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  • File : 1326343914.png-(31 KB, 645x320, bgfnh.png)
    31 KB Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:51 No.5354250  
    so yeah
    best gift ever guys
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:52 No.5354253
    >no I will not stop posting on the internet
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:53 No.5354255
    Who is this person? They sound autistic as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:53 No.5354256
    >i will not get off the interent

    Which is it?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:54 No.5354261
    What of all the suicide threats on the internet are the ghosts of people who already did? How would we even know the difference?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:54 No.5354262
    I will keep trying my best guys. I wanna see this idiot die lol.
    >> stalin !!VfAZw1/YsaW 01/11/12(Wed)23:54 No.5354266
    If you can do it again, it wasn't suicide.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:55 No.5354268
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    you must be new
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:55 No.5354269
    >if you keep harassing me i will do it again

    She's going to kill herself more than once?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:55 No.5354274
    what the fuck

    what the actual fuck

    if her pedo-guardian comes on here trying to start shit again i'm going to bring this up

    fuck this kid, man. i really don't give a fuck if she offs herself or not

    in b4 /cgl/ whiteknights
    >> SamKiss !vpj4eJEw2s 01/11/12(Wed)23:55 No.5354275
    Some stupid bitch who is a giant fucking attention whore.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:56 No.5354276
    No... just don't usually focus on dramu
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:58 No.5354289
    She deserves to die!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:59 No.5354298
    you have issues
    >> SamKiss !vpj4eJEw2s 01/12/12(Thu)00:00 No.5354303
    Just aspies from /a/ that are still lingering from the Christmas break.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:01 No.5354304

    It's not that she deserves to die, it's that I don't give a fuck if she does or not.

    Her parents suck, she has a legal guardian who is some random dude she met off the internet. She frequently acts out for attention.

    She's only a few months away from being 18. If she can't stop acting like a cranky two year old, then she get gtfo the planet for all I care. A waste of resources, space, and air.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:01 No.5354305
    What did she do?
    >> SamKiss !vpj4eJEw2s 01/12/12(Thu)00:02 No.5354316
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:03 No.5354319
    This is like the time I broke up with this dude and he threatened to kill himself and told me it would be my fault.

    I think I told him to fuck that guilt trip bullshit because he'd never have the balls to go through with it.

    And of course, much like this chick, he didn't.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:03 No.5354324
    How is she relevant to /cgl/?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:04 No.5354327
    look another new person!
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:05 No.5354329
    She put a pen in her butt, nyan!!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:05 No.5354334

    Wow, this is unintentionally the best thing I've read tonight bahahaha.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:05 No.5354335
    Kill yourself oniichan ^_^
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:06 No.5354337
    Damn calm down, I just want to know the story... Why is /cgl/ so cranky today?
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 01/12/12(Thu)00:08 No.5354349
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    Sorry about that. But here's her ED page, it pretty much covers everything you'd want to know.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:11 No.5354363
    For those new to this drama:
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:11 No.5354364
    You're just touchy as fuck.
    All they said was they you're new. Pointing out the obvious.

    Why do they need to "calm down", they're not "cranky".

    Chill pill, anon.
    You're new, they simply pointed it out.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:13 No.5354371
    I think we should up the negative comments and messages so she will kill herself and leave the internet forever.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:15 No.5354375
    Is this a boy or girl? Or a trap? I am confused.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:15 No.5354378
    But I'm not new, I just haven't really read the drama threads but OP's cap intrigued me. Sorry if I upset you...
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:16 No.5354381
    Damn, you people are cruel.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:16 No.5354384
    guys she made an audio post
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:20 No.5354398
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    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:20 No.5354402
    She sounds like one of my really slow cousins...
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:20 No.5354403
    She talks exactly as she types.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:20 No.5354405
    I'm one of the people she has talked to on the is her, and one of the things she has told me...which I am thinking of messaging Andrew about, is that she knows how to unblock the sites he has parental controls on for her.

