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  • File : 1325872389.jpg-(132 KB, 774x1032, mcm_expo_london_october_2011_210_by_sega(...).jpg)
    132 KB Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)12:53 No.5325105  
    Can we please just get this guy banned from MCM?
    He is creepy as fuck, only takes pictures of girls, has never washed that 'outfit' and is a cunt to everyone at the naruto meets.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)12:54 No.5325117
         File1325872496.jpg-(99 KB, 900x675, MCM_Expo_73_by_SEGA2009.jpg)
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    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 01/06/12(Fri)12:57 No.5325123
    those aren't reasons to ban somebody. He has to commit some kind of offense AT the con
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)12:58 No.5325130
    urgh, this guy
    he kept trying to hug me at the manchester mcm, even after i told him to fuck off
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)12:59 No.5325131
    I didn't realize taking pictures of girls at a con is a bannable offense.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)13:00 No.5325136
    Oh yeah, look at that girl. She's clearly scared, creeped out and frightened for her safety. omg the horror.

    ITT: girls who need to get a life and stop thinking anytime you get hugged by a guy he's trying to molest you.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)13:05 No.5325148
         File1325873108.png-(40 KB, 426x457, matt1.png)
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    I think he's just a really annoying guy, but nothing ban-worthy as of yet...
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)13:06 No.5325151
    yeah, i remember him interupting the naruto shoots during may expo, he would not fuck off and kept calling the organiser "he/she"
    >> Fatty-Chan !!BgtcjoxdCXt 01/06/12(Fri)13:08 No.5325160
    ...for the love of god why would you make your middle name baka?
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 01/06/12(Fri)13:09 No.5325162
    Matt "Idiot" Morris?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)13:09 No.5325163
    I'm sure narutards take themselves very seriously.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)13:10 No.5325167
         File1325873418.jpg-(96 KB, 720x540, 76386_1690267623360_1437811748(...).jpg)
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    >> hebro !foNL5ycv6E 01/06/12(Fri)13:10 No.5325168
    his face makes me angry. idk why
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)13:10 No.5325169
    >kept calling the organiser "he/she"

    You'd think a guy as girly-looking as him wouldn't throw stones. Also, is he supposed to be someone?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)13:11 No.5325170
         File1325873465.jpg-(46 KB, 604x453, n76627096886_2216861_2441675.jpg)
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    Who understands the mind of a weeaboo?
    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)13:12 No.5325173
    This is his naruto costume.
    he claims he made ithimself and thats its perfect
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)13:12 No.5325174
    Who wouldn't want a free hug from a permavirgin neckbeard?
    >> Fatty-Chan !!BgtcjoxdCXt 01/06/12(Fri)13:13 No.5325179
    Fuck me some one actually wore the hottopic sailor moon costume.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)13:15 No.5325185
    He hugged me once then all of a sudden thought I was his best friend and comes running up to me every expo and once got chocolate on my WHITE DRESS. He seriously needs to learn to back the fuck off and learn about personal space.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)13:23 No.5325203
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    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)13:23 No.5325204
         File1325874223.png-(61 KB, 409x557, matt2.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)13:30 No.5325218
    I love how girls at cons can pretty much do anything they want to guys... tackling them, hugging them, glomping them, practically jumping down their pants. But if a guy so much as just gives a girl a platonic hug it's suddenly a gross violation of personal space and the man is a sick, disgusting evil person that should be shot.

    Nice double standard there, you socially awkward cunts.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)13:31 No.5325225
    No. Girls are also fucking creepy as shit. Have you not read through the horror story threads? 90% female predators.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)13:39 No.5325241
    Also applies to girls.

    I'd like to know how physical contact with strangers is accepted in the cosplay community, even though it is creepy and weird. Its certainly one of the things I dislike about going to cons.
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 01/06/12(Fri)13:41 No.5325244
    And 100% stories written by females.

    Too many girls who go to cons walking on eggshells. Stop being so judgmental. No one is hurting you.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)13:41 No.5325245
         File1325875293.png-(408 KB, 745x1373, screen(...).png)
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    All his journals are like this.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)13:44 No.5325252
    Does that mean that if someone is following you home, or creeping on you in a public place, its acceptable because they're not physically hurting you?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)13:45 No.5325254
    At my first con (her second) I have a friend who hugged every Edgeworth cosplayer we saw... she also asked each of them if she could hug them. It's still creepy but at least it's polite and you do have the right to say no.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)13:46 No.5325257
    No it's called stalking and you can call the police on them (or get con security.)
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)13:48 No.5325261
    Slightly different, because she obviously likes the anime. It is obvious from this guy's facebook statuses and photos that he only takes photos of and hugs attractive girls or those in revealing cosplay.
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 01/06/12(Fri)13:50 No.5325264
    The term "creeper" is a copout. It's used in attempt to persecute men at conventions without actually having them commit any sort of crime other than you being fearful. If you attempt to attack a man by calling him "creepy" you are essentially admitting that no transgression has actually occurred. ie nothing actually happened.

    I won't claim that vile acts don't occur at cons, but it is not even close to the degree or frequency that many women claim. Anime cons are actually generally very safe public venues. And if you actually believe any of those "horror story" threads contain any sort of truth then I have a bridge to sell you.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)13:54 No.5325275
    That's a fair point, I probably used the wrong terminology. I still think, though, that if someone is making physical contact with you that makes you feel uncomfortable, it isn't an overreaction or an attempt to persecute men. It can apply to both genders, and it happens too often at conventions.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)14:16 No.5325359
    this. it's almost every single image, just looks for revealing costumes.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)14:32 No.5325434
    So the OP picture is a revealing costume?

    Your argument came unraveled pretty quickly.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)14:37 No.5325457

    He's fucking retarded. I had a go at him. I was wearing Evangelion cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)14:39 No.5325464
    That's a man. I would've said woman. Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)14:40 No.5325471
    I think they meant on his FB. In the thread there's only a couple of pics and the girls in them are actually mostly covered... and mostly cute. i think he takes what he can get.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)14:48 No.5325504
         File1325879311.jpg-(331 KB, 536x649, 1325721829122.jpg)
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    >Dem broken lips

    Looks like he has a vitamin deficiency.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)14:51 No.5325521
         File1325879468.jpg-(84 KB, 604x453, 260036_2196092228659_143781174(...).jpg)
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    "That's right ladies, I lift"
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)15:49 No.5325883
    Honestly if he came up to me at a con wanting to hug and take a picture I wouldn't want to call the cops or feel molested.

