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    File : 1326353756.jpg-(36 KB, 638x600, ALA.jpg)
    36 KB Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)02:35 No.5354963  
    So, I heard from a source that a "prominent" tripfag here on /cgl/ raped a girl at ALA and the LAPD is looking to "interview" him.

    To the one that raped this girl, kill yourself you stupid cunt or confess, go to prison, and then kill yourself you stupid cunt. /cgl/ would be better off without you.

    As for you other tripfags, you might wanna start rooting out this cancer to the cops. This makes you guys with trips look bad.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)02:40 No.5354977
    If by "tripfag", you mean spiders, and by "rape" you mean bit people's legs, then yes, this did happen at ala.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)02:41 No.5354983
    i hope it turns out meguma was the rapist
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)02:43 No.5354995
    Maguma wasn't the one who released the spiders, stupid.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)02:45 No.5355003
         File1326354337.jpg-(13 KB, 486x353, Who_fucking_cares_Gary_Coleman.jpg)
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    i just wanna see maguma get arrested faggot
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)02:57 No.5355049
    Because his isn't an obvious attempt to start a shitstorm.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 01/12/12(Thu)03:18 No.5355118
    bump for tryhard op

    everyone point and laugh at him
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 01/12/12(Thu)03:21 No.5355129
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)03:26 No.5355150

    Jesus your like the most unfunny tryhard troll. Just do yourself a favor and stop, its just baaaad and terrible to look at.
    >> dildoes !GowwDiablo 01/12/12(Thu)03:32 No.5355163
         File1326357149.png-(547 KB, 857x802, ehehehehehe.png)
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    hes black, his time will come
    >> BlakeRyan !!4E1IEjI9c+/ 01/12/12(Thu)03:39 No.5355183
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    >dat Mika
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)03:45 No.5355202

    >captcha: clition million
    >> Tim 01/12/12(Thu)03:50 No.5355218
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    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)04:32 No.5355312
    Was it Matt or was it Matt?
    This would be great too.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 01/12/12(Thu)04:44 No.5355323

    Your terrible writing suggests you are from Gaia. Return there, for you have no place here.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)04:50 No.5355332
    The one on the right looks like a woman. I'm confused.
    >> Queen N !!dqP6WAmFwk9 01/12/12(Thu)04:52 No.5355336
         File1326361951.png-(121 KB, 500x281, Computer Stare Izaya.png)
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    i seriously hope that's a joke or an attempt at trying to round up some delicious tripfag dramu.

    >mfw there is no N face for how i'm feeling right now
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)04:56 No.5355342
    If Maguma raped anything, then he raped our wallets with that shitty taco party.
    Unprepared much?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)04:58 No.5355345
    I bet the Taco Bell workers were PISSED. It was all because some dumbass tripfags wanted to be liked so they made the workers lives a living hell.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)05:00 No.5355352
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)05:03 No.5355360
    Those tacos are even shitier-tier. Wow, they really do suck at this taco stuff.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 01/12/12(Thu)05:04 No.5355363
    Lol what. Wow, dumb.
    >> MK/Delicious Reno !Zqpd5FCvYY 01/12/12(Thu)05:05 No.5355366
         File1326362719.gif-(408 KB, 320x240, tumblr_lhwxhqF9jW1qc8q2e.gif)
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    I missed the wiggle party? Man, I miss everything.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)05:05 No.5355367
    Shut-up, Mexican.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)05:06 No.5355368
    Did you miss the part where God staring at you and was breathing heavily?
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 01/12/12(Thu)05:07 No.5355371
    >> sonteen12 !c/Bmteb9h. 01/12/12(Thu)05:08 No.5355373
    My huge legs...
    Mika is fucking adorable though, I can't get over it.
    Next time we have wiggle party, we'll give you a (booty) call.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)05:08 No.5355374
    You're not Indian, Mexican.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 01/12/12(Thu)05:17 No.5355396

    Hey, I'm right here! Pick me! He's only white.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)05:22 No.5355405
    There seems to be a large amount of MAD about the taco party.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)05:25 No.5355410
    Rape is not a big deal, actually it's part of human nature, our biology proves it.
    >> MK/Delicious Reno !Zqpd5FCvYY 01/12/12(Thu)05:28 No.5355417
         File1326364137.gif-(2.85 MB, 320x174, 1293042043223 - Copy.gif)
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    Unff, I will be there in a heartbeat, darlin'~
    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 01/12/12(Thu)05:34 No.5355427
         File1326364476.jpg-(305 KB, 683x1024, MikaBeingAsian.jpg)
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    He can't help it!
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)05:35 No.5355430
    That's him. I thought the middle guy was some chubby whitey.
    >> Tim 01/12/12(Thu)05:36 No.5355431
    Goddamn look at this fucking racist how can anyone like him I AM DEEPRY OFFEND.
    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 01/12/12(Thu)05:38 No.5355438
         File1326364686.jpg-(314 KB, 683x1024, MikaBeingWhite.jpg)
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    Oh, he's looking now.
    >> Perry !pGt6/pVDLk 01/12/12(Thu)05:41 No.5355449
    it is a woman!
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 01/12/12(Thu)05:45 No.5355453