    She kind of is a sneaky bitch.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:22 No.5354411
    Oh this is great. We got an insider. We can do something with this. If you can stir up some drama between them like you have started to, she might get depressed and generate more lulz. Keep going anon!
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:22 No.5354412
    Seriously, I think someone needs to step in and get her some help. She obviously has problems and they need to be addressed by medical professionals. She has received medication in the past and she has refused to take it. That should be grounds for being committed to a medical facility. I used to be bothered by her comments because they were racist, sexist, and just generally ignorant, but now I can only pity her. Seriously, all you internet detectives, work your magic and get this girl some help.

    Not trying to be a whiteknight, but this isn't entertaining; it's sad.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:23 No.5354413
    LOLOLOLOLOLOL She sounds fucking 12... she's really almost 18??
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:23 No.5354414
    She's in the hospital, if what she says in that audio file is true.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:25 No.5354419
    I think she said 'when I was in the hospital."
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:27 No.5354422
    Really? Still, it means that the medical authorities are aware of her.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:28 No.5354428
    Do it. He really, REALLY needs to kick her ass to the curb.

    I wonder if this is going to be a pseudocide. After all, it's the suicide you can do over and over again for all the attention you want without the icky side effect of having to kill yourself!
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:28 No.5354430
    I think any mention of this girl on here should be an auto-ban.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:29 No.5354434
    I know, what a fucking attention whore. We need to keep pushing her so that stupid bitch dies.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:30 No.5354435
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    aww have a heart anon
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:31 No.5354445
    >and before any of you bitches say it's andrew typing this... it's me
    >voice recording
    What a retard.

    Who's Andrew anyway?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:32 No.5354448
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    >mfw this thread again.

    Why do you all keep giving her the attention she craves?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:33 No.5354450
    >It's all your people's fault
    >makes no effort to avoid, dissuade or limit the harassment

    If she laid low for a while and changed her screen names she could save herself a lot of grief. I haven't been following this or participating but I never could understand why people like this never really take any measures like that to stop it. I mean if it's driving you to the point of suicide, then it would be better to try out less dramatic solutions first before going for something so permanent.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:37 No.5354468
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    she has changed her name but people find her anyway. It's more the attitude that draws them in more than anything.

    Besides, she's "to complex and intelligent for you to understand"
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:39 No.5354475
    Andrew's the guy she met on the internet, and she lives with him now. She was pissed off at him before Christmas because he didn't take her to a con or take her out for weebish stuff because he's a poor student and can't afford to pay for her as well, she contributes nothing to the household.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:40 No.5354478
    Yeah, she's had about 10 names already. I don't blame her for just giving up with name jumping.

    Also, saging/reporting the shit out of this thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:40 No.5354480
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    she sounds like she's high off her ass while recording this
    >dat bg music

    >Konichiwa Minasan! My name is Neko Lin-Chan ♥ This is my Tumblr where I hope to have a lot of kawaii things X3!

    >I decide to make a tumblr cuz I want everyone to know the REAL me and there is some FAKE stuff going around about me and my name right now T^T It's not ture, K?

    >I love nekos and Japan ♥ and I take pride in the fact that I do <3 One day I'm gonna move to Tokyo and be a mangaka ^.^
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:41 No.5354486
    She lives with some random guy from the internet? And she's under 18? How does that even happen?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:42 No.5354489
    So she is the next pt? She is too pretty to be the next pt though
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:42 No.5354490
    She should honestly be barred from the internet. She has obviously never been taught how to respond or deal with her problems. The fact that she believes attempting to off herself as punishment to her tormentors as an acceptable way to deal with online jackassery and exists as a solution to her problems is just insane. She doesn't need some young guy who isn't trained in dealing with that type of immature, reactionary mindset. She doesn't need her actions to be validated by her and him imagining that her self-harm or suicide is the inescapable outcome of confronting internet jackassery and "bullying" by always being aggressively reactionary. She needs someone who isn't necessarily personally involved, not some guy who will tell her "no" and who straddles the awkward line of "rightly concerned" and "abusively controlling." Fffffffff.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:42 No.5354491
    Call me an uninformed douchebag or whatever, but I think this is a combination of legitimate mental illness and being a spoiled teenager. She wants everything to go her way and believes she shouldn't have to lift a finger for those things to happen. She likes anal penetration? Have to get a sex change, doesn't feel like going trough years of medication and therapy first. (Also, she still gets to wear dresses and have huge tits.) She wants to not be bothered on the internet? People need to stop being mean, and she shouldn't have to curb her language or apologize or even just not try to incite people that want to call her out on her bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:47 No.5354507
    She's 18 now, and I think her mother just gave up on her.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:48 No.5354510
    I do not approve of suicide. I don't particularly like this girl, but I think you people should not actively try to push her to it. It's horrible and hurts more than just her, but also the people around her, her friends and family.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:49 No.5354514
    Get a load of this bitch.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:49 No.5354517
    oh my god this girl is the epitome of attention whore. I felt bad for her and thought gee maybe /cgl/ and tumblr was too hard when I heard about her 'suicide' attempt but holy fuck this bitch is just fishing for attention
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:49 No.5354520
    Not trying to invalidate your comment, but she ran away from home and/or was disowned by her mother and she's stated she has no need for friends. Essentially, Andrew is the only person she has. It's kind of sad, and it's even worse because of his apparent sexual interest in her.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:50 No.5354528
    The thing is, I don't really think the suicide stuff is terribly serious. I mean yeah she made attempts but I think it's more "Cry for help/attention" than "I don't want to be in this world any more"

