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  • File : 1325449934.jpg-(17 KB, 230x272, news-graphics-2007-_655312a.jpg)
    17 KB /cgl/ Tripfaggots Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)15:32 No.5302861
    In case you guys haven't seen it yet, here's a list of tripfags! There are some updates, too.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)15:34 No.5302867
    Derpy-eyed God and Mannish Zal both got 8s. Welp, this spreadsheet is officially worthless.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)15:34 No.5302868
    Who the hell cares about tripfags anymore.
    I'm happy though since I'm not on this list anymore, oh joy.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)15:39 No.5302874
         File1325450378.jpg-(39 KB, 465x382, black-woman-attitude.jpg)
    39 KB
    What was your tripfag slave name?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)15:42 No.5302882
         File1325450536.png-(320 KB, 697x394, filthyanonymousscum.png)
    320 KB
    Not gonna tell you.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 01/01/12(Sun)15:51 No.5302910
    I got a 5.. for what exactly? It sounds like my dress sense.

    Funnily enough I don't dress like that every day.

    Sage for shitty thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)15:51 No.5302911
         File1325451089.jpg-(114 KB, 760x730, denmarkisacountry.jpg)
    114 KB
    You first anon. Who are YOU?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)15:55 No.5302918
    >giving girls low ratings because they dress 'slutty'

    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 01/01/12(Sun)15:55 No.5302921
    lol still not on there
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)15:56 No.5302924
    Johnny Bravo got a 9.5, I think the creator still has some common sense.
    >> Vavo !!od+/UXkDBQB 01/01/12(Sun)15:59 No.5302929
         File1325451573.jpg-(176 KB, 500x500, myface.jpg)
    176 KB
    It's expected.
    >> Denmark !Z0k5e0SqSI 01/01/12(Sun)15:59 No.5302930
    Jeez anon, no need to delete your post. Here is the answer to your question.

