love' is making a shot to (...).jpg)
    6 KB Explanation: HK-47, The Friendly Neighborhood Robot 01/21/12(Sat)13:09 No.5389999  
    With the recent influx of new meatba-- users to /cgl/, I think it would be fitting to have a little survey like this.

    >Why did you come to /cgl/? When did you start being actively interested in cosplaying?

    >Is /cgl/ your primary point of interest on 4chan or do you visit other meatbag boards too?

    >What's the best cosplay you've achieved so far? The costume you're proudest of (be it because it's been the most aesthetically pleasing to other meatbags, the character you like the most, the most difficult disguise to create, et cetera)?

    >If you don't actively cosplay, why are your here?

    Thank you for your answers.

    Yours sincerely,
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)13:10 No.5390004
         File1327169439.jpg-(5 KB, 184x184, 32 KB.jpg)
    5 KB
    Aren't you also new?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)13:12 No.5390014
    >Why did you come to /cgl/? When did you start being actively interested in cosplaying?
    Because I heard all the pussy on 4chan is concentrated in here. Don't really care about cosplay or anime.

    >Is /cgl/ your primary point of interest on 4chan or do you visit other meatbag boards too?

    >If you don't actively cosplay, why are your here?
    Just learning the best ways to get weaboo pussy.
    >> Tsundere Statement: HK-47, The Friendly Neighborhood Robot 01/21/12(Sat)13:15 No.5390022
         File1327169729.jpg-(21 KB, 259x195, d-doushio.jpg)
    21 KB
    N-no, I've always been here, silently observing meatbag behavior and their disguise techniques. I-it's not like I like you or anything.

    Oh, and if you don't have any cosplay to show off / are new to this board, feel free to post your picture. Don't worry, we're all friendly here, we won't laugh at you. Maybe you'll find out you have a great skull structure for cosplaying-- b-b-but it's not like I'm interested or anything.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)13:16 No.5390026
    Because /fit/ and /fa/ is always making fun of the people here. I'm not.

    /fit/ and /fa/


    To laugh at these people's bodies and fashion sense. Then laugh how they want boyfriends from /fit/fa/ like it would ever happen.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)13:16 No.5390027
         File1327169814.jpg-(100 KB, 852x480, 1322764220155.jpg)
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    >Why did you come to /cgl/? When did you start being actively interested in cosplaying?

    Just cause I like to see good cosplays here and there.Fun looking hobby, terrible community it looks like though. And I come from /v/.

    >Is /cgl/ your primary point of interest on 4chan or do you visit other meatbag boards too?

    /v/ is my home. /co/ is second home. Aaaaand then theres /d/, /cgl/, and various other boards i rarely visit.

    >What's the best cosplay you've achieved so far? The costume you're proudest of (be it because it's been the most aesthetically pleasing to other meatbags, the character you like the most, the most difficult disguise to create, et cetera)?

    >If you don't actively cosplay, why are your here?

    Good cosplay threads and fun/horrible stories. That's all this boards really useful for.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)13:17 No.5390031
         File1327169859.jpg-(309 KB, 1200x1200, 1315832354128.jpg)
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    My little assassin protocol droid can't be this cute.
    >> Zahirus !cKIIerE.OE 01/21/12(Sat)13:19 No.5390033
         File1327169944.png-(194 KB, 491x507, 1314665712951.png)
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    >Why did you come to /cgl/? When did you start being actively interested in cosplaying?
    Weeabo horror threads and PastelConfections's stories got me hooked.

    >Is /cgl/ your primary point of interest on 4chan or do you visit other meatbag boards too?
    It pretty much is, I also visit /x/ and /ck/ ocassionally.

    >What's the best cosplay you've achieved so far? The costume you're proudest of (be it because it's been the most aesthetically pleasing to other meatbags, the character you like the most, the most difficult disguise to create, et cetera)?
    None yet, I'm rather new to this.

    >If you don't actively cosplay, why are your here?
    I like the please, I'm also intending to start doing it so... yeah.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)13:19 No.5390041
    >Why did you come to /cgl/? When did you start being actively interested in cosplaying?

    I came to /cgl/ because of the costume and alt fashion threads. I've been interested in cosplay since..2004?

    >Is /cgl/ your primary point of interest on 4chan or do you visit other meatbag boards too?

