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  • File : 1325036538.jpg-(57 KB, 319x717, yoyoy.jpg)
    57 KB Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)20:42 No.5285899  
    I always am called a butterface on cgl

    It really hurts because I always thought I was pretty good looking.

    So I just wanted to ask what is a good looking face to cgl?
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)20:43 No.5285905
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    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)20:44 No.5285906
    Is that you, op?

    /cgl/ likes lolis and when the face matches the costume.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)20:45 No.5285909
         File1325036715.jpg-(133 KB, 708x695, 1288680008060.jpg)
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    >what is a good looking face to cgl?

    The one we don't see
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)20:45 No.5285913
         File1325036744.jpg-(92 KB, 467x700, 1308549439162.jpg)
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    OP.... really? Paying attention to what cgl says is dumb. Most of the time it's probably just jelly landwhales or trolls.

    Otherwise, have a cute Rapunzel.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)20:46 No.5285917
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    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)20:47 No.5285918
    OP is not Jessica.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)20:47 No.5285921
         File1325036864.jpg-(111 KB, 538x720, 1312244331059.jpg)
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    This guy
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)20:48 No.5285924
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    I know cgl always says Jessica is a butterface. But truthfully I have to say I think she is actually very good looking, so much more then average.

    I think cgl is in denial, trying to make themselves believe shes ugly to make themselves feel better.
    I say cgl is jelly
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)20:48 No.5285928
         File1325036926.png-(384 KB, 456x686, FUCK YOUR SHIT.png)
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    newfag detected.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)20:49 No.5285933
    thats jessica nigri

    I may post myself if I get enough responses
    >> Tim 12/27/11(Tue)20:50 No.5285940
    I actually think she has a super cute face, which is why it bothers me when she looks fake-tanned or cakes on the make-up. /cgl/ will probably crucify me for this, but I really like her Fluttershy and would like to see her do more cute/classy cosplays as opposed to bolder or more revealing ones.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)20:53 No.5285951
         File1325037194.jpg-(53 KB, 493x340, jeg.jpg)
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    it bothers me too
    look at her now >
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)20:56 No.5285958
    Dem cute toofas
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)20:56 No.5285959
    Does she have a lazy eye..?

    I think she's considered "hot" by modern standards (hot body, wears makeup, fake n bakes, bleached hair), but does she genuinely have a cute face? No.
    She's a butterface if you put her in a room next to someone with a smaller nose, better smile, more decently applied makeup, and alligned eyes.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)20:58 No.5285963
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)21:00 No.5285971
    If this weren't a Jnig thread I would've though that was a black person going by the thumbnail...damn she needs to quit before she gives herself cancer.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)21:03 No.5285978
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    So what you're saying is that she is less attractive than people who are more attractive than her.

    That's pathetic even by /cgl/'s bitchy standards.

    I don't like her style either, but there is no denying that she is a pretty girl. No not the best looking in the world but she is "Hollywood homely" at worst, like that actress that plays penny on the big bang theory.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/27/11(Tue)21:03 No.5285980
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    OP don't worry so much about how other perceive you; conversely, don't let your own self-image dictate your self-esteem. The healthiest thing you could manage to do is forget the conceptions of who you should be, and who others perceive you as.

    That being said, pic is very much a woman I find agreeable.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)21:04 No.5285982

    Im curious like OP, give pics of what is considered a pretty face.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)21:07 No.5285994
    No, there's just a difference between "hot" and "cute" women. Ask anyone. Hot women don't necessarily have cute faces, and cute women don't necessarily have hot bodies. It's just the truth.
    She has a lazy eye, thin lips, an unusual nose, waify hair, and a really overdone tan. Will someone find this attractive? Certainly.
    >implying this is a 'bitchy' factoid while starting to stir shit into an argument on a Jnig thread
    How about
    >my tastes are my own and inb4 200 reply bitch thread
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)21:09 No.5285999
    shes werid looking

    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/27/11(Tue)21:12 No.5286006
    You may place a high value on appearances, anon, however there are many of us who do value individuals for their capacity for understanding and emotional acceptance. Spread the love, anon.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)21:17 No.5286016
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    everyone on cgl compares Jessica to Miyu.
    Everyone says Miyu is so much hotter, truthfully, I think miyu looks old.

    nither of them are that hot..
    >> Moose 12/27/11(Tue)21:18 No.5286017
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    You shouldn't take to heart what people say on here it's a bad idea. if you think you are pretty, then you are. Just don't have a giant ego about it and all.