    I had been told that /cgl/ no longer treats tripfags like celebrities, so this list is a bit of a disappointment.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:00 No.5302933
         File1325451653.jpg-(8 KB, 176x132, 252318560.jpg)
    8 KB
    Qthehdite dfid chhdedh oddalafo tesahddh bdtth ahhce eeh afnnos d ieaeh ass ilarae hdcnn edhfb brcd d oobaele ia i lbb alc ddtsbo hts hni sashleb rl fe netc drde ll sfefcc oce c rdbrd .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:01 No.5302934
         File1325451664.jpg-(23 KB, 319x239, 364482507.jpg)
    23 KB
    Kbief eaiscn bfeen sbscdc n c fdh odaahlen nnc iae iro sdhrsh ee ttcbet hhec hsi fslee enee dricl dn ca siedris bfe driofn hsbhsd co rfo ed .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:01 No.5302935
         File1325451665.jpg-(53 KB, 497x373, 862576351.jpg)
    53 KB
    Zntote liilli asn csdlt cace tlhdaifd icea e eiddaf dinrne hted hh sl tcesh e ttfsfcho ens oiedeose nolc fde c osodrfdo lenn btbbldn rnlodb rfstdso fctee lbda osdeaci .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:01 No.5302936
         File1325451665.jpg-(28 KB, 357x268, 204835276.jpg)
    28 KB
    Adbdoico tdlftcbe ncde haebn n d tehdlfbb tired fatc sid dafeeh sdibd ttsdiee dhre otcacfde delhe edbee .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:01 No.5302937
         File1325451669.jpg-(31 KB, 372x279, 304464896.jpg)
    31 KB
    Naeo cdbedbd si lhe ticedaa hednedn irrhsso haeo io rdbe ecatee n ftd lddoa nlbce bc lts tcdn ceidh iflae sse odded sileebn .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:01 No.5302938
         File1325451668.jpg-(49 KB, 480x360, 428514702.jpg)
    49 KB
    Hncobc e sn lh rie eldnhn hccnif hddl crc oc drc e d e aa ec o hcde oc .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:01 No.5302939
         File1325451669.jpg-(10 KB, 203x152, 408916984.jpg)
    10 KB
    Hfd toedctba ese iddhe secosc nftc acfbd sca id dbode adcdhdd h hdis codc dtrerh .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:01 No.5302940
         File1325451674.jpg-(7 KB, 161x121, 59860850.jpg)
    7 KB
    Zn cerd c lehe araib era tdlbtd c nraeta rd de ibae tonlro dhhoe de ad deeosce dbe iaerte lierthe chldb nd becbn o h f heeelti fdfd t haoen fhda dialro e bf erdne lddhhe .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:01 No.5302941
         File1325451676.jpg-(57 KB, 520x390, 686196415.jpg)
    57 KB
    Rhsite stdb ieo dollo hosbts hrdiac enn ifdc eeidde tlcdice edt hon ecten beah ifl dtl a .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:01 No.5302942
         File1325451677.jpg-(76 KB, 599x449, 139793676.jpg)
    76 KB
    Weicbb ede sr ci t fd dilab lhsde hrddbd ehhtho nd rff lhedn bidhn ee nbhsei ascsfn e oad tatio rdie isodbd fcele d sdbdceo rictfao .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:01 No.5302943
         File1325451679.jpg-(44 KB, 453x339, 398425275.jpg)
    44 KB
    Jaoe tdnlerah d idd elabhd odotc eoa he dbn rened deebl elhslln hrflele tdfbb itsnlc dtoe attt abrdfbd drdf naeiar ehehhe od ccd dclie ciebtde tifetlf cbcetn e ltd hcd r erdbsd .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:01 No.5302944
         File1325451679.jpg-(38 KB, 417x312, 418047081.jpg)
    38 KB
    Sbtfdnc adtc n tc atnhcec ibddfd a icdf radfoe tcleeftd c a o reoil heta cfaelde e icfrd rc cite odtbhe ft rtasodc hndo rdindhn lccd sotdad ddiod olnre fh fidded ssct iihefdt ftatdl dadleh .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:01 No.5302945
         File1325451680.jpg-(23 KB, 316x237, 31348706.jpg)
    23 KB
    Tdader rrotd hnoeda th nrefe le toe dcocsd dbasedc oieofoln i hcec .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:01 No.5302946
         File1325451685.jpg-(7 KB, 155x116, 550194569.jpg)
    7 KB
    Jtoibctfh aosbdn bddbte dtttr boe dh dhddd dde intni ardds ecdob ih bonhiod oe ddted a bisid c ccon otdndc btabd hrdnc dddd df oaolne t ne ce rrn nd db dd dde ce ra .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:01 No.5302947
         File1325451687.jpg-(53 KB, 499x374, 651563964.jpg)
    53 KB
    Nnfbthdd ooder sb e fda ecbeb odecbnf elda n annnfd bbns e nideafn h c otccrai nlnnce aioslh sboieeo cc teriiddc feib c ho deeid b tbldn .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:01 No.5302948
         File1325451694.jpg-(25 KB, 332x249, 173082135.jpg)
    25 KB
    Nfidlf ende ooifarnr hee a he t selo odr oboes hcndf dteh abdtiac henn abdfbae crie dchcfad taoohdat edein na sleedh irdcbei .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:01 No.5302949
         File1325451695.jpg-(82 KB, 622x466, 7950314.jpg)
    82 KB
    Gdoddoh rreao cde iotei cdesd e ic ctseee lld abdd ic hdoifr dc isehnrs oic dafsoi idta tfilaen ee cahhbah nn hited fth innc eta oaan tiie ce nndalo dd ieiiebte .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:01 No.5302950
         File1325451698.jpg-(113 KB, 726x544, 86777184.jpg)
    113 KB
    Qrb rsehfe atlld dbnbdln e btcilc iah n dhd idbcolt tosdode abeed lddre ee tcd ife rceice teceennt r t tes nrlhd od inocilc d saebe dbo e oftdeahe .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:01 No.5302951
         File1325451700.jpg-(128 KB, 771x578, 58592854.jpg)
    128 KB
    Gcthnaoe bn reioe l lbrflff nsi eedll snnrnre crllih fiaf fcda ldt ero ce ritrie oolnceb tf tid nfh fe e errd dtid ard d chdstie rbt .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:01 No.5302952
         File1325451702.jpg-(124 KB, 761x570, 99683725.jpg)
    124 KB
    Iodr eis oibhslae ae isbcaid citoilf be edt ssrhid feac cn sbnt dclod c ndledsl lbd itc e lihecde rfc icsebod csf ilcdtae hddetc rdh dfddee do lfe iod h ce .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:01 No.5302953
         File1325451703.jpg-(117 KB, 737x552, 1170975.jpg)
    117 KB
    Dsa slechle iidrani derd ndnordd h rbed ndd nssbes cei n dn rfldcn ecrhe ed c ced de d ecr eenac lohdrad actae .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:01 No.5302954
         File1325451708.jpg-(129 KB, 778x583, 34672644.jpg)
    129 KB
    Tdn e rdldhd lrrldic e olhdth httoorh e e relec ncrrono a .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:01 No.5302956
         File1325451711.jpg-(76 KB, 598x449, 175821276.jpg)
    76 KB
    Knrce teteeedo icnoo tfaneoa dlara rciid dh l desde ddntd lrc hfcic nn cefce iebeeld be rlon .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:02 No.5302958
         File1325451735.jpg-(111 KB, 716x537, 80036424.jpg)
    111 KB
    Greehten roceca db b ee dese ne iidain dtte h otleo odeeo ldercne cctbd tefhre c dle otrln r odfa ncref idrshe tc enafa tdslafd ioa ftedhen cdl .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:02 No.5302960
    Seriously. I only just scanned through it but 'pikachu' has called several girls whores or slutty and rated them low because of it.

