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  • File : 1325566391.jpg-(40 KB, 1024x365, ikkicon6logo-1024x365.jpg)
    40 KB Ikkicon Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)23:53 No.5308364  
    Old thread

    >We saw PT
    >Alpha is Beta
    >Cosplay contest was shitty
    >Judge gave an award to a mass produced costume
    >Fuck the tent
    >Some bitch pulled people's hair
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)00:24 No.5308518
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    The recap is perfect. and now I demand more photo dumps please. I offer this pic of the awesome el wire guy.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)00:44 No.5308603
    Does anyone have photos of the cosplay winners?
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)00:45 No.5308617
    >Judge gave an award to a mass produced costume

    why I will never do contest again. Too much of this bullshit. Rather go have fun and get photos than spend 3-5 hours being judged/
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)00:48 No.5308631
    well, it usually helps when the judges are actually good cosplayers. No one knows who the fuck 3 of the 5 judges were.

    I don't blame you though, I've pretty much given up on competing myself.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)00:49 No.5308638

    Was Yaya a judge again? Most of her shit is made for her, so I expect no less that someone bought a costume and won an award for it.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)00:49 No.5308639
    I only have pics of the Fire Nation people.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)00:51 No.5308646
    Yep she was. And her outfit was terrible as far as sewing mistakes. And yet, she was judging us.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)00:52 No.5308651

    I'm really growing tired of her getting recognition for things that she has really no point in being recognized for. She keeps being brought as a guest to cons but after spending time asking her about her cosplays and how she made them, I realize she didn't have as much skill as she says.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)00:53 No.5308653
    Post those sweet, beautiful girls.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)00:53 No.5308655
    No disagreements here. Now post pics.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)00:55 No.5308665
    yes, but she's not the one that gave her award to the store bought costume. The girl in the satin vest did, no idea who she was.

    You can watch the awards on the youtube video posted in the last thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)00:56 No.5308667
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    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)00:56 No.5308668

    Even still, the judges all discuss the cosplays, that should have been mentioned. If not one single guest realized that, they all need to be fired.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)00:57 No.5308677
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    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)00:57 No.5308678
    Oh my God! How did I miss them?? They're perfect!
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)00:58 No.5308682
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    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)01:00 No.5308689
    Their details were awesome. Even up-close everything was finished nicely, they did deserve BIS.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)01:01 No.5308692
    I guess, but it's harder to blame the others for someone's poor choice in a judges award. Everything else that placed more or less made sense.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)01:02 No.5308697
    What was the costume that was pre-bought? I've just heard about it but demand pics of this nonsense!!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)01:04 No.5308706
    An Assassin's Creed Ezio.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)01:08 No.5308725
    Some of the most beautiful and sweet girls I know.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)01:09 No.5308733
    They were really nice to boot. Really hope to see them at other Texas cons.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)01:10 No.5308737
    No one has pics of the other winners?
    >> Smoker !!PhQsR6B2Ng3 01/03/12(Tue)02:29 No.5309033
    >alpha is beta

    Did you know get that from Akon? He's still a nice guy though.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)02:31 No.5309040

    He ain't nice. He tried to start some made up dramu about some Fire Nation cosplayers because they won the contest and wouldn't sleep with him.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)02:32 No.5309044
    Pretentious nice to keep his trip cool on /cgl/.
    >> Smoker !!PhQsR6B2Ng3 01/03/12(Tue)02:33 No.5309046
    Was he sad and intoxicated the whole time again?

