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    File : 1324044425.jpg-(58 KB, 550x384, downton-abbey.jpg)
    58 KB Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)09:07 No.5252320  
    This show is an amazing costume pornography. Does /cgl/ have a show that they watch and just adore the costumes?
    Itt: post your favourite costume porn.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)09:13 No.5252328

    see McGonnagal



    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)09:15 No.5252329
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)09:16 No.5252331
         File1324044973.jpg-(77 KB, 712x414, the_tudors-logo.jpg)
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    Historically inaccurate they may be but damn there are some beautiful outfits in this series
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)09:19 No.5252333
    period clothing>shitty contemporary lolita
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)09:22 No.5252336
    Those dresses are absolutely ugly. wtf are you smoking?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)09:28 No.5252342
         File1324045693.jpg-(39 KB, 650x366, downton.jpg)
    39 KB
    Not in movement. Besides this is just a quick google search. The actual show has a whole array of costumes.
    >> Pantsu !MCgUwle8VU 12/16/11(Fri)09:39 No.5252359
    the sky blue pants outfit that the youngest daughter wears is my favorite!!!!! OP, you're an anon after my own heart!

    if you liked downton abbey, check out BBC's jane eyre (not the 2011 film) for lovely early 1800s gowns, and a really handsome mr. rochester. also BBC's wuthering heights for regency.
    other historical/costume favorites:
    wives and daughters
    the tudors
    the other boleyn girl
    camelot (2011 hbo version, but ONLY morgan's are fug)
    kingdom of heaven
    the duchess
    marie antoinette
    the fall (not historical, but GORGEOUS)
    anne of green gables 1&2 (turn of the century loveliness)
    >> OP 12/16/11(Fri)09:41 No.5252364
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)09:44 No.5252368
    Every show/movie I watch it's all about the costumes.
    But I particularly love 17th/18th century men's clothing

    >den huge ass wigs and swishy coats
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)09:44 No.5252370
    I watch those boring brit shows only for the clothes porn.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)09:48 No.5252375
         File1324046895.jpg-(51 KB, 474x350, da.jpg)
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    also, pic related
    >> Pantsu !MCgUwle8VU 12/16/11(Fri)09:48 No.5252376
    forgot the newest upstairs, downstairs production....has great 1920s/30s clothing
    >> Pantsu !MCgUwle8VU 12/16/11(Fri)09:50 No.5252379
    ooooh, which show is this? don't recognize it offhand....
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)09:52 No.5252381
    thinking of watching this because the orginal was apparently good AND if has costume porn then I am sold.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)09:52 No.5252383
         File1324047152.jpg-(91 KB, 800x532, goldball1.jpg)
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    I loved some of the gowns in The Young Victoria. I want to make this one purely for the sake of it. I love making large dresses especially period clothing.
    >> Pantsu !MCgUwle8VU 12/16/11(Fri)09:53 No.5252387
    the original was long as fuck, and i haven't gotten arund to watching it yet. the new one is short (like 4 eps) but is getting a second set of eps. focuses on the new owners of the same house from the original production.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)09:54 No.5252388
    I really love the Sentai, especially their helmets.
    >> Pantsu !MCgUwle8VU 12/16/11(Fri)09:56 No.5252395
    crap, HOW could i forget this film?!! i love the gown she wears in the carriage during the assassination attempt with the turquoise/purple plaid.

    also forgot phantom pf the opera....
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)09:58 No.5252397
         File1324047538.jpg-(97 KB, 500x800, thegreatGa.jpg)
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    It's not really a tv show, more movie but The Great Gatsby looks to be a pleaser. I think I've enjoyed all of Baz Lurhman's movies purley based on costumes.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)10:16 No.5252427
         File1324048596.jpg-(28 KB, 500x277, tumblr_lqlriiSTMh1qg07wpo1_500.jpg)
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    It's BBC series about Charles II
    It's a great show, definitly give it a try
    >> Pantsu !MCgUwle8VU 12/16/11(Fri)10:18 No.5252432
    oh cool, thanks anon!
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)10:18 No.5252433
    Just thought I'd leave this here as it seems relevant to your interests
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)10:20 No.5252437
         File1324048834.jpg-(37 KB, 365x287, misc14.jpg)
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    This one?
    >> Pantsu !MCgUwle8VU 12/16/11(Fri)10:22 No.5252439
    yes! soooo pretty!

    one of my favorite sites!
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)10:50 No.5252478
    thank you anon, I love this show! :D

    Another nice movie is "Marie Antoinette, la veritable histoire", not the version with kirsten dunst. This one is really good <3
    >> Nemo 12/16/11(Fri)11:01 No.5252502
    Game of Thrones.

    Hot damn, Littlefinger is so stylish. And all dose armors....
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)11:01 No.5252503
    >Do you have a show that they watch and just adore the costumes?

    Project Runway
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)11:42 No.5252617
         File1324053771.jpg-(576 KB, 1445x1213, blue+dress.jpg)
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    >Does /cgl/ have a show that they watch and just adore the costumes?