    /cgl/ is one of my main haunts but I also go to /ck/, /diy/, /co/, /tg/, /an/, and occassionally /ic/.

    >What's the best cosplay you've achieved so far? The costume you're proudest of (be it because it's been the most aesthetically pleasing to other meatbags, the character you like the most, the most difficult disguise to create, et cetera)?

    Well the thing is, I've never put time into getting the skills for cosplay, and I don't have cash for commissions, so I don't really have one.

    >If you don't actively cosplay, why are your here?

    The pretty pictures, mostly. Also the dramu is delicious. I like to lurk most times.

    Also Johnny Bravo. My nigga.
    >> Jim 01/21/12(Sat)13:20 No.5390044
         File1327170028.jpg-(142 KB, 1024x768, DSC0001.jpg)
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    I dunno really, I came here just once on a random whim when you kept linking your forums here because of that stupid ball.

    I then became a regular when I found that the goddess on Earth (Lobitah) posts on this very board. And *I* talked to her personally. Best day of my life.

    Also, my pic. Someone told me I should cosplay Yosuke from Persona 4 but I don't think that's a very good idea.
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 01/21/12(Sat)13:21 No.5390048
         File1327170061.png-(1.6 MB, 853x1280, tumblr_lud4ghtIep1r1teljo1_128(...).png)
    1.6 MB
    >Why did you come to /cgl/? When did you start being actively interested in cosplaying?
    I come to cgl for help when i need it, photo dumps, and when theres a good piece of drama to keep up with. I got into cosplaying 3 years ago, when i went to my first Anime North.
    >Is /cgl/ your primary point of interest on 4chan or do you visit other meatbag boards too?
    Sort of. I also spend a lot of time on /p/, /h/, /e/ and /w/
    >What's the best cosplay you've achieved so far? The costume you're proudest of (be it because it's been the most aesthetically pleasing to other meatbags, the character you like the most, the most difficult disguise to create, et cetera)?
    Shadow Yukiko, pic related. It was my dream costume and its really fun to wear, i absolutely LOVE ballgowns. not to mention i get to wear pants and running shoes under the dress so its hella comfy.
    >If you don't actively cosplay, why are your here?
    i do. which is why im here.
    >> Voldemort !3zD.naginI 01/21/12(Sat)13:21 No.5390049
         File1327170076.gif-(64 KB, 167x234, tumblr_llgu2bRebq1qafrh6.gif)
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    New to tripfagging, so I suppose I count for this

    >Why did you come to /cgl/? When did you start being actively interested in cosplaying?
    Um, I started being into cosplay about 2 years ago, but never actually did cosplay anything until 17ish months ago. I started going on /cgl/ because a few of my friends were really into cosplay and I wanted to learn more about the community (Except I was completely wrong about what /cgl/ was and left for a few months) Then I came back to /cgl/ when my friend linked me to the Brittany Bors threads. I just stayed after that (And tripped only after meeting some seagulls this December)

    >Is /cgl/ your primary point of interest on 4chan or do you visit other meatbag boards too?
    I go on /vp/ a lot but rarely post

    >What's the best cosplay you've achieved so far? The costume you're proudest of (be it because it's been the most aesthetically pleasing to other meatbags, the character you like the most, the most difficult disguise to create, et cetera)?
    Errrrrr either Ranmao- even though I didn't pull her off at all- or my Barney costume because of everyone's reactions.

    >If you don't actively cosplay, why are your here?
    I do actively cosplay, but I like some of the helpful tips and the weeb horrors threads.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)13:21 No.5390051
    If you're going to roleplay as HK-47, at least do it right. Don't mix his character with sketchy tsundere faggotry. HK-47 is mean, has a profound hatred for humans and knows how to properly use sarcasm.

    Please don't shit a character that I like so much. Thank you.
    >> Jim 01/21/12(Sat)13:21 No.5390056
    Oh yeah, and I mostly post on /v/. I also go to /a/ every now and then but as I've said already, they don't like the animes I do.
    >> DerpQueen !oblwrDQPaQ 01/21/12(Sat)13:22 No.5390058
    That pic is hot.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)13:22 No.5390061
    You're not new. Stop.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)13:23 No.5390062
    >implying he wasn't tsundere for Exile in KotOR 2
    oh wai, I bet you never played it because it wasn't BioWare anymore
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)13:25 No.5390071
    >Why did you come to /cgl/? When did you start being actively interested in cosplaying?