    He's a hoot.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)02:34 No.5309048
    Talking about PT spotted and no one who always talks about her on /cgl/ took a single fucking picture. You guys are huge tards.
    >> Smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 01/03/12(Tue)02:35 No.5309050
    Its mostlikely because Texan seagulls don't like the bad wrap she gives us.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)02:36 No.5309051
    Wat. There's a picture in the other thread..
    >> Queen N !!dqP6WAmFwk9 01/03/12(Tue)02:41 No.5309059
    there's a picture in the other thread.
    why can't we just let the dramu about her die? her mother monitors 4chan and watches her every move. you're beating a dead horse. leave the poor girl alone.
    >> CakeMonster !cake.q7yIg 01/03/12(Tue)02:47 No.5309068
    I talked her into coming into the con and we hung out for a while, I also took a couple of pictures but I promised that I wouldn't post the pictures. She's a sweetheart and doesn't act all crazy in real life like you guys claim she does. You guys honestly need to lay off and quit being so rude to someone you haven't even bothered to get to know IRL.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)02:48 No.5309069

    I'm not the OP. The OP posted that she was spotted.
    And like i said in the past, her mom needs to teach her how to be a fucking woman already. By that i mean she shouldn't had let her go to Ikkicon. Since someone took a pic of her at Ikkicon on some other thread, doesn't that already fuel the fire of the xisting drama?
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)02:49 No.5309072
    motoko would beg to differ.
    >> Smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 01/03/12(Tue)02:49 No.5309074
    But being rude to strangers is so much fun.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)02:52 No.5309083
    And just like that this is now a Sarah thread lal
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !Pantsu/J9g 01/03/12(Tue)02:52 No.5309086
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    RECAP SOUNDS ABOUT RIGHT. THough you forgot the part about my pantsu. JUST KIDDING.

    Seriously fuck that tent, and that hair pulling bitch.

    There was a picture in the last thread. Oh, and cakemonster and I were totally having a conversation with her for like ten minutes.

    Sad? Nope.
    Intoxicated? Hell yes.
    >> Syren !6IA10XIaIg 01/03/12(Tue)02:53 No.5309087
    I don't see why people have this huge obsession over PT.
    I give no fucks about what she does or what she wears.
    We passed each other 4 times and she really wasn't that bad looking IRL, but why do people freak out about her?
    >> CakeMonster !cake.q7yIg 01/03/12(Tue)02:54 No.5309088

    Okay, I will take the blame on this one because I talked her into coming to the con, she told me her mom wouldn't let her and in all honesty she was trying not to come but I still talked her into meeting up with me. If anything it's my fault.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)02:56 No.5309095

    And i don't see why you don't see why this is all coming from the internet if you had a different expericence IRL.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)03:01 No.5309104
    No one cares about your fucking pantsu. If you were attractive, maybe. But you aren't. You're annoying and ugly, so shut the fuck up.
    >> CakeMonster !cake.q7yIg 01/03/12(Tue)03:03 No.5309110
    Sounds like someone is jelly. :c
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)03:09 No.5309125
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    oh ho ho what's this
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !Pantsu/J9g 01/03/12(Tue)03:09 No.5309126
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    Mmm someone can't take a joke.
    >> Alpha !W1/Jat/S2U 01/03/12(Tue)03:11 No.5309129
    a pic i posted in the original thread?
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)03:13 No.5309137
    It's all about her online antics. That's why you don't hear about real life, face-to-face ones. It's really just a hype sort of thing.

    So she shouldn't be allowed to go to a con because, gasp, someone might take a picture of her? What the fuck, Anon. I doubt her mother is THAT protective.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)03:18 No.5309148

    I heard he fucked her so that he could be efamous on /cgl/
    >> BlakeRyan !!4E1IEjI9c+/ 01/03/12(Tue)03:18 No.5309149
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    A pic I already posted. God you're fucking original.
    >> Alpha !W1/Jat/S2U 01/03/12(Tue)03:19 No.5309151
    >> Smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 01/03/12(Tue)03:22 No.5309157
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    Alpha isn't suave enough.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)03:26 No.5309160
    hair pulling??? Huh?
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)03:27 No.5309162

    That nigga must've had a small penis though.
    >> BlakeRyan !!4E1IEjI9c+/ 01/03/12(Tue)03:33 No.5309173
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    >small dick
    lolno. I've sucked Alpha's dick before and it was definitely at least 7".
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)03:34 No.5309175
    >lying on the internet

