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    Love, mootykins

    File : 1321926887.png-(33 KB, 812x140, lockthisbitchaway.png)
    33 KB LuvMonkeys Part 4 Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:54 No.5170299  
    Continued from >>5164810
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:56 No.5170310
    No but really. It's not her mom.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:58 No.5170319
    Has there been a response to room-anons message to her mum?
    >> youko 666 11/21/11(Mon)20:59 No.5170323
    Well, you would think that an adult woman would use actual punctuation.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:01 No.5170333
    Oh, I've seen much worse from mums on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:03 No.5170335
    well my mom can't manage to use punctuation when she writes emails to me, but then again she doesn't have a facebook either.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:04 No.5170343
    I resent my long message and haven't heard anything back. I did mention in it that I'd keep resending them because they went unanswered and I thought Ashley was deleting them.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:08 No.5170362
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    Just responded. I... never said she was crazy.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:11 No.5170382
    That's very suspicious. Still, tell her your final answer is no and you're not letting her room.
    >> youko 666 11/21/11(Mon)21:12 No.5170384
    If you want to send her one last note, I suggest something along the lines of "I never said crazy, only that I am not comfortable with her in the room. Thank you for the time, have a night night." Simple and easy.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:12 No.5170392
    Definitely not her mom.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:13 No.5170395
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    I can see you guys are on part four, but I'd like to know what's going on. Can anyone give me a short summary please?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:13 No.5170398
    Who wants a drama queen in the room anyway? Tell her "mom' that even if she is just a drama queen, you still don't want someone like that causing trouble in a room that's in your name and you're responsible for. If she can't act like an adult and not a spoiled drama queen child then she can't stay and it's clear that she'll never act like an adult.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:14 No.5170399
    Agreed. I'm thinking this is turning out to be deeper than just a bad household. If Ashley is making all of this up, she's more disturbed than originally thought. If this is really going on and her mother is denying this. then she might need more help than her daughter.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:15 No.5170406
    Some girls crazy, /cgl/ is stepping in to get her medical help.
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 11/21/11(Mon)21:16 No.5170410
    Crazy girl on DA turns out to be known by a handful of /cgl/ goers.
    She was supposed to room with one /cgl/ goer who found out crazy bitch is bipolar, MPD, homocidal, suicidal, and schizo.
    [I'm not exagerating.]
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:18 No.5170420
    Oh my! Thanks for the info!
    >> youko 666 11/21/11(Mon)21:19 No.5170424
    For the person who was saying we're driving her to suicide in the last thread. I don;t want hr to kill herself, but I would LOVE it if she dropped off off the cosplaying scene. I was a better sewer than her back when I was doing it all by hand. She has a sewing machine, so no excuse.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:19 No.5170426
    I've responded.

    >"Ma'am, I am simply stating a fact. The decision still stands and Ashley will not be staying with me and my friends."

    I can't talk to her anymore. This grammar is killing me. I hope this family gets the help they need. No matter how despicable they may be, no one deserves to live in a household like that.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:20 No.5170427
    >Her friends have wanted to tell her for years to grow up and want to get her help
    >Finally get chance to do so
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:20 No.5170428

    And to continue,
    >CPS still hasn't returned calls
    >Ashley tried to lay low for a while
    >Anons suspect she deleted FB messages to her mum that anons sent
    >Ashley cracks, posts on FB whining
    >Anon posts caps
    >Katsucon anon who was sharing room with her decides to kick her out
    >Ashley finds out and bawws
    >Her mum, as far as we know, pleads for Katsucon anon to let her stay
    >Katsucon anon says no
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:20 No.5170429
    I know her IRL and can vouch for how fucking insane and immature she is. I know a lot of the same people she does, and none of us want to be around her because she's a bitch. Finding out that she's also completely insane was not surprising, but it does make us want to get her put away.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:20 No.5170432
    >Started with a Shitty Prop Thread
    >Her prop was Op. Was basically a broach that looks like it was made of dog shit.
    >Isochan tries to be honest and polite about it.
    >Girl (ashley) flips a shit about it.
    >/cgl/ begins to find out what a crazy bitch she is from her friends who lurk and came out of the woodworks with stories.
    >Ashley has threatened to take a shotgun to school and kill herself, overall kill herself in various ways, insults her parents, etc. etc.
    >crazy bitch alert.
    >/cgl/ has been trying to contact CPS about her self harm and her willingness to harm others she knows.
    >each thread is monitering if her mother ever got the warning, see if CPS responded, various anons local to her have more stories

