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    File : 1322492546.jpg-(146 KB, 640x360, worried_girl421.jpg)
    146 KB Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:02 No.5187734  
    What's on your mind seagulls?
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 11/28/11(Mon)10:05 No.5187741
    Trying to find the motivation to go running for 30 mins. So far its not working, but I think I'll get off of my computer and actually go.

    Also, I have a presentation later that I hope I do well in, bleh, I wish I was done with school.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:05 No.5187742
    I want to stop being a lolita.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:07 No.5187747
    I wish my ex would visit me on Christmas so we could have wild make up sex.
    >> Smoker !HOZlQYR1MY 11/28/11(Mon)10:11 No.5187755
    The first step is admitting you have a problem, you are well on your way to becoming a normal memeber of society!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:11 No.5187756
    I'm currently at a fork in the road. I have a girlfriend but I've been sleeping with a much younger girl than me (*cough*16*cough*). The problem is, I feel so guilty I almost feel physically sick some days, and the girlfriend has started to talk about marriage and children, which I really want, but I also can't help myself when it comes to the younger girl either.

    I'm 26 by the way.
    >> Etna Is My Wife !rwTzXYi3BQ 11/28/11(Mon)10:12 No.5187759
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    Thinking bout how many stupid girls there are in the world now and how I'm going to do in jail when I murder a few of them just for kicks..

    Srly I got a monster in my head and a snubnose under my pillow that crys for me to go out into the street and find the next underage, spoiled, worthless female with all that metal shit in her face and her hair all fucked up.
    Pull out my gun as I walk by em and pop one shot of into the side of there head and keep walking..

    I'd do this at night and in a major city so I can just slip away into the unknown.

    I got problems..

    Stop sucking my air.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:12 No.5187760
    Break up and get yourself arrested for paedophilia.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:13 No.5187761
    0/10 almost got me there.
    >> hebro !foNL5ycv6E 11/28/11(Mon)10:14 No.5187762
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:14 No.5187765
    Pedophiles like prepubescent girls.

    Not trying to troll you.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:15 No.5187768
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    Fine, rape then.
    >> Smoker !HOZlQYR1MY 11/28/11(Mon)10:17 No.5187771
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 11/28/11(Mon)10:18 No.5187772
    Ephebophile then, that better?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:20 No.5187773
    I don't think it merits a name, all guys are attracted to young teen girls, they're fertile as hell.
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 11/28/11(Mon)10:22 No.5187776
    It's one thing to desire, and its another thing to act on said desires.

    Ahh, okay see, this is how trolls get you. I should really go run.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:23 No.5187778
    keep telling yourself that ephebo.

    and this is from one pedo to another: when you pretend that everyone's just like you, you're only fooling yourself.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:23 No.5187779
    I admit it's wrong, not because she's young but because I have a girlfriend. I don't have a problem with her age at all.
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 11/28/11(Mon)10:27 No.5187783
    9/10, you almost got me to write this long-winded tl;dr post as to why you are sick, but then I realized yet again that you were trolling.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:29 No.5187785
    Oh for fuck sake, what makes me "sick"?

    Girls her age used to be pregnant and married by that age. The cheating is wrong, but don't act all high and mighty about her age.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:31 No.5187790
    Learn human biology, you'll know that he's not sick for being attracted to 16 year olds. 18 is just an arbitrary limit and not reflecting actual sexual development. People don't magically turn ripe on their 18th birthday.

    He needs to grow some spine though and stop being a selfish cheating fuck.
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 11/28/11(Mon)10:33 No.5187792
    Rapists are sick in the head. I know it may be hard for you to understand this seeing as how you are a rapist, but believe me, rapists aren't right in the head.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:38 No.5187796

    Physical maturity is not the same as emotional maturity. There's some syndrome that causes toddlers to go through puberty, start periods and grow breasts. That doesn't mean it's alright to fuck them.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:38 No.5187797

    Not that dude but lol, if he's a rapist for having sex with underage girls, then I guess I am too. Had sex with a 14 year old when I was 20. It was consensual. Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:41 No.5187801

    Jesus christ, you're fucking disgusting. How repulsive are you that you have to go after girls 2/3 your age?

    PS: It was rape, and you are a rapist. If a preteen grabs your dick, it doesn't mean they want it. You. Are. A. Rapist. You raped someone.

    But don't take my word for it. Date someone your own age, anyone. Tell them that your last sexual relationship was with a 14 year old. Observe their reaction.
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 11/28/11(Mon)10:41 No.5187802
    Well, at least you can admit it.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:43 No.5187803
    I'm afraid I might be developing an eating disorder and I don't have anyone I can talk to about it :(
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:44 No.5187805

    So how does it feel to be such a smalldicked loser that only girls who only just realised Santa doesn't exist want you?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:47 No.5187807
    Me too, anon. It's odd because I used to be interested in EDs because I wondered why anyone would do that to themselves, so now when I do things like not eat for a few days or get stressy if I eat more than a bit of toast or something, I automatically think "What kind of dick am I being, I don't have an ED, I'm just a wanarexic loser!"
    But the fear is genuinely there and I carry on doing it.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:50 No.5187811

    Lol wow. Good luck having any sort of meaningful adult relationship, you ever meet a nice, well-adjusted woman she'll run a mile when she hears that little factoid about your sex life. Have fun being foreveralone ^_^
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:51 No.5187812

    She wasn't a preteen, she was 14. Go troll somewhere else.

    >You. Are. A. Rapist. You raped someone.

    Nope, again, it was consensual. She was into rapeplay though.


    Stay mature, /cgl/...
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:53 No.5187814

    I suppose you think that if you have sex with an 8-year-old who seems to be into it, it's consensual, too. Also wtg being so ugly no one else wanted you.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:54 No.5187818
    A toddler or even a 12 year old is not what we're talking about here. 18 is still an arbitrary cutoff. Someone could be 30 and still be immature as fuck, someone could be 24 and let themselves be manipulated. Will we raise age of consent again, then? At 16 a person is mature enough to learn about safe sex, about dignity as a person, about eating healthy, about civic duties, about planning a career. Stop treating them as if they just learned how to tie their shoes.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:54 No.5187819
    You're repulsive.

    My ex slept with a 14yr old when he was 20-21. It ruined her life because she didn't know any better, and was naive enough to think that the guy wanted to give her all his attention. He really just wanted the ass.

    Do you really want to be that guy who has to pay for hush-hush abortions because the girl can't tell her parents that a much older man knocked her up?
    Do you really want to be that guy who puts a young girl into therapy because she thought you really loved her?
    Do you really want to be that guy when the parents find out and your ass is in jail?
    Do you really want to be that guy who ruins a great relationship with a girl you already have because you can't keep it in your pants?

    I don't see your dilemma. I see a guy who wants the entire world to know he's the scum of the earth.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:56 No.5187822

    No, like that other anon says, an 8 year old is prepubescent, a 14 year old isn't.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:56 No.5187824
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    Some guy told my girlfriend that he has a crush on her. Where lies the problem, since she turned him down? She doesn't want to make the guy feel bad, since he's the first boy EVAH to confess to her, so she talks to him a lot, tells him how she feels confused and how he likes him in some way.

    I trust in her and know that she's just too nice to tell the guy to give up, since sincerely the guy really IS nice, but her passive way of doing things isn't doing anything else than make me more insecure about does she actually have feelings for him.

