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  • File : 1324238897.jpg-(165 KB, 900x675, meffect.jpg)
    165 KB Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)15:08 No.5258441  
    Mass Effect Cosplay thread? Mass Effect Cosplay thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)15:09 No.5258442
         File1324238947.jpg-(79 KB, 600x365, jack-mass-effect-2-cosplay-9.jpg)
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    Why yes
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)15:10 No.5258446
    ugg Tali cosplays. Never seen a good one. That Garrus is awesome though.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)16:34 No.5258637
         File1324244061.jpg-(79 KB, 600x900, mission_vao_by_mystic665-d3cei(...).jpg)
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    Remember when Bioware made good games?
    >> Courier !HT3F39A6T6 12/18/11(Sun)16:35 No.5258639
         File1324244105.jpg-(75 KB, 480x720, 1313969599210.jpg)
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    I'll post what I got
    >> Courier !HT3F39A6T6 12/18/11(Sun)16:35 No.5258642
         File1324244135.jpg-(64 KB, 480x720, 1316671500160.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:04 No.5258949
         File1324253051.jpg-(75 KB, 900x600, 296188_10150359247729636_68549(...).jpg)
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    best Tali
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:06 No.5258956
         File1324253178.jpg-(49 KB, 640x444, 1309312376226.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:07 No.5258960
         File1324253267.jpg-(55 KB, 425x640, 1309310073758.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:11 No.5258969
         File1324253471.jpg-(491 KB, 728x1092, mirands.jpg)
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    >> Captain Marvelous !!IB1pZcmTQv/ 12/18/11(Sun)19:11 No.5258971
         File1324253487.gif-(425 KB, 180x160, momotaros wtf am I reading.gif)
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    >bioware made good games
    >implying ME isn't good
    >> Captain Marvelous !!IB1pZcmTQv/ 12/18/11(Sun)19:13 No.5258976
         File1324253612.jpg-(68 KB, 450x654, garruscosplay.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:14 No.5258979
         File1324253649.png-(1.02 MB, 916x605, 1316068914259.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)08:15 No.5260662
         File1324300546.jpg-(151 KB, 468x1000, salarian.jpg)
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    More Salarians!
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)10:34 No.5260871
         File1324308854.jpg-(63 KB, 479x720, G3.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)13:53 No.5261282
         File1324320784.jpg-(197 KB, 427x640, mass_effect_cosplay_by_danosuk(...).jpg)
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    More awesome Tali
    >> Yellow Arrow 12/19/11(Mon)13:58 No.5261293
         File1324321134.jpg-(50 KB, 312x640, tali2.jpg)
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    >> Yellow Arrow 12/19/11(Mon)13:59 No.5261296
         File1324321181.jpg-(437 KB, 1600x1200, tali.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)14:30 No.5261363

    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)01:37 No.5263539
    I love everything in this thread so much.
    I want to cosplay from it, but I'm stuck deciding to wait until ME3 comes out and model if off the new armor shepard gets in there or not...

    Also...I can never think of a good color, my shep ran around in dark red, or pink so I want to make one of those colors but... Im just indecisive.

    First world problems.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)09:51 No.5264325
         File1324392661.jpg-(4 KB, 229x251, 1324257480859.jpg)
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    >actually being excited for a Bioware game
    >the tail end of 2011

    I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)12:23 No.5264513
         File1324401804.jpg-(94 KB, 467x700, asariii.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)12:44 No.5264563
    Yeah if those spoilers were real the backlash will make DA2 seem beloved

    Also kotor mmo is pretty lousy

    Did all the competent writers leave?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)13:14 No.5264629
    1. The spoilers were real, the devs confirmed it.

    2. Yes and no. A lot of people who made BG and NWN left right after DA:O. Drew Karpyshin who wrote KotOR and ME1, left to make the piece of shit that is TOR. Also, EA just doesn't give a shit about writing. They are pretty much just rushing people to make the game as fast as they can, and not giving a shit about anything else.

    The sad thing is that despite all this, fangirls love Dragon Age 2 anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)13:22 No.5264645
    ME3 confirmed for GAMING BLUNDER OF 2012 then

    >REDACTED dies from being shot in the shoulder
    >a million fangirls lose their shit
    >> The Black Comradette !125yThb17s 12/20/11(Tue)13:35 No.5264668
    wait what?
    what is this shit? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!!
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)13:38 No.5264673
    Dude, the entire game was datamined from just the demo. Google it.
    >> The Black Comradette !125yThb17s 12/20/11(Tue)13:41 No.5264677
    i can't do it. I NEED this game to be good.
    and 4chan especially /v/ has a history of being overly critical.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)13:43 No.5264680
    Well too bad because EDI gets a robot body and fucks Joker.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)13:55 No.5264694
    ROT13 spoilers as this board doesnt allow spoiler text

    Google rot13 if you don't know how to decode it

    Tneehf trgf fubg va gur fubhyqre naq qvrf
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)14:04 No.5264716
         File1324407861.jpg-(93 KB, 916x855, 1323016469647.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)14:16 No.5264739
    you are a true sis for not openly typing spoilers here
    I always forget the rest of 4chan is less shitty than /v/

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