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  • File : 1326327267.png-(66 KB, 605x148, AN.png)
    66 KB Anime North Thread #2 Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:14 No.5352447  
    Recap of last thread:
    >some /a/non needs a place to stay at the convention
    >when is the cgl meetup?
    >Tripfags are wearing boardtan costumes to the 4chan panel
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 01/11/12(Wed)19:16 No.5352458
    I'm doing /lit/-tan now, and leaving /x/-tan to dill. She'll do it way better than I could ever hope to anyways lol.
    >> dill !PicKleqHjM 01/11/12(Wed)19:32 No.5352554
         File1326328329.png-(2 KB, 188x128, 1309448281270.png)
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    oh no I feel like a butthead now for making you change
    and now you've put so much pressure on me to do well

    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:32 No.5352558
    you better do a good x-tan
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 01/11/12(Wed)19:36 No.5352580
         File1326328570.jpg-(18 KB, 320x182, wink.jpg)
    18 KB
    I'm sorry, nooo don't feel like a butthead. If I really didn't want to switch, I wouldn't have

    This will be better, because we'll have a wider range of boards in our group now.

    And sorry for the pressure, but I believe in you lol
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 01/11/12(Wed)19:38 No.5352595
    you'll do fine Dill <3
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)20:02 No.5352702
         File1326330178.jpg-(95 KB, 720x480, Avatar.jpg)
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    Okay, anyone wanna post AN pics from last year? I figure I'm already excited so I may as well dump what I have
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)20:03 No.5352708
         File1326330212.jpg-(136 KB, 540x720, Bioshock.jpg)
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    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)20:04 No.5352712
         File1326330288.jpg-(82 KB, 480x720, Dark Magician.jpg)
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    flood detection my ass
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)20:06 No.5352720
         File1326330377.jpg-(73 KB, 720x480, Deadpool.jpg)
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    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)20:06 No.5352724
         File1326330417.jpg-(77 KB, 540x720, Excalibur.jpg)
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    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)20:07 No.5352725
         File1326330457.jpg-(54 KB, 540x720, Meowth Balloon.jpg)
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    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)20:08 No.5352730
         File1326330519.jpg-(88 KB, 480x720, Robot Unicorn Attack.jpg)
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    Just realized my FE pics are in my AN folder. I have a lot less than I thought I did!
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)20:09 No.5352735
         File1326330562.jpg-(59 KB, 405x720, Barney (1).jpg)
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    >Self post warning
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)20:09 No.5352740
         File1326330596.jpg-(98 KB, 720x540, Sasuke and Zabuza.jpg)
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    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)20:10 No.5352743
         File1326330632.jpg-(124 KB, 540x720, Spyro.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:10 No.5352745
         File1326330643.jpg-(1.58 MB, 2592x1728, 1306864425585.jpg)
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    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)20:11 No.5352746
         File1326330671.jpg-(85 KB, 540x720, Tanaka.jpg)
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    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)20:11 No.5352751
         File1326330705.jpg-(65 KB, 720x480, Wanted Poster.jpg)
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    I kinda fell in love with this costume
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)20:12 No.5352754
         File1326330736.jpg-(38 KB, 720x540, Weeping Angel.jpg)
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    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)20:12 No.5352755
         File1326330770.jpg-(59 KB, 480x720, Zoidberg.jpg)
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    Last one
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 01/11/12(Wed)20:17 No.5352775
    I'd post my old AN pics but theyre not on this computer ;_;

    I cant believe AN is so close, aaah. It feels like its so far away, but its only like 4 months!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:20 No.5352788
         File1326331242.jpg-(1.14 MB, 3888x2592, 1306974888323.jpg)
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    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 01/11/12(Wed)20:24 No.5352805
    ... Any one willing to spare some floor space? I'll bring my own air mattress and everything....
    >> joker !!7cHVD9UevfL 01/11/12(Wed)20:25 No.5352807
         File1326331519.jpg-(317 KB, 720x960, IMG_1309.jpg)
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    I'll post a few.
    >> joker !!7cHVD9UevfL 01/11/12(Wed)20:27 No.5352816
         File1326331632.jpg-(316 KB, 720x960, IMG_1138.jpg)
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    >> joker !!7cHVD9UevfL 01/11/12(Wed)20:29 No.5352829
         File1326331781.jpg-(253 KB, 720x960, IMG_1133.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:32 No.5352851
    thought you weren't coming
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 01/11/12(Wed)20:33 No.5352856
    Looking at AN pictures from previous years is always disappointing for me.
    Because the same thing happens every year; I get into new fandoms throughout the year, and then when I see awesome cosplays from said fandoms, I'm like "shit, I wish I could have seen that and appreciated it in person."

