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  • File : 1324591840.jpg-(38 KB, 225x480, watch660.jpg)
    38 KB Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)17:10 No.5271485  
    Ita thread. Post the worst ita you can find.
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette 12/22/11(Thu)17:17 No.5271510
    is this poor woman the first result of a gis for ita? I swear this pic is posted every ita thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)17:18 No.5271517
    I wonder why...
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)17:24 No.5271535
         File1324592686.jpg-(322 KB, 480x720, grey663.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)17:26 No.5271542
    she's not ita, she's just overweight. Her coord is beautiful
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)17:29 No.5271546
    I feel really fucking sorry for that dress. She's obviously at least 2"-3" too big for it.

    Newsflash: lolita dresses don't fit if they're pulling at the seams, they're too small.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)17:31 No.5271553
    I wouldn't call her ita for that one, but saying it's beautiful is a bit over-stepping things.

    The dress doesn't fit (if you missed that drama, you should really read it; she's stretching the dress so badly that she had to tie the straps as a halter instead of wearing them buttoned in back and it's clearly ready to burst), her shoes are neon compared to the print and there's really no wow factor to any of the rest of it.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)17:31 No.5271555
    true. But not fitting doesn't qualify as ita. Bad lace, shiny fabric, the dreaded slutty maid with maxipad headdress is what really sucks.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)17:33 No.5271560
         File1324593216.jpg-(61 KB, 307x800, DSCN1898sm.jpg)
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    I still prefer this to her skimpy cosplays.

    Anyway, more ita! One of the biggest mistakes the newbies seem to make is just throwing together stuff from their closet (usually Hot Topic sort of clothes).
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)17:35 No.5271564
         File1324593332.jpg-(54 KB, 600x800, 2011-10-27162339.jpg)
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    polka dots & ruffles =/= lolita
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)17:35 No.5271566
    I refuse to believe she's trying in earnest
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)17:36 No.5271567
    Minnie Mouse? Did you gain weight?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)17:38 No.5271570
         File1324593502.jpg-(41 KB, 360x541, lolitaattempt084WEB-1.jpg)
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    The skirt is supposed to sit at the waist...
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)17:38 No.5271571
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)17:39 No.5271572
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    I think we can just dump most of milanoo in here...
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)17:39 No.5271573
    I dunno man. Clothes that don't fit look crap no matter how "beautiful" the outfit is.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)17:40 No.5271574
    This has to be the least-flattering outfit I have seen on anyone, anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)17:42 No.5271577
         File1324593725.jpg-(90 KB, 600x800, IMG_0860.jpg)
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    EGA can also be done very, very wrong.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)17:43 No.5271581
         File1324593788.jpg-(293 KB, 511x955, Crossplay.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)17:44 No.5271584
    Ugh fucking VISIBLE!!!
    They are the reason I bought so much ita shit when I was starting out because I saw their stuff in G&LB and thought "if it's in there, it must be lolita!"
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)17:44 No.5271585
         File1324593861.jpg-(82 KB, 358x550, a0bca0a76211e191c1902b710a161c(...).jpg)
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    Merry Christmas everyone!
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)17:45 No.5271586
         File1324593941.jpg-(133 KB, 334x500, 76050610.jpg)
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    I'm very glad I had a friend who had been wearing lolita for years, I was so close to buying a dressing SCREAMING ita because I thought "omg maids r so cute >W<!!!!"
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette 12/22/11(Thu)17:46 No.5271587
    isn't he like always dressing in dresses/lolita at various ohio cons?
    if not, we've run into the unfortunate implication that there's more than one man out there that does this.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)17:47 No.5271590
    I'm positive more than one man does this haha
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)17:55 No.5271602
         File1324594503.jpg-(62 KB, 600x800, 1318741796831.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:00 No.5271613
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:00 No.5271617
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:01 No.5271618
    this photo mad sadder by the casually tossed aside shoe
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:01 No.5271620
         File1324594897.jpg-(48 KB, 500x667, 6rcKe.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:01 No.5271621
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:07 No.5271636
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:08 No.5271637
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:09 No.5271640
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    Wtf is going on
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:13 No.5271656
         File1324595617.jpg-(36 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lsd0ik2FeD1r1dtsro1_500.jpg)
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    They clearly have lolita confused with French maid costumes.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:16 No.5271664
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:18 No.5271669