    He just kind of looks like an overly excited high school weeaboo. Annoying, not dangerous.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)17:04 No.5326236
    see how the post said almost always, not always.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)17:30 No.5326319
         File1325889046.jpg-(22 KB, 512x201, narutard.jpg)
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    I have this guy on facebook and deviantart! Never knew he was a creeper though. He spoke to me around a week ago going on about people I dont even know and about how he had "drama with them". I was like "and you are?"

    Here's a print screen of a conversation from May. Not much in it but at the time I was like "ooookay"
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)17:57 No.5326421
    He added me on facebook after the May expo this year. I ended up having a, in my opinion, quite funny conversation with him.

    After adding me he introduced himself as "the naruto with long hair and orange trainers" and asked if I had seen him
    to which I replied "How nice for you, no and thank god I didn't as I would have rolled my eyes and walked away"
    to which he said I was mean
    and so on so forth really, the conversation went on to how he had a free hug sign and how he would have hugged me, and how I would have said no to the free hug and walked off, and how he wants to cosplay something other than Naruto but his free hug sign matches his Naruto cosplay so doesn't want to have to make a new sign.

    I know I sound mean for the ways in which I'm describing my replies, but losers like him who think everyone wants to know them really annoy me.
    I digress, he really is pathetic - he's added almost every UK cosplayer I know, or tried to and started the same conversation with all of them!

    On the subject of banning him from expo - why? There's only thousands of other losers like him that attend, or will attend. Just stop going if they bother you.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)18:02 No.5326438
    >Naruto fans being annoying clingy cunts.
    No surprise there.

    >Narutofags being buttsad because some of their brethen is mildly annoying to them.

    Yeah, fuck you all.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)18:26 No.5326499
         File1325892384.png-(107 KB, 1075x255, ohgodno.png)
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    >Not even into Anime
    >Not even really into Cosplay
    >Check this nigger's facebook.
    >1 Mutual Friend

    Brb, bathtub + toaster.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)18:33 No.5326521
    Yes but there's a difference between him coming over to you and asking for a hug, and him coming over to you and asking for a photo and then hugging you without asking. Not everyone is comfortable being hugged by a stranger, especially when they're in a skimpy costume.
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 01/06/12(Fri)18:42 No.5326552
         File1325893336.png-(157 KB, 416x480, wut.png)
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    That's a guy?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)19:05 No.5326650
    I have 16 mutual friends with him
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)19:13 No.5326682
    Yes exactly. It's one thing to do the "stand close half-hug with hand on other person's back" because it's kind of a generic photo-pose anyway, but excessive touching is never cool. I just remember my friend who I was taking some some pics of at the time at a con had this dude come over ask for pictures, which she obliged to, and he then put his arm over her shoulders which could have messed up her cosplay and pulled at her wig. She's certain he may have been drunk. And apparently invited to a party thing that was being held at con (didn't go obviously.)
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)19:15 No.5326694
    45 here. I feel so dirty.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)19:20 No.5326719
         File1325895656.png-(87 KB, 749x349, screen(...).png)
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    Okay, now this is fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)19:27 No.5326738
         File1325896057.jpg-(139 KB, 900x675, mcm_expo_london_may_2011_86_by(...).jpg)
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    >fanny pack

    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)19:28 No.5326745
    ...but... you can't remove time stamps once the image has been taken - can you?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)19:29 No.5326749
    you can edit them out with photoshop I suppose
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)19:30 No.5326752
    you cant, but he refuses to turn off the feature on his camera
    well actually with a bit of a shoop you can remove it i gues
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)19:33 No.5326766
    Why should he remove the timestamp? I'm just confused about that, and I don't really go to deviantart so I wouldn't know if it something everyone knows
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 01/06/12(Fri)19:34 No.5326771
    I think I've seen this guy around but I've never had any memorable encounter with him. Though I don't think you can ban someone from an expo just for being a mild creeper.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)19:35 No.5326775
    I think the person that got funny about the time stamp is more pissed off about the fact he's just posting personal snapshots on dA. Like, because they're not 'artistic', they're just the sort of pics you put on facebook or a photo album rather than art.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)19:36 No.5326778
    As you can see in
    Its just annoying to have in the way.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)19:39 No.5326786
    If it's just his personal photos, then it's not really that big a deal. It's not like he's doing photoshoots with it on. That would be annoying.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)19:40 No.5326792
    Shut up. It matches his cosplay. Like those sneakers.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)19:41 No.5326796
    oh dear god, how did i miss those trainers with that colour.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)19:48 No.5326817
    because they like so ttly match his outfit *cough*
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)19:49 No.5326820
    He has now been alerted to this thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)19:52 No.5326827
    *waits for the facebook status*
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)19:53 No.5326833
         File1325897584.gif-(303 KB, 400x300, 1316486421136.gif)
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    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/06/12(Fri)19:54 No.5326836
         File1325897640.png-(7 KB, 299x276, 083_farfetch__d_fsjal_by_blaze(...).png)
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    And now we wait in anticipation
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)19:54 No.5326838
    "Wah. I don't get along with someone at a con and he's being totally 'creepy'. WE SHOULD BAN HIM."

    Get the fuck over yourself, OP. I'm sure you do plenty of shit that some fuckwad wants you ejected from their precious con for.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)20:03 No.5326867
    You women are so pathetic

    The guy seems to be a completely harmless retard.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)20:06 No.5326876
         File1325898360.png-(439 KB, 640x480, Slickoldma2n.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)20:13 No.5326907
    Status on the status?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)20:19 No.5326929
    There isn't one yet
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)20:30 No.5326973
    Ah yes, he tried to add me once, but I didn't accept.

    I like his hair. It would look amazing on someone with an attractive face.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)20:38 No.5327004
    Wow, you're kind of a bitch, aren't you.
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/06/12(Fri)20:39 No.5327006
         File1325900371.jpg-(83 KB, 311x311, 9695641..jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)20:41 No.5327016

    bitch you just got here yourself.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)20:41 No.5327017
    Is it just me or does this guy just look like a really ugly flat chested chick? :/ For some reason his face looks somewhat feminine...
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)20:41 No.5327024
    What is bitchy about that statement?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)20:42 No.5327033
    Yes, it has been noted since the beginning of the thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)20:43 No.5327035
         File1325900590.jpg-(50 KB, 311x311, 1316494124594.jpg)
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    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/06/12(Fri)20:43 No.5327038
    Just got here? Nope. Started tripping recently? Indeed.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)20:46 No.5327056
    Really? That's a whole lot kinder than I would have been. At least it lists a redeeming feature.