    >My face every time the issue comes up

    tl;dr: stupid girlfriend, just tell him you have a gf already or break up with me if you like him more
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:56 No.5187825
    IMO older people who have sex with young but physically mature kids (like 12-16 y/os) are almost worse than paedophiles. At least paedos have the excuse of being exclusively sexually attracted to children, someone who goes after the older kids either just gets off on having sex with someone emotionally immature and inexperienced or fucks those people cause they're all they can get (young girls thinking it's cool to have an older bf despite looks etc). Nothing more than pathetic rapists.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:58 No.5187827
    14-year-olds are kids. If you talk to one for even a minute, it's obvious as hell no matter how "mature" they look. They have the desire to please adults and want to be adults. They will "agree" to dating adults because of the above two points. I put "agree" in quotes because they do not have the maturity to give informed consent.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:58 No.5187828

    What if they were an 8-year-old who had that disease that makes them go through puberty early? They'd be post-pubescent, and about as capable of dealing with sex as most 14-year-olds I've met.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)10:59 No.5187829
    >Do you really want to be that guy who puts a young girl into therapy because she thought you really loved her?

    Sorry, but how is this his problem? The whole point of 'gaming' chicks is to convince them to some degree that you want something more than a fling, if they're too stupid to work that out, then that's their problem.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:00 No.5187831
    1) You're still a dirtbag.
    2) There's a difference between adult women, who expect this to some degree, and a naive child who will take all your words at face value because that's what kids do.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:01 No.5187832
    Girls, if you're so against young girls being taken advantage of, then why do you support feminism, which tries to push sex down young children's throats? Mixed gender education and so on.

    I agree girls need to be protected, but the only why they can be protected is by strong male figures (patriarchal family structure, paternal state).
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:01 No.5187833
    They have if they're raised right. Not all small children will follow just any stranger with an ice cream cone, and the same goes for 14 year olds. On the other hand, stupid adults get tricked by players too.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:01 No.5187834
    Massive disappointment and loneliness. Typical bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:02 No.5187837
    18 isn't an arbitrary cutoff, it's about the age at which most people are capable of dealing with sex and its consequences. Of course there will be some people both older and younger that are different, but there always will be.

    I live in the UK, where the age of consent is 16 but you can't distribute porn of people under 18 and people 16-18 can't have sex with those much older, and I think that's about right. 16-18 is about the age where the majority of people are emotionally ready to start messing about with a bf their own age, 18 is about the age where they're ready to start taking responsibility for their sexual decisions.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:03 No.5187838
    How would you not feel any sense of guilt because YOUR actions put someone into therapy? Wow, stay a douchebag.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:03 No.5187839
    Because five-year-olds blindly trust everything their parents say and young teens will purposely ignore everything their parents say because they think they're grown-up.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:06 No.5187844
    The best place to go if you want to pick up girls who are 13-16 is, ironically enough, anime conventions. I've never been to a place where there are so many young teenage girls who are DTF within a single day of meeting you. And there's just something damn appealing about how young they are. They exude a certain freshness. Young pert breasts, really amazing soft skin, soft hair and they can be manipulated (if you know how) into doing pretty much anything sexually, no matter how depraved and fucked up an older girl would find it.

    Also, the fact they're fertile even in spite of how young they are is hot too. It has always been a fantasy of mine to knock up a 14 year old at a con and then just bail and 'escape' without her knowing enough about me to get the authorities involved.

    Call me a pedo or whatever, but it's true.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:06 No.5187845
    Your world is so binary. Humans don't quantum leap from naive child to adult person as the difference between present year and year of birth gets higher. People learn and grow at different paces. Acknowledge what humans are and look at relationships as a case per case basis.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:09 No.5187848

    The younger girls are in it for the sex just as much as the older guys. One could say that women care more about sex than men in many respects.
    >> Etna Is My Wife !rwTzXYi3BQ 11/28/11(Mon)11:09 No.5187849
    I had sex with a 11 year old girl..

    I can't lie, she was 11 and white.
    Camping out one summer across the creek from my backyard, so me and my friend (who knew her and her friend) went over there to try and scare em one night, ended up creeping inside the small tent with them, lay down and start acting like we was going to sleep, I end up rubbing up on her lil body (she was only like 80 pounds wet 4'6 tall) She grabs my hand and moves it around to her front under the sleeping bag. I being a man start my attack on her budding young chest (poor chick was so flat and nothing there) Finger my way up to her mouth that she sucks on my fingers, wait a lil bit and shift around to reach down and just start to fingerbang her under the sleeping bag, make her cum, then me and my friend bounce out the tent before sunrise.

    She comes over to my place a week later with her friend, keep her friend in my room to play my ps1 as I lure her to the bathroom where I fuck her and take her v-card from her right there on the floor.
    Best sex I ever had.

    also before you call me a pedo..
    I was only 16 when I did this..

    Am I still a sick fuck?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:09 No.5187850

    Hey dude, I hope you know that victims of statutory rape can legally go to the police years after the fact. You'd better pray that the girl you raped never gets pissed off at you because the minute she decides to, you'll be looking at jailtime. Don't worry though, I hear that guys in prison love a child rapist.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:11 No.5187852
    Sorry, but I have never met an "adult" 14 or 15 year old. The only people who claim people that young are fully mature are either that young themselves or are creepy scumbags.

    Etna, trust me, between this and all your other posts we know you're a sick fuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:12 No.5187853
    >five-year-olds blindly trust everything their parents say
    >young teens will purposely ignore everything their parents say because they think they're grown-up.
    Two false generalizations. For one, 5-year olds grow a bond with their parents gradually. But when a child is separated for an extended time with their parent, like in the case of a father working abroad for years, it is common to need time to earn their trust. They don't just listen to ANY adult.

    In the case of young teens, the rebellious teen case is an exaggerated Hollywood trope. Actual parent-teen child dynamic can range from child blindly following their parents-know-best, child blindly ignoring the parent for various reasons, or child and parent having conversation.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:13 No.5187855
    I love how pedos always start off by saying it's completely about sex with young girls and then try to claim that their underage partner is actually ~emotionally mature and it's totally a normal relationship when they're called creeps.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:17 No.5187858
    Jesus fucking Christ. Why do we need to have this thread every month? Can we please stop baiting the rapist? If you just let him make his sad little "Look at me, I'm a rapist" post, he'll be satisfied and go away.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:19 No.5187862
    Christmas is on my mind! Just wrapping presents and listening to Christmas music right now :3 I can't wait to go home and see my family.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:19 No.5187864
    Well, at 15 (12 years ago) I knew enough not to take drugs when I had access to it, and know enough to take precautions if I want to have sex (I didn't because I didn't want to). The ability to think that through is proof that I was mature enough to make those decisions.

    My brother's girlfriend at 15 decided she would rather pursue a vocational school rather than go with the flow and push for university, because she weighed the pros and cons of her family's financial situation and her 4 younger sisters. She brought the idea up to her parents before they brought that up to her.

    Physically, mid-teens' brains are capable of being developed to that level of maturity, if not the experience, and that occurs all through history. Whether or not today's youth use the potential depends on how they were raised.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:20 No.5187868
    They're not pedos.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:23 No.5187872
    >bawww! he's not having sex with me, that means he's a rapist!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:24 No.5187875
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:25 No.5187878
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:31 No.5187888
    What is on my mind... Stress I guess.

    I have a lot of psychological problems (due to some childhood trauma), some of which makes it hard for me to be close to and communicate with other people for more than a few hours every week or so.. I cant even see my boyfriend for more than a day or two at a time without needing to be alone for a longer period afterwards.

    Last year I wanted to overcome these problems. 1st year of college. First couple of weeks went great, but then it failed miserably from there.
    Tl;dr after the first year I agreed with my teachers to switch to an online college course.

    Problem? Im the first one in this country who is taking a full 100% college course online. Everyone I know who have been/are online students are telling me that this is physically impossible to pull off.
    And me? I agree with them.

    This is so fucking hard. I cant stand being around other people, but not being around anyone is -at the same time- slowly driving me mad.
    I am stressed out because I am behind on all of my assignments. Last month I had to go to the hospital for a week because I was stressed to the point of being really horribly sick.

