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  • File : 1324287736.png-(2.07 MB, 2963x4765, 1324273407147.png)
    2.07 MB Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)04:42 No.5260313  
    I saw this on /a/ and it got me thinking.

    What if girls and guys that posted/lurked here were terminal?

    What if we actually drove someone to suicide?

    Can we have a baww thread I need to cry?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)04:51 No.5260331
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    I'm... I'm not going to look at this again, but you can OP.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)04:52 No.5260332
    I have made friends through /cgl/ that I would greatly mourn the loss of, however I do not feel any sort of kinship with the board as a whole. I think that's the nature of our board.

    As a matter of fact I haven't felt a kinship to a board since 2006.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)04:54 No.5260340
    My mom was in the hospital last month for something serious so I am crying like a bitch right now.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)04:58 No.5260350
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    I didn't mean to.. Well I.. Just.. fuck..

    Because I have no appropriate image for that..
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)04:59 No.5260354
    It's okay, she's fine now. It was just really fucking scary...
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)05:05 No.5260364
    I love /cgl/. Sure there are moments where I feel humiliated for typing something stupid and being called out of in, but it's kind of at least given me the brains to look at things from different points of view. Sure there are just trolls and sure there's a lot of circle jerking but, eh?

    Truth of the matter is, the trips seem like a family which brings me to the downside. While I love that /cgl/ can make me laugh and smile and get motivated, it also can make me feel very alone. All these amazing cosplayers hanging out together, having fun and I'm too nervous, shy, scared to even talk to them but the pictures that surface? Instant jelly. Everyone looks so happy and carefree.

    So, I love you /cgl/. You make me laugh, you make me cringe, you make me cry, you make me strive to try and get a healthier life style. No matter what, we're seagulls.
    >> Skip Bayless' Tebowner 12/19/11(Mon)05:06 No.5260366
    candy-ass faggots
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)05:08 No.5260372
    Yeah, it's just...not the same.

    I love the friends I've made through /cgl/, but I kind of fucking hate this board and moments like these make me wonder why the hell I'm still here.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)05:10 No.5260382


    OP here, my mom has a giant ulcer on her leg. She recently had an infection that went septic and she was on life support. Thank God she survived and pulled throughj, but now shes infected again and since shes going senile at a young age, her doctor, me, my fiancee, my sister, and her husband are trying to keep her convinced amputation is the best choice. She's had the injury for five years, it started as a blister and is now enveloping her entire right calf.

    /cgl/ i just want my mommy. I miss her. Why won't she come back?

    Goddamnit I'm crying. I'm supposed to be the strong one too.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)05:10 No.5260385
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    My story:

    Only recently have I gotten in touch with my extended family after years. We're not at all close, especially being on opposite coasts.

    One aunt recently passed of bone cancer. An uncle on the SO's side from liver cancer this summer.

    I have an aunt right now suffering from type 2 diabetes. She's lost a few of her toes. It moved to an entire foot being amputated.

    She's now getting an entire part of that leg amputated and now the foot of the other.

    I mean, shit. Of all the things to die from. I haven't talked to this aunt for over 10 years, and I can't even get in touch because it's so bad. There's no money to visit, either.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)05:12 No.5260392
    (sort of related) I found my sister (who is an amputee) on /cgl/ after she posted a 'Searching for armless characters to cosplay' thread. We made contact in a baww thread and then emailed each other until we were able to meet up in person and now we live together.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)05:13 No.5260393

    I'm so glad you found her ;~;
    >> Skip Bayless' Tebowner 12/19/11(Mon)05:13 No.5260394
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    >how can I be strong when I feel so weak?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)05:14 No.5260396
    Oh man, you two are seriously legends. I'm so glad you found each other and it all worked out for the best.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)05:14 No.5260397
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    I'm really sorry to hear that. I wish I could offer comforting words or a shoulder to cry on even if we're strangers. Your mommy's still there somewhere. It will be hard but- please cherish the moments you still have with her okay? And if you do need to vent, well, someone will be there to hear it out.

