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    File : 1322766647.png-(329 KB, 701x505, weaboo_cosplay_by_a_troll_is_you-d47tpap.png)
    329 KB Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)14:10 No.5199424  
    post some weeaboos stories and experiences here
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)14:29 No.5199488
    It is ^w^
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)21:24 No.5201130
    PT. End of thread.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 12/01/11(Thu)21:29 No.5201149
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    I saw a Dave and a John at Disneyland the other day. It was... I don't know man, I just couldn't help but groan and face palm.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)21:35 No.5201168
    Today I saw a girl who reeked of weaboo-horror-stories.
    She didn't even notice me, but holy fuck I am retracting my power levels around her.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 12/01/11(Thu)21:43 No.5201193
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    Oh yeah, I just remembered. We're having a party in Japanese class next Tuesday because it's our last day, and I heard that some people are going to bring cosplay. Second hand embarrassment will be had.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)21:47 No.5201202
    Post pictures?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)01:03 No.5201940
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    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)01:07 No.5201952
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    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)01:12 No.5201975
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    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)01:14 No.5201990
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    It gets better.

    I happened upon this while browsing the forums, trying to figure out why my PNG images were losing their transparency when I uploaded them to DA.

    The DA forums are a horrible,horrible place.
    >> Tizzy☆ !rohmYgaHWc 12/02/11(Fri)01:16 No.5201998

    >japanese class
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)01:17 No.5202005
    As dumb as the person in the caps looks... She's kind of right in certain aspects. "Otaku Culture" does exist and is appreciated by many people, but anime is just one of those veins. And MLP wasn't as popular as it is now thanks to FIM.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)01:21 No.5202020

    No,no I agree with that, it's just this person is being an enormous fuckwad and being rude to everyone.

    It just bothers me when people who don't like something have to be so annoyingly vocal about it.


    Y'know, the "stop liking what I don't like." crap.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)01:27 No.5202043
    I don't even like MLP but shit, son.
    >> Tizzy☆ !rohmYgaHWc 12/02/11(Fri)01:33 No.5202072
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    this gets me every time.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)01:37 No.5202089
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)01:40 No.5202104
    I've had the misfortune of having my own mini Pixyteri.

    >Didn't believe she was Japanese (proudly German) but became obsessed with geisha.
    >Is very short with dark hair, took this as an excuse to spend money she didn't have on kimono and accessories
    >Actually wore a kimono and geisha make-up to perform for heritage day at her college. Was the only "Asian" there thankfully so the shame was limited when she performed with a fan to a song from Final Fantasy.
    >Annoyed the hell out of the kimono dealer at our yearly convention for the entire weekend.
    >Went to professional studios to have photos taken of her in her kimonos and with her hair done up in 'traditional style'
    >At one point began to sell "geisha jewelry" with business cards made as well with some weeabooish Japanese name she thought up. Jewelry was cheap plastic beading and wire.
    >Generally provided years of secondhand embarrassment for all of us around her.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)03:21 No.5202404
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    I know more about the kawaii nippon then you ever will. I even use very kawaii kaomoji. Now I throw bomb at you~

    トス!!( ' ')ノノ⌒●~*

    That sounds absolutely horrendous.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)19:03 No.5203937
    >although my personal favorite is when she moved in with us for three years and made my life a living hell.

    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)19:35 No.5204063

    Yeah, not that much to say here, actually. Sometime near the end of my freshman year her mother, who weighs somewhere near 300 pounds and is living off of welfare, kicked her the fuck out. So she brings a select few items of hers over to our house and states that she'll be staying "for a couple of weeks". We don't have a problem with it.
    Foolish family of the past. Why oh why did you not see through this simplest of ruses?
    Two weeks turned into two months. They moved out of my bro's room and into the basement. More of her shit kept appearing. Two months turned out to last three years.
    For the entire time, she never got a job. My mom's a private practice lawyer, but she still only rakes in a little every month. We're not rich by any means. I jumped at the chance for employment, she loathed it.
    It was during her stay that I realized I detest this woman. Loud animu every goddamn night from the basement. I could hear that shit through the heating vents. Cheetoes and Pop Tarts and 2-liter bottles of Coke would appear randomly, each marked with some fucking kanji character. I had a pop tart of hers one morning when I was late for school, and she didn't stop bitching about it for the rest of the day.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)19:51 No.5204126
    I worked in a themepark, a couple of summers ago.