    I really want to go somewhere in my life. I need this education. But as it is now, I just dont see how in the world I'll be able to survive the next two years of college, doing this to myself.

    I live really far away from all civilization as well. My parents are rarely home. Its me in this huge 200-year old house all day, just doing my homework.
    I cant handle any job in my current state either.

    And that is whats on my mind. Giving up.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:37 No.5187897
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    >taking the word of people on 4chan as 'fact'
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:42 No.5187905
    Yes. A sick fuck and a pedophile.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:43 No.5187907
    they're still disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:48 No.5187914
    A quick pop open to your local dictionary will tell you the difference, anon.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:50 No.5187918
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    My thumb itches.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:50 No.5187919
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    >that sentence
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:55 No.5187927
    >Complain about rape
    >Have rape fantasies

    Stay classy femanons.
    >> o-slap 11/28/11(Mon)11:56 No.5187928
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    I'm running out of money and if I don't get a part time job ASAP I won't be able to survive on my own. I have to bicycle everywhere because I can't afford the bus which means less downtown trips and having to go down the scary hills every day. I have a million things to catch up on in art but no more huge paper to do it all on, a bigass art history project+essay+different paper to do, and a difficult final translation project for Russian to complete in addition to daily homework. Need to get financial aid squared away so that my school continues to get paid for next term. Still need to sell my car. Have to look for different apartments for moving out in January with my friend.

    That's what's on my mind, I know I'll get through it but right now it feels like a gazillion things that are making my head at risk of exploding.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)11:57 No.5187931
    >Complain about child support
    >Have impregnation fantasies

    Stay classy meatsticks.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)12:05 No.5187939
    I was given a new medicine for my hypotension but the side effects were so bad that I had to stop it just after a day. It sucks because the medicine was working. I'd rather have low blood pressure and faint then to have headaches that bad. It felt like a ballon was placed in my skull and someone was blowing it up.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)12:07 No.5187942
    lol America land of feminism and man-hate.

    In my country the age of consent is 14 and the girls would probably go crazy if they made it 18yo.

    I feel sorry for you american brothers, you have my axe. There's nothing wrong with desiring young fresh girls.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)12:11 No.5187948
    Men didn't used to have to pay that shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)12:20 No.5187963
    I'm worried because I keep getting weird headaches around my eyes and in my sinus cavitives constantly ... And I don't know exactly why.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)12:30 No.5187979
    It's definatley your sinuses then. When my sinuses start to act up my eye sockets hurt, especially on my left side. Usually one sinus is worse than the other. You might want to go to the doctor and get prescription nose spray.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)12:31 No.5187981
    You're sick. Congratulations!
    >> Etna Is My Wife !rwTzXYi3BQ 11/28/11(Mon)12:45 No.5187993
    I fail to see how I am a Pedo..

    I was only 16 and horny..

    It's kool for 16 year olds to bend a 11 year old preteen over the side of a bathtub and put it in her 80 pound ass.
    And just so you know..
    She like 20 something now with 4 kids, we good friends and everything is kool.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)12:49 No.5187999
    Keep telling yourself that if it stops you from feeling the guilt. If your friends thought it was cool they're as sick as you are, I don't know any teenage boys who would think that was acceptable.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)12:51 No.5188002
    Do you still feel attraction to girls that age even as you've gotten older? If yes, then yeah, you're a pedo.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)12:56 No.5188006
    20 year olds with 4 kids?! holy fuck pickle! on the other hand.. the way you describe her, she sounds like a slut from birth..
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)12:57 No.5188008
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    captcha: dazing proof
    >> Etna Is My Wife !rwTzXYi3BQ 11/28/11(Mon)13:06 No.5188020
    I know RITE!?
    There lots of girls like this and she even told me after her second kid that it still gets her wet to think about how I just man'd up and bang her lil loli ass on the bathroom floor like I did.
    Bitches are just meat and they come and go in my world, fuck feeling guilty but no I don't think I'd do it now.
    Every now and then some silly Jailbait trys to hit on me or TRY and get my number, And everytime I shoot there silly asses down!
    Makes me feel like such a BOSS!
    lol I love stupid ass 4chan you dumb sheep will cry about anything! BAHHHH!!!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:07 No.5188022
    When I was 14, I had a relationship with a 18 year old. Fucked me up for years, since I thought he loved me. Gave my virginity to him and everything... He called me crazy after he cheated on me and lefg me. The fact is, I wasn't crazy, I was 14.
    Now, I'm in my 20s. I consider it rape, because I wasnt mature enough to make those decisions, and him, being the adult, should have known better. He destroyed me for years.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:14 No.5188032
    That is the most retarded thing I've ever heard. 14 really isn't that young; You were a freshman in high school.

    >I consider it rape, because I wasnt mature enough to make those decisions, and him, being the adult, should have known better.
    That is not rape and people like you are the reason why people accuse girls who really HAVE gotten raped of crying wolf.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:17 No.5188035
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    >on the bathroom floor
    Thought you said you bent her over the tub. My bullshit senses are tingling.

    Pic related; Is this what you said to her?
    >> Etna Is My Wife !rwTzXYi3BQ 11/28/11(Mon)13:17 No.5188036
    It's females like you that end up dead in a ditch someplace.

    Know ya fucking role in life and take the dick.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:19 No.5188038
    >> Etna Is My Wife !rwTzXYi3BQ 11/28/11(Mon)13:21 No.5188042
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    I don't give a flying fuck what you think Anon.
    You don't even have a trip to come testing me, fucking bathroom floor is right next to the tub, gotta move around in anal sex dumb dumb, I'm sure you know that from all the faggot cock you take.

    Come at me bro.. You will lose every time.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:22 No.5188043
    Isn't statutory rape where I live.

    Also, bawwwww.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:23 No.5188048
    >stupid feminist laws to control men
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 11/28/11(Mon)13:25 No.5188052
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    Everyone has heard my story before, and I'm not going to repeat it. If you honestly love someone under the age of consent, then you love them enough to wait. Not being emotionally ready really fucks you up, and I know myself, and others, didn't understand what we were getting ourselves into. If a girl is mature enough to understand, she's mature enough to understand why it's important to wait for legal reasons and not put the partner at risk for being persecuted.

    Not that what I say matters as a lot of the people here are trolling this thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:25 No.5188053
    Lol, you're funny. I think you mean "come at me sis."
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:25 No.5188054
    > Stupid laws protecting girls from sleazy men who just want sex.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:27 No.5188059
    >implying girls don't love it
    This board is the living proof of it.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/28/11(Mon)13:31 No.5188062
    I haven't, but I won't ask, what you said there makes enough sense as it is. There's a difference between this and someone who likes to have sex with young girls then dump them.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:32 No.5188063
    I wasn't even trolling. What >>5188022 said made me rage a bit.
    >> Etna Is My Wife !rwTzXYi3BQ 11/28/11(Mon)13:34 No.5188067
    I love how this thread is derailed by dumb ass pro-fem banter.