    I came here out of curiosity mostly. I was doing some online wig shopping and somehow it turned into browsing cosplay wig websites. From there i decided to visit this page and lurk to see if i could gather which was best to order from.

    >Is /cg/ your primary point of interest on 4chan or do you visit other meatbag boards too?

    No. I also browse /x] out of sheer boredom and another board.

    >What's the best cosplay you've achieved so far? The costume you're proudest of (be it because it's been the most aesthetically pleasing to other meatbags, the character you like the most, the most difficult disguise to create, et cetera)?

    never done it. would like to, but i think at this point, it's too late.

    >If you don't actively cosplay, why are you here?

    I stayed when i saw a thread with a pic of dakota rose on the op and i was like 'hey, i know who that is from when i used to be scene. how could she possibly still be relevant?' I skimmed the thread and saw all the cattiness and gossip, and i've been here ever since.
    >> Clarification: HK-47, The Friendly Neighborhood Robot 01/21/12(Sat)13:26 No.5390076
    No, no, she's not doing it wrong at all. Older meatbags are welcome to post too. The new ones might learn how to stop being new then.

    B-but I'm George Lucas.
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 01/21/12(Sat)13:28 No.5390087
         File1327170529.png-(218 KB, 500x500, tumblr_lwoz3yvPEJ1r6waswo2_500.png)
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    >Why did you come to /cgl/? When did you start being actively interested in cosplaying?
    I used to frequent /b/ but I got really bored of it. It was around the time I started to lose weight, and I'd had an interest in cosplaying, so I started researching what I could do. That's when I noticed there was a cosplay board

    >Is /cgl/ your primary point of interest on 4chan or do you visit other meatbag boards too?
    as of now, I don't really go to other boards. I'll check in to a few others now and then, but I'm only interested in /cgl/ atm

    >What's the best cosplay you've achieved so far? The costume you're proudest of (be it because it's been the most aesthetically pleasing to other meatbags, the character you like the most, the most difficult disguise to create, et cetera)?
    I've only cosplayed Link so far, but my wardrobe will be getting larger this year. I am kinda proud of my hipster Link variant of the costume, though because I get complimented on it a lot

    >If you don't actively cosplay, why are your here?
    does not apply to this meatbag...BUT I've made some pretty cool friends here, so that's a plus
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)13:29 No.5390091
    Are you Canadian?
    >> DerpQueen !oblwrDQPaQ 01/21/12(Sat)13:29 No.5390094
         File1327170598.jpg-(75 KB, 600x469, xenosaga-episode-3-also-sprach(...).jpg)
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    >Why did you come to /cgl/? When did you start being actively interested in cosplaying?
    I have enjoyed anime since I was 4 started off with Sailor Moon and pokemon the usaul. Started reading Card Captors got into my graphic novel/ manga addiction and now I have put over 2grand into books in the past 5 years u__u
    >Is /cgl/ your primary point of interest on 4chan or do you visit other meatbag boards too? I like /cgl/ best depends on the day though. I also browse /x/, /vp/, /a/.

    >What's the best cosplay you've achieved so far? The costume you're proudest of (be it because it's been the most aesthetically pleasing to other meatbags, the character you like the most, the most difficult disguise to create, et cetera)?The cosplay I am making right now has to be my best. Its Kosmos battle outfit after she awakens as Mary in Xenosaga 3.I just got the wig a couple days ago it goes down pass my butt its the exact color. I have the helmet, armor, etc.I just need to finish the dress and the sword. I have been working on this cosplay for over a month now and are going to continue prob until April.

    >If you don't actively cosplay, why are your here?I like de people.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)13:32 No.5390106
    can you please post a pic of yourself? i think you're really hot. or from what i remember
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)13:33 No.5390110
         File1327170802.png-(236 KB, 672x768, grayscale w sword.png)
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    >Why did you come to /cgl/? When did you start being actively interested in cosplaying?
    I come here every now and again because I am interested in medieval LARP.

    >Is /cgl/ your primary point of interest on 4chan or do you visit other meatbag boards too?

    /tg/ and /trv/ here.