    What a hapassed attempt at chinky eyes
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)05:56 No.5355483
    dang mika got fat and jewish haired
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)06:00 No.5355490
    Fucking blue stripes man. So cute, wiggles like a pro.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)11:55 No.5355918

    out of the wiggle group, the one to the far right, the girl dressed up as Barnaby Brooks Jr. Is she a lesbian? just wondering.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)12:56 No.5356068
    Only thing I heard about ALA involving the police was that something happened on Friday night, but don't think it was rape.
    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 01/12/12(Thu)20:45 No.5357802

    Yeah, the police on Friday were not related to the con. I guess another guest at the hotel was beating on his wife in their room and she called the cops on him?
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)00:30 No.5358889
    Are you a rude homo? just wondering
    >> G !!0KLJYlknxts 01/13/12(Fri)03:21 No.5359625
    To the anon that requested Clash of the Comics footage. Here's preview footage of one of the acts
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)03:22 No.5359629
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    That would be stupidly easy to figure out if it were true. /cgl/ would light up faster than a Christmas Tree if Maguma did rape and kill a girl in 1991. Which he didn't, but still, if Maguma did rape and killed a girl in 1991, /cgl/ would figure it out in a heartbeat. But since it hasn't come to pass, then no, Maguma did not rape and kill a girl in 1991.
    Besides, out of all the tripfags here on the boards, we all know it would be **** with the tripcode !********** that would do it.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 01/13/12(Fri)03:22 No.5359630
    wheres the one where the fat people get shitted on and then cry and run out of the room
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)03:27 No.5359635

    You make a party, and not have enough for an expected crush of idiots who want tripfag fame?

    Maguma should come on to the boards, apologize, and then commit seppuku.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)03:32 No.5359649
    Well, he did say there was no booze. For me that automatically constitutes as a shitty party.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)03:33 No.5359654
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    The big problem is that it got put in the program guide.Which got more people then just word of mouth through /cgl/

    Con's letting them do it again next year, hope the problems are solved. Maguma's already gotten suggestions of doing it with a catering truck outside(like in the area where cosplay chess is held) or with large catering platters and people make their own tacos.

    As long as they don't go back to making runs to local fastfood joints. The employees would be grateful to I imagine.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 01/13/12(Fri)03:35 No.5359657
    Or you could maybe like. Call ahead. Even small ass taco places have taco platters filled with beef tacos or whatever that you could get for a pretty decent price.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)03:38 No.5359666
    I'm talking about not doing places like taco bell or jack in the box. I mean seriously. It's fucking L.A. There's like a million fucking mexican places you could go to get them.

    Should have called ahead in the first place instead of making a drive over to the restaurants and being told NOPE by the employees. Would have saved some people gas and given people waiting a better understanding of the time frame to get the food.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 01/13/12(Fri)03:42 No.5359671
    Yeah, that's what I meant by small ass taco places.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)03:49 No.5359685
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    >>5359654 The big problem is that it got put in the program guide.

    That is no excuse as to why it was a shitty taco party.

    >>Maguma's already gotten suggestions of doing it with a catering truck

    HAHAHA, NOPE. The Health department would shut it down faster than North Korean soldiers at the DMZ.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)03:53 No.5359695

    You're not from LA are you? Food trucks are incredibly common.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)03:55 No.5359701
    Yeah. There's at least 4 around my school when lunchtime hits, and I'm in downtown LA.

    AX had food trucks last year, which was great, and so did PMX. And PMX was in the Hilton, just down the street.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)04:18 No.5359775
    >This. Apparently you don't know that food trucks are a viable business in Socal. We're not talking just some random roach coach.

    Long Beach Comic con too. My friend raved about the Cupcake truck, but by the time we got over, they'd closed for the day.
    >> Anony !Mau55LLxj. 01/13/12(Fri)04:38 No.5359847
    I've heard a lot of bad stuff coming from it. You guys could only have assumed that making tacos takes a considerable amount of time, so it would probably better to get the money in the middle of the day at a sign-up table or something like it.

    Also, I'm at fuck this con mentality.

    This con was good for hangouts, but getting sick, people starting drama, and the feeling that I'm losing friends made me regret going. I had fun on Friday and Saturday nights only. That is it. I honestly can't think of any new and interesting ways to have fun at cons, and it bugs me.

    I never did think I'd start feeling bad about going to cons, but after PMX 2011, it all went downhill. :/
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)04:58 No.5359905

    I doubt the Hotel would allow a food truck on the premises (cut into their profit margins).
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 01/13/12(Fri)05:00 No.5359915
    Already apologized bro. You're late.