    Clearly doesn't like Pirate Toaster either, or ai honey, Mary Jane and powergirl.

    Take your personal preferences elsewhere, the sucking up and random vendetta is shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:02 No.5302963
         File1325451776.jpg-(65 KB, 550x412, 131939262.jpg)
    65 KB
    Sthnn olees lcdsn daleib rt lcfehi aid .
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:14 No.5303020
    But no one else likes aihoney either...
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/01/12(Sun)16:19 No.5303041
         File1325452776.png-(183 KB, 576x432, 1323930256886.png)
    183 KB
    Lolol. The picture used for me, oh lord. I knew that would come back to haunt me. Basically, my friend bugged me to do a "Casual Vocaloid shoot".

    >Friends with DerpQueen

    Bitch we're way more than friends. This is impressive though, good work.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:23 No.5303053
    Who's the person writing the descriptions? These things are surprisingly accurate.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:24 No.5303058
    So friends with benefits?
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 01/01/12(Sun)16:25 No.5303061
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:27 No.5303073
    Excuses Excuses

    Go ahead then, post your best pic.
    bonus points if actually cgl related, oh wait, you haven't got one.
    >> Mel !iKGMr61IHM!!pN/lb2Q6xjV 01/01/12(Sun)16:30 No.5303077
         File1325453404.jpg-(20 KB, 307x227, 1298558787466.jpg)
    20 KB
    >>mfw Mell


    >> SamKiss !vpj4eJEw2s 01/01/12(Sun)16:30 No.5303081
    God, you're a cutie.
    >> Mika !oRbSrLD/7w 01/01/12(Sun)16:31 No.5303083
         File1325453473.jpg-(48 KB, 500x331, tumblr_ll3kgx6igQ1qjjllno1_500.jpg)
    48 KB
    lmao my fruit salad picture
    >> SamKiss !vpj4eJEw2s 01/01/12(Sun)16:33 No.5303091
    It's honestly surprising how many men are actually on this board.
    Also, Mell is hottest tripfag, everyone get out.
    >> Mel !iKGMr61IHM!!pN/lb2Q6xjV 01/01/12(Sun)16:35 No.5303098

    I will fucking go to his house, kidnap him, and make a Kamen Rider costume for HIM instead.
    >> SamKiss !vpj4eJEw2s 01/01/12(Sun)16:37 No.5303107
    I just...
    I just wanna date him so hard.
    I don't think I've ever actually seen any of his posts, but anyone that hot has got to be a giant asshole.
    And if Mell is looking at the post and actually ISN'T a gigantic asshole, then please be my husbando.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 01/01/12(Sun)16:40 No.5303115
    Lol, got mad when I expressed annoyance in people being referred as 'whores' and 'sluts', told to go get a sense of humour.

    Hey guys. In the real world if you tried to make a joke about a girl being a whore to a girl you don't know, it wouldn't go down well. No one would laugh, people would look at you like you're a weirdo at best.