    Yaoi-loving cosplayers. Everywhere.
    It was a true horror.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)19:58 No.5204150
    There's a weeb stories thread over at >>5181813
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)19:58 No.5204154
    homestuck isn't a manga or anime, so explain how that's weebish? with that logic did you facepalm when you saw the staff at Disney in costume as well? No seriously are you retarded?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)20:01 No.5204163
    What country?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)20:02 No.5204169
    I agree with you about the Homestuck not being weeb because weeb = Japanese fixation, but your analogy doesn't work at all. Paid staff in costume at a theme park really =/= amateur cosplay from people attending
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)20:07 No.5204189
    wasn't making an analogy there, my point was if I fucking dressed up as batman and was called a weaboo for it, the accuser in question is wrong. Motivation for doing it was never a part of my argument
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)20:10 No.5204196

    Here is a short story of one of the horrors;
    I worked at a burger-bar in the themepark, and this was one of the less busy days, so I was the only one there.
    Suddenly a HUGE group of Kingdom Hearts cosplayers showed up to buy burgers. I had served burgers for a lot of other cosplayers before then, but this group was so big that I had to ask "Will there be some cosplay meet-up or something later? Pre-con?" - At this point I had stopped going to danish conventions, so I was just being curious as pre-con would mean: meeting old friends.
    They all went absolutely batshit, screaming "KYAAA THIS GIRL KNOWS WHAT KINGDOM HEARTS AND COSPLAY IS!!!!!!".
    They told me, while excited that nothing was going on and that they were just there for the fun of it, because going to theme parks in a cosplay is SO fantastic and not at all fucking embarrassing. Then they proceeded to ask me about my favorite Kingdom Hearts pairings and other inappropriate things.

    Meanwhile I was just hoping that my boss, who disliked me, didn't accidently walk by and overhear anything.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)20:26 No.5204236
    That feel! That's just like my kimono friend. She fancies herself a chef so if you let her into your house, not only will she eat a ton of your food, she'll mess up the place trying to make a simple meal using three times the pots and pans as she needs.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)20:28 No.5204242
    Uh no, like I said I agreed with that part. But nobody is gonna facepalm over Disney mascots in Disneyland just because they facepalm over homestuck cosplay in a theme park.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)20:29 No.5204243
    It's the whole, "Dressing up in public for no reason aside from dressing up" factor. If I saw you walking around the street as Batman and there's no convention, movie, anything; you're just Batman, damn right I'd laugh at you. Even if you were at an amusement park, I'd still laugh at you. You would be making a spectacle of yourself.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)20:30 No.5204249
    That, friend, is why you don't let your power level show.

    Personally, though, I don't mind seeing cosplay groups wherever (though with theme parks with rides I think wigs and props are always gonna be dumb). If I saw a group of shitty cosplayers, I'd feel bad wherever I was. If I saw a group of awesome ones, I wouldn't hate on them for being somewhere it's not usually seen.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)20:30 No.5204250

    I think it's more the connotation of the word "weeb" that people are refering to, not the actual definition.

    You think of weeb, you think of a very specific type of person. There's not really a word that's Western related that brings about that image.

    Nerd and geek certainly don't.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)20:40 No.5204277
    Not the point I was getting at. They were categorized as weebs and that's the problem, they weren't called geeks or nerds, but weebs which is specific to those who are generally non-japanese and have an obsession with the culture. Dressing up as Batman or Disney is not the point. Also if when did weeaboo ever become an overarching term for all things nerdy, and not specifically for otakus, why even use that term if it's so non-specific?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)20:40 No.5204279
    Out of curiosity, if someone where to cosplay a Disney character in one of their amusement parks, would it still be weird?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)20:42 No.5204284

    Being laughed at or being made fun of for dressing up isn't the point. If you are dressing up as a comic book character not related to japan in any way you shouldn't be categorized as a weeaboo, stop looking so far into this.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)20:42 No.5204287
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)20:46 No.5204303
    Here I was thinking that maybe the Holocaust has humbled this prideful race.

    But nope. Every fucking Jew I see are more racist than the redneck town I grew up in. And I'm Asian.

    Fuck Jews.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)20:50 No.5204321

    yep, they'd probably be called a weaboo for it.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)20:52 No.5204339

    Doesn't have the ring of it. "Weeaboo horror stories" "Dweeb horror stories".

