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    File : 1325132336.jpg-(118 KB, 480x640, bishonen pimpette.jpg)
    118 KB Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/28/11(Wed)23:18 No.5290070  
    dumping photos of a con that happened in 2004.
    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/28/11(Wed)23:19 No.5290074
         File1325132365.jpg-(27 KB, 250x425, 5.jpg)
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    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/28/11(Wed)23:20 No.5290081
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    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/28/11(Wed)23:23 No.5290090
         File1325132600.jpg-(46 KB, 250x425, best armor we can do.jpg)
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    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/28/11(Wed)23:25 No.5290100
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    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/28/11(Wed)23:27 No.5290105
         File1325132826.jpg-(50 KB, 250x425, cat-yuna.jpg)
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    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/28/11(Wed)23:28 No.5290113
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    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/28/11(Wed)23:30 No.5290123
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    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/28/11(Wed)23:30 No.5290127
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    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/28/11(Wed)23:34 No.5290141
         File1325133259.jpg-(52 KB, 250x425, ginny mcqueen.jpg)
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    Ginny Mcqueen.
    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/28/11(Wed)23:35 No.5290144
         File1325133307.jpg-(47 KB, 250x425, chi.jpg)
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    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/28/11(Wed)23:37 No.5290150
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    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/28/11(Wed)23:38 No.5290154
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)23:38 No.5290155
    Remind me never to go to this con.
    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/28/11(Wed)23:39 No.5290161
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)23:41 No.5290164

    Well it happened seven years ago so I don't think that'll be a problem.

    Is this MTAC? The building/layout seems really familiar.
    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/28/11(Wed)23:42 No.5290168
         File1325133742.jpg-(48 KB, 370x425, cute2.jpg)
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    Does anyone else remember when it was like this? Cosplay was all so so so bad that there was way less drama related to it because mostly everyone sucked at it. Also no hetalia, homestuck, or even kingdom hearts.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)23:42 No.5290169
    Pretty sure some of these are from AFO
    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/28/11(Wed)23:44 No.5290177
         File1325133889.jpg-(45 KB, 250x425, dark.jpg)
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    It's nekocon.
    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/28/11(Wed)23:46 No.5290182
         File1325133972.jpg-(38 KB, 250x425, ebk.jpg)
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    EBK had already been doing photos for a while at this point
    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/28/11(Wed)23:47 No.5290186
         File1325134066.jpg-(44 KB, 250x425, everyone tried to bang this gu(...).jpg)
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    I remember this was the hottest guy at the con and he was practically a celeb because of it.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)23:50 No.5290194
         File1325134200.gif-(143 KB, 500x278, tumblr_lvtl78UG8l1r4hwmoo1_500.gif)
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    That's supposed to be Shuyin isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)23:50 No.5290195
    he isn't even that good looking.

    he kinda looks like ted danson...
    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/28/11(Wed)23:50 No.5290196
         File1325134211.jpg-(128 KB, 480x640, lolichan.jpg)
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    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/28/11(Wed)23:51 No.5290201
    He was good looking for a 2004 con. It was another world, my friend.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)23:52 No.5290205
    Those two are fucking adorable. And that green wig looks like it would be super soft.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)23:54 No.5290209
    At cons girls squeal over the simplest things concerning men. Such as showing their bare abs or being Asian. On internet boards such as this we have a lot higher, more judgemental standards.
    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/28/11(Wed)23:55 No.5290214
         File1325134532.jpg-(128 KB, 480x640, parakiss.jpg)
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    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/28/11(Wed)23:56 No.5290218
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    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/28/11(Wed)23:57 No.5290223
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    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/29/11(Thu)00:00 No.5290233
         File1325134821.jpg-(43 KB, 250x425, wolf's rain.jpg)
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    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 12/29/11(Thu)00:00 No.5290236
    >Nekocon '04
    Oh no. I knew that hotel looked familiar.
    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/29/11(Thu)00:00 No.5290237
         File1325134856.jpg-(31 KB, 250x425, go.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/11(Thu)00:03 No.5290242

