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  • Our pals at J-List are having a Black Friday sale through Sunday night. Peter has supported and been a friend to 4chan for over 7 years—J-List and 4chan even share a birthday (October 1st).
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    File : 1322310134.jpg-(289 KB, 640x480, pika1.jpg)
    289 KB Decora thread Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)07:22 No.5181242  
    Can we have a Decora thread?
    >> Beloved_of_Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 11/26/11(Sat)07:27 No.5181248
    Only if they don't have all that plastic crap on...
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)07:30 No.5181254
         File1322310646.jpg-(154 KB, 314x500, Decora fashion.jpg)
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    Decora's are suposed to wear a lot of plastic, cute jewelry..
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)07:34 No.5181259
    See, the thing I don't like about western girls doing decora is that they seem to think it just means crazy wigs and lots of crap on their head. Their outfits are always boring and uncoordinated with what's on their head. Decora isn't just the hairclips, it's the outfits too. They're crazy coloured, layered and just as over the top as the hair and accessories
    >> Beloved_of_Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 11/26/11(Sat)07:35 No.5181260
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)07:40 No.5181270
    I think OP has good taste. Who is that girl? Anyone has her name?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)07:42 No.5181277
         File1322311355.jpg-(711 KB, 1000x1000, pika4.jpg)
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    I found her on DA
    Has some pretty good art too.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)07:50 No.5181293
    so you found her pics almost exactly as she uploaded them? Lucky find...
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)07:54 No.5181300
    I watch her on DA for some time already, so yes ;p
    >> Ten Bears !vn2ZJeqyPU 11/26/11(Sat)07:58 No.5181304
    OP looks like a hot mess.
    I used to love decora back in the day...but it was a LOT of work. Especially upkeeping the outfit throughout the day..

    As >>5181259 says, most western girls just can't do it. Regardless of the cluttered appearance of it all, there is some thought that needs to go into it.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)08:11 No.5181324
    smells like self-post
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)08:32 No.5181338
         File1322314327.jpg-(175 KB, 774x1032, deco_loli_style__3_by_pastel_a(...).jpg)
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    I think the girl in OP looks decent, I saw some of her older photo's and she is really at her improving fase.
    She just needs to learn how to combinate things more, I think she just saw too much Lawlfactory >.>

    Lawlfactory ruined Decora I think, with her weeaboo ''how to'vids about decora while she doesn't even wear more than 3 clips in her hair.

    ''I went all out today'' (Decora FAQ and confidence video)

    What do you guys think of LawlFactory/Pastel-Ai?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)08:37 No.5181342
    looks more like fairy kei than decora
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)08:46 No.5181349
         File1322315174.jpg-(71 KB, 1280x800, lalwfactory1.jpg)
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    Iknow, she now claims to be fairy kei, but when she posted these pics she was die-hard decora. She even told people decora shouldn't wear much hair accesoires.

    And this is her when she claims to de fairy kei...
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)16:41 No.5182057
    as an adult now, when I look at decora it reminds me when I was a little kid and I wore every single hair clip I had. Its cute (sometimes) but it brings back that memory of my teacher being all.O___O 'wat did u do 2 ur hare?!' when I went to school that day and then being sent home because I was a 'distraction' haha!
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)15:28 No.5184605
    back to page 0 with you, MOAR photos
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)17:01 No.5184927
         File1322431280.jpg-(73 KB, 462x699, tumblr_lkb6wi7SUX1qeyy14o1_500.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)17:01 No.5184929
         File1322431318.jpg-(74 KB, 385x700, tumblr_lv5pv1x7zU1qc2dh9o1_500.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)17:02 No.5184932
         File1322431369.jpg-(164 KB, 467x700, tumblr_l2mk12znxg1qc2dh9o1_500.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)17:04 No.5184937
         File1322431447.jpg-(102 KB, 450x600, tumblr_l2mk5yDOdQ1qc2dh9o1_500.jpg)
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