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  • File : 1326125614.jpg-(41 KB, 387x480, traditionalnerd.jpg)
    41 KB Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:13 No.5339746  
    Hey /a/ and /jp/, since you seem so keen on "invading" us so often.

    Yes, we're slutty. That means we sleep with different guys who we want to sleep with, and have casual fun with them. There's nothing wrong with that. It means you're assertive and well adjusted as a young female. I'd encourage any daughter I have to do the same. In fact you could say I'm proud to be a slut. In fact most of us are "proud" to be slutty and promiscuous on /cgl/. We can't help enjoying ourselves :)

    Yes, we like hotties from /fa/ who are kind of arrogant and mean. You like hotties too. It's just that we actually have a choice of getting real hotties, unlike you, so you get mad at us. Or else you try and be nice and just end up looking like losers because you're so spineless, haha.

    Yes, we like taking risque photos of ourselves in revealing outfits. We like the attention. Who wouldn't? It's fun to be able to turn heads like that. Maybe you'll know that feel one day. And who cares if we haven't seen the series the character is attached to? The important thing is that we're having fun.

    Yes, we like con raves and hookups. You just don't like it because you're irrational and antisocial losers that are scared of large social situations and people who are normal and cute getting involved in your hobbies.

    And yes, we like "hipster guys" because they are hot as hell.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:17 No.5339754
    actually OP is a faggot. disregard him, he sucks cocks.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:17 No.5339755
    So mad about a few trolls.
    >> Tizzy☆ !rohmYgaHWc 01/09/12(Mon)11:18 No.5339757
    welcome to /cgl/
    your stay will be miserable
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:24 No.5339775
    But... I'm not like that at all.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:26 No.5339780
    /a/ here

    You guys seem to love off topic threads too, on /a/ we have a lower tolerance for this sort of thread.
    >> Mitsuki 01/09/12(Mon)11:27 No.5339781
    What's this "we" I'm seeing in that post
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:27 No.5339782
    I'm pretty sure its just seagulls themselves, or athens.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:29 No.5339785
    Fuck yeah, slut pride!

    Any other seagulls go on slutwalks in 2011?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:29 No.5339787
    >implying this isn't a copypasta posted on /a/ two days ago.

    Troll harder, nigger.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:32 No.5339793
    Nerdy girls like to think of themselves as 'one of the guys.' They like to think that they're got it all figured out because they're 'not like other girls their age.' They think that they're so clever in their decision that there's nothing wrong with casual sex, that their 'enjoying their body' like that if so fresh and new. The fact that they think of themselves as unique and different is what makes them loose, and the fact that they're already surrounded by guys is what makes them slutty.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:32 No.5339795
    Seagull here, I hate all you sluts. Slutwalks are retarded and you should be ashamed. You ruined this hobby with your sluttiness. Fuck off, you're just mad people call you out.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:35 No.5339804
    I agree with this, I've known alot of geeky girls, and they have a tendency to talk to me about their fantasy shit. Alot of them have fantasies about being gang banged and shit. No idea why they tell me about this shit, but fucking christ they are fucking dirty as hell. Be a close friend with a couple of geeky girls, and let them talk to you about this shit, and you'll lose interest in nerdy girls ASAP.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:36 No.5339806
    >Hey /a/ and /jp/, since you seem so keen on "invading" us so often.

    >Yes, we're copypasting.

    Abridged version.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:40 No.5339817
    /a/ is 78% virgin, nothing they say has any value.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:41 No.5339818
    It's funny because I really hate femanons, and I mean really, really hate them. I have a pathological, almost burning, atavistic hatred for them.

    That's why I've made it my duty to get a girl pregnant at one of the cons I go to. I'm going to do it, and since they are usually out of state I'll be away by the afternoon anyway.

    Nothing turns me on more than some 4chan bitch whore femanon being taught some humility by having to carry my child
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:45 No.5339827
    >implying she wouldn't abort the demon seed

    She's a femanon after all
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:47 No.5339830
    That's fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:49 No.5339844
    You sound like a huge slut, too.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:52 No.5339848
    There are plenty of seagull virgin, myself included. It shouldn't matter.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:52 No.5339851

    Surely you jest.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:55 No.5339859
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    >birth control pill/injection/implant
    >implying you'd even know if it happened
    >implying she'd learn humility and not just be a terrible mother

