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  • File : 1325269291.png-(40 KB, 640x450, ohshit.png)
    40 KB Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:21 No.5295873  
    So I wake up and this is what I find on my dashboard.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:23 No.5295879
    Don't know who this is.
    But I like the sound of it.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:24 No.5295883
    GG CGL and Homestuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:24 No.5295884
    People who can't handle bullying, especially from a source like the internet which is COMPLETELY avoidable, probably would have killed themselves the first time something else bad happened to them, anyways. Zero sympathy for people who refuse to remedy their situation when it would be so fucking easy for them to.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:26 No.5295887
    If it's true, it's very unfortunate, but, really, with her mental state, I feel they really should have been watching her more. This could have been completely avoided.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:27 No.5295888
    Eh...not really. My sister killed herself due to bullying in school. She was depressed to begin with from a bad childhood, but people picking on her is what pushed her to the edge.

    If people didn't constantly taunt her, then she could have gone through like just being depressed instead of...not at all....

    And I've been following the whole GTC thing...and it wasn't avoidable, so it seemed. People actually got her address and phone number, bothering her irl....which is what happens when you end up on ED.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:27 No.5295891
    While I disagree with this, I don't understand why she didn't just change her username and stay low on websites that she was prone to getting harassed on, yes.

    However, I still disagree with the behaviour from the general public here, especially since 4chan is supposed to be inhabited by adults, not a bunch of faggoty 14 year olds who schlick to the thought of making someone cry.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:28 No.5295893
    Well she hasn't posted on tumblr in 10 days
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:29 No.5295894
    Shame she didn't succeed; maybe y'all would shut the fuck up and stop posting about some retard nobody.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:29 No.5295895
    Likely due to having severe suicidal tendencies. You don't just wake up one morning and think, 'Oh, I'm going to swallow down a bottle of bleach today'. /experience
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:30 No.5295898
    But then she ran away and resettled across state lines at an as-yet undisclosed address and continued to use the internet and do the same things that got her into trouble in the first place. Not saying anyone should kill themselves, but it is possible to avoid things that would worsen your mental state. As someone who has had to deal with depression for years, that's what I've done: removed things from my life that would add stress and seek help. She did neither of those things.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:32 No.5295900
    School is generally considered an unavoidable situation.

    I know that people consider my opinion monstrous, but those who commit suicide over something as miniscule as bullying are weak. Something is clearly wrong with them. It's practically the most direct form of survival of the fittest; suicidal people have no business breeding.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:36 No.5295904
    who is this person

    when i google 'ginsengteacat' i just get a bunch of chris-chan style comics on deviantart is that her
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:36 No.5295905

    Yeah pretty much this. Girl left home, moved all the way to the east coast with some dude. She could've had a fresh start but nope.

    Hell PT eventually wised up and deleted all her shit. If this Andrew guy /really/ cared so much he could've stopped her from doing what she was doing. Got her to change her name, etc so people couldn't find her.

    Instead he almost encouraged it.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:36 No.5295906
    >as miniscule as bullying

    Yes, because spending several years of your life being pushed out, considered a disgusting freak and being forced to interact with these people regardless is minuscule. And it's usually not a matter of turning around and telling people to sod off, either, because that'll just worsen it. It didn't stop for me until I lost my self control and started beating people up with chairs and shoving them down stairs, after trying to be a reasonable person about it for years.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:37 No.5295909
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:38 No.5295910

    Alright, I know that some bullying can be un-noteworthy, but, trust me, there is a lot of bullying that I would call anything but "miniscule". I was sexually, physically, and emotionally harassed for 6 years by one guy, and it started off as bullying and escalated. Even when I came home covered in bruises and cuts no one believed me, so I eventually gave up trying to tell people about it. I'm okay now, but durring the course of it I tried to kill myself upwards of 4 times.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:38 No.5295913
    You say that like I've never been picked on. I know what it's like, I know how much it fucking sucks, but not once did I want to die. Killing yourself over BULLYING is the prime example of first world problems. It's fucking ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:39 No.5295915
    The vast majority of /cgl/ were actually trying to help her or at least inform her on many things she said that deeply offended people; ie, claiming to be trans while she was not and bashing people who were and using the Holocaust as a joke. It was the Homestuck fans of Tumblr and LJ that did anything to really harass her. We were just mad that she was being an ignorant twat and refused to take her medication.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:39 No.5295916
    Bullying =/= assault

    We're not relating the two, here, and that isn't bullying.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:40 No.5295921
    People are lucky most people who are bullied kill themselves and don't become executioners. I could just imagine PT walking into a con and going all Saints Row up in that bitch.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:40 No.5295923
    >I volunteer to continue reading things I know are bad
    >It's their fault I'm insane
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:41 No.5295925
    A lot of bullying contains assault. If you can't understand this then you have no right to be talking so callously about something you clearly do not understand.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:42 No.5295929
    I am completely convinced that both PT and NCN are too fucking retarded to ever figure out how to properly handle, use, or even aim a gun.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:42 No.5295930
    >Bullying =/= assault

    Are you serious? A lot of bullies assault their victims. This isn't new.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:43 No.5295931
    >Instead he almost encouraged it.

    >Reading Andrews latest post

    Yeah, it does kind of seem people are trying to victim blame. From what it seemed, Andrew was trying pretty hard to keep her under control.

    Lin was always bitching about how she could only be on the computer when he said it was okay, he made her delete certain posts, and he wouldn't let her do a lot of things on the net that she wanted to do.

    You can only go so far in controlling a person.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:43 No.5295932
    You tried to be reasonable with kids.
    Man, that was a retarded way to deal with the problem.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:43 No.5295933
    I would agree BUT pt lives in texas. Guns are so common there, and even goddamn rednecks can pull off using one.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:44 No.5295934
    I don't know anon, crazy people find a way man. When it comes time to get serious, learning how to shoot a gun is child's play.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:44 No.5295935
    I really think Andrew is a huge creep. Even NCN mentioned how he always hit on her when they only knew each other online. She was 16/17 and a man in his 20s hundreds of miles away encouraged her to come and live with him and promised to take her shopping and let her do whatever she wanted. Even if she wasn't the way she is mentally, it would still be creepy, but because of her situation it's way worse, in my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:50 No.5295951
    >kids in school throw things at the back of my head during class and make fun of me for being quiet, lonely, and poor
    >people leave nasty notes in my locker and desk
    >book checks, getting shoved purposefully in the hallways

    Stuff like that, all things I went through in high school, that's bullying.

    However, it was fairly common at my workplace to actually be attacked, physically or sexually, and I've had to fight off both kinds of attacks plenty of times.

    Trust me, I know the difference and there is a line between the two.

    I still find it ridiculous that people kill themselves over such things. Look at all the horrors that every single person must endure every day in other war-torn or underdeveloped countries, and they still fight for their lives. But these people...they off themselves after some prolonged harassment, shoving and name calling?

    They wouldn't last more than a few hours in a real war even given the most optimal conditions due entirely to the mental stress, and I find that completely pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:51 No.5295957

    what person thinks it's an awesome idea to go live with a 20-something man you've met on the internet for the rest of your life? smh

    this andrew guy seems like a complete creep
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:54 No.5295965
    Social relations are much more important than material conditions when it comes to determining one's quality of life.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:55 No.5295968
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    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:55 No.5295969

    The only posts he made her delete were one's of drama HE caused that he was trying to cover up. It was never stuff about her drama he made her delete.

    He just let that go and by the way he's talking would fill her head with the "OH yeah, no you're 100% right Lin! Those people are just mean old bullies and trolls!" no matter what the person was saying in response to her incredibly inflammatory and disgusting opinions.

    Rather than saying "You know Lin, maybe you shouldn't be encouraging this by responding. Here, let's set you up a new tumblr under a different name so no one can find you."
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:56 No.5295973
    >people leave nasty notes in my locker and desk

    Hypocrite much? The notes hurt you, didn't they? It was part of the bullying.

    Even if you got nothing but those nasty notes every single day, it would hurt you.

    So what's the difference between getting nasty notes left in your locker, vs getting nasty notes left in your inbox online?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:57 No.5295978
    you can 100% ignore and disable the online comments
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:59 No.5295986
    No, not really.

    People were posting stuff on her profile page of DA/SA.
    When you log on, you are going to see what's there.

    And don't give me shit about how "don't just read it" easy is it for you not read a page with text on it put right in front of your face?

    You're at least going to see a few words in there, even if you use all of your will power.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)13:59 No.5295990
    You can ignore notes in real life, too.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:00 No.5295993
    You can also create a new screen name and lay low. She'd make a big deal out of deleting or abandoning an account and then either use a similar username or start commenting/reblogging/whatever on the same exact things she did on her old accounts, effectively changing nothing.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:00 No.5295994
    You can disable such features.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:01 No.5296002
    There is hardly a difference, other than the fact that the use of online communication is almost completely avoidable, and I had no desire to kill myself because of the notes that I received.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:02 No.5296005

    Then I guess those thousands of other people who've been the target of online bullying never did the very thing you're claiming is impossible.

    It actually is MUCH easier to avoid bullying online than it is IRL. Because most websites are designed in a way to allow it. Not to mention the ease at which you can move accounts, hide messages, and block users.

    Plus, you know, not responding. Or just not being an ignorant ass online. Which was half her problem. She'd get trolled, attack back with incredibly misogynistic and offensive ideas and comments and then be surprised when other people would get pissed off. Especially with a group like the LGBT, you don't try to invalidate them. It'll end badly.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:04 No.5296009
    Freedom of Speech, if you can't handle it then live under a rock.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:04 No.5296011

    Or you could, y'know stop using the sites that are giving you problems altogether. You don't even remotely need a dA, or a Facebook, or any of that shit. If it's really so bad that you want to die from it, then stop using it. Simple.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:04 No.5296013
    No you can't.
    Not on DA.

    Yet you included the notes in your "real bullying" list.

    Point taken, but she didn't because of the two other accounts that were trolls pretending to be her. What would you do in a situation where multiple people where claiming to BE you?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:05 No.5296015
    Both sides are to be blamed here, tbh.

    Bullying should never be excused, don't get me wrong. However this was consistently escalated and sought after by GTC as well. If she had not given a fuck from the get-go and had simply avoided the whole drama altogether as much as possible - the conflict would have been nowhere near as "grave".
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:06 No.5296021
    I never once claimed that online bullying wasn't "real."