    Yeah suicide is a terrible thing and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but I think this girl is kinda using it to try to entice pity/dissuade kinder hearted trolls (lol yeah I know) and gain attention.

    I don't think she'll actually do it.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:52 No.5354536
    She is actually just crying for attention. She is in some pain but, she is looking for more attention in her personal life. She has most likely had some hard times and of course the internet is not the right place for someone who is depressed. If she really wanted to kill herself she would have, everyone knows how. Wrist slitting is a cry for attention.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:56 No.5354564
    We need to report this thread due to this crap. GTC does not relate to cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)00:58 No.5354575
    >sounds like a valley girl
    I smell a red herring.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:00 No.5354585
    >Neo Classic Lyn
    >not cosplayer
    >actually cosplays
    More likely then you thought.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:01 No.5354586
    Pics? Or DA
    >> tea-raindrops 01/12/12(Thu)01:04 No.5354601
    I'm going to get flamed, I don't care.
    Take a chill pill and calm down. You are telling a girl who is probably depressed or bi-polar to go kill herself. What world do you live in where that is okay?
    Yeah she's said some really retarded things. She's a teenager.
    Yeah she's done some weaboo things.
    She's acting out because she lived in bumfuck nowhere and it will now take her a little bit to get over it.
    But you are not helping with this and telling her to go kill herself, holy crap, take a fucking ethics class.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:08 No.5354616
    She doesn't take pictures and she has many DeviantArt accounts. She talks about her cosplays on her livejournals.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:09 No.5354626

    I hate the stuff she has said, but the *one* thing I agree with Lin on is her opinion on internet bullying/trolls (as high as she may have been while trying to talk about it).

    I think the net has a SERIOUS problem with trolling and the "lol we can do what we want, you just need thicker skin" thing they say.

    Yes, I know that is an unpopular opinion, but think of how nicer the net would be if you didn't have to worry about being harassed...and how it would be cool to be nice to people instead of asses to them.

    Things could be different...
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:10 No.5354631
    No, she doesn't cosplay. She only wears cat ears.

    That's not cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:11 No.5354633

    Needs more pot.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:11 No.5354639
    >She's acting out because she lived in bumfuck nowhere
    You can't blame someone's attitude on where they live dumbass and she's 18...
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:13 No.5354655
    The hell....

    Yes you can! What about the age-old example of the guy that kept his son locked up in his basement for years. The only world the son knew was the basement. When they found him as a teenager, he had no idea how to act in the real world.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:14 No.5354659
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    You're not alone anon.
    >> tea-raindrops 01/12/12(Thu)01:15 No.5354662
    I feel like you can since in my early teens I lived in a bumfuck no where town where since I was different I was treated poorly. This caused me to dress "goth" and emerse myself in weaboo stuff. Am I over it now, for the most part. Was I generalizing? Yes, but I was also going off of personal experience that I have seen happen many a time as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:16 No.5354672

    That doesn't work in the internet age. The girl knows anime, the girl thinks this a kawaii yaoi bishie.

    She should know if she looked at the homepage of any email site that acting like a fuck is not okay.