    Socially awkward everywhere.
    >> SamKiss !vpj4eJEw2s 01/01/12(Sun)16:42 No.5303119
    What the fuck kind of people do YOU hang out with?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:43 No.5303129
    You're pretentious as fuck
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/01/12(Sun)16:43 No.5303130
         File1325454235.png-(225 KB, 173x591, Voldemort actually board relat(...).png)
    225 KB
    Haha thanks for changing my notes. I don't think I have any good pictures, board related or not. Oh well, I suppose this works.

    And for everyone who is about to come and express their anger: Boohoo, what was said about you is the spreadsheat maker's opinion. Besides, on /cgl/ if you're gonna post yourself, be prepared to be mocked.
    >> Mel !iKGMr61IHM!!pN/lb2Q6xjV 01/01/12(Sun)16:44 No.5303131
    >>5303107 anyone that hot has got to be a giant asshole

    Well, he freaks the fuck out about my name being one letter off from his, when nobody would EVER confuse him with me.
    >> BlakeRyan !!4E1IEjI9c+/ 01/01/12(Sun)16:45 No.5303132
         File1325454326.jpg-(27 KB, 629x346, Megan_Fox_PSA_Top_0.jpg)
    27 KB
    >> SamKiss !vpj4eJEw2s 01/01/12(Sun)16:45 No.5303135
    Names are names, they're really not that big of a deal.
    But I can live without another Asian in my life.
    I dated an Asian once. Biggest mistake I ever made.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 01/01/12(Sun)16:46 No.5303138
    I'm sorry?

    I just don't appreciate anyone being judged as a whore or slut. Especially if it's just because of what someone is wearing and it's cosplay.

    Heck it even annoys me on MJ's behalf and I don't even like MJ.

    The fact it makes whoever wrote it sound like a Neanderthal seems to pass them by.
    >> SamKiss !vpj4eJEw2s 01/01/12(Sun)16:48 No.5303143
    You do realize this was only made for fun, right? And to make fun of the tripfags? Or at least, that's how I see it. The notes are meant to be a joke, to be funny. Maybe even pick a little fun at people.
    It's not that big of a deal.
    Just take everything with a grain of salt and get a thicker skin you weenie.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 01/01/12(Sun)16:50 No.5303148
    You're some no name trip that's been here five minutes I'm guessing? Or maybe pikachu?

    Picture the scenario. You're in a bar, you go over to go a group of girls you dunno. You try to make some joke inferring that she is a whore.

    If you didn't leave covered in drink then you got lucky. But of course because it's the internet it's cool to be awkward as fuck.
    >> SamKiss !vpj4eJEw2s 01/01/12(Sun)16:53 No.5303162
    No, I've been here for a while. I just lurk more than I post.
    And don't use real-life scenarios. This is the internet. Real life doesn't apply here, really since you can't really talk to anyone face-to-face.

    Also, congrats on making yourself look pretentious and a stuck-up bitch.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 01/01/12(Sun)16:53 No.5303163
    A lot of them are not amusing, just plain offensive. They are not anecdotes based on observations of character just 'lolWHORE'.

    People are sick of these stupid ass spreadsheets because they are dumb as fuck and promote circle jerking. It's really not needed.
    >> Ukraine !!Gl2boRyrnRH 01/01/12(Sun)16:54 No.5303167
    I think I'm just happy I got a different photo.
    >> SamKiss !vpj4eJEw2s 01/01/12(Sun)16:55 No.5303171
    I think if you hate it so much then just ignore it. Shit, woman. If you REALLY hate these spreadsheets, is it so much to ask that you just ignore it? It's just the fucking internet.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 01/01/12(Sun)16:56 No.5303177
    At least I don't use personal insults, like apparently you do. Then again I'm not surprised coming from a guy who likes to judge girls as whores and sluts.

    What a great person you must be.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)16:58 No.5303181
    ITT: aihoney gets butthurt because she got a low rating
    >> SamKiss !vpj4eJEw2s 01/01/12(Sun)16:58 No.5303182
    >Implying I took part in the judging
    >Implying I'm male
    >Implying implications
    Ha, you're such a card Ai-Honey.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 01/01/12(Sun)16:58 No.5303184
    You seem have a hard time ignoring me though huh.