    Case and point, this Zabuza.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:33 No.5352865
         File1326332027.jpg-(173 KB, 595x842, 2e132f9de391046366ca210e488b79(...).jpg)
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    >>mfw I'd like to go to AN but I'd have to buy a passport
    >> joker !!7cHVD9UevfL 01/11/12(Wed)20:34 No.5352868
         File1326332051.jpg-(264 KB, 720x960, IMG_1252.jpg)
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    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)20:35 No.5352877
    Aww man, but just think, now that the fandom has decreased and the crazies have moved on to hetalia and homestuck, the Naruto cosplays this year will be even better!
    >> joker !!7cHVD9UevfL 01/11/12(Wed)20:36 No.5352885
         File1326332174.jpg-(294 KB, 720x960, IMG_1140.jpg)
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    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 01/11/12(Wed)20:36 No.5352887
    Oh man I know exactly what you mean! It feels like I've got a lot of time but in reality really don't!

    I'm so excited to see everyone!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:37 No.5352902
    buy a passport
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 01/11/12(Wed)20:38 No.5352906
    this is true, and I'm very excited. Lol
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:38 No.5352907
    /a/ here

    I go to cons to buy anime and figures. All the dosh I save from not dressing up like an idiot is going towards the industry. Why do you hate the industry /cgl/?
    >> joker !!7cHVD9UevfL 01/11/12(Wed)20:41 No.5352924
         File1326332512.jpg-(317 KB, 720x960, IMG_1241.jpg)
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    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)20:42 No.5352929
         File1326332538.jpg-(3 KB, 127x98, 1302838838825s.jpg)
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    'Cause cosplaying brings more fun than an action figure.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:42 No.5352930
    Fun is a buzzword.
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 01/11/12(Wed)20:43 No.5352936
    does anyone else look at pictures and try to scout themselves out in the background?

    polite sage because this post is irrelevent.
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 01/11/12(Wed)20:43 No.5352939
         File1326332636.png-(274 KB, 400x327, Vegeta-Middle-Finger-psd4731.png)
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    because getting attention and being social is better then being alone in your room with a figure

    ...was literally just about to post saying that pfft
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:44 No.5352942
    We're providing free advertising, therefore lowering expenses for the industry.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:45 No.5352945
         File1326332710.jpg-(26 KB, 512x384, 1209799938645.jpg)
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    >>5352939 getting attention
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:45 No.5352949
    >Attention Whoring

    >This is what /cgl/ ham beasts actually believe
    You think wearing your costume at an ANIME convention is going to do anything? You must be deluded.
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 01/11/12(Wed)20:46 No.5352957
         File1326332818.png-(27 KB, 497x345, Screen Shot 2012-01-05 at 12.2(...).png)
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    it's true. knowing people enjoy your hard work and getting your picture taken because you did such a good job is a great feeling

    too bad people dont take your picture for spending a lot of money on a figure..
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:47 No.5352961

    Nigga, I make costumes because I like to make costumes, and because wearing them is fun. Not because I want to attention whore and get my photo taken.
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)20:48 No.5352967
         File1326332924.jpg-(81 KB, 468x720, Barney Voldie.jpg)
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    Ehhhhh sometimes. Though I have this awesome friend who tags EVERYONE so even if I'm in the background I'd know!

    >Just saying, my favourite picture of my Barney ever was cropped out of the background of another picture

    Are you trying to imply that cosplay isn't even a little bit about attention? Or spotlight? Because it kinda is, your craftsmanship is on display and therefore, attention. Though I do it more for the fun aspect, attention is a big portion of it as well.

    I think someone is butthurt that they're too embarrassed to cosplay
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:49 No.5352976
    doesn't it get hot in that thing?
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 01/11/12(Wed)20:49 No.5352977
         File1326332986.png-(221 KB, 500x282, tumblr_lte1cxhCrn1qlfqowo1_500.png)
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    So you're telling me when someone stops you and says "wow, your costume looks great, can I get a picture of you?" you dont feel really good about about it? i find that hard to believe
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:50 No.5352986
    I just don't want to be grouped in with people like you.
    Anyways as I said above I only go to cons to buy anime and figures because that's the only reason I can give back to the industry.

    Dressing up like an ass-hat and parading around like a special snowflake just makes you an assburglar
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)20:52 No.5352991
         File1326333158.jpg-(67 KB, 405x720, Barney (2).jpg)
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    In the middle of May? Of course. Hell, it's even hot when I wear it in February. The mask I was wearing got all gross after a while.

    Then why are you on /cgl/? And by the way, that makes you a minority most at anime conventions. And I highly doubt you buy the figures to give back to the industry, I think you buy the figures because you like them.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:52 No.5352992
    There's a difference between feeling good and making a costume just for that purpose.

    People who make and wear cosplay costumes to cons in the hopes of getting complimented are not only attention whores, but pathetic people to feel sorry for since they lack people in their day to day life to make them feel special and need to seek it from strangers.
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 01/11/12(Wed)20:52 No.5352993
         File1326333163.jpg-(78 KB, 525x551, 1325686601860.jpg)
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    the butthurt is strong with this one
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 01/11/12(Wed)20:53 No.5352995
    >being social and making friends makes you an assburglar

    ..then what does being antisocial alone with your kawaii figures make you? that must suck ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:55 No.5353012
    is this an outdoor con?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:56 No.5353019
    Someone on /a/ said it had gotten pretty bad here and they were right

    Just because you say something it doesn't make it true. Also your a tripfag so you have that on top of it.

