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    File : 1326808863.jpg-(79 KB, 417x640, uh oh.jpg)
    79 KB Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)09:01 No.5374735  
    Spoony is going bald.

    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)09:04 No.5374741
    Saw that too lolol, makes me wonder how much shoop she has been using.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)09:09 No.5374757
    That's kinda sad.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)09:30 No.5374790
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    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)09:34 No.5374801
    Oh, that's strange. She talked about having cut all her hair off recently, is that why she did it; because she's losing her hair?

    That's kind of depressing.

    Hope if grows back soon x
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)09:38 No.5374806
    It's really kind of her own fault, but I actually wanted to suggest some things to her :(
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)09:38 No.5374807
    She cut it because she's bleached and dyed her hair at least three or four times which is frying it, which is also probably why she's "balding."
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)09:43 No.5374813

    Dying your hair doesn't make all your hair stop growing, it only damages the existing hair.

    She said she through it was falling out due to damage but it turned out to be alopecia.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)09:45 No.5374818
    Is >>5374793 her?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)09:45 No.5374819
    is she asking for money?

    id give her money for n00dz
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 01/17/12(Tue)09:54 No.5374837
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    Good to see that the black and mercenary heart of /cgl/ still beats.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)09:57 No.5374843
    So someone gave her enough money to actually buy that wig? Sweet.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)09:57 No.5374846
    Everyone hates on spoony but the second she goes bald people are offering her money and full of sympathy? Dude...wat?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)09:58 No.5374848
    They already exist. >>>/rs/spoony
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)10:02 No.5374852

    I already have those
    some new stuff would be nice
    maybe she could lez with one of her friends for a bit
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 01/17/12(Tue)10:03 No.5374854
    It's called 'love thy neighbour'.

    Also, I like how everyone has tried to make Spoony go away by being a knob to her (including myself), but as soon as someone's actually nice to her, she stops namefagging. Says something about how we act as a board, doesn't it?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)10:04 No.5374856
    Two girls damaged their hairs due to excessive tampering.

    Chokelate started a wig business.
    Spoony begged in /r9k/.

    A lesson in class.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)10:05 No.5374859

    Nobody is really convinced that she's a bad person, she just acts like a bitch online. She's admitted that she's actually a very lonely person online, so her losing her hair like this is kind of pitiable.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)10:06 No.5374862
    I really don't see why this warrants her to beg for donations/for anyone to pony up the money to her.

    Good riddance to her. Perhaps she won't samefag so much once she goes bald.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)10:09 No.5374868

    Except spoony has alopecia.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 01/17/12(Tue)10:10 No.5374869
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    You disgust me. You'd think a board as vain as we are would have a bit more sympathy. I'm a8sconding from this thread, back to work.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)10:12 No.5374873
    Where was "love thy neighbor" when she wasn't going bald?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)10:16 No.5374876

    >having sympathy

    One of these things is not like the other ...
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)10:21 No.5374884
    After all the malicious trolling/cyber bullying Spoony's been involved in?

    After all the other girls that she has shamelessly tormented over the way they look?

    This is her karma.

    Enjoy being fat AND bald, Spoony.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)10:26 No.5374887

    I've never actually seen spoony torment anybody over the way they looked. I've seen her join in with drama threads but the nastiest I've ever seen her being was in a PT thread.. but I've never actually openly seen her call anybody fat, or ugly or hideous apart from 32 inch waist after she attacked spoony.

    I've actually seen her defending a few people in threads on /cgl/ so I don't get why everybody thinks she's that bad.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)10:31 No.5374891
    Gotta say, I haven't seen this either. Unless she's done it as anon, I haven't seen her attack people's looks, more their actions. Not to say that isn't equally bitchy, but just saiyan.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)10:34 No.5374894

    This actually.
    I saw her in that meow_tan thread the other day defending her when everybody was calling her hideous.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)10:37 No.5374896
    No matter how much money she gets, she will never get her real hair back. That must really suck, considering how young she is. A wig can't even compare to real hair, it has to come off in the end of the day.

    I wonder if she will still camwhore on 4chan when she's 30? Considering how long she's been here and how invested she is with this place.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)10:39 No.5374897
    Oh karma. The slag always had something bad coming.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)10:44 No.5374907

    It's just Alopecia, her hair will come back soon. I've had Alopecia in the past and it's not nice, I didn't even have a reason for losing my hair, it just happens for no reason sometimes though the main cause is usually stress.
    She has my sympathies.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)10:47 No.5374913
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)10:54 No.5374925
    Anyone tell me which thread? I am on mobile and can't search the traditional way. Page # or what said thread is about?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)10:58 No.5374930

    It was on /r9k/ but it's gone now.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)10:59 No.5374932
    Ah, thanks anon
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)11:06 No.5374939
    what was the thread about
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)11:13 No.5374953
    She has a tendency to delete her shit that's over the top, or ignore it when you call her on it. She also jumps on any vendetta-chan bandwagon in town.
    She's a really good example of what /cgl/ had been renowned for: girls that have to put others down to make themselves feel better.
    It's honestly too bad what us happening to her. I don't wish that shit on anyone.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)11:20 No.5374965
    Errr, if that even is alopecia it's not even that bad.