    Have some Cillian B3
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)21:22 No.5286026
         File1325038978.jpg-(80 KB, 480x640, 1810360.jpg)
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    Everyone loves her for her Princess Velvet cosplay
    I dont think she looks so "hot" either.

    at least nothing amazingly special
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)21:23 No.5286028

    >lazy eye
    I think it just seems like a lazy eye in that picture because she is wearing tons of eye makeup and looking slightly sideways.

    >unusual nose
    Her nose is fine I've seen many like it and many worse. It's average.

    >thin lips
    Her lips are average for a white girl.

    I agree her hair could use some tlc and the fake tan makes me want to gag, but the point I was trying to make is that under the makeup and tan she is by no standard ugly or even unattractive really.

    Sage because I can't believe I even bothered posting about jessica fucking nigiri
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)21:27 No.5286035

    who is miyu?
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)21:29 No.5286038
    shes really hot, just a butterface like JNigri
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)21:30 No.5286044
    WOW cgl...
    this thread is should be to help with self esteem, this isnt helping
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/27/11(Tue)21:32 No.5286046
    It saddens me that /cgl/ is so unwilling to accept.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)21:33 No.5286051
    This is god tier bone structure right here. Would look better without eyeliner though.
    Kind of on the average side but still pretty. Alot prettier than >>5285899
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/27/11(Tue)21:35 No.5286056
    Interesting. Both of those women I dated, and I preferred the bone structure of >>5285980 to that of Miyu.

    This is placing no judgment on either woman's character, and I very much respect them both.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)21:44 No.5286071
    I want to say to each his own...but how can you find her prettier than Laura? I'm confused by your taste in women right now. The girl is alright looking but damn. I wouldn't put them in the same category. That said, I am female and not gay so our opinions might be really far apart.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)21:44 No.5286072
    could we have more examples of what is "God Tier"
    >> Powergirl !hKSTArr3g2 12/27/11(Tue)21:45 No.5286073
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    Remember people, sage and report!
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/27/11(Tue)21:46 No.5286077
    It really is to each his own. Laura is pretty and the other woman is pretty. That's really all there is to it.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)21:48 No.5286086
    Miyu is very pretty. The other chick you posted is not. At. All.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)21:49 No.5286092
         File1325040597.jpg-(61 KB, 400x600, gallery_1_3_26430.jpg)
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    Kipi has a pretty cute face

    who else?
    I cant think of anymore.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/27/11(Tue)21:50 No.5286095
    Let's discuss why women are pretty because of the character that they can display.

    Laura is an awesome person when it comes to listening.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)21:52 No.5286100
         File1325040763.jpg-(22 KB, 300x346, 600full-alodia-gosiengfiao.jpg)
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    Alodia Gosiengfiao has a gorgeous face
    amazing cosplay face
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)21:57 No.5286110
    sorry bro but you just went full retard if you're trying to tell us she's as goodlooking as miyu is. you're cool and all but it c'mon man be real.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/27/11(Tue)21:58 No.5286112
    There are probably a lot (a lot a lot) of other factors at play here as to why I find the first woman more attractive. Probably her height (6'0) and the manner in which I was able to communicate with her.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)22:00 No.5286120
    Dont mind these faggots,

    I can tell throughout this thread you have a good heart about your intentions of why you like her better.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)22:03 No.5286127
    understandable. but when you're talking purely about physical appearances? that girl is overall maybe a 6/10 on a good day and miyu is 10/10. don't know miyu and don't know what she's like but she must have a horrible personality indeed if you'd pick that one instead of her.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)22:05 No.5286132
    He prefers the unattractive girl to the pretty girl. Burn him!
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)22:06 No.5286135
         File1325041580.jpg-(59 KB, 480x615, 0f1dd58f49ade0d12d5073a5_6[1].jpg)
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    this girl = perfect bone structure
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)22:07 No.5286140
    People have differing views of what's physically attractive, just saying.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/27/11(Tue)22:07 No.5286142
    It's really not like that. There are certain cues you can just pick up on, whether it's body language or manners of speech. I'm in no way saying that Laura was unattractive to me, but the other woman very much lent herself to me in a positive fashion; a manner that is very difficult to convey in words.
    This is nice, anon. I am very much trying to distance myself from my values in order to hold an objective conversation. It's disconcerting to me to compare to separate individuals appearances, especially when I've come to realize appearances are not what I thought they were.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)22:10 No.5286150
    that girl = the original kotakoti
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)22:11 No.5286155
         File1325041907.jpg-(106 KB, 530x785, American-16-year-old-real-Barb(...).jpg)
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    perfect structure
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)22:13 No.5286159
    As a guy, Ive gone through the same experience,