    >What's the best cosplay you've achieved so far? The costume you're proudest of (be it because it's been the most aesthetically pleasing to other meatbags, the character you like the most, the most difficult disguise to create, et cetera)?
    Nothing impressive so far. See pic.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)13:35 No.5390120
    Looks like a shitty shop brah.
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 01/21/12(Sat)13:36 No.5390122
    i am!
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)13:36 No.5390127
         File1327171014.jpg-(36 KB, 548x800, w gaming shirt.jpg)
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    No that's really me. I'm kind of older than most of 4chan's userbase I guess, but hey at least I don't post in the immature boards.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)13:37 No.5390130
    You would make a terrific Mr. Bean.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)13:37 No.5390133
    Fuck you're ugly. :D No ofense, but you'd make a great Mr. Bean.
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 01/21/12(Sat)13:39 No.5390140
         File1327171182.jpg-(160 KB, 960x636, 389523_10150393483862402_15913(...).jpg)
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    Oh, thanks! I guess I'll post this cuz it's one of my faves
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)13:41 No.5390146
         File1327171279.jpg-(80 KB, 488x650, un-photogenic.jpg)
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    >Why did you come to /cgl/? When did you start being actively interested in cosplaying?
    I heard it was a nice board. I always wanted to cosplay but I was never particularly good at it...

    >Is /cgl/ your primary point of interest on 4chan or do you visit other meatbag boards too?
    I lurk on /a/ sometimes, I don't post because threads go down the drain every time I mention I'm a girl.

    >What's the best cosplay you've achieved so far? The costume you're proudest of (be it because it's been the most aesthetically pleasing to other meatbags, the character you like the most, the most difficult disguise to create, et cetera)?
    Not my best but I already posted it once and people misused it for trolling after I deleted it so I won't upload any new ones anymore...
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)13:43 No.5390155
    >I lurk on /a/ sometimes, I don't post because threads go down the drain every time I mention I'm a girl.
    How does being a girl prevents you from posting?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)13:43 No.5390156
    Wait, do you always start your posts with "girl here" or something?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)13:44 No.5390158
         File1327171442.jpg-(2.94 MB, 3216x4288, enver massive hotness.jpg)
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    I fapped to this one the most. You should wear glasses more often.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)13:44 No.5390161
    Ha, that picture is you? I've definitely seen it used for troll threads on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)13:46 No.5390164
         File1327171567.png-(3 KB, 196x160, oh me.png)
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    Yeah, I remember, I was the one who saved it and reposted it with "please cum all over my face" or something. Good times.

    She was fifhisng for compliments so she deserved it.
    >> Bettan 01/21/12(Sat)13:46 No.5390168
    >Why did you come to /cgl/? When did you start being actively interested in cosplaying?
    It had tutorial threads and pretty pictures, mostly of Touhous. Actively cosplaying, a little more than a year ago.

    >Is /cgl/ your primary point of interest on 4chan or do you visit other meatbag boards too?
    /a/ and /gif/

    >What's the best cosplay you've achieved so far?
    Minoriko Aki but that's not saying much, the rest of mine just really sucked
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 01/21/12(Sat)13:52 No.5390191
         File1327171928.png-(319 KB, 461x473, tumblr_lwvoz5gOSN1qbbwtc.png)
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    I-I'm flattered...?

    K, well anyways, I do wear glasses a lot. In fact, all the time. I originally only needed them for driving, but they make everything more crisp so I just leave them on.
    >> Radisshu !..Lavieh/I 01/21/12(Sat)13:53 No.5390195
         File1327172025.jpg-(63 KB, 720x540, raptor.jpg)
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    >Why did you come to /cgl/? When did you start being actively interested in cosplaying?
    I don't cosplay, I came to /cgl/ just recently because I was frustrated from all the troll threads between our boards and I wanted to know the truth behind it. I was actually pleasantly surprised to know that most girls here aren't attention whores or like that one picture about /cgl/ that keeps circulating every time you mention cosplayers.

    >Is /cgl/ your primary point of interest on 4chan or do you visit other meatbag boards too?
    /a/ mostly.