    E-hug the best I can.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)05:17 No.5260401
    You're forgetting that /cgl/ is different from /a/. /a/ may be full of anime geeks but they're usually introverts with actual problems VS /cgl/ is just a board of bitchy women who whine about petty coats and shitty lolita dresses as well as pick on as many other girls as they possibly can out of their own insecurities. A lot of girls here claim to have depression issues but we all know its self-diagnosed bullshit [inb4 20 claim to see therapists] and that they lead average lives like anyone else going outside/shopping/dating/etc. My point is; /a/ is a better board for that type of closeness since they don't usually pick on each other that hard anyway. /cgl/ on the other hand-all the girls DO here is pick on each other pushing their insults as far as they can going, "well it's not like she's going to kill herself she's just an attention whore and she'll get over it anyway" heartless, materialistic, and two faced. That is what /cgl/ is-excluding the occasional bro who really just posts here for cosplaying. /cgl/ wouldnt feel sorry if they drove someone to suicide, they wouldnt feel a thing. Other than "I hope no one can trace the cruel things I said back to me"

    But yeah enjoy your baw thread
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)05:17 No.5260403
    Thank you!
    I wish we'd saved screencaps of the threads because no one believes us when we talk about it to our friends, haha.
    I love /cgl/ so much because of it, even though a bunch of the time you're full of heartless scumbags every so often you guys really are amazing :)
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)05:26 No.5260411
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    Yeah, I've really come to love /cgl/ despite everything.
    Dropping my trip for this post, but that /a/ thread is pretty true.
    I mean I've had paramedics called 3 times this year when I suddenly couldn't breathe, and the doctors still don't know what caused it. Not asthma or anything. I'm not that well-known as a trip, so I doubt many seagulls would notice if I never posted again - pretty sad, really.

    But the horror threads are entertaining, the cosplays are cool and the drama reminds me of high school.
    If my tumor turns cancerous, or I don't survive my next breathing episode, just want to let /cgl/ know I had a great time.

    Depressing thread is depressing.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)05:26 No.5260412
    Some things that have happened recently in my life and lives of my family and close ones:
    - Dad was in and out of the hospital a lot and very nearly died. He's much better now.
    - Dad was laid off from work, lost income meant giving up everything but paying rent
    - Mom wasn't thinking straight one day and shoplifted a bit of food, was caught, wound up going to jail for a week.
    - Mom's quack of a doctor cut her off from medication she badly needed, and because of her withdrawal she was bedridden and essentially dead to this world for a full month
    - Eventually lost our home and had so little time to move out, we had to give up a lot of our belongings because we couldn't move them
    - My brother and I found friends to stay with for a while but my parents were homeless for several months and lived in a tent (now they're in a trailer, not great but a huge step up obvs)
    - My dad's best friend since he was a teenager died of lung cancer. the man wasn't even a smoker
    - My dad's mother died
    - My mom's uncle we were all pretty close with died
    - My sister was abused by her husband and he threatened her children. thank god almighty she ran away from him
    - my brother's best friend since childhood was revealed to be a rapist and had been assaulting his younger sister who pressed charges against him, the incident tore their family apart, and their family is like family to us
    - I personally have been jumping from one place to the next struggling to find work and stability and failing

    tip of the point being, some people have it worse than me, for sure. lots of folks do. i'm thankful for everything i have. but am i in any mood to read sob stories about other people? no thanks. i've done enough crying.
    >> Skip Bayless' Tebowner 12/19/11(Mon)05:26 No.5260413
    This is true.

    Also, you fags should see when /b/ bawws. Now that's some heavy shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)05:30 No.5260417
    >your family and family-friends let your parents live in a fucking tent and be homeless
    That's fucked up beyond belief.

    And I'm kind of weary about you, because if my mom had to live on the streets I wouldn't let her do it alone, even if I had a place to stay and she didn't.

    Not that it would EVER happen because I could probably make a list of 30 fucking people off the top of my head who would take us in...
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)05:36 No.5260426
    They stayed with this one friend for a while, but you would be amazed how people can be so generous and inviting and say "stay with me as long as you need to! I won't let you live in a tent!" but then after a few weeks their generosity just flies out the window. our extended family is pretty far away, so going to them wasnt a really viable option. and they even had some money from unemployment, but they couldnt find a place to rent because bad credit and they couldnt use the previous landlord as a reference. my aunt wound up buying them a trailer, AND she just bought them a car, so some people can amaze you with their generosity. as for me staying with them, my mom wouldn't allow it. she's the kind of mom that puts my brother and i miles ahead of herself, and she'd much rather we crash with friends. trust me, the whole episode tore me apart inside wishing i could have helped her and my dad, but at least it didnt last long.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)05:42 No.5260438
    My mother and I are the only ones. No brothers and sisters, no dad. Mom would want me to stay with friends, sure, but we would both know that she couldn't do it without me, especially with her medical issues.