    No. I'm not the one who has the audacity to think that people care enough about his opinion that it warrants a document dedicated to it. THAT'S what I consider pretentious.
    >> SamKiss !vpj4eJEw2s 01/01/12(Sun)16:59 No.5303188
    More like buttfrustrated.
    >> OmenMachine !U9T1TX5Wno 01/01/12(Sun)17:01 No.5303196
    >Lololol let's see if I've evaded the list again
    >Open link
    >Scroll through

    Th-thank you though...? And thanks for reminding me I need to go and change my facebook picture one of these days.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 01/01/12(Sun)17:01 No.5303198
    Well you sure sound like Pikachu or one of his friends. The rest still stands. Change 'guy' for 'girl' if you want, I don't care what your gender is.

    I'm more annoyed on behalf of other people to be honest. I like Fran, I don't think she deserves to be called a "Man faced whore" .. how is that funny exactly?
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/01/12(Sun)17:02 No.5303200
         File1325455348.png-(65 KB, 330x357, 1323998180047.png)
    65 KB
    Thank you kindly!

    Also, it amuses me that the only solid piece of information on me is that I am sex buddies with Derpy.

    Why do you keep commenting? God, it's like you enjoy the drama. Oh wait...
    >> Vavo !!od+/UXkDBQB 01/01/12(Sun)17:03 No.5303204
    I just have to say, you look absolutely adorable as Raikou!
    >> SamKiss !vpj4eJEw2s 01/01/12(Sun)17:04 No.5303210
    People don't need you to stick up for them.
    If they have a problem with it, they'll say something themselves.
    Also Voldemort is a cutie.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:05 No.5303214
    Honestly, if anyone gets butthurt over what someone on the INTERNET says about you. Then you need to back away from the keyboard. This is a troll list. Its meant to fuck with you. The fact that OP went thru the trouble to make this is almost as sad s trips getting butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:07 No.5303222

    You're not helping your case, stop it.

    Also, I like Voldemort's cosplays, but since I saw her attention whoring on /vp/ I don't like her much.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 01/01/12(Sun)17:08 No.5303228
    Or maybe I'm just expressing an opinion.

    I'm sure you're happy to be on it so you can feel better that some people know who you are. I've been here years, I don't care about that sort of thing.

    And if anyone hated drama that much they wouldn't come here.

    That doesn't mean I can't be annoyed for them, it's the principal, regardless of whether they're okay with it.

    Obviously you're going to be biased against my opinion now because I gave it. I'd rather just be removed whilst everyone else can choose whether they want their descriptions amended or taken out. I'd rather not be associated with this garbage.
    >> sgt sage 01/01/12(Sun)17:08 No.5303229
    ITT: Trips who didn't get listed also want to be included!
    also fuck you Pikachu where's my Nova(insert star simbol)
    >> Rika 01/01/12(Sun)17:09 No.5303230
    ....this is horrible
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/01/12(Sun)17:16 No.5303248
         File1325456169.gif-(219 KB, 250x188, Wuteva.gif)
    219 KB
    Awww, thanks! (Ego boost!)

    Yeah, I know. I'm pretty ashamed, but they're so nice there! Hopefully I can redeem myself

    Okay well your opinion isn't going to reach any of us and definitely wont cause and positive effects on the spreadsheet. If it means anything, I don't think you were given a fair rating either cause you're really cute. But yeah, keep going on if you're gonna be like that.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:19 No.5303260

    Hey, no prob. As long as you don't usually do it I'm cool with it. Not like the opinion of a random stranger on the internet should matter to you, anyway. Keep the good work on your cosplays, I love seeing Pokémon done right.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:20 No.5303265
         File1325456420.jpg-(60 KB, 640x480, It's just the lighting.jpg)
    60 KB
    Where's 32-inch waist chan?
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 01/01/12(Sun)17:24 No.5303285
    You're really missing the point. I don't care about ratings, I'd rather not have one or be on the thing at all.

    The only people who care about these spreadsheets are the people in them who get favourable reviews from random people on the internet. As you can see guy (whoever he is) doesn't like me much because I expressed the negative opinion held by most other people..

