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    File : 1323207276.jpg-(65 KB, 500x798, sexy-cow-cosplay.jpg)
    65 KB Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)16:34 No.5217389  
    Anyone know who this girl is?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)16:38 No.5217400
    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 12/06/11(Tue)16:59 No.5217479
    It's a shop, I know this because I was in the original thread where this was shopped.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:07 No.5217870
    Oh, okay. Kind of a letdown, actually. :/ Were there any more like it? And where is the original? I'm just curious at this point.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:08 No.5217873
    Those are some tig bitties.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:09 No.5217881

    the unshooped one isn't all that bad...
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:16 No.5217896
         File1323216998.jpg-(50 KB, 401x640, 1893491.jpg)
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    Unshooped picture of her.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:31 No.5217933

    Oh dear lord...
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:37 No.5217943
    She looks average sized.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:39 No.5217950
         File1323218383.jpg-(43 KB, 600x375, WalMart.jpg)
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    this right here is why people have body issues.

    That is NOT "Oh dear lord" territory.
    Your attitude disgust me.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:40 No.5217951
    I cringed when I saw that image, then the file name made me lol
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:49 No.5217966

    she is not average size. your attitude is why so many people are so fat
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:51 No.5217972
    The bitch may be a slut but she's not fat. Jesus Christ.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:54 No.5217980
    She's average because everybody has gotten fatter. I don't find her ugly but come on now, she's chubby.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:55 No.5217982
    Uh, she is fat. I'm not saying that she's a terrible person, but she IS fat. Not obese or anything, but still fat. And I agree with the other anon. This attitude is why there are so many fat people.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)20:04 No.5218010
    Yeah she's kinda fat and jiggly in some places but she's cosplaying as a cow so let it slide.

    I'd still fuck her silly.
    >> Crayons 12/06/11(Tue)20:07 No.5218021
         File1323220075.jpg-(40 KB, 600x799, 1296853250882.jpg)
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    This is now a chubby cosplayer thread
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)20:10 No.5218037
    There was a better Toot and she was a cutie too.
    >> Crayons 12/06/11(Tue)20:13 No.5218047
    Still have the pic?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)20:13 No.5218052
    I agree that she's no toothpick, but this picture doesn't make me turn away in disgust. It's tolerable for a girl her size.
    You all sound mad jelly.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)20:15 No.5218066
    I'm sorry but, dat stomach... It is literally bigger then her boobs. She is at the top level of chub, most would consider fat. But if she'd covered that belly she could look much better.
    >> Crayons 12/06/11(Tue)20:18 No.5218081
    What if her boobs were bigger? There are chubby girls with her belly size and bigger boobs.

    She still has her waist curve too.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)20:20 No.5218093
    So you're bitching because she has a tiny chest?
    I've seen thin girls who don't have -any- boobs and their stomachs push out like starved Ethiopians.
    Are they fatties too? Nope. It's called body shape.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)20:21 No.5218100
    Meant for >>5218066
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)20:39 No.5218195
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    Look. I know it's kind of the trend here to talk about yourself so here. I am 5"3, almost 9 stone. As far as BMI and bodyfat goes, I am pretty much bang in the centre of "healthy" - that is, what "average" should be. This is my stomach, not stretched, no angles, no gutsuck. I don't train, don't diet, just eat normally and exercise every other day. I'm not superskinny model mode but I'm healthy.

    This girl is not obese, but she's definitely on the higher edge of healthy at the very least, and probably overweight. Although this is probably "average" size, tbh OP's shoop is closer to healthy.
    >> Crayons 12/06/11(Tue)20:46 No.5218229
    She's a chubby gal. But she's not a landwhale.
    She's attractive and doesn't look horrible, there are cosplayers who could look much much worse in that cow bikini. And at least, she doesn't make you want to gouge your eyes.
    I think sometimes chub can be a good thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)21:31 No.5218449
    wow, i don't know what stone are but they are probably hella big stones. you're as fat as the cow chick. do you have any more pics, chubby?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)22:14 No.5218567