    My only claims are that she's not making efforts to avoid the online bullying and that wanting to die over bullying is fucking weak.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:06 No.5296022
    Just because other people may go through harder things than us does not devalue our suffering. I don't know if that makes sense, so let me put it this way.
    Let's say you get an eye stabbed out. Ouch. That fucking hurts, right? That's hard to deal with, right?
    Now lets say someone else loses their arm. That's even worse, probably, and it hurts just as bad, too. Maybe even more.
    Does the fact that they lost an arm make your eye hurt any less? Probably not.
    Basically what I'm saying is that your analogy is bs.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:06 No.5296023
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:06 No.5296024
    Victim blaming is awesome!!
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:08 No.5296031

    Is there any proof this Andrew guy is even real? Or that she even actually tried to kill herself beyond HIS word?

    Because she claims CPS let her move half-way across the country to live with some twenty year old dude she never met but was friends with on the internet. Last I checked CPS wasn't that dumb.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:08 No.5296035
    Online bullying always seeps into your real life when people start getting personally and posting personal shit. Because at least in real life you know who is fucking with you. In PT's situation there are a shit ton of people involved in a small community fucking with you. You don't know who they are, but you probably see them every day, and are surrounded by them at cons. Now that must suck and I can imagine the whole the world vs. me thing eating away at her.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:09 No.5296039
    You know who else committed suicide? Hitler. So you are sympathizing with Hitler.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:11 No.5296044
    Oh my god my sides
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:11 No.5296046
    CPS often can smudge things when the child is 17, going on 18..especially in a month's time.

    Also if they get written/court permission from the parent(s), as young as the age of 16.

    I personally had a friend that moved out to a friend's house when she turned 16 with parent/court agreement and permission.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:11 No.5296047
    HA HA, women.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:12 No.5296054
    He was going to be killed anyway. He just wanted to pussy out and do it himself.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:13 No.5296058

    Again. I highly doubt CPS would let anyone move out of state to live with someone they knew ONLY ON THE INTERNET. Especially in this day and age.

    There's a difference between moving in with a friend and "LOL, you wanna go live with that guy you met online who likes to hit on you~? Okay!"

    Especially when they child involved has clear mental issues.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:13 No.5296059
    >What would you do in a situation where multiple people where claiming to BE you?
    Honestly? Not care. Unless I was famous or it was otherwise affecting my livelihood, I wouldn't care. A fake account would not have affected her life. She is not bound to her dA in any way.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:13 No.5296060
    I would give more of a damn about GTC if the bullying would've actually been more severe and not as easy to ignore or avoid.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:15 No.5296069
    I would give more of a damn if she didn't act like a shit-stirring asshole.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:16 No.5296072
    The loss of an eye is much more hindering to someone than the loss of one arm, but I suppose that isn't the point.
    I know that people suffer from bullying, and because they don't know anything worse than what's happened to them, they feel as though it's something truly horrible, even if it isn't in the grand scheme of things. However, that has very little to do with my point. The point being that no right-minded person, regardless of what they have or haven't been through, should want to kill themselves over bullying. Suicidal thoughts are going against every other instinct and function that you have, which is to survive and carry on your genes. If you want to die over bullying, something is seriously wrong with you, and you are quite literally against nature. That is why I find it wrong and unacceptable that people want to kill themselves over things like this.

    I know that it's not her fault that she was bullying. I'm not blaming the victim for receiving the bullying, but the fact remains that she did not help herself out of the situation at all when she was completely able to do so. That's fucking frustrating and she deserves to be scolded for it, at the very least.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:16 No.5296074
    >A fake account would not have affected her life

    A fake account has more impact when your not famous, because people really think its real. And when people think its real that screws with your character and reputation. Sometimes to the point where if you deny it people will think your lying for a while. Trust me, I've seen it happen.
    >> SamKiss !vpj4eJEw2s 12/30/11(Fri)14:17 No.5296084
    Both of these.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:17 No.5296086
    I'm not saying the whole situation isn't questionable, but often government services aren't as strict as you'd like to think, because they honestly just don't give a shit if the situation isn't about money in their hands.

    It's why stuff like welfare and SSI fucks people around so much.

    My one friend was not all there mentally either. She had an IEP the size of the Bible and slept around with half the school.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:18 No.5296087
    Yeah you guys were being dicks. If she dies it's on your hands.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:18 No.5296089

    Dude, in cases like NCN, those people pretending to be her would've gotten bored and moved on in less than a week had she just let things go. If she hadn't continued to give them stuff to feed off of, we wouldn't even be having these threads anymore.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:20 No.5296098
    I only casually read this saga but honestly she gets no pity from me. NCN could've handled things differently as many anons said. Taking her meds would've been the first and easiest thing to do. But as others said, she could have done the following:

    1.) Removing her self/deleting accounts on sites she was actively getting trolled on.

    2.) If she wanted to continue using said sites, create completely different accounts and don't rehash old drama on new accounts thusly linking old with new

    3.) Not agreeing that it was smart or safe to move cross
    country to live with someone significantly older when she's underaged but she could've treated it as a fresh start and laid low because trolls do get bored after a while of inactivity

    4.) Not provoke trolls. Seriously, her responses were only adding fuel to the fire and were very inflammatory. The more responses she gave, the more the trolls trolled, basic logic. Had she calmly tried replying to a few posts or just deleting them without responding it would've saved her a lot of stress.

    5.) Actually consider the few individuals who tried offering legit advice and help concerning being trans-questioning AND her mental health. Not everyone is an asshole on the internet and some people were sincere.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:21 No.5296104
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    ITT: People trying to justify bullying a girl to the point of her attempting suicide.
    >> SamKiss !vpj4eJEw2s 12/30/11(Fri)14:22 No.5296107
    GTC should get a thicker skin. She's acting like a little bitch about trolling and name-calling. Please, like it's really that big of a deal. If she really wanted to get away with it, she'd've gotten herself a new account under a totally different name and would have stopped posting the same shit she had been.
    It's easy to avoid "bullying" on the internet.
    REAL easy.
    >> SamKiss !vpj4eJEw2s 12/30/11(Fri)14:22 No.5296109
    >away with it
    away from it*
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:23 No.5296112

    And some were upset by the things she was saying. Because, you know, the things she was saying about women and FtM people....they were kinda really offensive.

    I'm honestly surprised she still only had the Homestuck fandom's ire on tumblr with all that. Tumblr is the bastion of Social Justice.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:24 No.5296114
    If the said accounts were Facebook or LinkedIn, maybe. But these were on dA, which generally has as much clout in the real world as Neopets. No one would have refused her employment, recognize her on the street, or attempt to get her arrested because someone made a fake account called ChamomileKittyChan and posted a badly drawn picture of a girl with cat ears putting a marker in her butt.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:24 No.5296118

    I, too, am wondering what the fuck you are reading because nobody is justifying the bullying nor her suicide attempts as a result of said bullying.

    Perhaps you should obtain this little thing called reading comprehension.

    This is assuming you even read the thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:26 No.5296121
    I have never once communicated with to or had anything to do with NCN. Hell, this is the first thread about her I've ever participated in. I don't even use dA.

    I just think people are fucking pathetic. If you don't want to live, fine, off yourself and let the rest of us use up your oxygen.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:26 No.5296123
    The ultimate goal of using the Internet is to have someone kill because of it.
    Natural Selection.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:26 No.5296124

    This. All of it is just exudes for shitty behaviour from people who are trying to cover their tails for almost killing a damn kid. Jesus Christ. "grow a thicker skin"? How would you feel if someone did the exact same to you? On every page of yours, everywhere you go, had 5-10 threads about how shitty you are? Or maybe even took it further. You end up being harrassed at your place of work, or on the street? The point is that what you're doing is fuckedup, no matter how you try to excuse it.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:29 No.5296131


    Girl was 17 going on 18. She's 18 now. She's not a kid anymore.

    She acts like one, it doesn't mean she is one. I'm tired of people acting like people doing disgusting things is excusable because they're under 18.

    Girl was a disgusting person to others. Is it any surprise people were disgusting back? It's the way of the world. Read any goddamn news article involving anything you will see that.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:29 No.5296133

    well maybe those who are upset should "grow a thicker skin" like suggested above. maybe they're just "whiny little bitches" who need to man up and avoid the Internet hmm?it's easy for them to avoid that kind of thing! What were they thinking! Those people need to just shut up and grow up because bawwww their feelings are hurt. I guess if GTC has to do it then by your logic they should too!
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:30 No.5296134
    Here's one thing I will never get about this whole thing: Why the fuck does everyone care so much? I mean seriously. It's not like this girl sought people out to shriek her opinions at--all of you went and found her and harassed her, and I just don't get why. She wasn't doing anything personally to any of you until you started in. You're asking a teenage girl, one that's lived in a ridiculously small town her whole life and has mental issues, to act like an adult. Are you kidding me? There are plenty of people who do/say stupid things on the internet, that's just the way it is, and the way that she's been targeted is just bullshit. "She should have gotten a thicker skin! It's not my fault, she should be tougher!" Seriously? Have any of you been on the receiving end of something like this, on this kind of scale? I somehow doubt it, so don't fucking sit there and talk about what she should have done.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:30 No.5296137
    Both sides fucked up. Both /cgl/ and NCN have egg on their faces. No one is blameless.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:30 No.5296138
    >everywhere you go, had 5-10 threads about how shitty you are
    Think about this for a second. WHY would anyone make those threads in the first place. Clearly not because she was an unapologetic misogynist, holocaust denier, racist, trans basher or general asshole. She was not some random innocent bystander that got pulled into the spotlight.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:30 No.5296139
    Do you honestly think that people that are bullied to the brink of suicide are in their right mind? I think you just defeated your own point.
    If someone is being bullied so badly that they want to kill themselves to end the pain then the trauma from the bullying has to have cause some mental problems such as sever depression and even ptsd.
    >> SamKiss !vpj4eJEw2s 12/30/11(Fri)14:31 No.5296140
    When you're 17 and can prove you can live on your own, you can declare yourself an emancipated minor. However, from what I've read, I don't think the state she lived/lives in would ever let her do such a thing because of her mental issues.

