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  • File : 1324020977.jpg-(57 KB, 600x600, 600px-Pixyteri_Glory.jpg)
    57 KB Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)02:36 No.5251704  
    So she deleted her facebook. The last comment she made was that she was not going to Ikkicon or Japan now (unfortunately didnt take a screenshot). What did you guys do to the poor girl?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)02:37 No.5251709
    Says the person who both starts a thread about her and with such a picture as that. Go to bed.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)02:42 No.5251718
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    It's only a matter of time until she makes a new one, then.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)02:45 No.5251728
    She didn't delete it, she just deleted everybody, save for 9 people.
    >> Homunculus !!HMWricXkcvj 12/16/11(Fri)02:51 No.5251744

    Probably because Nyan told her that someone said on here that she adds everyone who requests her as a friend. Holy awkward sentence but you get what I mean.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)03:02 No.5251779
    i normally don't post in these.....but i was curious, so went and read the ikkicon thread she was posting in yesterday.

    impressed by how nicely anons were talking to her about japan....and then rageflipped a table when PT harrumphed and INSISTED that she should do whatever she wants in japan., ignoring the nice advice from anons who had BEEN THERE BEFORE

    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)03:02 No.5251780
    I don't know if she will make a come back.
    There's been a lot of harrassment.
    Of course she craves the limelight and she wanted to be an idol but.. now I think what she really just wants is to go to japan, and she's a weeb, alright that's fine so she wants to dress weird under a sakura tree. Even if her dreams probably won't come true her delusional self can still dream.

    The girl has so many problems. I don't think that being harsh as fuck has really helped her or the harrassment.

    Like GinsengTeaCat, /cgl/ only backs off at the point when it's too late and then has troll remorse.

    PT isn't bright. She doesn't know how to spend money, she may live with her parents forever, it's not unheard of, she probably won't realize her dream and she won't lose any weight because she thinks that she's fine the way she is.

    Why she's so delusional? Goddamn I have no idea. It could be a chemical imbalance, it could be genetic, it could be years of bullying, maybe she doesn't want to face reality, or maybe it was the way she was raised.

    What we do to her now though, even if she's almost thirty does affect her even if she tweets stupid things. Deleting a facebook and getting offline should be a huge warning sign.

    tl;dr you had your fun. It's time to find another lolcow
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)03:08 No.5251806
    I don't want PT to ever stop shining, I hope all her desu dreams come true but it would be very hard to have trollers remorse over PT. She brings a lot of her bad attention to herself. /cgl/ semi-ignored her when she stopped twittering and PT came to /cgl/. PT ranted and whined about how much she hates /cgl/ but still came to /cgl/ hoping it would ass kiss her.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)03:10 No.5251815
    where can I find this thread?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)03:11 No.5251820


    she still has a facebook, just less friends on it. I'm sure that will change soon.

    plus, she was just on /cgl/ yesterday showing off for us

    just like everything, there are highs and lows of PT drama. we may be facing an oncoming drought, but soon, it will storm again and our crops will be plentiful. we will dine grandly on delicious dramu, and it will be all the sweeter for the wait.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)03:13 No.5251833


    it's in autosage so not much time, but some anon screencapped her posts too.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)03:16 No.5251845
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    She seems to be the type of girl that claims he hates drama but secretly enjoys it because any kind of attention (good or bad) is still attention. Just my two cents.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)03:17 No.5251849
         File1324023457.png-(1.11 MB, 4032x3335, pt 4chan ikkicon.png)
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    I think i should add carry's post too because he was giving her good advice but she got all butt hurt retarded
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)03:19 No.5251854
    yeah, that puts her idiocy into better context of how nice everyone was being.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)03:21 No.5251862
    She doesn't discriminate from good or bad attention does she. Er, though mostly it's negative, half of her life events are negative, I wonder if she's depressed over any of the way she's turned out?

    And, though I guess I'm probably preaching to the wrong choir, it'd still be a good idea to lay off a bit. Maybe she made a new facebook because she was overwhelmed.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)03:28 No.5251887
         File1324024115.png-(278 KB, 1328x2476, carry and pt bffs.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)03:35 No.5251911
    What is your guys' obsession with her? Seriously, you guys remind me of people who watch and need to know everything about celebrities. Get a life and leave her's alone.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)03:35 No.5251912
    perfect! was shocked at how NICE carry was....
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)03:48 No.5251954
    >>I would enjoy learning to create a manga.

    I'm not even surprised.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)03:55 No.5251972
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    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)03:55 No.5251973
    Did she seriously buy those animu eyes glasses?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)03:57 No.5251977
    I think J-List puts them in your order for free.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)04:02 No.5251982
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    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)04:04 No.5251983
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    she didn't even poke the eye holes out.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)04:05 No.5251987
         File1324026348.jpg-(901 KB, 1536x2048, 1323912941658.jpg)
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    look at all the nice pictures she gave us. she still hold her peace fingers like a retard.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)04:06 No.5251994
    Shooped? Her chin looks shorter here.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)04:07 No.5251998
    Maybe it's not a peace sign but an eye poking sign like the 3 Stooges.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)04:10 No.5252004
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    No, she is just getting so fat that her chin is starting to melt into her neck. Also when she doesn't smile her chin doesn't look that bad.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)04:13 No.5252012
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    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)04:16 No.5252019
    here are the vocaroo links she posted:
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)04:17 No.5252021
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    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)04:27 No.5252037
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    >> logseux !kH8wjcKndo 12/16/11(Fri)06:05 No.5252147
         File1324033534.png-(660 KB, 654x640, a day at the beach.png)
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    I don't think PT is a weeb.

    If you watch the videos of her as a kid (early-mid nineties?) she was just as obsessed with japan and anime then. This is a genuine passion for her and I'm starting to get it.

    the term 'weeaboo' hadn't even been coined in the nineties, there were very little people at the time obsessed with other cultures.

    This has been a lifelong obsession for PT, so I'm starting to understand just how blockheaded she is about the whole thing. She is constantly reinforcing the words 'I.WILL.DO.IT, I.WILL.LOOK.BEATUIFUL.UNDER.THE.CHERRY.BLOSSOMS' as if they're some kind of holy mantra. She's not saying these things for other's benefit; she's repeating them to herself.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)06:17 No.5252154
    maybe she just has aspergers o.o
    Its not uncommon, I live with a dude who is perfectly normal but he is obsessed with instruments and has been since a kid. Also has lots of really strong opinions about things/himself for no real reason but sticks to them no matter what. Idk, she just honestly seems to lack a lot of insight and her sense of reality is seriously distorted.
    >> chibi-turtle 12/16/11(Fri)06:32 No.5252159
    I still believe she had a fight with her family again.

    Maybe she took people's advice and got rid of us trolls.

    Either way...T^T I miss her.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)06:36 No.5252162
    She'll be back , she always comes back.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)06:37 No.5252164
    I hope some day PT and Chris-chan gets together. I'd love to see what kind of demonic hell spawn those two could create.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)06:39 No.5252165
    But she doesn't like 'japan' she likes the image she has seen from manga and anime. She has no idea about the culture or the history of it other then the spoon feed danfuku manga anime she has watched and read,
    >> chibi-turtle 12/16/11(Fri)06:40 No.5252167
    You think so also! Oh ILY!!!

    But sadly he's not asian and I don't think she'd go for it. T^T
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)06:42 No.5252168
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    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)06:43 No.5252169
    I think people are confusing the current nine friend Facebook with her old one that was deleted.