    Oh virgins... Not just virgins. But ignorant beta virgins. Nothing wrong with not having had sex. Ignorance is another story.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:58 No.5339869
    Male virgins and female virgins are completely different.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:58 No.5339872
    Amazing how shameless you all are.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:59 No.5339875
    No they're not.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:01 No.5339881
    Yes they are, go learn how society works.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:04 No.5339891
    Only the most vocal group of women on /cgl/ talk about being a slut all the time. They're not the majority however. The ones who aren't sluts just don't talk about their sex lives, so they never show up in these kinds of threads. OP thinks she's the majority because everybody who replies here who is a woman is with her, but that's just because the only people replying are girls who are like her, or guys who hate her.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:04 No.5339892
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:05 No.5339894
    Why do these threads get the most replies always?
    I really doubt these people are from /a/, /jp/, or whatever other board they always say they are from. They're just the usual trolls that try and get hate between the populations.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:08 No.5339901
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    Why the FUCK are you even responding to them?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:08 No.5339902
    As a seagull who part times /a/, I'd say ts the case. They never seem to care about the existence of /cgl/, so I doubt they'd bother coming here at all.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:10 No.5339904
    a male virgin is fucked up

    a female virgin is fucked up beyond belief

    not even nyanners is virgin
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:12 No.5339908
    Because society tells men that they are supposed to go out there and have as much sex as they can get. They say the opposite to women.

    If a woman isn't having sex, it's fine. If a man isn't having sex, he's a failure.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:14 No.5339912
    Wait. Is Nyanners NOT a virgin?

    Fucking hell. I'm not even joking here, I'm fucking mad. How the fuck has she lost her purity at such a young age? She probably gave it away, piece of shit slut whore cunt. I hate girls who browse /a/.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:14 No.5339914
    Both of those are terrible, and I hope no one here agrees.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:15 No.5339916
    Are you female?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:15 No.5339917
    I think the same. For /jp/ it's even more obvious that they'd never bother coming here, they're very reclused.

    I say it's trolls from /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:16 No.5339919
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:18 No.5339924
    We must kill athens, he is the mastermind.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:25 No.5339939
    >Have rape fantasies
    >Claim you're equal to men
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:28 No.5339946
    >bringing up rape
    Holy shit, it really is athens.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:34 No.5339956
    What the fuck are seagulls? Why is everyone flipping over an obvious troll? What the fuck is this shit? The top says Cosplay and EGL, but the posts say "Whores and the people who hate/fuck them." Is that what EGL is? The hell is this? The hell are you doing?

    This is now the place I go to in order to remind myself that 4Chan died long ago...
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:43 No.5339981

    It isn't a troll. I agree with her.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:00 No.5340015
    >All of this implying I've seen more than 1 girl on /cgl/ who was above a 6.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:04 No.5340023
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    >What the fuck are seagulls?

    Your new is showing.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:07 No.5340031
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    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:07 No.5340032
    Oh, look, it's a girl who has sex and enjoys her body. Let's call her a slut and make her feel bad about herself.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:08 No.5340035
    Yes, we're slutty. That means we sleep with different guys who we want to sleep with, and have casual fun with them. There's nothing wrong with that. It means you're assertive and well adjusted as a young female. I'd encourage any daughter I have to do the same. In fact you could say I'm proud to be a slut. In fact most of us are "proud" to be slutty and promiscuous on /cgl/. We can't help enjoying ourselves :)

    >this is what you sluts actually believe
    well adjusted and assertive, pahaha.

    >Yes, we like taking risque photos of ourselves in revealing outfits. We like the attention. Who wouldn't? It's fun to be able to turn heads like that. Maybe you'll know that feel one day. And who cares if we haven't seen the series the character is attached to? The important thing is that we're having fun.

    >look at me attempt to justify being an attention whore and spin it to be a positive thing

    the worst part, the absolute worst part, isn't that you're whores and attention craving sluts - it's that you are genuinely so downright stupid that you believe all these justifications, excuses and validations.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:10 No.5340037
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:11 No.5340041
    Oh, look, it's a girl who has no self control and degrades herself. Let's call her a slut and make her feel bad about herself so she grows up and realises she's it's unacceptably retarded.

    You think all you sluts aren't gonna turn around in 5 years and say 'oh, it's in the past, I made stupid mistakes, they don't matter now'? The minute you're too old to be desirable as a slut and need to settle down this is what will happen. And it doesn't work. Any decision you make, ever, is a reflection of who you are. Nobody can just say oh mistake my bad doesn't matter now and get away with it.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:13 No.5340045
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    >Nobody can just say oh mistake my bad doesn't matter now and get away with it.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:16 No.5340060
    What is this pic supposed to mean?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:17 No.5340062
    >Nobody can just say oh mistake my bad doesn't matter now and get away with it.

    But women do all the time.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:17 No.5340063
    What makes you think it's a mistake? Getting laid is a mistake? I for one enjoy orgasms.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:17 No.5340064


    Btw, it's only neckbeards that consider us "sluts", other guys actually respect us a lot.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:19 No.5340067
    They do, and only idiotic people buy that as an excuse. They made their choices. What's more, at the time, they actively wanted what they chose.
    As is typical with women, they don't want to face up to the consequences or accept responsibility for their decisions, that's why they use that bullshit excuse. If they made the choice, it's the type of person they are, and it is part of them forever and they have to deal with it, end of.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:21 No.5340071
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    >other guys actually respect us

    >she thinks men respect sluts and don't just want to fuck them
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:21 No.5340073
    I wouldn't say respect.