    Besides that, when dad kicked us out of the house we moved across the country with absolutely nothing, and my family put us up for 3 months. Hell, we got out of there as fast as we could, and we didn't even have furniture in our apartment for another couple of months.

    Shitty thing is that dad is fucking loaded. Mansion, 3 cars, things like that. He wouldn't even consider helping.

    I guess my point is that I'd never kick out a close family member to let them live on the streets, no matter how long they'd been there.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)05:46 No.5260448
    That sounds rough as hell, it's good you and your mom stuck together. With all that's happened, I have tons of newfound respect for the homeless. They're not just wackos or lazy bums and substance abusers the way people stereotype. With the country the way it is now, people can go from middle-class, working folks with nice homes and cars to being in a tent in the woods. It's just insane.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)05:48 No.5260455
    Also in the case of my mom, I knew she was in great hands with my dad. The dude's a survivor, and an outdoorsman who really knows how to take care of himself. And not only that, he's really loyal to my mom and considers it a personal responsibility to make sure she's cared for. And her health was bad at the time, but believe it or not, she got BETTER being outside with the fresh air and all. She's as healthy as she's been in years.
    >> Skip Bayless' Tebowner 12/19/11(Mon)05:51 No.5260461
    Different dynamics. You and mother only have each other.
    Other guy's mom had dad to look out for her.
    Scenarios, yo.
    You should kill your dad though so his money goes to you guys, unless he's already remarried.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)05:52 No.5260464
    Aww fuck man, I'm sad now.
    Dropping my namefag.

    I'm also not very well known on /cgl/ but I lurk and post a bit. It would be so strange to leave and no one knew.

    We're struggling financially my mom got sick recently so she hasn't been able to pay for a few things. My dad's an ass hole and a deadbeat so he doesn't help at all. Although we've survived before. I don't have medical coverage and I have a serious medical condition and my medication is running out. I'm a bit worried about that. But it's 800 total.. I can't afford that.

    I hope to someone on /cgl/ I won't be some anon.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)05:55 No.5260469
    He kicked us out so that he could marry his mistress.

    Now she's a fat saggy bitch and dad is fucking miserable. But yeah. I've already been specifically written out of the will in the event that they both die, so that I won't see a dime.

    140,000 dollars owed in backed child support too, lol.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)05:57 No.5260472
    Dammit OP, this is really sad.

    When I was 8 years old, I saw my grandmother pass away in front of me. Throughout my childhood I would visit her every day, and spend more time with her than anyone else in my life.
    Then she fell to the floor, right in front of me. I was the only witness, so I was allowed to skip school for a week, because I had to go to the hospital every day and explain to the doctors what had happened.
    My mom was hospitalized for months after that incident, because of a lung-disease, caused by the shock of losing her mother.

    All of my friends in school called me a crybaby when I came back after my 1-week break, and left me behind when I wasnt strong enough to continue as normal. My grandma was like a 2nd mother to me, and her death has given me so many problems later in life. Every day I fear that I might lose my mom next, or my dad. I haven't moved out yet because I fear that something bad might happen if I'm not there.

    Cosplay helps me forget. When I put on a costume, I can pretend that I'm fine, that I'm someone else. /cgl/ has given me new friends, and you guys have cheered me up when I was down. I hope all of you will get to live a long, happy life, and that everyone who has lost a loved one will get better in time.
    >> Skip Bayless' Tebowner 12/19/11(Mon)06:01 No.5260478
    If your medical condition is deathly or some shit and you really need it to live, I can foot half of that for ya, broski.
    Won't be the first time.
    This sucks. How does child support work?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)06:01 No.5260480
    I haven't yet suffered a loss like that, you have my condolences. But I know that feeling of worrying your mom or dad or someone else you love could be gone at any moment. You should do what I do and make sure to remind them once in a while how much you love them. Christmas is coming up, so you have a good excuse....if youre not good at expressing things verbally you can write a cheesy card saying what you wanna say. Just an idea!
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)06:04 No.5260486
    This is a weird concept. I used to trip here, and quite shortly after I dropped my trip, I came very close to suicide on several occasions due to problems in my personal life.