    I have friends who have the same interests as myself.
    Just because I don't dress up in a Halloween costume doesn't mean I'm anti-social.

    Also I buy Gundam kits and don't watch moeshit so I don't buy "cute" figures.
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 01/11/12(Wed)20:58 No.5353026
         File1326333480.jpg-(22 KB, 455x640, f03f4655-8840-4929-a0a3-7d1885(...).jpg)
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    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)20:58 No.5353029
    Yes indeedie. The dealers room and the panels are indoors though.

    You have your hobbies and we have ours. Clearly you mustn't understand society if you can't grasp the concept of difference of opinion.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:59 No.5353031
    >Yes indeedie.

    that sucks :<
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)21:00 No.5353045
    You make people who like anime look bad, that's why I have to hide my power level.

    When a normalfag hears the word anime they don't think of the actual shows they think of the community of autistic land whales who dress up like Meguka and Naruto and prance around making fools of themselves.
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)21:02 No.5353049
    You seem to be confusing us with weeaboos.

    Here's the breakdown for you:

    Anime fans -> cosplayers -> weeaboo cosplayers

    Let's see you make something even half as good as the stuff we make.
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 01/11/12(Wed)21:02 No.5353050
         File1326333754.jpg-(12 KB, 360x261, 1324524914935.jpg)
    12 KB
    you are harshing my mellow bro...
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)21:05 No.5353068
         File1326333927.png-(133 KB, 482x484, 1312951336879.png)
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    Are you actually using "your ability to make silly costumes" as an argument?

    Have fun with your Arts & Crafts.
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 01/11/12(Wed)21:05 No.5353070
         File1326333940.png-(613 KB, 750x539, 102b_tree_trunks_by_cleveravia(...).png)
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    guilty, haha.

    I go to cons to buy a couple figures that I can't find online either. But I enjoy cosplaying way more
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)21:07 No.5353086
         File1326334056.gif-(497 KB, 500x376, tumblr_lr6bkyb85k1qafrh6.gif)
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    Pretty much. What was your argument? That you lack said ability?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)21:08 No.5353093

    I go to school for IT not for a fucking Art's degree, that's almost as useless as Womyn's Studies.

    Is that a good enough argument for you?
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)21:10 No.5353103
    Not really. Why don't you just go and play with your action figures now while we discuss board-related things.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)21:11 No.5353108
    It takes tow people to argue and you weren't backing down.

    >implying Figma
    Enjoy your cheap make and ugly ball joints
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 01/11/12(Wed)21:12 No.5353114
         File1326334340.png-(910 KB, 1280x800, Screen Shot 2012-01-10 at 12.5(...).png)
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    Wait a second.
    >Refers to costume making as Arts & Crafts
    >"Also I buy Gundam kits"
    >Implying Gundam kits aren't Arts & Crafts
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)21:13 No.5353124
    I buy the ones that you clip together. My hands are too shaky to paint anything. If you still think that's arts & crafts then so is Lego or anything like that.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)21:16 No.5353148
    I cosplay. I attend conventions. I buy figures among other things at cons and outside of conventions.

    Cosplay is my hobby, I choose a project ( a character ) and I do what I can to build the piece and make it in real life. I wear it and enjoy it. Yes there is attention involved, I enjoy the attention but it is not the only reason I cosplay - I have made props simply to put on my wall or for the challenge.

    It has nothing to do with supporting the industry, it doesn't prevent me from spending money on the industry either. I will say that I have checked out games and shows based on seeing someone cosplay it, particularly if the design is appealing.
    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 01/11/12(Wed)21:17 No.5353155
    I was undecided. But honestly, most of my friends are still in Ontario, and this would be a rare chance to see the majority of them at one time.

    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)21:18 No.5353168
    Sure is AN discussion in here.
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 01/11/12(Wed)21:19 No.5353178
         File1326334761.png-(192 KB, 640x360, 1313881813840.png)
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    >Thinking IT is a real degree and not a shitty certification that engineers get in their spare time
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)21:21 No.5353190
    Well if you read my other posts you would see I mentioned you give anime fans a bad name. Also these projects don't have to be worn in public, let alone ever.

    I mention supporting the industry because your all powerful trip-wizard said they make you into a walking advertisement.

    >Implying I'm not in College
    >Implying I wont get a job right after I get out
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 01/11/12(Wed)21:24 No.5353221
         File1326335063.png-(104 KB, 500x500, 1318718930463.png)
    104 KB
    Its true.
    i hear McDonalds is always hiring
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)21:25 No.5353237
    tenleid said that not voldemort
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)21:26 No.5353244
         File1326335165.png-(9 KB, 185x185, 1324675453176.png)
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    3/10 because you made me respond thus far plus Ponies.

