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  • File : 1323586775.jpg-(293 KB, 960x544, 2011-12-10 23-57-05.248.jpg)
    293 KB Cirno !mRXaSPDgxw 12/11/11(Sun)01:59 No.5231921  
    I'm not drinking Strongbow or Hoegaarden tonight.
    What's /cgl/ drinking?
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 12/11/11(Sun)02:02 No.5231927
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    Hi Cirno!
    Just drinking some Dr. Pepper over here.
    >> Cirno !mRXaSPDgxw 12/11/11(Sun)02:05 No.5231934
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    No Way!
    So am I!
    Aside from the trace amount of Canadian 83
    >> tea-raindrops 12/11/11(Sun)02:05 No.5231935
    Tension Tamer Tea

    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)02:05 No.5231936
    The cool, refreshing taste of my own tears.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)02:06 No.5231942
    Some generic brand gatorade type shit. I've been feeling lousy the past few days so I've been refueling on something other than water. Seems to have helped.
    >> Mika !oRbSrLD/7w 12/11/11(Sun)02:06 No.5231943
         File1323587208.png-(337 KB, 500x375, E9oPv.png)
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    Coffee. So much coffee. I can't wait for finals to be over.
    >> Sunbeemz !!zH68YZBImON 12/11/11(Sun)02:07 No.5231944
         File1323587223.jpg-(50 KB, 500x365, sluts r cool.jpg)
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    Peach Schnapps, Southern Comfort & Ginger ale

    so amazing
    >> Cirno !mRXaSPDgxw 12/11/11(Sun)02:09 No.5231947
         File1323587365.jpg-(289 KB, 960x544, 2011-12-11 00-08-45.040.jpg)
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    Today I woke up to 3 cans of red bull.
    Then at work Eric bought be a can of assault.
    I was wired for the 8 hour shift. Then I figured I would be up until 3AM anyway, so I bought some of this shit
    fucl yeah gingerale
    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 12/11/11(Sun)02:09 No.5231948
    Water and Crystal Light. My cardiologist advised against heavy drinking binges for the rest of my life.
    >> SamuraiGreen !!wwS2x+ItkDi 12/11/11(Sun)02:11 No.5231954
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    I work at apple.

    So Absinthe.
    >> Mika !oRbSrLD/7w 12/11/11(Sun)02:11 No.5231957
    Tell me how those are. I'm always curious to pick them up, but I opt out and rather spend more for nicer beers.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 12/11/11(Sun)02:13 No.5231960
    Straight disaronno. It's like candy.
    >> AlterShift !t3BBPFtTAQ 12/11/11(Sun)02:13 No.5231961
         File1323587594.jpg-(360 KB, 600x800, tumblr_ltaeptvjsy1qdorilo1_128(...).jpg)
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    Currently making a few of these, called Issun. Next, some Golden Chocobos.
    >> Zahirus !cKIIerE.OE 12/11/11(Sun)02:13 No.5231962
    Chocolate shake.
    >> Cirno !mRXaSPDgxw 12/11/11(Sun)02:13 No.5231963
         File1323587639.jpg-(292 KB, 960x544, 2011-12-11 00-12-03.636.jpg)
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    Install gentoo on all accessible apple computers.
    Chances are they're terrible. After all they contain vodka.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)02:14 No.5231964
    >I work at apple.

    Still lying about that, huh?
    >> tea-raindrops 12/11/11(Sun)02:14 No.5231965
    This thread is making me hungry now
    >> Frankie !I3MyFRIDAY 12/11/11(Sun)02:14 No.5231966
    Oh hay, Cirno!

