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01/09/12(Mon)00:33 No.5338279>Jr. High >strike up a one-sided friendship with obese mormon weeaboo >had just moved into town, had no one else to sit with at lunch >She had a number of friends who sat with her >really grew to enjoy the company of most of them
>most of the group falls apart at High School >Senior year rolls around >have stayed in close contact with some of the kids >have a class next to obese mormon, stuck seeing her every day >Mormon invites me to the school's Anime Club, which, surprise, she is president of. >try to be good friend, go to club instead of seeing girlfriend
>I go to the class >first thing I see, teacher has allowed club to paint built-in cabinets >poorly copied and poorly drawn render of Soul Eater >across the room is another cabinet, this time Bleach >some 50 kids in this class >find a seat near back, near the door >75% of these kids are wearing ear-hats, wearing black, are covered in anime pins, and are screeching at each other
>realize this is a horrible mistake >get ready to leave >Mormon sees me, comes over, says hi >fortunately pulled away so she can tell everyone what they'd be watching >Count of Monte Cristo >don't like it, but it isn't Naruto or moe-blob so alright >lights go down, starts on a 14" TV
>everyone is whispering >kid in front of me >emo-twat, all black, twelve belts, arm sleeves, tiny, must be a Freshman >starts talking to the girl next to me >telling her how god damn sexy Sasuke is >from Naruto. >he wants to mongle his cock and take it in the ass and I'm out the door
>never saw Mormon girl after that day >only a few weeks left in the school year >decide to just hang in my classroom |