    I remember seeing that page a while ago with the same nine friends. Unless I'm not looking hard enough, I'm assuming people mean the FB page with the sailor outfit on?
    If so- that's not her.
    >> chibi-turtle 12/16/11(Fri)06:47 No.5252170
    Oh god, wtf is Chris wearing!!!
    No... her real one is gone.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)06:51 No.5252174
         File1324036319.png-(17 KB, 559x102, has to move out by JAN 1.png)
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    She will come back, unless her parents are really serious about kicking her out Jan 1. Then PT might be on the skreets.
    >> chibi-turtle 12/16/11(Fri)06:58 No.5252183
         File1324036719.jpg-(54 KB, 871x479, jjhjk.jpg)
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    This is there baby
    >> chibi-turtle 12/16/11(Fri)07:00 No.5252186
    derp derp derp
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)07:02 No.5252189

    >wtf is Chris wearing!!!

    His hambeast mom's underwear.
    >> chibi-turtle 12/16/11(Fri)07:04 No.5252192
    that explains why she and someone else said something about not having a home after ikkicon. the con ends jan 1st.

    But honestly she has had plenty of time to save up money after being warned back so long ago.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)07:16 No.5252202
    Looks pretty cute. Then again most babies look cute.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)07:19 No.5252206
    PT's eyes and lips, Chris' lips and chin. Baby's quite lucky to not end up with the worst features.
    >> chibi-turtle 12/16/11(Fri)07:23 No.5252210
    lets hope two negatives make a positive.
    Perhaps their kid will be smart and realize that it's parents are mental.
    >lol, look at me talking as if they are having a child.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)07:29 No.5252214
    Oh shit, for the first time I am worried about PT. If she doesn't have a home then how will she post new pictures for me to laugh at :c

    I guess she really didn't believe her parents when they said they where going to kick her out.
    >> chibi-turtle 12/16/11(Fri)07:42 No.5252231
    If her parents really follow through with this then I'm really proud of them. Putting their foot down and telling PT to grow up.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)07:54 No.5252240
    If PT was kicked out and really seriously couldn't handle it, I seriously doubt her parents and brothers would let her die in the streets.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)08:02 No.5252244
    Yeah. She's obviously not saving up or looking for a place of her own, and I doubt her parents will just change the locks on her. At most she'll end up crashing at a friend's place (Jonathan? I can't think of anyone else) or maybe staying with nyan and her husband for a while. Imagine if she tried to move in with Krissu-kun~
    This train of thought reminded me of NCN. Oh god why.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)08:05 No.5252247
    I just home she doesn't end up blowing guys in a dark alley some where.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)08:24 No.5252263
    Or she will have those chubby chasers pay for nudes from her.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)08:27 No.5252268
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    >> chibi-turtle 12/16/11(Fri)08:28 No.5252270
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)08:33 No.5252275
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    Not enough ayuh-rinah!
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)09:03 No.5252318

    It's sad that I saw this picture on the front page and knew immediately it was a PT thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)09:07 No.5252322
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    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)11:24 No.5252560
    Its sad that she is starting to look and dress more like chris-chan.

    I think her parents might do something drastic then take it back a week later ie: when they banned her from her computer and internet only to let her back on a week later. She really doesn't have friends, the last time she talked about her friends (her only friend) Johnathon they where fighting because he stopped kissing her ass and she had a bitch fit about this. He said she needed to say sorry but she was thinking about dropping his ass except he takes pictures of her so she might have or have not made up with Gay John.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)11:33 No.5252594
    Current theory: her parents will kick her out, she will stay with nyan&hub for like a week and cry a lot, and then her parents will feel bad and let her move back in. I expect a lot of huffiness, 'poor me' tweets and begging for sympathy and probably donations.
    Maybe her parents will get rid of one or two of her cosplays while she's gone, so she has something extra to cry about afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)11:34 No.5252597
    If her parents are really making her move out then I think this can only be a good thing for PT. It'll be difficult but it would be good for her in the long run, it's not like they're going to kick her straight out and let her starve in the gutter.

    PT likes to complain 'oh woe is me, my parents are so cruel blah' but think about it from their view, she must be such a burden. Doesn't mean they don't love her but they have 2 kids who have grown up and moved out without any trouble, so why should they make an exception for her? I'm sure at their stage in life they want to be able to enjoy themselves and not have to support their kids financially anymore. PT needs to learn responsiblity, self-control and how to support herself. If what's been said about her homelife is too be believed; that she doesn't contribute to bills or do chorese ect then I wouldn't blame them for being mad. They don't have an interest in anime/cosplay, so to them it must appear to be a childish hobby and a waste of money, money that could be easily saved or used towards bills/rent instead.

    Also the fact she wasted her higher education (that they paid for), refuses to work full-time and refuses to give up this fantasy of Japan, not to mention her bad attitude and all the nasty things she's said about them, it must be so irritating. I mean it annoys us online, so I can't imagine how it must feel for them having to live with her.

    She'll be kicking and screaming the whole way but she needs the reality check. She has it easy, probably too easy for too long which is why she's been able to indulge deeply in her emotions and fantasies and not make any effort to change. I wasn't in the other thread she was posting in but seeing the caps and the full force of her delusions of being an idol/singer/mangaka and how she claims her youth was 'stolen' just proves she desperately needs to grow up.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)11:40 No.5252614
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    As fascinating as PT is, why hasnt /cgl/ been talking about SOPA? I can't help but notice how worried other boards are and then I come to /cgl/ and its just Pixyteri threads. Is this because this board is mostly women and all they like to do is bitch about other bitches to feel better about themselves completely ignoring real things that they should be worried about? Or is this because it isnt being spammed on tumblr like it was before? Either way I'm pretty sure this shows how intelligent the women of /cgl/ are
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)11:40 No.5252615
    >Like GinsengTeaCat, /cgl/ only backs off at the point when it's too late and then has troll remorse.
    What? There are still threads about her. They only stopped because she got institutionalized or her internet taken away from her or something, which she honestly needed with the shit she was saying before.
    >> reiserFS !!wPpyhreQf6d 12/16/11(Fri)11:44 No.5252623
    For gods sake, here's hoping that the daily PT threads finally die now.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)11:45 No.5252629
    The things /cgl/ participates in have nothing to do with SOPA. There was a thread when it first started for a little while but it doesn't matter here.

    Cosplay will still be legal as well as cosplay websites.
    Drama will still be legal because Twitter and Facebook aren't going to go down because of it.
    "Stealing" makeup tutorials and sewing patterns through magazine rips is still going to be prevalent through the methods used.

    SOPA threads are mostly on boards where it matters - /v/ won't be able to pirate their precious vidya, /a/ won't be able to watch their precious animu months before it hits American shores (thus invalidating their hipster cred), /co/ won't be able to pirate their precious paperbacks, /lit/ won't be able to pirate their precious new e-books, /k/ won't be able to say they live in THE FREEDOM OF MURRKA, and places like /r9k/ and /soc/ only care because they jump on causes like a fatty on ice cream.

    Do you see any SOPA threads on places like /an/, /ck/, /diy/, etc? No? Because it doesn't matter to them, just like it doesn't matter to us.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)11:46 No.5252633
    We're not concerned about SOPA because it's not going to happen. /b/ and the rest of 4Chan are total retards and simply buying into the mass hysteria/hype.