    messy hair. she look familiar...
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:25 No.5271682
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:25 No.5271683
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    There was drama about her here before, I think because she offered to trade this replica for the actual AP dress. She also pretends to be the Marquis de Sade on LJ.
    >> Snuggie !05AsVzwa6A 12/22/11(Thu)18:26 No.5271685
    Why is there a bottle of wine there?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:28 No.5271693
         File1324596493.jpg-(16 KB, 300x300, 51T5aVkHJPL.jpg)
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    I guess any sober person wouldn't wear it? Idk.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:29 No.5271699
         File1324596587.jpg-(79 KB, 300x400, 000015as.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:29 No.5271701
    that is literally the most unfortunate looking girl.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:31 No.5271707
    Some ita clothes look OK and I could see why you'd buy it not knowing, but jeez that just looks so unflattering.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:32 No.5271708
         File1324596729.png-(82 KB, 255x234, 01.png)
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    >oh god that face
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:32 No.5271709
    i'm guessing she made it herself
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:32 No.5271711
         File1324596768.png-(209 KB, 384x384, 02.png)
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    >oh god that bodyline dress.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:35 No.5271714
         File1324596902.png-(672 KB, 623x738, Screen shot 2011-12-22 at 5.29(...).png)
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    >oh god dammit.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:35 No.5271715
         File1324596914.jpg-(180 KB, 1024x1024, 1297733695815.jpg)
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    For some reason I thought I've seen that dress before but I'm probably wrong. Ugh those sleeves...
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:35 No.5271717
    but he probably feels so pretty D:
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:37 No.5271723
    >saged, reported, hidden, eye bleach, commited sati
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:40 No.5271734

    ahh yes it's her. lol no AP can fit her. i find it annoying she keep bumping her bodyline to trade for SHIRRING dress on lolita sales english every hour, and if you see her timeline facebook picture. sheez pink satin ita
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:44 No.5271746
    my poor eyes
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)18:45 No.5271749
    It's probably an age-player.

    Their face is familiar... it's bothering me more that I kinda remember that face than the actual picture
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)19:02 No.5271806
    the fuck
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)19:12 No.5271836
    Was this EGA? He kind of just looks like a mall-goth.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)19:34 No.5271901
         File1324600446.jpg-(37 KB, 213x583, n524001047_1248282_3489.jpg)
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    Moar from sexy OP
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)19:40 No.5271928
    I'm pretty sure I know who that is, but I can't bring myself to attach that image to him if it somehow isn't him.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)19:55 No.5271983
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)20:05 No.5272021
         File1324602343.jpg-(8 KB, 194x260, image.jpg)
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    >my motherfucking face when I see on Milanoo's site pics lifted from infanta and victorian maiden
    >curious to know what the customer actually gets if they order the item
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)20:09 No.5272035
    I've see him at Acen as well. He's a sweetie.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)20:39 No.5272136
    Nice Vendetta you have there.
    She's lovely really.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)20:56 No.5272142
    what do you all think about this site?

    I personally like it and find a lot of things on there cute.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)21:25 No.5272247
    I always wonder why lolita attracts over-weight chicks. Seriously. These clothes make skinny girls look bulky. Why do over-weight girls think they can pull it off? It ends up making them look ridiculous and I feel a little sad for them because I don't think they realise this.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)21:28 No.5272258
         File1324607310.jpg-(147 KB, 469x611, 1305861367510.jpg)
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    wtf nobody's posted this gem?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)21:29 No.5272261
    Because they can't think of any anime characters they can pull off.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)21:30 No.5272266
    because they want to be kawaii desu japanese girls
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)21:31 No.5272270
         File1324607492.jpg-(39 KB, 551x734, at-first-i-was-like-and-then-i(...).jpg)
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    then you notice the background. Is her family on Hoarders, did her friends sneak into an abandoned house? Seriously, thats actually sad.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)21:32 No.5272275
    Because every American kid born in the past 30 years has been taught that they are absolutely perfect in every way.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)21:35 No.5272282
    even her house is Ita, how sad.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)21:37 No.5272285