    My Little Tripfag Can't Be This Stupid!

    Forgive me, I can't keep up with the tripfags on this board. It feels like cancer.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)21:27 No.5353247
    it is a cancer. but we love them anyways
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 01/11/12(Wed)21:27 No.5353249
         File1326335224.jpg-(27 KB, 240x381, too damn obvious.jpg)
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    why did this thread get shitty?

    oh yeah, some butthurt anon is being off topic.

    >insinuating only tripfags fuck shit up on this board

    SO what's everyone cosplaying this year? How's your progress?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)21:27 No.5353250
         File1326335252.png-(86 KB, 500x318, tumblr_lethwcfwG91qb9i9c.png)
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    Hey I'm doing IT
    Screw you there's plenty of IT jobs.
    Nobody forced you to take engineering.
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 01/11/12(Wed)21:29 No.5353268
    I cant make much right now because its all packed away, but I ordered a new hoopskirt and started remaking yukikos skirt. Thats about as far as my progress will be getting until I move ;-;
    >> Sprinklz !!Bj4M1g32wxd 01/11/12(Wed)21:29 No.5353269
         File1326335378.png-(81 KB, 732x823, tech_support_cheat_sheet.png)
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    Bro, IT's certifications. I respect what you do and all, following this flowchart must be *really* difficult, but y'know what? Not a degree. I have 40 hours of class a week, and I got tech support credentials with my friends last term because we had nothing better to do.

    I build robots, fuck women, and cosplay as a hobby. You act superior because you have a card saying you can reset a router.

    I think I'm going to do a Combine from half-life. I'm not sure if I'll be in the country or not.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)21:29 No.5353271
         File1326335382.png-(244 KB, 356x518, 1315403061995.png)
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    >Loving tripfags

    Alright you guys win. I'm going back to /a/.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 01/11/12(Wed)21:31 No.5353292
    >85 replies later

    so, how about that Anime North? I'm excited.
    >> Sprinklz !!Bj4M1g32wxd 01/11/12(Wed)21:32 No.5353294
    He's not in engineering
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 01/11/12(Wed)21:33 No.5353304
         File1326335611.jpg-(41 KB, 243x357, 1313871090274.jpg)
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    >being able to legitimately say the caption of attached picture
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 01/11/12(Wed)21:34 No.5353315
         File1326335689.png-(120 KB, 700x700, 1320890661532.png)
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    oh gosh, so many things to work on. Going to have /ck/ forsure. I also want to do SquiddleJacket Jade from Homostuck, Rainbow Dash and DJ-PON3 gijinka.

    Working on getting wigs already.

    I have evolved from doing one costume a weekend to 3, possibly 4.

    Oh dear.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)21:35 No.5353317
         File1326335707.gif-(2 KB, 200x200, 1315359820130.gif)
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    I'm going to school for Medical.

    Just wait for the nuclear fallout to happen THEN SEE WHO HAS A JOB!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)21:35 No.5353320
    bachelors in IT/=certificates

    We *also* have to get them on our spare time.
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 01/11/12(Wed)21:35 No.5353323
    why are you remaking it? just cuz?
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)21:36 No.5353330
    I'm doing season 0 Seto Kaiba, Barney, hopefully vp-tan, and probably Ranmao
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 01/11/12(Wed)21:37 No.5353343
    It's not the shape I really want, and now that I finally have a hoopskirt of the right shape, the dress doesnt fit over it properly. So i'm redoing the skirt to make it prettier! Hopefully it will be done for Con-G
    >> Sprinklz !!Bj4M1g32wxd 01/11/12(Wed)21:38 No.5353351
    You need a nuclear fallout, I need money. I think we can come to an understanding....
    You're right. Certifications imply that you have marketable skills. :P

    In all seriousness, though, I was just tired of arrogantfag being a pretentious prick to people for their degrees, so I figured I'd respond similarly.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 01/11/12(Wed)21:40 No.5353364
         File1326336012.png-(78 KB, 175x318, Screen shot 2011-07-06 at 12.0(...).png)
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    >hopefully vp-tan
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 01/11/12(Wed)21:41 No.5353378
    ah, okay that makes sense. Good luck! I'm sure it'll look great
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 01/11/12(Wed)21:42 No.5353384
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 01/11/12(Wed)21:46 No.5353408
         File1326336365.jpg-(8 KB, 150x150, b89042852c9de05d068469fa5e6b72(...).jpg)
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    girl you're doing it.
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 01/11/12(Wed)21:47 No.5353414
    Who do you all have for your board-tans group? I'm really excited to see it!
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)21:47 No.5353419
    Well I'll for sure make the outfit, but it will be rushed since I get back from France only 3 weeks before AN
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 01/11/12(Wed)21:51 No.5353441
    Assuming it all works out

    Tenleid = /d/ or /h/?
    Piplup = /cgl/
    Voldie = /vp/
    Kuro = /lit/?
    Andrea = /soc/?
    Corky = /ck/
    Enver = /co/
    dill = /x/
    Sean = /y/?
    poolboy = /tg/
    Pi = /k/?

    and a few others.
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)21:51 No.5353447
         File1326336699.png-(412 KB, 937x600, Violet References.png)
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    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 01/11/12(Wed)21:52 No.5353456
    I really wish I could do the persona 4 panel this year. Blah. But im sure someone has already signed up for it.
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 01/11/12(Wed)21:53 No.5353463
    That's so awesome! Looking forward to it!