    >If you don't actively cosplay, why are your here?
    I dunno, I kind of started liking it here. Maybe I wish that some cute girl would cosplay my waifu (see tripcode). I mean, yes, 3DPD and all that, but I don't think we should insult you just because you're 3D. Most other /a/nons have already forgotten what "3DPD" really means. It's girls with no soul, who are promiscuous, consumer-ish and don't really know the meaning of love or faithfulness (in b4 permavirgin). And they don't know what a waifu is anymore. A waifu is not supposed to be a replacement life partner that prevents you from thinking about real girls. A waifu is your idea of perfection, and a girl that looks and acts like your waifu is, de facto, your waifu and you should adore her and love her back.

    Just my two cents.

    Also pic is me, cosplaying. Kind of, you know, to be on topic.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)13:59 No.5390211
    >A waifu is your idea of perfection, and a girl that looks and acts like your waifu is, de facto, your waifu and you should adore her and love her back.

    >implying a pretty girl would ever love a disgusting fat neckbeard/skeleton w. acne face

    Boy you /a/ faggots sure are gullible.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:02 No.5390222
    dat bulge
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:06 No.5390240
    >Why did you come to /cgl/? When did you start being actively interested in cosplaying?
    i came to it for cosplay, fashion, makeup techniques

    >Is /cgl/ your primary point of interest on 4chan or do you visit other meatbag boards too?
    i came here recently from /fit/

    >What's the best cosplay you've achieved so far? The costume you're proudest of (be it because it's been the most aesthetically pleasing to other meatbags, the character you like the most, the most difficult disguise to create, et cetera)?
    i've done only one cosplay, not very talented. it was aradia from homestuck as has been noted to be a pretty easy one

    >If you don't actively cosplay, why are your here?
    i plan to do more cosplay in the future!
    >> Radisshu !..Lavieh/I 01/21/12(Sat)14:15 No.5390268
         File1327173324.jpg-(90 KB, 560x420, trying-hard-to-look-serious.jpg)
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    This might come as a surprise to you, but I'm one of the few /a/ users who has neither a neckbeard or a pimply face.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 01/21/12(Sat)14:15 No.5390270
    >Why did you come to /cgl/? When did you start being actively interested in cosplaying?
    Into cosplay back in 2005/2006. Came to /cgl/ because I saw it was a board I was interested in besides the funnies on /b/ "back in the day".

    >Is /cgl/ your primary point of interest on 4chan or do you visit other meatbag boards too?
    Now it's mostly /cgl/. Used to go on /b/ a ton. Then /x/ /adv/ /v/ /co/ /an/ /int/ /pol/ /diy/ /soc/ etc. I start at /cgl/ then go to others when it's too slow.

    >What's the best cosplay you've achieved so far? The costume you're proudest of (be it because it's been the most aesthetically pleasing to other meatbags, the character you like the most, the most difficult disguise to create, et cetera)?
    Probably my Fairy Rikku costume. Was the first one I did all on my own with no help from friends and family and it came out pretty decent for a first costume.

    >If you don't actively cosplay, why are your here?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:18 No.5390276
    >Why did you come to /cgl/? When did you start being actively interested in cosplaying?
    I've liked cosplaying for 3 years, used to go to other boards of 4chan. Clicked around to find better ones, and found /cgl/. I stayed because I realized how shitty I was at cosplaying, and you guys are really helpful.

    >Is /cgl/ your primary point of interest on 4chan or do you visit other meatbag boards too?
    I visit /po/ too.

    >What's the best cosplay you've achieved so far? The costume you're proudest of (be it because it's been the most aesthetically pleasing to other meatbags, the character you like the most, the most difficult disguise to create, et cetera)?
    I am not proud of anything I cosplayed as.

    >If you don't actively cosplay, why are your here?
    So I can improve ;A;
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:21 No.5390282
    What's wrong with your left eye? Are you Zahirus's son or something?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:23 No.5390289
    >Thinking most /a/ users are acne ridden neckbeards.
    Stop pretending you're from /a/
    >> Radisshu !..Lavieh/I 01/21/12(Sat)14:25 No.5390293
    You're quoting out of context. I'm not the one thinking that, the anon is. Actually, I haven't seen a single person on our board that fits his description.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:27 No.5390297
    >but I'm one of the few /a/ users who has neither a neckbeard or a pimply face.
    >> Radisshu !..Lavieh/I 01/21/12(Sat)14:28 No.5390300
    You don't seem to understand the word 'context'.