    ... But then again, I wouldn't really consider myself a /cgl/er.
    >> o-slap 12/16/11(Fri)11:50 No.5252642
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    This isn't an important issue because it's not going to happen, the boards that ARE following are only doing so because it's ridiculous entertainment.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)11:51 No.5252648
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)11:52 No.5252651
    Other boards are also worried because everyone else from other boards are piling in. I'm in a SOPA thread and on /cgl/ simultaneously. There doesn't need to be a SOPA sticky per board, that's just overkill.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)11:58 No.5252668
    >(thus invalidating their hipster cred)
    If it does pass, more like ruining the hobby when you don't have something new for months or a series you want never comes to America. Its also hurting the popularity and sales the shows get from overseas. This in turn will affect cosplayers because guess what will happen to those new series cosplays? They won't be there unless your a poser and just cosplay for the design, or you know the language and can buy it.

    People say to just get over it because its not going to pass, but if everyone ignored it, then why not pass it when no one cares enough to fight it? That is what is wrong with people these days. Leaving everything up to the higher ups to decide shit, and not lifting a finger to stop it. That's why our government has been allowed to become so corrupt, the people who really get affected by everything don't care. If shouldn't matter if it doesn't affect this board that heavily because this website that you all enjoy will go down if it did pass.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)12:02 No.5252676
    >almost every tumblr and other website made people call and email the goverment
    >almost every cgl-er has a tumblr and has been spaming and calling in about SOPA

    Also cgl has had SOPA threads but they died down or got redirected to more popular board threads.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)12:04 No.5252683
    Dude, relax. The higher ups have all the power --- That's why they're called the higher ups ---- And that's something we have to face. But to suggest that no one's bothering to do fuck all about this SOPA bullshit is ridic. Twitter, Google, and about nine trillion other sites and individuals are making a huge stink about this. Personally, I have bigger things on my plate to worry about, y'know? Recent death of an immediate family member, for one.

    ... Plus, I'm Canadian, so I won't be nearly as affected as Americans.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)12:12 No.5252693
    By this you're kind of implying that people only cosplay things that are new and that people having a reason to find classics to enjoy or wear a costume more than once is a bad thing. And you don't think people that cosplay things just because they're new are only cosplaying for the design or the exclusivity of not many other people knowing what it is? If having less than 20+ shows each season is "ruining the hobby" then you must have ADD.

    >That is what is wrong with people these days. Leaving everything up to the higher ups to decide shit, and not lifting a finger to stop it.
    Have you even been watching? Calling in has done next to nothing. There is still very little progress and the only thing people that supported the bill have actually agreed about concerning its lack of validity are things like the Pirate Bay or Silk Road - neither of which are related to "spam your congressman/woman", they were both in the news. Calling in and spreading the word as a citizen only affects them so far as elections are concerned. If enough people oppose their decision they will change their mind because they don't want to get fired from their cushy job.

    >That's why our government has been allowed to become so corrupt, the people who really get affected by everything don't care.
    There are a lot of people who care, it's just that the people who want to get the job start out corrupt. You don't think the current system from the get-go is corrupt? Candidates throw as much privately-owned money as they can at news stations to make their face the most prominent and make others look bad before they even step into office. They use tactics that are a single step away from psychological warfare to get their point across and disallow people from actually seeing what their stance is on issues through hand-waving and question dodging. If you honestly are blaming the citizens only, you are far more naive than you think.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)14:37 No.5252994
    I don't know if it was really "nice". He may have just been passively trolling her. She still overreacted though.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)14:49 No.5253033
    i think PT was Nyan the whole time.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)14:52 No.5253036
    PT isn't that clever.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)15:02 No.5253070
    Yes, nice may not be the appropriate word but he was civil and provided some helpful info for her. Her response? Start stirring unnecessary drama.

    >Oh boohoohoo you gave me helpful advice in a polite manner but I don't agree and you hurted my feelings so I'm going to baaaawww and beg for asspats on the one board I claim to avoid and hate with all my wittle heart!!

    Honestly this is what I can't stand about PT. I don't care that she's fat, a weeb or that she can't cosplay. It's her fucking pathetic, childish I'M RIGHT AND YOU'RE WRONG FOREVER OR I'LL CRY attitude. She has the mental capacity of a spoiled 4 year old.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)16:07 No.5253211

    Im kinda surprised that people buy into that kind of trash.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)16:12 No.5253224
    They come free with any J List purchase.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)16:33 No.5253269
    She pretends to be asian, she lies about her father.
    She thinks she is asian because her hair is straight and brown.

    Yeh she is a weeaboo, wanna be asian.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)16:38 No.5253283
    He should have just gone full carry mode on her.
    Bitch deserves it.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)16:43 No.5253292
    can't stop
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)16:58 No.5253322
    I'm the anon that's been streaming PT Sims. She sent me a few messages saying how she was hurt by it and asked me to stop. Yesterday I thought to myself "If this was me and I found out I would want her to stop."

    Then today I thought more about it, I had sent her several civil messages offering to help her out, I know how moving out in Texas is and I know the rates and things, I know how scary it is to move out on your own. I also told her that I was going to stop streaming and that I was in the wrong.

    Now I re-read these messages and realize that all she cared about was how the sim LOOKED. She was hurt by how it was chubby and how it's hair wasn't long enough or in the right color. She didn't care about what I was doing with it or what people thought of it. She didn't even message me back after I said I would stop streaming.

    I realize now that she's just a spoiled child, and that there is no reason for me to stop doing what I was doing. It DOES look like her, that's why it was so funny.

    So fuck it. I'm going back to streaming.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)17:00 No.5253327
    Does anyone else think all this PT drama is like a good soap opera?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)17:02 No.5253329
    There's more to it than that. The majority of weebs grow out of it by the time they hit their 20's, most still maintain a great love for anime but become more mature and less intense about it.

    PT isn't just a weeaboo, she is one of the first ever weeaboos. She's even worse than the bog standard weeb, it's become an extremely unhealthy life-long obsession with her. Being into anime made her a special snowflake as a kid, I suppose it still gives her that feeling now. She identifies Japan as everything good, to point she's convinced herself she's part-Japanese and therefore the word 'weeaboo' is highly offensive to her, y'know since being haffu makes having an unhealthy addiction to your own 'troo heritiji' totally acceptable.

    I wonder if she hadn't been introduced to anime and got into another fandom like T.M.N.T or Disney, would she be just as obsessive? Would she convince herself she was really 1/4 turtle or something equally insane?
    >> Trauma 12/16/11(Fri)17:03 No.5253331
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    Hello PT Sim Streamer. (pss) Thank you for streaming. I enjoy watching it when I run out of Netflix shows to watch.
    Thanks, Trauma.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)17:06 No.5253337
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)17:11 No.5253342
    Yeah, it's the same deal with her nudes. She doesn't care about the fact they get reposted or that people are seeing her naked. She only cares about the fact she was "bigger" back then. However we all know that's a heap of horseshit.

    It's pretty funny knowing that SimPT will achieve more and be happier in life than RealPT ever will be, a little bit sad but mostly funny.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)17:17 No.5253355
    I know a woman in her thirties that obsesses over TMNT and shes not really batshit insane, but shes a total recluse. And she likes turtle porn, so maybe that's batshit to some people. She does defend her fandoms and stuff from others but other than that, I have never seen her say or do anything too extreme.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)17:17 No.5253356
    Is anyone remotely interested in my sims pt?
    >> Trauma 12/16/11(Fri)17:23 No.5253369
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    I am.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)17:29 No.5253381
    I'm not making a statement about fan behaviour in general, just PT. I like T.M.N.T, Disney, anime and a wide variety of other fandoms but like most others I'm not obsessive to the point where it's the only important thing in my life, which is what PT is like. The woman you know doesn't sound batshit at all, a little weird but otherwise alright.