    How you been?
    >> Dr. Scientist !!JtQ+aYJUUCb 12/11/11(Sun)02:16 No.5231969
    Still contemplating what I should have. If anyone has a suggestion, lemme know, I can make most things with what I have on hand.
    >> Cirno !mRXaSPDgxw 12/11/11(Sun)02:18 No.5231972
         File1323587915.jpg-(285 KB, 960x544, 2011-12-11 00-18-16.712.jpg)
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    Enjoy hamburgers
    Pretty good, tomorrow is my last day off before christmas, so I'm optimizing my hangover to last the next two weeks.
    White russians.
    >> SamuraiGreen !!wwS2x+ItkDi 12/11/11(Sun)02:22 No.5231976
         File1323588140.jpg-(81 KB, 1088x614, tumblr_lvqtyzXH5i1qb0qwwo3_128(...).jpg)
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    still butthurt?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)02:23 No.5231980
    Butthurt about a fag with a faux job. Not really.
    >> Dr. Scientist !!JtQ+aYJUUCb 12/11/11(Sun)02:25 No.5231982
    That sounds reasonable. I will use tia maria and sobieski vodka.
    >> Cirno !mRXaSPDgxw 12/11/11(Sun)02:27 No.5231987
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    >> Mailbox !kA.fCtgZRo 12/11/11(Sun)02:41 No.5232008
         File1323589282.gif-(481 KB, 471x355, 37bf37422b24d3b529b920eb348129(...).gif)
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    I made a pitcher of water, filled with orange slices. I got really nostalgic for the complimentary citrus water from the Sheraton lobby at Otakon. Oh gosh its so good :D
    >> Cirno !mRXaSPDgxw 12/11/11(Sun)02:44 No.5232020
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    All that with a drop or two of valinall extract would be goddamn delicious.
    Like orange creamsicle favoured water.
    >> Angel !GraceZDGeM 12/11/11(Sun)02:45 No.5232022
         File1323589504.png-(252 KB, 882x822, 1317265630233.png)
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    Cherry Pepsi and Shame.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)02:45 No.5232023
    Somebody wants attention.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)02:47 No.5232028
    don't w all anon don't we all

    chamomile tea and Welch's Sparkling red grape juice cocktail(so sugary and bad but i have no seltzer atm)
    >> Cirno !mRXaSPDgxw 12/11/11(Sun)02:47 No.5232029
         File1323589679.jpg-(293 KB, 960x544, 2011-12-11 00-45-34.081.jpg)
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    Somebody wishes they were the strongest.
    Ponies tend to add to the shame, as does anything other than Dr. Pepper ;___;
    >> Dr. Scientist !!JtQ+aYJUUCb 12/11/11(Sun)02:48 No.5232030
    Well shit. No milk. Any other suggestions?
    >> Cirno !mRXaSPDgxw 12/11/11(Sun)02:51 No.5232032
         File1323589869.jpg-(244 KB, 480x360, Modern-Warfare-2-No-Russian.jpg)
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    Have any cream?
    Otherwise, Black Russians. 2 parts Kahlua, one part Vodka.

    Otherwise, no russian for you
    >> Angel !GraceZDGeM 12/11/11(Sun)02:54 No.5232038
         File1323590058.png-(59 KB, 384x325, 1317615720679.png)
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    There was a period in my life where my bronies were all that got me out of bed. Ponies are one of the few things in my life I'm not ashamed of.
    >> Cirno !mRXaSPDgxw 12/11/11(Sun)02:56 No.5232042
         File1323590172.jpg-(289 KB, 960x544, 2011-12-11 00-55-48.148.jpg)
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    You should learn ARM assembly, or C.
    Those are both things to be very proud of.
    >> Angel !GraceZDGeM 12/11/11(Sun)02:58 No.5232047
         File1323590335.png-(121 KB, 162x268, 563.png)
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    I'm a published poet and a decent author.

    I'm good, thanks.
    >> Cirno !mRXaSPDgxw 12/11/11(Sun)03:02 No.5232057
         File1323590534.jpg-(292 KB, 960x544, 2011-12-11 01-01-51.494.jpg)
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    I cook god tier pasta, and magnificent chilli.
    Keep going on your accomplishments. >:3c
    >> Dr. Scientist !!JtQ+aYJUUCb 12/11/11(Sun)03:05 No.5232062
    I decided on raspberry vodka, chambord, gran marnier, and conac mixed with ginger ale. It is quite tasty.
    >> Angel !GraceZDGeM 12/11/11(Sun)03:05 No.5232063
         File1323590752.png-(113 KB, 500x583, 67373.png)
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    Have you ever combined them? Like, chili pasta or something?
    >> Cirno !mRXaSPDgxw 12/11/11(Sun)03:09 No.5232074
         File1323590982.jpg-(281 KB, 960x544, 2011-12-11 01-09-25.139.jpg)
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    the only real difference between good chilli, and good pasta sauce, is the chilli has chilli powder in it.

    HAVING THAT SAID, a good thing to do with the chili once you've made it, is to use it as pizza sauce.

    My name is Angelo. That's the italian word for Angel. Wiierd, eh?