    What about everyone else, which cosplays are you going to be wearing at AN?
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 01/11/12(Wed)21:53 No.5353465
    I think we have 14 or 15 people so far.

    /ck/ - Me
    /x/ - Dill
    /vp/ - Voldemort
    /tg/ - Poolboy
    /h/ - Tenleid
    /k/ - Pi
    /co/ - Enver
    /cgl/ - Piplup
    /fa/ - Todd

    uh, I dunno who anyone else is tripfag wise
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 01/11/12(Wed)21:55 No.5353480
    If half of those people end up doing it it would be awesome. The biggest board-tan group I've seen only has like 4 people.
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 01/11/12(Wed)21:57 No.5353489
    still hoping my boyfriend considers doing /ic/ haha

    I love how you have to do nothing for your /fa/ tan cosplay Todd, just show up
    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 01/11/12(Wed)21:57 No.5353492
    any board tans you still need a body for?
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 01/11/12(Wed)21:59 No.5353503
    any that aren't a part of this list >>5353465

    I can't wait to see you Badr! I miss you so much!
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 01/11/12(Wed)21:59 No.5353507
    Haha, IDK about that. I have to give myself a hitler youth cut again. And I'm making all the signs but they don't take long at all.

    And yes, it would be awesome if he does /ic/. You know /ck/ and /co/ are like, a couple, right? :P

    Basically anything you want. I just wanna have fun with it.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 01/11/12(Wed)22:01 No.5353519
    >anything you want

    anyone you want that's not taken*
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 01/11/12(Wed)22:03 No.5353530
    I do know /co/ and /ck/ are a couple, but I think Jesse wants to use his prop cigarette and cosplay with us
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 01/11/12(Wed)22:04 No.5353532

    I'm surprised you don't have an /a/! Well if you need someone else I don't mind jumping in!
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 01/11/12(Wed)22:07 No.5353547
    Haha, ya. We don't have a /b/ neither. How tall are you?
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 01/11/12(Wed)22:08 No.5353559
    Well I can understand not having a /b/ no one wants to be him. Haha. I'm 5'5
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 01/11/12(Wed)22:11 No.5353575
    IDK why I asked how tall you are cause it doesn't really matter. But yeah, if you wanna do /a/ that would be awesome. We plan on going to the 4chan panel in boardtan costume so that'll be sweet.
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 01/11/12(Wed)22:13 No.5353583
         File1326337994.jpg-(1.92 MB, 3648x2736, DSCF3245.jpg)
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    I don't care for board tans but if someone DID do /b/ I'd throw shit at them.

    Pic semi-related.
    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 01/11/12(Wed)22:15 No.5353592
    :) can't wait!
    /toy/ looks like a fun getup...
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 01/11/12(Wed)22:19 No.5353608
    Oh whatever you guys want! Doesn't matter to me.

    That would be so much fun to do!
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 01/11/12(Wed)22:19 No.5353611
         File1326338386.png-(551 KB, 1500x375, FOUR_CHAN_TAN_by_haikuninja.png)
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    you'd be so cute! Do you have a couple figures or toys to carry around with you?

    Here's an artist's depiction of most of the boards
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 01/11/12(Wed)22:20 No.5353616
    Also, trying to find a board tan for Crimson to do. Any ideas guys?
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 01/11/12(Wed)22:22 No.5353626
    I asked her about it but she said she don't wanna.
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 01/11/12(Wed)22:23 No.5353628
    For the life of me, I will never get how that's /toy/'s depiction.
    I like it and all.
    But it's not what comes to mind when I think of /toy/.
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 01/11/12(Wed)22:26 No.5353647
    yeah, it sure is adorable though.