    Oh you.
    >> Smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 01/03/12(Tue)03:34 No.5309177
    We aren't talking about his E-penis Blake.
    >> cardboardsamurai !!+H702KOLoqi 01/03/12(Tue)03:35 No.5309180
    Hey bro if you wanna talk shit drop a trip, oh that's right your hiding behind anon to hide your vendetta-chan status amirite? Anyways was a blast hanging out with everyone and cakemonster your a sweetheart dear. Con people need to learn how to let people on fucking crutches through doors and how not to be rude little weeaboo shits though.
    >> dildoes !/SwoleKqOo 01/03/12(Tue)03:36 No.5309182
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    >alpha is beta

    explain yourself
    >> Smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 01/03/12(Tue)03:37 No.5309185
    Have you met the guy?
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)03:38 No.5309186
    Read old thread.

    Not him but damn, has it turned in to "tripfags are brave" now? 'Tis a sad, sad world we live in.
    >> Alpha !W1/Jat/S2U 01/03/12(Tue)03:39 No.5309188
    let people on the internet talk shit. all that matters is if you are having fun ;>
    >> dildoes !/SwoleKqOo 01/03/12(Tue)03:39 No.5309189
    no but i had a conversation with you before :3

    which one? the one with PT as op or the general ikkikon one?
    >> cardboardsamurai !!+H702KOLoqi 01/03/12(Tue)03:40 No.5309190
    Nah just a new generation of trips rising up and fuck I'm still trying to recover lost sleep and hangover statuses off me. Fucking absinth/everclear
    >> Smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 01/03/12(Tue)03:41 No.5309192
    Alpha I still love you even though you let the contents of the bottle do the talking. Its ok bro.
    Such a lovely phonecall.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)03:41 No.5309194
    This hand holding thing is getting old. You'd think Asians would be smarter than a monkey.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)03:42 No.5309199

    spoken like a true beta that fked pt
    >> CakeMonster !cake.q7yIg 01/03/12(Tue)03:43 No.5309200
    O-oh, thank you. ;u;
    I'm glad you had a blast. c:
    >> dildoes !/SwoleKqOo 01/03/12(Tue)03:44 No.5309201
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    come at me bruh
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)03:46 No.5309202
    Seriously though....

    >Still thinking Asian men might have a penis bigger than 2 inches
    >> KittyKazoo !U3Vo78lsG2 01/03/12(Tue)03:48 No.5309204
    ...So, do pictures from this con even exist?
    I know I'm guilty of only taking two myself, but I figured I was an aberration.
    >> cardboardsamurai !!+H702KOLoqi 01/03/12(Tue)03:52 No.5309210
    Sorry you were in such a dour mood when we met but I hope things are better now.
    If they do i would call them rare at best there was one guy stopping people for their pics handing them a card that had the site they would be on but the site charged $5 a print. I was kinda wtf at that, but whatever ya know. I didn't even take my phone with me the day I was there and then only stayed the night because I was running on almost 2 days no sleep and that plus drunk traffic in austin would have been a fatal combination driving home
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)03:54 No.5309212
    hey, fuck some asian guys then you can talk.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)04:00 No.5309219
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    Friend told me there was a Shinji from NGE there. Any pictures? Or any Evangelion cosplay?
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)04:01 No.5309222
    statistics do the talking for me
    >> dildoes !/SwoleKqOo 01/03/12(Tue)04:03 No.5309224
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    >ive watched some porn videos on-line
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)04:05 No.5309226
    ITT: Txfags bitching about everything
    >> CakeMonster !cake.q7yIg 01/03/12(Tue)04:06 No.5309227
    Ah, it's alright, things were a bit better when I returned to the room that I was chilling at and I'm trying to make things better. Hopefully I'll be able to fix it! c:
    >> Smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 01/03/12(Tue)04:07 No.5309229
    You know what I hate? People being meta.
    >> dildoes !/SwoleKqOo 01/03/12(Tue)04:18 No.5309240
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    you what what i love? watches being omega
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)10:14 No.5309679
    I've met her IRL and you are wrong. Bitch is nuts.