    One anon was staying with her at Katsu, but she's trying to kick her out now cause she's a psycho.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:21 No.5170437
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    Copypasting greentext from the old thread and adding to it
    > Makes a brooch that looks like a literal pile of shit out of a hot glue gun and clay
    > Isopodanon gives her honest critique
    > She throws a shitfit
    > More of her horrible craftsmanship and personality is revealed
    > She believes that it was all because of one person that hated her
    > People who hate her crawl out of the woodwork
    > She tries mass-unfriending people on facebook
    > Most of them are innocent, she's just CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY
    > Eventually realizes that everyone's making fun of her journals and her other horrible things
    > Comes up with the brilliant idea to delete all her journals
    > Almost all of them are capped
    > Still trying to garner support on FB
    > A few people are still buying her bullshit
    > Everyone more or less realizes that nobody likes her and there's a lot of legitimate reasons why
    > Someone rooming with her for a con is all "wait no I don't want this"
    > Politely refuses her
    > "Mom" sends her messages telling her to let her crazy and delusional attention whore of a daughter go with her
    > Internet detectives already know she has her mom's facebook password
    > Anon beta's their way through a successful conversation
    > Meanwhile she accidentally admits through her mother that she just wanted attention
    And that's where we are
    As usual details are for fags so if you want details bother someone else
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:22 No.5170442
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    what the shit
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:23 No.5170443
    You're not talking to the mother. It was established Ashley is on her mothers account deleting all messages about CPS and the like. They share a family computer so none of the reponses are from the mother.
    If anyone wants to contact the mother, I suggest speaking to her directly, calling the house phone or something.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:24 No.5170447
    tl;dr, crazy bitch is crazy
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:25 No.5170453
    I was aware it was most likely not her mother (though I've met her briefly and would not be surprised if she typed like that), but in the case it was her I wanted to at least appear to be polite and mature about this. I'm just glad this is over with.

    In any case, since she doesn't have a place to stay and she is most likely not going anymore, that equally solves the problem of having her on my panel. Yaaay~
    >> youko 666 11/21/11(Mon)21:26 No.5170454
    I say, you've laid down the law, so ignore her begging about the room now. Don't give her the satisfaction of responding to her.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:27 No.5170459
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    Wait, so basically you guys found a girl who has serious mental issues, God only knows why (either upbringing or chemical, either way not her fault), and so you all decide to start ripping on her in hopes that she commits suicide? What the fuck you guys?

    Am I missing something or is this basically the point? Some girl on the internet has personality issues and so you all decide to destroy her life for least usually you guys have a better reason than this, this is just pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:28 No.5170461
    >Ashley has threatened to take a shotgun to school and kill herself

    What an attention whore. Why would you commit suicide at school where it would distract people from their education?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:28 No.5170463
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:28 No.5170465
    Anon, if she tries to shove her way into your room anywho, call security.
    And if there's a /cgl/ meetup at Katsu, I'd like you to attend and shake your hand. You're really taking a chance by doing this. She's a crazy bitch and I'm a bit worried she'll turn on you. So after all this I'd at least like to buy you a burger or something.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:28 No.5170466
    You are missing the entire point actually.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:29 No.5170468
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    read the thread please
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:29 No.5170470
    We tried to help give her critique, it snowballed to "THIS BITCH IS CRAY CRAY" and we've been calling CPS to get her some mental help for the past 2 days.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:30 No.5170471
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    No, I read the GODDAMN GREENTEXT and it's still fucking retarded. You're all getting mad at some underage kid with emotional problems for getting a little butthurt, probably in a stimulus response to something totally unrelated. I've fucking been there, I know how it feels, and what you guys are doing about it is fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:30 No.5170472
    >>5170459're missing a LOT. The only want that wants her to commit suicide is this one troll that keeps saying it in every thread.

