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  • File : 1326195202.png-(57 KB, 684x497, 1326194995367.png)
    57 KB Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)06:33 No.5345091  
    Hey /cgl/, look at what /sp/ drew of you guys.

    Thanks alot, loves.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)06:34 No.5345096
    /a/ is so jealous.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)06:40 No.5345114
    >implying /a/ still isn't the most popular one
    Just because two ronery /sp/fags played pretend and agreed with each other that they will go to a winter ball with one of them dressing up as a /cgl/ girl

    does not necessarily make it true...
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)06:42 No.5345116
    That picture gives me a boner
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)06:50 No.5345138
    Why is /sp/ so short?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)06:53 No.5345143
    What did you expect? Actual /sp/artans? They're fatter than /v/.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 01/10/12(Tue)06:53 No.5345145
    >implying this board really cares what your intentions are
    Cockblocking aplenty goes on here, I can assure you.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)06:54 No.5345149
    No we're not, wtf you delusional girl.

    Most /sp/ are just meat heads at most, but not as fat as /v/, come on /cgl/ you can be more logical than that.
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 01/10/12(Tue)06:56 No.5345153
    >drawing /cgl/ with a body like that
    Oh boy you got it all wrong sir.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)06:59 No.5345157
         File1326196784.jpg-(20 KB, 214x317, MV5BMTY1NjE1NTE0MV5BMl5BanBnXk(...).jpg)
    20 KB
    Why do you /cgl/ girls have such high standards, it's funny.

    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)07:21 No.5345187
         File1326198111.jpg-(304 KB, 1200x900, 1324351261143.jpg)
    304 KB
    Prepare your vaginas.
    >> /v/ 01/10/12(Tue)07:28 No.5345195


    >Calling others fat

    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)07:40 No.5345212

    I wonder if the guy second from the left knows what doing a sideways peace sign actually means.
    >> dildoes !GowwDiablo 01/10/12(Tue)07:47 No.5345221
         File1326199652.jpg-(31 KB, 466x409, dont read this.jpg)
    31 KB
    You know those fat fucks who have really high standards because they spend all their time on the internet so they are used to seeing really pretty girls? yea same concept.

    /cgl/ spends all their time online looking at azn idols. Thus if the person is not a azn idol, they arent worth /cgl/s time.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)07:51 No.5345229
    Well, they're all gay looking so maybe he does.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)07:51 No.5345231
         File1326199918.jpg-(354 KB, 1288x1586, 1326196707165.jpg)
    354 KB
    Prepare your dick.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)07:55 No.5345236
    Why do you guys hate /sp/ so much? We don't even care about anime.

    You guys should go back to ruining cosplayer's lives and what not.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)07:58 No.5345245
    See >>5344334.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)08:04 No.5345256
    This board is the absolute worst.

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