    That and I was annoyed that people were being called whores and sluts, when one of them is someone I like. I don't think that's cool, but whatever.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:26 No.5303293
    confirmed for beta as fuck
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:27 No.5303299
         File1325456846.gif-(473 KB, 426x267, 1324539803011.gif)
    473 KB
    THAT MAKEUP!?!!!
    >> SamKiss !vpj4eJEw2s 01/01/12(Sun)17:29 No.5303306
    I find she looks a bit like one of those stereotypical Halloween witches.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:29 No.5303308
    Why? Because I'm not going to hate forever someone for a mistake she once made?

    Confirmed for cunt.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:29 No.5303309
         File1325456992.jpg-(57 KB, 600x486, tumblr_lrxebcnvnC1qabj53o1_500.jpg)
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    Now let's be fair here.
    Judging solely by this thread, with unbiased perspective over her past activity - she does have a point. These ratings are as useful to your personal growth as a pat on the head from deviant neckbeards, let's just forget about this whole debate and continue to get better for the greater good!
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:30 No.5303314
    mistake? what?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:30 No.5303316
         File1325457046.jpg-(475 KB, 1200x1600, 1323796594117.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:31 No.5303323
    because of your apologetic, explanatory and polite allure that you're displaying all over your sentence over there buddy, what are you - new to the internet?

    Nice guy/girl? get out of here.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:32 No.5303327
         File1325457132.jpg-(162 KB, 1021x627, 1323807691019.jpg)
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    Last saved picture.
    >> Obasu !!++TjZVQQYgt 01/01/12(Sun)17:32 No.5303328
    LOL at ai-honey's spreadsheet update.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 01/01/12(Sun)17:33 No.5303330
    This is the general opinion held by anon.

    It's just a shame more of them aren't in here complaining about their general hate for tripfags, spreadsheets and circlejerking. I feel like anon have got soft lately. Too much self posting and /soc attention whoring.

    You used to be meaner. What happened.
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/01/12(Sun)17:33 No.5303335
         File1325457235.png-(10 KB, 438x318, 1323930051505.png)
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    I basically attention whore'd all over a thread on vp and self posted the shit out of it. To be fair, it was a thread made to help me. I really regret it now, it was a d move by me.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:34 No.5303340
    The odd thing is that I know a chick who has a very similar face to this, but she doesnt do that.
    She's an art student, so occasionally go crazy with eye shadow, but never would she abuse stucko by applying it to her face.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:36 No.5303351
    You heard her boys! Take it down.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:37 No.5303353
    Yes, I'm a nice girl when someone's not being an idiot, and she isn't. Sorry I'm not spewing insults at her.

    Meh, don't sweat it, you're not doing it anymore.
    >> DerpQueen !oblwrDQPaQ 01/01/12(Sun)17:38 No.5303358
         File1325457536.jpg-(9 KB, 218x231, images (12).jpg)
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    Honey you look damm fine in everything.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 01/01/12(Sun)17:39 No.5303365
    If you want to be seen as less of an attention whore, not posting pictures specifically for a spreadsheet giving you ratings would probably help.

    Just saying.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:41 No.5303375
         File1325457664.jpg-(199 KB, 1280x800, 4.jpg)
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    I'd like to paint you as a study, would you mind posting your most liked photo?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:42 No.5303379
    Awww fuck, I think I'm wearing the same nail polish as her
    >shame & self loathing
    >> DerpQueen !oblwrDQPaQ 01/01/12(Sun)17:42 No.5303383
         File1325457775.png-(575 KB, 1902x1573, spongebob_imagination_by_kssae(...).png)
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    Y u no be nice to people.
    Friendship is magic.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:44 No.5303391
    Oh snap!
    >> SamKiss !vpj4eJEw2s 01/01/12(Sun)17:45 No.5303392
         File1325457902.png-(150 KB, 886x791, 5d2593adb12e52ff8b63f09699e6c7(...).png)
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    Friendship is magic, you say?
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 01/01/12(Sun)17:46 No.5303401
    I admit I am cranky and rubbed up the wrong way, but women being slandered using derogatory and misogynist terms does annoy me.

