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    File : 1324085153.jpg-(225 KB, 768x1024, 1324084799303.jpg)
    225 KB Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)20:25 No.5253840  
    Hey /cgl/

    Sengoku Pokemon
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 12/16/11(Fri)20:27 No.5253844
         File1324085273.jpg-(67 KB, 515x600, oh hell yes.jpg)
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    Oh hell yes.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)20:28 No.5253845
    They combined Dynasty Warriors with Pokemon?
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 12/16/11(Fri)20:29 No.5253849
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)20:29 No.5253850
         File1324085375.jpg-(182 KB, 768x1024, 1324084949640.jpg)
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    >Dynasty Warriors
    You just went full retard
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)20:30 No.5253853
         File1324085428.jpg-(177 KB, 768x1024, 1324084860596.jpg)
    177 KB
    No signs of Date Masamune yet
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 12/16/11(Fri)20:30 No.5253855
    Strangely, I would play this.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)20:32 No.5253858
         File1324085566.jpg-(226 KB, 768x1024, 1324085090840.jpg)
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    It's by Koei

    Makers of Dynasty Warriors, Ken's Rage, Samurai Warriors, and Kessen.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)20:34 No.5253864

    Now whose the retard?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)20:36 No.5253872
         File1324085774.jpg-(164 KB, 768x1024, 1324084894907.jpg)
    164 KB

    Dynasty Warriors = China
    Sengoku = Sengoku Period = Japan
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 12/16/11(Fri)20:36 No.5253874
         File1324085791.png-(175 KB, 362x285, Boris.png)
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    Waiting for my Masamune and Saika hnnnngggghhh.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)20:37 No.5253879
         File1324085855.jpg-(195 KB, 768x1024, Ag0zKOFCQAAYo1E.jpg large.jpg)
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    >> Slutmeg 12/16/11(Fri)20:37 No.5253882
         File1324085863.jpg-(91 KB, 500x500, fucking mahous and their OP as(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)20:38 No.5253886
    please someone tell me what this is. a show? video game?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)20:38 No.5253890
         File1324085922.jpg-(264 KB, 800x767, Caocao-800.jpg)
    264 KB
    Listen, the guy in the OP looks EXACTLY like Cao Cao.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 12/16/11(Fri)20:40 No.5253896
         File1324086016.png-(285 KB, 400x551, Nobunaga.png)
    285 KB
    Or Nobunaga.
    But regardless, yeah, they do look similar.
    >> Slutmeg 12/16/11(Fri)20:40 No.5253897
    Either way, Japan is getting all of my money. Now where's my broken-ass Wobbuffet?!
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)20:42 No.5253903
         File1324086152.jpg-(18 KB, 300x300, 1225436247001.jpg)
    18 KB

    Its not Cao Cao

    Its Nobunaga, since the game is clearly set in the Sengoku Period

    And the title of the game is Pokemon: Nobunaga's Ambition
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)20:43 No.5253905
         File1324086198.jpg-(208 KB, 768x1024, Ag0zxdwCEAAIChM.jpg large.jpg)
    208 KB
    Thats Akechi Mitsuhide with the Articuno if you're wondering
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)20:43 No.5253909
    Cao Cao could have been in Japan at the time. He could have changed his name in order to mask his hidden ability to time travel. You don't know.

    How dare you fucking underestimate him like that.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 12/16/11(Fri)20:45 No.5253911
         File1324086341.gif-(64 KB, 417x454, Usavich 60.gif)
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    Ieyasu becomes top dog in the end anyway so it doesn't matter does it?
    And apparently the kid with the Eevee is Yukimura? That's what some guys on /v/ are thinking. How disappointing, bro.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)20:46 No.5253912
         File1324086405.jpg-(54 KB, 504x337, pokemon_nobunaga_05_thumb.jpg)
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    The kid with the Eevee is the player character not Yukimura. Which could also be female as seen here >>5253905
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 12/16/11(Fri)20:50 No.5253921
    There is hope yet!
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)20:51 No.5253924
         File1324086705.jpg-(100 KB, 500x251, river681.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)20:54 No.5253933
         File1324086846.png-(672 KB, 576x1024, MotonariMori.png)
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    Lemme know when Motonari is revealed
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)20:58 No.5253950

    Can't wait to get the english version
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:07 No.5253970
         File1324087648.png-(736 KB, 804x464, ieyasutokugawa.png)
    736 KB
    Toyotomi or Tokugawa?
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 12/16/11(Fri)21:09 No.5253976
    Toyotomi, I recognize that silly helmet anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:21 No.5254028
    Wheres Keiji
    And Masamune
    And Mitsunari
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:24 No.5254033
         File1324088693.png-(101 KB, 250x221, 1317249212414.png)
    101 KB
    oh my god what are all of these words

    what is this

    i am so confused
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:33 No.5254050
    This is a new game for the NDS.