    Some of my best friends growing up lived in tiny ass midwestern towns. None of them behaved like this. It's no excuse.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:16 No.5354673
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    >son locked in basement
    >special snowflake girl in suburban area
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:17 No.5354677
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    >> tea-raindrops 01/12/12(Thu)01:18 No.5354680
    so there is no excuse for those in the thread to be telling her to kill herself then. If she were to kill herself, should they be charged then for her death as has happened in court cases before?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:18 No.5354685
    Oh god, this stupid kid. Any attention is good attention.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:19 No.5354686
    Audio file where? I've scoured her tumblr ad can't find it.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:20 No.5354691
    No, they would get a Nobel Peace Prize.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:20 No.5354692
    >> tea-raindrops 01/12/12(Thu)01:20 No.5354693
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    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:21 No.5354698
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:21 No.5354699
    Some people will be better off dead. It's just a fact of life. Deal with it and fuck off newfag.
    >> tea-raindrops 01/12/12(Thu)01:21 No.5354702
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    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:21 No.5354704
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    I, I love you like a love song baby.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:23 No.5354708

    The people in the thread aren't harassing her directly.

    And besides, who cares? If she wants to kill herself, let her.

    OR SHE CAN STAY OFF THE INTERNET. She sneaks around to go on the internet on purpose, knowing she'll get harrassed and bullied. She "changed her name" (although I've seen no evidence of that), but still openly identifies herself, asking for harassment she know will come.

    If she stayed off the internet for six months and then came back, no one would remember her or care. The internet is not a necessity in life, especially not for her since she obviously doesn't need it for work or school. No one has a "right" to the internet, so she can shut the fuck up about that as well.

    Fuck her, and the horse she rode in on.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:23 No.5354713
    >decided to give myself suicide
    >if you keep harrassing me then i'll do it again

    oh wow
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:24 No.5354716
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    You might want to get off yours first before you help her down.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:24 No.5354717
    She needs to do a Pixyteri and remove herself from the internet.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:26 No.5354723
    Okay...I bet you are the type to believe every little detail on ED except for the ones you don't want to?

    How come people will believe ED like it is gold, but not the actual facts that are on there?

    Also, changing your name DOES NOT work. This is me speaking from experience. I've been harassed by the same group of people for 4 years now.

    I have tried to change my name, but these people are so obsessed with me, that they recognize my writing/drawing style in an instant.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:26 No.5354725

    I ignore them because they're obviously left over scum from the raids. Trolls if you will, real ones who don't even know who GTC is and are only saying so based on this thread alone.

    Point is 75% of the hate she ends up getting are because she was a tremendous jackass online. Being from the "middle of nowhere" doesn't excuse that.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:26 No.5354726
    Remove herself from existence. Seriously I would find it hilarious to see her hanging from her ceiling with blood dripping on her shitty drawings.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:28 No.5354734

    >drawing style

    Were you featured on deviantartsnark or smartsnark?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:29 No.5354739
    >metaphors what is

    I didn't say "get off her high horse," illiteratefag. I said fuck her and the one she rode in on. They mean two different things.

    Newfags. Why don't you come back after you learn to read?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:29 No.5354741
    Speak for yourself. I have been here for over a year. And even I want to see this attention whore drowning in her own blood. At least get her off the internet. We did it to PT, we can get her next.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:29 No.5354743
    That you Snogger?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:32 No.5354753
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    >myfaceif this is true

    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:33 No.5354756

    What the fuck does ED have to do with anything? I've been following this drama on /cgl/ and DA for a while, believing ED or not has nothing to do with it.

    And changing your name DOES work, as long as you don't openly identify yourself or act in the same jackass manner as you did before.