    Personally I think his hair makes him look even more of a tool, and there's nothing good about his appearance at all, short of not being a landwhale.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)20:47 No.5327063

    oh I bet

    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)20:49 No.5327069
    You're trying to sound cool by not accepting a person's friend request and then proceeding to be judgmental about their appearance for no reason.

    I'm surprised you don't get a nose bleed with your nose so far up in the air.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)20:51 No.5327074
    > no reason
    > reason is that they are fucking ugly
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/06/12(Fri)20:51 No.5327075
         File1325901076.gif-(219 KB, 250x188, Wuteva.gif)
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    Whatever you say.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)20:51 No.5327078
    Not sure if you're the creepy guy this topic is about...or just trolling by trying to really make it look that way.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)20:51 No.5327080
    You accept friend requests from people you have never met before?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)20:53 No.5327085
    So someone has higher merit as a human being in your eyes if they are physically attractive and a useless dreg if they are not?

    Oh, but I'm sure you're just a wonderful person. Anonymously bashing people on an image board and acting generally haughty and judgmental to others. Take a look inward at your OWN actions before you start judging others.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)20:55 No.5327095
    Being ugly is fine if you're a decent person.

    This person is demonstrably a dick, so the ugliness just makes it funnier.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)21:03 No.5327139
    I don't see any examples of being a "dick". Just seems like a friendly guy who likes to give girls hugs.

    If this is how low you have to sink to run a smear campaign against someone then you've officially run out of creativity for vendettas.

    btw, I'm sure you're just the model of grace and beauty and not an ugly fat whore trying to put people down on the internet to make yourself feel better. Nope.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)21:05 No.5327150

    y u mad tho?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)21:09 No.5327171
    2/10, can just about believe he would be this dumb
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)21:11 No.5327186
    Memes and troll accusations. Boy, we sure are breaking out the strawman arguments today. Guess you ran out of steam.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)21:13 No.5327196
    >I don't see any examples of being a "dick".


    Making fun of a transman isn't being a dick?
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)21:15 No.5327218
    >Unwanted physical contact
    >Bad BO
    >Awful cosplay but high opinion of it
    >Not taking no for an answer

    Verdict: dick

    Whiteknight = obvious troll
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)21:15 No.5327219

    lol? memes on 4chan? oh my! what a curious world we live in.

    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)21:16 No.5327223
    So your troll campaign is based off of a petty squabble in a deviantart comments section. Boy, you're really shooting high.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)21:17 No.5327233
    I don't think you know what trolling is, son.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)21:19 No.5327244
    >"you dont have any proof"
    >gets shown proof
    >"That does not count!"
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)21:20 No.5327253

    this anon seems to know what hes talking about.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)21:22 No.5327272
         File1325902976.jpg-(105 KB, 358x477, 1322686167396.jpg)
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    Buttmad creep from OP's post has arrived.

    Fill us with your hate.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)21:25 No.5327291
         File1325903122.jpg-(19 KB, 315x209, 1221779727885.jpg)
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)21:26 No.5327297



    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)21:31 No.5327338
    Yeah, im pretty sure this isn't matt.
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)21:34 No.5327360
         File1325903695.jpg-(48 KB, 530x439, 1325644862207.jpg)
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    nice try
    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)22:17 No.5327635
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    >> Anonymous 01/06/12(Fri)22:51 No.5327788
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)05:49 No.5329299
    matt is way too retarded for captcha
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)07:00 No.5329522
         File1325937638.jpg-(23 KB, 288x499, 1308716525913.jpg)
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    Why would you wear that and think its looks good?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)09:43 No.5329846

    By the looks of the "map location" this dude lives right near me

    > timetomove.jpg
    >> fuumuu !0dzsGKEjhk 01/07/12(Sat)10:11 No.5329881
    >26 mutual friends
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)11:53 No.5330047
    > a whore has lots of friends
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)12:02 No.5330063
         File1325955772.jpg-(73 KB, 800x1067, 339486_179815028768403_1372238(...).jpg)
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    also ban this guy he a dick as well. He is the big death note cosplayer
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)12:26 No.5330145
    Loving this thread of hate.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)12:49 No.5330205
    If invading your personal space was a bannable offense at cons, women wouldn't be allowed at cons.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)12:50 No.5330209
    Not sure if it's just the angle the picture's taken at but he appears to have the hands of a new born baby.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)15:31 No.5330802
    yeah they looked fucked up
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)17:48 No.5331506
    bump becasue i am loling at the hate
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)17:53 No.5331526
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)17:57 No.5331540

    What? Men are usually the ones who try to hug/grope/generally harass cosplayers.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)18:04 No.5331558
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)21:29 No.5332447
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    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)21:32 No.5332455
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    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)21:33 No.5332462
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    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)21:33 No.5332465
    There's plenty of woman cosplayers who do it as well.
    Namely weeaboos and hambeasts.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)21:34 No.5332472
         File1325990094.jpg-(220 KB, 1204x1222, 1319654466042.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)21:36 No.5332480
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    >> betafaggot 01/07/12(Sat)21:36 No.5332481
    The grammar in that picture is atrocious, I can't even take it seriously.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)21:36 No.5332485
         File1325990217.png-(244 KB, 492x389, 1319002504945.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)21:37 No.5332486
    I actually do wear/do a lot of those things when I'm at home by myself... It helps me feel pretty and sexy when I'm feeling down.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)21:38 No.5332490
         File1325990295.jpg-(110 KB, 760x920, 1319002444873.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)21:42 No.5332519
    Pretty sure this is illegal. To purposefully give your cheating husband an STD.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)21:43 No.5332522

    I second this. it is at least to knowingly give someone HIV.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)21:46 No.5332531
    I am pretty sure it's illegal to purposefully spread any disease.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)21:47 No.5332539
    Most things on craigslist is either illegal or creepy.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)21:48 No.5332544
    Are you saying you wouldn't like for someone to come over and JO with you and play with some trains after? While eating crab meat of course.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)22:17 No.5332673
    How this thread turn into slut walk shit?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)22:18 No.5332681
    Cause this board is sluts
    >> Anonymous 01/07/12(Sat)23:58 No.5333186
    I hate women for this reason.