    I'm just thinking that if PT didn't know about anime or if anime didn't exist would she still be as obsessive and fucked up as she is now?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)17:29 No.5253382
    Then I shall be streaming shortly
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)17:31 No.5253386
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)17:33 No.5253393
    I'm sure that she would. Hell maybe she'd even be into drugs instead?
    tdl;r it's an addictive personality disorder I'm sure
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)17:42 No.5253405
    I shall take my dog beast out and after that I shall return with a link to my stream! Tha-thaa!
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)17:43 No.5253408
    Probably, it'd just be obsessions with other things. I would not be surprised if instead of anime, she just latched onto Disney movies and became obsessed with becoming a face character, then BAM. Slutty princess shotosets
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)17:48 No.5253415
    Just thought of PT as Pocahontas.
    >"For real guys! I'm really 1/4 Indian. Look at this Indian necklace my long lost father left me. Some day I dream of going out west and finding joining tribe."
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)17:52 No.5253419
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    >slutty princess photoshoots
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)17:58 No.5253435
    /fit/ female here.took a break from cgl for a long time but starting browsing recently again.

    is this freaking serious? people like her exist? how old is she?
    i can't believe someone would be so sad as to be like this. Can't she see herself?!
    This is insanely disturbing
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)17:59 No.5253441
    >I'm Indian, you can tell by my almond shaped eyes and long straight black hair
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)18:00 No.5253444

    you poor, poor fool. just run away while you still can, don't get involved with anything related to pixyteri.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)18:01 No.5253445
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    oh man, you must have been gone a looooooooong-ass time. CGL is now PT all day errday...
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)18:02 No.5253451
    >and my mother has a dream catcher in the back yard that's so mysterious!
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)18:03 No.5253456
    Here goes!!
    >> Waifuanon !kNOh/UiID6 12/16/11(Fri)18:10 No.5253477
    >I remember...a dream catcher
    >in the backyard, spinning mysteriously

    What if she would have just picked Mulan as her favorite and still ended up being in love with Asian culture? Only now she wants to go to China instead of Japan.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)18:12 No.5253479
    what was her name in facebook?
    sarah i don't know what's next
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)18:12 No.5253481
    Sarah Sashiko I think
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)18:19 No.5253502
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    Fuck no. So glad PT stays out of Disney, thankfully it's too American and un-kawaii for her tastes. If she ever ruined Mulan...I don't even want to think about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)18:37 No.5253556
    great idea. I'll mention it to her the next time I talk to her.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)18:44 No.5253577
    It was Sarah Sachiko.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)18:50 No.5253592
    What happened to quitting cosplay for good, is she backtracking already?

    She wouldn't do Disney anyway, she can only cosplay anime charas otherwise it's an insult to her pure Japanese blood. Besides Mulan doesn't have any revealing outfits that she can gravyure the shit out of, so it wouldn't be worth it to her.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)18:51 No.5253595
    Well that and Mulan is Chinese. But can she tell the difference?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)18:53 No.5253599
    oh miyu

    Please keeep streaming I got to know if she fucks the chinese buffet worker and she is on her last day in chipan.
    BUT STREAM LATER :< i only have my shitty cell internet.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)18:56 No.5253604
    Probably as similar as a hanfu can be to a kimono it's still very different and I'm sure she's bothered to stare at the movie (or caps) to make sure.

    We should be glad she's never tried one of the Japanese-base character from ATLA...
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)19:00 No.5253619
    It is so easy to slut a mulan, slip down the robe a little, show some leg or vag lips.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)19:11 No.5253665
    >It is so easy to slut a mulan, slip down the robe a little, show some leg or vag lips.
    > some leg or vag lips.
    > show some vag lips.
    Well, PT certainly knows how to do that.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)19:16 No.5253677
    What robe? If she's going for accuracy, you know how PT stresses accuracy above all else, then she wouldn't be able to since Mulan's outfits are comprised of several layers and non-revealing undergarments. The only one she could possibly reveal would be the training gi, but PT wouldn't choose that one. She'd want the bride outfit so she can be BEAUTIFUL UNDER THE CHERRY BLOSSOMS.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)19:19 No.5253687
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    I made a Pixysim too
    : 3
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)19:21 No.5253690
    Whoa, this one is super obese.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)19:21 No.5253691
    technically if she does any of the hanfu Mulan wears in the movie all she'd need to do is pull the neck line a bit and bend over. Maybe push her boobs together for extra clevage. Never mind that's not how the outfit works at all....
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)19:22 No.5253692
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)19:22 No.5253693
    >>5253690's accurate then?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)19:23 No.5253697
    lol damn, now I want to make one
    when you max out the "fat" option, you can add "muscle" to make it even fatter ha ha
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)19:24 No.5253700
    Accuracy cost money, and she has to save money for japan
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)19:28 No.5253714
    No cankles. Not accurate, not PT.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)19:29 No.5253720
    She won't be doing any cosplaying or going to Japan (like she was really going anywhere) anytime soon if her parents really make her move out. Unless she re-vamps some of her old cosplays but don't see her doing than either.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)19:32 No.5253728
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)19:37 No.5253740
    Did she actually say she wouldn't be going to Japan or Ikkicon because her parents are throwing her out or is that just speculation based on her final FB comment? Did anyone cap it? I know her parents told her months ago she was being kicked out by Jan 1, but she obviously wasn't taking it seriously (except when she could pretend to be sad about it for attention) so I figured it was an empty threat.

    Didn't get to see her final comment. It was already gone when I went on this morning to check it.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)19:54 No.5253773
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    You know, with a little savings, she could do it.

    This is from cheaptickets, I should have input some Texas town, oops.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)19:56 No.5253778
    and she's been told that, over and over and over and over and over and over again.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)19:56 No.5253779
    I didn't see the cap either but I think that's what she was implying. She's deleted her dA journal about Ikkicon too. However I hope they are making her move out, it just goes to show how self-centred and lazy she really is. She couldn't care less about imposing on her parents, mooching off them, making them out to be monsters when they are just trying to help her grow up.

    I sure as fuck wouldn't want to spend my older years having to support my grown up children and their expensive hobbies. It's a good thing that they're not coddling her and enabling her bad behaviour anymore, the real world isn't made of mochi and animu. The sooner she gets that through her fat man-chin, the better.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)19:57 No.5253781
    Of course with expenses it could easily double that.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)19:58 No.5253788
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    She wants to go in the spring so she can wear her furisode and stand under the blossoming sakura trees, baka!
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)20:05 No.5253800
    I think PT's problem is she can't plan ahead. She always wants to go to Japan RIGHT NOW, she can't possibly plan to go next year or in two years' time, so she doesn't save up and years pass with her always wanting to go in a few months, in a few months, in a few months. That's also why she buys stupid shit and doesn't want to work hard in her job - she can't see any further than the next few months, so she won't save and she doesn't care about her life as a whole. It's incredibly immature, and she's been allowed to stay this way by never having to think ahead - her parents sort everything out for her.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)20:05 No.5253802
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    Do any of you PT sim creators want a kimono for her? Because I found a ~*~supah kawaii furisode~*~ last night and I remember someone saying they wanted a kimono for her. Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)20:07 No.5253807
    Damnit /cgl/, kimono are my hobby and I don't want PT near it. :| What did I do to deserve this.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)20:52 No.5253926
    I LOL'D
    I want to hear more about the adventures of sim Pixyteri.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:43 No.5254070
    Your hobby? I hope you aren't white
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:45 No.5254074

    You can't tell me that you find white people collecting kimono strange on a board of people dressing up like cupcake vomit and schoolgirls.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:49 No.5254078
    Oh don't worry, I hate both Lolita and Kimono. Not to big on cosplay either. Just here for PT, and then I leave.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:49 No.5254081
    PT deleted her youtube account too
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:50 No.5254082

    That sounds like a sad life.