    >implying you're not masturbating furiously right now
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)22:17 No.5218576
    That girl doesn't have fat roles like the cowgirl, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)22:19 No.5218583

    I think a pretty good rule of thumb is that if your abdomen significantly changes angle just below your stomach, you're overweight. >>5217896 's does,
    >>5218195 's doesn't.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)22:24 No.5218596

    That really doesn't have anything to do with being overweight though. There's a lot of girls here who have a bump there that won't go away no matter how thin they get.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)22:25 No.5218597
    That would also depend on your body shape though. Like someone with an apple shape's would have a larger angle than someone with a pear shape, due to fat distribution.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)22:26 No.5218601
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    Just one I took by accident while leaning down for the button. Thought it was on delayed shot, my bad.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)22:28 No.5218604
    I like your bed frame.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)22:31 No.5218620

    Thanks bro, it's snazzy as all hell.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)00:03 No.5218944
         File1323234186.jpg-(81 KB, 798x639, 1268194661362.jpg)
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    OP here. I found a pic of the shopped/unshopped pics side-by-side, if anyone's still interested. Thought this one did the cosplayer a bit more justice.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)01:47 No.5219245
         File1323240422.jpg-(50 KB, 354x308, 1294900697558.jpg)
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    >mfw people call the cow girl average
    No, just no. She's not huge, but she's definitely overweight. She's not healthy. These pro-"healthy" and "curvy" standards are why the western world is so obese. A girl can have curves and a little cushion for the pushin' and she still won't look like that. It's especially gross considering the abdomen is the most dangerous area to gain weight, as it's most threatening to heart health. It doesn't matter if her thighs look nice when she has a visible gut.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)01:55 No.5219266
    this is false.
    i am overweight but have a mostly flat stomach due to body shape. i need to lose a good 30 pounds to be in a healthy range. (5'1, 135 lbs, 31 inch waist, apple-shaped.)
    my cousin is very thin. she is at the lower end of the healthy range. however, she has a visible gut due to genetics. (5'6, 115 lbs, about 26 inches), this is common on my mother's side of the family, I inherited my father's build.
    (At almost 200 pounds, he had a fairly flat stomach as well despite being visibly overweight.)
    That said, I'd say the girl from OP's pic is only a little overweight. She's probably be fine a mere 5-10 pounds lighter.
    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 12/07/11(Wed)01:56 No.5219271
    No, we're obese because we have unlimited access to food and eat too much.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:04 No.5219285
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    so you're saying these classically depicted women were gross.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:14 No.5219311

    Back then that was beautiful. Because a heavier girl was likely to be able to carry a child to term and survive. Advancement in medicine made death in childbirth relatively rare so the beauty standards shifted.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:16 No.5219315
    Also, being fat meant that you were rich, so it was considered beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:22 No.5219335
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    Guess I'm not cut out for /cgl/, I don't find error with most people, I just see them as... people.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:23 No.5219340
    There is nobody on Earth that doesn't see flaws in other people. Whether it bothers you or no is a different question.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:24 No.5219345
    Rich people set the standard for beauty for the rest of the commoners.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:25 No.5219349
    >>Because a heavier girl was likely to be able to carry a child to term and survive

    You DO know that is STILL the case today? I'm not saying a whale, but this size is STILL perfect for child bearing.

    >>Advancement in medicine made death in childbirth relatively rare

    America has the 3rd largest infant death in hospitals in first world countries, and even some 3rd world countries are doing better than America.

    Just to let you know.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:27 No.5219353
    They still do now.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:27 No.5219354
    Er, that's because the people having those babies are Mexicans and Blacks and well...
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:28 No.5219355

    Yes, but skinnier girls are also able to successfully carry children to terms with less risk to their health.

