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  • File : 1326073628.jpg-(268 KB, 1024x687, 1312329904184.jpg)
    268 KB Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)20:47 No.5336904  
    >You have been arguing for almost half a week now about some trivial conflict such as - who will be the one to take you to a dance, over to an entirely fictional and almost non-existent winter ball ?
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)20:50 No.5336923
    4chan is serious business.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)20:53 No.5336947
    I just wish we had more relevant threads and less drama

    guess not in this universe
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)22:10 No.5337543
         File1326078655.jpg-(7 KB, 161x252, perfect.jpg)
    7 KB

    perfect reaction face for this picture
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)22:17 No.5337602
    the look on the 12 year old girl's face as she looks at the sexy print on the backside

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