    You Bitches need to hop up off the internet and get back to child-rearing and cooking.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:35 No.5188070
    Screw it.Been trying not to post since it's almost definitely trolls from word one,but this is still floating on the first page so- I agree with h.n.
    Sure,you guys claiming to have slept with teens may have happened upon the sort like many of my old classmates who graduated with at least 2 kids and didn't give a fuck-but then you have the other percentage. The ones who are in the typical young teenager candy coloured 'i'll find a perfect boyfriend and we'll be so super happy and perfect and blahblahblahsomedisneychannelnothingevergoeswrongbs'. Those are the girls-the majority I'd say,but hey-could just be the people I know- who end up fucked up later on for getting involved in this sort of thing. I personally did and that's why I can say it as fact. I fell for the lovey-dovey acting and ended up feeling like a disgusting whore. The guilt over ever doing it tore me up horribly and screwed up quite a few potentially good relationships because all my mind did was keep reminding me of what I'd done and I always felt dirty and like I didn't deserve an actual good relationship or that one day I'd tell the guy and he'd be repulsed.
    So yeah.You're all trolls, but going after young girls for some ass by manipulating their desire for actual love will most likely lead to therapy and/or massive self-loathing problem.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:36 No.5188072
    You're honestly the sweetest, nicest girl on this board. Don't turn into a slut, please.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:38 No.5188074
    My boyfriend decided that we should end our relationship for now. It took three conversations to get to the real reason, which is that he needs to sort out his life right now, and he can't do it while in a relationship. Which I understand, but it still hurts. I wish he could give it a shot, because we've both been extremely happy in this relationship.
    But there's absolutely nothing I can do, because it's all up to him.
    All I can do is hope that he wants to get back together once he sorts everything out.

    I'm trying to will myself to get upset and cry and to just let it out, but I just...don't feel anything right now.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:41 No.5188077
    I'm trying to start fresh and change myself. Just got out of a shitty relationship, so I don't know if my haircut/shopping spree/health-crisis, is caused by it or if I really do want to change.

    I don't know. Stressssssssss.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:42 No.5188079
    >I personally did and that's why I can say it as fact. I fell for the lovey-dovey acting and ended up feeling like a disgusting whore.

    Blame feminism, feminism has been encouraging girls to be whores for decades now.

    Girls should love their fathers and obey them, that's the way to well adjusted young women.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:43 No.5188085
    While I sympathize with the rape victims in here, I really think that the last place you need to tell it is on an anonymous image board.

    Sorry! The best one can do is to just learn from mistakes.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:44 No.5188086
    When I was 12 I fell in love with a 20-something guy.. :| I didnt know any better, and he knew that I didnt know any better.

    Result: Feeling like a whore for many years after that guy dumped me.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:45 No.5188087
    >So yeah.You're all trolls, but going after young girls for some ass by manipulating their desire for actual love will most likely lead to therapy and/or massive self-loathing problem.
    >desire for actual love
    hahaha you're so naive. Teenager girls like that don't go around fucking older guys, only the dumb sluts do.

    >OMG I'm so much better than guys my age, I deserve a guy who already has a car, who has his own place, who drinks and do drugs. I'm so much more mature than people my age!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:46 No.5188090
    You lost your virginity at TWELVE?

    Fucking hell!
    >> Queen N !!dqP6WAmFwk9 11/28/11(Mon)13:49 No.5188093
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    i'm sorry anon. that sounds torturous. i know it may not seem like much, but i think it's amazing that you're still trying to get an education when you're feeling physically ill from mental issues and huge amounts of stress. i admire that strength and determination to move forward in life. don't give up! if you've made it this far, you can do anything!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:50 No.5188095
    You missed the point there. A teenager of that type meets an older guy who puts on the airs of a sweet,affectionate knight-in-shining-armor type. She becomes infatuated as teenagers easily can (one sweet comment OMGZ we're in love!we'll get married!) and is eventually charmed into thinking well,sure we can fool around since we're inloooove and destined to be 2gether 4everz. Guy ditches her. Fucking crazy breakdown ensues.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:50 No.5188096
    For me, it went like this.

    >Im into anime. No other boys my age like me. But I met a guy who is older and tells me he loves me. I dont have experience with being loved. But he is so nice to me...
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:51 No.5188097
    No, thank god :/ I probably would have felt even worse if that had been the case.
    The guy was a total dick, but I guess he knew that what he did was wrong. We never had sex, but he did make me do other things.. A lot.
    I have never told anyone since then because of how wrong it is. Back then I used the reason "but age is just a number". It was only when he told he me that he never liked me and only did this because I was such a naive child, that I realised how awful this was.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:54 No.5188104
    She's still a dumb slut. The only difference between her and the retarded teen mothers is that she was lucky enough not to get knocked up. Sorry but I have low tolerance for stupidity.

    >Im into anime. No other boys my age like me
    What? You can find a shitload teenager nerds out there.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:56 No.5188108
    the girls itt: having sex with a girl under the age of consent is rape, she is not emotionally ready for it, it is wrong

    the guys itt: 12 years old girls fucking love having sex, they hate these mean laws binding their legs shut

    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:56 No.5188111
    Small town. Parents refused to take me anywhere as a teen. All the other nerds in my school were fat, or dating someone already.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)13:58 No.5188114
    Same sort of thing here. I think there's a reason posts like 'hurr i bangeded a 14/15 yr old' get a lot of heat on /cgl/. Many of the girls here seem to have been in the position of being regarded as a nerd or weird in some way for their interests be it anime,games,comics or some other such thing. I had zero luck finding a guy my age who didn't think it was weird for a girl to like those things-I only ever ran into older guys who shared those interests.
    Sadly,the nerdiness and the shittiness of teenage boys seems to lead to female nerds being easy prey.Become the only guy to like her for who she is including less than girly hobbies and she'll likely lose sight of proper reason.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)14:00 No.5188120
    Well maybe you could have done something extreme like not dating when you were 12yo. Crazy isn't it?
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 11/28/11(Mon)14:00 No.5188121
    Thanks for the nice comment Anon!

    I'm actually a huge prude and really shy when it comes to dating and sex. I just made a mistake when I was in middle school, I'm not sure if it's that I was duped or the guy himself was just very stupid to think it was an okay idea, and it ended very badly for me.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)14:01 No.5188124
    Oh Etna. It's adorable that you think you're scary or something.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)14:03 No.5188128
    Wrong anon. I didnt start dating until I was 15. I just can understand where these girls are coming from.
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 11/28/11(Mon)14:04 No.5188131
    To explain a little further, it started out as a friendship, boundaries got pushed, I thought if I wanted to keep said friendship I'd have to accept it becoming something more. Stupid 14 year old logic.

    I'd never had a boyfriend or really understood the dating scene, and as I said, it ended badly.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)14:04 No.5188133
    Responding and I suppose an addendum to >>5188114 .
    Sure,there are plenty of teenager nerd guys-but it seems in every case of talking to other girls who had the same 'no one likes me because I like anime' issue the nerd guys had NO interest in nerdy girls.
    It always happened,that all my chill male friends who loved anime and such had absolutely no interest in girls who liked it.They almost always discussed this or that hot 'popular' girl who had no interest in them and regarded them as weird geeks.
    So,the inherent problem:Nerdy teenage girl wants nerdy teenage boyfriend but nerdy boy wants girl who finds him repulsive simply for nerdy interests.
    For all the threads over at /r9k/ and such where guys are whining they'd LOVE to have a girlfriend who played games and everything,I have a feeling they were the guys who ignored said game-playing girls in school.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)14:08 No.5188142
    >We never had sex, but he did make me do other things.. A lot.

    Such as?

    Where was your father? Or your brother?

    Girls who are into anime can be really slutty unfortunately : /
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)14:08 No.5188144
    >people 16-18 can't have sex with those much older

    Actually I'm pretty sure the age of consent is just 16 and that's it in the UK.

    16 year olds here having sex is pretty normal. To be honest there were girls more sexually aware at 14 in my school than I was by the time I was 19.

    Whilst I'm not going to say I agree with what the guy is doing (you know, cheating and all), I find it hard to comprehend him as a rapist, not only because it is legal here but because we really don't know the girl. For all we know she had a few sexual partners prior and is fine. Taking advantage maybe, but most girls get taken advantage of, it's a shitty thing to do to a woman regardless of age.

    If we were talking fourteen or under, or clearly immature girls then yes, that's disturbed.
    >> Etna Is My Wife !rwTzXYi3BQ 11/28/11(Mon)14:08 No.5188145
    I'm ya worst fucking nightmare and you know it sweetcheeks.