    Fatties hate skinny girls who can wear brands and they want to be kawaii desu
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)21:37 No.5272286
    I didn't even see the background until you mentioned it. Holy shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)21:40 No.5272292

    lol i said the same
    >> Tora-Tora !99aWp44a6o 12/22/11(Thu)21:42 No.5272295
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)21:43 No.5272297
         File1324608197.jpg-(33 KB, 350x467, Attractive-Pink-Short-Sleeves-(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)21:43 No.5272298

    I suppose so. I always think of how extremely uncomfortable it must be for them to squeeze into clothes made for small asian girls, especially for hours on end. How do they do it without tearing/breaking anything and why would anyone buy the clothes they decide to resell? They just look so stupid.

    I suppose it really is the whole "I'm perfect in every way! No one can tell me otherwise!".
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)21:45 No.5272303
    holy shit it's a pattern from the gothic and lolita bible.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)21:45 No.5272304
    terrible environment
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)21:47 No.5272308
    Milanoo is now reselling these dresses. they buy them and sell them for 2 or 3 times the price. One girl on youtube bought a KYY dress from them.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)23:42 No.5272553
    I think that could be kinda cute with a bit of fixing up. get rid of the lace lines on the skirt for starters
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)23:47 No.5272562
         File1324615659.jpg-(103 KB, 480x640, hybridbaby.jpg)
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    It almost doesn't look so bad on an attractive model. Here though...
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)00:02 No.5272592
    good LORD...
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)00:10 No.5272604
         File1324617023.jpg-(117 KB, 525x700, 13242435750571.jpg)
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    A challenger appears
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)00:10 No.5272605
    This makes me feel bad because I knew friends in high school that had houses like this...if not worse.

    She reminds me of one of my skinnier friends who -literally- lived in a hoarder home. Garbage and clutter everywhere, you couldn't move in that house without stepping on something or getting crumbs on your feet. You'd have to keep moving in the house too otherwise a cockroach or bug would crawl under your foot to get out of the light. People who dared to sleep over at her house would talk about how they felt bugs crawl onto their faces. Old food everywhere, and their refrigerator was packed with mold and old stuff piled on with new stuff.
    Their bathroom was unspeakable. They had cats so they put the "litterbox" there but all the cats did was sloppily defecate all over the place and scatter the litter everywhere. The toilet hadn't been cleaned in years and there were spiders everywhere enjoying the moisture.

    She was sick all the time. Eventually she had to move in with her grandparents because the house was condemned and her dad was found to be an unfit parent. Her mother had died in a car accident while driving drunk when she was little, and unfortunately much of the mementos of her mom were lost when the landlord tossed all of their items.
    Shit isn't a joke.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)00:11 No.5272607
    It's different fabrics/lace as well
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)00:11 No.5272608
    her bra..
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)00:25 No.5272630
    I hate seeing these sort of get ups. Tripp pants? Ugh. I hate to drop this picture, but I think its related. But seriously, I think my boyfriend could make a better EGA than that, and we're not even all that into the fashion at all. I think he was taking me out to dinner at the time.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)00:26 No.5272633
         File1324617985.jpg-(119 KB, 480x640, 25695_119932821352574_10000007(...).jpg)
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    Forgot to put the picture, derp
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)00:29 No.5272637
         File1324618141.jpg-(111 KB, 720x630, 33696_454525457752_753402752_5(...).jpg)
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    find ur favorite seagulls
    i just spotted 2 decent
    that was in a lolita meeting in my town
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)00:30 No.5272642
         File1324618252.jpg-(42 KB, 750x563, THE BOSS IS NOT AMUSED.jpg)
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    this entire thread, mfw
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)00:31 No.5272645
    Giving yourself away..
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 12/23/11(Fri)00:33 No.5272649
    I like his glasses.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)00:34 No.5272656
         File1324618472.gif-(490 KB, 499x374, 1316016337124.gif)
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    What fucking sack of shit did they crawl out of? THEY LOOK FUCKING TERRIBLE AND I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT LOLITA.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)00:34 No.5272657
    Okay but why would you walk around in those conditions without shoes on? D:
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)00:35 No.5272659
    I absolutely love his glasses. I ask him to wear them sometimes if we go out dressed up. I think they're his WW2 glasses. They should still be in style!
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)00:37 No.5272668
         File1324618659.png-(90 KB, 229x204, aaaaa.png)
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    >mfw i saw the photos of that "lolita" meeting
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)00:42 No.5272678
    The one in the far left looks alright, the one in the middle seems to be on the right track, the rest are just . . . they're just . . .
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 12/23/11(Fri)00:43 No.5272680
    What does he usually wear everyday? Jean+tee?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)00:44 No.5272683
         File1324619055.jpg-(42 KB, 405x540, 2472663.jpg)
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    Don't forget some character lolita-fications

