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  • File : 1324573875.jpg-(67 KB, 800x600, Superior Asian.jpg)
    67 KB Good Anime Cosplay become possible only when the cosplayer is Asian Proud To Be Asian ^_^ 12/22/11(Thu)12:11 No.5270839  
    <b>Reference :</b>

    <b>Based on the reference, it is concluded that :</b>
    <b>-</b> Good Cosplay is a Cosplay where the cosplayers can succeed in looking like the character the cosplayer cosplaying and the opposite of that will become as bad Cosplay.
    <b>-</b> We Asians make our Anime characters based on our own Asians facial & body form or based on our own selves which proven by the fact it is us Asians who look better or suited cosplaying our Anime characters, as a result we Asians the one who become superior in the Anime Cosplay world including getting the highest fans and fame in the Anime Cosplay world.
    <b>-</b> It is impossible for westerners to do good Cosplay, simply put <b>there is no good western cosplayer</b> because genetically and logically it is impossible for westerners to be born/look like us Asians.
    >> Jebus of /a/ !01jMxbeXFY 12/22/11(Thu)12:17 No.5270849
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)12:18 No.5270852
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    >implying Russian cosplay is not superior and god-tier
    Pic related
    >> tonyu 12/22/11(Thu)12:20 No.5270856
    Fancy seeing you here.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)12:25 No.5270865
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    Welcome back once more, PAG. What are you going to enlighten us with today!?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)12:25 No.5270866
         File1324574754.jpg-(80 KB, 400x300, Copy-Pasta.jpg)
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    Obvious copypasta is very obvious.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)12:27 No.5270869
    oh wow, you're back.

    where were you? what pulled you away from the noble quest of making anime cosplay for asians only?

    were you in jail?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)12:28 No.5270871
    Wow, haven't seen this stale pasta in a while
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)12:32 No.5270877
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    thats all depends on the character.
    you have to admit that most of the Final Fantasy characters look better by western cosplayers. lol

    btw, i'm an Asian
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)12:36 No.5270881
    Hey asians, if you are more accurate at cosplaying then why do all anime characters have such huge eyes?

    westerns: 1
    asians: 0

    captcha: actually right
    you bet captcha, you bet...
    >> Jebus of /a/ !01jMxbeXFY 12/22/11(Thu)12:39 No.5270885
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)12:39 No.5270886
    >people are actually replying to this thread instead of just saging it and reporting it

    Wow, it's like you guys are new to the internet or something. Then again, it's /cgl/, even the most obvious troll posts get a ton of replies.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)12:43 No.5270891
    Characters are not all Asian.
    Full Metal Alchemist = German
    Hetalia = Everyone
    Soul Eater = I felt that it looks more Italian
    Katekyo Hitman Reborn = Most characters are Italian
    Cowboy Bebop = Space

    It's weird to me to see an Asian Edward Elric because that isn't right =/
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)12:44 No.5270894
         File1324575899.jpg-(42 KB, 426x640, 2814162.jpg)
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    ITT: Beautiful Western Cosplay
    pic very related
    >> Jebus of /a/ !01jMxbeXFY 12/22/11(Thu)12:45 No.5270898

    Not to mention IMO every fucking character looks whiter than the average Californian.
    >> Proud To Be Asian ^_^ 12/22/11(Thu)12:46 No.5270904
    Nah, some new Indonesian law prohibit porn-related site to be banned from any ISP which are under Indonesian internet territory, 4chan got banned as a result but since I'm an Asian I know how to get around.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)12:47 No.5270907
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    >> Proud To Be Asian ^_^ 12/22/11(Thu)12:49 No.5270910
    I have seen thousands wannabe Asian and have met tens of them, nothing new to me with you as one of them.

    Asians not supporting Asian but supporting westerner, african, etc of the wannabe Asian real race <--- a give away for wannabe Asians to show their hide.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)12:51 No.5270912
    Oh, awesome. How nostalgic. It almost feels a shame to report this.
    >> Proud To Be Asian ^_^ 12/22/11(Thu)12:52 No.5270914
    It is as retarded as saying "the westerners who live in Asia are Asians"

    Retarded westerners <--- good reason why only Asians can make Anime.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)12:53 No.5270916
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)12:53 No.5270917
    dah pukul satu dah.
    gi tido la, nanti mama marah.