    Some guys treat women like meat - slutty or not - while others just don't care.

    I have slept with 16 different women, what do I care if my girlfriend had slept around? Experience and confidence are attractive. That being said, she was a vIrgin at 22. Nothing wrong with that either; it was cute, even if she deserves better than me as a boyfriend.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:21 No.5340074
    I want to fuck them, though. We both get what we want. That's great! What's the problem again?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:22 No.5340076
    >sex is degrading
    This is what virgins actually believe.

    >inb4 hurr not a virgin
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:23 No.5340078
    Then enjoy orgasms with a limited number of people. Your pleasure or desires mean absolutely nothing the minute you cross the line into being a slut. You genuinely think people respect you, or care about you, or are even gonna love you then? You become just a piece of meat to people, you're not an equal.

    As for it just being neckbeards, lol. No guys respect you. You really don't understand males, yet you all think you know us inside out. If you're a slut, you're an easy fuck to a guy. That's it. Literally you are meaningless beyond that. The only way a guy would respect you is if he got to know you and like you before fucking you. If they get to fuck you before that, they literally do not give a damn about you in any way.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:24 No.5340081
    People want to sleep with a lot of slutty people but settle down with someone wholesome. The presumption is a slut isn't good enough to keep.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:25 No.5340084
    But I didn't say I want respect, I said I want orgasms. I'm never gonna see a dude again, what do I care what he thinks of me? I've got other friends for close egalitarian relationships.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:25 No.5340087
    Why would I want respect from someone who's enough of a fucktard to decide what he thinks of others based on who they sleep with?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:25 No.5340088
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    I knew the cunt from the /a/ thread was lying when she said /cgl/ wasn't full of sluts.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:26 No.5340089
    >thinks all girls are stupid enough to honestly say their number.

    Confirmed for /fit/
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:27 No.5340093
    PROTIP FOR GIRLS: This ungentlemanly fellow is a virgin, and resents the fact that there are women who can more easily get sex than he can. Those of us men who enjoy the company of the fairer sex on a regular basis quite appreciate the ladies who don't make us play games and jump through hoops to get it. My hat is off to you; please don't allow scoundrels like this fellow to taint your impression of our sex.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:28 No.5340099
    Not a virgin sweetie, sorry, that typical female response won't validate your actions.
    Sex for the sake of sex IS degrading. If a guy doesn't give a damn about you, he will be fucking you BECAUSE he's degrading you.

    Sex, as in sex in a relationship or with one person over time, is not degrading no. Sex in the way that you sluts view it however, is. And you don't seem to understand this lol. Again, you don't know how guys work. You are a slut, a guy will want you because you're easy, and because he gets to degrade you. Nothing more. No self respecting male will ever want to date you or love you or anything further, you're a slut, you're worthless for everything except degrading.

    The problem is that you have no self control, no morals, and that you think nothing you do now will have any effect on your future.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:31 No.5340107
    I do have self control. When going after sex is a bad idea, I don't go after it. Since I want sex, I generally choose to act on those impulses. I'm not sure why you think someone who wants things you don't want lacks self-control.

    And I certainly have morality; I'm kind to others, and all my relationships are based on mutual consent. What does morality have to do with sex between consenting adults?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:31 No.5340108
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    Why would /a/ even pretend to know anything about 3DPD relationships?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:32 No.5340113
    If a guy thinks sluts are worthless, then I'm glad to not be in a relationship with him for any length of time, because he's a fucktard. Good thing I slept with him right away and figured that out! Now I can move on to someone worthwhile.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:33 No.5340115
    Bitch I've been here since the start, back when Chidori and Waha were big, and we had, like, 8 boards. I left cause of this sort of faggotry. Just because you don't know the new lingo doesn't mean you're new. Your grandpa probably doesn't know what "trolling" is, but that doesn't mean he's 12. I see something on programm about how ridiculous this place has become, come to see it for myself, what do you know.

    I can't even believe how stupid this all is. How are you all getting trolled this hard? Do something funny. At least do something on topic. Or just jack off and then move on. The fuck is this shit?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:33 No.5340116
    There aren't any girls who browse 4chan who aren't sluts it seems ._.
    >> HexenHarlot !!8tx+uWn/Ew2 01/09/12(Mon)13:33 No.5340117
    I agree with quite a few of your points, but there's one thing: what about extremely submissive men who have casual sex with dominant women? They're clearly being degraded, rather than doing the degrading.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:35 No.5340122
    Err, I never said it was only their respect you wouldn't get. Unless you don't want to have a proper relationship ever, in which case you're fine. Said future relationship wont respect you either. Sluts are impossible to respect, or see as equals. I don't just mean for 5 minutes, I mean for the rest of their existence. This is what you don't account for, you think nothing you do will affect you as life goes on.