    The secret of Moon Acre. Shitty movie but the costumes are delightful and drool worthy.
    I only sat through the bad acting just to see them move around in those pretty costumes.

    I wish you could see the back of this dress.

    The movie is on netflix watch now so give it a watch.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)11:48 No.5252635
         File1324054080.jpg-(76 KB, 300x348, goong3.jpg)
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    Goong. Its a Korean drama and manhwa. I love the costumes in this from the royal outfits, to the school uniforms.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)11:48 No.5252637
         File1324054104.jpg-(21 KB, 384x400, Secret+of+Moonacre+PS+11.jpg)
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    even the underwear is nice.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)11:53 No.5252654
         File1324054384.jpg-(509 KB, 2186x1453, THE SECRET OF MOONA.jpg)
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    I am tempted to buy some toile and make this chamber robe.

    How posh would it be to answer the door in that....
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)11:59 No.5252670
    I can't wait for season two, man. Everything Renly-related is just so fucking fabulous I don't even. Rainbow Guard! And Quarth. Beautiful architecture and boobies? Sure!
    Also can't wait for the Great Big Wedding (for various reasons) but I just realized that that's going to be season 3 and ugh.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)12:03 No.5252680
         File1324055037.jpg-(54 KB, 450x600, gray.jpg)
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    The Elizabeth movies. This was my favorite in the first one.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)12:06 No.5252685
         File1324055160.jpg-(77 KB, 391x582, char_lg_cora.jpg)
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    Now back to what OP has there...
    I LOVE me some Downton Abbey. The costumes are way way nice.
    Did you see Cora's traveling outfit when they returned from the London season? Oh man I want.
    I hope they show it again.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)12:30 No.5252729
         File1324056639.jpg-(198 KB, 750x1061, 23194_Lark-Rise-To-3.jpg)
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    How about some Lark Rise to Candleford?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)12:55 No.5252805
         File1324058136.jpg-(66 KB, 466x700, tumblr_lw1r9e7neN1qjofot.jpg)
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    Boardwalk Empire. Goddamn. One of the few pieces of media which takes place in the 1920's but doesn't go the whole "WELP SLAP ON A SHORTASS DRESS WITH FRINGES AND GET A BOB AND PUT THE GUY IN A FEDORA AND YER GOOD" route. Because not /every/ bitch in that decade was a flapper, fuck.

    That being said, the /main/ reason you should watch it is a little someone called RICHARD FUCKING HARROW.
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 12/16/11(Fri)13:04 No.5252824
         File1324058672.jpg-(30 KB, 333x500, elizabeththegoldenagepic6[1].jpg)
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    Curse of the golden flower
    House of Flying Daggers
    A lot of the wuxia films have GREAT costume porn, especially the first one.
    And lest we forget
    This bitch, this bitch right fucking here
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)13:11 No.5252834
    Gossip Girl has some cute outfits.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)14:34 No.5252989
         File1324064060.jpg-(48 KB, 600x400, devdas-1.jpg)
    48 KB
    I love Bollywood films.

    Devdas is the best for costume and set porn.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)14:35 No.5252991
         File1324064108.jpg-(93 KB, 564x913, devdas.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)14:53 No.5253041
    Amadeus is a great film regardless
    But goddamn Constanze's dresses were so beautiful
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)14:54 No.5253044
         File1324065270.jpg-(64 KB, 852x370, 0790[1].jpg)
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    fucking forgot my photo
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)15:04 No.5253075

    fffffffffffff I love this movie. <3

    Now I need to redownload it
    >> itaqueen !!60RF7p3/Emf 12/16/11(Fri)15:06 No.5253083
    that movie made me cry like a big dumb baby
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)15:16 No.5253104
         File1324066591.jpg-(24 KB, 350x499, 6a0105362716cd970c011570a4838f(...).jpg)
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    eiko ishioka's work
    does that count?

    also seconding house of flying daggers/hero costumes
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)15:22 No.5253111

    I think that's one of the reasons I love Boardwalk Empire so much. it's a show in the early 1920s that actually looks more like the early 1920s, not a 1927 speakeasy all the time.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)15:23 No.5253115
         File1324067014.jpg-(78 KB, 600x997, new_ball11.jpg)
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    The Musical Wicked will always be one of my favorite things Costume-wise.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)15:25 No.5253117
         File1324067115.jpg-(46 KB, 650x472, Veer-Movie-Photo-Gallery-6.jpg)
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    on the reverse of this thread's theme, Veer was the WORST HISTORICAL COSTUMING I HAVE EVER SEEN.

    if you want to torture yourself, go watch that. jesus fuck. Worst part is that the revolution it's set during is 1817-19, but for some reason the film itself is set in the 1920s?


    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)15:26 No.5253121
         File1324067175.jpg-(35 KB, 467x600, uk_066.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)15:30 No.5253132
         File1324067426.jpg-(229 KB, 1095x1600, Annex - Hepburn, Audrey (M(...).jpg)
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    I like My Fair Lady for the costumes.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)15:39 No.5253157
         File1324067954.jpg-(102 KB, 310x465, 1321989779351.jpg)
    102 KB

    > going to college for a theater costume major.