    dont even bother with these people, they are either high maintenance girls or forever alone boys.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)22:14 No.5286163
         File1325042075.png-(17 KB, 152x167, hmm.png)
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    I must be the only one on cgl, but I think she just looks creepy as hell
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/27/11(Tue)22:16 No.5286169
    I'm not about to discount /cgl/ completely, I am very willing to maintain a conversation in order to understand the individuals that peruse this imageboard. The experience is at times very frustrating, but that's what occurs when you are willing to be an accepting individual.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)22:17 No.5286173
    Have you ever thought that your views of Laura might be a lot different if you two lived near eachother? If you could see her as frequently as you're able to see your new gf? Food for thought you know? I remember that it was a long-distance relationship with Miyu and I'm assuming the other girl is local to you.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/27/11(Tue)22:22 No.5286183
         File1325042563.jpg-(69 KB, 561x600, 1302655440527.jpg)
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    No. It was never about the distance; I am very much capable of maintaining something long-distance, even if it's not something I'm interested in. The other woman was local, yes.

    To be honest with you, anon, I haven't maintained a healthy relationship in over a year because I haven't been honest with myself in as long. I am just now realizing the individual that resides within my vessel.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)22:24 No.5286188
         File1325042657.jpg-(70 KB, 600x902, b9bea16e5d_71346140_o2.jpg)
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    I don't know why, but I find this girl very attractive
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)22:25 No.5286190
    I see South Park in the background.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)22:26 No.5286193
    a girl who doesnt have a fake tan, five inches of makeup all over her body, and doesnt dress like a slut
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 12/27/11(Tue)22:30 No.5286203
    RedDickies, you are starting to sound more peculiar than Libra, the walking talking fortune cookie.

    Since when did you go from being too lazy to use punctuation to trying to use all of the words in single sentence?
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)22:33 No.5286209
    Look I don't mean to seem like an asshole but check this out. It really looks like you keep trying to convince yourself out of feelings Miyu and don't even know why. I could be wrong but you may want to make sure you're always honest with yourself. When my ex broke it off last year I thought I was fine until 4 months after the breakup. I had issues I never faced still waiting to be dealt with and it sucked pretty hard.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/27/11(Tue)22:35 No.5286214
    Since I realized I want to be honest and be myself in all facets of communication, including the internet. No fronts. I do not agree with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)22:38 No.5286225
    She was saying pretty directly that you write poorly.

    In case you didn't catch her meaning, you write poorly.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/27/11(Tue)22:40 No.5286231
         File1325043605.jpg-(242 KB, 832x1125, 1303135455729.jpg)
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    Nah, I'm just trying to maintain some semblance of what was private between Laura and myself. There are facets of our relationship that I'm not comfortable discussing with anyone but her, and I'll keep it that way. I have enough respect for her to maintain that, at least.

    It was the relationship I had before Laura that altered who I thought I was at a more fundamental level, however I am more "me" than I ever have been, at this moment.
    That's fine. Words a very nuanced and impractical manner of communication.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 12/27/11(Tue)22:40 No.5286234
    That's nice dear. Now put down the thesaurus and stop filling your paragraphs up with excess words that don't actually add anything to what you're trying to say.

    >Since I realized I want to be honest and be myself.

    Would have been enough. You still sound slightly insane though.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)22:43 No.5286243
    Wow, it's Rippetoe's book in picture form.