    Besides, the only people pissy about this are probably homestuck fans who don't want it to be known their ilk are actually weeaboos.

    Just because they're not currently cosplaying something from Japan doesn't mean they're not fans or acting in a weebish manner.

    connotation over denotation.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)21:00 No.5204372

    when does the actual denotation of a word fall short of it's connotation? you alone can really decide things like that? what's even the point of using the word if it's going to be used incorrectly? That's perfectly fine though NIGGER.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)21:06 No.5204387
    Ironically in this place people constantly use 'nigger' but don't mean black person. Almost as much as 'faggot'.

    I'm with you, though. It's gotta be comparable to Wapanese to be weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)21:08 No.5204393

    You just lost your own argument dude by resorting to the "I can apply this to anything look at me!" argument.

    I mean really, weeaboo and by extension "weeb" is a made up word of the last ten years. You really trying to compare it to a word with a history of negative connotations and oppression and a negative denotation? Really?

    You gonna bring up WWII next?

    Hell weeb doesn't even have a straight definition, it's one of many. One of which includes being such an attention whore they'd do anything to get it.

    Like cosplaying at a theme park.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)21:10 No.5204396

    who said you had to say dweeb. YOU CAN SAY "GIGANTIC FAGGOTS WHO DRESS UP LIKE TOOLS IN PUBLIC" or anything for that matter. So just because it has a better ring to it, it's okay to be retarded about it? What's even the point of using that word if you want "EMBARRASSING WEABOO STORIES" rather than anything else. So if I saw a guy dressed as spiderman dancing aroung in the street like an ass, it's acceptable for me to post in this thread about that? Would you all really enjoy me not actual providing stories about weeaboos, but semi-related nerdy stories? Seriously why put a false label on a thread that's the main question I'm posing here. I honestly doubt star trek convention stories would really be welcome in such a thread and I would be criticized for complaining about people who are doing shit related to star trek (it would be off topic).
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)21:13 No.5204412

    If it's an entertaining story about someone behaving like a jacktard/socially-inept moron/creeper, than yes, people would love to hear it.

    That's what the thread is about. Stop arguing semantics you autistic dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)21:15 No.5204422

    wat? Way to completely miss the point. Where are you getting this from I called you a nigger because that's exactly the point, you probably aren't and lol the fact that you jumped on that of all things is pretty funny. So okay cool I start posting in this STARTREK NOW LOL. Oh and if you feel the need to be as petty as you were about the nigger thing, that was a joke as well.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)21:19 No.5204430

    Just stop. You fucking morons ruined the thread with faggotry.

    Take it to a forum that cares about the definition. We just want hilarious stories of socially-inept dumbasses.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)21:21 No.5204437

    so why not say creepy stories then as the thread title? Why be specific if you're just being general?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)21:21 No.5204438
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    You must be either that John or Dave. You're seriously freaking out over something so small.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)21:24 No.5204450
    that'd be fitting wouldn't it, but no. I actually don't even like homestuck I think it sucks personally. Just hate when people use the term weaboo incorrectly. Also the person did prove me wrong when I said nigger lol. Just seeing how long I could drag this out
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)21:28 No.5204455
    Creepy stories = /x/
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)21:31 No.5204460

    lol you're right! this was fun lets do it again /a/
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)21:37 No.5204470
    >hate when people use the term weeaboo incorrectly
    u guise srsly srsly u guise
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)21:40 No.5204474
    oh my god who the fuck cares. If the whole weeboo, weeb, or dweeb thing bugs you so much you need to get a fucking life. It no big deal.
    that being said can we please get back to the point of this thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)21:44 No.5204488
    Nah this is a wreck, just go to >>5181813

    Or is it in autosage?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)15:00 No.5206682
    What's a weeaboo?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)15:21 No.5206740
    It's autosaging, unfortunately.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)15:31 No.5206754
    New thread would be better than continuing this one then.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)15:45 No.5206789
    Made a new one here: >>5206780
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)18:30 No.5207257
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    >be 16 at second con, chubby, not cosplaying
    >black guy comes up to me, he's 27
    >starts talking to me and asking me personal questions, says I'm cute
    >asks how old I am
    >"I'm 16..."
    >"Oh, you're legal."
    >tell him I'm a lesbian and my girlfriend (my best friend) is over there and waiting for me

    Not nearly as bad as these, but it still creeped me out.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)18:32 No.5207265
    ew black person

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