    He was implying we're like that. I used his words in a sarcastic manner.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:30 No.5390308
         File1327174240.jpg-(32 KB, 400x388, feels bad frog.jpg)
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    >Why did you come to /cgl/? When did you start being actively interested in cosplaying?
    Because I love cosplay. I always wanted to cosplay ever since I first heard about it.

    >Is /cgl/ your primary point of interest on 4chan or do you visit other meatbag boards too?
    It is, I think.

    >What's the best cosplay you've achieved so far? The costume you're proudest of (be it because it's been the most aesthetically pleasing to other meatbags, the character you like the most, the most difficult disguise to create, et cetera)?
    Nothing. :( I suck at this and never managed to pull off a single cosplay.

    >If you don't actively cosplay, why are your here?
    To admire the ones who know how to do it...
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:34 No.5390316
         File1327174474.jpg-(25 KB, 453x604, tfw no one notices the sweet g(...).jpg)
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    Glad to see some /tg/ bros here.

    I didn't cosplay anything yet but I'd like to, preferably with a similar medieval theme. That one Syrio Forel suggestion I got is probably the best so far, but I'm not sure how to go about it yet.

    Also, latest picture of me. My beard grew a bit since then because I stopped shaving again. Didn't seem like a good idea really.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:37 No.5390322
         File1327174650.jpg-(27 KB, 640x480, ladies.jpg)
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    /sp/artan here.

    I don't really give two fucks about your dressing up, I just came here, deflowered you and left after the winter ball. I'm sorry I never wrote.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:38 No.5390330
    >I just came here, deflowered you and left after the winter ball.

    The /cgl/ girls are pure maidens waiting for their /a/ husbandos to take them.
    >> DogSoup !IIP7bmw0yI 01/21/12(Sat)14:39 No.5390334
    >Why did you come to /cgl/? When did you start being actively interested in cosplaying?
    I came to /cgl/ around two years ago when I started getting bored of /v/. I started cosplaying when I was a kid, technically, with all my pokemon Halloween costumes. But consciously? Around age 12-13.
    >Is /cgl/ your primary point of interest on 4chan or do you visit other meatbag boards too?
    Now I usually hang out in /tg/, /cgl/, /x/, /r9k/ and /v/. Sometimes /an/ but they're so slow I wouldn't really count it as much.
    >What's the best cosplay you've achieved so far? The costume you're proudest of (be it because it's been the most aesthetically pleasing to other meatbags, the character you like the most, the most difficult disguise to create, et cetera)?
    All my cosplay have been shit so far because I've rushed them in time for conventions... I suppose I'm pretty proud of my Rorschach cosplay because my mask had disappearing face patterns.
    >If you don't actively cosplay, why are your here?
    Because I have no life 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:40 No.5390335
    Sorry bro, first comes first gets.


    >> PP+1 01/21/12(Sat)14:41 No.5390338
         File1327174877.jpg-(33 KB, 313x313, k-on_ritsu_icon.jpg)
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    that blood wasn't from our hymen

    think about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:41 No.5390339
    Are you a sandnigger? Can't tell...
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:41 No.5390341
    Only on /a/'s dreams.
    >> E !!SVApqd5PPpP 01/21/12(Sat)14:45 No.5390352
         File1327175147.jpg-(43 KB, 640x480, snapshot_00.21_[2012.01.21_12.(...).jpg)
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    >Why did you come to /cgl/? When did you start being actively interested in cosplaying?

    Just got here this week, been on /a/ and /tg/ for years now. Always see the hate threads on /a/ yet we also have a lot of cosplay threads too which is weird. I've always had an interest in cosplaying just never thought I'd be any good for it.

    >Is /cgl/ your primary point of interest on 4chan or do you visit other meatbag boards too?

    /a/ and /tg/ and (not so much now days) /v/ keep me here.

    >What's the best cosplay you've achieved so far? The costume you're proudest of (be it because it's been the most aesthetically pleasing to other meatbags, the character you like the most, the most difficult disguise to create, et cetera)?

    I have yet to cosplay.