    My friend had like a circular spot completely bald in the middle of her head. That was bad. It should grow back though, it did for her and hers was much worse.

    Sorry but Spoony would have to get cancer or something for me to feel sorry for her. A bit of hair loss from overfrying her hair is her own fault and I don't give a shit.

    Also posting it to 4chan is just a LOOK AT ME, GIVE ME SYMPATHY WAHHH~! Bullshit she always does. If it was that bad she would have kept it to herself.

    Also it's pretty hypocritical to suddenly go from hating to pretending to care so quickly.

    My 2 cents.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)11:21 No.5374968
    I'm talking to her through email now.

    She said she had alopecia when she was a kid and had to shave off all her hair and it's come back again, but at first she though it was just damage from hair dyes and straightening so she cut it all off at first then when to the doctors when it kept falling out and they've diagnosed her with alopecia, or however you spell it.

    I think it's kinda sad actually, she's always really humble and nice when you talk to her one on one.

    Also, sorry spoony for talking about this on /cgl/, but I don't know why you insist and acting like this big ol' bitch online when you're such a nice girl in real life. It doesn't make any sense.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)11:23 No.5374973
    I don't feel bad for her, considering all the shit she did and does. She is so fucking insecure, she hates on anyone that looks prettier and gets more attention than her. ( Choke, Dakota, PT)
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)11:23 No.5374974

    She posted other pictures and there's a huge bald spot in the middle of her scalp and there's random patches all over her head where there's no hair at all.

    I don't know the rate at which alopeshia makes your hair fall out, but she did say this had only started happening recently so it'd make sense if this was only the beginning of her hair loss.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)11:26 No.5374979

    >>5374894 here.

    I don't know where this kind of stuff comes from because I am on /cgl/ pretty much everyday due to lol-unemployment and whilst I see her posting a lot, I never see her putting anybody down for their looks ever. I've seen her join in with the bitching, but it's never revolving around that persons physical appearance.

    And what the hell, pretty much the WHOLE of /cgl/ laughs at PT and Dakota so you cannot go singling one person out from that just because they're identifiable.

    I've never seen her say anything horrible about Chokelate, though I have seen her say she's pretty.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)11:34 No.5374990
    You're trying wayyyy to hard to defend spoony, which means you probably are spoony.

    I've seen her say plenty of shit about Dakota's person appearance, like how she KNOWS she has a nosejob, despite the fact that uh.. no one KNOWS that accept Dakota and her family.

    And she's made fun of PT plenty. To be fair I haven't seen her say anything about Choke like previous anon mentioned, so I'm not sure about that.

    She's plenty bitchy enough about peoples personal appearance. She made a comment about some girl in the card captor sakura thread having a 'flat face' in fact, here it still is: >>5371420

    A completely irrelevant comment, adding nothing but being bitchy. THIS is why we don't like you Spoony, you pull this shit all the time and think we don't notice? Fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)11:36 No.5374992
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)11:37 No.5374993
    Can anyone just post a picture of spoony's face in this thread?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)11:38 No.5374997

    I'm not spoony, just a person who see's her posting a lot and doesn't understand the amount of hate she accrues.
    I've seen her be really helpful and nice in a variety of threads, but also be a bitchy cunt in a number of them as well. I don't really hold it against her because this is /cgl/ and I've leant from years of experience that it can very subtly turn you into a secret-bitch. That's something I'm sure everybody here can agree on.

    The flat face comment was kind of uncalled for, but in her defence the girls face is kind of flat haha
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 01/17/12(Tue)11:40 No.5375007
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    Yes, clearly everyone who ever has something nice to say about someone, is that person.

    THIS is why I started tripping again, you utter cunts. I found that as anon, I could never compliment someone, or defend them, or explain anything I knew about them, without someone going LOL SAMEFAG. What the fuck is wrong with this board, that you all believe nobody can ever have anything nice to say about anyone else?

    Well, I'm saying it now: I feel sorry for Spoony, and despite the fact that we've never gotten on, I think it's disgustingly cruel to take the piss out of her for this. As you can see by my trip... i'm not Spoony. Shock! Horror! Come at me, ye who inhabit the scumthreads of /cgl/.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)11:46 No.5375020
    I really don't have any sympathy for the girl. She brags on about her ~anxiety and insecurity~ and then will happily rip on someone else. She had a folder dedicated to PT drama and would instigate plenty of it. Her pretending to be a maid at the maid cafe PT had her hopes on joining and purposefully taunting her was the last straw. Most people let it go because they find her cute, but regardless of how you look, if you're ugly on the inside you'll always be ugly on the outside. Bitch had it coming to her. Now she won't be able to attentionwhore with photos of her mangled scalp and will hopefully do something more productive and positive with her life.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)11:48 No.5375026
    What is it with tripfags and my little pony avatars lately?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)11:57 No.5375040
    I don't know guys, as bitchy as I've seen her be (and I've seen her be very nice and helpful as well); is it really fair to laugh at somebody for losing their hair?
    Doesn't that make you just as bad as her, when accusing her of making fun of people for their misfortunes?