    Well, I feel vindicated. Wonder how long until I start to look like that. skinnyfagnomore.jpg
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/27/11(Tue)22:43 No.5286244
    I like you Ai-Honey, however I feel you try putting others down less than you currently do. I'm not sure what motivates you to be so stand-offish, especially since I can read that you're a decent individual. However, I want you to know that you're respected.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)22:46 No.5286256
    That's not logical. The farther in the past the relationship you were in is the less of an impact on who you are now it has. It stands to reason that the most recent relationship you had (with Miyu) is the one that has had the most effect on who you are now at this exact moment. Just sayin.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)22:47 No.5286259
    Holy shit, are you retarded? Read that back to yourself.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)22:49 No.5286263
    > excess words that don't actually add anything to what you're trying to say.

    That's an awful lot of words to say "superfluous.". Can't you just accept that there are those of us with better than high school vocabularies?
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 12/27/11(Tue)22:50 No.5286264
    Explain the picture please?
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)22:50 No.5286265
    Are you mentally retarded? How is anything he said not relevant? I know this may come as a surprise to you, but everything he said was grammatically sound, his syntax is fine. Maybe you're just used to seeing basic words to describe things, but people do use larger words. That's the entire point of a damn dictionary or thesaurus. Language is beautiful, you shouldn't look down on people just because they chose to use language in a more advanced manner than yourself.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/27/11(Tue)22:50 No.5286270
    The relationship I had with Miyu was basically running away from the issues I'd encountered within myself from the previous relationship.
    It makes a lot of sense. She can be stand-offish for no real apparent reason. I'm communicating to her that I understand she's a decent individual underneath her cold exterior, and that I accept her. No worries, anon. You seem bitter as well, tell me about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)22:52 No.5286272
    I think they might mean your first sentence; that shit is all over the place
    >> DerpQueen 12/27/11(Tue)22:53 No.5286275
         File1325044406.jpg-(79 KB, 652x576, my_hand_ish_a_dolphin_by_caram(...).jpg)
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    >To all thread
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 12/27/11(Tue)22:54 No.5286278
    It's just garbage. I don't believe this is any more you than the lazy jock who used to call everybody faggot.

    Can't you 'find yourself' and let it be a more normal person who makes sense? You like cats, you can't be THAT bad.

    I don't do put downs, I try hard not to express an opinion either way. I just make observations and that's just me for the most part. Also ignore the anon who's trying to psychoanalyse you, it's giving me a headache.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/27/11(Tue)22:56 No.5286281
    There was a typo there, but it should still be easily read.
    This is how a body on a typical SS program should appear with proper training and proper diet. He goes on the explain that chin-ups and pull-ups and dips are added in as accessories to counter-balance the heavy lower body load that encompasses the SS program.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)22:56 No.5286282
    I thought it was more like
    you fucked things up and lost her right away
    and now can't admit to yourself that you wish you hadn't

    I remember how crazy about her you were and then out of nowhere it ended as soon as it began. Whatever happened between you guys is still an issue with you or you wouldn't be trying so hard to tell us how little she mattered to you.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)23:01 No.5286296
    If you really can't see any of the numerous problems with what he wrote, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you...may I humbly recommend a copy of The Elements of Style.

    Seriously, dude, that was friggin' atrocious.

    You should amend your statement: beautiful language is beautiful. With that, I can certainly agree. Bombastic, bloviating assholes who love the sound of their own voice, though, are just that.

    You know, on the other hand, that might be a generous description, because it sort of presupposes that he's actually speaking some recognizable language, and I don't think we can really say that's the case.

    Come on, I fuckin' hate ai-honey (kisses, dollface), and even I can admit she's right.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 12/27/11(Tue)23:02 No.5286299
    The best writers express themselves succinctly but simply. I know exactly what he meant but it was completely unnecessary to overcomplicate a simple answer.

    It's the kind of thing high schoolers have a horrible habit of doing when they want to sound smart.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/27/11(Tue)23:03 No.5286302
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    No, you're correct it's the same individual. I'm not adopting a persona in order to appear a certain way to certain individuals, is all.

    I've grown tired of living up to the concepts of who I should be, and who others think I should be.

    No, I didn't fuck anything up. It was a mutual thing, and we are both very comfortable with each other. I'm with-holding information because it's not /cgl/'s business.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)23:06 No.5286310
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    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 12/27/11(Tue)23:07 No.5286311
    >Come on, I fuckin' hate ai-honey (kisses, dollface)

    Lovely. Really though, who uses phrases like "his syntax is fine" .. ever?
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)23:07 No.5286313
    >>5286302 I turned off my feelings for her because I know I can't ever be with her again.