    The rest of us are trying to contact her mother and Child Protective Services to get her out of her house and get her the help she needs. Her parents are in debt, they're going through a divorce, her father is abusive and has a history of abuse, and according to an anon that has been to her home, it looks like a junkyard and reeks of dog piss.
    >> RoboticBallerina !!jb0Tt8o63X8 11/21/11(Mon)21:30 No.5170474
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    Pretty sure this proves it Ashley, because Kastucon anon never said she was insane in her FB message but they did make a joke a post in the last thread of what they felt like saying. that message had a sentence about all the mental problems. SOOOOO Ashley is reading the 4chan threads and combining the messages. HA GREAT DETECTIVE WORK
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:33 No.5170482
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:33 No.5170483
    Sent her a message on DA, going to try and get in good with her then slowly tear her down into a depression and make kill herself, or at least leave the Internet for awhile
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:34 No.5170487
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    Putting it like that, I understand somewhat. From the greentext and reading most of the thread all I got from it was that MOST of you just think this bitch is crazy, so you're fucking with her more. A couple of you seem legitimately concerned but the whole of these threads seems to be directed at what a stupid crazy bitch you think this child is (and when I say you, I don't mean YOU, I just mean in a general term) and how everyone's starting a bunch of drama over it.

    Just seems dumb to me. Usually these threads have a juicier story.
    >> youko 666 11/21/11(Mon)21:34 No.5170488
    Katsu Anon, I'd love to friend to Facebook if I knew what your name was. I think my name will surprise you if you give me yours.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:35 No.5170490
    We don't want her to kill herself, dumbass. We want her to get help. Plus she's already proved to be too much of a pussy for suicide. She cuts for attention. She said it herself.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:35 No.5170492
    I'd be glad to attend. I don't spend a lot of time on here so I never found a reason to, but after this it might be worth it.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:36 No.5170496
    She doesn't cut. She presses a blade against her skin until it makes a line - not a cut, a pink line, like if you pressed your fingernail into your arm - and then holds ice over it so it stays longer.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:37 No.5170499
    'Cuts'. I remember one anon said that she presses the knife until it leaves a mark, then rubs it to make it last or something.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:37 No.5170501
    And this is the faggot anon that is the ONLY one that wants her to die. According to faggot here, they're tired of seeing her blog up the boards. We suspect this is also the "PT is retarded!" anon.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:40 No.5170512
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:41 No.5170513

    Have fun, guys.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:41 No.5170517
    It's funny because you're goddamn retarded.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:41 No.5170518
    Well seeing as CPS failed, will you guys stop trying? I'm sorry but seeing this shit clog up /cgl/ with people posting her latest stays and making pointless comments is annoying.

    We get it you don't like her, no need to post her useless Facebook statuses on here so you can get other anons to jump on the hate bandwagon with you. Can't we just accept she's a crazy moody attention seeking teenager and be done with it.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:41 No.5170519
    Not to derail the thread, but does it matter if there's hate? (We've already established that about 10 anons are here that know her IRL, so hate was inevitable). Calling CPS was the right thing to do, in any case.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:41 No.5170520
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:41 No.5170521
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    > People getting upset at drama
    > On /cgl/
    Wait seriously what
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:44 No.5170527
    Go download the 4chan thing for chrome/firefox. Hide the post.
    And shut up.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:45 No.5170535
    No one really hates her. It's more "the immense hambeats that doesn't bathe and has mental problems is incredibly creepy and I'm glad I'm not the only one creeped out by her"
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:45 No.5170538
    Why should we stop trying? She needs help. She's a danger to herself and others. And she's freaking 17. It's not like we're dealing with a 12 year old trying to be edgy for a week or two. She's been saying the SAME psycho stuff for THREE YEARS now.
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 11/21/11(Mon)21:46 No.5170541
    From someone who has had someone once call CPS on her family (Story is complicated.).