    So, any guy then? Whether you like it or not, all men at least partly determine a womans worth by how much of a slut she is. It's evolutionary. You can hate it all you want, but it's the way it is, and it's the way it'll stay for thousands of years of evolution more.

    >implying any guy thinks that women are ever honest
    This only makes things worse. A slut who says she's slept with 50 guys at least has the redeeming quality of honesty, giving you all the available information to make your own choice. Lying on the other hand, makes them even more worthless. If I found out a woman had lied about that, I'd literally break her nose. :) let's see her lie again then. Just like it's your retarded choice to be a slut, anyone you sleep with has the right to make their own choice with all the information on whether they want to touch you or not. If they have a personal rule that they never touch anyone who's slept with x number of people, who are you to make them break that rule with a lie?

    Sorry bro, not a virgin. You don't respect them either. You enjoy the easy sex with something you don't have to care about, and you don't want that shit to run out. Nothing more
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:36 No.5340124
    It took you this long to realize that?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:36 No.5340125
    I remember rare thread from /cgl/ yesterday. When many boards visited /cgl/ and had nice discussion about loneliness.

    Too bad it is just meta shit right now.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:37 No.5340128
    It's not, in fact, evolutionary, but if I believed that I'd happily become a lesbian, or just continue sleeping around and avoiding serious relationships. Why would anyone want to be with someone that fucked up? Being foreveralone would be infinitely better.

    Fortunately, I don't think men are utter shits the way you seem to, but if I ever became that much of a misandrist I'd happily avoid relationships with men forever.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:38 No.5340133
    You know guys, it's at times like this that I'm glad internet law specifically forbids anyone who is male from pretending to be a female.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:38 No.5340134
    >When many boards visited /cgl/ and had nice discussion about loneliness.

    Apparently /cgl/ was lying about being lonely. It's clear there aren't any lonely people here.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:38 No.5340136
    Hmm? Sure I do. Sorry you're incapable of respecting people based on things that actually matter, it must be lonely.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:38 No.5340137
    You mean to all those other guys who are gonna think you're worth something when you're even more of a slut now?

    Oh wait.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:41 No.5340140
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    the sluts came back from their anime con.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:41 No.5340142
    I don't understand why sex is such a stigma?

    Honestly. It's just sex. The only reason you view it differently than building model trains is because of the underlying values a powerful Christian (and in particular, Catholic) Church have instilled in our society.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:41 No.5340143
    >everyone must forever dwell on their past choices particularly when I am a contemptuous prick about them.

    I lie about how many girls I have slept with because, frankly, it doesn't matter. I lie to my girlfriend because she was a virgin and it would bother her to know, mostly because she doesn't have the experience to know that the girls before her don't matter.

    Saying "lying is wrong, everyone must be unhappier" is both immature and foolish.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:41 No.5340147
    >the sluts came back

    They never left.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:42 No.5340149
    That's very dependant on the meanings behind dominant and submissive. Loads of people mean vastly different things by those words. But theoretically yes, it could be that way.
    Then again though, women don't naturally seek out less slutty or purer men for partners, whereas guys do, so it may not matter as much.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:43 No.5340150
    Well, I don't care.
    There were nice girls on here the other day. They are still here.
    I don't care if they are drowned out by shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:43 No.5340151
    Yeah but most guys consider them to be pathetic faggots who have emotional problems which I assume is similar many women view their more slutty counter-part.
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 01/09/12(Mon)13:43 No.5340154

    Those guys who say they respect you for being "strong" and "sexually open" are playing you like a Stradivarius, don't believe a word of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:45 No.5340158
    >There were nice girls on here the other day.

    This thread should have shown you they were only pretending.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:46 No.5340163
    I don't disrespect slutty girls; they tend to have good stories and be fun to fuck. But I wouldn't want to date one seriously, either. Nothing to do with respect.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:47 No.5340167
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    Not the person you are replying to, but,
    >implying this isn't a troll thread with a few trips and sluts defending casual sex.

    There are sweet girls on /cgl/. I have met them.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:48 No.5340173
    >Not a virgin sweetie, sorry, that typical female response won't validate your actions.
    >Sex for the sake of sex IS degrading. If a guy doesn't give a damn about you, he will be fucking you BECAUSE he's degrading you.

    No, it fucking isn't. I've had a ton of one-night-stands I had because sex feels good and the girl was willing. Yes, girl. Because surprise, surprise, I'm a dude. So I know all that shit you said isn't true. Not for every guy, at least. I, for one, enjoy a girl who knows what she wants and how she wants it.

    And now, I'd love to stay and troll with you some more, but I've actually got important things to do, so see ya.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:48 No.5340175
    This is what you think.

    You are only arguing with tripwhores.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:49 No.5340177
    I'm not a male but I also look for the same qualities in a partner.