    I actually talked with the 3 top honchos tonight actually and unfortunately a food truck may not be doable but they're gonna ask and see. But having a set up for people to make their own is "Doable" but the finer print will need to be written and such. But thought process is being poured in from multiple heads from the con. We're gonna try and find a good solution so we don't have anyone waiting for tacos again.

    Either way, I appreciate all the comments and suggestions people are making, and we're gonna try and make this work next year, and if not then we won't do it. simple as that and we'll keep it between friends and such.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 01/13/12(Fri)05:03 No.5359926
    There has been a food truck at several cons. Even in the con schedule book, so... No, you don't know.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)05:07 No.5359941
    Back to the tripfag rapist.....

    So, Maguma is unlikely therapist. What other tripfags could be rapers?
    >> Anony !Mau55LLxj. 01/13/12(Fri)05:10 No.5359950
    It was obviously Col. Mustard, in the lobby, with the anal rape.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)12:09 No.5360765
    what drama? please tell
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)12:58 No.5360873
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)17:44 No.5361898

    The tacos Maguma had gave me the shits. I'm filing a complaint with the Health Department.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)17:47 No.5361908
    Bullshit. No one was raped there, she said she wanted it.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)18:30 No.5362086
    no they didn't
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)18:33 No.5362097

    As long as they're not technically on property they're allowed. If they're on property then hotels tend to get pissy.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)00:36 No.5363324

    You obviously have never worked in a Hotel, let alone the service industry.

    Simply put, a Hotel has a food department, which usually encompasses all on-site restaurants, room service, and maybe occasional outside vendors (like a convenience store type of deal). This makes the hotel money, and any outside interferences (like the food trucks, or even possibly Maguma's Taco Brunch) is a threat to this.

    So yeah, possibly expect Maguma's Tacos to be 86'd from ALA next year or be a possible stumbling block with ALA in trying to secure hotel space.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 01/14/12(Sat)00:52 No.5363371
         File1326520347.jpg-(34 KB, 720x535, 383151_2765826273958_150694870(...).jpg)
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    We'll be fine. The input thus far has been helpful and even the higher ups in ALA are aware that you've all actually made some good suggestions. We'll be looking into the different methods and pick one that works the best. See you all next year~

    Food normally makes everyone poop at some point. Calm down.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:30 No.5363824
    >>5363371 We'll be fine.

    No you won't. I'll be laughing if ALA is forced to move because of your blatant stupidity with the tacos.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 01/14/12(Sat)04:33 No.5363829
    you're dumb.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:45 No.5363851

    Says the tripfag......
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 01/14/12(Sat)04:49 No.5363857
    You're insightful.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 01/14/12(Sat)04:51 No.5363864

    Trolling. I refuse to believe someone is that dumb lol
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:52 No.5363865
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    >> Captain Marvelous !!IB1pZcmTQv/ 01/14/12(Sat)11:10 No.5364362
         File1326557439.gif-(1 MB, 300x188, cmon son.gif)
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    >most unfunny tryhard troll
    >tries to start a troll ALA thread
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 01/14/12(Sat)12:42 No.5364709
    Because the food department really wants to deal with a ton of rabid anime fans at 2:30 in the morning wanting hundreds of tacos.

    I'd like to see you now argue the con suite which ALA has, which provides free food and drink to members with badges on site within a hotel room suite. If anything, that is the direct threat to the hotels "food department".

    If anything, organizing a food truck would be good cross promotion. Food trucks are asked to come to scheduled events, and most will do it for free, simply because they know the crowds will be there, and that's where they go. They advertise their locations in advance, so it's almost like free advertising for ALA. All that the con would have to pay is if they were truly giving away free tacos, and usually the food trucks can be rented by the hour.

    Not even going to sage, because I'd like to hear this one.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 01/14/12(Sat)14:34 No.5365093
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    Alright. Hope it's a good one~
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)05:36 No.5368015
    Btw did anyone catch the idiot which Im gonna assume was a guy since no female in their right minds would do a prank involving spiders mind you, who had the right to do something as fucked up as get a bunch of fucking spiders and well you know prank everyone...
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)05:44 No.5368023
    It was Masa D Luffy. Nah Im just fucking with you bro, not even after a few drinks would you even dare to do some stupid shit like that.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)06:25 No.5368069
    Please stop necro bumping this shit. Trying to force this shit is annoying.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)07:06 No.5368155

    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)07:08 No.5368156
    >>5363864 I refuse to believe someone is that dumb lol

    ....says the tripfag naming himself partially after a fictitious character......
    >> Anony !Mau55LLxj. 01/15/12(Sun)14:55 No.5369537
    Forcing something that really happened isn't forcing.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/12(Sun)15:22 No.5369647
    reddickies & matt ofcourse

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