    why the fuck did she have R-Mika then, if she wasn't supposed to go to the convention? Who just brings that on a trip to see their brother?
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)10:27 No.5309711
    does anyone have pictures of it?
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !Pantsu/J9g 01/03/12(Tue)11:16 No.5309853
    halfus do :3c

    I have not really seen ANYTHING coming up in terms of galleries. It's truly sad.

    There's like...this so far:
    >> Vinny !!pJ0rDNx1Ssl 01/03/12(Tue)12:03 No.5310025
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    I found one whole kurisu and 7 other brokarins, they were all pretty cool.

    Obviously the con wasn't that great, once I heard about the tent and venue size so expectations were low. I was expecting the dealers' room to be the size of a closet, so that was a pleasant surprise.
    >> KittyKazoo !U3Vo78lsG2 01/03/12(Tue)12:05 No.5310035
    Yeah, I've gone through all the galleries posted, and mainly people just have pictures of the meetups they attended, not around the con.
    Though I do want to find the picture of me dive bombing the My Little Pony photoshoot. Hahah...
    >> Vinny !!pJ0rDNx1Ssl 01/03/12(Tue)12:07 No.5310046
         File1325610446.jpg-(130 KB, 586x980, IMAG0368s.jpg)
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    >PTcon 2012
    >Not taking pictures with PT
    >Also there was a cakemonster?

    Meeting the trips was fun, yes even including you Alpha. And Christ Almighty gave his food away, that's just nice.
    >> Audrey 01/03/12(Tue)12:13 No.5310073
    I'm guessing there were few pictures because it was so crowded and people were, in general, just annoyed with everything?
    >> Vinny !!pJ0rDNx1Ssl 01/03/12(Tue)12:13 No.5310074
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    Kaneda hanging around outside a little after midnight. "I'll show you the pill, everyone just wants to see the pill."

    Yeah no one in Texas takes pictures. Also Derf decided not to bring his camera which he would have lost anyway.
    >> Derf !0bAAek8KZ2 01/03/12(Tue)14:33 No.5310464

    Damn it..... So true.... So true.

    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)15:06 No.5310559
    could also be there wasn't much to take pictures of.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)15:33 No.5310635
    Has no one been able to ID the judges besides Yaya and Riddle?

    here is the youtube linked in the last thread

    someone has to recognize who these people are
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)15:42 No.5310655
    I don't know who the really tall girl was, but the other two are Angelyn and Dice. They're running Ultimacon in LA.

    Neither are terribly skilled costumers, Dice especially (the satin vest that gave the AC cosplayer an award).
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)16:04 No.5310722

    Look at all those dance skits. Jesus christ.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)16:08 No.5310739

    I keep seeing things that make no sense, maybe someone can explain it to me.

    Why does Count D keep getting MC positions at cons when many people seem to be bored with him?

    Why does Yaya Han continue to be brought in as a judge when her only fame comes from things that really don't give her a right to judge?

    Why do people that have minimal skill and capbility end up continually being judges? It seems to be if you're part of a cosplay "group" it's easier, like Baad Joojoo and Detailed to Perfection?

    I just keep seeing the same things over and over at a lot of cons and it makes no sense to me. Am I missing something? There are so many other people better qualified and yet we see the same issues time and time again.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)16:09 No.5310748

    Those emcees are terrible. They need to get the guys from AnimeFest to come down and take their place. At least if the show itself was boring they'd be entertaining enough.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)16:29 No.5310798
    I heard they did a superhero contest. How was that?

    Also, you can tell how little people cared about some of the winners by how delayed the cheers were for many of them. Congrats to the Avatar group though!
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)16:40 No.5310840
    With the shitty guests thing, it kind of goes like this.

