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  • File : 1326184660.jpg-(161 KB, 477x640, 1326182970830.jpg)
    161 KB Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)03:37 No.5344629  
    You at a cosplay convention cosplaying when suddenly out of nowhere this guy comes and slaps your ass 6 times.

    What do you do?
    Keep in mind he's level 100 and has a high resistance against ice and fire!
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)03:40 No.5344651
    send out my army of bird pokemon to peck his ass
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)03:43 No.5344670
         File1326185018.png-(24 KB, 128x128, Master_Ball.png)
    24 KB
    >> dildoes !GowwDiablo 01/10/12(Tue)03:46 No.5344685
         File1326185195.png-(280 KB, 640x360, come at me bro.png)
    280 KB
    good thing im a level 25 tinker with guinsoo, bots, level 5 dagon, blademail, and euls.

    come at me nigga
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)03:53 No.5344723
    >playing tinker
    >getting int items

    >not getting six hearts
    >obvious tryhard
    >> Alpha !W1/Jat/S2U 01/10/12(Tue)04:02 No.5344755
    >playing tinker
    >no necrom
    >no manta

    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)04:03 No.5344759
    >playing tinker

    >> RP !!irLdG43K1Dj 01/10/12(Tue)04:16 No.5344813
    ↓ → ↓ → + D
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)04:28 No.5344843
         File1326187725.jpg-(14 KB, 280x280, 1315556939017.jpg.jpg)
    14 KB
    What character are you supposed to be
    >> RP !!irLdG43K1Dj 01/10/12(Tue)04:31 No.5344858
         File1326187893.jpg-(365 KB, 1440x900, screenshot.22.jpg)
    365 KB
    Think about it for a while.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)04:35 No.5344872
    What is that image from?
    >> Tim 01/10/12(Tue)04:36 No.5344875
         File1326188175.jpg-(248 KB, 956x1280, i am a mage.jpg)
    248 KB
    Hey are we talking about Magic in this thread??
    >> RP !!irLdG43K1Dj 01/10/12(Tue)04:37 No.5344883
    Macademi Wasshoi / Magician's Academy
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)04:37 No.5344884
    >> HomoforRomo445(´・_・`) 01/10/12(Tue)04:38 No.5344885
    Suing you for stealing a mk character
    >> Queen N !!dqP6WAmFwk9 01/10/12(Tue)04:57 No.5344944
         File1326189449.png-(35 KB, 190x430, N Determined.png)
    35 KB
    >> dildoes !GowwDiablo 01/10/12(Tue)07:28 No.5345194
         File1326198482.png-(63 KB, 400x317, laughing horse2 (get it).png)
    63 KB
    >implying anyone uses necrom anymore
    lolmantabuild is c/c as fuck, id rather get 6 hearts than a mantabuild
    >blademail is gg for enemy carry

    how bout u stop dodging and vs me in dota.

    >he doesnt play AR
    laughing girls .jpg
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)07:36 No.5345202
         File1326198973.jpg-(59 KB, 720x707, gregor clegane.jpg)
    59 KB
    Slice of a horse's head with a single swipe of my swoood!
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)07:36 No.5345204
    Op stole the image from /v/.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)07:43 No.5345216
    Stab him, repeatedly.
    >> Mitsuki 01/10/12(Tue)08:02 No.5345254
    Hmmm run for my life, because dude looks like a Mortal Kombat character (I can't think of his name right now)
    >> dildoes !GowwDiablo 01/10/12(Tue)08:04 No.5345257
         File1326200693.jpg-(50 KB, 642x600, fffff.jpg)
    50 KB

    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)11:37 No.5345616
         File1326213453.png-(173 KB, 396x394, sdc.png)
    173 KB
    B-But I like getting my ass slapped...

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