    Most women think if they get pregnant the man has NO SAY, if he wants to keep it.
    He has no say, if he doesn't want it he has no say.

    You didn't make that baby YOURSELF and it's his choice to bitches.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)00:09 No.5333238
    if the man wants to keep it he should become its incubator then
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)00:41 No.5333368
    That's not a reason to "hate women", silly pants
    Although I agree, no one should have to raise a child that they don't want
    Not only will their lives be ruined, but the child isn't going to be living it up either
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)00:42 No.5333372
    It's not only men who should bring around condoms.
    Women should bring them too and use brith contorl if they dont want to get preg.

    It's 50%/50% when making a baby just because the man doesn't carry it doesn't mean it's all the womens choice.

    The same if he doesn't want to keep it.
    Why should he have no choice? he made it too.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)00:49 No.5333411
    >no one should have to raise a child that they don't want
    thats more a matter of empathy on the womans part, because it comes down to whether or not she wants to keep it. no matter what he wants, shes the one who is in charge of the baby. it would just be much more responsible not to try raising a child with a father who doesnt want it. if you dont want to make that ultimatum, then you have to take precautions against it.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)00:57 No.5333450
    there's really only 2 people in the world who have any say, and the woman trumps the man in this case.
    As for the situation in the pic you linked.... if the woman wants the child without the man's consent so badly, she can have it. But he sohuldn't be at all responsible or even legally considered the father if he can prove she "trapped" him
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)10:07 No.5335047
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)16:46 No.5335433
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    >> Aya Shameful !I4IrJba9Qw 01/08/12(Sun)16:53 No.5335452
    Well you know, you can always say no to hugs and/or photos
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)16:58 No.5335459
    Not if they hug first and ask later. When the hell did that become the norm? Nobody wants to be hugged by dirty strangers.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:02 No.5335468
    he is a absolute twit of a boy. He has such attention seeking whines ever an seems to be on the girl harmonal train every half hour when someone is having a go at him.

    Most of the time he's not wanted, he gets told of hundreds of times and then he goes an has a whine about it afterwards. he's such a ignorant piece of trash. but it just sooo amusing to see what on earth he comes up with next.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:03 No.5335474

    Not everybody goes on 4chan, or cgl for that matter. I think it's retarded how you're carrying this on..
    >> To the dear twats who made this thread SHUT YOUR MOUTH 01/08/12(Sun)17:03 No.5335475
    Wow there are some seriously pathetic people in the world like you, who actually puts up shit about others.. you know what how about come say it to his face.. not over 4chan.. you make me fucking sick. so here is my fist all i need is your face. Thats if you can put your money where your mouth is...
    >> Cazzie 01/08/12(Sun)17:04 No.5335477
    D: I think he's really nice!
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:05 No.5335480
    creepy hugger detected
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:06 No.5335481
    'To the dear twats who made this thread'
    you seem to have left an email address of the sorts.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:06 No.5335484
    >Guitar Hero t-shirt
    HAHAHA If that isn't worthy of a perm-ban then I don't know what is.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:07 No.5335490
    Caroline, you are fat and look retarded
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:09 No.5335494
    hello it human nature to nark about people, otherwise known as 'gossip', he does it too. theres so many trollers for every white knight there is.

    he's pretty much Marmite
    >> anon 01/08/12(Sun)17:10 No.5335497
    He has aspergers you fools
    >> Aya Shameful !I4IrJba9Qw 01/08/12(Sun)17:10 No.5335498
    personally it mite be because these kids have gotten over excited and forgot to be polite, I really don't get this problem too much being a guy but I always ask where I can before taking photos.
    I personally don't see why people get so excited as the MCM expo's stalls is full of fake merchandise with the organizers doing nothing about it and guests such as Beckii Cruel.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:12 No.5335502
    He can still learn about personal boundries.
    I have aspergers too, I managed to.
    You can't use it as an excuse for everything.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:14 No.5335512
    Well to link to that page, you're quite clearly a friend of his.
    And his aspergers isn't obvious - no one in this thread or at the MCM know that.
    >> Hououin Kyouma 01/08/12(Sun)17:14 No.5335513
    This thread, This fucking thread.

    Really? If MCM wasn't a fucking pitiful event enough already... You guys just pick on some random kid? fuck. fuck you all.
    >> Aya Shameful !I4IrJba9Qw 01/08/12(Sun)17:14 No.5335514
    what this person said

    Also these days I mostly go to the expo just to see my friends who I wouldn't get to see other wise.
    >> anon 01/08/12(Sun)17:20 No.5335543

    I don't know him, and only have 5 mutual friends. But nor do I see the point of picking up on something which is clearly caused by a disability.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:20 No.5335545
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    Here come the whiteknights.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:26 No.5335571
    as >>5335502 said, it's not something he can hide behind
    >> anon 01/08/12(Sun)17:29 No.5335584

    That's arguable, asperger's can come out in various different ways. It's not definite how it'd affect him. Sure, he might be a weird dude without it, but with it I can almost certainly guarantee that its the cause of a lot of it
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:30 No.5335592
    Usually girls are better cosplayers, and they're easier to find, and why are you even going to the Naruto meets?
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:32 No.5335601

    Okay, but that doesn't excuse his behavior. Is it that hard to STOP... ASK... and then following the request from the person?
    >> anon 01/08/12(Sun)17:33 No.5335607

    I pretty much agree with you there, but again, asperger's. It makes you damn unpredictable.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:34 No.5335612

    No... no it doesn't.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:35 No.5335614

    Well the he needs a guardian or parent present if he's going to act like a child.
    >> anon 01/08/12(Sun)17:36 No.5335624

    To a normal person, it bloody well does :P
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:38 No.5335635
    define normal person?

    find funny that in verification it was serivces manpest
    >> anon 01/08/12(Sun)17:40 No.5335644

    Normal as in without a mental disability
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:40 No.5335647
    By your definition, people with aspergers are abnormal?

    neurotypical i guess would the correct word.