    Also, treat others the way you wish to be treated. If you treat others like shit, of COURSE they are going to treat you the same because you obviously don't deserve any respect.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:31 No.5296141
    >implying I would ever let online trolling or bullying get that far

    This is playing out exactly like the ABC Family movie Cyberbully. I watched the whole damn thing, and all I could think of the entire time was "Just delete your fucking Facebook and close the computer, you dumb bitch." I found myself rolling her eyes when she tried to commit suicide. It was embarrassing to think that people are actually like that.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:31 No.5296142

    I would not give a fuck because it's the fucking internet. And if it for whatever reason would start getting to me I would take a break from it.

    But hey, that's just me being sensible.

    Also I highly doubt that anybody in this thread participated in the bullying or whatever. They're just not being as emphatic towards GTC/NKN, or whatever acronym you want to give her, because they believe that it wasn't as bad as people and she herself made it out to be.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:33 No.5296148
    >Girl was 17 going on 18. She's 18 now. She's not a kid anymore.

    I'm sorry but just because you are legally and adult, does not mean you are anywhere mentally an adult at 18. Most aren't regardless of how mature they think they are. Just go to a college campus and see all those wonderful adults.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:33 No.5296149

    Age does not determine adulthood. Your actions do. As far as I'm concerned, she's still a dumb kid.
    >> SamKiss !vpj4eJEw2s 12/30/11(Fri)14:33 No.5296151
    It's because people like it when others feel sorry for them. They deliberately put themselves in that situation, probably knowing how far it's gonna go, just to garner attention. I used to be friends with 2 girls that did the exact same thing. They purposefully got themselves into bad situations just so they could be a victim.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:35 No.5296157

    To be fair, people originally thought she was just ignorant, it wasn't until way later that she was diagnosed with anything actually as a result of the threads. And honestly blaming her being from a "small town" her whole life is just offensive. There's plenty of people who come from tiny ass towns who aren't mentally stuck behaving like a 12 year old. It has more to do with her delusions of being smarter and better than everyone else than her place of birth. I doubt even interaction with the LGBT community growing up would've changed her opinion on things.

    The /cgl/ threads actually weren't the main cause of bullying after awhile. It was after she gained the ire of the Homestuck fandom that it got bad. Because the Homestuck fandom is just about as bad with regards to letting things drop and dissenting opinions as GTC is. It was just a vicious cycle.

    The thread's here were just reporting about her with the occasional anon participating after that. Because...fuck that.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:36 No.5296163

    Oh what, you mean like ALL OF FUCKING 4CHAN? Don't feed me that bullshit. Half the people on /cgl/ are guilty of the same things. you do the exact same shit.

    It's not why you sought her out. You sought her out because you are dickless cowards who want to feel better about themselves.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:36 No.5296164
    >have you been on the receiving end?
    Yeah, I have, and even though I was 15 I had the sense to put an end to it when it started to get bad. I completely purged or deleted all of the associated accounts and started over after a year of lying low. Bam. Problem fucking solved.

    >Do you honestly think that people that are bullied to the brink of suicide are in their right mind?
    No, you moron, I explicitly said otherwise. You think mental illness is an excuse for suicide? They're still unfit to pass on their genes and it doesn't mean that they get a free pass in life. If you're mentally unstable and you can't handle the fucking internet, then get off of it.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:36 No.5296166
    I don't condone bullying at all and I'm not trying to say NCN deserved any of this, but she's not some innocent child. She's 17. She posts nasty. homphobic, completely derogatory and offensive things. Don't dish what you can't take out. If you're going to say blatantly offensive things and deliberately try to insult people and say ignorant things, don't be surprised when they fight back.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:38 No.5296172

    Actually half of /cgl/ are the people she was bashing. We have a lot of trans and lesbian/gays and women here. She bashed all of those things.

    Just because she attempted suicide doesn't make her absolved of all the extremely nasty things she's said and posted about others. She's not an innocent victim. People disliked her for a reason.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:39 No.5296174

    She deserves to die doesn't she.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:40 No.5296176

    >Why the fuck does everyone care so much?

    Let me return that to you.

    Why the fuck did she care so much?

    Also after reading this thread - nobody has mentioned it not being their fault. Nobody has said that the people bullying were blameless. This is something you just started interpreting on your own.

    What people HAVE said is that GTC is also to blame for allowing it to escalate as much as it did. But looks like we have another person on our hands who cannot into reading comprehension.

    >I somehow doubt it, so don't fucking sit there and talk about what she should have done.

    Looks like somebody cannot into reasoning and problem solving as well. Just because we haven't experienced it (though apparently some did in this thread) doesn't mean we can't deduce what should've been simple solutions to the problem GTC was presented with.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:41 No.5296179
    Because she liked the attention, and she's going to LOVE the attention she's going to get from her attempted suicide.

    Unfortunately this can also be a part of being depressed and having very clear mental issues. Once they learn they can get attention by being crazy, it fuels and encourages their craziness. Deep down its because they truly have issues and can't think of another way to get attention or deal with it.

    It's a shame and I truly hope they put her on some sort of medication. I was in a very similar situation (minus the bullying, I was just plain ole depressed) and medication really really helped.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:41 No.5296180
    Implying everyone wants to have kids.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:41 No.5296181
    No, but she should certainly be fucking sterilized.
    >> SamKiss !vpj4eJEw2s 12/30/11(Fri)14:42 No.5296182
    No, not necessarily die, just learn a lesson the really hard way. But committing suicide doesn't really help with learning that lesson.
    By the way she has acted/is acting, I don't think she'll ever really learn to stop being a fucking idiot.
    And also this.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:43 No.5296186
    Not saying that. Hell, I never want kids. However I find someones suitability for HAVING children to be the best indicator of their worth.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:43 No.5296187
    I know someone is going to call me a bully, but from watching NCN's/GTC's tumblr, I can say that she could have easily done things to prevent people sending her "nasty" comments. At one point she had her ask feature disabled and then for no reason enabled it again, if she was that scared or bothered by other people's comments then I don't think she would have enabled the ask feature after disabling it. I think so just wants attention and to be the victim.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:43 No.5296188
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    Because everyone turn out exactly like their parents.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:43 No.5296190
    ITT: /cgl/ pretends they had no part in her path to suicide & make a spectacle out of her attempted suicide

    Stay classy seagulls
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:44 No.5296191
    >You think mental illness is an excuse for suicide?
    I'm not saying that suicide is okay or something that people should be doing, but rather that under circumstances it is understandable. Don't even get me started on people who try to kill themselves do to mental illness.

    My whole life I've had to deal with my stepdad who has tried to do that do to a lovely combination of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. I also have an uncle with one of the worst cases of schizophrenia I have ever seen, and he has tried to kill himself and several of my family members, myself included.

    I understand mental illness more than most people, so I can sympathise with people who struggle with it more than the average person.
    There are so many things that can put someone over the edge that the stance of "oh whatever they are fucking weak they will get over it or die" hurts way more than it helps. It's better to approach it with understanding rather than a cunt-like judgement if you want to do any good at all. Of course, this is /cgl/, so I shouldn't be surprised that there are people like you here.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:45 No.5296193
    >Oh what, you mean like ALL OF FUCKING 4CHAN? Don't feed me that bullshit. Half the people on /cgl/ are guilty of the same things. you do the exact same shit.
    Assholes on /b/ =/= 4chan. Believe it or not, most people on /cgl/ are cosplayers or otherwise into Asian fashion. I come here because I like to sew and do small crafts.
    >You sought her out because you are dickless cowards who want to feel better about themselves.
    No one sought her out. Someone came across her comics on dA, posted them on an LJ community, and then someone mentioned it here. Initially it was a "haha this is such a terribly cliche story." But then she heard about it and flew off the handle. Then people read her comments and realized she wasn't all right up there. She wasn't targeted. Literally hundreds of others did the same thing that got her noticed, which is not being a good artist. It wasn't even /cgl/ that harassed her; it was the Homestuck fans on Tumblr. Some anons here even tried to get them to stop, but they didn't. Try to learn about the situation before you say anything.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:45 No.5296195

    No, because the way a parent raises his/her child affects the child's life. And somebody who can barely manage themselves is hardly fit to raise a child.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:45 No.5296196

    oh no! Hold the fucking phone! People who daily say nasty shit about fatties, women, men, cosplayers, everyone, etc. Feeling bad? Awww your wittle feeling got gutted by a mentally deficient 17 yeaw owd? Poor lesbians! Poor ftm! Bawwww!

    It doesn't matter if the majority of the population of /cgl/ is what she was making fun of, you twats do the EXACT SAME THING. I know you've got sand in your vagina so let me try and clarify. You make fun of people too! All the time! Gee now that wasn't so hard to explain to you, was it?

    You say she needs to grow a thicker skin? I say you need to also! The world is not going to give that girl an opened arm welcome because of what she says. It's not going to give you one either! You can bawwww "accept me I'm a lesbian and want to be treated normally like everyone else herrr" but that doesn't mean it's going to happen! So before you dish out advice to an idiot maybe you should see if you can follow it first?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:45 No.5296197
    It has nothing to do with if's and maybe's or how the kid MIGHT turn out.

    It has everything to do with suicidal tendencies being one of the most severe "poisons" in the gene pool. Just because her child may not be suicidal doesn't mean that the hereditary problem will not be carried on.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:47 No.5296203
    OH P.S.: That small town she was raised in, ever stop to think that maybe it was normal in that town for people to hate on lesbos and dickless wonders? It doesn't make it right, BUT JUST SAIYAN
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:48 No.5296204
    For every suicide that happens, there is 1 less undesirable in the world.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:48 No.5296205
    >you think mental illness is an excuse for suicide?

    What the fuck am I reading. OF COURSE IT IS.

    >they shouldn't get a free pass in life
    Getting help is getting a free pass? I really don't understand your point here.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:49 No.5296208

    She could become fit later down the road of life. But since she'd be sterilized she couldn't have children.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:50 No.5296210

    She was on medication. She stopped taking it because she "hated the way it made her feel" and it was "everyone else" that was the problem not her.

    Medication only works if they take it. Most people with legit mental issues never think they have it. Plus she might have something more serious since the psyche she was seeing didn't want to diagnose her until she turned 18.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:50 No.5296212

    >I think all those comments are real and not trolls!