    Men don't want to marry sluts, women don't want to marry manwhores.

    It feels good saving myself for the man I love. It's sad that there is a double standard, but having sex freely is anyone's prerogative. I will refrain from it, and only date someone who shares my ideals, and that is my prerogative.
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 01/09/12(Mon)13:51 No.5340187
    Women tend to be more affected by sex on an emotional level, so they often marry "manwhores" because the good sex sort of frazzles their brain, if you understand me.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:51 No.5340189
    Ugh, people like you are insufferable.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:51 No.5340190
    Here's where you fuck up son, I'm not a moron. Shit like that might work on the dumb sluts, but not on me. We both know that you don't respect them, nor give a fuck about them. You fucked them because they were easy and willing. And you say what you're saying now because you want women to keep that up so you can continue getting easy sex with them.

    The point still remains though, one day you'll want to be with someone properly, and you're not going to want them to be a slut. Sluts are only useful for one thing. They're essentially free prostitutes, and people respect them as such. Except stupider.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:53 No.5340196
    One whole tripfag posted in this thread.

    It may be a troll thread, but the opinions are genuine. And they're shared by most people on this board, given that no one's disputing then,
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:53 No.5340199
    Even if what you say is true, I haven't sullied myself with fucking men yet.

    When I do have sex with someone (on the condition I trust them and love them as a person) I will stay with them for life.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:54 No.5340200
    So what you're saying is, all respect from men is based on how much sex you have. The only logical conclusion from that is that men's "respect" is inherently worthless, since it's based on something that stupid, and nobody should worry about whether men respect them or not.

    Fortunately I don't believe that, but if I did I'd give up on men without a second thought. Why would anyone want "respect" from creatures like that?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:54 No.5340201
    I browse both /a/, /jp/, and /cgl/, and none of that is true of me. You are scum. Don't lump me in with the rest of you whores. You don't speak for all of us.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:54 No.5340203
    yes, this is also true.
    a man will shun a girl or not care for her because she's a slut.
    women on the other hand, quite often infact, get hit on by a guy known for sleeping around and they end up thinking 'he sleeps around with everyone, and he's coming after me! can't believe he actually likes me!' and end up wanting them. women can be very very naive and stupid when it comes to anything to do with sex, or understanding how guys think and their motives.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:55 No.5340207
    So you think of all women as prostitutes, and judge their worth based on the "price" they charge? Awesome. TTYL, gonna go become a lesbian.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:55 No.5340208
    >nobody should worry about whether men respect them or not.

    Most women aren't worried if men respect them. You're the one who seems to be hung up over it.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:55 No.5340211
    >Women tend to be more affected by sex on an emotional level.

    That is so vague and stupid.
    Women are affected by funerals on an emotional level, does that mean they are going to kill themselves?

    Sex with your partner is emotional for the man and the woman. I can't see any woman or man being mind broken for that long and to that extent. You're just pulling shit out of your ass.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:55 No.5340212
    Buh? The other people are the ones who keep bringing it up.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:56 No.5340214
    That's right. That's why I sleep with anyone I want to. If a dude decides it affects his level of respect for me that says more about him than it does about me.
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 01/09/12(Mon)13:57 No.5340224
    Why do you refer to it as sullying yourself?

    >Women are affected by funerals on an emotional level, does that mean they are going to kill themselves?

    No, but it's a good illustration of how emotional women are and how we just need a return to real patriarchy to take better care of them, give them stronger role models, real boundaries etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:00 No.5340239
    You should give up on men then. It's astounding that you think you understand men better than men do themselves haha, typical female outlook.

    Women seek less slutty women, and yes it is evolutionary, because they seek good mothers for their children. Not only that, the less slutty the female, the more likely the child is to be yours. This is why evolution has made us seek and value such things.

    You can really deny it and hate it all you want, but it's a fact. Slutty females are pieces of meat man. They're not even worth the time of day, and any guy who tells you otherwise is just trying to get some easy sex, or if it's on here, encourage other women to do the same and that it's okay so they have more chance of meeting one and getting easy sex.

    If you want to do some research on it, the more sexual partners you have, the more unstable your relationships are and the more likely you will be to get divorced. Also researched facts.

    So bearing all that in mind, please tell me why a guy would give a damn about a slut?
    I'm not advocating sleeping only with one person forever, but the minute you step across the threshold into being a slut you literally might as well become a prostitute. You'll be treated exactly the same, only you'll make some cash.
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 01/09/12(Mon)14:03 No.5340260
    I don't know about you, but I like /a/ and /jp/.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:03 No.5340263
    To the ladies of /cgl/

    Being a male I actually appreciate your ways. Why? because unlike these butthurt faggots I hang on /fit/ and just started hanging out on /fa/ So it made me realize reading some of these threads lately about who prefers what in what sections that I AM on the right track of improvement. Thats MY perspective on all this.