    It's been awhile since I posted in this dump.

    Good to see it still sucking ass.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)14:09 No.5188150
    Why can't you girls just listen to your dads instead of going with older guys when you're so young?

    Is it really just because you wanted to feel love, or were you looking for sex too?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)14:15 No.5188164
    LIstening to your dad is the lamest thing a teenager girl can do.
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 11/28/11(Mon)14:16 No.5188165
    My father spends a lot of time in his time in his room having nothing to do with the rest of us. It was worse at that time, it was all the time, and when he'd talk to us, he was always mad. He'd yell at my mom for paying too much attention to me instead of him, and she had depression/health issues that made her pretty absent on top of that.

    I don't think it had to be a guy, I just wanted someone to care about me. My parents weren't. It did get better, but at that time, it wasn't a great situation.
    >> Mika !oRbSrLD/7w 11/28/11(Mon)14:16 No.5188166
    I don't understand why I'm supposed to use regression testing. Is it only to find how closely variables relate to each other and not so much the direction of the relation?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)14:19 No.5188173
    Blowjobs for one thing :|

    I am going to leave this thread now. I'll admit that I was a fucking stupid 12 year old. I was naive, had never experienced love before, and was already dealing with psychological issues from an incident that had happened years before that.
    I truly believed that this guy liked me. And guess what?
    I have been punished for my stupidity. I've been with my current boyfriend for almost 2 years now. The furthest we have ever gone have been a kiss, simply because I have lots of issues with touching or getting too intimate.

    I was dumb, and Im fucking glad that Im not a teenager anymore.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)14:21 No.5188176
    Mika, I love you bro.

    ~ Your danish friend
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)14:22 No.5188180
    Something like that, I believe - if you're talking about regressing Y on the X, or something of the sort.

    Generally speaking, so long as you can plot the points, you don't really need to test the direction of the relationship - it's pretty obvious - but what can't necessarily be determined from a simple scatterplot is how closely the variables are related.

    ...I think, at least. I haven't done Stats for a while, but it seems right in my mind.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)14:27 No.5188191
    >I've been with my current boyfriend for almost 2 years now. The furthest we have ever gone have been a kiss, simply because I have lots of issues with touching or getting too intimate.
    I feel bad for him, he should just dump you and find someone sane.
    >> Mika !oRbSrLD/7w 11/28/11(Mon)14:30 No.5188193
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    Ah okay, yeah that would make sense since we would have the graph show direction. I've just been having troubles interpreting SPSS. Fuck stats ;_;

    Thanks though anon, this does help convince me that it's more about how it relates.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)14:31 No.5188200
    See, this is the problem, if a father doesn't pay enough attention to his daughter and show her enough love, she goes elsewhere for it.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)14:34 No.5188210
    Didn't you enjoy giving him head?

    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 11/28/11(Mon)14:34 No.5188212
    To be fair, just my mother would have been fine.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)14:36 No.5188219
    Because that's how it works.
    >> Zahirus !cKIIerE.OE 11/28/11(Mon)14:37 No.5188220
    Planning to travel to the US in April. I must find a way to make enough money for it, my half-time job worn suffice to afford it so soon.
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 11/28/11(Mon)14:44 No.5188243
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    I need a job. So badly.

    But no one in my area seems to be hiring. I've handed out a fuck ton of resumes anyways, on the off chance I'll get a call, but it seems pretty futile.

    The school program I'm doing is done... half way through January, and I can't start college until next September... So I really need to find work soon. Cuz I can't sit aroud doing nothing for nine months.

    Plus I need to save up so I can go to University in BC in three years. And I want to be able to fund my cosplays, because that's the only thing I really indulge in anymore... I'd at least like to not have to mooch off other people to fuel my hobbies.

    Christmas is coming, and I have no idea what to get anybody, or where I'm gonna get the cash to get anything. My dad is pretty much broke too, so I can't borrow from him.

    Maybe I'll win the lottery or some shit.

    I think there's something wrong with me, because no matter how much sleep I get, I'm tired all the time.

    I want to finish my novel by summer time, but with the home work I have, it's hard to get any time for writing.

    Fuck, some days I just never want to get out of bed. But that's just counter productive so I can't do that. Maybe I'll take up drinking or something. Lol

    > tl;dr, first world pains. first world pains everywhere
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)14:54 No.5188280
    Do you want to get married one day?
    >> Mitsuki 11/28/11(Mon)15:03 No.5188305
    Oh nothing new, still job searching and going back to school today was not exciting. I just want these few weeks to pass by, get these finals out the way and be done for the semester. I don't know what it is but I'm just not feeling school anymore, I've given thought to joining the military but I don't know.

    I'm a bit bummed my dance central 2 game got messed up when my little brother tried to hook up the kinect, I paid $29 for it on black Friday, so no dance party for me. My dad offered to buy it again but I'll just ask him to put that money towards something else.

    >first world, first world problems all in this post
    >> OmenMachine !U9T1TX5Wno 11/28/11(Mon)15:08 No.5188316
    No idea how I want to approach this piece. I might just work overnight on it for the next two days and get a few different variations of it done.

    Also being stupid and reverting back to a lot of things like having panic attacks out of nowhere and worrying about my weight. No fun there.

    Other than that, everything is super awesome and wonderful and I'm pretty happy with life
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)15:10 No.5188319
    Sad, stressed. Went up to visit my family for some weeks. Mom drank really heavily in that time, fell twice, got lots of cuts and scrapes. My sister fights with her, she's sad all the time..started thinking I couldn't deal with it, wanted to go back to my own place. Got used to the routine, ask my bf if he misses me but he doesn't. Thinking about staying..or going somewhere far away. Be alone for a while. Just feeling sad. Listening to music at the moment, it helps.

    ever heard "when I'm small" by phantogram?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)15:12 No.5188323
    I skipped a surgery because I panicked about forgetting my cell phone at home and not knowing my next plans for the afternoon.

    I'm feely really bad for missing the damn laparotomy and I really hope that guinea pig did not die, because that'll make me feel guilty for not being there.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)15:19 No.5188341
    I had sex with a 21 year old a week after I turned 15, and needless to say it was the worst decision I could have ever made.

    Seriously, don't fuck young girls.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)15:21 No.5188342
    I feel really, really sad and useless. I've literally never felt like this before in my life. I'm in my last year of high school, and it's really kicking my ass. I can't get up the motivation to do my work, and I know it's my own bloody fault, but I just feel like I needn't bother, because everything I do is just going to be worthless anyway. I'm not failing anything, but I feel like I'm the most useless person in the world. I get more and more anxious every day, and the weird habits I've always had are getting much worse. I don't know what I'm going to do, because I can't go on being like this. And I really wish we weren't studying Sylvia Plath in English, because it's not exactly cheering me up. Also, if my History teacher says one more thing to me, I'm liable to stab her in the eyeballs.
    Aaaand that is my silly, self-indulgent rant for the day.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)15:22 No.5188344
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    So, opened up the store this morning, feeling like shit but I was opening so I decided to stick it out.
    >Fuck I don't feel good man.
    >Whatever, I can do this I can do this! I only have to stay till 2!
    > nope.jpg BEG boss to let me go home, because there are 3 other people there besides me and her and she should be fine and I am going to blow chunks any moment now, boss whines and says I can go when she is done with something.
    >Pace on the sales floor like a mad person, trying to hide my belches and holding my tummy in agony, helping costumers, 1pm roles around SHE IS STILL NOT DONE OR LETTING ME GO HOME, 3 more fucking coworkers show up.
    >FUCK my goal, go and sit in the back with her to help for a while, she finally gives in and lets me go home, no batshit excuse could keep me.
    >It is a 7min walk home for me, halfway there I'M GOING TO MAKE IT!
    >NOPE.JPG blow chunks all over the fucking side walk.
    Someone was walking behind me, so fucking embraced now, run the rest of the way home.
    God I fucking hope I did not know him.
    At least I feel better now.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)15:39 No.5188371
    Doctor informed my my thyroid will fail
    "What I can I do to stop it?"
    >Nothing, damage is already being done. Beyond repair, only a matter of time before your thyroid becomes underactive and you need meds forever lololol
    After YEARS of taking my blood and monitoring it. They didn't bother to fucking tell me or try ANYTHING to prevent. Fuck this shit. I'm not gonna be a pill-popper for the rest of my fucking life. I already have enough shitty ass diseases and I don't need this one.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)15:41 No.5188376
    Sadly, I know that feel all too well. I hope you're okay now. D:
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)15:44 No.5188381
    Trying to avoid a coworker that had the cops called on him for coming to my house, uninvited, Thanksgiving Eve.