    I kinda imagine /toy/ to look like /ic/ with tons of lady figmas/GI Joes around them
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 01/11/12(Wed)22:27 No.5353657
    I would change GI Joe to Kamen Rider but yeah.
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 01/11/12(Wed)22:29 No.5353668
    yeah, so much Kamen Rider! I've learned so much about it just by being on /toy/ every day
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:30 No.5353680
    Is anyone cosplaying as /i/ for the tan group?
    If not this short anon is willing to try.
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 01/11/12(Wed)22:35 No.5353720
         File1326339331.png-(116 KB, 287x246, 1318782074011.png)
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    do it! :D
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)22:35 No.5353725
    For the full /vp/ effect I'm tempted to start a new save file on one of my games and name all the pokemon DICKS
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 01/11/12(Wed)22:36 No.5353730
    Probably. Do you wanna join the facebook group?
    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 01/11/12(Wed)22:38 No.5353747
    hmmm, would my tiny Escaflowne figure do?
    (sorry for the link, comp is messed up, so I cant save/post pictures)
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 01/11/12(Wed)22:38 No.5353753
    and by probably, I mean yes because it's not like I make the calls here. haha.
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 01/11/12(Wed)22:40 No.5353765
    I propose making a new comment on the group with an updated list of people once new peeps join
    >> Pi 01/11/12(Wed)22:41 No.5353781
    Hahahah oh man I'm going to look so weird compared to all of you guys. Also I hope it's okay that I don't crossplay /k/. I know he's a dude and all but I don't look very dude-like in the slightest bit.
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 01/11/12(Wed)22:41 No.5353787
    daaaaw! Should be fine
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 01/11/12(Wed)22:42 No.5353795
    I think the boards should have a female and male counterpart to them. I'm totally cool with you being a lady /k/
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 01/11/12(Wed)22:46 No.5353825

    I posted an updated list.
    >> Pi 01/11/12(Wed)22:47 No.5353830
    Also, I'm hoping this is on Friday. I'm trying to get the panel to be on Friday. I have a huge cosplay commitment on Saturday that I don't see myself changing in and out of more than once.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:48 No.5353840
         File1326340118.jpg-(308 KB, 1280x1024, 20090430_kon05_006..jpg)
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    Well if you guys already have an /i/, I'll just work on my other cosplays.

    >mfw i'm also just scared of meeting people from /cgl/ because i'm shy and scared of the meanies
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 01/11/12(Wed)22:50 No.5353849
    Yeah, I think we should have our cgl meetup/ board-tan meetup on Friday as well.

    Are you the anon from earlier? Cause I don't think we have an /i/.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)22:52 No.5353871

    Oh yes, same anon, sorry! I should have said so!
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 01/11/12(Wed)22:52 No.5353873
         File1326340348.jpg-(50 KB, 640x480, smile.jpg)
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    none of us are meanies though
    we're all surprisingly nice lol
    and I don't think we have an /i/

    do we have an /i/? lol
    >> Kyo62045 !xbLGVERbvE 01/11/12(Wed)22:53 No.5353878
    I'm definitely doing /soc/-tan. The panty raid was successful.
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 01/11/12(Wed)22:53 No.5353887
    Okay awesome! I don't think my cosplay group is doing the cosplays on Friday so it should be good! But I don't think they will mind if I change for a few hours. Just will have to bring everything in the car (I think our hotel is a bit away from the con but I don't know.)
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 01/11/12(Wed)22:55 No.5353900
    Yeah, we don't have an /i/-tan. If you wanna do it that'd be very cool. You should come to the meetup either way though!
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 01/11/12(Wed)22:56 No.5353909
    this excites me.

    and if we're doing this friday, that's great, that's the only day i don't have a plan for lol.
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 01/11/12(Wed)22:58 No.5353925
         File1326340712.png-(142 KB, 409x409, tumblr_lx1ie0pUdY1qbbwtc.png)
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    can't wait to participate in the board tan group!
    and I'm considering joining that 4chan panel but I'm too lazy to sign up on that forum atm
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:03 No.5353957
         File1326341018.jpg-(39 KB, 800x600, fuqyes.jpg)
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    Okay, I'll be /i/-tan!

    >so um, what goes on at meetups? I've never been to one really.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 01/11/12(Wed)23:05 No.5353974
    Do you have facebook? You should join the GTA seagulls group!
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/11/12(Wed)23:05 No.5353976
    >We force Enver to wear his lumberjack shirt like a girl's halter top
    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 01/11/12(Wed)23:06 No.5353982
    crepes are involved sometimes.
    >> dill !PicKleqHjM 01/11/12(Wed)23:09 No.5353998
         File1326341342.jpg-(67 KB, 520x853, 1322616211129.jpg)
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    these pics man...
    where do you even find them

    Now that I think about it, the halter-top would be a humorous cosplay to wear for a male. I wonder how many people would recognize the joke
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)23:11 No.5354013
    Maybe I will! What's the link?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)08:28 No.5355637
    >> Local Moose Friend 01/12/12(Thu)09:00 No.5355700
    Hnghhh I kind of want to be /cm but I'm a little nervous about meeting seagulls....
    ›but he's so cute
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)10:36 No.5355812
    You better be real kawaii
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)11:59 No.5355924
    People should post references they have of the board-tans for everyone who is cosplaying them.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 01/12/12(Thu)12:14 No.5355954
    Oh man I'm so late to this board.
    >Cosplaying MLP:FiM Pinkie Pie
    >super excited for the /cgl/ meetup
    >rooming at the Sheraton
    >also, fuck yeah road trip all the way from Iowa

