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  • File : 1326645681.jpg-(62 KB, 470x399, lolita.jpg)
    62 KB Lolita For Beginners Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)11:41 No.5368777  
    Hi there /cgl/,

    I've recently started getting into lolita costumes because I like the style of the clothes (pic related) and the super cute wigs. I'm 5'6 210 pounds (a bit stocky, yes), but I've managed to squeeze into tight clothes before. I love the short cut tutus and the thigh high socks combo. Super sexy. I actually thought of getting mine from here:

    I'm in love with the "wa-lolita" costumes, especially love the legwarmers:
    So I wanted to ask if Milanoo was a good place to buy from? I've seen mixed reviews, but it seems like whenever I search for lolita items that's the shop that comes up the most.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)11:43 No.5368781
    you're not even trying, for shit's sake.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)11:44 No.5368783
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)11:45 No.5368787
    Go for it OP, Milanoo is, like, totally trustworthy and will def give you the best bang for your buck if you want to get into flirty lolita.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)11:46 No.5368790
    Wtf are you talking about? Are you here to help or just be a soggy dick?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)11:47 No.5368791
    this is too much lulz. lolita costumes, 210 pounds fit in tight clothes, hot topic link, wa-lolita costumes, and milanno

    this is not lolita. oh i know, ask EGL lol
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)11:48 No.5368794
    ...and what's so bad about them exactly?

    And I know EGL stands for elegant gothic lolita, but idk what you're trying to say. Is there like a forum or something?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)11:49 No.5368801
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)11:51 No.5368805
    Mulanoo is the super best!
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)11:51 No.5368807
    Try harder OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)11:53 No.5368811
    sound like you being seriously. lol
    ask the SAME question with the links references to EGL livejournal community, I'm sure you can get help there. It's obviously you are a beginner, but you should research more. Lolita community definitely tell you it's a FASHION, not costumes.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)11:53 No.5368812
         File1326646419.jpg-(26 KB, 300x300, kitty paws.jpg)
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    Look idgaf if you're not going to help, but you're being annoying. Bump.

    Btw-thought kitty paws and ears look good with lolita too.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)11:55 No.5368821
    ALL Lolita costumes is bought from Milanoo. They are great!
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)11:56 No.5368824
    Research? What exactly should I be researching?
    I'm trying to dig into it, hence why I posted. If you have links, feel free to share.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)11:58 No.5368830
    Okay, so I'm guessing from all the sarcastic remarks Milanoo must be bad...
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)11:59 No.5368832
         File1326646746.gif-(1.6 MB, 228x180, 1302736885878.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)12:01 No.5368839
    0/10 too easy OP, next time stick with one rage-worthy thing and roll with that.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)12:03 No.5368846
    Make sure to choose dresses with super-shiny satin. The shinier, the better. Also, show lots of leg (hot topic and leg avenue have really good short pettis). Cleavage is good too, if you've got it. Glue some plastic doughnuts to your face and your'e set.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)12:05 No.5368859
    You know, I've actually seen lolitas with food/kawaii things stuck in their hair. Is that a thing?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)12:07 No.5368865
    Yes, stick cupcakes in your hair. You can eat them at the tea meet later. Saves you carrying a big cake box around.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)12:08 No.5368869
    >>5368859 Naw brah, they put food and shit in their hair but it's not a thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)12:09 No.5368871
         File1326647353.jpg-(52 KB, 405x720, mt.jpg)
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    >implying lolita isn't a costume
    >implying you'd wear pic related around your boss, coworkers, teachers, family
    >implying lolitas don't create fake names and aliases for themselves to disassociate their real identities from their lolita ones.

    Captcha: ide42 denial
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)12:09 No.5368873
         File1326647392.jpg-(30 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg)
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    Yeah, that's a thing. Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)12:10 No.5368877
         File1326647435.jpg-(48 KB, 450x600, NOOOOO.jpg)
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    this is perfect Milanoo lolita dress can make for you, it's very nice. consider to make your next purchase.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)12:13 No.5368891
    >>5368846 This is a great petti. This should give your skirt plenty of poof. Good luck OP!
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)12:13 No.5368893
         File1326647634.png-(747 KB, 600x800, cupcakeloli.png)
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    Okay now I KNOW you're being sarcastic there, but I did see this and thought it was cute.

    I have a nose ring and a septum piercing too. Snakebites as well. Might be cute to buy pink or baby blue studs.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)12:16 No.5368901
    That's hideous, are you blind?

    Ty! This looks nice. Although I don't really plan to wear a skirt over it exactly. Maybe boyshorts or leggings underneath.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 01/15/12(Sun)12:16 No.5368903
    OTT sweet isn't a good example, but you're probably trolling.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)12:17 No.5368909
    Hang a cupcake from your septum. That would be super kawaii!
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)12:19 No.5368922
    OP wants to know if Milanoo was a good place to buy. Yes it is.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)12:21 No.5368928
         File1326648074.jpg-(38 KB, 750x595, nosering.jpg)
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    Sounds gross no thanks.

    I do have this nose ring and chain (pic kinda related) and I was going to try to paint it a more sweet color and maybe buy some heart, star, and cupcake charms to hang off it.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)12:23 No.5368936
    >>5368928 That's what I meant! Hang a big cupcake charm from your septum, so it dangles in front of your upper lip. Kawaii!!
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)12:23 No.5368939
         File1326648229.jpg-(5 KB, 251x251, lawll.jpg)
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    O shit, are you serious?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)12:26 No.5368947
    The ring part doesn't hang from the septum. Stop trolling.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)12:31 No.5368965
    Hearts stars and horseshoes!
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)12:32 No.5368969
         File1326648726.jpg-(118 KB, 324x463, katy perry.jpg)
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    I bet Katy Perry is your idol
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)12:33 No.5368975
    >>5368947 Well then attach that ring thing to your septum then. Are there RULES that say you can't do what you want with your stuff?

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