    More photos:
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:36 No.5254054
         File1324089362.jpg-(117 KB, 736x751, 1323983434188.jpg)
    117 KB
    i was born to play this
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:37 No.5254058
    Is this for the 3ds?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:37 No.5254059
    in b4 localization

    Toyotomi = Tony
    Date Masamune = Dan Miller
    Kenshin = Ken
    Nobunaga = Nolan
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:38 No.5254061

    No, regular DS
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 12/16/11(Fri)21:40 No.5254065
         File1324089654.png-(303 KB, 400x826, Usavich 69.png)
    303 KB
    This wouldn't surprise me. But I just got one as a Christmas gift so I'm so fucking ready regardless.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:42 No.5254069
    But if Gamefreak doesn't localize it...
    Because we know Koei would. But I've never heard of a Pokemon cross over in America that's not Brawl, and that's not even a crossover...

    >Government Ropeov
    I'll rope off the government for you Captcha, sure!
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 12/16/11(Fri)21:45 No.5254075
    In after you're being late to the party. Funimation localized this shit years ago.
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 12/16/11(Fri)21:46 No.5254076
    I need this in my life. I need it so so so bad.

    Has Keiji been revealed yet?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:49 No.5254080

    So far we got:
    Some bitch with a Jigglypuff
    Main character guy
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)22:04 No.5254107
    Official site just launched a few mins ago:
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 12/16/11(Fri)22:04 No.5254108
         File1324091081.jpg-(79 KB, 1008x358, domon-allofmymoney.jpg)
    79 KB
    >Pokemon Plus: Nobunaga's Ambition

    I... I... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)22:05 No.5254109
    >Sengoku Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny

    Its coming
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 12/16/11(Fri)22:12 No.5254126
         File1324091544.jpg-(50 KB, 419x600, 419px-Nobunagas_ambition_gen.jpg)
    50 KB
    I fear some people might not understand the crossover involved. Nobunaga's Ambition was a sengoku-era turn-based strategy game back in the day, made by Koei.

    This is a legit crossover, like Dynasty Warrior Gundam. This is Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition. Out of fucking left field, that choice of series, but I FUCKING LOVE IT.'s_Ambition

    ...Apparently there were a few recent NA games, I had no idea.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 12/16/11(Fri)22:13 No.5254127
    I fucking love DW: Gundam. This gon be gud
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)22:14 No.5254131
         File1324091646.jpg-(64 KB, 489x637, 1493.jpg)
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    and its going to be amazing
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)22:15 No.5254139
         File1324091732.jpg-(7 KB, 252x240, 1322787879442.jpg)
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    So how will they handle people dying in a Pokemon game?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)22:32 No.5254196

    Nobunaga doesn't die he just gets thrown in Pokemon jail
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)22:53 No.5254243
    Oh fuck why did that me laugh so hard
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)22:54 No.5254244
    Make me laugh*
    I was laughing so hard I forgot how to type.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)23:00 No.5254259
    it will be the darkiest and most DEEP pokeymans game
    >> MOOGIE !A8981mLiig 12/16/11(Fri)23:18 No.5254321
         File1324095536.jpg-(49 KB, 244x269, shock1.jpg)
    49 KB
    saw this shit on tumblr immediately after getting home from work

    proceeded immediately to scream everywhere I NEED
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)23:27 No.5254345
    YES! 3DS sucks shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)23:45 No.5254394
    Woah, I'm actually really excited for this.

    I wonder how American audiences will react to it though. (More specifically, the younger demographic) Hmmm...
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 12/16/11(Fri)23:50 No.5254415
         File1324097442.jpg-(40 KB, 226x320, 15536745_m.jpg)
    40 KB
    Fuck the younger demographic, this game is our's.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)23:53 No.5254421
    So is there any news out about gameplay? Is it going to be similar to all the others, where you train and battle gym leaders, or is the gameplay going to also reflect the crossover (not just with the characters)
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)23:59 No.5254438
    Oh god. I would love to play a pokemon game that doesn't follow the same grind/battle gym leader/team rocket/ elite four thing that makes up every other pokemon game
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)01:00 No.5254609

    Theres pictures of the gameplay already

    Its called Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition

    So imagine Nobunaga's Ambition but with Pokemon
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)01:32 No.5254690
    Looks like a mixture of Pokemon and tactics. Not sure how close I am to that idea though.

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