    Fix what I can about my life and improve myself. sheesh seems like all the whine one one butthurt faggots that cant get a girl would get a clue about it. get off their asses and get /fit/ and /fa/shion it up a bit better. Then comes that confidence ... ladies notice this.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:04 No.5340265
    Assumptions everywhere
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:05 No.5340270
    it is vague, but it's actually not that stupid. you'd be astounded at how many times women instantly feel much more connected or in love after they've fucked someone.
    for guys, it's not remotely the same lol. often infact it's the opposite.

    well, it doesn't say more about him than it does about you really. it says that you're a slut, and that the guy has enough intelligence to tell you where to go.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:05 No.5340271
    Fuck off normalfag slut.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:05 No.5340272
    Have you nailed that giraffe yet?

    No? Then gtfo.
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 01/09/12(Mon)14:06 No.5340279
    I don't get it.
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 01/09/12(Mon)14:08 No.5340288
    What's with all this gay shit that you're better than everyone else because you post on /fit/ and /fa/?

    Dude, that is so fucking gay. Think about it. You're bragging about what boards you browse on 4chan and faux ass kissing these girls in the hope they'll look up to you. You're a caricature.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:08 No.5340289
    Then you're not a real expert on all things Eva.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:14 No.5340314
         File1326136455.png-(406 KB, 800x670, 266206760da8eb5e81e4ce814fd3bf(...).png)
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    >Most women aren't worried if men respect them.

    Respect is really the only thing I care about when in a relationship. It's one of the main reasons why I find casual sex so degrading and dirty.

    I don't understand promiscuous women. I can sortof understand the reasoning behind having sex because it is physically pleasurable, but you can always just masturbate.
    I mean in order to do it you have to expose your vulnerabilities, and trust in someone you don't really know or love. You're giving away something special and letting others use you for little more than your body. It just sounds horrible to me. It makes me physically sick thinking of doing something like that.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:18 No.5340333
         File1326136732.jpg-(47 KB, 558x563, 1324886517311.jpg)
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    >come here from /a/ to appreciate some good cosplay
    >read all these hateful things
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:19 No.5340343
    Welcome to /cgl/. Neckbeard virgins like you aren't welcome. Go cry about 3DPD on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:21 No.5340347
         File1326136863.jpg-(79 KB, 512x512, marisa.jpg)
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    Hey, /a/-san. I like you.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:21 No.5340349
    But I'm not a neckbeard and I never said anything about 3DPD.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:22 No.5340353
    /cgl/ is so easily trolled. This deserves study.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:22 No.5340354
    Meh, it's because /a/ created threads upon threads with their 3DPD nonsense. Most /cgl/ers like /a/.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:24 No.5340360
    /a/ hates /cgl/ and insults them constantly.
    The OP was a copypasta from some /a/ thread the other day, an anon trying to get everyone pissed.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:24 No.5340362
    See, thing thing is...well, /cgl/ is actually madly in love with /a/. BUT, /cgl/ wants what it can't have. /a/ is madly in love with their 2D waifus.
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 01/09/12(Mon)14:25 No.5340364
    No, OP is something I posted on /cgl/ a few days ago.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:26 No.5340365
         File1326137202.png-(541 KB, 1192x953, 1324690078655.png)
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    >/cgl/ is actually madly in love with /a/

    You do know /a/ are pathetic beta virgins, right? You know, the opposite of what women want?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:27 No.5340367
    Thanks, I like you too.

    Well, sorry then.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:27 No.5340369

    reading comprehension.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:28 No.5340374
    I am from /a/ and I don't get why you want us?

    We are just creepy and social retarded basement dwellers.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:28 No.5340375
    >/a/ hates /cgl/ and insults them constantly.

    And this thread shows how justified it is.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:29 No.5340378
    So you admit you're a virgin? How does it feel to know you're completely undesirable to women?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:29 No.5340381
    Tsun tsun.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:30 No.5340382
    >implying this isn't /a/ trolling us.
    read here.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:31 No.5340385
    Yes I am, it feels kinda sad sometimes, to be honest.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:31 No.5340387

    /fit/, you take this stuff way too seriously. You do realize /a/ doesn't care about /cgl/ right? You don't have to get butthurt and consider them a threat.
    >> HexenHarlot !!8tx+uWn/Ew2 01/09/12(Mon)14:32 No.5340390
         File1326137558.jpg-(9 KB, 160x160, 1326086312478.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:33 No.5340393
    well i like insecure sugar sweet girls, i guess im at the wrong place i guess.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:34 No.5340395
    We need a drawfag. /cgl/-tan pining for /a/-tan, but /a/-tan is too grossed out 3DPD.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:35 No.5340397
         File1326137700.jpg-(136 KB, 700x875, 8e0564dbb707c2d2af6b3793bcdd7b(...).jpg)
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    Hush hush now.
    I like virgin boys, don't listen to that mean person.

