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  • File : 1324490627.jpg-(184 KB, 440x652, kuroshitsuji___lacrimosa_by_lindzar-d46a(...).jpg)
    184 KB Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:03 No.5267712  
    /cgl/, Why do you have such an issue with people who buy their cosplays instead of making them?
    >> Rem♥ !!oQqdzqqw80S 12/21/11(Wed)13:06 No.5267720
    That's not really the issue. It's when they try to enter contests saying they made it, or act snobby when a handmade costume looks better their bought costume.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:07 No.5267725
    I still see people complaining about it when cosplay buyers don't do either of those things.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:12 No.5267736
    I'd say because, back in the day, cosplay couldn't be bought; you had to make everything yourself. And people who have problems with it are just reverting back to that mindset.

    It's like when cake mix was first introduced. No one bought it because it was considered "cheating" to just add water and toss in the oven, as opposed to making an entire cake from scratch.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:12 No.5267738
    most bought cosplays look like shit. "halloweeny" cheap material, missing details, and (for the most part) ill fitting because they are not custom.

    or if you buy a custom, really nice costume, you are going to pay out the ass for it...which is just as stupid.
    >> Rem♥ !!oQqdzqqw80S 12/21/11(Wed)13:13 No.5267739

    Sometime some people just think it's laziness. I always handmake my stuff, but it's hard to do with school and work, so some people who are interested in cosplaying just buy their outfits. There's nothing wrong with it, but it is looked down upon because they didn't spend the hours that other cosplayers put into their outfits.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:19 No.5267754

    That's the part I feel is stupid. Why should all cosplayers have some amazing sewing ability? We can be good cosplayers but absolutely shit at sewing, so why does it matter?

    It's about becoming the character, not 'Who's the best sewer'.

    I buy all mine custom tailored or commisioned and they look just fine. If I tried to do it, I'd look like a retard.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:20 No.5267758
    I'm sorry, but when I spend lots of time and money to make my costume look great, using the right fabrics, making/editing patterns, putting every detail in its place, I care about what i do

    then to have these girls with crappy bought costumes try to compare their "hard work" to mine...i wanna roundhouse kick them so hard in their weaboo face that they physically cannot make the sounds to say "waifu" or "husbando" again.
    >> Rem♥ !!oQqdzqqw80S 12/21/11(Wed)13:21 No.5267760

    Custom tailored or commissioned is different in my opinion. It's not a generic costume that anyone can buy multitudes of. You're still supporting a seamstress/costume maker who spends hours on it, and if you look amazing in it, why not? They don't just look down on store bought stuff, but people/'seamstresses' who make crap as well.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:24 No.5267766
    Ya know, i never had any sewing knowledge before i tried my hand at it for the sake of cosplay (because I didnt want to by a costume...whats the fun in that?)

    Yeah, my first few were kinda crappy, but i dont care...when you sew, it makes a cosplay experience that you dont get just taking 10 minutes to order one online.

    tl;dr lrn2 sew (patterns come with step by step directions...its not hard.)
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:25 No.5267769
    Not all bought cosplays are bad. o-o
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:27 No.5267774
    Oh, I see. I thought all of you who made things yourself frowned on anyone who didn't do the same.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:27 No.5267776
    People don't. They have a problem with the ones who lie about making their own costumes when they don't, and people who buy horribly ugly mass-produced ones. People just want to derp about in a costume someone else makes, fine. I have a lot of respect for the people who make excellent costumes but then give them to someone else to wear because they know they'll look better. As long as credit goes where it's due.

    But the ones who'll get the MOST respect will always be the ones who both look good AND show great skills.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:29 No.5267782
    Because lots of them want the same recognition for buying a shitty costume off ebay as the people that make their own costumes and then have tantrums when they don't get it or aren't allowed in costume contests.

    Half the time it's not even the costume that's the worst part of it either. It's how they act in public. And they usually look worse than they have to because they don't iron it or wear makeup or they wear shitty shoes with it, or any of a half dozen things.
    >> Sly Cooper 12/21/11(Wed)13:29 No.5267783
    Sewing isn't that hard, though. I mean, my first costume wouldn't win any awards, but it wasn't the worst.

    I don't have a problem with people getting commissions or buying online, either. You don't insult someone for not tailoring their own clothes, why would you with costumes?
    >> Chuna !3pyFO/TUNA 12/21/11(Wed)13:32 No.5267788
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    most of them are, maybe there are a few good ones around but they
    a) are not on e-bay
    b) cost too much for the average weeb
    because y'know, they must also save for teh pockyz
    >picture related, the queen of bought cosplay
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:24 No.5268239
    This. I always make my costumes as I'm from a generation who made costumes never brought as they simply didn't exist. I have no issue with people buying/commissioning costumes as long as they don't lie/cheat/or claim they are loads better than someone who spends the time to make something.

    Personally, I'm far more impressed with a badly made home made costume than a brought well made one. To me the person has made an effort to give it a shot and it shows the love for the creative part of the hobby.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:32 No.5268268
    I can't sew worth crap so all my costumes are bought and no one has ever had an issue with me because of three things:

    1. I don't claim I made it.
    2. I don't try to enter it into contests.
    3. I try not to get mass produced unless it's made with material that won't make it look awful.

