01/02/12(Mon)13:29 No. 5305938 File1325528957.jpg -(58 KB, 494x800, AN06_FF01.jpg ) "Wow,
am I actually finished with Friday already after just two paragraphs?!?
Unbelievable. This con really seems like it can be summarized with just
repeated instances of the phrase: 'memorable company, nothing to do,
memorable company, nothing to do...' Anyways, here goes Saturday. Upon
waking, I was delighted to help Maddie out with the last bits of her
Relm costume (at-con cosplaying, a regular thing for her) and we were
both dressed up, made up, and pimped up around mid-morning. For me, it
was the fourth time I saw myself with this costume, so it was no
surprise how swell I thought I looked (I really do; I do objectively
think it is a very snazzy costume, and I would say so even if it wasn't
mine), but I have to say, I'd never seen Maddie wear something so sexy.
And given that she was supposed to portray a 10-year-old girl, it was
very hard for me not to go pedophile on her. She wasn't just sexy, but
her costume was definitely on an Amano-level with mine. Her
head-kerchief was the most amazing part, I believe. We were among the
best-matching cosplayers I'd seen, whose costumes hadn't been made by
the same person. Of course that doesn't mean we matched in every single
aspect. I was blazing hot all day, and she was freezing cold. And I
didn't have to worry about regularly picking up dipping strategic pieces
of my costume like she did. But we did share a great foot-related
discomfort, except that in her case, the discomfort was more along the
lines of excrutiating pain. We took lots of pictures, we even found a
Terra to pose with, and eventually some journalists approached me during
a rare occasion where Madds and I were separated, but they were gone by
the time I'd gone to find her and bring her there."