    Since I only have one cosplay I'm down being a board-tan if you guys need. I do lurk /an/ and I don't think she's taken.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)12:18 No.5355966
    Crimson took /an/ last night. Sorry :(
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 01/12/12(Thu)12:55 No.5356063
    No worries, I can figure something else out or just be Pinkie Pie all weekend. I do go to /adv/ a lot but I've never seen an /adv/-tan.
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 01/12/12(Thu)12:59 No.5356075
    A road trip to AN sounds magical :3
    I want to take a road trip to NY for BroNYcon for June

    I'm going to be doing Rainbow Dash and Vinyl Scratch during AN as well, we should get some photos together!
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 01/12/12(Thu)13:04 No.5356092
    I would love to get pictures with you! I may convince some of my friends to bring their pony costumes as well. Can do a photoshoot~

    Our roadtrip will be about 12 hours. Shouldn't be so bad, and we'll be there Thursday.
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 01/12/12(Thu)13:25 No.5356143
    12 hours isn't so bad. I've been stuck with my family in a truck for 22.5 hours of nonstop driving to Florida. Not fun, haha.

    I'm sure it's WAAAY different if you're in a car with friends :)

    When it gets closer to the con I'll let you know when the Toronto pony cosplay group is planning to get together
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)13:38 No.5356170
    Guy who has never been to a convention of this sort before, when do you generally need to have "signed up" by?
    Also what do hotels tend to range there?
    I have no problem with walking a bit, just trying to get a general idea.
    Also customs.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)13:44 No.5356178
         File1326393890.jpg-(78 KB, 720x540, AN11_Gear.jpg)
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    FUUUUHHHhhh does anyone know why Holiday Inn spots say 2 people maximum but also say $15 per extra person?

    Also, we have a group of 6, possibly looking for 2 more to fill a couple of quad rooms. Anyone interested? It's usually between $80 and $100 when it's said and done for a spot.

    Also, have AN picture of
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 01/12/12(Thu)13:47 No.5356183
    Pretty sure Holiday Inn is trying to make sure that you don't put 12 people into a 2 person hotel room?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)13:51 No.5356195
    Well that's what I thought initially, but if I try to say 6 people, 2 rooms, it gives me an error message that it's over capacity. Unless I'm missing an option for the number of people or something.

    Gotta love letting things go late!
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 01/12/12(Thu)14:07 No.5356234
    hmmm, maybe give them a call and see if they can help you? Or do what a couple people do and lie saying there are only 3 people in each room but then just have all of you come in.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 01/12/12(Thu)15:05 No.5356352
    Awesome, thanks! And yeah it should be a 12 hour party on the way up. Friends make everything better.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)16:39 No.5356747
    If you still haven't booked a hotel room, do it now! Marriott is full up, along with doubletree, radisson and sheridan. There are only single queen bed rooms available at the Crowne Plaza.

    I booked mine today and was really surprised that the Marriott sold out, since I grabbed it very late last year with no problems.
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 01/12/12(Thu)16:41 No.5356757
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    do pinkie pie.
    then become my best friend forever.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)17:38 No.5356932
    You should do a boardtan!
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 01/12/12(Thu)18:55 No.5357259
         File1326412510.jpg-(20 KB, 270x216, 1310721636570.jpg)
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    Haha will do~

    I want to, not sure which though. I only actively browse a few boards and know little about the rest.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)18:58 No.5357275
    Just because you don't browse the board doesn't mean you can't cosplay their boardtan.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 01/12/12(Thu)19:04 No.5357299
    True. Though I almost feel like it'd be cosplaying from an anime I haven't seen. Any suggestions, though? I don't want to do one that's already taken. The more variety the better.
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 01/12/12(Thu)19:14 No.5357359
    oh gosh, um, we have /e/ (unconfirmed, but someone has mentioned they want to do it), /ck/, /o/, /y/, /x/, /po/, /m/, /vp/, /an/, /lit/, /tg/, /d/, /k/, /p/, /co/, /cgl/, /fa/, /a/, /toy/, and /soc/?
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 01/12/12(Thu)19:25 No.5357435
    If I did this right, then that leaves: /b/ /c/ /f/ /g/ /gif/ /h/ /hr/ /r/ /s/ /t/ /u/ /v/ /w/ /wg/ /i/ /ic/ /r9k/ /cm/ /3/ /adv/ /diy/ /fit/ /hc/ /int/ /jp/ /mu/ /n/ /new/ /pol/ /sci/ /sp/ /trv/ /tv/ /rs/
    I may have the stuff to do a /diy/. My dad is in construction so I have access to tools and a utility belt and whatnot.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)19:33 No.5357482
    most of those are unconfirmed. I doubt we'll all end up doing it.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)19:36 No.5357503
    u should do /fit/
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 01/12/12(Thu)19:38 No.5357515
    a /diy/ would be adorable! I can see paint on your face from other projects, and duct tape. MULTIPLE rolls of duct tape on your utility belt, haha.

    true, but just in case. I'm really hoping everyone gets them done though, this would be such an epic group!
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 01/12/12(Thu)19:49 No.5357588
    >paint on your face
    >duct tape
    Ooo! That gives me a great idea! Kind of a home construction worker and painter as well as handy-man. But all in girl form. I already have coveralls that I could wear and I do painting as a hobby so making a messy shirt/face would be pretty simple