    This. If you have aspergers and act in a way that makes others very uncomfortable, you need someone to help stop you doing those thigns.
    >> anon 01/08/12(Sun)17:42 No.5335662

    If the majority are without a mental disability, then they are normal. (the way I see it). And yes, perhaps he should have supervision. Just don't entirely blame him and call him a creeper and everything :P
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:43 No.5335667
    even those with out one are unpredicticable unless you are a profiler that can read people

    but still if it causing problems in his social life he should have someone there to tell him no. or instead of having a sign saying free hugs have a warning saying upredicticable behaviour in 5 mins
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:43 No.5335668

    He is to blame and he's acting like a creeper, so he's a creeper.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:44 No.5335674
    He acts creepy, so yes he is a creeper.
    If he has a problem, and admits to it, he needs to seek help for it, it IS his fault for not seeing it.
    Or his parents for not providing the help.
    >> Aya Shameful !I4IrJba9Qw 01/08/12(Sun)17:45 No.5335678
    Normal as in how a person usually reacts to another person.

    people with aspergers can find such things rather hard where someone without wouldn't even think about it.

    I think it's time you guys calm down and see this thread come to a close.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:48 No.5335693
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    >Asking /cgl/ to stop making drama.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:51 No.5335713
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    Either Liam is a troll, or he is lying to become better friend with him.
    Either way im laughing at how pathetic he is.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:51 No.5335715
    Wow, you bitches are nuts.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:52 No.5335722
    considering most people at MCM expo should have a warning label, it hard to judge what people would take kindly too.

    Ask first if it okay. if you are unsure of what they said ask again to make sure

    otherwise you may find yourself a status on his fb page
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)17:53 No.5335729
    I feel bad for the guy. :\ CGL is a bunch of cunts.

    "oh no a guy touched me and he isn't my 10/10 husbando, he's a rapist, look how weird he is. what's that a sign saying free hugs. oh god kill me now, I'm not going to rest until I get him banned from the Internet."

    fucking stay classy /cgl/. stay classy.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)18:05 No.5335788
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    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)18:37 No.5335935
    This is why I left the cosplayish community and shit.
    Some people hate the creepers and weebs, the rest are cosplay snobs and douchebags.

    And everyone in the fucking UK knows each other. This guy lives in the same area as me. I've never really known him to be a dick, but I've never really spoken to people. The whole community of the expos is so bitchy to everyone. Sure, he's a Narutard and all, but come on. Grow the fuck up and stop ripping on some guy for hugging people or whatever. So does every other person at the convention
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)18:40 No.5335948
    >So does every other person at the convention
    Really, really no.

    The fuck do you have against him?
    >> IMMORTALTRAP 01/08/12(Sun)18:48 No.5335996
    so i was crossplaying this one time, and i'm one hell of a trap, anyway this matt guy came over to me.....AND HE TRIED TO TOUCH MY BALLS!

    and then a skeleton popped out!

    Not that i'm complaining, and hey if you're out there Matt then i'm down for it....... seems you get confused by gender a lot..
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)18:49 No.5335998
    He must be desperate to be in contact with girls since he has no normal way of talking to them in the usual world
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)18:52 No.5336016
    this guy is probably the most annoying creature i've ever come across. He's disgusting, tries to hug everyone (to which i respond to with a middle finger as i hate free huggers with a passion) and has screamed some sort of comment relating to my costume everytime i've been unfortunate to cross his path at a con. And before i'm accused of being one of these "he looked at me and raped me with his eyes" kind of girls, i am far from it and normally don't give a shit, this kid just gets on my gears though.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)18:56 No.5336034
    Yes! Ban Ian! Or he might not be, his god-complex will make us all bow down towards him and his one or two cosplays.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)18:57 No.5336037
    If someone giving hugs makes someone "the most annoying creature ever" then you seriously have some weird standards of judgementality.

    Rapists? Molesters? Murderers? No way, it's THOSE DAMNED HUGGERS man! Trying to spread positivity and affection... YUCK! MAKES ME SICK.
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 01/08/12(Sun)18:59 No.5336049
    Everyone knows that a guy hugging a girl at a con is akin to rape.

    Women who go to conventions should put together weekly support groups for Hug Survivors, where they can learn to cope with the horrors of being hugged by men.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)19:02 No.5336077

    Yeah... there are people out there that don't like to be touched without permission.

    If this guy has a hard time controlling himself, just get this guy a chaperone who is willing to stop this guy from giving hugs to people who say no and it's all cool.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)19:07 No.5336110
    If you have such fear of being touched then you shouldn't go to cons. Anime conventions are a very social, interactive experience. It's not a good place for socially awkward, catty girls who live in invisible bubbles.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)19:08 No.5336114

    I had no idea being touched was a requirement at anime conventions.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)19:09 No.5336121

    >>>Also these days I mostly go to the expo just to see my friends who I wouldn't get to see other wise.

    MCM Expo is a terrible Event and is going downhill fast.
    The organisers are putting in more an more stupid rules, it's unreal.

    >>>You are not allowed on the ExCeL site unless you have paid for a wristband, even though we do not own the site, have only paid for 5 of 20 exhibition halls at the site, and other events are going on at the same time.
    >>>You may not take part in any meet-ups consisting of 4 or more people unless pre-arranged and approved by email.
    >>>The Ticket prices are going up, the quality of the show is going down.
    >>>You will pay to go, as it is the most popular event of it's kind in the country, and is your best chance all year to meet up with as many of your friends as is possible.

    >>>Freedom of speech is non-existant
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)19:15 No.5336155
    If you get through a con without coming into physical contact with anyone it either means you spent all your time in your hotel room or you're too ugly for anyone to care about you.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)19:53 No.5336422
    Ew I remember this guy. He's had the same scabby costume and free hugs sign for years and he's always there. Me and my friends were just 13 when we had our first Expo and I was the only person cosplaying a male character. My friends were all cutesy magical girl cosplays and when he asked for our photo, he wanted me to step aside. After making greasy contact and hugging them both without permission, he walked off staring at his camera, smiling really creepily at the new photo he had just taken.
    >> Nat Johnson ‎ 01/08/12(Sun)19:53 No.5336424
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    hes getting upset now :D
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)19:56 No.5336442
    Their, not there. I do not approve of bad grammar.
    >> A Nony Mouse 01/08/12(Sun)20:09 No.5336551
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    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)20:16 No.5336622
    Ban this fucking pervert. He was stalking my girlfriend throughout the whole of Expo, pretending each moment would be a coincidence. He didn't even seem to notice that while he was complimenting her on her body. I was right there the whole fucking time. I was so close to punching this git in the face but my girl was being so modest about it all even though she admitted that he was really creeping her out afterwards. She can't handle situations like that well and now she's put off from cosplaying that character since it was her first time.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)20:20 No.5336658
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)20:21 No.5336666

    Take it up with the Expo admin.
    Shouting about banning people on here is as much use as a marshmallow screwdriver.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)20:23 No.5336688
    Disgusting weaboo. Go die Matt. No one likes you and you're a fucking creep who should just gtfo. Seriously. If you were to die, you would not be missed.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)20:24 No.5336692
    doesn't he carry a sign each october saying it his birthday both days aswell?