    Why has every Toboe cosplayer I've seen been so mediocre...that shit isn't even all that difficult to put together
    >>   12/29/11(Thu)00:03 No.5290243
    >dat 2004 resolution
    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/29/11(Thu)00:03 No.5290245
         File1325135008.jpg-(104 KB, 480x640, tails.jpg)
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    Who were you? Trust me, it can't be worse than mine.
    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/29/11(Thu)00:06 No.5290258
         File1325135208.jpg-(42 KB, 250x425, gaara.jpg)
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    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 12/29/11(Thu)00:10 No.5290267
    Currently, this is the best photo out of the entire collection you're posting OP.
    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/29/11(Thu)00:12 No.5290275
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    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/29/11(Thu)00:15 No.5290291
         File1325135738.jpg-(23 KB, 250x425, iwouldstillhititsohard.jpg)
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    It's my favorite one of the con and the best this thread is going to get. I'm honestly not picking the best or worst ones, this is just what the animu cosplay scene looked like years back.
    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/29/11(Thu)00:17 No.5290297
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    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/29/11(Thu)00:17 No.5290301
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    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/29/11(Thu)00:18 No.5290304
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    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/29/11(Thu)00:19 No.5290308
         File1325135975.jpg-(44 KB, 250x425, future cosplay gods.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/11(Thu)00:20 No.5290311

    I know that Gendo. When he was 16 or 17 he took a friend of mine's v-card on another friend of mine's couch

    and there was blood everywhere

    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/29/11(Thu)00:28 No.5290342
         File1325136496.jpg-(44 KB, 250x425, sally.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/11(Thu)00:29 No.5290348
         File1325136596.png-(87 KB, 698x658, 1316843209709.png)
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    That's the best thing I've read all day long.
    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/29/11(Thu)00:34 No.5290361
         File1325136870.jpg-(40 KB, 250x425, furry.jpg)
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    >> Shibby !dl6DGuRJOM 12/29/11(Thu)00:38 No.5290379
    Oh my god. Next time I'm at my parents' house, I'm going to remember to get all of my old-school con pics from their computer. I've got a few hundred of them just as golden/horrible as these.

    The convention scene has noticeably improved since.

    Isn't it funny to look back at the people everyone at a particular con was drooling over? They usually look like...well..this guy.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/11(Thu)00:47 No.5290422
    Is it bad that I seriously miss these years?

    Everyone has such shitty costumes.

    Everyone is so fucking happy.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/11(Thu)00:52 No.5290450
    I miss it too.

    And hell, some people did have good costumes- because they MADE them. It wasn't this ebay buying who wants to be the next cosplay idol bullshit.

    All the materials were o much more expensive and harder to find you had to REALLY love your character to do a good job. Back in the day when a decent wig and coloured contacts would set you back like $300.
    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/29/11(Thu)01:00 No.5290473
    Post them when you get them,I love this shit.
    Back when lacefront wigs were ONE MILLION DOLLARS.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 12/29/11(Thu)01:01 No.5290474
    Y'know what, I actually didn't go to Neko in 04... I did in 02 and 03... Guess the familiar-looking shit is year-to-year repeats from back then.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/11(Thu)01:04 No.5290484
    I went to Nekocon that year and even I have to admit I was drooling over him too! Some friends of mine have crushes on him.Idk I think he is still hot.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/11(Thu)01:14 No.5290530
         File1325139240.png-(120 KB, 379x313, 130152432789.png)
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    I couldn't agree with you more!
    >> Anonymous 12/29/11(Thu)01:20 No.5290550
    Did they cosplay team rocket at other cons? I'm sure I've seen them before.
    >> Laamberry !dwZIwhpWXw 12/29/11(Thu)01:43 No.5290623
    You've just made my night.Blast from the mothafuckin past.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/11(Thu)01:52 No.5290654
    god awful 6 years later
    >still have his contact info
    >god damn you must be 40.

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