    >If you don't actively cosplay, why are your here?
    I'm interested in trying it out.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:45 No.5390355
    S-so... the poll results were all lies?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:47 No.5390360
         File1327175270.jpg-(3 KB, 126x126, bateman sad about having to ru(...).jpg)
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    >dem quads
    my hips are moving on their own HK-kun
    >> PP+1 01/21/12(Sat)14:47 No.5390361
         File1327175270.jpg-(110 KB, 603x805, Skuld (1).jpg)
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    >Why did you come to /cgl/? When did you start being actively interested in cosplaying?
    First costume was when I was 12 years old, I was Skuld from an art book I received from my cousin. It all kind of snowballed from there

    >Is /cgl/ your primary point of interest on 4chan or do you visit other meatbag boards too?
    I hop around a lot of boards, /fit/, /b/, /x/, /adv/, /i/, /ic/ mainly.

    >What's the best cosplay you've achieved so far? The costume you're proudest of?
    Best one so far was the Spartan/mjolnir
    Favorite is either Jubei from Samurai Girls, or maybe Harley from chrono

    >If you don't actively cosplay, why are your here?
    I am not active in the community (No DA no Coscom account etc) I like being around other people who like conventions, Japanese culture, and costuming/DIY
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:48 No.5390362
    If they were true you guys wouldn't be a bunch of ugly virgins.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:52 No.5390378
    The poll was a week after those screencaps were making the rounds and /a/ showed up. They voted for themselves.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:53 No.5390379
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    B-but I thought you liked us. Am I also ugly?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:55 No.5390389
    Yep, lemme break it down to you

    >staring directly in the camera as a creep
    >totally white skin
    >sideburns (what is it, the fucking 1800s?)
    >making an awkward as fuck face

    Seriously, just imagining you thrusting on top of me makes me shiver. Please stay with your drawings.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:55 No.5390391
    it's pretty sad that people actually think those polls were serious

    so now those two desperate virgins from /r9k/ are pretending to be from /a/ hoping someone from /cgl/ will date them
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:58 No.5390400
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    Same as >>5390014

    You know you want us. Just cosplay Heather and I might do you.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:58 No.5390401
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    /a/ here, I voted for /a/ in the poll.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:59 No.5390404
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:03 No.5390410
    >Why did you come to /cgl/? When did you start being actively interested in cosplaying?

    I came to /cgl/ to see some sweet ass cosplays. And I was interested in cosplaying in highschool and my sister and I go to cons regularly.

    >Is /cgl/ your primary point of interest on 4chan or do you visit other meatbag boards too?

    I mix around in /b/k/v/cgl/co/diy/fa/fit/sci/vp/x/

    >What's the best cosplay you've achieved so far? The costume you're proudest of (be it because it's been the most aesthetically pleasing to other meatbags, the character you like the most, the most difficult disguise to create, et cetera)?

    I think my favorite so far was my Medic costume from TF2. I made the Medigun and Übersaw myself and they were beautiful. Also I could speak German, so it was fun yelling at those people who dress up like nazis at cons in German and them being very confused.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:03 No.5390411
         File1327176206.jpg-(22 KB, 225x350, e52a82259d1454649572548cf411ac(...).jpg)
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    >Why did you come to /cgl/? When did you start being actively interested in cosplaying?

    I first came to /cgl/ when coscom went to shit. Then I decided to stay for all the tutorial and help threads because they're rather useful. I've been cosplaying for about 4 years now.

    >Is /cgl/ your primary point of interest on 4chan or do you visit other meatbag boards too?

    Mostly just /cgl/. I drop by /a/ and /adv/ occasionally to see whats going on.

    >What's the best cosplay you've achieved so far? The costume you're proudest of (be it because it's been the most aesthetically pleasing to other meatbags, the character you like the most, the most difficult disguise to create, et cetera)?

    Madoka from Madoka Magica. I've invested much more time and effort into it than any of my other costumes so far, and its been really well received. Its let me meet a ton of people, and its kind of cool having guests of honor stop you to take your picture which you see on their twitters later.

    >If you don't actively cosplay, why are your here?

    I do, so... yeah.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:05 No.5390416
    They just jelly.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:07 No.5390421
    And what about this guy? >>5390268
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:09 No.5390425
    Obviously not his picture, /a/nons can't be that cute.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:11 No.5390431
    /co/mrade here. I noticed every thread on this board ends up discussing or gossiping about /a/. You really are obsessed with them whether you like to admit it or not.

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