    Texas has a pretty vast con family, but at the same time that means that everyone knows each other. So when a con needs guests, the cosplay director or someone else on staff just asks their friends to do it. The only con I know of that gets all out of state cons is Anime Matsuri (San Japan might, but I've never been). All the others are local, and that would be fine if they'd just ask cosplayers who are actually skilled at sewing, not just 'in' the staff circle.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)16:41 No.5310847
    >>out of state judges
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)16:42 No.5310856

    Even if it's not just those with good craftsmanship, people that are great character cosplayers, especially for skits, would be much better. I believe AnimeFest gets people that aren't even in the cosplay community, and with no one bringing causes issues.

    I do agree though, the MCs were boring. Cosplay Contests aren't usually very fun to begin with and the MC can make or break the show.
    >> Slendy !!qodyqiSfwuV 01/03/12(Tue)17:06 No.5310948
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    >> Slendy !!qodyqiSfwuV 01/03/12(Tue)17:11 No.5310964
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    >> KittyKazoo !U3Vo78lsG2 01/03/12(Tue)17:12 No.5310967
    San Japan doesn't have ALL out of state judges, but some of them. CapsuleCorp was a judge the second year, they've had Malindachan and Ex-Shadow the past two years...
    Now, San Japan's cosplay show isn't perfect either, mind you, I've had complaints about it in the past. But at least I feel like the complaints are going to be addressed when I bring them to light.
    >> Derf !0bAAek8KZ2 01/03/12(Tue)17:15 No.5310978

    You're piece is exquisite. I would say your best piece yet!
    >> Derf !0bAAek8KZ2 01/03/12(Tue)17:16 No.5310983

    >> Slendy !!qodyqiSfwuV 01/03/12(Tue)17:18 No.5310994
    I'm here to be the asshole that /cgl/ doesn't want.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)18:13 No.5311173
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)18:20 No.5311207

    I'm about to piss off a LOT of you. As for one of the judges, it's Peaches-sama, aka the girl who entered her Ceil costume numberous times, kept winning, and is a complete stuck up bitch. Have fun, seagulls!
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)18:33 No.5311262

    Anons bout to get supa pissed.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)19:02 No.5311329
    Ahahaha, was the director just looking for drama? A couple of novices, a bitch, tits McGee and riddle. (to be fair I know nothing about riddle)
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)19:21 No.5311412
    Peaches is really nice, I've been a friend of hers for a long time... and yes she was a judge, but she wasn't the one that gave out her award to the store bought costume, so it doesn't really matter. But, meh, whatever.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)19:32 No.5311460
    It maters because she tried to sandbag a few years ago. Thats just about as bad.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)19:39 No.5311491
    How did anyone find out that the costumes that won the Judge's Award were bought?
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)19:40 No.5311494
    A few years ago sandbagging wasn't even an issue (at least here in Tx), none of the cons had a rule against it or anything. Then about 3 years ago, rules started popping up for it at cons. Peaches hasn't done that in since then, so I think she realized her indiscretion and has since moved on. She is a much more qualified judge than Yaya (I don't even know who the other 3 were), and sandbagger or not, I'd rather have someone who actually knows how to make good costumes be a judge.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)19:41 No.5311502
    Everyone is going off speculation because of the way it looked.
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)19:45 No.5311520
    Rules only started popping up recently, but it was always a courtesy thing. People probably would have cared less if she hadn't shown up here and acted like an entitled douche.

    It's all based on looks right now. Generally though you can usually spot a store bought costume pretty easily. I think someone posted an Ezio costume they found on a cosplay site if you want to see for yourself. The old thread is still active
    >> Anonymous 01/03/12(Tue)19:49 No.5311532
    Okay, I had not heard that side of it then about her; I didn't know that she had been here and had had drama. I would still rather have her as a judge over Yaya, but I can see now why some might call her a bitch.

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