    >professor is ancient and does not want us to use the web for research because she believes that there is no respectful and true sites on the web that pertain to the subject. She always gives us a stack of old books on what we are working on at that time and only wants us to use books, this becomes a huge problem because there are not enuf costume and fashion books on campus to go around because of the large fashion department. The costume department and the fashion students often fight over books threw the year and some have started renting them at the beginning of the year and keep them all semester.

    >see this link and follow it.

    >mfw I have new secret weapon
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)15:39 No.5253158
         File1324067960.jpg-(109 KB, 500x393, natalie-portman-queen-amidala-(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)15:57 No.5253193
         File1324069026.jpg-(110 KB, 480x645, gatsby.jpg)
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    The Great Gatsby looks shit as far as historical sccuracy goes. It is set in the EARLY 1920s. Not some 30s early flapper fantasy ffs. Everything is looking too sleek and modern to be early 20s. Broadwalk Empire does a great job of early 20s.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)15:57 No.5253194
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)16:03 No.5253206
         File1324069417.jpg-(330 KB, 1024x700, labyrinth2-1024.jpg)
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    the goblin ball scene in the labyrinth.

    >anntern 1980,
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)16:11 No.5253219
         File1324069870.jpg-(60 KB, 409x525, pink-gold-aurora-tutu.jpg)
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    I don't really like Ballet but I love the aesthetics behind performance Tutus.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)17:02 No.5253328

    this. Star wars costuming Is so hnnnng
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)17:04 No.5253333
    I'm too lazy to find pictures, but the movie 1776 made me clothes-gasm.
    If I was a man, I'd dress like that all the damn time.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)17:05 No.5253335
    Ugh yes that costume. Just. Yes.
    Speaking of Natalie Portman. I have an obsession with Black Swan's outfits as well. They're not even that complicated but I had to rewatch the dance scene over and over purely for the costume +makeup
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)17:07 No.5253338
         File1324073271.jpg-(82 KB, 780x439, black-swan-poster.jpg)
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    forgot the pic. I love asymmetrical tops.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)17:30 No.5253384

    >I had to rewatch the dance scene over and over purely for the costume

    mah nigga

    No seriously where ARE all you costume people
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 12/16/11(Fri)17:52 No.5253423
         File1324075967.gif-(106 KB, 428x276, curseofthegoldenflower[1].gif)
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    Fuck yeah Gong Li
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 12/16/11(Fri)17:57 No.5253434
         File1324076229.jpg-(24 KB, 400x261, rose[1].jpg)
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    of all the costume HNNNNG in this movie, this was the HNNNNG-iest
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)17:58 No.5253436
    UGH I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE. Yes! That costume<3333
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)17:59 No.5253438
         File1324076355.jpg-(61 KB, 468x544, 1286238587789.jpg)
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    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 12/16/11(Fri)17:59 No.5253440
    Dat purple
    Dem strips
    Dat tie
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)17:59 No.5253442

    I think I agree, especially since, if I'm not mistaken it was one of the most accurate. Not to say that the rest weren't, but this was the closest in my memory.
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 12/16/11(Fri)18:00 No.5253443
         File1324076427.jpg-(33 KB, 303x400, Anna-and-Kink-fm01[1].jpg)
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    here lemmie upgrade ya
    this movie was AMAZING btw
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)18:01 No.5253447
    That haaaat<3 I want a hat like that.
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 12/16/11(Fri)18:02 No.5253454
    for the men

    is there anyone here who wouldn't do daniel day lewis!bill the butcher?
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 12/16/11(Fri)18:03 No.5253455
         File1324076616.jpg-(41 KB, 450x347, gangs_of_newyork[1].jpg)
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    forgot pic
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)18:03 No.5253457
    Why is there an exclamation point in the middle of your sentence?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)18:04 No.5253459
         File1324076651.jpg-(85 KB, 760x503, king-and-i-6.jpg)
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    The stage version is superior.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)18:06 No.5253466

    I always wondered how they wore those things without them getting picked up by the wind constantly.

    I mean I know that's what hatpins are for (right?) but still. they don't seem like enough!
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)18:07 No.5253468
    Only if you think Thai kings are bald headed, bear chested and run around like monkeys.
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 12/16/11(Fri)18:07 No.5253469
         File1324076837.jpg-(39 KB, 284x400, bill-the-butcher-daniel-day-le(...).jpg)
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    its internet shorthand. I can't remember exactly what it means but its related to type.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)18:08 No.5253474
    >stage version
    >no chow yun fat
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)18:11 No.5253478
         File1324077073.jpg-(143 KB, 760x509, king-and-i-7.jpg)
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    >Spinning around in what looks like a studying area
    >OMG he must dress like that all of the time, how barbaric!
    >> The Black /Co/mr/a/dette !125yThb17s 12/16/11(Fri)18:16 No.5253490
         File1324077375.jpg-(76 KB, 600x415, 66747552[1].jpg)
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    you can get your makeup porn kicks and your costume porn kicks all in the same place!
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)18:16 No.5253493
    What's barbaric is how Anna Leonowens lied out of her ass.

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