    Can't figure this one out? It's lolita Orihime
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)00:54 No.5272706
    that face
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)00:55 No.5272711
    He surprises me everyday. Sometimes is jeans and a shirt. Other times this random asian-esq suit jacket collared ... thing... he bought at the thrift store. One day he woke me up wearing a kriegsmarine uniform. Sometimes he'll just put on a suit or a cowboy get up to go to the bar.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)00:59 No.5272717
         File1324619973.jpg-(129 KB, 540x720, 61507_454524882752_753402752_5(...).jpg)
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    got many more of this "lolita meeting"
    the most itaaa i've ever seen im my whole life
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)01:05 No.5272734
         File1324620318.jpg-(64 KB, 567x378, 1309475369480.jpg)
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    MFW this looks almost exactly like my friends mom
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)01:14 No.5272748
    I don't get this. The canon outfit to begin with had a princess-y silhouette. Loli-fying it should mean to just change the hakama into a skirt/petti, shorten it, use black lace for the edging, pick appropriate shoes and stocking and maybe curl your wig.

    Dammit, I want to do this now.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)01:17 No.5272758

    Ugh...I can just imagine any "normal" guy who has been unexposed to sweet lolita walking down the street, looking her up and down and laughing, "that fat bitch loves her dessert so much she has to have them on her dress too!"
    I'm not saying that kind of teasing is appropriate, but she's really just asking for it if she's willing to wear that sort of thing out in the "real" world and not at a con where people wouldn't give her a second glace for that.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)01:20 No.5272762
    Among all the horridness, what stands out to me most is how the zipper is hanging quite a few inches under the border of the jacket O_o
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)01:25 No.5272775
    I hate to say it but...

    I like that dress. Where can I find it? :(
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)01:34 No.5272808
    I always thought the idea of fat people wearing food prints hilarious.

    A skinny girl eating a cupcake is cute. A fat girl eating a cupcake is disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)01:36 No.5272814
    My sister liked it too. She knows it's not lolita, however. But she says the skirt part was cute. (From the small bit she could see. I'll show her the original image that I just found.)
    Maybe you can ask her where she got it?

    Don't get ripped off paying $80 for it though. Or even $60. Be careful.

    Even for "mallgoth" it's not worth that much.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)01:38 No.5272817

    I think it's adorable too, and being overweight wouldn't stop me from wearing something like that, but I just hope she is as self-confident as she looks and that she's prepared for ridicule (like oh, say...being posted in ita threads.)
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)01:39 No.5272825
    Oh, I looked like the girl's name is Corina. Maybe the account owner can ask her friend (Corina) for you though. May have to wait a bit longer for a response though.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)01:40 No.5272827
    >I always thought the idea of an anorexic or a bulimic wearing a sweet food print was pretty ironically hilarious seeing as though we know they don't eat anything
    >supporting the notion skinny people are actually thinking about food all the time because they're starving and know they wanna eat
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)01:42 No.5272834

    she looks fatter than PT, those arms are huge.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)01:47 No.5272846