    And it's all fun and games now but it won't be funny when one of you start experience something as depressing and untreatable such as hair loss - and trust me it will happen. This shit is unbelievably common.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)12:00 No.5375044

    I have been on /cgl/ for years. I don't participate in hateful threads, ever. Sorry, some of us don't come here to start drama or laugh at pretty girls.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)12:03 No.5375047

    Actually yeah, I can kind of relate to this. In real life I'm probably one of the nicest people you'll ever meet but on /cgl/, my inner bitch kind of comes out to play ever now and again.

    It's all these fucking drama threads, they just suck you in.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)12:04 No.5375048
    A truly nice person is a nice person all the time.

    You're just two faced.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)12:07 No.5375051
    sounds like more you are a pushover who doesnt like to "make waves"

    you just enjoy that freedom to say what you already believe online
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)12:07 No.5375052
    I have a bit of respect for Spoony, even if she is a dipshit and hates immigrants. She namefags so we can attribute her stupid comments to her and she does seem like she wants to become a better person.There are worse tripfags and all you assholes tolerated them for MUCH longer. I left /cgl/ because they shat up the whole place while you ate their shit up because they were male or because they were "a funny troll", or attractive. You guys have the most misplaced hate for most shit, I swear. Yeah, she makes stupid comments but there have been worse. Yogukawa/32-inch waist chan is fucking proof of that.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)12:07 No.5375053

    But I'm actually not. I do a lot of things for a lot of people in real life, not because I need to, but because I want to. Maybe I'm just fucking repressed or something, but I'm not a two-faced person at all.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)12:08 No.5375056
    Oh Spoony! You must be so happy now! You have gained the attention and sympathy from everyone! All it cost was your hair. Hahaha! I am celebrating today~
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)12:12 No.5375061
    I meant *except my bad, I'm tired.

    Yeah, but pointing that shit out IS an insult. Besides that girl is still prettier than Spoony anyway so it just makes her look jealous and catty. You wouldn't go up to someone and say "WOW you have a big nose" in the street would you? Either way it proves she makes insults based on personal appearance, she's done it plenty to Dakota and PT.

    Not only is it bitchy though it derails otherwise good threads with her completely irrelevant bullshit. She makes threads about her ALLof the time.

    She doesn't cosplay or wear lolita, she is a stupid /soc attention whore and the only threads she partakes in are the ones that have nothing to do with this board, that she can post in to get attention.

    I didn't quote you did I? I know you are not Spoony. That does NOT change the fact that she often same fags and sticks up for herself here, it's just a fact.

    Uh no one is making fun of her for hair loss, I'm sure not. I'm just explaining why I don't actually give a shit and that's because she is a bitchy cunt.

    The worst anyone has actually said here is "lol karma".
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)12:18 No.5375070
    I guess Spoony comes here because she can't compete with the young girls in /soc/. The standard was lower back then.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)13:24 No.5375166

    Well yeah, apart from the posts calling her a fat slag.

    Oh /cgl/, I love how you all pretend to be kind, beautiful, benevolent cosplay goddesses, but the minute somebody's backs are turned the claws really come out; huh?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)14:29 No.5375321
    Spoony's always on /cgl/.
    Funny, she doesn't post in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)14:34 No.5375343
    Good, the stupid fat cunt deserves it.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)14:41 No.5375368
    Spoony's trying to get attention on any board besides /soc/ now. She's been constantly posting herself in /fa/, /ic/, /toy/, /cgl/, and now /r9k/. And this is only counting the past couple weeks.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)14:42 No.5375377

    I have alopecia as well. First few times it started to fall out, it all grew back. This last time though, it all fell out and my body doesn't really grow hair anymore as well.

    As far as Spoony goes, I don't have any clue about her bitchiness but it's still sad she's losing her hair. It's rough and I hope it does come back for her.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)14:45 No.5375387
    >I love how you all pretend to be kind, beautiful, benevolent cosplay goddesses
    What bizarro /cgl/ are you browsing?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)15:11 No.5375450
    >It's just Alopecia, her hair will come back soon.

    Nope. Not everyone who gets alopecia has hair regrowth.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)15:12 No.5375452
    Anyone care to point who this girl is? Even better if you post pictures
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)15:17 No.5375455
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    >> Kiol !gFvheeuJ1. 01/17/12(Tue)15:45 No.5375502
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    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)15:46 No.5375503
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    >> Kiol !gFvheeuJ1. 01/17/12(Tue)15:48 No.5375509
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