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    File : 1326786060.png-(430 KB, 590x518, Cosplay___Faceoff_by_Hyura[1].png)
    430 KB Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)02:41 No.5374249  
    As long as one minds one's behavior, is it acceptable to cosplay in a public place (alone or with others) without a traditional reason, such as a nearby con or a photoshoot? Or is this never acceptable?
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 01/17/12(Tue)02:45 No.5374254
    You'll just look stupid, but wear what you want.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)02:46 No.5374255
    Do what you want, but you'll look pretty crazy
    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 01/17/12(Tue)02:46 No.5374256
    I think it's fine. I mean you gotta be ready for people calling you out or making fun of you because you are doing something pretty weird by most people's standards.

    Just be prepared for MANY stares.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)02:46 No.5374257
    If what you're wearing is considered normal clothing and you can't tell you're wearing a wig, go for it.

    I wore my Yuzu (SMT: Devil Survivor) costume a couple of time just because I thought it was cute. Only one person realized what it was, and he gave me free food for it.
    >> Mitsuki 01/17/12(Tue)02:57 No.5374271
    Well I don't see why not, of course you'll get stares & people may question you, but as long as you're not acting like an idiot and minding your own business I don't see the problem.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)02:57 No.5374275
    This has gotten me wondering. Does anyone have any stories about doing this?
    >> Marillia !MR/JL7nYpc 01/17/12(Tue)03:02 No.5374286
    Short story:

    > Friend wanted to do a cosplay reunion at a local zoo, just for fun. Invites tons of different cosplayers and many confirm that they'll be there, cosplaying too.
    > Only he, my boyfriend (without cosplay) and me came .
    > He was cosplaying Ash and I was cosplaying Marill (both from Pokemon).
    > Had a great time, took lots of pics, and people looked at us. Some were very curious, some laughed and, specially kids, loved our cosplays.
    > Created a closer bond with my friend.

    It was a great day.
    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 01/17/12(Tue)03:09 No.5374295
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    >Went to park near my house with friends in cosplay to take pics
    >Walking back, not 30 seconds away from my house
    >Car drives by, passenger rolls down window and screams "HAPPY HALLOWEEN CRACK ADDICTS!"

    This was in August. To this day we all still remember it with amusement.

    >Went downtown for a day for a photoshoot as L from Death Note
    >Near evening, friend calls us up asking us to come to his friend's show at a bar
    >Still in L cosplay, dark circle makeup and all. Bar is downtown and cannot change.
    >Go to show anyway
    >Get hit on by drunk guy.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)03:47 No.5374328

    And this goes to all the dumbasses that come to Tokyo and decide to do tourism wearing one of their costumes. Holy fuck the other day I saw a couple wearing Winnie the Pooh pijamas in Shibuya. I raged so much

    Only in Harajuku and ONLY on Sundays. Nowhere else. ever.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 01/17/12(Tue)03:50 No.5374332
    My ex and his weeb friends used to walk around town in crappy Naruto costumes, roleplaying. A group of chavs pushed them into the river once.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)03:58 No.5374342
    It's more like 'especially not in Japan'.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)03:59 No.5374344
    I guess its okay if you're still a teenager, you have being young as an excuse but otherwise no - it's not acceptable.
    >> MOOGIE !A8981mLiig 01/17/12(Tue)04:05 No.5374352
    I can't really say I encourage going out in public in cosplay without a reason, but whatever makes ya happy I suppose. So long as you're not drawing a ton of NEGATIVE attention to yourself/acting inappropriately... What's acceptable in one person's eyes may not be in another's.

    I do have a couple "cosplay in public" stories though haha.

    ie: really recently some friends and I threw together a little "winter casual" Vocaloid shoot. It was pretty much meant to be a private thing, nothing crazy, and we didn't want to draw attention to ourselves despite it being in a public place. People who seemed intrigued by it we said "w're students doing an art/film project" so we didn't seem too bizarre...

    But an older guy in a wheelchair recognized Miku by the hair and was reeeally excited! It was kinda adorable, actually, he approached us and said how excited he was to see cosplayers out and about, and how sad he was he didn't have his camera on him. We thanked him and continued with our shoot, only for him to find us a short while later. He had wheeled himself all the way home and back out to find us hoping to get a photo with us. He didn't recognize any of the rest of the group (we had Miku, Luka, Kaito, Gakupo, and Yowane Haku) but kept rambling about how we "walked out of a dream" and how getting a picture with him made his day.

    The only other experience I had like this was when I was on the way home from a shoot in the car with my wig still on, and a woman in a car beside ours in traffic was mouthing the words "I LOOOVE YOUUUU" to me lmao
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)04:57 No.5374408
    So what would you guys do if you saw a cosplayer in a situation you didn't approve of?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)05:00 No.5374416
    cringe from the secondhand embarrassment and think twice in the future before admitting to anybody that i cosplay
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)05:22 No.5374440
    So you wouldn't walk up to them, chew them out and ruin their day? Wow. That's kind of a rare opinion on the internet. Good for you.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)05:26 No.5374446
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    just looked her up she looks very cute, do you have any pics?

    if i do vincent from catherine at some point and various persona 3/4 characters i'll probably cosplay in public just for the hell of it
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)05:37 No.5374459

    Why does clicking on your image redirect me to 4chan's front page?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)06:39 No.5374502
    I had this "OMG YOU CAN'T DO THAT OH MY GOD THIS SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT IS TEARING ME APAAAARRTTTTT" phase when I was younger, but now I'm just happy for those kids who have the balls to do something like that. I guess I was just jealous of how I was so insecure of myself.

    So yeah, as long as you're not doing anything offensive like carrying around nazi flags for hetalia cosplay or screeching like a banshee or bothering other people, it's fine. Like cosplay picnics or shoots or whatever. You're just making the world a little more interesting for bystanders.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)06:43 No.5374509
    i think cosplay picnics and photoshoots are different than, say, an adult going to the mall or a bookstore in full costume for no reason.

    it just seems very juvenile and a bit creepy.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)06:45 No.5374513

    oh god i lol'd
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)06:51 No.5374525
    It depends on the quality of the cosplay. If it's well made and doesn't break any laws (weps or nudity?) then go for it.

    Of course it could be seen as a little attention-whorish...
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)07:23 No.5374583
    Do it, so some randoms might look down their nose at you, who cares?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/12(Tue)07:26 No.5374588
    Was at the cinema yesterday. No event, nothing.. but a Naruto Akatsuki/whatever cosplay group went there. With weapons. To watch a movie.

    Realllyyyyyyyyy? :\

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