    And I was speaking of the MOTHER surviving not the child. There's plenty of complications that can kill children but even if the child dies the mother is far less likely to die than she was in that time.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:31 No.5219364
    Well here's where you're wrong. I don't >see flaws in other people.
    I experience the flaws in their personality, yeah. That point is almost a given. But, as an artist, i think fat people are more interesting because they have different masses to be challenged with. I think skinny people are a good way to study the structure of the skeleton, and I think that muscular people are a good way to study muscles. I like them all naked, I like them all clothed, I like them all in costume, young and old (lol unintentional rhyme). But older is more interesting because of wrinkles and character. Black people come out 'shiny' and a person who is >beautiful...
    that's a god damned waist of my time. I need to draw people who are goofy looking and not symmetrical to really capture the model.

    In a nutshell, it's a different way of thinking all together.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:31 No.5219366
    Chicks, dolls, babes, yes she's overweight. But... You don't need washboard stomach to be healthy. Now she's pushing it, but she looks healthy.

    ... and as a male I'd do her- only after getting to know her first though, I'm not a slut, just a pervert.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:36 No.5219378
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    Can you draw this?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:36 No.5219380
    This girl has the body of Pixyteri, perhaps even lumpier, and you faggots just sit around and argue about the standards of beauty. Look at a picture of Pixyteri, then look at >>5217896. At least Pixyteri doesn't have a huge gut; she's just shapeless and flabby. This girl has a big gut, a double-chin, and enormous cheeks and it only looks worse when she tries to suck it in like that. Double-standards much, /cgl/? Or is it okay to make fun of Pixyteri because she thinks she's thin, but some fat slut in a cow costume is empowering feminists or some bullshit?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:38 No.5219386
         File1323243519.jpg-(413 KB, 800x1200, 1306105264160.jpg)
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    The smaller you are, the more complications you have during birth. That's why the female body FORCES you to gain weight to support both yourself and the baby.

    Woman are SUPPOSED to be thicker. Hell, in almost every animal species the female tends to be larger than the male.

    This girl here, is very pretty. But when(if) she becomes pregnant, she is going to have some issues if she doesn't gain more weight. That's just how nature works dude, and nothing you say can change that.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:39 No.5219388
    People make fun of PT because she is a delusional trainwreck.
    The fat stuff is just icing on the crazycake.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:41 No.5219393
         File1323243714.jpg-(126 KB, 768x1024, 1287370481557.jpg)
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    This. /cgl/ loves chubbys that are doing it right.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:42 No.5219395
    duh, but he'll forever be a Cheshire cat face because his head definition is lacking.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:46 No.5219401
    Not to ruin your entire argument or anything, but the female animal is, across the board, much more likely to be smaller. Even pregnant they will weight less and be physically smaller. This is especially true in mammals aside from a few (such as the hyena).

    And the human body of both genders tries to maintain a healthy body fat percentage, which the OP is clearly over, but not by much. I'd say she's over the 'healthy' range by maybe 10lbs, just a little chubby. She does have a chubby face though, and that she can't change much. And women are naturally smaller and thinner than the human male. The average waist on a woman is 23-27 (depending on height), on men it's 32-37. The hips tend to be equal between men and woman, though the imaginary 'ideal' figure has slightly wider hips. The only real size that is larger is the circumference of the thigh, because men don't store fat on their thighs until they reach very unhealthy levels.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:46 No.5219402

    Yes I know, that's the point I've been making. It's why bigger women were considered incredibly desirable and were the definition of beauty in ancient Greece.

    But it's changed today because while bigger women have less complications thinner girls are less likely to have life-threatening issues because of advanced prenatal care.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:53 No.5219408
    honey... i come from a family of viking proportions. Trust me when I say there are some women just as big as men.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:53 No.5219410
    The basal metabolic rate is about 6 percent higher in adolescent males than females and increases to about 10 percent higher after puberty. Females tend to convert more food into fat, while men convert more into muscle and expendable circulating energy reserves. According to one small study of 8 men and 8 women, females (on average) are about 52 percent as strong as males in the upper body, and about 66 percent as strong in the lower.[27] In general, studies have indicated that women have 40-60% the upper body strength of men, and 70-75% the lower body strength.[28] Males, on average, have denser, stronger bones, tendons, and ligaments.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:54 No.5219412
    Has nobody seen Julia Child? She's gigantic.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:56 No.5219419
    Yeah I get the whole "animal" argument, but the thing is- humans are their own animal. You can't judge a human's size by saying that the females in other species are generally smaller, because humans vary way too much.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:58 No.5219428
         File1323244711.jpg-(48 KB, 586x425, julia-child_48528078.jpg)
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    i'll just leave this here
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:58 No.5219430
    >8 men and 8 women