    PT's arms aren't really a good frame of reference though...being so strangely stumpy and all.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)01:52 No.5272861
    I didn't even say anything about anorexics/bulimics...Overanalyzing much?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)02:08 No.5272914
    It has always bugged me a little that quite a bit of lolita is based of the most fucking bright pastel and sugary looking sweets you could ever imagine. And yet most of those sickeningly sweet print burando won't fit girls with a waist larger than 28"
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)02:09 No.5272918
         File1324624192.png-(145 KB, 362x215, s640x480.png)
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    Actually I have an H.Naoto pannier skirt that looks very similar to that.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)02:10 No.5272922
    Is that a golf umbrella?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)02:10 No.5272923
    So you get to say something random about body types relating to prints and I can't?
    Special snowflake opinion much?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)02:11 No.5272926
         File1324624290.png-(934 B, 150x150, wut.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)02:16 No.5272943
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    Kind of curious, is this dress borderline ita or does it depend heavily on the co-ord?

    I think it's adorable, but I've never worked with black and white before, and aside from lace monsters I don't really know what makes a black and white dress ita or Lolita.

    Also have the Vampire Requiem replica and Rose Melody Merry-Go-Round JSK on eye in the same colours, but I'm 99.9% sure those are safe.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)02:22 No.5272964
    tbh that isn't a half bad dress. I really don't think that is ita at all.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)02:22 No.5272965
    i am no loli but that dress is hella cute. it would definitely depend on the cord in my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)02:29 No.5272985
         File1324625374.jpg-(135 KB, 438x650, d_mimipink.jpg)
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    I don't really see how body types automatically equal to specific eating disorders, except for extreme cases.

    Anyway, contributing. Anyone remember this monstrosity? I think a lolita store owner said this was their most popular dress and it was often sold out.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)02:30 No.5272989
    The mixture of the busy sweet print and classic style of the dress is a little bit odd. The dress is very similar to one Victorian Maiden produced and AP use that music note print.

    Still a cute dress though and Rose Melody do make good quality things.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)02:58 No.5273079
         File1324627100.jpg-(73 KB, 480x640, 16gxyfp.jpg)
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    A kodona challenger appears.

    The best part is that everything but the shirt is brand.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)05:03 No.5273374
    Lol, pic has 22k views.

    Girl who posted the pic has 6k total
    >> Tora-Tora !99aWp44a6o 12/23/11(Fri)05:11 No.5273389
    That's on the Vampirefreaks store. :I I used to want that dress.

    But then I learned more about lolita and wanted to punch the designers of that generic.. thing. It's not as bad as others, but it's still not good. The model's make up is what makes it especially ita, and the fact that it's sold on a store to a mostly goth and weeaboo and scenefag speshul snowflake demographic means that they won't wear it with a petti or with the proper shoes.
    I saw someone that a con wearing it with demonia combat boots.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)05:20 No.5273403
    Damn, seeing some pics in this thread is painful and I'm not even a loli.
    Even being a cosplayer I think I can safely say that (thanks to /cgl/) I could dress way better than this if I ever did a lolita outfit.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)05:42 No.5273448
    I actually like this a lot... it has a very KERA feel to it, imo.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)06:16 No.5273535
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    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)06:17 No.5273537
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    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)06:20 No.5273546
    >h.noato apron
    i want it...
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)06:22 No.5273551
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    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)06:22 No.5273552
    What the hell is up with that make-up? Are there such things as clown lolis?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)06:25 No.5273559
    kinda smells like vendetta really... the only thing gobsmackingly ita is the unrelated makeup, but if she was doing some halloween hybrid it's passable. Also dat apron.
    >> Chuna !3pyFO/TUNA 12/23/11(Fri)06:25 No.5273560
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    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)06:30 No.5273574
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    Was there even an inspiration for this?
    >> Mitsuki 12/23/11(Fri)06:32 No.5273581
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    The hurts....
    >> Sheryl !!czSBQuVZNHF 12/23/11(Fri)06:49 No.5273620
    That is the most painful dress I have ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)07:10 No.5273648
    Seriously? the whole reason I posted this is because of that god awful apron. Her makeup is stupid, but I don't mind it.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/11(Fri)07:20 No.5273660
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    the apron's the best fucking part.
    she just isn't wearing it in the right way.

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