    You are so gullible and naive it's adorable. Only maybe a 1/3 of those comments are ever real.

    And there's a difference between making fun of someone for being a bad cosplayer or whatever and being a prejudiced, bigoted douchenozzle. She was the latter.

    Let me give you a little hint here, being the latter isn't acceptable in the real world. But people will make sarcastic remarks on others all the time.

    They're on two different levels.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:51 No.5296215

    you=/=the majority.

    Gee! What a concept! Your brain sure is extra small for a woman!

    >thread calling philipinos dirty beaners
    >thread about pixyteri or "fat whale"
    >thread about lolitas making fun of other lolitas
    >thread about GTC drama

    Yep that sure does sound like just your average, no shit-talking no bullying board to me! There aren't any trolls or dicks in this board at all!

    Maybe it's the high female content of thus board that makes it so oblivious to the obvious.

    >now there's misogyny too! Wow! Standard fare for /cgl/!
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:52 No.5296216

    I'm not the one who mentioned sterilization. I just explained the logic behind people being unfit to be a parent.

    Enforcing it isn't something I would ever dirty my hands on, however. Cus that's basically eugenics up in this bitch.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:53 No.5296221
    My best friend killed himself in high school, and every fucking day I have to sit here and try to talk my ex fiance out of wanting to die or killing himself. I fucking miss my dead friend so much, and I think about him every damn day. Also, I'd never say any of this shit to my ex, but I just can't help it. It's how I feel. I don't want them to die, I don't want anyone to die over it, but I get angry. How can they be so weak? How can you not handle something like this? Part of me feels like they don't even deserve to live, even though I want them to. I fucking hate suicidal people, especially ones that have children. I fucking hate that there's something severely wrong in the head with them and there isn't a damn thing anyone can do about it or do to help them, but they always fucking refuse to help themselves. They're the only person that can do it.

    If you're suicidal and you haven't killed yourself yet, either get it over with or get the fuck over yourself, because if you can't do it you probably never will and you're just making other people miserable with worry.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:54 No.5296224
    The Not Equal sign is != not =/=
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:54 No.5296225

    Hahaha... Don't kid yourself. It does not matter what anyone has done, /cgl/ will find anyone to bully. There is a shit ton of people in this world who are just like this girl, yet /cgl/ only targets one and not all. I admit I love the drama on this board, but don't cover it with bullshit like this girl has done this and that. No one deserves bullying.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:54 No.5296226

    actually being a cosplayer isn't acceptable in the real world either. I think you are the gullible naive one, but it's mostly because you have a tiny woman brain and can't grasp why you're stupid. But just because you have a mental handicap that you were born with (being a woman) doesn't make it alright! We should have a thread about how slow you are.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:55 No.5296227
    The symbol used to denote inequation — when items are not equal — is a slashed equals sign "≠". Some people don't know how to use unicode.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:56 No.5296232
    Just stop talking to him. That's it. Stop talking to him until he gets over it or just kills himself. It has nothing to do with you so just ignore it and block him from your life. Its as easy as that.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:56 No.5296233
    In which case the != is used, but =/= is nonstandard.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:56 No.5296234

    You ever stop to think if this is real and she survives they're going to make her go talk to someone? And now that she's 18 she'll most likely GET THE HELP SHE CLEARLY NEEDS.

    Girl ain't right in the head, but the environment she was living in was only fostering her delusions about herself and others.

    She thinks a reasonable response to being stared at in public for wearing a tail and ears is to want to slam the cashiers face repeatedly into a cash register.

    If it's real that is. Could always be Andrew trying to dissuade the trolls by lying. Wouldn't be the first someone faked their death on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:58 No.5296243

    only if you're a dipshit who's never done math past 5th grade. Or a woman. They suck at math.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:59 No.5296247

    Anyone starting to think the one guy up in arms about this is secretly NCN or Andrew?

    For real, someone all up in arms about a woman trying to kill herself wouldn't be so...stupid about it.

    Because "LOLOLOL SHE'S A DUMB WOMAN THAT'S WHY SHE KILLED HERSELF." is way too easy of a response to this attitude.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)14:59 No.5296250
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    >Wouldn't be the first someone faked their death on the internet.

    Everyday I wonder.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:00 No.5296253
    Listen to this, it's key to understanding people with mental illness and suicidal actions.

    A person with HEALTHY, STABLE brain functions knows that suicide is generally for unstable people and they can tell when someone isn't in their right mind.

    A person who lacks these things DOES NOT realize that they are unstable in most all cases. When they are running around thinking they are jesus (my uncle) or stealing a cops gun to shoot themselves (my stepdad), they think that their actions are perfectly normal and sane. Many suicide survivors will tell you the same thing. When they come out of their manic episode and/or depression they being to realize that their actions were anything but sane.

    They aren't weak, and they probably aren't thinking about what it really means and how it will effect those around them, either.

    They need help, not to be treated like scum like people such as yourself. And if you even think for a second that you aren't treating suicidal/mentally ill people like shit, go take a look at your posts again.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:00 No.5296255

    Actually it's easier to hide you being a cosplayer. And you're not going to get attacked for being one. Being a bigot though? Ha. Apples and oranges my angry little friend. Apples and oranges.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:00 No.5296256
    This. Like all the Nigiri hate. People will try and give you every reason for hating a girl they have never met and will never meet, and I still think all of their reasons are stupid. Who cares if she photoshops, who cares if she runs around half naked. No one really cares but /cgl/ who keeps making threads about her. I just don't understand it.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:00 No.5296258

    Bawwwww. Grow a thicker skin! Clearly your woman brain is not adept at logically handling problems. Don't answer your phone or use facebook! It's that easy!
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:01 No.5296263
    That's exactly what I've been thinking.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:01 No.5296264
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    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:01 No.5296265
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    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:01 No.5296266
    >get over it
    >get over yourself

    That's certainly easy for you to say, isn't it? I know you're just blinded by anger that your friend is gone but .. you are really not understanding how they feel/felt. It's not about not wanting to help yourself. Its not like you can just shake it off, or think about it reasonably. A chemical imbalance in your brain literally prevents you from feeling anything other than soul crushing sorrow and pain on a daily basis.

    For someone plagued by this, it is not a world worth living in. I don't understand how you could be angry at someone for wanting to escape a life of pain .. but I can see how it would be hard to relate to if you've never experienced it yourself.

    Don't think of it as them being gone, think of it as them being in a better place. They no longer have to experience what they felt while on this earth. It was their decision to make and they made it .. being angry at them seems very misdirected.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:01 No.5296269


    >ITT: people making excuses like the cowardly shits they are.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:03 No.5296274
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    >blaming the victim for receiving bullying messages.

    She has every right to have that option turn on without worrying about people sending her nasty notes. It's the senders to blame for her receiving them since they're the ones who sent them.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:03 No.5296277

    So when are /a/ and /v/ going back to their respective boards again?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:04 No.5296281

    Nope, wrong again! It astounds me how thick in the head you are.

    It's quite easy to hide being a bigot when you post anonymously! You're not very good at using the Internet are you?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:05 No.5296286

    Think of it this way. You're in your house when suddenly a guy shows up outside wanting to kick your ass. You know this, you can see it very obviously. So you lock your door.

    But then randomly a few hours later, with the guy STILL THERE, you unlock your door thus allowing the guy to come in and kick your ass.

    Why would you do that, knowing there was someone there?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:05 No.5296287

    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:07 No.5296293
    Gosh darn it, I should have seen this a mile away. I guess my feminine hobbies are making me grow a vagina. Good try on attempting to derail, not even attempting to counter the fact that
    you have no idea what really happened. I never said I was the majority, I was just correcting your assumption that I participate in the ignorant behavior other people did. You're free to disbelieve me when I say that I've only read the threads about GTC, because this is an anonymous board on the internet. Other anons saying some girl's outfit is ugly or otherwise trolling does not men that they harassed GTC. Some of them probably did, but it wasn't in the threads. The threads were just monitoring the drama. Tumblr is where all of the drama actually occurred. Because I love using outdated phrases, check yourself before you wreck yourself.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:07 No.5296294

    It's not the fault of the person who unlocked the door. It's the fault of the person who is standing outside who made the choice to commit a crime.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:08 No.5296296

    because maybe it's your boyfriend and he says he's sorry and you let him in after a fee hours thinking he's calmed down because you're not rational and have Stockholm syndrome.


    >present gray area as end-all-be-all
    >you've just gone full retard
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:09 No.5296299

    But if you are aware of there being senders who send you hateful messages as soon as you turn that option on, then perhaps you should reconsider doing just that. It's called self-protection.

    Just like how you probably would think twice of going through a park in the ghetto after dark. The victims aren't to be blamed for what happens to them, obviously. But you can question their thought-processes.

    Which is the only thing what I've been doing in this thread so far. Questioning GTC's lack of ability to protect herself. Especially considering how in this analogy she not only went through the park after dark... She went through it while wearing expensive items and cursing out whomever present in it.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:10 No.5296304

    It's still not her fault.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:10 No.5296306
    The person inside did something really stupid, and said some really stupid and offensive things. That's why that guy showed up to kick their ass.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:11 No.5296312

    Still doesn't make it the home owners fault for being beat up.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:11 No.5296316

    wow! Way to completely ignore the point I just made! Rack up another point for the women guys they're really making some home runs tonight!


    >excuse the bullying because "most" of it is on tumblr
    >still bullying, no matter where it is
    >forget that "most" does not equal "all" because you are a dumb woman
    >you just went full retard
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:12 No.5296317
    I pretty much agree with this.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:12 No.5296318

    Sure but why would you knowingly put yourself into a bad situation that you know is only going to piss you off. You don't NEED an ask on your tumblr. It's not required for posting shit on the site.


    Ummm. The facts being here that the person in the house reprsents NCN and the person outside being the trolls that she KNOWS SHE HAS.

    Thought that was pretty clear, but hey. Like you said, full retard has happened in this thread, should've been more clear.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:14 No.5296325

    Still doesn't make it her fault. They decided to "commit a crime" by taking action. They have the option of walking away.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:15 No.5296328

    And in that I disagree with you. While she isn't the primary party to blame, she isn't blameless cus she could've prevented it.