    It takes weeks before they respond. So yeah.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:49 No.5170556
    Fucking America.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:49 No.5170558
    WEEKS? Are you serious, that's crazy
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:49 No.5170561
    They do? Why does it take so long? Are they just that busy or do they take time to do background checks on the parents or something?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:53 No.5170573
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    No, no, you're right. It's just from what I gathered (and I apologize for my misinterpretation) the entire thread was just a "lol what a dumb stupid bitch" thread, namely because of many of the responses and the descriptions when people asked to clarify (including myself).

    I think calling CPS was probably right, especially if her home life is as you say. Too much goes unseen on the internet and there's no way to monitor it. It's supposed to be up to the parents, but a lot of them just don't care. The girl needs help and she probably doesn't even realize it. She'll hate everyone for awhile, but in the end she'll grow up and move on with her life. It's a combination of upbringing and hormones. I suffered a lot of horrible mood swings when I was a teenager too but I had the audacity to seek help for myself because I realized what I was going through wasn't normal. I don't normally approve of people forcing others to face their problems, especially in such a crude manner, but in situations like this, even some of the harassing is simply from concern. I guess when you see a life as ruined as hers and said individual refuses to take responsibility, it's almost irresponsible not to alter someone.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:54 No.5170577
    *alert someone
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:59 No.5170591
    Dude she's an attention seeking, moody ass teen who exaggerates her "cutting" and suicide attempts & vents online. And even if CPS comes (in several weeks time) there is no physical evidence of her attacking people, abuse, or anything. Yeah you have her journal posts but she can easily deny and lie to CPS and theyll go on their merry way to people with real issues.

    All I'm saying is this is a lost cause and it's cute how /cgl/ is trying to look like some heroes when you're doing absolutely nothing
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:01 No.5170606
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    That made me tear a bit, anon.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:02 No.5170609
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    Can't speak for everyone but I did think she was just a dumb brat at first. This is what she got so worked up over being called a turd in a critique left on her DA. The person that left it asked her to please redo it before she used it for cosplay (since her picture comment said she wasn't sure if she'd redo it or not) and Ashley flew off the handle as was like "How dare you! I am a professional!!!"
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:03 No.5170611
    You aren't doing anything either. These thread(s) will continue despite your ranting against them.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:03 No.5170612
    Considering the state and smell of her home and the fact that she can't control her temper for half a second, it's actually quite likely that CPS will drag her off. Her parents are crazy, too.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:04 No.5170614
    >my cousin married his brother in Vegas

    Wait, what?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:06 No.5170621
    Meh, she may be a brat but given her background it makes sense...

    She's probably bottling up a lot of her frustrations with her own life which makes her emotionally unstable. She can either choose to confront her lack of self-confidence by dwelling in it or lashing out at others, trying to hold on to whatever she has. It could have been anything you were critiquing her over and she would have defended herself in an irrational manner.