    ¬.¬ he's in such denial over this too saying it all bullshit. hmmm if theres so many people in agreement there some half truth to it is there not?
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)20:24 No.5336697
    This thread is now beautiful
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)20:28 No.5336735

    Fuck you.
    I have a right to go somewhere without someone giving me a goddamn hug if I don't want it. I don't like being touched and I don't care if you don't feel the same way, but at least RESPECT that I don't want a free hug. He wants to hug people who say yes? Good for him and whoever he's hugging. But when you begin to encroach upon other's personal space and throw an attitude when they get upset, you cross the line.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)20:30 No.5336760
    He took it on the one day October 2010, as his birthday is October 31st
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)20:31 No.5336774
    People have things called "personal space". Of course on crowded places that space is limited but out in the wide open? Not so much. Do not hug people if they don't know you. It is such a simple rule that even an aspie could understand. If an aspie, could not follow such a simple thing, bring alone a parent who will drag your ass back to reality.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)20:31 No.5336779
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)20:34 No.5336804
    ah it just bunch of friends saw him with it both days. borthday badges are fine but i think a actual sign is a bit much specially if it attention seeking for himself. if a friend had done it for him it be a bit of a different story
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)20:39 No.5336848
    Oh lighten up you nazi feminist. Stay at home if being touched offends you so much. You sound like a snotty cunt.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)20:42 No.5336874
    >implying guys likes getting hugs by other guys

    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)20:44 No.5336883
    giving a fellow manlyman a manly man hug is just a manly way of showing other manly men you are a manly man
    unless you feel unsafe in your sexuality
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)20:44 No.5336889
    But OP looks gay.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)21:10 No.5337081
    I mean, he's annoying and I don't like him, but there's much more annoying creepy twunts in the scene. I don't think his particular brand of annoying is worth a ban until we deal with the rest of the vermin. Making an example of them might encourage the others to change their ways after all.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)22:08 No.5337519

    I heard guys like period blood on their hands too.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/12(Sun)22:48 No.5337790
    In what way is he a cunt at naruto meetups?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)03:00 No.5338826
    Still finding it funny how people, especially on cgl, whinge about someone anonymously, yet they don't do anything about it. If you had such a problem with him at MCM, you should of talked to staff or confronted him yourself. But then again, you wouldn't have the balls to go say it to his face, even when he prompted you so.

    I love how this thread has turned butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)03:23 No.5338903

    The only butthurt in this thread are from people defending this dude.
    >> Tanner !aaWI/nsBfU 01/09/12(Mon)03:30 No.5338913
    And rightfully so. You are conspiring to get someone banned from a con on the grounds of "nobody likes him". You can't just go pre-emptively excluding people just because they don't fit in. There are plenty of people at cons that I don't like, but instead of trying to get them kicked out, I actually go and fucking talk to them to try to get them to calm themselves a bit and understand that they are making people feel uncomfortable. If you can't do that, you are as awkward as he is. Fuck you guys and your exclusivity. That isn't part of the culture of anime cons.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)03:33 No.5338915

    Hey man, I don't want this guy banned. He has every right to be at a convention, just as everyone there has a right to their personal space. I just think he needs to respect personal space, or have someone supervising him.
    >> Tanner !aaWI/nsBfU 01/09/12(Mon)03:35 No.5338923
    Next time he violates your personal space without asking, sternly but politely say "Do not touch me. Touching me falls somewhere between assault and sexual harassment, neither of which con security are too happy about happening. If you do this again, I WILL go to security." This kind of shit should be common knowledge.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)03:41 No.5338933

    I'm pretty sure someone has already told him not to hug people without their permission.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)03:44 No.5338936

    It is because of this mentality, that no one says shit about anything.
    >> Tanner !aaWI/nsBfU 01/09/12(Mon)03:45 No.5338937
    That isn't good enough. You HAVE to remind him that what he is doing isn't only wrong, it has specific consequences. If he persists, follow through with your threats. Shit like this is the entire reason I run Con Etiquette panels >.>
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)03:47 No.5338942

    That's what he needs a chaperone/parent/guardian present. It's not my responsibility to mentor him.
    >> Tanner !aaWI/nsBfU 01/09/12(Mon)03:50 No.5338947
    After all, how could you? You can't even fend for yourself when some weeb touches you in ways you don't like.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)03:53 No.5338950

    Well I would tell him to fuck off of course. But does he need to be reminded every time by someone he hugs without permission? If he's incapable of controlling himself (because of his aspergers?) and wants to stay at the convention without trouble from the staff/security/conventioneers he needs someone there at all times to help remind him.
    >> dildoes !GowwDiablo 01/09/12(Mon)03:54 No.5338951
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    >Etiquette panels

    only at a con fill with the socially inept
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)03:57 No.5338954
    Are you serious? How many damn times do people, MULTIPLE people have to tell you that they don't want to be hugged for this idiot to stop?
    >> Tanner !aaWI/nsBfU 01/09/12(Mon)03:59 No.5338960
    Luckily the socially inept are such sheeple that once you get a big enough audience, everything you preach is suddenly taken as the fucking gospel. I have not been much prouder than the moment when I witnessed someone say "the cake is a lie" and then immediately get lectured and berated by everyone within earshot.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)04:00 No.5338961

    And that would be this thread. Hopefully he's seen the light, heard the gospel, etc...
    >> Tanner !aaWI/nsBfU 01/09/12(Mon)04:01 No.5338965
    If nobody goes to con staff, he thinks there is no harm in pissing off a few people. It takes all of 3 minutes to talk to a staff member.

    sage for double post
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)04:12 No.5338988
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)04:27 No.5339006
    He has very little excuse before and he has none now.
    I know you are still reading this Matt, so learn the lessons here.
    Do not hug people without asking permission,
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)04:36 No.5339017
    Matt Morris
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)04:40 No.5339022

    えーっ!! どうしたのかな。
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)04:50 No.5339040
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)04:52 No.5339041
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    >> Anon-Uzumaki 01/09/12(Mon)05:26 No.5339128
    Don't be so rediculous. Most of the girls that go to cons clearly want the fucking attention. They all wear short skirts and low cut tops and then complain that guys are taking pictures of them? I think you should all get a life and stop bullying people you don't even fucking know.
    >> Tanner !aaWI/nsBfU 01/09/12(Mon)05:30 No.5339141
    There is a huge difference between wanting attention and wanting some random weeaboo rubbing his fanny pack all over you without your permission
    >> Anon-Uzumaki 01/09/12(Mon)05:32 No.5339145
    You are going to cons, a place where you expect to be hugged and make random friends...complain when he's actually done something wrong.
    >> Hahaha Rini 01/09/12(Mon)05:49 No.5339191
    All this... Over a hug?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)05:54 No.5339200
    I agree he should ask permission before hugging people, but most people just like the opportunity to complain and whinge too much.