    It's definitely the highly of my creeper stories at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)15:47 No.5188386
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    I leave to go and have an amazing thanksgiving with my bf, come back home, and the next day, today, I realize that over the four days I wasn't home, everyone ate any edible food in the kitchen. Even the things I bought for myself. All there is is horrible chips and a few stale cookies. I tried to eat them, but now am with a bit of a sick stomach. Damn it, I just wanted to eat something substantial after a work out and have a good afternoon. Instead; stomach ache and nothing to eat unless they decide to finally get off their asses and order something from whatever fast food place of the week they decide on....
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)15:49 No.5188389

    > everyone

    Room mates or family? I'd flip my shit if they were my room mates.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)15:52 No.5188393
    That I'm scared of getting out of my depression because I don't remember not being depressed.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)15:53 No.5188399
    Balancing paying for grad school, taking classes at grad school, doing my thesis, and having my last year around the American con circuit before I move away after graduating from grad school, which includes running a skit. Also applying for jobs in a country where the official language isn't my first language.

    The fuck is my life.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)15:56 No.5188403
    I have been there! Are you on meds?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)15:58 No.5188405
    After 21st of December I won't be seeing my boyfriend for 13 weeks. It's not like we see each other everyday in real life because we live in different countries, but 13 weeks just makes me want to burst. Well, at least it comforts me that I have a one way ticket for that time then when we see again. But I have to buy a ticket back at some point before summer arrives. :/
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)15:59 No.5188406
    Not yet. I still have to try a couple of therapies before they want to get me started on meds, since alternatives are always better.

    I don't have high hopes on the therapies, though. I mean, I doubt volunteering to help the elderly is going to get rid of a 14 year long depression.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)16:02 No.5188409
    Well it depends, what happened 14 years ago?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)16:04 No.5188416
    Deciding if my boyfriend is hopeless at this point and that I need to end it, or keep going with the flow in hopes that it will get better once I move near him. LDRs are shit, but he is a great catch. I just don't know if I can last 1-2 more years of saving up money from a shitty job.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)16:08 No.5188426
    It's a mix of several cancer related deaths, being bullied for as long as I can remember, never having friends back me up, getting abused by teachers, getting abused by my stepfather, moving repeatedly and a bunch of other things. Though, it didn't fully cripple me until my next stepfather came along.

    I'm glad I finally got a therapist that believes me, rather than shoving it off on me being an every day teenager looking for attention.
    >> mac !!fU1jYnyhEgS 11/28/11(Mon)16:14 No.5188435
    Makin' plans to go out today and grab some different colored pairs of boxing gloves for my Little Mac costume...

    You see, my friends and I tend to have a bit of a problem with con creepers, (you know the type.)
    and by my logic, nobody wants to glomp the guy who's already wearing boxing gloves.

    Con's in a couple months, but no harm in getting things planned out in advance, right?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)16:17 No.5188440
    It saddens me that there has been only one therapist that had believed you. I'm glad your finding help. I'm sure you just have a lot of pain you need to get out in the open and once you do that you will be able to re build who you are.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)16:31 No.5188463
    I'm out of work, and not having any luck finding a job. I've been working in hospo/retail for almost a decade and am not prepared to do it anymore - I have the skills to do admin/office work, a college degree, and am intelligent enough to pick up new skills/learn new systems very quickly. My mom told me the other day all I do is cosplay. I think I'm turning into PT. If I start growing a troll chin and starting to smell, I'm going to throw myself under a bus. I want a job :(
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)16:35 No.5188470
    Why the fuck do I get constant migraines?

    Scratch that. My doctor and I know the reasons why I get constant migraines.

    Let's replace that with "Why the fuck do my headaches not respond to any relatively safe prevention or relatively safe treatment other than massive amounts of Excedrin and/or Ibuprofen?"

    I had plans today which did not include light making me want to throw up and wasting all day in a dark room.
    >> mac !!fU1jYnyhEgS 11/28/11(Mon)16:35 No.5188472

    When i graduated high school I had the big, ol "Well shit, now what..." moment too. I was really hurting for a job/something to entertain myself.

    So I started mixing music on my laptop with virtualDJ at some underground parties in my area, saved up for a controller, now i mix at clubs and get paid to do so.

    Take your natural passion, put it out there and market it.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)16:37 No.5188479
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    fuck. this makes more sense than anything ever.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)16:44 No.5188489
    You get that feeling where you're seeing positive things all around you, and while it's good for them, you can't help but feel fucking pissed at everything around you anyways?

    That's how I feel right now.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)16:44 No.5188490
    I wonder why some women including myself would rather watch lesbian porn over hetero. I'm straight I just like watching women more than men.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)16:45 No.5188493

    Good on you! I was actually doing that for a while myself - it went really well for a bit, I was busy as hell and making some $$ but business has slowed right down again. While I'm not going to stop doing the work I love completely, I am having to just face the fact that while I'm not getting any new clients I can't just leech off my bf and family. I dunno, logically I know I'm not an unemployed douche (barely) but mom's comment hit a bit too close to home. Seriously, I am terrified of being seen to be like PT! Nothing is worse than being under some retarded delusion of grandeur and actually just being a burden on people :(
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)16:46 No.5188495

    I know that feel, sis.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)16:46 No.5188496
    because girls are, quite simply, prettier.

    guy here. you're not crazy, believe me.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)16:48 No.5188502

    I know that feel
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)16:49 No.5188504
    as if anyone cares about a pedo's opinion. gtfo
    >> mac !!fU1jYnyhEgS 11/28/11(Mon)16:49 No.5188505
    You do have to keep in mind that other people are just that; Other people.

    They're only human too and have their own shortcomings. Don't ever let anyone tell you doing what you love isn't good enough.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)16:51 No.5188510
    Awww, whats the matter? Got no one to make you a sammich?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)16:54 No.5188516
    women, ESPECIALLY in porn, are WAAAAAY better at pleasuring other women than men.
    I hate most straight porn because it just looks painful and the men remind me of every selfish exboyfriend i've ever had
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)17:01 No.5188538
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    There's something in my eye.
    I've been digging at it for the past 45 minutes and it won't come out.
    I think it's dog hair. My dog's hair gets fucking everywhere. He needs to die already.

    //first world problems
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)17:04 No.5188547
    I think I also get insecure about my ability to preform as well as the women do. I think either "I will NEVER do that" or "I can't bend that way" or "Wow she is good at that, I suck compared to her!" Then when he is all riled up I'm like "Well if you like her so much go fuck her!"
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)17:08 No.5188554
    My date cancelled on me tonight. Someone at her job got sick and she was called in. I know shit happens and we did reschedule for later in the week but I still feel a little frustrated.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)17:09 No.5188557
    >every selfish exboyfriend

    You sound like you've let a lot of men use your body.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)17:11 No.5188567
    >Then when he is all riled up I'm like "Well if you like her so much go fuck her!"

    Who is "he"?

