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!!JNfSKsTtdUC 12/12/11(Mon)02:28 No.5235486 File1323674905.gif-(1.32 MB, 172x119, 1321540609340.gif)
 sweet 8 hair legged jesus thats a bit intimidating.
go, in a hoop skirt cosplay. The inside would be lined with protective
netting and serve as a make shift net to protect myself under, it's like
being in west africa again. I'd also hide my flame thrower under my
skirt and whip it out if a dumb ass got a bad idea and decided to attack
the spider overlords thus forcing the crawlys to descend upon the
mass's. Then it would be chaos.
First I would hide behind the
doors as we brace them, then throw the weeboo's in front, to obsessed
with their con and new merch to see the impending doom as they become
the first victims. As the spiders dine and form weeb trees to replace
their spider trees that were demolished, me and the elite others who
survived would be in the back, using the chairs tabbles and large props
to form a barrier as we make a plan to get to the roof where we'll call
for back up and helicopter ride it out of there. The elevators would be
jammed of course with idiots who pressed the button for ever floor, so
we'd flock to the stairs and race up them, painful shoes worn for
cosplay discarded and skirts altered to be easier to walk in. When we
finally reach the roof to our ride out of there I would look bellow at
the chaos and take it all in, grab the rope ladder from the helicopter
and remove my hat, and pay a minute of silence for the weebs unfortunate
enough not to make it out, and forever cocooned by angry spiders, that
look of con bliss, snot running down their noes as they squee about
badly drawn fan art they got in the artist alley, still on their face as
they die. |