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11/28/11(Mon)15:22 No.5188344 File1322511728.jpg-(72 KB, 477x331, 1311610979821.jpg)
 So, opened up the store this morning, feeling like shit but I was opening so I decided to stick it out. >Fuck I don't feel good man. >Whatever, I can do this I can do this! I only have to stay till 2! >12.pm:
nope.jpg BEG boss to let me go home, because there are 3 other people
there besides me and her and she should be fine and I am going to blow
chunks any moment now, boss whines and says I can go when she is done
with something. >Pace on the sales
floor like a mad person, trying to hide my belches and holding my tummy
in agony, helping costumers, 1pm roles around SHE IS STILL NOT DONE OR
LETTING ME GO HOME, 3 more fucking coworkers show up. >FUCK
my goal, go and sit in the back with her to help for a while, she
finally gives in and lets me go home, no batshit excuse could keep me. >It is a 7min walk home for me, halfway there I'M GOING TO MAKE IT! >NOPE.JPG blow chunks all over the fucking side walk. Someone was walking behind me, so fucking embraced now, run the rest of the way home. God I fucking hope I did not know him. At least I feel better now. |