    I wonder if /cgl/ would have ever found out if I'd actually died.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)06:06 No.5260488
    >Also, you fags should see when /b/ bawws. Now that's some copy-pasta'd fictional shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)06:06 No.5260491
    You don't pay, you go to jail.

    Unfortunately it's not something the legal system bothers with unless you push it on them. Mom never bothered. We couldn't afford a lawyer, and we knew he would push back. Besides that, she just wanted to forget he ever existed. She would rather work her ass off to support us than rely on him again.

    Once I got old enough to find out about all of this and care about it, I decided to do something about it, but obviously I couldn't afford a lawyer, either.

    So I called the police.

    It fucking worked. One month later a car showed up at my dad's house to take him to jail. When he saw them and they told him he was going to jail and was going to have to pay the child support to me, he had not one, but two heart attacks. The police never pursued it further, and I am too old now for them to bother with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)06:08 No.5260493
    >Mansion and 3 cars
    >140,000 in back child support

    ... you live in some place with the most lax child support laws I've ever seen, you've made no attempt to use the courts, or you're full of it.
    >> Skip Bayless' Tebowner 12/19/11(Mon)06:08 No.5260494
    Believe what you like.
    The /b/ros are always there for one another.
    Most of the time.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)06:08 No.5260495
    This thread is making me feel better and worse at the same time. So many of you are going through/have dealt with the same things as me. I'm so crippled by everything that has happened I can barely leave the house. Not like I could get a job or anything anyway. I feel like such a fucking dead beat.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)06:11 No.5260497
    I was 18 before I even found out about all of this child support nonsense, and 20 by the time the cops arrested him for it.

    Now I'm 24 and I'm told that this has all gone cold and there's not much I can do about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)06:13 No.5260503
    And like I said; the police and legal system don't give a fuck about child support. Our case was even less noticeable and more of a pain in the ass to deal with since it wasn't being handled in the same state. It's easier to just ignore it to them.
    >> Skip Bayless' Tebowner 12/19/11(Mon)06:14 No.5260505
    Because you are.
    >Not like I could get a job or anything anyway.
    It's this defeatist attitude that makes you a deadbeat faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)06:20 No.5260525
    If only there were some type of digital network by which one could acquire currency in exchange for services without needing take leave of their home...
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)06:23 No.5260535
    Well yea. That is one of my problems. My moms got cancer and I can't leave her for more than 2 hours without feeling like shit. Her sister died of it and she was alone when she died. I don't want that to happen to her.
    >> Skip Bayless' Tebowner 12/19/11(Mon)06:27 No.5260543
    Tell her she's a freeloader and kick her ass out.
    Or do like this fag says >>5260525 and whore on cam.
    You're not trying hard enough. Stop using your mom as an excuse.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)06:31 No.5260551
    I didn't say whore on cam, newfag namefag. You might be new to the whole "Internet" thing, but I can assure you, there are sources of income that don't have nudity as a prerequisite.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)06:31 No.5260552
    >Yeah, throw her on the street while she's dying of cancer!

    Do you kick puppies and kittens too?
    >> Skip Bayless' Tebowner 12/19/11(Mon)06:34 No.5260559
    How dare you?? I love puppies. I would curb-stomp a cat though. I hate them.
    >reading too much into a troll post
    Really, dude?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)06:35 No.5260562
    It's ironic because in another thread he's trying to whitenight or something by saying that /cgl/ is awful but yet look at his attitude here in this thread.
    >> Skip Bayless' Tebowner 12/19/11(Mon)06:37 No.5260567
    =( Do I really have to stay in character for the rest of my life?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)06:38 No.5260568
    Trolls don't have consistent attitudes. They just pick whatever position is opposed to the general mood of the thread and try to ruin it as such.