    >> Tim 12/27/11(Tue)23:11 No.5286327
    Red, I think you're a cool dude and all, but if you want to keep what happened between you and Miyu, just stop replying to posts about it. I applaud your ability to keep things under wraps, but when it comes to /cgl/, even mentioning that you're trying to keep private information private can start a whole snowball of bullshit you don't want to deal with. I know you're good friends with Matt, but don't follow his example of replying to troll or anonymous posts probing for information, no matter how tempting it is. The more you post, no matter how immaterial you think the content is, the more information you're giving to anonymous to use against you. And it WILL be used against you if you provide it.

    So yeah, just some friendly advice.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/27/11(Tue)23:12 No.5286328
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    I may have a difficult time forming my thoughts into words, but we all have to understand that language is the least efficient manner of communication. A lack of eloquence doesn't make me retarded any more than cosplaying badly makes me retarded.
    I've experienced more efficient, more meaningful avenues of communication; it's hard coming back to words after that sort of experience.

    /cgl/ likes to demonize individuals for being themselves or for aspects that they may lack, why? Embrace these characteristics. Everybody has their quirks, and everybody has their drawbacks; the best thing you can do to becoming a happier person is to learn to accept the individuals around you. Acceptance and understand form what the basic foundations of what we should know to be "love". Love is the greatest sensation, don't reject it /cgl/.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)23:18 No.5286344
    > language is the least efficient manner of communication

    wat. Yes, instead of saying something costs $3.99. We'll just grunt and throw poo at each other for barter.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 12/27/11(Tue)23:18 No.5286345
    >Acceptance and understand form what the basic foundations of what we should know to be "love"

    Not enough WAT's in the world.

    How about you keep the part where you use punctuation and don't call people faggot and bro all the time but reduce all of the words by like.. a third? That'd work.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/27/11(Tue)23:21 No.5286349
    You have to consider that all these societal structures we've built around us aren't really important. The things that need to be said, the things that should be said, are not things such as "This is $3.99".
    I get it now, you don't understand what love is in it's most basic form. You'll learn.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)23:24 No.5286359
    Even Buddhists have to chant.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/27/11(Tue)23:27 No.5286369
    I get that. I'm just trying to communicate to /cgl/ that I'd much rather give you all a hug, instead of telling you that acceptance and understanding are good things. I'd much rather embrace you, and hold your hand.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)23:28 No.5286372
    Oh for fuck's sake, would you stop acting like you found Jesus?

    This "oh woe is me, nobody understands" bullshit is no more endearing than the newfound "love" for English you've currently got on loan from Matt.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)23:28 No.5286375
    You're so philosophical. How come you're not married yet?
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/27/11(Tue)23:31 No.5286386
    I'm not "woe is me" at all. I'm very much content with me. /cgl/ is the entity I feel for. If anything, Matt learned from me.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)23:34 No.5286391
    mfw take off all the circles and the guy looks like shit
    also dem chicken legs
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 12/27/11(Tue)23:37 No.5286398
    Everyone knows what you're (badly trying) to say, it doesn't make you sound any less bananas though.

    It just makes me want to give you a cold bath and make you go to bed. No more drugs for you.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)23:41 No.5286410

    I can't help it.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/27/11(Tue)23:43 No.5286418
    Nah, it doesn't make me sound any less removed from reality than you do on an average day. If anything, certain recreations have supported me through certain situations.

    If you can grasp the basic meaning in what telling you then you should recognize that I'm being sincere. Stop judging me for how I convey my thoughts; I refuse to believe you could any ill will towards me for wanting to understand you. That goes for all of /cgl/.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)23:48 No.5286433
    I'm pretty confident your IQ is hovering somewhere around 87.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)23:51 No.5286445
    Are you sure what you're really seeing are not visions of the other world but just dying brain cells going out in a fit of glory?
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/27/11(Tue)23:52 No.5286448
    I don't think you understand how serotonin works.
    Even a lab rat can love.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)23:54 No.5286454
    Now I get why Miyu dumped you RedDickies. You went from a vain druggie hipster douche to a crazy hippie spouting pseudo-philosophical nonsense. Stay classy.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 12/27/11(Tue)23:57 No.5286459
    >Nah, it doesn't make me sound any less removed from reality than you do on an average day.

    Going to have to disagree heavily on that one.