    Preventive actions are a responsibility of all those who go through life.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:16 No.5296331
    To say it isn't her fault 110% that she tried to commit suicide is equivalent to saying that piracy is theft.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:16 No.5296335

    >ignored the fact that she is not in her right mind
    >only presented vague example, did not specify wether it was NCN and trolls in hypothetical situation
    >presented counter hypothetical situation in which you could be considered incorrect
    >backpeddling with "Herr durr it's really ncn derp"

    wow. You really are retarded. From this point on I can excuse your actions as being affected by thus. I'm sorry for treating you in a way that I would those who are actually more in control of their faculties.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:17 No.5296343
    as far as I know she WAS in a mental hospital before she ran away.
    Her mother TRIED to get hold of her, took her internet away etc.
    But she ran away, becaused she refused to get help.

    And in all this I still wonder:
    Why did her mother never file that her daughter is missing?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:17 No.5296344

    Nope, that's not the way it works in the real world. Doing stupid things does not get you a free pass.

    It's like walking into a pack of wolves with meat strapped to your thighs when you're dealing with trolls like that. You just DON'T DO IT. If you do, it's because you're a dumbass. Both parties are at fault because she had every opportunity to put a stop to it and didn't.

    Why? Because she was a dumbass who craved attention. Why didn't the trolls stop? Because they're dumbasses who love to stir up shit and/or they're Homestuck fans pissed that someone would dare say their precious fandom sucked. So basically it was dumbass vs dumbass. No party isn't at fault.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:18 No.5296347

    That's called victim blaming. You're blaming the victim for what happened to them.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:18 No.5296348
    I know this is really late, but sorry for your loss. Sadly, I know that feel.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:18 No.5296351
    Why are you fuckers comparing crimes to some fucking internet bullying/drama.

    Holy shit this is why everything goes to hell. Stop taking the fucking internet serious. This shit wasn't serious business until GTC decided to try and off herself (assuming this really happened - so far I'm only seeing some fucking image telling me this).

    If nobody had taken the fucking internet this fucking serious none of this would've fucking happened.

    You know who is to blame? All of you fucking fucks together.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:20 No.5296355
    /cgl/ is the cock. NCN is the vagina. You're both fucking each other.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:20 No.5296356

    >implying wolves have the mental capacity of humans.

    Apples and oranges my friend. Are you saying trolls like yourself lack the mental capacity of a human?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:20 No.5296360
    Okay, bro. You win. Enjoy your day (or night depending on your location).
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:23 No.5296372
    There is no better place. This is it. This miserable fucking life is all any of us will ever get, and then we all cease to exist forever. He's gone, and everyone that's ever died is just fucking gone, and you or I will never see any of them ever again.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:23 No.5296374

    Supposedly she came back home and her mom disowned her. And then CPS sent her packing off to live with Andrew the horndog she met on the internet.

    This all comes from NCN who claims she spent a month on the streets sleeping in ATM vestibules so...grain of salt on the truth of that.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:24 No.5296379

    It was never about winning.
    You will never understand.
    I can assume therefore that you will continue excusing such behaviour.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:24 No.5296383

    But she IS to blame? Unless I have been getting things wrong she escalated, she baited and, worst of all, she came back for more of the same shit.

    This isn't some fucking black and white "crime". Fuck it's not even a crime. People called her out on her bad art, she responded badly and tried to troll the people calling her out. She got what she gave. She gave what she got. This went on till the point where we are at, now.

    She IS to blame. Just as the attackers are.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:26 No.5296392
    Wait... again? When was the first time? I know she OD'd on her meds at one point, but I thought that was more of a misfired attempt to get high than a suicide attempt.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:27 No.5296394
    ITT: bullies excusing themselves. Niether side may be right, but one side is always more at fault.

    >car crashes into you from behind because you changed lanes without signaling. Both parties held liable by insurance. Car that did the crashing still pays more.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:27 No.5296396

    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:28 No.5296399

    Or she was lying about the first time. You never know.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:30 No.5296404
    Even if she was, how would Andrew know that? She was still living with her mom when that happened.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:30 No.5296405
    The situation:
    >Women goes to park
    >She sits in a bench
    >Undresses, props legs open, creates a sign that says "have sex with me"
    >Yells at every passerby to stick their penis in her
    >A guy does
    >She then calls rape

    This is the equivalent.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:30 No.5296410
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:33 No.5296415

    She was still talking with Andrew at the time and she posted about it all over the internet. Hence how we even knew about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:33 No.5296416

    >ITT: bullies excusing themselves. Niether side may be right, but one side is always more at fault.

    Except that from what I've read nobody excused themselves/the bullies but just argued that GTC had a part in it as well.

    Which then had people saying they excused the bullies and then go on a rant about how "victims" are never at fault or to be blamed.

    >> Hermit 12/30/11(Fri)15:33 No.5296419
    If this is true, then it's actually really sad.

    I know you all recognize me as a bully and a bit of a cunt, but this girl is so young, just a child. People do stupid shit when you're young, lord knows that I did and I know every one of us here has had our moments.

    It's not like Pixyteri guys, where it's a grown ass woman, it's a little girl, and that's the reason I never set one foot inside any of this drama. I know she was kind of crazy before /cgl/ took note of her existence, but who didn't do silly things when they were kids? I do hope that whoever is responsible for this feels good now, because it must have at least taken some effort to get a young girl to attempt to take her own life.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:34 No.5296421

    You forgot.
    >she says stop
    >he does't stop and continues to have sex with her
    >he commit rape.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:34 No.5296425

    >being reprimanded by the likes of spoony
    >actually feels kinda bad man
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:36 No.5296430
    Because she clearly told people to bully her until she's dead.
    Stay dumb, Internet.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:39 No.5296439

    >comparing rape to dumbasses on the internet.

    Wow, just wow. And we've already had a Hitler reference in the thread. It's like retard internet argument bingo.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:39 No.5296441
    >Nearly 2012
    >Taking the internet serious

    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:43 No.5296446
    While I don't anything about this drama and barely anything about PT drama since I don't touch it, I will say this. It is fine to retaliate when a person dishes shit out, and tell them that they are wrong or being ridiculous. Its also fine to voice your opinion about someone, or say what that you don't like their image or what they're doing. But after you've initially done that, then leave them alone unless they keep coming at you, or some other group you care about, personally. Because there is a point to where you need to stop and think, "Why do I care about this one person so much? Why am I wasting my time?" and then back off. You do not then begin to keep attacking them to the point where you drop to their level, or as it seems in these cases, lower than where they were originally. When it comes to that point you have to admit there is something wrong with you too, and not keep making excuses to justify your behavior.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)15:50 No.5296473
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    >Age dictates sense

    In a way, that's right. Age translates to years and to experiences. Good job, Spoony, you're making a point for once!

    But to be honest, PT > NCN. PT may be a fantastic womanchild, but she was relatively passive in her stupidity and eventually deleted certain articles damaging her life. I refuse to pardon a bigot or instigator simply due to the passing of time.

    Sarah did not deliberately stir the shit crockpot and have some dubious tumblr entity soapbox for her.

    The bottom line is that GTC/NCN is fucking stupid and deserves the exact amount of feedback from her actions, but not rape/murder/suicide/food poisoning/etc.

    >otsmall affect

    There's too much samefag and Kiki Kannibal-mentality in this thread right now, goddamn.
    >> Obasu 12/30/11(Fri)16:42 No.5296733
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    So is Andrew paying for her hospital bills now or what? My guess for what REALLY happened is that they probably had a huge fight and Andrew was either telling her to get a real job or get out. She then tries to kill herself and Andrew blames the internet for all of this.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)17:24 No.5296879
    Halfway reading through it and thank you for this great end of year gift.

    Hilarious until she starts 'breaking down' but then got funnier with the black humor and all~
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)18:22 No.5297046
    Well, Happy New Years /cgl/. I hope your resolutions are filled with wishes that will make /cgl/ better, and not make people kill themselves.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)18:28 No.5297066
    Sounds about right. That guy gives me the creeps.
    I've never actively participated in NCN drama, but I'm just shocked that she took off to go live with some random internet guy.

    He's totally gonna kill her and blame the internet on it.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)18:34 No.5297075

    Someone should ask him. Though the hospital bills won't need to be paid until she's released or dies so they might not even be thinking about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)18:39 No.5297086
    Probably going to end up getting eaten alive but I'm going to go ahead and say it. If she dies, she only has herself to blame.

    >She purposely went out of her way to rile up people with Holocaust/homophobic/transphobic entries

    >Purposely responded angrily to even the most polite comment left to her that didn't agree with her views

    >Refused to take her medication

    >Left her mother to go live with some guy she knew online where obviously she wasn't happy with the restrictions and Andrew's friend

    >Continued to go out of her way to bring attention to herself: posting on fandom_secret on Homestuck secrets going "Look what they did to me!!"

    >Continued to post her online whereabouts and details on her home life with Andrew.

    She did NOTHING to prevent herself from being harassed and even encouraged more harassment by putting herself out there once again after her hiatus when she was without internet. She could have changed her online names and avoided Tumblr, art sites, and went about her business with no one being the wiser but instead she decided to make a big post about how she was back on Tumblr, advertise her new art site account, and then go to fandom_secrets to attract attention.

    It may be victim blaming but for once, the victim really did bring it all upon themselves.
    >> Hermit 12/30/11(Fri)18:39 No.5297087

    I'm just basing this off of my past experiences and escapades, when I was a little shit running around every board griping for attention.. of course it's not like I still don't do that, but not to the extent I once did.
    I look back on some of the things I said and did and I'm thinking, "Why did I do that? What was I thinking and why did I think that was acceptable?".

    The simple answer is that it was just down to plain immaturity. Idiocy, ignorance, I was just stupid and young, but I know that now. People make mistakes when they're young, they're not prone to thinking rationally, a lot of them are lured and by the promise of internet reputation and credibility, eventually they become dictated by it.

    The girls a retard, honesty she really is fucking thick.. but given her age I do believe she deserves a certain amount of leniency. There will probably be a time when she'll look back on this and think "OH GOODDD, WHYYY DID I DO THAT!", assuming she doesn't turn into another PT.

    I want you all to think about every stupid, naive mistake you made when you were younger, and then imagine that around 200 people from the internet picked up on this and began tearing and picking your life apart piece by piece by piece.

    How fucked would you be?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)18:47 No.5297108
    Samefag troll up in here.