    You'll find a nice girl one day, if she loves you, she won't care about whether or not your penis has been in someone before her.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:36 No.5340402
    found one.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:36 No.5340404
    Oh please. I didn't post once in this thread, i'm not a bitter virgin nor do i hate /cgl/, but you're stupid as fuck.

    There is NO "awesome cosplay" on /cgl/. 50% of the threads are some kind of jealous fatty drama against some girl, 25% is meta shit, 15% is tripfag circle jerk, 7% is lolita burando shit and 3% is reposting the same old cosplay pictures everyone has seen a thousand times.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:36 No.5340405
    I'm drawin it right now, sir.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:36 No.5340408
    >she won't care about whether or not your penis has been in someone before her.
    But I sure as hell care if another penis have inside of her
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:37 No.5340410
    So much this. Drawfags, get in here!
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:37 No.5340412
    do want, where2comp?
    to bad those girls tend to be overweight.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:38 No.5340414
         File1326137888.jpg-(21 KB, 360x480, 1313970495483.jpg)
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    Just letting you know the /cgl/ girls love dating guys from /fit/
    You can go get one of those imaginary girlfriends.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:38 No.5340416
    Well that is your own decision to make.
    Find a nice virgin girl and treat her well for me.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:38 No.5340418
    Maybe this girl have small and slim body.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:39 No.5340422
         File1326137956.jpg-(120 KB, 1280x720, 12928837562842.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:40 No.5340424
    Really? That's great, I only hear negative things so it's nice to know someone thinks different.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:40 No.5340426
    good luck with that then
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:40 No.5340427
    >I like virgin boys

    Is it because they can't tell how bad you are at sex? Because that's the only reason people could like someone so nerdy that they've never gotten their dick wet.
    >> Sulli !sULlip02cU 01/09/12(Mon)14:41 No.5340429
    quite unlikely.
    I dont think im the only one who likes girls like that, girls like that tend to "go" fast.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:41 No.5340430
    That >>5340408 post isn't me.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:42 No.5340432
    Hey, the only reason I'm a virgin is because my schlong is so big it would literally rip a woman in two. I don't want on that my conscience.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:42 No.5340433
    Maybe it's shocking to you but some boys aren't whores and do wait till they find the one they really like.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:43 No.5340435
    I just roll my eyes at these threads. There are some girls who didn't get enough love from their daddies as a kid so they're fulfilling that hole with excessive sex and they're goddamn vocal as fuck about it, but not everyone here is like that. We other girls just scroll past shit like this and focus on other threads.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:43 No.5340438
    Seriously why is anybody arguing with this angry Harry asshole?! Just sage guys, it's the only way.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:45 No.5340445

    >sage on a slow board
    >> HexenHarlot !!8tx+uWn/Ew2 01/09/12(Mon)14:47 No.5340454
    Oh man those are the BEST virgins. The first girl you fuck is going to love you.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:48 No.5340459
    That's just an excuse people use when no one WANTS to date them or fuck them.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:49 No.5340462
    Some of us are virgins by choice, you know.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:49 No.5340463
    Contrary to popular belief huge dicks don't actually feel good and most people who claim they do are women who've never had one.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:51 No.5340472
         File1326138688.jpg-(103 KB, 519x719, 1325329386088.jpg)
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    This, /cgl/ is ours
    >> HexenHarlot !!8tx+uWn/Ew2 01/09/12(Mon)14:51 No.5340475
         File1326138719.png-(10 KB, 299x276, 1326086675556.png)
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    Maybe not to most people, but I'm a sadomasochist. :>
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:53 No.5340481
    >but not everyone here is like that.

    Only because you're too ugly to. If you looked better you'd be just as slutty.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:54 No.5340484
    Does this mean /fit/ is going to die?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:55 No.5340486
         File1326138911.jpg-(33 KB, 313x313, k-on_ritsu_icon.jpg)
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    He's dead.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:55 No.5340487
    You can think what you like of course, but from personal experience I know otherwise. I'm guessing you're just trolling but I hope your view of men heightens someday, some of them really do have good morals.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:55 No.5340488
    All I see here is, a bunch of fags from /fit/ that can't get a woman outside of the internet
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:56 No.5340491
    Somebody made a joke image using his childhood picture. Something like "Be a normal healthy boy/ Go to /fit/ and die early".
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:58 No.5340495
    Nice double standards there, missy!
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:58 No.5340498
    Pathetic meta-trolls like you are the worst. You have an inferiority complex because you're jealous of the guys at /fit/, so you come here and keep posting this shit, pretending to be one of them, which represents both your desire to look like them, and also your resentment for their physical achievements, which you obviously lack.

    So would you kindly fuck off and go back to where you originally came from? Thanks.

    I won't even bother asking for a timestamped proof, because I can already tell simply from the way you type, and from your existence on this board, that


    are not

    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:02 No.5340518
    Are you new here?