    If they recognize your writing/drawing style, it's probably extremely shitty, something I believe just based on you stupidly formatted comments.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:33 No.5354758
    Probably somebody in a stinky little fandom where only a dozen or so people actively post.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:34 No.5354761
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    But you are on a high horse.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:36 No.5354768

    You underestimate the amount of expendable energy and time autistic people of /cgl/ have.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:36 No.5354771

    If by being on a high horse you mean that I think I'm better than some ignorant attention whore weeaboo, then yep. I'm on a motherfucking Clydesdale.
    >> sage Tizzy☆ !rohmYgaHWc 01/12/12(Thu)01:37 No.5354772
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    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:38 No.5354775
    It's like a stupid bitch that keeps going back to the guy who broke her face. Dear lord I was unaware someone could be THIS damn retarded.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:38 No.5354777

    Nah. Look at Miyu/Spoony/MJ etc. It used to be on /cgl/, we would post their pictures and mock them for being disgusting whores who had no likable qualaties. They laid low for a while, came back acting less shitty, and now /cgl/ whiteknights the crap out of them every chance they get. Heck, a couple of seagulls even tried to get PT's ED page taken down. They can change their mind as long as the target in question stops acting so fucking terrible.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:40 No.5354781
    So is there any way to get an ED article taken down?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:42 No.5354787

    Nope. The more people that try to take down an article, the harder the EDitors will keep it up.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:42 No.5354788
    She reminds me of an ex I had. They were getting harassed almost constantly and then they would come to me, crying and complaining about it, telling me all the mean things people were saying.

    Then when I would tell them to take the right steps to keep people from harassing them, they just ignored it and let it keep happening, solely for the attention.

    Also this ex of mine threatened to kill themselves because I broke up with them and didn't go through with it.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:54 No.5354828
    xo basically i hate everyone in this thread
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:58 No.5354842
    hey Lin, glad you could make it
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)01:59 No.5354844
    Get off the internet, Lin. It's for your own good.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)02:00 No.5354850
    Maybe you need to kill yourself...
    >> sage sage 01/12/12(Thu)03:08 No.5355085
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    guise sage and report, this belongs on a different board. Maybe r9gay/soc
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)03:47 No.5355208
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)03:50 No.5355216
    This is sad .. it seems like shes pandering to us for attention now. We've all but forgotten about her then she pulls this suicide shit? She's more desperate than I thought.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)03:59 No.5355242
    I want to see her wrists.
    And using a suicide threat to punish us?
    Yeah...that surely will teach us a lesson. Like: Lin's more stupid than I thought.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)04:08 No.5355264
    Indeed. She's the dumbest person on the internet trying to use suicide as a weapon. Not going to work considering the people that are bullying her don't give a shit about her well-being.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)04:11 No.5355273
    And here I thought she had finally learned her lesson to stay away from the internet. I give up.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)04:15 No.5355282
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    Y'know, as someone who works in metal health, its actually desperatly sad seeing someone in this state if its true.

    However, most people I've seen who hit rock bottom don't post internet moans about killing themselves. They go and hang themselves in woods or jump off bridges, suicides a lonely thing.

    I'd still recommend control orders under the mental health act though. You guys have something similar in the US?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)04:19 No.5355290
    Just finished listening to the audio bit.

    I 100% give up. She's doing this on purpose. Internet bullying my ass. She loves the attention so damned much. I've given her advice time and time again on how to avoid this crap but of course, she doesn't listen. I'm frightened over the fact that she's either 18 or about to be 18. Even if she has mental illnesses, this sort of mindset of hers is just really fucked up.

    I know folks with various levels of Autism or Aspergers who behave better than this, even in the face of 'internet bullying'.

    Excuse me while I proceed to smash my head repeatedly into the nearest wall to remove the memory of that audio bit.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)04:27 No.5355301
    I'm not too sure how I feel about this.
    On one hand, it's bad to torment someone like this.
    On the other, she COULD'VE stepped away from the.
    >> America !!opS+wTBZfhQ 01/12/12(Thu)05:40 No.5355444
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    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)05:45 No.5355454
    >staples in the arm
    Is she trying to commit Sudoku with a stapler?
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 01/12/12(Thu)05:54 No.5355478
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    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)06:19 No.5355501
    Wow. Just read her ED page; this girl is terrifying.

    I think the best thing is how she denies all of the racism and xenophobia. America is one of the more tolerant nations in the world. I live in Japan and my fiance is Japanese, and until he started dating me, he had no idea what foreigners dealt with here on a daily basis. She'd be deported before she knew what hit her in the ass.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)06:21 No.5355503
    Japan is an ethnostate though. You are a race mixing whore, so you have no right to talk.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)06:24 No.5355507
    If only scandinavia was like that

    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)06:27 No.5355511

    Wow. Check your ignorance. Considering my Master's is in Japanese history and it's pointless to get into a fight on 4chan, of all places, that's all I'll say on the matter.

