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  • File : 1325397195.jpg-(44 KB, 500x332, DescoleLayton.jpg)
    44 KB Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 01/01/12(Sun)00:53 No.5301533  
    The board seems kinda... crazy tonight. So let's make another cosplay thread, okay? Let's talk about cosplay duos/trios/groups/whatever. You know, whole character sets! Good times! Tell me about experiences with groups, experiences with your friend, your boyfriend/girlfriend, whatever. Good stories, bad stories, general banter, all of that!

    I suppose I'll start. I used to cosplay with my ex all the time, couple-y things or just characters we enjoyed together as a pair. We're still good friends and cosplay together, but not "together" anymore. She's going to cosplay Souji to my Yosuke, but we don't do a of complimentary characters these days. I guess it's a bit weird more or less because I'm not too used to being a singular item, cosplay wise? Like uh, she was going to be my Yang and Koptsev, but now she's changed her mind so Boris is alone and Yun is looking to be dropped. I dunno', some characters shouldn't go it alone it feels like sometimes.

    Oh well, I still have a good time regardless, that's just a minor thing that crosses my mind here and there.

    Okay how about you!
    >> Voldemort !1DVOxefrBI 01/01/12(Sun)01:01 No.5301544
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    Hm. Well this year my friends and I did the legendary dogs (Pokemon) at Fanexpo. I was Raikou and admittedly, I wasn't very recognizable as a single person, but as a group you could tell who we all were. However, about halfway through the day, the Suicune decides she doesn't want to wear the costume any more. What's worse, it was because she was tired of dragging the dress around all day when we told her to shorten it. Also, she kept telling people she made the costume by hand when really the Entei did all the work. Now she thinks she can sew anything ever. But anyways, it was really irritating that after all our hard work she suddenly quits the group leaving us two unrecognizable.
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 01/01/12(Sun)01:14 No.5301566
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    I always join group cosplays, but I don't like taking roles that are major parts of the series, because I'm always worried I'm going to mess up and fall through or just end up looking plain bad and dragging down the whole group.

    I agree'd to join a Persona 3 group as Theodore with an Eliabeth and a Fem!MC and everyone was relying on me to get Theodore done. However I didn't know that fabric can still fray even after being sewn, and most of the cosplay pretty much fell apart before the con and I couldn't wear it. I felt so bad.
    >> ThatGirl 01/01/12(Sun)01:32 No.5301595
    I always want to do groups with people, but there's always a better one of my character around. It makes me feel a little...mmm, not special, I guess? I want to do a proper group.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 01/01/12(Sun)01:36 No.5301602
    >Let's talk about cosplay duos/trios/groups/whatever

    Might be doing a board-tan cosplay group for AN. wooo, it's gonna be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)01:40 No.5301605
    My old cosplay group... I had three problems.

    One: that I was the only one in the group with a small amount of skill in absolutely everything (sewing, props, wigs, makeup, etc) rather than specializing, meaning I could fill in for anybody at the last minute.

    Two: that most of the others were total slackers. Most of our outfits were made at least partially in a hotel room. One particularly memorable time, they had me draping patterns on the dressform at midnight for an outfit for the masq in less than 24 hours.

    Three: that I let myself work with these people and didn't realize how badly I was being treated because "they're my old friends!" and "they'd never hurt me!"

    I wish I could say that what made me leave was the convention where they confiscated all the room's key cards and my ID and locked me in the hotel room to finish sweatshopping out our masq outfits while they went to "bring back" dinner and didn't even get me more than a slice of pizza. That would at least have some dignity to it. Or the time that all nine of us went to the masq with outfits either made or partially made by me, I got singled out for an award for my outfit being better than everybody else's (it was one of those cons that judges groups also as individuals), and several people in the group threw shitfits about how it wasn't fair for just me to get recognized when they were in the group too. No, I put up with all of that like a little beta bitch as well as some serious badmouthing behind my back until I realized that the shit behind my back was affecting friendships outside that circle. That made me decide to woman the fuck up and leave.

    I know that one of the girls from that group is spreading a bunch of shit about me still. I also know that she was the biggest award-chaser of the group, and since I left, she hasn't had any award-wins or even nice photos...
    >> Moe !HgDmQWBGxE 01/01/12(Sun)09:56 No.5302252
    Awwwww sweetie, you know I was okay with it, we can do it for another con!

    I used to do really BIG group cosplays (ranging from 6-20+). I realized after Megacon this last year that I loathe doing big groups now. There were so many people dropping that we lost our TTGL group and I was just over stressed about my Blazblue group/gathering. I now usually only do couple/triplet groups. So much less stress on my part ^^
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:32 No.5302291
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    Sadly, none if my friends can put together a nice group cosplay because we all like different things.
    But that's not to say our odd mash-ups aren't funny!
    Xerxes Break, Petros Orcini, and Kenshiro enjoying coffee at Starbucks? Oh indeed.
    ...I think I only have one group cosplay coming up, and that's not for a while.

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