    Damn, when you said small study, you weren't kidding.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)03:00 No.5219435
    you have me confused with the anon making that argument good anon. I was adding more input.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)03:40 No.5219536
         File1323247213.jpg-(205 KB, 1205x1800, saku-kemonomimi-animal-cosplay(...).jpg)
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    The standards for a woman's ideal beauty is very much influenced by what society has conditioned us to think. It varies from different countries. And it is always changing, never constant. Do we compare looks to photoshopped magazine covers and fashion models who are what gay designer men deemed attractive? Or perhaps we should look at popular porn actresses, that have had numerous plastic surgeries?

    Each individual person also has their own person preferences for whatever reasons. But there is also the need to fit in, and not appear different, so some people will simply be vocal about shunning fatties, because they may care how their friends judge them. Plus it's just so easy to condemn others that are not like you, making one feel better about themself.

    I was brainwashed into thinking that chubby women were ugly, growing up and having all the kids making fun of fat people, seeing girls going crazy over dieting... In an art class, there was a nude model that we had to draw. She was 'fat', so I thought YUCK in my head. After a while, as I was looking at her, I realized who the real ugly person was. Me, because she was attractive in her own way, and I felt really bad about myself.

    IMO, this cowgirl is borderland fat-thick. And that's ok, perfectly fine. Guys in general prefer girls with curves, and an hourglass figure.

    Female peacocks chose their mates by how elaborate the male peacock's tail feathers look. But the same crazy eye-catching feathers that are used to attract the females also make it really easy for predators to spot and kill them.

    Studies show that people are attracted to symmetric faces, but I think that theory is overrated. People can have symetric faces, but if both sides of the face are ugly, what do you get? Also, many famous movie stars that are deemed super sexy I notice also have very asymmetrical faces. Although having them being shot at their best angles really helps.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)03:49 No.5219549
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    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)03:58 No.5219561
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    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)03:58 No.5219563
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    >> Massive Tile Sale 12/07/11(Wed)04:10 No.5219583
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    This anon is my tummy double.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)04:15 No.5219588
    >The standards for a woman's ideal beauty is very much influenced by what society has conditioned us to think. It varies from different countries. And it is always changing, never constant.
    It is changing, but it also never strays too far from a certain range. Severe acne, bulging grandma veins, too much body hair, being extremely over- or underweight, body odor and bad breath are never considered attractive. Hourglass figure is always in fashion, regardless on whether the trend is towards thicker or thinner build.

    Some people will always be considered below standards, anywhere and anytime.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)04:24 No.5219596
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    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)04:25 No.5219598
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    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)08:40 No.5219947

    Whoever photoshops her pictures does a pretty bad job of it.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)08:56 No.5219966
    people always say that after they realize what they're looking at is a shoop
    when they think it's real it's "Who is this goddess", and then they find out it's fake and suddenly "the original looks so much better, what a poor shoop"
    but the shoop is the only thing ever reposted.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:01 No.5219973
    Urgh, god, can we all just agree that yes she is overweight but that doesn't necessarily mean she's unattractive? Look, I've put on weight lately, I'm pretty chubby now (not quite got OP's gut though) and I wouldn't wander round in a tiny bikini. I'm unfit and unhealthy and my body is a symptom of that - I'm not going to go 'waah, i'm not unhealthy i'm beeyootiful' because that's simply not true. At the same time, I still don't think we should police each others' bodies and I wish I had the confidence to not fret about what I look like too much and just treat it as a health issue. So much denial in this thread!
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:06 No.5219979
         File1323266818.jpg-(701 KB, 1008x742, cosplay-rikku-final-fantasy-x-(...).jpg)
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