    I personally am sorry I didn't get to hear more of her hilarious fakeboi stories, watching people talk ridiculous shit about serious medical conditions gives me the thickest boner, I just wish she would've been more assertive with it and more ridiculous, maybe even take up another serious condition like borderline and fuck that up to. I just want to watch her entertain us, no trolling necessary.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)18:51 No.5297118
    Why would this Andrew guy even encourage her to live with him?

    I wonder if he regrets his offer now.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)18:53 No.5297120
    AssnTitties, it's not like he has to pay her medical bills
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)18:53 No.5297121
    NOOOOO she can't die, she's suppose to go to Katsucon
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)18:53 No.5297123

    Sweet, sweet poon.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)18:55 No.5297128
    Seriously, I can't think of a good reason for him to have offered it except to get sex out of her or something. Or to cut her up into tiny pieces to make stir-fry from. Girl needed to be kept in a psychiatric hospital, not moved across the country with some internet weirdo
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)18:56 No.5297129
    Posted this in reply to the tumblr posts:

    I don't buy it. If she's on life support right now then why the hell are you sitting at home blogging this instead of out contacting her mother like you should be?

    And you know what? Ginseng brought this on herself. When she shacked up with you, she didn't do the smart thing and just abandon all her old accounts and start a new online life. She decided to proudly proclaim she was back and then tell everyone where she was living, who she was living with, and what new websites she had joined. Did you also know she went to Livejournal's fandom_secrets and posted on Homestuck secrets bringing attention to what they had done to her? That just brought MORE people to her Tumblr and even if someone left her a polite comment she swore and yelled at them.

    She doesn't have mental illnesses, she had a learning disability (that she learns quicker hearing things) and she has anger issues which she stopped taking medication for and you as her provider should have addressed that issue. You also should have prevented her from hopping back on her accounts and from the sound of it, you were only concerned with covering your own ass from her "fans" while letting her continue to dig her own grave. If anyone is to blame here, it's her and in a smaller part, you for sitting back and watching it happen. Hell, even her MOTHER tried to get her help by putting her on meds, getting weeaboo stories taken down, and getting her offline. What did you do aside from blog while she's in the hospital and blame us for it? The only person here trying to make themselves guilt free is you because if she dies, guess who the authorities are going to check out first? It sure as hell isn't going to be us.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)19:02 No.5297142
    Very thorough response, but you could add that not even Andrew took her seriously or respected her, he calls her a girl in all his statements when she's said before she wants to be a boy. Not even Andrew understands her, hell he doesn't even have the decency to pretend he supports her gender issues.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)19:03 No.5297145

    Course he didn't, because otherwise he wouldn't be able to talk her into sex. Duh.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)19:03 No.5297147
    Did she drop out of school? Or is she going to school in PA?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)19:07 No.5297164

    It really seemed like she had dropped out. As much as she bitched about everything including her school life back home, you'd expect the same thing here.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)19:08 No.5297168
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    >internet bullies
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)19:12 No.5297175
    I watched that. I thought she stabbed herself at first.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)19:16 No.5297180
    >I want you all to think about every stupid, naive mistake you made when you were younger, and then imagine that around 200 people from the internet picked up on this and began tearing and picking your life apart piece by piece by piece.
    >How fucked would you be?

    That would be a valid point if NCN did the stupid mistakes we're all guilty of. Instead, she decided to go way out into left field with hers.

    >Claimed to be transgender despite not knowing anything about the process of sex changes, based entire transgender life on yaoi

    >Claimed she'd have surgery to be a male and become Japanese

    >Made fun of real FtM transgenders and was transphobic by calling them fakes and "bitchy women" and saying "they didn't act like real men"

    >Went out of her way to reply to every comment left for her in an increasingly more violent manner.

    >Made online threats about real people in her life and repeatedly blogged about wanting to physically hurt people.
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 12/30/11(Fri)19:17 No.5297183
    I have to be honest, I'm filled with joy and sorrow.

    Joy that she finally decided to be an-fucking-hero, I was fucking sick of her shit,

    Sorrow that she didn't die. She'll only come back... with 100% more "OMG I ALMOST DIED" than before!

    You want me to boo-hoo over such a fucked human?
    That I don't even fuckin' know?
    Tsk, I'd give /cgl/ a pat on the cap and say "get the next one".

    You guys are a pretty hate machine like reznor never knew.

    Oh, and on the same train of thought, goddamnit people who kill themselves becuz ppl r meen are fucking retards.
    Good riddance. Weak ass pussies.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)19:23 No.5297194

    Somebody who fucking gets it. Hey I guess third times the charm, she'll die eventually. Too bad she didn't leave more lulz while she was active.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)19:25 No.5297203
    >when I came home covered in bruises and cuts no one believed me

    Really? This is where I stopped believing you. You come home COVERED in cuts! and bruises! and no one believes you? Are you serious?

    If you were really were bullied "sexually, physically, and emotionally" for all that time, and coming home having been obviously assaulted, someone would have believed you--be it parent, teacher, or friend.

    Right now I just think you're another /cgl/ attention whore with an overly exaggerated sob story.
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 12/30/11(Fri)19:27 No.5297206
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    >You guys are a pretty hate machine like reznor never knew.

    I think we're more of a kawaii hate machine, but yes.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)19:29 No.5297209
    that would have been more poignant than "I CAN'T GET THE CAP OFF D':!"
    i was also really pissed off about the father of the bully going all "omg free speech duh my daughter can say whatever she wants about your daughter it's not slander i just bought her a new car goodbye"
    and the 'revenge speech' scene at the end wasn't bitter enough.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)19:30 No.5297210
    /a/ here
    Do people seriously try to kill themselves over shit that is lesser than or the equivalent to the stuff we say to each other on 4chan every day? How pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)19:31 No.5297212
    Pretty much. This girl is a sack of crazy anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)19:35 No.5297219
    Oh man, this happens so often its not even funny. I'm guessing when that anon says they didn't believe her, its that they didn't believe the severity of her situation and thus ignored it. Then in the same vain there are the people who probably blamed that anon for happened even without really intending to. Which is what leads to most bully suicide cases. No one caring but the victim, and because they can't get help, they believe there is only one way out.
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 12/30/11(Fri)19:35 No.5297220
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    Super genkii.
    I dug through my not organized fuckton of photos for this.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)19:37 No.5297223
    That bully girl lindsay or whatever had the most shit eating grin but that didn't bother me as much as the passive aggressive ness of her "best friend"
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)19:41 No.5297236
    It was like some 13 year old fan fiction writer wrote the movie it was that bad.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)19:44 No.5297244

    I wish Spoony would have killed herself instead of GTC
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)19:44 No.5297245
    nah Zyzz legit died of a bad mixture between a heart/liver(don't remember) condition he was unaware of, drugs, and lots of partying
    And this

    I find this Andrew guy creepy as fuck assuming he's actually real. Like one step above the guy who kidnapped some little girl for 20 odd years and locked her in his basement to have children creepy
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)20:05 No.5297304

    Out of interest, whats the deal with Spoony, is she a cunt or something? I think I recognise her from libing in my area but don't actually know her.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)20:08 No.5297310

    essentially the worst of it is she's a giant attention whore. She's just been more subtle about it lately

    anyways not a spoony thread so /end/ or discussion
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)20:12 No.5297320
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    You know, I really am trying to be sympathetic towards this girl, but I don't think I have any sympathy for her.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)20:24 No.5297367
    Possible theories and why or why not this is possible.

    > Ginseng did try to kill herself over the online harrassment.
    Lately this hasn't even been affecting her. She's been more upset about not being able to go to New York, Katsucon, and getting the gifts she wanted for her birthday (which Jesus stole from her).

    >Ginseng did try to kill herself, but over Andrew.
    This seems more likely. Andrew has restricted her life, she doesn't exactly have anywhere else to go, she and his best friend have a hate/hate thing going on, and now she isn't getting what he promised her. More than likely it was an attempt to make him give in.

    >Ginseng and Andrew made this up so she can start over online.
    This is also very likely but she has a bad habit of barely changing her name to something new and then re-adding all the sites she had before. Also she seems like she can't stand going without attention so she posts around hoping people will figure out it's her so the cycle can start again.

    >Andrew did this to her but made it look like an attempt/drove her to it.
    ..normally I wouldn't say this was a possible thing but... with Andrew I wouldn't be surprised. He's been trying to get her to come stay with him since the beginning and now that she has, the sex he was expecting isn't coming and he's left trying to support her and deal with her shit. He could have gotten fed up and things just got out of control. If this did happen, he wouldn't confess but he would place the blame on us and try to pass it off as her doing another suicide attempt.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)20:28 No.5297382
    Oh shit she seriously moved in with that Andrew guy? I didn't think she'd actually do it... I'm surprised he is actually who he said he was, even though he's still a mega creeper.

    Does anyone have pics of this guy?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)20:30 No.5297389
    This girl sounds like she has got BDP
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)20:50 No.5297452
    No one knows what he looks like but I'm surprised no one has been able to track him down given the information GTC and he have provided on Tumblr.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)20:50 No.5297458
    He's gawffik apparently.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)21:02 No.5297495
    And lives in PA, is a college student, and lives close enough to Mitsuwa and New York to go there. The only Mitsuwa nearby is in New Jersey right up against the New York state line.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)21:09 No.5297510
    ..I live near there.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)21:15 No.5297534
    You poor thing. If you see a girl with cat ears nearby, run for it.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)21:49 No.5297651
    What scares the shit out of me, is this sounds like my old roommate from college.
    Who would threaten to punch me in my sleep...

    /cgl/ why are people like this?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:17 No.5297757
    Alright, this is a hoax. Lin is not in any hospital and certainly not on life support. I've just gotten off the phone with the two emergency rooms where they live and neither say she's a patient at their hospital.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:29 No.5297797
    >>5297757 Now I'm beyond irritated that they'd go that far to lie about her being on life support as an attempt to let her start over under a new alias.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:38 No.5297836
    Go post that on Tumblr in response.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:44 No.5297855
    You mean I've been defending some attention whore? Blast that tumblr up.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)22:57 No.5297884
    I left him a message in his ask box telling him it was disgusting that they cooked up this story and that she should just apologize, close down her accounts, and lay low for a few months. I also included proof that I wasn't making things up to get him to tell us where she was. No, I don't want to give out their location because at this point I don't know their exact address but I know enough of you would work at it until you found it and then things would just get extremely out of hand. However I do know enough to have contacted the major hospitals in their area and no, she's not at any of them so yes, it's confirmed this is a lie.
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 12/30/11(Fri)23:00 No.5297886
    I wish I would of textualized my "probably fake anyway" so I could say called it now.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)23:18 No.5297932
    Here's one thing I'm going to say for the thread;
    Alot of people mature differently. This is the type of shit I would have pulled when I was 12 or 13... hell MAYBE even 14 or15 give or take.