    Still, learn C, and ARM assembly. it couldn't hurt. :3
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)03:43 No.5232179
         File1323592981.png-(154 KB, 480x292, cirnosupli.png)
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    >see Cirno trip
    I wanted to post Chirumiru but this one is better.

    But seriously coca cola.
    >> Cirno !mRXaSPDgxw 12/11/11(Sun)03:48 No.5232189
         File1323593287.jpg-(289 KB, 960x544, 2011-12-11 01-47-49.503.jpg)
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    It isn't?
    I didn't know.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)03:53 No.5232199
         File1323593603.jpg-(50 KB, 500x496, 1254615639330_f.jpg)
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    Just drink your chirumiru and be glad it will cure your baka.
    >> Cirno !mRXaSPDgxw 12/11/11(Sun)03:54 No.5232203
    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 12/11/11(Sun)03:59 No.5232214
    I would kill a nigga for a long island right now. So economical!
    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 12/11/11(Sun)04:00 No.5232215
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    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)04:12 No.5232237
         File1323594751.png-(194 KB, 500x500, 1316487380574.png)
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    I am 100% baka 100% of the time. That's all the bakas.
    >> Dr. Scientist !!JtQ+aYJUUCb 12/11/11(Sun)05:00 No.5232303
    ala i can do this.
    >> Cirno !mRXaSPDgxw 12/11/11(Sun)06:48 No.5232411
         File1323604120.jpg-(296 KB, 960x544, 2011-12-11 04-48-07.637.jpg)
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    Just a heads up. shit's terrible.
    >> TK-421 12/11/11(Sun)21:49 No.5234531
         File1323658158.jpg-(68 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20111211.jpg)
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    I'm having me self a pint. A pint of what? Leinenkugels'! Some of the best beer I ever had!
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)21:55 No.5234562
    Cherry vodka and Mountain Dew for me.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)22:38 No.5234712
    1.5 Oz Southern Comfort
    .5 Oz Butterscotch Liqueur
    .5 Oz Galliano

    Taste like mother fucking childhood.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)22:47 No.5234751
    cheap ass merlot.

    fucking awesome
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)22:49 No.5234764
         File1323661763.jpg-(50 KB, 630x454, bigdamn.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)22:50 No.5234771

    aw man I know a dude who works at Apple

    pretty cool half Japanese dude, pretty sure he's going to snap and fucking MURDER everyone someday
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)22:52 No.5234780
    oh while this thread is here

    what the FUCK can I do with this Midori I have sitting here. I inherited it from my boyfriend's ex-roommates and I don't know what the hell to do with it.
    >> Tim 12/11/11(Sun)22:52 No.5234784
    I'm just kicking back and having some...........

    ...........Would have been having some Bacardi.

    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)22:56 No.5234803
    Just put a kettle on for some hot green tea, wish I had a couple beers, like nicer beers.

    The past couple of Amber Ales I've had were AMAZING.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)22:59 No.5234826
    mmmm midori. nectar of the gods. it goes beautifully with clear sodas, and also is good in orange juice. trust me on that one; we nicknamed that blend 'ecto cooler'.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)23:01 No.5234835



    dear god, thank you!
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)23:06 No.5234859
    Cherry Coke Zero, because I have become hopelessly addicted to the overly sweet, slightly metallic taste.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 12/12/11(Mon)00:01 No.5235090
         File1323666087.gif-(40 KB, 100x100, Grimmjowrapesmile.gif)
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    Currently drinking a White Russian since I haven't had a drink in over 2 months.
    >> Dr. Scientist !!JtQ+aYJUUCb 12/12/11(Mon)02:04 No.5235404
    1 part Midori, 1 Part Vodka, Fill with Oj. Melonball. Do it. Also with sweet and sour instead of oj is tasty.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)02:18 No.5235439
    please drink more so you choke on your own vomit
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)02:22 No.5235456
    Vodka, celebrating getting my degree.

    Love you Cirno!
    >> Tim 12/12/11(Mon)02:24 No.5235468
         File1323674686.jpg-(83 KB, 500x332, Doggieeee.jpg)
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    Heyy!! Awesome! Congratulations!
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)02:25 No.5235470
    Mountain Dew because my sister basically said if I didn't beat him in MVC3 I had no ovaries. i have an interview in ten hours.

    I can't win. Who do I use ;~;
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 12/12/11(Mon)03:03 No.5235589
         File1323676989.jpg-(39 KB, 500x499, Coolstoryaniki.jpg)
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    lol ok.

    Whatever you say.

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