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12/16/11(Fri)03:22 No.5251865 File1324023720.gif-(500 KB, 500x374, tumblr_ls7e9iIzMy1qbma4ko1_500.gif)
off, many cons are no longer "anime" centered despite being called
"anime cons." They're more like
anime-manga-popculture-gaming-scifi-fantasy-etc cons now. You don't see
many anime cosplays or events for that matter.
Second, like >>5251827 said, it's probably an attempt to get more money since this year was such a shitstorm and many congoers pledged not to return.
clearly you don't seem to like Starcraft and more than likely will not
be any of those events. So why are you upset? Don't attend and things
will be grand. |