    Obviously I don't know what's going through her head but speaking from personal experience and gathering what I've read on her situation, that's pretty textbook.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:07 No.5170624
    Her house seems to be rundown (resembling a junkyard) and smells of dog urine. Her family is in debt so the home inside and out is probably less than clean and orderly because they don't have the funds for upkeep after paying the bills and buying food. CPS will notice that and her father is behaving oddly as well, which they'll notice. If Ashley has medical history, they'll look into it and see that she was admitted before for a suicide attempt and she's on medication for various things. All of this will add up together and I doubt CPS will just shrug and go about their way.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:07 No.5170625
    She IS a dumb brat, but she also has the emotional stability and violent tendencies of a 5-year-old.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:08 No.5170629
    Holy crap. Is that even leg-
    Oh nevermind then.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:09 No.5170631
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:10 No.5170638
    It was an inside joke, been meaning to change it.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:10 No.5170639
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    Gosh gaiz, she's not crazy!
    She just stabbed her sister because she wouldn't play with her!
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:12 No.5170644
    I shudder to think how your perspective on life would have turned out had you grown up in a poor, shitty family situation with abusive parents and chemical imbalances then be subjected to extreme harassing online (say it doesn't bother you all you want, we live in the digital age and the younger generation is extremely influenced by online interactions) and a lack of support from anyone you know. I suspect you'd have grown up a "brat" with a low EQ as well. Or are you just really that special?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:12 No.5170645
    Sounds like an interesting story but anyways, has the "mother" replied back?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:15 No.5170652
    No one has been harassing her. She was horrible to her friends. So bad that no one would speak up against her until she was posted here.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:17 No.5170654
    Nope, nothing. I'm guessing that Ashley couldn't think of anything else to try and convince me to let her stay.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:18 No.5170657
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    Yes. It's all 4chan's fault that your friends are now too scared to room with you after they saw what you've been saying all these years.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:19 No.5170660
    No, I'm not that special. And as a matter of fact, I DID grow up in a poor, shitty family situation with abusive parents and chemical imbalances. We lived in little more than a shack, and my parents and I would have starved to death without help from my grandfather. I have been harassed online mercilessly and without support, and I did grow up as a brat and physically lash out at people around me. But I realized it was not normal, especially when other people began to avoid me and point out my faults, and went to the trouble to get help instead of lying to my parents and the people trying to help me.

    I know this girl in person. Her age, her financial standing, and her family situation are not excuses. She needs to realize that she has issues and take care of them before she kills someones. I have witnessed her violence and her immaturity first hand, and she is a danger to herself and everyone around her.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:22 No.5170665
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    >Any suggestion?

    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:22 No.5170666
    What is her dA?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:23 No.5170668
    Wait a minute, so you mean to tell me out of all of her "friends" no one had the balls to say anything to her face about her personality.

    Whats with you teens today, if you have a issue with someone you tell them. Sounds like these "friends" are as much of bitches as she is
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:24 No.5170671
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:24 No.5170673
    I think several of them were scared of her, so yeah.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:24 No.5170674
    some tried. seriously.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:25 No.5170676

    Too many betas today.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:26 No.5170679
    From what I can understand, they were afraid of her going off the handle and whining about it on Facebook, DA and such. I heard one anon say that she made DA journals for each friend that left her.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:27 No.5170681
    Basically, no one felt like dealing with what would happen.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:27 No.5170686
    Well it's confirmed. She wasn't lying about her medical conditions or her father being abusive. She still doesn't understand that the way she's living isn't healthy and that 4chan and her friends aren't out to get her in revenge but they want to get her out of there and into a better life.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:29 No.5170688
    Except that, response to environmental stimuli is generally based on your level of intellect. The less intelligent a person is, the more likely they are to respond to that type of stress poorly. This has been proven in soldiers with PTSD as well. You and I were brought up in similar situations but it seems we are both moderately intelligent, or at least intelligent enough to have some level of self awareness. MOST people are not so fortunate to have been blessed with the gift of an actual brain. I'm just sayain, her situation isn't unique. It sucks, and I'm not saying it's an excuse, I'm saying it's a damned proper explanation.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:30 No.5170690
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    Censored for common courtesy.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:30 No.5170691
    I'm sorry I just don't buy that, maybe I'm just that person who has no problem in telling someone how it is (and yeah I've lost some friends becuase of my mouth) but I don't get that "oh I'm so scared I can't confront people"
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:33 No.5170699
    Actually, I had one of her friends message me on DA and tell me why they couldn't speak up. Ashley was like the Queen Bee of their local group and this girl was too afraid to say anything because she was worried Ashley would turn the group against her and she'd be forced to leave.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:38 No.5170708
    Truth. I've never been afraid to tell someone if they're out of line, even to my friends; tactfully of course.