    >If anything, certain recreations have supported me through certain situations.

    I .. see. Another example of adding nothing of value to what you're trying to say.

    >If you can grasp the basic meaning

    You are not trying to explain quantum physics to monkeys here, I think we're all well aware of what you're trying to get across, but you still sound like a stoned hippie.

    I'm not wishing you any ill will, or you know I'd just say things like >>5286433. My point is.. quit sounding like a stoned hippie, pretty much.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 12/28/11(Wed)00:01 No.5286467
    >crazy hippie spouting pseudo-philosophical nonsense

    Actually I like your description better.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/28/11(Wed)00:02 No.5286473
    I won't give up on you /cgl/.

    Ai-Honey, you work on that negativity thing, love.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 12/28/11(Wed)00:06 No.5286480
    Tell you what, I'll be nicer when you're not either of these things. >>5286454

    Now stuck in my head, spdfhspdighsp.
    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 12/28/11(Wed)00:13 No.5286502
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    I think I understand what Red is saying. I can't believe I actually agree with him on something. It's like hell has frozen over.

    I think everyone is getting hung up on HOW he's saying it. And I gotta admit he kinda sounds like he's a little out of his head right now. But he's trying to say that once you realize that everyone has flaws it's easier to just accept people for who they are rather than attack/hate them. It's kinda common sense. Well, that's one of the things he's saying, I don't feel like playing translator and cgl is not the place to discuss this shit anyway.

    I dunno, I'm waiting for a friend to finish DLing her damn game so we can play so I am bored. Maybe I'm crazy, but I don't see what everyone is freaking out about. What's the point of even arguing with him if you know he's writing like he's high?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)00:17 No.5286508
    Let hug, faggot.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/28/11(Wed)00:20 No.5286522
    /cgl/ is very much the stage to discuss these issues considering /cgl/ perpetuates negativity instead if cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)00:20 No.5286525
    >trying to figure out what Reddickies is trying to say
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)00:28 No.5286561
    I think it's the fact that outta now he's in Atlanta, he thinks he's some sort of philosopher, or he's enlightened. He's still the same ol' umad bro he was 6 months ago,
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)00:30 No.5286574
    I prefer him over God. At least he has different things to say.
    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 12/28/11(Wed)00:30 No.5286576
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    It does, but no one is gonna listen to you lol. And if they do they usually won't be polite about disagreeing. I just think you are wasting your time.

    Trying to understand is better than not trying to and flaming him. I dunno, lol

    I gotta say despite how different he is, I prefer the new Red. The sudden change is freakin sudden though, so it's a little strange.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/28/11(Wed)00:31 No.5286582
    lol I may be studying philosophy but I'm not philosopher nor am I enlightened. I just want you to be happy.

    Also, for realious, fuck Atl
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)00:38 No.5286614
    so then you're just regurgitating what you're "learning". Figures. Not even an original thought in you.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 12/28/11(Wed)00:50 No.5286677
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    Actually, that's a bogus statement you've just made.

    No one truly has a thought they learned on their own anymore. It's simply something they've learned from a multitude of sources with pieces so selectively handpicked that one could call them original.

    Your post has merit in a twisted, yet deluded sense, but is ultimately incorrect. So says the fit-bro currently at the gym.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/28/11(Wed)00:53 No.5286694
    Everything I've communicated to you I haven't learned in a classroom; I've learned these life lessons from the the psilocybe. Philosophy garnered an interest in the this avenue of thought, but it taught me nothing compared to flesh of nature.

    Just because I'm studying philosophy doesn't mean that I cannot learn who I am as a spiritual being in my own manner.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)00:57 No.5286713
    so you think you're deep because you used mind-altering drugs. got it.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/28/11(Wed)00:59 No.5286727
    You're really grasping here, anon. I never claimed to be deep or philosophical.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)01:05 No.5286753
    I hope you aren't really trying to argue that the pool of original thought has been exhausted.

    As if such a thing is even possible. A necessary precondition is that all there is to be known is known. Even you must be able to realize that's idiotic.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)01:06 No.5286760
    oh? what about ->>5286328

    You claim that you cannot communicate in words, yet you're being overly verbose. Hypocrite much?
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/28/11(Wed)01:10 No.5286784
    I claimed to have difficulty acclimating myself to words based upon experiences I've had. If I seem "off" or "bizarre" to you, alright, but that's my explanation. I'm not trying to be anything other than myself.