    And men don't care about sex as much as you girls think. Most men want a wife, not some random cocksleeve.
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 11/28/11(Mon)17:15 No.5188580
    I'd like to, lol.

    I'd suggest seeing a doctor. There's a large range of problems that could be wrong causing you to sleep all the time.

    This was the point of Senior year I thought was the hardest, so burned out. Graduation felt so far off, and what was the point once I did.
    Just keep on pushing, I hope you feel better.

    Finding a therapist you trust is very important.

    Anyway, I'm sick and feel terrible. Still waiting on bloodtest results, I really dislike waiting for things like that. And I need to reclaim the sewing table to start work on genderbent Madoka cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)17:16 No.5188588
    "He" is my fiance. So I guess that proves your point. It's insecurity mainly. I let it into our love life.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)17:19 No.5188601
    I miss the physical intimacy I had with my ex. I wish we could see eachother face to face just one more time to have lots and lots of amazing sex.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)17:19 No.5188603
    My convention (Tigercon) is in 5 days and I'm still not quite ready yet!

    I am worried that I won't get my stuff in on time. If only I'd ordered sooner...
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)17:30 No.5188642
    Awe man.
    I had an entire rant typed out. Captcha ate it all.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)17:34 No.5188662
    When I read threads like this it just gets me depressed.

    I broke up with my boyfriend a few weeks ago because he was cheating on me, with, surprise surprise, younger girls. I've had three boyfriends, all of them have cheated on me. All of my friends I know have been cheated on at least once, usually more than once. Whenever I'm in the company of guys they talk about girls like we're pieces of meat.

    I don't think there are any good guys out therre anymore and it makes me depressed.
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 11/28/11(Mon)17:40 No.5188684
    That's really tough. Having someone cheat on you is hard to go through one time, more or less three times.

    But even though there are guys who cheat, there are also guys who find cheating detestable and never would.
    >> Martyr !7zWLMSsaJI 11/28/11(Mon)17:42 No.5188693
    I'm excited the semester is almost over and I have little to do other than study (have 2 papers, but they're pretty easy). I'm not excited to be doing intersession and spring semester. I'll be going to classes constantly for the next year. It's kind of a daunting thought, but I need to do it to be able to graduate in the summer. It's a bit scary, but I think I can do it. Also, I wish I knew more ridiculously cheap recipes that I can afford on my budget. I love to cook but I can't afford to make nice meals...
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)17:42 No.5188695
    Want to quit my job.
    Will be poorfag
    Hate my job very much, moment I get there I am counting down to go home.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)17:46 No.5188715
    You know, when you're on the "You've mistyped the Captcha" page, just hit back.
    It gives you a new captcha and all your stuff is still in the box.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)17:50 No.5188729
    I know. I messed up so I fixed it. Then I sent it. And poof. No post.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)17:52 No.5188733
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    It always works for me.
    Sympathy hug.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)18:34 No.5188854
    Thanks anon. I have no return hug pictures on my iPod, though!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)19:25 No.5188988
    My parents never take me seriously when it comes to concerns relating to my animals. Whether it's giving Doritos to my birds or blowing pot smoke at my cats.

    The other day they let their friend rub some herbal fake pot all over my cat because "He likes it" even after I asked them to stop. Which turned into a big argument. Now he's sick and if I told what I think made him sick that would also turn into a big argument.

    I need to move out.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)19:53 No.5189081
    Wow, your parents sound really immature
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)19:58 No.5189094
    I've had many friends state that they act like Teenagers.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)20:26 No.5189192
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    I totally fucked up landing a second job by missing the orientation meeting yesterday. I don't even know how, I was waiting on pins and needles checking the calendar and my e-mail up until that day, but then I woke up Saturday and oh-fuck, it's an hour after the meeting ended. I think Black Friday totally fucked up my groove, I went home exhausted.
    I guess it's okay though? I've been working in the food industry for most of my high school years, and I hated it so I'm not too torn up about it. I'm just really embarrassed. At least my co-workers at Hot Topic are awesome as fuck, and the job itself is pretty fun even if shit gets crazy busy.

    Also, why are men's shoes so goddamn expensive? If I could just get away with wearing these things with lolita, I could maybe part with 50 bucks, but shit...
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)21:23 No.5189349
    >But even though there are guys who cheat, there are also guys who find cheating detestable and never would.


    Good one!

    No there aren't.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)21:27 No.5189363
    Thinking about two girls and they're friends

    The first one would be easier, but she's short and a bit overweight which isn't attractive to me. The other one is hotter but I think it'd be harder to get with her. Meh
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)21:30 No.5189369
    >there are also guys who find cheating detestable and never would.
    When guys say that they're talking about cheating on their ideal and perfect woman. When they get into a relationship with a normal girl they just don't give a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)21:30 No.5189370
    I don't wanna clean my room.

    I really need to, it's a disaster zone, but I dun wanna.
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 11/28/11(Mon)21:32 No.5189378
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    The guy I'm on break with didn't.

    Though I don't think he could pull it off if he wanted'd have to know him to understand though.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)21:35 No.5189384
    This. Men don't really care about cheating when it comes down to it.

    Maybe there are a few who aren't like that. Most men are bestial though.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)21:41 No.5189399
    Realizing I have no idea what I want to do with my future, considering dropping out of college and becoming a hobo.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)21:42 No.5189402
    My significant other doesn't care about me and only contacts me when they're bored. They spend all of their money on cosplay and didn't even pay for anything on my birthday, so I ended up footing the bill. We also don't mess around in bed anymore. My significant other is also fat while I'm skinny. I've had friends tell me that we don't "match".

    Should we break up?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)21:42 No.5189407
    >Though I don't think he could pull it off if he wanted to...
    What do you mean? No other girl would want him?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)21:43 No.5189408
    /cgl/ really is just /a/ with vaginas sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)21:47 No.5189424
    Reread your post as if you were a stranger reading it for the first time and then ask yourself if that sounds like a healthy relationship to you.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)21:49 No.5189428
    >My significant other doesn't care about me
    >Should we break up?
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/28/11(Mon)21:49 No.5189430
    You want someone to say yes, don't you? Just as a confirmation. I do think so, if it's the way you say, you should break up. Sounds like you're wasted on them. :c
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)21:52 No.5189435
    I'm >>5189369 and I don't have a vagina. I was just telling the truth. Unless a guy whorships your ass he'll cheat on you with a prettier girl(or even an uglier one) if he thinks he can get away with it.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)21:53 No.5189439
    I made some new friends at the last con I went to. I met them through a mutual friend. We hung out, and their freakin' fantastic!! They are awesome cosplayers, not to mention they are a blast in a glass. Problem is I don't want to seem creepy, by like messaging them on fb, and being like "hey!" cause I'd love to be like actual friends/ cosplay with them one day. How do I not seem stalker or creepyish? P.S. one of my friends is very forward, and already has, but they haven't talked to her... She VERy forward.... I'm weird sorry =P
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)21:56 No.5189452
    Are you just judging all men by what you would do?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)21:57 No.5189456

    Guy here, not going to lie, if I meet a hotter girl and she comes on to me, I'm going to find it hard not to have sex with her. I think emotional loyalty can trump it if I'm not physically 'loyal' though.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)22:00 No.5189470
    It's just the logical thing to do, even more when it comes to sex. A man would easily fuck a woman he hated if she was hot enough.
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 11/28/11(Mon)22:08 No.5189489
    No, it's that he's the exact opposite of subtle, and he has a really strong conscience.

    That's the main thing...but he also worships me, and has told me multiple times that he thinks I'm the most beautiful woman in the world, even though I'm sure I'm not. He's also not very social, so I don't know where he'd meet this "other woman" anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)22:08 No.5189490

    Aww shit, it's all true.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)22:09 No.5189493
    But that's just generalizing similar to if I said all women are whores.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)22:10 No.5189499
    I just found out my ex i was taking a break with til she was ready to commit to me would rather sit on her fat ass and cyber with some chick in the US. I'm flesh and blood, would do anything for her; and she chose a computer.