    The best way to stand up to a bully is to show them you're not afraid. I guess you guys finally did it?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:38 No.5170710
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:40 No.5170714
    >father is verbally and physically abusive
    >she has medical issues
    >mother is a typical abused spouse
    >family is broke

    Holy fuck. This girl really does need help. Like fuck this is the kind of shit you need /b/ to get in on.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:41 No.5170720
    Er...maybe /b/ back in 2006 or even 2007, but I wouldn't trust them with that kind of information nowadays. They're all idiot underage kids and camwhores now.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:42 No.5170721
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    Are you sure thats a good idea?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:43 No.5170727
    Yeah. Probably should have specified which era. At least they're still good for saving animals these days.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:44 No.5170729

    Are you fucking kidding me?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:44 No.5170730
    I'm beta as fuck and I have to agree with this. There's always a way to tell people they're crazy or a douchebag. It's all about analyzing a person's reaction. If you know them well enough you should know how to talk to them without upsetting them and still being able to get your point across.

    If people are really your friends they'll have your back when you confide in them that you're scared and help you confront someone like her.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:46 No.5170735
    True. /b/ will never give up on abused animals, especially cats. They couldn't give two shits about people though
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:47 No.5170738
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    In that case does this girl have any pets?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:48 No.5170744
         File1321933729.jpg-(79 KB, 900x600, comfy_puppy_by_luvmonkeys-d4gh(...).jpg)
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    She does. She has a dog...that looks like it's missing patches of fur.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:50 No.5170748
    I like the way you think.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:57 No.5170766
    those are just white spots.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:01 No.5170778
    I think what they meant were the skin patches on the dog's head. They match the color of the skin around its eyes. That's not fur. It's probably just from fleas though judging by the fact that it's wearing a flea collar.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:05 No.5170782
    Hrrrngh flea collar.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:09 No.5170795
    that's not a patch of fur missing. Its ear is flipped up.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:13 No.5170803
    Yeah, a dog that isn't house trained and bites like hell. I hate that dog so much, they spoil her too much.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:14 No.5170810
    Not it's ear. The patches around it's nose. They look like dry skin.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:21 No.5170827
    Well fuck. Seems she found another place to stay, so she will be in my panel still.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:22 No.5170830
    Ugh, that sucks. It's a really cute little dog...
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:26 No.5170843
    Be careful Anon. Just call security if you feel threatened.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:29 No.5170848
    Yeah, I suppose I will. She's still talking to me like nothing happened, whining about how you guys are making her cry so much. This is awkward as fuck. D:
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:29 No.5170850
    What I want to know is HOW she's gonna get there... she always whines on fb right before a con asking for rides... I can't imagine who would take her at this point...
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:29 No.5170851
    I feel like we should warn that other girl about the kind of crazy she's inviting into her room
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:31 No.5170855
    Seems they roomed together for Otakon, so she feels no threat... but that many people together with her will be a nightmare...
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:31 No.5170856
    Do you think anyone would really not know by now unless they weren't friends with her on Deviantart or Facebook?

    Also, to the person who said they were writing up the ED article last thread: how is it coming along?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:31 No.5170857
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    I really feel bad for her.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:34 No.5170861
    So tempted to share my rooming experiences with her, and everything else I know, but still hesitant to throw out such obvious evidence as to my identity out there...
    >> CGL Archiver !sxVkphWPB2 11/21/11(Mon)23:36 No.5170867
    You can e-mail it to me for archiving, if you like.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:36 No.5170870
    Do it. No one will care. Well..aside from her.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:37 No.5170872
    Ah I shall do that!!
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:38 No.5170874
    Do it. She's not following the threads anymore so I doubt she'd hunt you down.
    >> youko 666 11/21/11(Mon)23:42 No.5170875
    Is she REALLY that stupid?! How often do you here about CPS being sent to well-to-do families? It's always to the low-class poor families. Seriously, she needs to get out into the real world for a while, learn what it's like to pay for your own bills and feed yourself for a change. Maybe she'll stop whining and grow the fuck up!
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:45 No.5170879
    Hate to out myself but I'm the girl she was speaking to in that cap. I think she's afraid she'll either end up in a foster home and separated from her mother or her mother will get in trouble as well as her father. That or if CPS doesn't take action, her father will get worse thinking she or her mother alerted them.