    I'm presenting myself to you, anon, in hopes that you may do the same.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 12/28/11(Wed)01:11 No.5286786
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    I did not say all original thought is exhausted, you did.

    Humanity will continue to develop original thought as long as it exists, though the vast majority of thoughts will be cycled across the populous again and again in varied patterns that are ultimately the same, with meagre amounts of actual original thought.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)01:11 No.5286790

    Who is this? Moar please.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/28/11(Wed)01:12 No.5286795
    Matt, I'ma love you.
    >> smoker !Umad72YCVU 12/28/11(Wed)01:13 No.5286796
    War is peace
    Freedom is slavery
    Ignorance is strength
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)01:15 No.5286806
    >Why do you enjoy dressing up in Cosplay?

    Because I secretly hate the person I am and would rather pretend to be someone else

    Also her face looks awful in this video, fat almost. Her teeth and gums are gross and for fucks sake why is she a nigger?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)01:16 No.5286808
    no, you don't. you're attempting to "teach us a lesson". Well guess what? I think a hipster hitler youth doesn't make a good teacher. nor does someone who up until recently came across like a borderline mongoloid. you think you sound smart, but you've already gone full retard. you can never come back from that
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/28/11(Wed)01:20 No.5286822
    That's fine of you to think that. If you're an individual who is very much grounded in rejection, you'll live your life in that manner. I'm not here to judge. You'll allow someone to understand you eventually. You're a good person, anon, you just don't like to show it.

    I'd be skeptical too.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)01:25 No.5286841
    you do realize that you sound like a jackass, right?
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/28/11(Wed)01:31 No.5286866
    Because I'm being nice? Shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)01:33 No.5286876
    People don't really take kindly to condescension.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/28/11(Wed)01:35 No.5286881
    Except I'm not looking down on anyone. If I come across in that manner then that is very much a fault of my own.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)01:36 No.5286886
    seriously, go back to your old persona. way less annoying.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)01:42 No.5286901
    Who is this?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)01:43 No.5286907
    Hey Red, keep doing your thing. Even if you're pseudo philosophical now, you could become a truly smart and enlightened person.

    And to Ai-Honey, shut up. You sound just as pretentious as he does, saying that he writes like a high schooler. What is your education level by the way?
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 12/28/11(Wed)01:43 No.5286910
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    Go back to acting like an adult...oh wait...

    Honestly, you're simply proving Red right by your choice of actions. This goes for everyone being a demeaning simpleton, and not just yourself.

    The collective anonymity of /cgl/ is full of intelligent individuals that if acted under a unified purpose of promotional intelligence, could in fact do wonderful things. Sadly it seems incapable of anything better than belittling others and stimulating drama; a pity.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)01:45 No.5286914
    >acting like an adult
    >guy who has internet relationships and posts with cartoon avatars
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)01:47 No.5286919
    >The collective anonymity of 4chan is full of intelligent individuals that if acted under a unified purpose of promotional intelligence, could in fact do wonderful things. Sadly it seems incapable of anything better than belittling others and stimulating drama; a pity.
    What a shitty and generic comment.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)01:47 No.5286920
    Eh, some of the language in your posts comes off as a bit condescending. Tone is difficult to tell over the internet, and intentions can easily be misinterpreted, especially in the hostile environment that /cgl/ breeds. I'll take what you say at face value, though, because I appreciate that you are being nice.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/28/11(Wed)01:49 No.5286928
    Thanks anon. If you're going to ALA, I'll give you a hug.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 12/28/11(Wed)01:50 No.5286930
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    At least I'm admittent in the fact that I indulge in a childish behavior for amusement rather than seriousness. The simple fact that it bothers you is also an inclination to keep the habit in motion; thanks for letting me know it works.

    >States I've had Internet Relationships

    Is this where I pretend to get really deep and correct you on how it really is?

    No. Should I troll you further? No again.

    This is where I mock you, and call you a retard.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)01:51 No.5286932
    I keep hoping that one of these days, you'll just spontaneously figure out how to write.

    I keep hoping...
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)01:52 No.5286935
    >Is this where I pretend to get really deep and correct you on how it really is?

