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  • File : 1324328065.jpg-(161 KB, 407x405, Weeaboo-Advice-Inu-I-KNOW-THREE-JAPANESE(...).jpg)
    161 KB Weeaboo Horror Stories - part infinity Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)15:54 No.5261633  
    Didn't see one floating around, and I wanted to share my story.
    I posted here some time last week about what's going on and got some encouraging advice that I ended up taking, but the problem didn't stop there.

    Basically, I drew a free art request for a girl back in February who happened to show up on my DeviantART page and ask for one when I was in the mood to draw a ~*~ super kawaii animu girl~*~. I didn't have any other art backed up, so I figured "why the hell not".

    I finished the picture and I think I posted it that same night, and the girl got so freaking excited she almost immediately asked me for another picture, of her self-insert OC with Edward Elric and their baby. At that point, I thought it was kind of rude for her to ask for more free art right away, so I politely told her "maybe I will another time". She accepted it, but then the notes started pouring in from other accounts asking for the same request, saying it would be "for a friend".

    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)15:54 No.5261636
    She then started offering me DeviantART points for the art, which as you probably know are worthless and can't be translated into real currency. The same-fagging was pretty much confirmed when she was offering the same amount of points from each different account (it was usually 44, which isn't even worth a dollar). I kept politely saying, "maybe when I have the time", because I really intended to draw it when I finished the commissions I had received from a couple of people who enjoyed the request I did for her.

    The notes didn't stop though, and she even began harassing me about "buying" my characters from me or just asking me to give them away so she can use them in roleplays. It's fucking December, man. As per /cgl/'s recommendation I have no intention of drawing her picture now, and I blocked the accounts she had been messaging me from...or so I thought. Apparently I forgot one, and she used it to ask why I blocked her friend (more specifically, the most recent account that had been noting me). I told her that I felt disrespected, and that the harassment has really discouraged me from ever doing the drawing. She replied saying, "Oh, that's just how she is...", trying to defend her over-bearing "friend".

    She then sent me a note about four minutes later saying, "Oh by the way...did you give your character to this person?" and linked me to an account that had been made literally minutes before, and had one submission: one of my pictures. She didn't even bother to try to remove my signature, so it's clearly legible running right through the middle of the picture. The caption was, "I really like this character.."

    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)15:55 No.5261639
    So not only is she noting me constantly, she's stealing my art and trying to get on my good side by showing me a very conveniently-timed case of "theft". I ignored both notes and simply reported the deviation, but it's been several days and the staff hasn't gotten around to resolving the issue yet. Today, she's posted on my page asking for an art trade, and the theft account started watching me.
    I have a visitor tracker on my page, and both accounts have visited me this morning without a full three minutes in-between.

    I know calling the situation a "horror story" is too much, but since the situation is escalating I would like to nip this in the bud before this girl attacks me at a con or something. :( Help?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)15:59 No.5261655
    Also, I noted her about an hour ago basically saying "Take that shit down, that's rude."

    She just messaged me back saying that she's "honestly very angry" that I would accuse her of such a thing. The theft account was deactivated minutes ago, supposedly because she "asked er' to remove that account and make a different one without stealing".
    Suspicious much.

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