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!!0KLJYlknxts 12/08/11(Thu)11:00 No.5223509 File1323360020.png-(276 KB, 918x669, 1320556954474.png)
 >>5223402 So
what you're saying is that people will start shit with a tripfag even
if the tripfag would say something productive and on topic? Shouldn't
the blame be directed at the poster starting the drama instead of the
person who's actually contributing and following the rules?
it or not, there are a lot of tripfags here on account that the activity
of cosplaying is about the individual. The minute you show a picture of
your outfit or even progress pictures of what you're working on, you've
now identified yourself to the masses as a poster on /cgl/ and since
many of you post what cons you're attending, it's easy for someone to
just go up to you and say "hey you're that person wearing so and so that
posted in the progress threads!"
In light of the huge surge of
gatherings, g+ hangouts, TC rooms, messenger sharing and non-con
meetups, it's becoming WAY easier for /cgl/ members to meet each other
both anon and tripfag alike. It's a lot easier for someone to introduce
themselves as a tripfag and instantly be remembered.
Keep this
question in mind. If tripfags are so exclusive and shut people out of
their circlejerks, who do /cgl/ gatherings at cons get bigger and
bigger? To quote Charizard, "Just because you make an effort to shut us
out, doesn't mean we do the same." |