    But I appreciate your consistency.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)21:52 No.5254085
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    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)22:24 No.5254176
    Oh shit
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)22:28 No.5254189
    She finally grows up?
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 12/16/11(Fri)22:30 No.5254192
    Or kills herself.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)22:32 No.5254197

    Damn, someone should have archived them

    You know, for science.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)22:34 No.5254202
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    i like to imagine this is what the scene would be like if pixyteri went to japan.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)22:34 No.5254206
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    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)22:37 No.5254210
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    Promising, but I doubt she will be gone long. She likes the attention too much.
    Even if she finally does an hero, two more weeaboos will rise up to take her place.
    Also there's a PT sim so we don't even have to care about the real thing anymore.
    >> ®öri♪♫ !/Kyunn6n1o 12/16/11(Fri)23:22 No.5254329
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    I striked this question up along time ago.
    How would cgl feel if PT killed herself, writing her last words saying it was all the bullying of her goals and dreams that caused her too.
    How people from the internet were as cruel as they were to bash someones dream, causing them suicide.
    I believe anons said they don't care, or that they would feel bad.. or something.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)23:28 No.5254350
    I'd be sad, but it would still be her choice and fault if she killed herself.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)23:30 No.5254356
    >Even if she finally does an hero, two more weeaboos will rise up to take her place.

    And we will crush them all, by God.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)23:35 No.5254371
    She'd be another news story about cyber bullying. Honestly, I wouldn't give a fuck. I've never done anything but comment on threads in /cgl/, I have little to nothing to do with anything that happens to PT, now or in the future.

    People who commit suicide over bullying are weak, and I hate them for softening our society beyond what it should be. I've been bullied my entire life, and I fought back or got the fuck over it. If you'd kill yourself over being bullied, you'd kill yourself over something else trivial, anyways. People that weak minded shouldn't live to breed.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)23:39 No.5254380
    She likes the attention, so I doubt bullying would cause her to kill herself. I imagine she took down a lot of her accounts because other people urged her to. If the bullying really bothered her, why would she leave up her DA account with her crappy/trashy photos, one of the major things causing people to harass her?
    >> ®öri♪♫ !/Kyunn6n1o 12/16/11(Fri)23:41 No.5254383
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    The only advice I'd give her is.
    If she doesn't like getting bullied on the internet, and doesn't like it.
    >>Then get off.
    Simple as shutting off your computer, or even completely avoiding some websites.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)23:41 No.5254384
    I don't know, I would feel bad.
    I mean, she deserves some of what she gets. A lot of what she seems to get upset about are not even the worst things. Like it's ridiculous that she got upset when people explained to her that it would be a mistake to wear furisode to the cherry blossom festival or walk around in Akihabara in cosplay. But at the same time, things like TC image and the way a lot of the girls on /cgl/ make fun of her looks are really awful. Plus, she has such a weak grip on reality from what we've seen, I imagine it would be easier to push her over the edge than most people, she seems to lack the ability to cope with bullying that people like >>5254371 possess. Her life is nothing but these extremes of idolization and devaluation, and that must wreak havoc on her.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)23:41 No.5254385
    I think it would be hilarious. And then Carry would get backtraced and arrested because he was the last person to "bully" her.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)23:50 No.5254412
    >implying /cgl/ is a hivemind
    Of course some would feel bad, and some wouldn't. The way some people think it's out of the line to talk about her family, or archive and repost the nudes she wasn't responsible for distributing. Some above said "her concern about the nudes is that it's old and she looked bigger" but from afar, you really can't tell if it's true or is it just her way of softening her concern, to make it seem a smaller issue, whether for her self-image or to reassure herself. Personally I stop at mocking things she herself shared publicly, but I would never leave a comment or make contact with her if I have no business other than to get more drama.

    That said, she looks like someone with a decent support network so at this point I'm not worrying about her.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)23:50 No.5254414
    This sounds kind of harsh, but I agree. I'm getting so tired of all this bullying crap. People have been bullied since the beginning of time. You can argue that it's worse now with the internet, but there's no way people now could get away with what happened in schools 20-30 years ago. People need to stop with blame and teach people how to stand up for themselves. Er anyways..

    I don't want PT to die and I think most people here want her to reach her dreams. I don't think she'd kill herself either. I'd feel shocked and sad, but it would be her decision.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)00:02 No.5254450
    Why again did she delete her facebook? I saw the screen shots of her posting in /cgl but, there was nothing horrible that I saw. Clue a gal in.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)00:11 No.5254492
    I would hazard a guess at attention seeking and tantrum throwing.

    Also, people who say they are going to kill themselves so often don't follow through because they don't actually mean it. It is usually the quiet ones who go about it and those you least expect. I would not worry about PT killing herself.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)00:33 No.5254556
    If enough people kill themselves due to cyber bullying...I wonder how many more laws would be placed on the internet.

    I legitimately think you all should feel bad. I get being anon means you can be the biggest bitch ever and not have it traced back to you/you have no reputation to protect but jesus fucking christ. Do something productive with yourselves besides leaving skin flakes in your chair/mom and dads basement/ on the toilet/ where ever you take your computer/laptop/iTurd.

    Yes, white knighting, no I don't plan on scissoring PT over this. Just...damn. You guys are just the biggest bitches ever. I guess you never really leave middle school.

    (inb4 omgurwhiteknightingPTshutupMiyutakeashitinsertedmemegetoutnewfaglongassentence.)
    >> ®öri♪♫ !/Kyunn6n1o 12/17/11(Sat)00:46 No.5254579
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    Pretty much how it's always been.
    People on cgl don't really have much of a life outside their rooms, so they choose to dabble in someones life that they barely know or ever met.

    Then again, I'm not Dr.Phil, but it makes no sense why people get their panties in a bunch over someone they will never meet.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)00:54 No.5254593
         File1324101262.jpg-(20 KB, 465x446, areyoufuckingserious.jpg)
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    Well, in a way the same can be said to those "white knighting" her. If I'll never meet her why should I care what happens to her?
    My answer: I think I have a better idea of morals.