    No, because there's no girls around this thread that you are childishly trying to impress.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 12/28/11(Wed)01:53 No.5286938
    I think it's creepy, but the anon that keeps trying to respond to Reddickies about his ex is awkward-turtle as fuck in their trolling, or just trying to make shit out of thin air.

    Clearly he's over the bitch but if you have to bring it back up and insist otherwise in spite of repeated assurances that he's over it, then honestly it's trolling or just someone who isn't over it themselves.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 12/28/11(Wed)01:55 No.5286941
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    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/28/11(Wed)01:56 No.5286946

    Oooooohhh gonna fuck themmmmmm~~
    >> smoker !Umad72YCVU 12/28/11(Wed)01:57 No.5286948
    Oh Old Red its good to have you back!
    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 12/28/11(Wed)01:57 No.5286950

    Seconding this. I don't usually pay attention to many tripfags and their drama, but I've found it rather creepy to see the same sort of posts follow every time Reddickies says something on here.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)01:57 No.5286951
    Unfortunately, I won't be attending, but have a lovely con.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 12/28/11(Wed)01:59 No.5286957
    Oooooh, you're a thoughtful one. I appreciate, anon. <3
    I'm still human, even if I like my soul better.

    I'mmm gonna make you lovvvvvvvvveeeeeeeee it~~~
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 12/28/11(Wed)02:01 No.5286959
    Lol oh this thread.
    >> Powergirl !hKSTArr3g2 12/28/11(Wed)02:05 No.5286971
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)02:06 No.5286974
    Could you be any more obvious about how desperate you are to suck his dick?
    >> Claire Max !!k2S5AUmlNNC 12/28/11(Wed)02:17 No.5286999
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    ITT: People arguing about something that is entirely subjective, and thus has no right or wrong answer.
    There is no one glorious rule for what is pretty.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)02:21 No.5287011

    rule 1
    they must be white
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 12/28/11(Wed)02:22 No.5287013
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    your dubs' power pales in comparison to >>5286999 's trips
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)02:46 No.5287072

    I like how you jumped onto Smoker's and Pantsu's thing about noticing dubs and trips. Sorry, but it doesn't make you ~super cool~ and you're still an annoying, useless tripfag with shit closet cosplays who attention whores by plastering your chinky, scrawny self all over cgl in any selfpost thread.

    Why don't you just drop your trip permanently and start working on actual cosplays?
    >> MW 12/28/11(Wed)02:52 No.5287088

    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)03:01 No.5287114
    >I like how you jumped onto Smoker's and Pantsu's thing about noticing dubs and trips

    Anon that is 4chan wide thing. If you think its limited to some trips on /cgl/ you need to calm your tits.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)05:52 No.5287404

    i think she looks awesome as well.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)05:54 No.5287407
    You're fucking vile. Just an outsider's observation here.
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 12/28/11(Wed)06:11 No.5287432

    This. So much this.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:04 No.5287515
    This what? You're references two entirely different statements.

    Your whiteknighting needs some work.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)07:21 No.5287548
    Hot women are hot.
    >> Condor !bLqqWbeae. 12/28/11(Wed)09:15 No.5287671
    >See someone reference two posts criticizing me
    >Person clearly thinks I'm vile and need to calm my tits
    >Get mad, insult white knighting skills
    Seems legit.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)09:27 No.5287693
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    >mfw I look similar to Koti's alien-like shoops
    >mfw /cgl/ hates her face
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:09 No.5287745
    Awww a bloo bloo bloo.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/11(Wed)10:13 No.5287750
    I think she's beautiful, and I'm a troll that goes on pointing out techanilities by the obese landwhales here.

    And I'm a guy LOL and I do troll cosplay
    >no not homestruck, just dress up bad.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 12/28/11(Wed)11:34 No.5287860
    Pretty sure I'm talking like a normal person, not a pretentious one. I personally think Red sounds more high/insane that pretentious, you'd have to make more sense to be pretentious (well successfully anyway).

    I said it's a common thing high schoolers do, not that he is one. My education is irrelevant, I'm not trying to appear superior, yeah it's higher than high school. So what though, I know smarter people than me who dropped out in high school and I know some complete dumb asses who managed to get degrees. It's not really a good indication of intelligence any way.

    If Red is happy, good for him. It's just a shame he couldn't find a more happy medium between "douchebag bro" and "crazy hippie".

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