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12/09/11(Fri)04:08 No.5226436 File1323421687.jpg-(70 KB, 425x640, 1316667476431.jpg)
don't have a story yet, but based on current events, there is an
extremely high probability that will have one later next year after AN.
We met entirely by happenstance and I, being of sound mind, decided to
reach out to this person and be friendly. We both shared an affinity for
anime, manga, and video games and she didn't seem like she hung out
with a lot of people. Why not, right? People deserve to be treated with
dignity and respect, even if they're a little weird or unattractive.
Since then, this one weeaboo's been infatuated with me for months now
since our semester started, both in person and over IMing.
course, I caught on to the obvious signs that she wanted to take it
further, and I was simply not interested. To that end, I tried my best
to get the idea out of her head with as little pain as possible. Of
course, she took it the wrong way, but I had no idea of the extent. This
was her last great hope at romance; she planned our marriage, to have
children, to grow old together. By the end of it, before she cut off
contact with me, she gave me a "If I can't get you, no-one will"
monologue. I later learned through friends that she was planning on
going to AN also, so we'll see where that goes.
Before that epic story (>>5224202),
I was pretty sure she wouldn't try anything, even accidentally. Now
that I think about it, there's a pretty good chance I might be in harm's
way. She could destroy me since she's several size categories larger
(height and weight), she has no future plans and is likely in a suicidal
death-spiral (she's probably dropping out of university), I tend to not
pay attention to my surroundings because I'm aloof as fuck, and AN
would be a great place to ambush me since I walk everywhere.
decided on my costume yet, I'll get started on that project in January,
but I'll tell you guys the story after it happens. |