    /fit/ and /fa/ take this whole "/cgl/ girls are ours!" stuff really seriously. I wish I was joking, but it's true.

    Maybe it's just their anons and tripfags that come over here, but it has been going on for a while.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:03 No.5340526
    But that's how it works. He's right.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:04 No.5340533
    I doubt that. In the two weeks I've been reading this board, there was maybe one /fit/ poster at best. The rest are just shallow wannabes and pretenders.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:06 No.5340543
    There are a fair number of tripfags on /cgl/ who claim to be from /fit/. Matt, Smoker, God, those gooks who all look the same etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:07 No.5340547
    As if girls can never hide the fact that they were 'sluts' in the past, hook up with a good guy to take care of their kids and live happily ever after. I realize that men don't want to marry sluts, but that's just their hurt ego talking. Women who slept with multiple men can be the sweetest girls you've ever met, just exploring boundaries and having fun. They're perfectly capable of being a loving mother and a devoting wife. You know why? Because they will never in their marriage have any regrets or thoughts about what it will be like with another man. They've already passed that phase and know they've found the right guy they want to spend the rest of their life with.

    Just sayin
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:07 No.5340548
    >In the two weeks I've been reading this board, there was maybe one /fit/ poster at best.
    Two weeks? Those narcissistic faggots from /fit/ have been shitting up this board for months. The /fit/ tripfags are even worse.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:08 No.5340555
         File1326139711.png-(631 KB, 650x365, trap.png)
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    The true faces of /a/ and /cgl/ behind closed doors.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:08 No.5340559
         File1326139735.jpg-(282 KB, 600x600, 1323895044874.jpg)
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    >being a slut is just a phase
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:09 No.5340561
    Yes I keep forgetting that the tripcunts are people too.

    But other than that, nobody posts shit like that. Reverse trolling extravaganza going on in here.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:09 No.5340562
    >he thinks all women don't become sluts at some point in their lives
    >> REMiX !ZrrbOLN4Ak 01/09/12(Mon)15:09 No.5340565
    I'll be one of the first people to say that I embrace the term 'slut' positively...

    But I'm sorry, I don't find hipsters to be attractive. They're just annoying and no amount of physical greatness can make that okay for me.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:10 No.5340568
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:11 No.5340572
         File1326139862.png-(163 KB, 996x832, 1319139402951.png)
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    E/b/in!!11 xD
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 01/09/12(Mon)15:11 No.5340574
    >They're perfectly capable of being a loving mother and a devoting wife

    Be reasonable now.

    >Because they will never in their marriage have any regrets or thoughts about what it will be like with another man.

    But sexual desire doesn't work that way. It's not like sluts fuck hundreds of men and then are like "oh well, experienced it all". It's basically an addiction, physical and out of sheer force of habit towards neophilia too. So no, they're not just going to stop.

    There's a reason divorce becomes more common depending on the number of partners people have had prior to marriage.

    I just find it bizarre any girl could disrespect her father/older brother(s) in such a way as to behave like that, but that's just me.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:11 No.5340575

    That's why they are 3DPD.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:11 No.5340576
    >women can keep secrets forever
    not likely. that shit always comes out eventually, and the minute it does you'll be dropped like you were on fire. men do not want sluts, you're making that choice. you think you can somehow do anything you please and it will have no repercussions or effects on the rest of your life?
    don't be so fucking stupid please.

    here's a nice general rule for life, if you're too ashamed to tell people, or say it in public and not be ashamed of it, don't fucking do it. not just for sex, for anything in life. if you have to hide anything, you shouldn't have done it in the first place. your brains must be full of fucking granite.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:11 No.5340580
    >implying he's not gay
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:12 No.5340582
    hahaha all that tsundere.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:12 No.5340583
    Why don't you look at what people are talking in the thread itself, and not just the OP? All that thread is /a/ and /v/ being tsundere

    AND JUST AS A REMINDER: /a/ belongs to /v/, and /v/ belongs to /a/. This is a fact that is older than 4chan itself
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:12 No.5340584
    I'm sorry /cgl/. I've said mean things in the past, but I don't mean it so much anymore.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:15 No.5340595
    The girls (and men) you call sluts are just playing around. It's just sex for god's sake, people are just having fun. Yes,sex can be special and very emotional, but sex can also be very lustful. People need to calm the fuck down and realize that there's a difference. People mature, and after a while, they're done playing and want to devote themselves to the people they love. It's not that weird of a concept.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:16 No.5340601
    You have slept with a fair number of men yourself haven't you? Slut.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:16 No.5340603
    >Women who slept with multiple men can be the sweetest girls you've ever met, just exploring boundaries and having fun.

    >exploring boundaries
    >having fun
    Sounds like an extrovert who needs to socialize. Dealbreaker.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:17 No.5340613
    >People mature, and after a while, they expect anyone who wants to fuck them to marry them first after they've been used up.

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