    I know I shouldn't be so upset and angry, but really? What kind of selfish, fucked up excuse of a human being does this? Picks something that's not real over something RIGHT THERE.

    I'm so mad right now.
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 11/28/11(Mon)22:14 No.5189514
    As you should be. But you're probably better off, as it sounds like not a huge loss.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)22:21 No.5189540
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    Sometimes I think my boyfriend is never going to let me fuck him.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)22:27 No.5189558
    I woke up at 3AM to find my boyfriend in his computer chair with no pants on and a distinct boner. I rolled over, pretending not to notice, and I heard him hurridly put pants on.

    I'm confused as to why he denies he masturbates. It doesn't bother me in the least bit. Him denying he does bothers me more. Makes me paranoid he's masturbating to someone or something he shouldn't.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)22:27 No.5189561
    Would cgl consider the fact that my significant other never asks me about my interests or hobbies and always picks where to go without my input not caring about me?

    Did I also mention that the son of a bitch is a fatty? XOXO
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)22:27 No.5189564
    I was talking about men in general. The majority will do what I said they'd do but it doesn't mean 100% of them are like that.
    I've seen a guy refuse free sex in a bachelor party even though his girlfriend was a thousand miles away and would never find out about it. The other guys(most had girlfriends, some were even married) didn't give a fuck.
    What women never know is if your boyfriend is the one drinking orange juice and staring at his shoes or if he's the one busting a nut in some whore's mouth.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)22:32 No.5189577
    Solution: tell your guy you dont want him in strip clubs/rowdy bachelor parties, and you don't want him having a drunken bachelor party.

    See how he responds. If he doesn't care, he's a keeper. If he's outraged, dump his ass. Ask him how he would feel if you were paying to have some hot guys rub their dicks all over you?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)22:33 No.5189581
    Most hetero porn out there is not designed to appeal to women. A lot of guys are ugly, old or just faceless big dicks, and the scenarios are just plain stupid I can't shlick to that. There are a few good ones where they woman looks happy and the man is nice to look at but they're rare. I mostly just look for amateur vids of couples.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)22:35 No.5189587
    >see how he responds. If he doesn't care, he's a keeper.
    That's a shitty way to know it. He can say he doesn't care but jump in the first chance he has. It's much more his actions than the words that come out of his mouth.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)22:52 No.5189640
    Found out Jamie and Roy mr Metrocon harms broke up. I always thought she was a nice girl that was waaaay manipulated by him so I'm happy to hear it. But part of me would be disappointed if he dumped her a not the other way around. Did he just get sick of her and move on, or did she finally wake up and dump his ass?? She's way better off without him.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)22:54 No.5189645
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    Having issues with my boyfriend and he isn't even perceptive enough to realize I'm fucking pissed at him.

    We hardly see each other or talk because our schedules are as opposite as they get: he works nights and I work a split shift in the day with school between. And whenever we DO get to see each other, its vidya time. Always has been, even before we dated and I didn't mind back then. But now that we've been dating for two years, we've hardly done anything together and nothing's changed. I've tried talking to him about how I dont like how most of our relationship was WoW and he somehow ninja'd my mind. Still trying to figure that one out.

    More recently, he's been saying we should try to get a place for ourselves and we've both started saving up. We can easily afford an apartment or townhouse for rent, hell we could buy a house worth 120k with our combined efforts. But now that we have everything saved up, he's comfortable staying in his parent's guest suite.

    We're hardly intimate, and when we are it's on the couch in his mancave with the tv on and some show that he watches while i'm vying for his attention. Last time we were truly intimate without any distractions was August, at least. And the last time we made out, he slammed the brakes when his grandma came downstairs (I dont mind, legit reason) and after that when I tried to get it going again, he played fucking Skyward Sword for three hours and the instant Zelda popped on the screen, it looked like he jizzed himself.

    I have to compete with animu and vidya girls. I'm sick of it. But I'm tired of trying to talk to him to explain that I'm unhappy. We never get a chance to sit down and talk. And I want us to work too. Yay both of us being retarded in our own rites.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)23:04 No.5189688
    your boyfriend sounds like kind of a
    no wait, he sounds like a complete manchild, who doesn't have any ambition and is content to live in his parents' basement and play video games until they find him dead from heart arrhythmia from all the mountain dew and cheetohs. it sounds like you guys don't even have a relationship, you're just a convenient girl to have around to create the illusion of doing something with his life. try to have a serious talk with him; turn off the video games and tv and refuse to let him have either until he listens to you. but keep in mind things might not improve. if they don't within a few months and it looks like he's making no effort, sever, because there is no real relationship there.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)23:07 No.5189708
    Why won't he? I've never met a guy who isn't interested in sex
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)23:12 No.5189729
    Tis what all my friends are telling me to do, but I honestly have a difficult time with it. I'm terrible at talking to people when it's something I think is important. No idea why, I just do. But, I know things can only get worse if I just keep thinking things will get better. Hopefully I'll be able to meet up with him this weekend and should be able to talk with him then
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)23:18 No.5189764
    I think the anon was trying to say the boyfriend is scared of the buttsecks.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)23:19 No.5189765
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    Really second-guessing moving in with my long term, long distance boyfriend. I know I shouldn't. I love him, we get along so well and rarely ever fight. The few months we HAVE lived together one on one have always been fantastic. We share chores, spend lots of fair time together, manage our money well, and never get bored of the other's presence.

    But my parents and friends are all telling me that it's going to go bad, that I'm going to regret it, that if I jump into this then there's going to be no turning back and I'm just going to fuck up my life. I love him a whole lot and I'm sure we can work, but they're really making me second guess myself and wonder if my ideas are naive... Sometimes I think my dad only keeps me around to have the house clean and running, as him and my brother sure never do...

    I'm tired of this tiny town. I want to move out and be with him, but now that everyone's telling me that it's going to be a mistake, I'm really scared. I have nobody's support in this...
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)23:25 No.5189792
    Sounds like you need to move out.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)23:26 No.5189803
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    I've been with my boyfriend for almost a year now. I love him more than anything. He's the only exception-literally. He's the only man I've ever loved. I'm usually attracted to girls, but he and I fit together so well.

    But I'm terrified of penises. He's been dropping hints that he wants to have sex soon, but I'm so scared. I don't know what to do. I'm usually the dominant one in a relationship, but with him I really don't know what to do.

    I feel so terrible. He has been nothing but wonderful to me. What do?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)23:28 No.5189813
    I have a crush on a guy I found on tumblr. :S
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)23:35 No.5189849
    Currently jobless and desperately trying to get a job. The 3 jobs that DO want me AND pay well ($12-$14 hr) don't start until mid-end of Dec.

    Jobs like fast food, dept. stores, and everything at minimum wage won't hire me due to being over-qualified or simply not hiring. Boyfriend I'm living with is in the same position selling knives and chat staff to people and companies.

    Rent and electric bill is due on the 1st and 5th being $600 total. Fridge has barely anything to eat but enough for at least 2 weeks. (bread, eggs, milk and oatmeal) I'm almost considering becoming a stripper for a few weeks because fuck man. I WOULD go back to door-to-door sales but it's fucking freezing outside and I'm not up to walking around for 10 hours alone getting no sells again. Too much of a heartbreak and dissapointment.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/11(Mon)23:41 No.5189881
    First, explain how you feel to him. Then I would say foreplay, play with his cock by doing handjobs to get used to it. Let him finger you and do this over a period of time until you get comfortable with it and willing to try intercourse.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)10:51 No.5191493

    boners, really hard boners that rub up against your jeans and get really sore

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