How come in the East Coast Uncle Yo is able to garner a lot of con appearances and is invited to perform standup while in the West Coast the convention standup comedy scene is almost nonexistent? I mean in the East Coast pretty much you can ask about standup comedy at anime cons and Uncle Yo's name comes to mind but if you ask the same thing on the other end of the US people would just scratch their heads.Are there no funny people in the West Coast?
I don't know the names of any of the comedians but I've watched convention comedy out on the west coast.
>>5172154If they were memorable you'd know their names.But see that's the difference. The East Coast has Uncle Yo who can have an entire show dedicated to him while the West Coast needs to have at least 10 comics to fill out the same span of time.
>>5172171Does that mean 1 Uncle Yo = 10 no name West Coast comedians?
Never even seen Uncle Yo and I've heard of him. Kinda thought he was the only convention comedian...ever. How come more people don't do this? I kinda wanna see the return of some of those trips that were cracking cosplay/cgl jokes awhile back.
I don't think it's an east coast/west coast thing. Uncle Yo's just that good, and we're lucky to have him in the northeast.Honestly, I hadn't seen one of his acts since he was just starting out, until the AUSA masq halftime... Dude had me rolling. Fuck the haters, he's great.
>>5172171Actually, I'm bad with names in general. That first day at work where they introduce you to half the company? Oh yeah, bad day.
so what i'm gathering is that you have uncle yo and no one else? basically it's a 0 to 1? sounds like the whole country has a dearth of comedians in that case.
>>5172214Anime fans trying to be funny in masquerades is painful enough. Try imagining them do standup frightens me to no end.
>>5172146Here's another theory, he's possibly the first one to be a otaku stand up comedian. I saw him making even jokes about anime cons during the saving for an anime convention panel. He mentioned that ATMs are like hookers during anime conventions.
I've got mixed opinions on him. At my local con he emceed and basically insulted a pair of girls after their yaoi skit (despite it being kinda tame a well put together compared to your typical yaoi skits. They didn't really serve it) but then had a backup mp3 on his laptop already of the karaoke version of Carmelldansen for a group who's music went wonky. During judge deliberation he proceeded to riff on Bleach for 10 minutes, making some bit along the way about Bleach cosplay looking like dead cow hide. Then when the judges were back I got first in craftsmanship for a Bleach costume. And yet I lolled and favored his side when I heard he smacked a girl who was harassing him with a tray at some other east coast con later.
We do have a scene out here; in fact, Last Comic Standing at AX 2010 had coverage by Comics on Comics. The scene is growing, and while the names we've produced may not be as prevalent as Uncle Yo, we still have good material flying out. Who knows? Maybe we really are that behind in getting our names across the continent. Or we're all too poor/lazy/engrossed in other business to do so.I'd love for Uncle Yo to go for our show, though!
How does Uncle Yo compare to LCS? He seems has a very friendly personality when performing....minus the whole tray bashing incident.
>>5172409Does /cgl/ even go to LCS?
Uncle Yo was the first and was wise enough to market himself. Meanwhile in the West Coast no one has really made an effort to put themselves out in the same light
>>5172409Couldn't tell you. I've never seen him perform.>>5172513Well, knowing that three tripfags are the ones who actually run Last Comic Standing at AX...
>>5173509You, Masa...who's the third?