    But I also had a best friend, who just didn't undertsnad the concept of "thicker skin" or learning "not feed the trolls" etc. It didn't matter how many times people told her what the right thing to do was, or how much advice she gave. She a desperate attentionwhore, and any attention, good or bad, whether it killed her reputation (and it DID) or not, so it didn't seem to matter at that point.

    To do this day she skill fakes cutting, making emo states on fb, and everyone has gotten used to her antics.

    If she up and killed herself, Im sure people would start crying, saying they never saw the signs etc. when in reality, they just stopped giving a shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/11(Fri)23:18 No.5297935
    cont. But honestly, with kids like these, they're not going to actually kill themselves. Why? Because when youre dead, you won't get your attention fix, thats why.

    Am I sayign Ginsengcatneko or whatever is doing it for all attention?

    Well, yeah. At ;east 90% why she does this.
    I dont think she has a real mental problem, I feel like she justr hasnt "matured" and learned her lesson. Do some people take longer to have this renforced in this head? Yeah. it may take her up until her 20s, 30s, to understand this charade will get her no where.

    Or perhaps she already realises she is going no where, and will continue this charade forever.

    I hope this long rant, amde somewhat of sense. But no, I dont think /cgl/ is responsible for anything she attempts. She makes all of these decisions on her own, and whether she went to a therapists or not, was prescribed to mentally insane or not with some bs disease, I really have to say this is her own doing.

    and Honestly? if she ever did attempt suicide, and Im sure Ill be flamed immensly for this---- I don't think there would be a huge loss. With the time it takes for her realise what the right thing to do is, and how slowly she matures, I don't think she'll ever make it as an adult, and at msot she'll be a sub-par amateur citizen who contributes nothing, maybe is even a burden to society. Asides from a few sad family members and friends, (if she has any) there would be no real loss here.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)01:25 No.5297966
    Throwing in my two, worthless cents on the matter.

    First off, this is awful. it sucks. It's terrible. It shouldn't happen. The people who harassed her are reprehensible. I hope she recovers and her life gets better. No one deserves this. Absolutely no one.

    Secondly, bullying is never the sole cause for someone to attempt suicide. It is a contributing factor, no doubt, but happy and well-adjusted people don't commit suicide. People with serious mental and emotional problems do.

    If people hadn't bullied this person in the first place, it may not have been a huge problem, but it really sounds like this girl needed some proper counseling and therapy on top of a less hostile social environment.

    So.. there's that.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)02:05 No.5297969
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    I never believe any suicide attempts online when they have someone going around telling people "They are on life support". People these days always making up lies to get sympathy.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)02:17 No.5297986

    and honestly I'm not surprised
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)02:20 No.5297997
    This. I know people who act like NCN and the more bang you can get, the better. These are the type of people who will talk about a massive traumatizing car accident they were in when maybe they were fiddling with the radio or phone and hit a stationary object. Blowing things out of proportion is just something they do.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)05:53 No.5298290
    maybe she, idk, wants to be left alone by you obsessed idiots.

    don't even try to say you're not obsessed. you're calling emergency rooms trying to find her. you must know her full name to do that. you know her address and telephone number, and you stalk the internet when she switches IDs to try and find her so you can continue harassing her.

    obsessive behavior isn't healthy.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:01 No.5298322

    I'm tempted to say 'hi, Andrew'.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:07 No.5298364
    Hi, person that contacted the hospitals here. Just want to correct you on some things.

    1. Considering her roommate posted that she was literally on her death bed only being kept alive by life support is serious enough where I think anyone would want to find out if it's true or not. Being obsessed doesn't apply in this case, but it would if say she had gotten into a fender bender with minor injuries and we still called the hospitals anyway. I didn't call for the intentions of finding out which hospital she was in, I called with the intentions of finding out if the story was true or not.

    2. Lin's full name is easily accessible through her Dramatica page. It took me a two minute Google search to find it.

    3. No one (even me) knows her address or phone number. No one knew her previous address either and people only found out her previous cellphone number because apparently she had it posted on her Facebook and even that was taken off her Dramatica page within a hour or two of being up.

    4. Believe it or not, no one has had to stalk her looking for new IDs. When she switches names, especially on Livejournal, she refriends the exact same communities and her name barely changes. Hell, she posts on fandom_secrets with her new names saying who she is, when she changed art websites she told everyone via Tumblr who she was, etc. No one needs to stalk her because when we don't bother her for a week or two she gets annoyed and goes around stirring up more attention. She did that after we forgot about her completely when she ran away. When she saw that we had moved on she began posting on fandom_secrets and her Tumblr again saying she was back and we better not bother her and how stupid everyone was. She's as bad as Pixyteri when it comes to wanting attention.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:17 No.5298417
    Samantha Meow? Ugh I have decided to never go on Tumblr again, between the "I AM SO DEPRESSED" "I AM SO FAT, I'M NEVER EATING AGAIN" and "LOOK AT ME I'M SO COOL" posts it honestly makes me sad for the future of the human race, females especially.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:21 No.5298435
    I don't have a penis so sorry, wrong

    The fact that you follow her every move is really obsessive and gross. You can't see it because you think you're being some 4chan warrior but you're just obsessed. No one needs to know whether she is really in the hospital or not. Just let it go.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:24 No.5298456
    Really? No one needs to know whether she's in the hospital or not when he roommate claims she's in ICU after a suicide attempt and she has no other friends/family to prove or disprove this? Oh please. When's the last time you took anything like that on the internet as truth?

    >derp this possible pedo dude that's been wanting her for sex since she was a minor said she's about to die in a hospital. It must be true!!!
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:30 No.5298488
    Why do you need to know? Why is it such an important thing to out her as a liar, or telling the truth? She has no relevance to any of you, aside from your sad obsession with harassing people until they try any possible method to get away.

    There's a difference between laughing from a distance and occasionally baiting someone, and doing what you're doing now. It's obsessive and disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:44 No.5298535
    I don't think you quite understand the situation if you're asking why we need to know.

    Her roommate claimed she tried to commit SUICIDE and was in the hospital about to DIE.

    As in an actual person in real life is claiming to be a step away from death's door. Call us obsessed if you want but I'd feel like a cold hearted bastard if I brushed this off as attention whoring without even trying to see if it's really true or not.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:51 No.5298574
    Why? Are you related to her? Why is it your business, aside from you possibly being one of the people who drove her to do it.

    Do you do this to every person who is supposedly in the ICU from a suicide attempt? They're real people.

    I bet you are the type who would go to the funeral of a kid you bullied and act like you were pals when they were alive.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:53 No.5298577
    Yeah, the fact that you somehow did investigative work to find her location in a whole state where she has not mentioned the town is fucking creepy as shit too.

    Also, believing ED. Lin could be short for Linda or even Linday. Inb4 you call the hospitals back up and ask for those names.

    Who knows, maybe through all this, she could be using a fake name online too. I recall her saying she liked the name Lin because it was the name of some of the anime charas she liked or something.

    Idk but I'm pretty sure hospitals won't tell just anyone if you are there or not if you make specific instructions for them not to answer people asking about you.

    Also, did I mention yourerucking creepy? Especially if you're who I think you are...your whole tumblr is pretty much nothinbut blogs and posts about GTC.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:54 No.5298583
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:57 No.5298598
    Well they don't usually have free food at the funeral, no reason to be there really.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)06:57 No.5298601
    No, I don't do this to everyone but considering how everyone here knows her, that's like someone saying Pixyteri is in the hospital on her death bed and expecting half of /cgl/ not to call up the hospitals to see if it's true.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:00 No.5298609
    You don't know her. You stalk her internet life obsessively.

    So what if people would do it to PT. It's just as wrong. Like I said before, there is a difference from watching from a distance and laughing and actually getting involved in these people's real lives. That's the difference between an internet troll and a creepy as fuck obsessed stalker.

    Leave it be. You killed another lolcow. Let her have her peace, whatever it is.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:04 No.5298613
    Anything worth doing is worth over doing.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:04 No.5298614
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    >implying she didn't do this to herself
    >implying that she's actually dead and not still mooching off Andrew
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:07 No.5298620
    And what she is doing is important to you because...?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:08 No.5298622

    That he mentioned penera? You know how many of those things there are? Jfc
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:09 No.5298623
    Because she flailed in front of our faces going "Look at me! Look at me!" and now we're looking.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:10 No.5298627
    You're not looking, you're stalking and trying to creep into every corner of her offline life.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:11 No.5298628
    Why didn't she just turn off the PC?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:14 No.5298633
    So what does she look like?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:16 No.5298638
    Like a kawaii uke Japanese boy.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:19 No.5298642
    I have no idea who that bitch is but I guess I hope she's dead?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)07:22 No.5298644
    Lol ohyou.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)09:38 No.5298784
    >The Not Equal sign is != not =/=
    != is usually used in programming; =/= is a poor approximation of ≠.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)09:48 No.5298802
    Anyone else noticed Andrew made an update and gave us a bit of (no sense making) backstory about him?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)09:53 No.5298813
    I was waiting for someone to make note of it. He's been watching the threads and probably posting in them. Hey, Andrew, if all that is true and you were supposed to be a friend, why would you hit on her? Wouldn't it be worse for her mental state if she found out you were lying? Or are you really a creep that coerced a fragile girl into living with you to try and sleep with her?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)09:55 No.5298819
    You faggots will argue about anything.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)09:59 No.5298826
    Welcome to 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)10:01 No.5298832
    I don't like it here.
    The bright colors are hurting my retinas.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)12:23 No.5299170

    >for those assuming I am some sort of creepy online pedo. No.