    And are you American? If so, you're not really one to talk, either.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)06:28 No.5355515
    Are you retarded? America has every fucking ethnicity this goes for Europe as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)06:31 No.5355520

    I'm going to assume you meant to link to the post directly above yours. No surprise that you can't even do that properly. Either way, the point went so far over your head that you can't even see it, apparently.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)06:31 No.5355521
    >Weeaboo with no identity of her own detected
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)06:32 No.5355523
    It was. Then the leftists opened Scandinavia's borders
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)06:33 No.5355525

    Oh, I have my own cultural identity. Considering that I'm the children of expats, though, I doubt studying the history of the country I was born in constitutes as weeaboo.

    Sage for pointless ignorance. On your part, naturally.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)06:34 No.5355527
    You're not Japanese. Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)06:35 No.5355528
    And you're not intelligent...
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)06:35 No.5355529

    And there's nothing in the world that I'm more grateful for. :)

    Again, sage for your pointless ignorance.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)06:36 No.5355530
    Why do you study Japanese History then?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)06:38 No.5355532

    When I was in high school and in my first few years of uni, my focus was Indian culture and history, actually. But when I continued on into my later years of uni and grad school, there was money for people studying Japanese history, so there I went.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)06:38 No.5355533
    >Insults Japanese
    >Children will be Japanese

    Cool story.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)06:40 No.5355534

    We'll be adopting, actually. And definitely not raising them here.

    Can we get back to the thread at hand?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)06:40 No.5355535
    Why do Americans study American History dumbass?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)06:51 No.5355547
    I feel genuinely bad for her. She needs to be taken away from the internet; she's in a position that is unsafe, and Andrew is only harming her by letting her stay with him and continue to be involved in this situation. There's something seriously wrong with this girl, and the environment she's in isn't a safe one. She needs to be committed to a home, more than likely one near her mother or a figure that will take responsibility and make sure she takes her medicines, because this is proof enough that she's not mentally well enough to live with Andrew.

    Honestly, she's probably going to try again when things get bad. Andrew hasn't demonstrated the capacity to care for her well enough and keep her safe, so she needs to be taken back into her mother's custody, because she isn't mentally stable enough to be termed an adult. This is a legal battle her mother would more than likely win, and I'm worried for Lin's own well-being at this stage.
    >> HexenHarlot !!8tx+uWn/Ew2 01/12/12(Thu)07:09 No.5355566
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    >I'm going to kill myself
    >And if you keep harassing me I'm going to do it again!
    ...surely you can only do that the one time, really?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)07:14 No.5355570
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    >threatening to kill herself to get back at the people bullying her
    >not realizing that's exactly what they want
    >> just because you have a mental disorder doesnt mean you have to act like a fucking idiot. Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)07:44 No.5355591

    So, this thread is full of stupidity. I have lived in a mental hospital before and have been diagnosed with bp2 and blah blah blah boo hoo shit. but I don't go prancing around begging for attention like this girl seems does. Just because you have a mental disorder doesnt mean you have to be a complete idiot about how you act, think, and just simply be.

    Believe it or not but there there are some people who DO NOT belong on the internet.

    Seriously, if everyone just IGNORED this girl who obviously has issues because she is seeking such attention, she might finally decide to get help when she sees shes no longer important on the internet and grow the fuck up.
    I know the dramu is delish but idk. when people start tossing in suicide(troll or not) I just ignore because you never know if they might actually get the balls to off themselves.(even though almost no one does, even if they say they do.)
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)07:52 No.5355598
    We had... we hadn't even mentioned her for the longest time and then all of a sudden... this. She did it because we WEREN'T giving her attention anymore.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)08:25 No.5355634
    Out of curiousity:
    In the country I live in, if someone attemps suicide he/she stays in hospital for ~3 month, including therapy and is 24/7 watched over. How is it in the US?
    I can't understand how she can be home ALONE again.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)09:00 No.5355699
    Depends on the severity, from what I understand.

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