    I think people are taking this a bit far, but all in all, I don't give a shit about the whole subject tbh.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)05:55 No.5339202
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    Yes, unfortunately. I don't see why they are upset. It's not like they're getting physically hurt or anything.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)05:58 No.5339207
    Don't touch people without permission.
    How hard is that to understand?
    >> Tanner !aaWI/nsBfU 01/09/12(Mon)06:04 No.5339216
    I don't go to cons to be hugged by strangers. Don't tell me what I should be expecting at conventions. I have been doing this for close to a decade and personal space issues aren't always a problem if ground rules are just laid out and everyone understands them.

    Okay, now take that 1 hug and multiply it by 100 throughout 3 days. 100 strangers touching you without your permission. Some of them have less than acceptable personal hygiene. Do you not understand how this could make many people uncomfortable? This isn't about just this one guy, it is about precedence.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)06:05 No.5339217
    Guess you haven't been around many lardass weeaboo women who whose hugs can break bones.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)06:05 No.5339219
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    You know he could possibly be good looking if he cut and styled his hair, new wardrobe, maybe worked out a bit to loose the pudge in his face and body. But then again almost anyone could.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)06:07 No.5339225
    I just love the way this is implied one way, as if only men can be creepers.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)06:07 No.5339229
    Nice jaundice.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)06:08 No.5339230
    Where in the post does it even imply that?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)06:13 No.5339248
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    yeah, he has a lot of problems.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)06:20 No.5339265
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    >MFW people are telling him to bring knuckle dusters and other weapons to expo
    I wish he would, all you would have to do then is alert security and then he reallly would get banned.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)06:27 No.5339285

    Why would he need to bring those?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)06:33 No.5339299
    He thinks people in this thread will harm him and have sent him "death threats"
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)06:34 No.5339300
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    Good grief I didn't think people were that retarded.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)06:37 No.5339307

    Well, have enough people talking shit about you on the Internets, you get paranoid that everyone's out to get you.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)06:43 No.5339322
    > maybe 5 people in the thread
    Lighten the fuck up bro, everyone knows people in this thread are too chickenshit.
    That, and show me a post where there is a death threat, or even a threat of harm to him
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)06:43 No.5339324
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    Well now it seems like he's got strangers wanting to physically touch him now. The tables have turned.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)06:46 No.5339329
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    Well I laughed
    >> cant be bothered to quote everyone Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)08:20 No.5339495
    Yes, I do get. Ironically he DOES ask permission so your statements are invalid,
    if you dont want him to hug you... theres this magical two letter word, I believe its "No"

    Yes, i get a lot of hugs. A lot of people who asked.
    Those who don't scare the life out of me and it turns into a good laugh
    Because its a hug... and everyone in the building is meant to be having fun
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)08:31 No.5339504
    He does not always ask permission, and he does not always listen when you say 'no', he admits that himself in his comments.

    >Because its a hug... and everyone in the building is meant to be having fun

    Not everyone likes to be touched.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)08:39 No.5339510
    You guys need to chill. Okay, sure, some of you need personal space, some of you don't like to be touched but it is uncredibly stupid to call him a molester or rapist. Yes he is creepy, but god damit bitches, chill, you are not all so pretty that every guy wants to fuck you. No need to feel so threatened. Besides, there are many people that act so much worse than him that are ignored when in reality they shouldn't be.
    I agree with some of you; that he should act nicer and more polite but some of you act so immature.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)08:40 No.5339511
    Nobody called him a molester or a rapist, check the thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)08:43 No.5339513
    Oh then, my bad, its just that I didn't read the whole thread and saw some people freaking out over the same thing, my apologies then.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)08:44 No.5339515
    itt: women.
    >> speed !LYNGx8MuKY 01/09/12(Mon)08:45 No.5339517
    >Not terrible

    I'd ban 90% of the people who attend.
    >> speed !LYNGx8MuKY 01/09/12(Mon)08:48 No.5339524

    Link to flaming. Hate this guy too.
    >> Tanner !aaWI/nsBfU 01/09/12(Mon)08:50 No.5339527
    wouldn't it just be easier to start your own con and only allow the other 10%?
    >> speed !LYNGx8MuKY 01/09/12(Mon)08:50 No.5339530
    I don't think that's possible.

    The kind of people that attend put me off cosplaying.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)08:51 No.5339533
    >Because its a hug... and everyone in the building is meant to be having fun
    You know people can have fun without being hugged by random strangers. Some people just don't like to be touched by others, it's not a difficult concept to understand. In some extreme cases, it could be a problem for them to be touched. One of my friends has a medical condition that means sometimes his brain processes a touch as pain. If someone came up to him and hugged him without him preparing himself, he'd be screaming and shouting and maybe even lash out. Some people have psychological problems that means they don't like being touched.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)08:55 No.5339537
    To everyone in this thread saying "It's just a hug, it's not that bad", think about what would happen if you ran up to a stranger, someone you have never met or seen before, and hugged them in the middle of the street. Not at an event, not in cosplay, you just hugged someone without asking. And think of how much weirder it would be if you're a man hugging a woman.

    I don't know why normal social conventions get thrown out of the window at events.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)08:58 No.5339544
    I don't know why but i kinda get the feeling that on conventions that kind of behavior is more acceptable, not that I am approving it though.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)09:00 No.5339549
    >that forever alone man
    oh my gosh so handsome
    what is this angel's name
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)09:17 No.5339567

    >And think of how much weirder it would be if you're a man hugging a woman.

