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01/08/12(Sun)22:09 No.5337531 File1326078574.png-(176 KB, 500x422, tumblr_li9bmwJpnH1qgpeddo1_500.png)
 >>5337175 I hope it's not the Oh! album!
>>5337143 >>5337126
no, sorry, I think that I was unclear. I totally understand why people
of all ages watch anime, and read manga (especially.) I'm just saying
that there are some anime, particularly shonen, targeted at maybe 15-18
year old boys, and I see plenty of people over 20 caught into the
fandom. That being said, it's far, far more common with teenagers. So I
totally understand your point.
To >>5337126,
I guess that's fair, but the fact remains that the enjoyment is
(purportedly) different between older Japanese who enjoy younger kids'
entertainment - I guess it's like those people who watch Spongebob or
other cartoons because they remember watching it as a kid - and people
who are hardcore into the fandom, which I have seen in America...well,
online, which is kind of like America.
But you're right, most of
the Koreans that I've talked to admit to liking this or that Kpop song,
so I guess it's sort of the same thing.
It may be something similar to the pony fad, IDK.
...i don't know what point i'm trying to prove. |