    sage for replying to a PAG thread without a western cosplay contribution.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)12:55 No.5270920
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)12:58 No.5270925
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    >Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)12:58 No.5270927
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    >> Vavo !!od+/UXkDBQB 12/22/11(Thu)12:59 No.5270930
    TEN of them?!
    Wow that's quite the achievement for a ronery basement dweller..
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:00 No.5270932
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:01 No.5270936
    Jesus Christ, MORE!! MORE NOW, GODDAMN IT!!!
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:04 No.5270942
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:08 No.5270947
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    >> sage Sage 12/22/11(Thu)13:09 No.5270949
    Dear OP:

    I hope you know that the cosplay in you Pic is incredibly inacurate considering the chosen fabrics and the style of the wig.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:14 No.5270961
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    Smart-ass Asian can't even format.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:14 No.5270962
    >not inferior shit-skinned asians who ride on the coattails of their superior east asian counterparts

    pick one.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:22 No.5270977
    This. Indonesian isn't even true Asian, you need to be a member of the big three - Japan, China, or Korea. Anything else ranges from questionable (Vietnamese) to full-out Aboriginal/Mexican looking (Indonesian, Thai, Filipino).
    >> Proud To Be Asian ^_^ 12/22/11(Thu)13:23 No.5270978
    Too bad your jealousy can't change Anime fans to shout "you fail to Cosplay our favorite Hinamori Amu", unlike all the western scumbags who fail cosplaying Hinamori Amu and other Anime characters.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:25 No.5270985
    He's probably just butthurt his sister is whoring herself to western sex tourists.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:28 No.5270990
    >unlike all the western scumbags
    >you live a half a centimeter away from Australia, a "Western" country
    Please, stop embarrassing the real Japanese on 4chan.
    >> sage goes in all fields 12/22/11(Thu)13:28 No.5270992

    Perhaps instead of shooting your mouths off like typically un-worldly poorly-educated Americans, you need to do a little more research into what the word "Asian" consists of.

    But wait, geography was never any American's strong point. I mean hell, 90% of you can't even identify what state is where and what their capitals are. So perhaps a nice hot cup of shut the fuck up is in order before you look like the complete and utter morons that you are?
    >> Proud To Be Asian ^_^ 12/22/11(Thu)13:32 No.5271000
    I opened a new account on DA :

    It seems as long as I don't comment there then the western scumbags who become mods there have no reason to ban me even how mad and jealous they are at the truth I bring there.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:34 No.5271005
    Last time I checked asians didn't consider theirselves a collective entity. The only people who buy into this "azn pride" bullshit are typically people from poor SEA countries who live vicariously through the achievements of East Asia. See OP.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:36 No.5271011

    stop feeding the troll, he's not even the real proud pure cute asian
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:36 No.5271012
    You assume I am American when you do not know. I told you that you are not true Asian. Indonesia is in Asia but so is Russia and India, and they are also not true Asian.

    Please, stop embarrassing the real Japanese on 4chan. You are not Japanese. You are not true Asian.
    >> Proud To Be Asian ^_^ 12/22/11(Thu)13:37 No.5271014
    ASEAN+3 [ China, Korea and Japan ] will evolve into the unification of Asia.

    And when that happen = You westerners = You shits = You eat from the garbage can = You etc
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:39 No.5271018
    You've played Homefront way too much.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:39 No.5271019
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    Look at all the newfags being trolled.
    >> Jebus of /a/ !01jMxbeXFY 12/22/11(Thu)13:39 No.5271020
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    ITT: Asian Cosplay Bullshit

    More at 11.
    >> Proud To Be Asian ^_^ 12/22/11(Thu)13:40 No.5271021
    So what is the rumor for the "real" Proud Cute Asian?
    - Died in the tsunami
    - Burried in the earthquake
    - Jailed
    - Burned to ass by the vulcano
    - Etc bullshit
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:40 No.5271022
    If I remember you are a ugly wanabe asian guy? You cant even cosplay!
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:41 No.5271024
    and the OP inches closer and closer to his true form, a rambling schizophrenic nutjob. inb4 walls of text about conspiracies, egotistical beliefs and persecution.
    >> Proud To Be Asian ^_^ 12/22/11(Thu)13:43 No.5271029
    Asian united as one does not affected by my existence of being able to Cosplay or not, too bad you can't hide from your fear of "I'm going to eat from the garbage can one day, I'm a western loser" when the Asian become as my master and mistress.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:45 No.5271037
    Okay but remember you wil always be a ugly asian who cant cosplay. LULZ
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:47 No.5271039
    Alright, let's copypasta.
    > American cartoons inspired anime style in the first place.
    > You look like a Westerner.
    > I get sexual favours from a Japanese girl dressed as Misa Amane.
    > Hideki Tojo
    > You can't cosplay Sasuke, or anything for that matter.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:48 No.5271041
    Indonesia = Oceania (a.k.a not Asia)
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:55 No.5271056
    If westerns are scum and shit and can't cosplay then why Beckii is a kawaii idoru in Japan?