    And the biggest thing I think that pisses off cosplayers that make their own are the cosplayers that buy online and act like that somehow is better. "Oh you spent how long making yours? I just ordered mine and got it in a week. Probably for cheaper too. You should just buy online."
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:35 No.5268277
    I think it's fine so long as it's well made, good fabric, and they don't try to take credit for it. the same time, I buy about half of my cosplays to save time.
    >> Mr. Face 12/21/11(Wed)16:40 No.5268294
    Honestly, after I actually made my last cosplay, I was much more proud to wear it than I was with my previous costumes. I also learned a lot of new skills as well. Never before have I tried to make three latex masks in the span of a week.

    It's kind of part of the fun. I mean, I still had fun in my bought costumes and I certainly don't look down on people who do buy, but spending the time making it and then getting to show it off is a nicer feeling. Having so many people oogle over it makes all the sleepless nights that much more worth it.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 12/21/11(Wed)16:41 No.5268297
    This as well. Backinmyday/getoffmylawn.
    At the same time, I don't see the point in cosplay if you're not making it. That's what I love, making costumes. That's where the passion is; you like that character enough that you take it into your own hands to dress like them.

    I guess I'm more just a costumer than a cosplayer.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:42 No.5268299
    That's great. I think its an attitude worth following. In my experience too many cosplayers who buy are too often up their own ass and will try to get away with entering comps. Even comps where it does state that you had to have made most of the costume yourself.

    I don't have a problem with people buying costumes if that's what they want to do. I do understand that some people don't have the time to spend hours making a costume. Just as long as the attitude is right then its fine by me.

    The same way I don't think a cosplayer who makes everything should look down on brought costumes as much as they do.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:46 No.5268309
    >I guess I'm more just a costumer than a cosplayer.

    That is an interesting point. Someone I know did ask what the difference between the two were and you have hit it on the nail. I much prefer making costumes as I enjoy the creating process as well as the finish. I'm always interested in seeing how others put together costumes. I love seeing progress pics. Something which you can't see with brought costumes.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:05 No.5268365
    I think it is all well and good to buy your costume. Honestly, I am trying to learn. Before I lost my job I got a machine and took up sewing classes....that were still expensive as fuck but not as bad as JoAnns. They had a class full of people and barely came to check on me except when I was like "hey, I have a problem...How do I...?" then they would do it for me. So I now I have machine I can't thread and really don't even remember to thread at this point.
    >> Ukraine !!Gl2boRyrnRH 12/21/11(Wed)17:06 No.5268366
    This right here. As long as the person doesn't lie about it what's the problem? For the most part I like making my own stuff. And I like being able to chat with people about making their costumes, what they did and learn new things. Part of what got me into making my own stuff was to save money, but I enjoy the process along the way.

    I have borrowed a costume before from a friend so I could cosplay in a group, and that was fun, but I was sort of disassociated with the costume because I didn't make it, I wasn't part of the process for it.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)23:29 No.5269477
    Funny enough, I seem to be the middle ground in this friendly debate. As a cosplayer of only two years, I have slowly begun to integrate bought pieces and hand-sewn pieces together. Holding down a career and a social life means less time to learn all at once, but I understand the pride you feel when you've accomplished making something yourself.

    It's convenient to be able to buy certain items (or even full cosplays) for many new to the convention scene or those that do not have the ability to sew/work a sewing machine. It's also rewarding at the same time to make something with your own hands - costumes, props, accessories, the works. Finding the little touches that you can personally integrate into a cosplay perhaps can bring about a pleasant balance until a larger step can be taken.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)05:20 No.5270389
    Likewise, I'm in the middle as well. I do love the ease of being able to buy costume stuff as I don't have much in the way of free time. So I tend to make one or two costumes a year and then buy the rest to wear as extras at events.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)07:24 No.5270529
    Who cares about what other cosplayers do? Fatties and uglies care.

    They're the only ones who have attention to lose and the free time to post about it. With cosplay becoming a popular trend, nobody cares how much people worked on their costume. It's just about whether they're hot in costume.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)09:52 No.5270672
    >It's just about whether they're hot in costume.
    Which really isn't a good thing with how things are turning. Now if you wear some shitty costume that looks nothing like what you're cosplaying, you still get famous just because you look good. Yeah I know, people are free to cosplay what they want because it's about having fun... but the thing is if you're marginally good looking by geek standards then you basically get a pass to not put in any effort and still get all the attention that someone with an amazing costume would get. If you asked people who famous cosplayers were, the list is probably going to contain more beauties than actual good costumers. Not hating on the pretty people but you shouldn't rely solely on your looks to make people overlook your half-assed costume or you'll end up with a bad rep like some of the girls around here.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)10:16 No.5270696
    >If you asked people who famous cosplayers were, the list is probably going to contain more beauties than actual good costumers.
    >If you asked people who famous actresses were, the list is probably going to contain more beauties than actual good actresses.

    >being surprised that people generally prefer beauty as the shallow trait of choice

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