    And people try to tell me this world isn't feminist nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)09:19 No.5339570

    Would you ask someone in the street for a hug?
    Is is weird to do so at a Con?
    You say it is.

    Would you go up to a random in the street and ask for a photo?
    No, you wouldn't.
    Does that mean it is weird to ask cosplayers at Cons for photos?
    Going by the same logic as the first question, I would assume you are against this too?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)09:30 No.5339577
    >Would you go up to a random in the street and ask for a photo?
    >No, you wouldn't.

    But I have. I'm a hobbyist photographer.
    >> ZomZom !TroZomZom2 01/09/12(Mon)09:39 No.5339590
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    >This whole thread
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)09:47 No.5339608
    Strangers in the street have asked to take photos of me quite a few times and I've never minded.

    At cons I don't like strangers running up to me and hugging me, it's creepy and sometimes scary depending on the person and the force at which they hit you with.
    I'd never deny someone that asked me for a hug however, I love a good hug.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)09:49 No.5339620
    That's not even the point they were making
    The comment they make was about not getting asked before the hug.

    Which is something Matt oes not do all the time.
    He does it sometimes, yes, but not every time.
    And there are times he has ignored the person and huggen them anyway. Then gets mad at them for not wanting to touch him
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)10:57 No.5339714
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    The guy is obviously either mentally retarded or autistic. Either way he doesn't give a damn about other peoples' feelings and WILL force himself onto a person if he bloody hell feels like it. No empathy nor any common sense. I stay the fuck away from him.
    >> ... Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:12 No.5339744
    "Magical two letter word, "no", and he wont hug you"
    Just say no :o *shock horror gasp*
    so yeah

    Oh sh*t, I forgot to ask your permission for obvious sexual interaction
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:13 No.5339747
    You sound as retarded as him.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:19 No.5339759
    ITT: girls who think hugs at cons are the same as being raped.

    Stop being afraid of men.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:24 No.5339771
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    After reading this thread, I don't see what the problem is aside from a bunch of oversensitive people getting upset about a stinky hug.

    If you see someone coming at you, arms open in hug attack mode, put out both your hands in their direction and say, "Please don't hug me." If they do not stop, repeat louder, "DO NOT HUG ME"

    Also, why don't they make "Do not hug" or "Please, do not touch" badges at these cons? Something where its obvious who does not wish to be touched. That way if someone does touch you, they can be dealt with by security.

    I feel bad for this kid. But at the same time everyone needs to learn boundaries.

    also, this kid looks like Sid from Skins UK.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:28 No.5339784
    I dislike that convention double standard

    >"I am a girl, I can touch and grope any man I want. But you can't so much as come near me unless I give you expressed permission."

    Okay, so you're a social retard with OCD issues about being touched? Fine. But don't come near any men either without their permission, otherwise you're a hypocrite.

    Also, stop blaming men for your OWN sense of awkwardness. Your irrational boundary issues isn't anyone's fault but your own.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:30 No.5339789
    wait what?

    nothing you said in reply to that person's post was relevant to what they said.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:39 No.5339814

    Did I read that right?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:41 No.5339819
    >Oh crap, I got called out and don't have an argument. Time to deflect!
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:43 No.5339824
    where in the post you liked to was there any talk of double standards?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:46 No.5339828
    If you would clarify what you were arguing about and how it pertained to my post, I'd be happy to discuss if further.

    unless you're trollin'. in that case, 7/10 because i'm annoyed and confused.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:47 No.5339831
    Um, no, that post didn't refer to specific genders, just people in general who didn't want to be hugged - don't get your knickers in a twist
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:52 No.5339849
    >Oh crap, I got called out and don't have an argument.

    now that green text is relevant.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:56 No.5339863
    This thread has to do with women being angry about being hugged by guys. Not "people in general".
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:57 No.5339866
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    so he IS still watching the thread
    and look at these faggots rushing to agree with him

    A hell of a lot of the posts are about people in general.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:07 No.5339897
    its funny coz you think him hugging people is not acceptable yet you're stalking him
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 01/09/12(Mon)12:14 No.5339913
    Hugging is unacceptable and means you are a villain.

    Stalking, vendettas, and internet bullying from the safety of anonymity, however, is perfectly fine.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:18 No.5339926

    Yup. I see nothing wrong with this at all... perfectly humane
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:34 No.5339957
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    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:41 No.5339976
    Seriously you guys, all this over a hug? Stop whining! I think you're forgetting that this guy is a human and HAS feelings too! So stop being butthurts!
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:43 No.5339984
    nad he needs to respect that other people have them too, by actually listening when people say no
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:47 No.5339990
    Well I'm sure that they're not gonna commit suicide just cos someone hugged them when they said no. Look back at some of the things that have been said. Things like this MAKE people want to commit suicide.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:48 No.5339995
    Like what?
    Go on, link me to something thats that bad.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:54 No.5340003
    Like when he got called ugly and fat?
    Yeah, you see, these are the things that people feel self conscious about. Have you ever seen that post (not on here) that's like: "That boy you made fun of for crying yesterday, his mother died. That girl you called ugly, she's cutting herself every night etc"
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:57 No.5340011
    If they are stupid enough to take it that seriously then good, get them out of the gene pool.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:02 No.5340019
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    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:14 No.5340050
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    OP must have a lot of sand in her vagina.

    What is it with the chicken shits in this thread? If someone asks to hug you and you say no but they hug you anyway, push them off of you. If they persist then you shout, if they still persist then kick them in the nuts/ovaries. Stop being such pansies. "Oh, I'm sensitive, I can't say mean things or push people off of me, I don't like to be touched, BAWWWW". If you're such a special snowflake then maybe you should reconsider leaving the safety of your basement.

    It's a community where people dressing up as fictional characters take themselves far too seriously, of course the conventions held in their honour are going to be 90% creepy, psychotic bastard.

    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:55 No.5340206
    Hey Matt.

    If you're still reading up on this stupid thread, try not to take anything /cgl/ says to heart. This board is composed of bitches, snowflakes, assholes, and basement dwellers. We'll jump on anything that remotely smells like drama.

    If I knew you in real life, I'd let you give me a hug. I don't mind.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:00 No.5340236
    Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:13 No.5340308
    Stop hugging people when they don't want to be hugged, you stupid faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:23 No.5340356

    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:35 No.5340401
    You dont know what that word even means, dont use it.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:40 No.5340425


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