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  • File : 1324433198.jpg-(66 KB, 960x640, STOOPID.jpg)
    66 KB Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)21:06 No.5265815  

    Link is a pasty elven waif, not some angry black bull.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)21:11 No.5265826
         File1324433460.jpg-(517 KB, 1024x1024, 4679976798_a2dc151551_b.jpg)
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    But that looks nothing like a bull
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)21:20 No.5265849
    Dude is kinda hot.
    I'd talk to him about our mutual love of LoZ.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)21:31 No.5265870
    I think you want this thread >>5263111
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)21:37 No.5265884
    that link is hot.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)21:46 No.5265921
         File1324435582.gif-(114 KB, 550x400, 1324372366783.gif)
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    Made me rage slightly because I've met that Dark Link at a con and he is nice and hot as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)22:30 No.5266089

    Ask him why his "sword" is small.


    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)22:45 No.5266125

    Hnnnnn so sexy~

    Ya'll just jealous cause you know he gets the ladies.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)22:58 No.5266171
    Whoever knows him, please suggest he cosplay Thresh
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)23:36 No.5266300
    OP is just mad because Dark link banged all the hot white zeldas at anime blast chattanooga.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)23:48 No.5266333
    ITT: Black people get mad. Despite the running gag, white women rarely fuck niggers. Not on the scale you think.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)23:52 No.5266337
    Can we not do this tonight?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)23:58 No.5266347
    >>5266333 Despite the running gag, white women rarely fuck niggers. Not on the scale you think.

    Well, if Porn is to be believed, it's fat obese 40-50 ish hambeasts in psuedo-BDSM bondage serving black men that do it.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)23:59 No.5266352

    He's dating a non-hambeast white girl.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)00:04 No.5266363
         File1324443875.jpg-(252 KB, 481x720, STOOPIDBL.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)00:07 No.5266366
    Thick, but definitely doesn't strike me as hambeast, anon.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)00:07 No.5266368

    I don't think you understand the definition of a hambeast.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)00:39 No.5266439
    Who is Thresh?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)00:48 No.5266457
         File1324446483.jpg-(71 KB, 720x540, Thresh-the-hunger-games-movie-(...).jpg)
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    Pretty sure anon is talking about this guy
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)00:59 No.5266502
         File1324447166.jpg-(76 KB, 960x720, 43876861.jpg)
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    Creeped. Looks like he's making a new sword actually.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)01:11 No.5266588

    Pfffft, i've seen bigger.

    Also, cosplay accurately. If the character has light skin.......then cosplay with light skin.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)01:33 No.5266728
    So I guess we are all obligated to say he's "cool" and "hot" and "the best" just because he's black and people are afraid of sounding racist, right?

    Sorry, but this gaywad looks retarded. Lame toy sword/shield, retarded dreadlocks and, yes, a black guy dressed up as Link looks dumb in and of itself.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)02:40 No.5267031
    So I guess we are all obligated to say he's "cool" and "hot" and "the best" just because he's black and people are afraid of sounding racist, right?

    Sorry, but this gaywad looks retarded. Lame toy sword/shield, retarded dreadlocks and, yes, a black guy dressed up as Link looks dumb in and of itself.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)02:51 No.5267064
    He's still one of the better Links I've seen out of hundreds.

    Then again, haters gonna hate
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)06:09 No.5267262
    Get over yourselves. He has a well-made costume, he poses like he's ready to kill some chickens, and he looks hawt doing it. And I got no problem saying I hate darkies.
    >>   12/21/11(Wed)06:40 No.5267284
    Sure is samefag in here.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)11:20 No.5267514
    His outfit was commissioned
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)11:39 No.5267549
    I like it.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)11:46 No.5267561
         File1324485993.jpg-(115 KB, 411x327, 1303511933687.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)11:55 No.5267578
         File1324486510.jpg-(33 KB, 400x300, laughingbitches.jpg)
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    You sound jelly you're not dating him anon.
    For a black guy he's sexy as fuck and I wish he'd be my Link.

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