    It disgusts me how many of them can reply with "oh I wouldn't care" and "its her decision" and last but not least "shed be a selfish bitch." Are you...are fucking serious? Don't try to act like you wouldn't have a had a hand in it just because the fingerprints can't be traced back to you. I get the fact "its 4chan. We're internet toughnuts." in all but there is a line between "lolol I'm a fun douchebag on the internet!" and "I want this cunt to have more problems. Here, let me post an ED article about her and spread her nudes to everyone everywhere. Hang that shit on the fridge."
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)00:59 No.5254604
    Actually her ex spread her nudes.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)01:00 No.5254608
    Her ex or her ex's friend was the first source. But the ones who put it on ED, put it back on when someone takes it down, saving it and reposting it to /cgl/ every other thread aren't all them.
    >> ®öri♪♫ !/Kyunn6n1o 12/17/11(Sat)01:01 No.5254610
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    I mean I don't really care about her, or the threads about her.
    But every now and then I see threads like "OMFG LOOK WHAT SHE BOUGHT SHES SO DUMB". Like why the fuck do you care? Woopity doo, shes getting more in debt. I'm sure most anons have their own problems to deal with, so why spend the time of tracking her ebay status and adding up everything she bought?
    I realize it's open to the public, but it doesn't make it right. Yeah shes dumb for thinking Japan is the gateway to heaven and shit, but there are millions of other weeaboos on the internet who think the same way.
    We all do dumb shit. PT post dirty pictures online, why? Because shes over the age of 18. She's legally able to. She's just some fat girl with a dream.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)01:03 No.5254616

    If you don't care about her, or threads about her, why are you posting in a thread about her?

    Does no one have the 4chan extension? Fucking hide the thread if it upsets your delicate sensibilities too much. It's what I do whenever I see a tripfag thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)01:03 No.5254618
    So we're excluding every other person who decided to post them? Everyone and anyone who decided to shoop them?
    Yes, he released them. Anons/maybe some namefags were the ones who decided to spread them further.
    >> ®öri♪♫ !/Kyunn6n1o 12/17/11(Sat)01:06 No.5254624
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    I didn't post on behalf of PT, more of the anons who bash her.
    It just urks me that they really spend their time doing this.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)01:11 No.5254638
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    She apparently just has a new facebook.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)01:13 No.5254643
    sounds to me like you over thought a simple "please stop" message and are looking for a reason to continue being an internet douchebag.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)01:23 No.5254671
    Why? It's their time not yours. At least she a cosplayer. Better than all your tripfag threads about absolutely nothing but what you did that day.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)01:37 No.5254705
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)01:37 No.5254709

    Aharon, stop posting your picture on CGL handsome.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)01:48 No.5254723

    No, she told me that it made her want to die. She sent 4 different messages about it. I didn't stream for a day and wasn't really planning on it, but I realized how much stock that I was putting into something that was over a vain person in a fairytail world.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)01:49 No.5254726
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    I don't know what's worse:
    The fact she's a unabashed attention whore with a delusion that she's a model or some shit.
    The relentless morons that feel this uncontrollable urge to feed the trolls hunger for attention. Posting her repugnant visage everyday paired with threads that go beyond 100 posts. Following this frumpy across the web in an attempt to "antagonize" but only giving her fuel.
    All in all I hate all of you and that fat tart.
    Stop posting and talking about this heifer.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)01:52 No.5254729
    Did she use Google for that Japanese?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)01:54 No.5254735
    Its not just 4chan that is bullying her. Check out tumblr! Its pretty crazy if you search her name in tags how many non anon people are putting her down. I think its worst personally.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)01:56 No.5254737
    there's also a new post about her on efagz
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)01:59 No.5254744
    Seriously if you have a tumblr you have no room to talk about anyone. People who blog a sentence and some "lolsorandom" image or gif. Please.
    And I'm not taking up for fatty because I've had enough of her rolls invading my screen when I visit /cgl/.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)02:10 No.5254769

    honestly, it's likely that those are people from 4chan abusing her with their tumblrs.

    I think there's a huge difference between watching a car crash unfold and causing a car crash.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)02:12 No.5254776

    You sound old, bitter, and fat.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)02:13 No.5254777
    She's like a real-world non hollywood version of all those sluts that people obsess about and love to hate.

    She is the Lindsay Lohan of /cgl/. We're obsessed with wondering what she will do next.

    We wish she would get her shit together and get healthy, and in the same moment, wish her whole thing would just become the trainwreck that it's supposed to be. (And mostly, already is).

    /cgl/ is the paparazzi to PTs Lindsay.
    Embrace it.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)02:13 No.5254778

    caps, plz? efagz is flocked and membership is closed. :(
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)03:09 No.5254882
    nice trips
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)03:30 No.5254910
    This please I miss my efagz so much
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)03:36 No.5254918
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    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)03:40 No.5254926
    You guys, she's really not that big. And yes her chin is kinda really long, but she's not ugly. Come on now.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)03:45 No.5254932
    This poster is right. I would plow the crap out of PT and I'm not ashamed to announce it to the world of /cgl/.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)03:51 No.5254939
    Implying the internet hasn't made people kill themselves before.

    Have any of you even heard of /b/?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)04:03 No.5254953
         File1324112618.png-(548 KB, 636x500, snorlaxkf3.png)
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    Now, I'm not condoning PT's behavior because some of the stuff she did and said really was fucked up but I have to agree with >>5254926 here. Yes, she is a heavier woman but she's not as heavy as some other women out there.

    Ok, she's fat, so what? She weighs more or less than many seagulls here. So?

    Should she cover her body up? Yes. Should she dress appropriately? Yes. Did she look better in many of her lolita coords? Yes.

    Sure she is delusional and does crazy shit but there are people behavior and fashion wise out there worse than her. Give credit where credit is due.

    Pic related of someone bigger and probably worse off than PT
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)04:09 No.5254957
    Hey OP.... what's your dA?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)04:44 No.5254984
    That's not really the point, the issue is more that most people here are too young/immature to really fully conceptualize the idea of someone killing themselves, and being dead, because of the things they said on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)04:51 No.5254987
    You women are so weak, if this abomination of a woman killed her whole family and then herself I'd just laugh for a few seconds and then fap.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)04:53 No.5254990
    wow you're so cool!!! *____*
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)04:53 No.5254993
    Stop being a condescending dick. She is not going to do it.

    She brought this on herself, and this is a person who has never commented in a PT thread before.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)05:00 No.5255003
    Not being condescending dude, just trying to clarify what I think that person was getting at with "how would /cgl/ feel if PT killed herself" as it's not really "NO BIG D, PEOPLE KILL THEMSELVES BECAUSE OF 4CHAN ALL THE TIME".
    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 12/17/11(Sat)05:01 No.5255004
    This has happened before. Don't you watch "Deadly Women" on ID channel? They do it all the time.
    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 12/17/11(Sat)05:08 No.5255006
    Here's a little thing I've learned about suicide. I have two older sisters. One threatens to kill herself all the time lately due to her raging staph infection that's been going for almost a year now. She literally screams it out loud. She hasn't killed herself. My other sister is bipolar, I have never heard her once say she wanted to kill herself yet she was put on suicide watch in college and was put away for three months. People who really want to kill themselves hide it till the last minute and just do it. Because if you really consider killing yourself you'll be filled with intense feelings of guilt and I think the reason people finally do themselves in is because that feeling of guilt becomes too overwhelming and the only way to escape it is to die.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)05:43 No.5255032
    Exactly. My Mum says she's going to kill herself all the time (since I was young). If she had a fight with my Dad, or even if something didn't go her way, she gets all "I'm going to kill myself!", "I'm better off dead" and all kinds of shit like that. Well, she is yet to do anything... it's just for attention.

    I had a close friend in high-school who actually did commit suicide. He was really nice, always seemed pretty happy and never ever said he would kill himself. I saw him around Easter one year and we talked about catching up. The next week I got a phone call that he was missing and soon after they found him dead.