    That's a bunch of shit. Ginseng's been talking about him since she was at least sixteen.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)12:25 No.5299175
    And by talking about, I mean her comments where she said he'd take her to conventions, keep her as his own pet neko, and then all this stuff she says about him trying to get sex out of her.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)12:29 No.5299187
    What I don't get is how did both her cousin and her uncle deem it okay for her (barely legal) to go live in another state with a guy that's only a friend of the cousin instead of her going to live with her uncle that desperately wants to form a relationship with his niece? How does any of that make sense?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)12:46 No.5299241
    It doesn't. It's really making the whole 'Andrew is lie' thing more believable. I think Andrew is something NCN made up so she'd have somebody standing up for her and somebody to post things like in OP for attention.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)12:51 No.5299250
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    /cgl/? "bullying"? Is that what they call "telling people the things they are saying/doing is offensive, and shaking their heads at her stupid shit that she posts" these days? Because that's all that /cgl/ did. They don't know how to troll properly if they wanted to. The idiot faggoty little 14 year olds that were sending her death threats and saying how much she sucked were the homestuck fans. If you look up every user who called her names or send her nasty comments, almost every one of them is a homestuck fan. She said awhile ago that she hated homestuck, and they all flipped their shit. That fanbase is actually worse than the hetaliatards, and that's saying something. So all the people whining about /cgl/ "bullying" her really ought to go whine on the homestuck forums if you want to make a difference. I think /cgl/ can be total bitches over the littlest things, but this particular shitstorm was the homestuck fans, people.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)12:58 No.5299278
    B-but... Andrew and GTC type so differently!

    Guys, I'm getting scared now.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)13:53 No.5299529
    Part of me has been almost certain this whole thing was created by some REALLY bored, but clever, 20-something guy. And he's been having the biggest laugh at how everyone fell for his tricks. I know I'd be entertained if I was the one who created GTC/Andrew and got this much of an uproar and attention.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)14:10 No.5299607
    Hi anons. Idk if this even ranks as a worthy tidbit, but I've personally conversed with Lin over the phone.

    Having spoken to her, I can confirm that Andrew is indeed real. She's indeed living at his place and she borrowed his cell phone to talk to me so I could explain to her how to use things like Paypal since she had trouble reading all the necessary information and Andrew fed her some bullshit about it just to keep her from posting his address online.

    From what she's told me, in summation, Andrew is a giant, overcontrolling twat.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)14:22 No.5299647
    Well she choose to go live with him. Once again, she only has herself to blame.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)14:26 No.5299666
    > If you want to die over bullying, something is seriously wrong with you, and you are quite literally against nature. That is why I find it wrong and unacceptable that people want to kill themselves over things like this.

    You are fucking retarded.

    [spoiler]please kill yourself[/spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)14:30 No.5299688
    >he chose to walk through that back ally. it's his fault he got mugged
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)14:39 No.5299724
    >using a scenario that doesn't even fit

    Clearly you misunderstood me. She left her mother in the first place because of the restrictions she had and she assumed that living with Andrew meant she could do whatever the hell she wanted.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)14:49 No.5299778
    I totally agree with you there.

    Frankly, there were a lot of instances in that conversation where explaining things to her was just backpedaling and going in circles.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:11 No.5300075
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    People who get depressed over internet bullying don't have any of my respect. Just shut down your accounts and start over, or not at all. It's just the internet. And if you kill yourself over something like that, then you may just deserve it.
    IRL bullying is different, since it's more difficult to avoid, if it is possible at all. But online? Please.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:35 No.5300150
    Wouldn't put it that harshly, but I agree. Real life bullying is way worse. Online bullying you can pretty much fix by avoiding websites where it happens, setting your public pages to private, weeding out people you speak to that will backstab you, and just lay low for a few weeks/months until they move on.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:35 No.5300356
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    Not feeding the trolls helps too.
    Some folks just don't seem to get that continually arguing with and calling out people who dislike you will only lead to eternal butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:45 No.5300394
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    I believe NCN is a prime example of that. Things only got so bad because she decided to respond to every comment made at her with the intentions of getting her angry. She must have made at least twenty angry ranting replies to people that mentioned Batman. Even Pixyteri learned not to do that.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:55 No.5300432
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    Apparently she's just a huge bitch. And people said to not say certain thing because it offended them. But yet she continued. So I have no pity for her. But killing your self as to something so small? She just needs to grow up. She's 18. And still talks like a fuckjng child.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:59 No.5300444
    I have to admit, I agree with her. I use the word cunt as normal language, it isn't any more offensive than dick or cock. But the way she types and presents her case makes it unacceptable, that's for sure.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)18:04 No.5300468
    I use swear words all the time! But she's just flat out rude to people who are trying to be nice. If I ever met her I would destroy her.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)18:07 No.5300474
    Honestly, I can't take anyone seriously who threatens people physical real life violence when they have never met, spoken to, or done anything more than read internet drama about them. It makes you look like a stupid, self entitled, 12 year old.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)18:08 No.5300482

    Was that anon earlier really Andrew?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)18:12 No.5300491
    Lol you think I care?
    And I'm threatening her?
    No not really.
    But the things she said to people and to me were offensive an quite rude. So I could tell if I met her in real life I wouldn't like her at all.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)18:16 No.5300505
    ITT: /cgl/ and Homosuck fans try to justify driving a teenager to suicide.
    It's not like you had no choice but to criticize her and pry into her personal life, you pricks. You could've just stuck to making fun of her crude drawings and left it at that.
    It's one thing to point and giggle at a stupid little girl who shouldn't be on the internet, it's another to textually bitchslap her and make hunting her down your livelihood.
    I imagine Andrew caused some of this, too. They probably had a fight and Lin just decided that having discrepancies with someone she thought was her friend on top of all the internet bullshit was too much.
    All in all, you fucked up. Just admit it.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)18:18 No.5300509
    Wasn't this already posted in the thread
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)18:19 No.5300511
    Maybe she should have stayed off the Internet.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)18:28 No.5300553
    Hi ginseng, its time to end your charade
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)18:30 No.5300557
    It's already been confirmed that she's not in the hospital and she's not suicidal and has no history of suicide attempts. For fucks sakes, she's never even cut herself. The worst she's done was abuse her medication to get a high and her mother found her and took her to the emergency room and NCN was pissed that everyone said it was her trying to commit suicide.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)18:31 No.5300560
    >Go to school
    >Do something vaguely dumb
    >Bullied, no one likes you
    >Every single day people draw offensive images of you, leave rude notes at your desk and in your locker, criticize everything you say and do
    >You lash out
    >Everyone else:"FUCK BITCH YOU CRAY-CRAY"
    >Bullies keep at it, always watching you
    >Other shit goes on at home
    >Attempt to kill yourself, on life support
    >Bullies:"Well maybe she shouldn't have showed her face or come to school"

    Bullshit, maybe you should have tittered quietly and kept your comments to yourself. Don't even try that "internet ppl don't real lol" crap. The fact that the people behind it ARE real, and that someone thinks and would say things like that to your face given the chance is enough to set someone off.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)18:35 No.5300570
    >comparing daily school life bullying that you're forced to endure to online bullying where to escape it all you need to do is hit the power switch

    Wanna know something shocking? Her mother took away her internet and her computer and guess what? The bullying stopped! Everyone moved on and forgot about her until she got back online and went RIGHT BACK TO HER PAGES.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)18:35 No.5300572
    Spoiler: Bullying is bullshit irl or Internet. If you don't want it on the internet, then stop reading it. If you don't want it irl, call the cops.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)18:40 No.5300596
    Because someone called and asked for "Lin"? It's entirely possible her real name is something like "Lina".
    What makes you think all that? Unless you've lived with her or have checked in with her therapist/parents, I call bullshit assumptions.

    GSC=/=Someone who doesn't agree with bullying
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)18:46 No.5300618
    Or, maybe, hmmm....You could've NOT flung shit at her? She has a right to browse the internet without people abusing her. It's not like you had no choice on whether or not to send her nasty messages. Accept that you're all in the wrong, here. She may have been stupid and annoying, but you have no excuse for this.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)18:46 No.5300619
    >Lin, obvious nickname
    >Caller knew her real last name and they would have confirmed full name if anyone with Gibson and 'Lin' in name was checked in

    Obviously you weren't here when /cgl/ contacted her school principle. We knew her name then and we know it now. Maybe we should just contact her mother and tell her that her daughter is in the hospital and let her take over from there.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)18:50 No.5300627
    And what about the shit she's done to other people? She's not guilt free in this and went out of her way to insult the entire transgender community and harass others that tried to help her. Not to mention the girls at her school she threatened and the violent threats she made online against others, like the woman at Burger King she admitted to having the urge to slam her face into the counter. This girl isn't some innocent kid, she's a dangerous emotionally unstable adult.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:04 No.5300678
    If THAT is what an adult looks like to you, I don't know what to say.
    The girls at her school obviously weren't threatened and were laughing through the whole thing because it was ridiculous.
    Who has she harrassed? A minor "fuck off its muh lyfe biootchh" does not count as harrassment. The worst I've seen her do is disobey her mother and abuse her meds.
    Oh, boo-fucking-hoo, a stupid weeaboo brat from a tiny town said something bigoted and foolish on her own blog. It's not a disaster, and I doubt she went to a Pride parade with a sign reading "FAGGOTS MUST DIE".

    Who said she's guilt-free? The problem is that this is too much backlash.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:09 No.5300693
    Guys... what if Andrew, like, killed her, and he's trying to set up a cover story?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:12 No.5300708
    that makes sense
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:19 No.5300734
    Does she act like an adult? No.
    Is she legally an adult and held accountable as one? Yes.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:21 No.5300743
    It honestly wouldn't shock me. He's been pushing hard to blame this on us when she's never been suicidal before now and there's no way she'd leave and go back to her mother's and she's not putting out sexually or helping out financially so he wouldn't put up with her shit for long.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:57 No.5300842
    I WISH SHE HAD SUCCEEDED. The thread would still be the same, though. Weebs debating how much responsibility to take over the life of some defunct, piece of shit, backwards retard on the internet. I'm so glad she's suffering, I hope her life fucking ends lolol. When the details of her funeral pop up I'll be holding my sides with laughter. I hope all you moral faggs find more important things to concern yourself with that are on a scale larger beyond *~Neoclassicnekoginsengteacat~*

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