    >>Sage because your argument is invalid.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:59 No.5271065
    Oh man! I've always missed these threads in the past, through extremely shitty timing. These are actually real.
    ProudAsianorwhateveryournameisIcan'tbefuckedtolook, what's your opinion on Asians cosplaying African American or otherwise dark-skinned characters? And, if the Asians are only "the best", allegedly, at cosplaying anime characters because they were created in their image, doesn't that mean by default that every Asian that cosplays a western series (eg: Superman, Homestuck, Toy Story) is awful beyond compare, because Caucasians built those shows in their image and not in the Asian image?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)14:01 No.5271067
    i'm 5270877
    well, believe it or not ,i'm not going to argue that with you here.(while i can prove that with my bad English lol)
    just want to say,
    if u do not respect others, how could they agree with your offense view?
    just a simple idea:)
    >> Proud To Be Asian ^_^ 12/22/11(Thu)14:02 No.5271071
    Remember I'm not a fat ugly westerners like you who massacres over 500000 innocent Japanese using nukes so there is no reason for Japanese to hate me and my peoples.
    >> Proud To Be Asian ^_^ 12/22/11(Thu)14:04 No.5271086
    Offesive or not, real Asians side with Asians, other than that are just wannabe Asian because this is the internet where anyone can claim as whatever they want.

    Your retarded logic of "my fail english will prove me as Asian" just prove you more as a western scumbags because only western scumbags who think with retarded logics like that.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)14:07 No.5271095
    If westerns can't ccosplay, why do I look like Chii and I attract all the asian dudes?

    >>BTW tl;dr
    >> Jebus of /a/ !01jMxbeXFY 12/22/11(Thu)14:09 No.5271098
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    New drinking game - take a shot everytime PTBA puts down "westerner".
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)14:11 No.5271104
    >real Asians side with Asians
    >implying the Rapiing of Naking, the Bataan Death March and all the other atrocities japs did in WWII didn't exist
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)14:18 No.5271123
    If we are going to go into WWII (honestly I'd rather not go there), If Asians side with other Asians (even though Indonesia is Oceanic), why was Japan part of the Axis and Indonesia part of the Allies (e.g. Western led) until Japan invaded it.

    If you going to go down the history route at least know your facts.
    >> Proud To Be Asian ^_^ 12/22/11(Thu)14:18 No.5271125
    Other retarded logics of western scumbags are :
    - Anime characters such in Kuroshitsuji are westerners, retarded because it is as retarded as saying the westerners who live in Asia are Asians.
    - Anime characters big eyes mean them as western characters, retarded because the big eyes are mean for more cuter appearance which proven by the Anime characters who have it are females and children characters, simply put it is for doll-like eyes which is cute.
    - Etc retarded westerners logics
    >> Proud To Be Asian ^_^ 12/22/11(Thu)14:20 No.5271134
    Japan help Indonesia to gain independence and the axis help netherland, portugal and british to invade Indonesia.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)14:21 No.5271137
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    haha, i guess i am talking to a brick
    this thread is worthless for replying.
    anyway, u will get that picture means (i suppose)
    u should meet more open-minded ppl, bye
    >> Jebus of /a/ !01jMxbeXFY 12/22/11(Thu)14:23 No.5271141
         File1324581781.jpg-(30 KB, 500x379, shinku_drunk.jpg)
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    I think you replied to the wrong person. Either that, or you just purposely raised the amount of "westerner" uses to 13 (aka 13 shots).
    >> Proud To Be Asian ^_^ 12/22/11(Thu)14:23 No.5271142
    Don't forget to report me to your retarded western scumbags dad and mama too.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)14:23 No.5271143
    Honey, I'm not "Western" in the sense that you're using it. I'm Native Hawaiian. Don't even start an argument on who's killed whom; in this discussion, as tragic as the deaths of many are, that's irrelevant. This is a conversation based solely on appearances and what country creates what. I was genuinely pointing out something wrong with your argument, and you didn't respond to it. You should really work on that.
    >> Jebus of /a/ !01jMxbeXFY 12/22/11(Thu)14:25 No.5271152
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)14:29 No.5271163
    It's worth mentioning that a lot of anime was actually had a heavy influence by (Western) Disney movies such as Bambi.

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