    It pisses me off to no end that people so loudly claim that they are going to kill themselves. People like PT just do it for attention. I'm sorry, but if she wanted to get away from all this shit she'd leave the internet for a while, and when she decides to come back she would change her name completely and make everything private. She is a fucking moron and she doesn't deserve sympathy. If she wanted to make all of this go away so badly she would, but she barely even tries!

    Sorry for the rant...
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)06:01 No.5255053
         File1324119674.png-(72 KB, 528x497, NOTHING WILL BE FRIEND LOCKED.png)
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    PT loves attention because she knows deep down inside no one would pay attention to her dumb fat ass. Any attention is good attention she is a spoiled fucking brat.

    Now I would be sad if she did kill her self only because /cgl/ couldn't laugh at her any more other then that not really. PT has said so many times 'i want to die', 'im better off ded', ' i should just kill my self :(' but look she hasn't and she won't. She never likes to follow up or go through anything just like her dreams of going to japan.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)06:09 No.5255060
         File1324120140.png-(163 KB, 649x990, lul call the popo.png)
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    She has been told multiple times she can contact the police about her internet harassment but she won't because they would make her take down or stop updating and uploading new things on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)06:09 No.5255061
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    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)06:10 No.5255062
    Some people will say they're going to kill themselves as a way of trying to get help.

    There is no "right" way to be suicidal. Go fuck yourself.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)06:11 No.5255064
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    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)06:15 No.5255065
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    People have been giving PT help but she don't want real help. She will find a way no matter what to twist it that the person is trying to put her down.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)06:18 No.5255068
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    Oh dear~
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)06:18 No.5255069
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    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 12/17/11(Sat)06:40 No.5255087
    It's called an opinion, I wasn't saying that suicide happens like that all the time.
    >> chibi-turtle 12/17/11(Sat)06:45 No.5255090
    cgl can be cruel, but when she was on, some were actually offering her legit advice.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)06:56 No.5255102
    Probably because concerned anons took the time to pay attention. I doubt it was the exact same audience for the normal drama threads.

    Some people can be cruel, but don't forget there are many more ignoring these threads after realizing complaining about them doesn't work. They probably showed up to treat her civilly when they noticed she was really here.

    Also, I've noticed that when someone appears in their own thread and speak calmly, mysteriously people aren't nearly as rude to them.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)08:45 No.5255172
    Some will, but PT already has a decent support network who knows what she's "been through". Heck, Nyan and Miyu go here.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:34 No.5255211
    I think that people who say stuff like "people shouldn't kill themselves because of bullying, bullying's always happened" etc are forgetting 3 big things: firstly, yeah bullying's always happened, and people have always killed themselves because of it. NEITHER phenomenon is new, you just hear about it a lot better now because derp, 20 years ago no one outside the US would hear about an American kid suiciding because of bullying. Nowadays you do. Secondly, different people react differently to different things. If I went up to you and called your mom a whore, you'd probably laugh it off. But what if your mom was a literal prostitute? What if she just died? Those are extreme examples, but hopefully you see what I mean. Just because you can laugh it off doesn't mean that everyone can, because everyone is in a different situation.

    The third thing, of course, is that "bullying" is an insanely broad term, which could mean anything from calling your mom a slut to sexual harassment. I was bullied back at school, by which I mean a few girls used to shout insults at me if I walked past them between classes. My ex was also bullied at his school, by which I mean that he was literally beaten into a bloody pulp after classes every single day, to the point of hospitalization.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)09:35 No.5255213

    My point is that just because you "get over" being bullied doesn't mean that everyone does. Consider that perhaps they just didn't push your buttons quite well enough. I knew someone who committed suicide after being bullied. People used to call him a faggot and do shit like steal his clothes when he was in the shower after gym, put sex toys in his locker and paste up drawings of him havingsex with various male celebrities. In his note he came out. You can't pretend to know how everybody thinks, and you can't pretend to know how bullying effects anyone who isn't you. I don't care what your situation was like. Obviously they didn't really, _really_ get to you, or you wouldn't be saying this. Not everyone experiences things the same way. Not everyone can brush it off. You're lucky, not special.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)11:45 No.5255364
    Who is Nyan? This is the first time hearing about them.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)11:46 No.5255367
    You're still over thinking it in order to continue being a dick. You don't want to stop because you enjoy the attention your sims are getting from the cunt trolls who have nothing else to do with their time or those who jerk off to threads like this. Don't try to justify being an asshole.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)11:51 No.5255372
    Why is everyone hating on Simanon.
    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 12/17/11(Sat)12:09 No.5255411
    Trying to find a scapegoat. Everyone here knows that it's been a culmination of drama that has got us to this point.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)13:48 No.5255580
    Just because she's not the biggest person out there, it doesn't mean that it's right or healthy for her to be that large. Her BMI classifies her as obese, and with that some health problems and larger risks for health problems.

    What you're saying is simply reflective of the attitude in society today. People in general and the medical profession have differing views of what is considered an acceptable weight range. People today want to keep what they say politically correct, and don't want to offend these people, but if it's not good for their health, it's affecting their quality of life. This means that it impacts everyone, as they need welfare and other help to live, which (at least where I live, I'm not sure how it works in the US) comes from the taxes people pay.

    Sure, these people can be happy being large, but it still doesn't make it right that society just pats them on the back and tells them they're fine as they are.

    Sorry for the rant, and if it comes across as hostile, I didn't mean it to.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)14:56 No.5255690
    I agree, I don't believe that PT would ever kill herself. I can't say what she's thinking but she just doesn't seem like the type to really do it. I don't even believe that she is truly depressed or insane either. She's fully aware of what she is saying and doing and she enjoys the attention, good or bad. Yes, there are days where she feels sad or overwhelmed but it hasn't made her stop or do anything extreme. It's not like she's slashing up her wrists or gulping down pills on webcam. My BF's ex killed herself, she didn't go around wailing and threatening to do it every other day. She left a short message on her page saying "Well this is it. Bye." then did it, completely unexpectedly.

    Deleting her old pages and finally putting her settings on private is the first sensible thing PT's ever done. Anons have been saying for ages that if she wants to stop the drama/trolling that's what she should do. It's not a warning she's going downhill or going to kill herself, she's just finally getting the hint. Nyan told her it was bothering her and she didn't want her family photos/info being reposted all the time.

    From what I've seen it's her home life, realising her parents were serious about her moving out ect that is actually upsetting her, not online drama. Besides she wants the drama, why else would she come here? To the board she hates and claims is full of pathetic, lowlife trolls? She apparently doesn't care about our opinions of her yet she came here to get attention and field questions about herself and her Japan plans. And in true PT attention whoring style, got upset over nothing and stormed off. She's too self-obsessed and needy for attention to commit suicide. Pity partying is just another way for her to get attention and to re-inforce the selfish way she lives her life.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)20:19 No.5256532
    I'd love to see anyone here who thinks bullying is easy to ~just ignore~ or ~get over~ try to ignore and get over what some kids have gone through.

    No one knows what is happening in PT's private life. By that, I mean no one knows if anyone is sending her private messages or emails, and what those things say. Someone had kept tabs on me and knew the few places I used and would send me threats via private message and email to every account they knew, every single day. Die, get raped and murdered, kill yourself, etc etc. With how much information is out there concerning PT, and how "easy" she makes it to find her online, I don't doubt that she may be having the same issue.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)20:25 No.5256538
    >implying you -really- give a shit about a person's health and that this isn't really about your tirade on 'BAWW FATTIES GONNA FAT'

    So what if they're fat? It's their choice to be, if it isn't affecting you (which btw PT's weight doesn't) then why do you care?
    Are you also policing people because they smoke?
    Are you policing people because they drink?
    Are you policing people who eat fast food?
    Are you policing people who do drugs?
    Are you policing people about unprotected sex?