    More so if it's a friend or someone else than myself. I dunno why guys think it's cool to do it as long as it's on the internet. Honestly if it had been any other kind of insult I probably wouldn't have cared.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:48 No.5303408
    angry ai honey is the best aihoney
    >> SamKiss !vpj4eJEw2s 01/01/12(Sun)17:48 No.5303415
    Angry Ai-Honey is the only Ai-Honey
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 01/01/12(Sun)17:51 No.5303429
    Actually, I rarely get angry. Least of all here, my tolerance levels are very high. Even I have things that wind me up though.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)17:52 No.5303434
         File1325458341.jpg-(69 KB, 694x556, 7cc00a053abc00d7db661387cee39f(...).jpg)
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    She just needs a good mouth gagging is all, that's most likely the source of her continuous buttfrustration.

    even the captcha thinks you're : awful on
    >> SamKiss !vpj4eJEw2s 01/01/12(Sun)17:52 No.5303435
    And then Ai-Honey's point was completely invalid.
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/01/12(Sun)17:53 No.5303438
         File1325458435.png-(188 KB, 285x373, Atrapitis.png)
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    >blarg blarg blarg it's so offensive that you call people whores blarg blarg blarg
    >Voldemort, you seem like an attention whore

    Oh hoy damn baby. I think you're a 14.

    Pic related
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 01/01/12(Sun)17:54 No.5303442
    But sweetheart, you get into this back-and-forths every time. You may not be angry but you're wound up tighter than big ben.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)18:03 No.5303476
         File1325458981.jpg-(156 KB, 900x600, 1293926721631.jpg)
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    Guess you're not a fan of painting.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 01/01/12(Sun)18:08 No.5303495
    I said if you didn't want to be seen as one. It will not be me passing judgement on you and calling you that, but others might if you continue to self post.

    Also regular whore and attention whore, pretty different.

    Don't call people sweetheart Mags, it's patronising. I occasionally get into debates but I rarely lose my temper. I don't post enough for it to be frequent.

    The fact the guy who wrote this thinks:

    "As long as women dress and act like whores, I will name them as much."

    >called Fran a whore based on a picture. OF HER FACE.

    The only person who should be called a whore are, you know, actual prostitutes. Apparently it's okay to relate this to promiscuous girls too, because apparently you can tell when someone is promiscuous by a picture of their face.

    No, no it is not okay. I'm used to anon saying dumb shit like this but when I'm actually conversing with someone like this with such Neanderthal thinking it's actually mind boggling.

    I don't even.
    >> DerpQueen !oblwrDQPaQ 01/01/12(Sun)18:08 No.5303497
         File1325459339.png-(31 KB, 130x144, sdhd.png)
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    No I am 8 years old.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)18:09 No.5303501
         File1325459385.png-(246 KB, 512x287, 1279387720551.png)
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    >Somehow get a 7
    I don't know how
    >> Potato 01/01/12(Sun)18:13 No.5303515
    I'm actually quite proud of the fact that no matter what the incarnation of the spreadsheet, I always get a 5/10. This is what, the third spreadsheet? It must be some kind of special talent to be that average.

    If you're around, spreadsheet maintainer person, would it be possible to opt out of the spreadsheet entirely? I know I'm on /cgl/ a lot, but I'd prefer not to be listed. Please and thank you.
    >> DerpQueen !oblwrDQPaQ 01/01/12(Sun)18:15 No.5303524
         File1325459737.png-(1.81 MB, 1910x814, waifu.png)
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    She can not be an attention because she is my whore and attention is not as much as a kinky bitch as me.
    Do not mess with my waifu.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 01/01/12(Sun)18:21 No.5303548
         File1325460112.jpg-(119 KB, 600x372, Is that the saharah desert.jpg)
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    you're complaining about people on cgl and the way they perceive others. Who gives a shit? lol.

    And I'll call whoever I want sweetheart, because I like to *shrugs* I'm not trying to mean harm by it. And if you don't want me to call you sweetheart then I won't. It's that easy.

    And this pic is not at you, it's at /cgl/ because seriously. It's the sandiest place on earth. Why are you getting upset over it?
    >> ka-san !UfIVkdvNro 01/01/12(Sun)18:22 No.5303550
         File1325460137.png-(410 KB, 933x715, 1324598906418.png)
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    >notes: roomies with Shannon
    so okay with this I can't even begin to explain. I'm happy with a 6 too, although you can't even really see my face in that picture :/

    sage for tripfaggery

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