    I would if I was a buff man. Or hell if I could beef up as a woman. The most I can do is just be "lean" for my body structure and that takes a lot of work.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)20:45 No.5357804
    I'm ignorant as to what a "board-tan" cosplay is, would someone please enlighten me?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)20:48 No.5357816
    i want to go!!
    if the world doesn't end i'll go 2013
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 01/12/12(Thu)20:57 No.5357843
         File1326419850.jpg-(255 KB, 1500x375, tansjpg.jpg)
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    They are personifications of the boards on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)20:58 No.5357845
    Board-tans are what people of 4chan perceive the boards' personas to be. They vary from person to person but there are some boards that have agreed upon their tan. Examples would be /x/-tan and /co/-tan. Many drawfags end up drawing these tans and give them relations to one another as well as personalities.
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 01/12/12(Thu)21:00 No.5357852
    It's a personification of the different boards of 4chan.

    There are also "-tans" of Operating Systems, and Social Networking sites too!

    see >>5353611 and >>5353447 for examples
    >> Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)22:32 No.5358373
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 01/13/12(Fri)00:14 No.5358822
         File1326431667.png-(184 KB, 323x353, tumblr_lxe406LuPq1qbbwtc.png)
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    and sure, I'll probably get 4 people out of 20,000. Maybe if certain other male trips did it too, I'd consider it

    sorry for the late reply, had to wait for my ban to lift
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 01/13/12(Fri)00:19 No.5358839
    So we have like, what, 15 people in the board-tan group now?
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)00:19 No.5358840

    You can find more information on board-tans on this site.

    http:// www.4chanhouse. org/

    There's also a wiki, thought it's incomplete.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)00:20 No.5358845
    Sounds about right. And seems like there is room for more.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)00:22 No.5358852
    Hey guise, I was the anon earlier talking about hotel booking. I just booked 2 rooms at the Courtyard Mariott this evening so not all hope is lost~ O:
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)00:22 No.5358854

    Don't know where I can get...the swastika armband.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 01/13/12(Fri)00:24 No.5358861
    I'm guessing some of them will end up dropping out for whatever reason, but that's fine.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 01/13/12(Fri)00:25 No.5358867
         File1326432324.jpg-(44 KB, 421x722, diy.jpg)
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    Me gusta~
    Thanks for the link, wiki is really incomplete
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 01/13/12(Fri)00:26 No.5358874
    what do you need that for?>
    >> CHIPNYU NAME 01/13/12(Fri)00:27 No.5358879
         File1326432452.gif-(237 KB, 400x289, 703628674_499529.gif)
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    Is /v/ still open? I'd love to do some of that shit
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)00:32 No.5358900
         File1326432746.png-(204 KB, 585x780, 132281137365.png)
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    Everything else would be easy to get.

    >dat vest
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 01/13/12(Fri)00:33 No.5358905
    ‎/ck/- Corky
    /a/-Choco- something? (don't know her trip)

    So yes, /v/'s open.
    >> CHIPNYU NAME 01/13/12(Fri)00:36 No.5358917
    Count me in as /v/. Is there like an organized way of communication/listshit for this yet? My hotel is pretty solid atm.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 01/13/12(Fri)00:38 No.5358923

    What's your name? I shall add you to the list.

    we talk in our Facebook group, but I can't link you here.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)00:41 No.5358937
    >supa sicrit club guize

    No one cares.
    >> CHIPNYU NAME 01/13/12(Fri)00:43 No.5358949
    Is there any way to get this groupinfo?
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 01/13/12(Fri)00:44 No.5358958
         File1326433488.png-(165 KB, 464x416, 2poqg49.png)
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    if you post a facebook link here, you'll get banned. it happened to me yesterday when >>5354013 asked for the link and I *tried* to deliver
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)00:46 No.5358968
    Just post the Facebook Group name not the link. Durr.
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 01/13/12(Fri)00:46 No.5358970
    toronto /cgl/ community
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 01/13/12(Fri)00:47 No.5358975
    Please, dont wear a swastika. Please. It's distastful, even if it's for a costume! Maybe put /new/ in the white area, instead of a swastika?
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 01/13/12(Fri)00:50 No.5358995
    That's... wow, how come I never thought of that?
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)00:51 No.5359005
    >no tinfoil hat
    >no unopened bottle of anti-psychotics

    That's strange.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 01/13/12(Fri)09:12 No.5360388
    Todd, I'll be /diy/ if it's still unclaimed.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/12(Fri)12:05 No.5360755
    the board tan group will be epic. too bad you don't have a fit tan. you need a Cali trip for that.
    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 01/13/12(Fri)12:13 No.5360781
    Too bad we don't have a /b/.
    Even if he was wearing suit/fro/mask could work......
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 01/13/12(Fri)12:32 No.5360822
    Totally. No one wants to be /b/ though for some reason.

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