    The optimum choices here are "its all your fault," "well, my life is great," and "I hope it gets worse."
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)06:39 No.5260569

    Yes you nigger faggot.
    >> Skip Bayless' Tebowner 12/19/11(Mon)06:40 No.5260572
    Life must be great being a homophobic racist.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)06:40 No.5260574
    /cgl/ needs to retake Trolling 101 again.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)06:42 No.5260576

    Only when I can join the sides of a homophobic racist like you. Teach me your ways.
    >> Skip Bayless' Tebowner 12/19/11(Mon)06:45 No.5260580
    It feels good to be appreciated.
    I'll do it. I'll be the Pidgeot to your Pidgey.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)06:52 No.5260588

    brb gonna play Animal Crossing
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)07:03 No.5260594
    But /b/ loes cat.
    >> Skip Bayless' Tebowner 12/19/11(Mon)07:07 No.5260600
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    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)07:15 No.5260603

    Are you the father of zippocat?
    >> Skip Bayless' Tebowner 12/19/11(Mon)07:21 No.5260604
    No. I only condone harm to cats when I'm the one doing it.
    >inb4 hypocrite
    I am.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)07:25 No.5260607
    People die all the time. Lots of people are dying right this second. Unless I know them personally, I feel indifferent.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)08:32 No.5260679
    My votes for people who need to die on this board and who I would personally celebrate dying:

    God, Dildoes, Mell, Lonelyfag, Pantsu, Matt, Ai-Honey, Lougsex or whatever the fuck her name is, Spoony, whoever the fuck contributes to the shitty PT threads and probably more that I'm forgetting. Seriously there are so many people here which need to die.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)08:40 No.5260691
    Mell and Pantsu are fine. Matt is okay if you can accept that he's a willing tool. He and I had a very decent conversation about Deadman Wonderland recently and he was very helpful in helping me choose a wig.

    Logseux, I hate her because shes a fake and a shooper. She's insecure so she picks apart the self esteem of tender girls.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)09:01 No.5260730
    Derailed thread is derailed.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)09:05 No.5260739
    My mother was always over protective of me. I had wanted to see Green Day in concert for so long. She of course said no. A concert was no place for a 15 year old.
    Suddenly a few weeks from the concert date she said "Anon, I know you want to go, here's my credit card, please order some tickets for you and a friend"
    That was the best concert ever. When my parents picked me up, they had a surprise "Hey Anon! We're going to a cottage, I packed for you"
    >My mother was terminal and gave us the best and last summer of my youth. She didn't tell us what was wrong and slipped away in the fall of that year.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)09:06 No.5260741

    >What if we actually drove someone to suicide?
    lol dude, you are new here, aren't you?
    Unfortunately 4chan has already driven a few people to suicide.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)09:12 No.5260755

    Confirmed for underage fag

    Most of us grow out of our killing other people phase once you hit your 20's
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)09:14 No.5260758
    Sorry buddy, 22. I'm just tired of seeing this board shit up with faggots with their baww or "alpha" shit along with tripfag circlejerking and just general faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)09:17 No.5260766

    That's cool. I'm 24. Grow the fuck up.

    Seriously, you were better off saying you were 17.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)09:21 No.5260775
    Yeah, sorry, we should all be super serious like our overlord anon here, fuck off.
    >> Nyamo 12/19/11(Mon)09:32 No.5260784
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    My fun loving, nerdy little brother shot himself last year... No emo warning signs, no angsty rage. Nothing. He was without a doubt, my constant best friend, & I'll never know why he did that.
    Shit, he went to the mall a few hours before he did it.

    I think I hate people easier now, for making obviously bad decisions, & I find it hard to make new friends (moving on from the old)...
    I'm rather fond of this board... Like favorite classmates.
    Sometimes I find it hard to cry about stuff... other times I find it embarrassingly easy.
    *shedding tears now*
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)09:32 No.5260785

    You're the one driven to the point of complaining about tripfags and wanting them to die? I don't really like tripfags either, but there are social retards that really would knife someone over internet wanking.

    You can say, "I'm not that stupid" but hoping people would die over something as pointless as circlejerking isn't helping.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)09:46 No.5260805
    Bump because I want to see more tears.
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 12/19/11(Mon)10:16 No.5260848
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    fffff...this thread.

    when I was in high school, a bunch of my relatives died in succession, grandfather, aunt, other grandfather, and a couple great uncles, among others. It was like a yearly thing, too. I ended up going to so many funerals, and they were all at the same place. The funeral director was actually my principal when I was a kid, and he remembered me, so every time I was in there, we'd sort of "catch up". Too bad it wasn't under better circumstances.

    as for fellow seagulls, I'm sure a few have passed away since the board opened. The friends I've made here are pretty damn cool and I'd hate to lose any of them
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)10:24 No.5260859

    Better solution would be to ban them. Realistic solution is to get over it because /cgl/ unfortunately crosses "niche and 'lame' hobbies" with "heard and seen participants" more often than not.

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