    All of those things can potentially harm you too, yet I never hear anybody say anything against those things.
    Look, if you hate fatties that's okay. You just have different tastes.
    But I'm sick of this bullshit about peope pissing around their real opinions under the guise of
    >oh i totes care bout some health of a stranger I don't even know
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)20:26 No.5256541
    PTs a bitch, Miyus a bitch, you're all bitches.

    Can't you just accept your bitchosity and move on?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)20:50 No.5256583
    Not the person that you're replying to, but they did say that where they live, taxpayers' money funds people's welfare. If people are too obese or have health problems and can't work, the taxpayer's money is going to help those people survive, so yes, it does affect them.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)21:00 No.5256605
    >implying all obese and overweight people are on public welfare
    >implying people in America and other countries don't have to go through the bitch of having to pay their own way through their medical problems

    And while you're at it--bitch at those mother fucking anorexics and bulimics and people with mental conditions who get sent to the ER everyday too, because you -know- those bastards are sucking tax payer dollars too. And don't forget those damn dirty drug users who OD or go into withdrawal. You might as well take a tax payer's money and set it on fire, right?
    >hey let's berate anybody who has to go through the medical system because they made bad choices in life!
    See your idiotic argument yet?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)21:03 No.5256621
         File1324173830.jpg-(47 KB, 500x559, tumblr_luf48sKgyz1r0q6x8o1_500.jpg)
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    Why do I get the feeling you're an insecure fatass who's taking your anger out on this person because they hit a nerve and you took it personally. Anyway, shut the fuck up no one wants to play 20 questions with you take that shit back to tumblr ask boxs and if you're as fat as you sound kindly get off your chair/bed and head to a gym.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)21:06 No.5256629
    >>Are you also policing people because they smoke?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)21:06 No.5256633
    >hurr I got caught in my ignorance, I'll call you fat and pretend I'm trolling
    Die in a fire, cunt.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)21:40 No.5256754
         File1324176006.jpg-(135 KB, 625x699, 1324172010236.jpg)
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    Ignorance? That was my first post in this thread, it's possible that you mistook me for someone else. My assumptions still stand though-you're obviously upset over what someone else said so I'm guessing that you're fat and I'm probably right. No one gets that upset over something that doesn't effect them personally. If you're so against people picking on fatties then get the fuck out this thread. You'd think you would have seen enough PT threads by now to know what's going to happen. Also,

    >Knows what I said is true and can't think of a valid argument so settles with 'Die in a fire'

    OH MAN you got me it's like I'm on livejournal or something I havent heard 'Die in a fire' for a while thanks for that so nostalgic you must be the king of insults and I don't know what to DO right now-maybe you should list some more questions for us to answer what say you humble anon??
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)21:46 No.5256774

    Gtfo I want to enjoy my PT drama without your ridiculous bickering
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)21:47 No.5256780
    PT Thread:

    >PT is fat
    >You're insensitive.
    >Fatass dected GTFO!
    >No! U!
    >No! U!
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)21:48 No.5256783
         File1324176512.png-(10 KB, 300x300, hurr.png)
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    >because saying that anon is fat has anything to do with their argument
    And oh, look, you responded to their comment without even saging. So it must be true--you're a thundercunt.
    Here, I'll even put a reaction image to describe your burning vagoo.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)21:51 No.5256792
    >in a PT thread
    >not expecting drama
    newfag detected.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)21:54 No.5256802
    So I see a thread up on /cwc/. Are you guys branching over or did they come here? Who is the chicken and who is the egg in this situation?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)21:55 No.5256806

    I was fully expecting their bickering

    I was simply telling them to take it everywhere before it takes over the thread
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)22:07 No.5256836
    Oh look, 2 pixyteri threads on /cgl/s front page. And here I thought this board was full of mentally retarded attention whores with attitude problems. Clearly I've been mistaken this whole time! Keep it classy women of /cgl/!
    >> My first post on this Web page Rapper 12/17/11(Sat)22:13 No.5256853
    This is the very first time I post here. Hope to discover many new and exciting things on my discovering of the World Wide Web...
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)23:32 No.5257036
    What the hell? Why are you so angry? It was just my opinion, I even said that I didn't mean to offend. In response to those questions you're asking, they're completely different to being fat. Being fat doesn't happen overnight, and it's not a one-off event like the other things you mentioned can be. Being fat is something that happens over time. It can be a sign that people can't look after themselves, it can be a sign that someone's mentally unhealthy (lack self control, lack self confidence (so they find comfort in food) etc.) I have nothing against fat people, one of my best friends is obese. I'm concerned for her health, so I've been trying to get her to come on walks with me.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)23:32 No.5257037

    Fuck this is a stupid argument. I get so sick of this one.

    I don't have kids, yet I pay taxes for yours.
    I don't go to university, use any public transport, use any government welfare programs, but I still pay taxes for those too!
    I've never smoked a day in my life, and I think smoking is fucking stupid and yet hundreds of thousands of people are sucking up MY TAX DOLLARS to pay for their lung cancer treatment - do you fucking get this?

    You don't get to cry about fat people using up your poor tax dollars. EVERYBODY uses your tax dollars. Get the fuck over it.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)23:33 No.5257038
    >bumping the thread and not saging just to have the last word in your petty argument
    Stay classy anon.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)23:37 No.5257051
    I don't hate them. Just pointing out that they're just looking for any reason for being a cunt to PT.
    >> Skip Bayless' Tebowner 12/17/11(Sat)23:40 No.5257054
    Different day, same thread...
    /cgl/ really needs to get rid of their PT boners.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)23:42 No.5257056
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    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)01:10 No.5257180
    Just enjoy the glory that is PT
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)01:32 No.5257225
    Oh shit, are you talking about fucking Turtle Girl?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)04:00 No.5257466
         File1324198858.jpg-(406 KB, 958x637, haffooo.jpg)
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    If PT actually was a hapa/haffu..or at least pleasing to the eyeball
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)04:04 No.5257473
    OP, what's your dA?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)04:27 No.5257501
         File1324200472.jpg-(114 KB, 709x508, pt4.jpg)
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    What a sadness...
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)04:29 No.5257504
    Nice to see someone looked at the link, lulz
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)04:31 No.5257506
    I'm following that shit now.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)04:34 No.5257510
    I wonder if she'd like a mixture of both. The white dress and red hair with knee high white shoes, a blouse and adorable white cat ears.

    Preferably the adorable white cat ears I own with little bells at the end that look and sound so childish but yet they look so sophisticated for weeaboo cat ears for some odd reason.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)04:38 No.5257513
    When I stumbled upon it, I was like "Sweet Jesus, what kind of pandora's box did I just open?" and now I can't stop
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)04:43 No.5257516
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    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)04:56 No.5257528

    The worst part is...that she has probably done something like this.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)17:07 No.5258707
    I don't know if this has already been mentioned, but she also deleted the Ikkicon journal entry on her dA.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)19:04 No.5258951
         File1324253070.jpg-(9 KB, 240x203, images.jpg)
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    the fuck is up with that make-up?!! did she just smear that stuff on? Gurrrrl that ain't Kawaiiiiii

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