>> |
12/26/11(Mon)01:23 No.5281957>>5281906 I
know how constructive criticism works. I also know how unprovoked
essays from random people coming from a thread designed to insult you
wouldn't fly for majority of people. What's with the mention of brown
stain thing? It's just such a sly way to get away with being bitchy, and
some people can just see through that. Yeah, I know it's a popular
system, and it doesn't work. It's almost as bad as the legacy system for
ivy league schools which screw the ones that truly deserved it for the
children of rich kids. It's how things work, but it's not fair. The
idea of trying to help someone beyond repair is retarded. It's not a
good deed, they won't understand it and its unnecessary as this will
never go beyond hobby status for most cosplayers. >>5281907 Great, those are your opinions. The only person's opinion who matters is the girl in pictures. >Bloody bugger baww'locked me and hid my comment on her most recent photo She's
crying over this now, maybe because she is offended? You guys can
rationalize that you were being nice, but clearly she doesn't think so.
Keep your criticism to yourself in the future for those who want it. She
hasn't grown from this experience, and you aren't doing her any favors,
no matter how much you can rationalize it that you are somehow helping
her. >>5281950 Purely ironic, I can assure you. |