    Or I could be reading into it too much and she honestly doesn't know a thing about CPS.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:51 No.5170889
    Jesus Christ, I know the girl who's housing her for Katsucon. She's a really sweet person, but perhaps to a fault. She's too eager to help people like this.

    At least if Ashley pulls any shit, she's tough enough to call her out on it...
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 11/21/11(Mon)23:57 No.5170907
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    Hate to tell you, but my family is pretty well to do actually. And living in a small town with a large rich population, CPS does hit up rich people. The most notorious case was the member of the school board who was busted hosted and providing high schoolers with drugs and alcohol for her wild party. But it turned out that with while there were serious issues, mainly she did whatever her daughter wanted to "be cool".

    CPS visits all types of people. But the people who need help don't always get it.

    Having money doesn't mean not fucked up and abuse doesn't happen.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:57 No.5170909
    Or she could be lying about it entirely and trying to save face in the best way she can without revealing she lied
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:58 No.5170912
    I sent the email, ended up longer than I expected. It's kinda about her AND family a bit, not just her... oh I forgot to add the little things like you can never see her bed or floor and her dog chewed up my stuff. I don't care if that's here, though, so there you go. Also, alcohol just sitting out there, easy to get for anyone.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:01 No.5170915
    That's also a possibility. Either way, since at least two people have called the local office about her, they'll go check it out.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)00:09 No.5170928
    I can vouch for CPS being slow to follow up, having had them called on my family.

    all that happened was that they called, and little teen me panicked and told them everything was fine, and they said I could call back if I needed to.

    they don't just show up at your door like a swat team.

    good intentions, but probably nothing will come of calling CPS, seagulls.
    >> youko 666 11/22/11(Tue)00:17 No.5170946
    Sorry, really don't know much about CPS. I do know that abuse happens everywhere, it's just that the more visible ones tend to be the lower class families. That's all I meant by that.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)01:27 No.5171020
    So what exactly is this turd of a prop actually supposed to look like? Is there a reference picture? Cause I really can't wrap my head around why it ended up looking like that.
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 11/22/11(Tue)01:27 No.5171021
    Waitaminute, I think I missed something here. What state does this girl live? I know in PA, if we (I work for CYF) have a report that is a valid one (we get way too many random reports that aren't valid for a number of reasons such as incomplete information, no abuse, craziness in general, etc), we generally have intake go out at least within 24 hours, 0-2 hours if its a case of a child under the age of, I believe, 5.

    There may be a lot of missing information here. If CPS is already involved, they sure as hell aren't going to follow up with the reporting source to give them an update on their lives due to confidentiality. I think the only people more of a hardass with confidentiality are medical professionals.

    Also, CPS/CYF/other child welfare agencies generally deal with family that have low-incomes due to stressors such as financial burdens, lack of parenting knowledge, substance abuse, MH and DV issues, etc. We occasionally have a rich family here and there since abuse does not discriminate.

    Go on, ask a child welfare worker anything.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)01:31 No.5171031
    Posted it here
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)01:32 No.5171033
    She lives in VA.
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 11/22/11(Tue)01:38 No.5171049

    Child Protective Services- A Guide to Investigative Procedures (PDF)

    >What Is Child Abuse And Neglect?
    Section 63.2-100 of the Code of
    Virginia defines an abused or
    neglected child as any child under 18
    years of age whose parent, guardian,
    or other person responsible for the
    child’s care:

    1) Causes or threatens to cause a
    non-accidental physical or mental

    2) Causes or threatens to cause a
    non-accidental physical or mental
    injury during the manufacture or
    sale of certain drugs.

    3) Neglects or refuses to provide
    adequate food, clothing, shelter,
    emotional nurturing, or health care.

    4) Abandons the child.

    5) Fails to provide adequate
    supervision in relation to the child’s
    age and level of development.

    6) Commits or allows to be committed
    any illegal sexual act upon a child
    including incest, rape, fondling,
    indecent exposure, prostitution, or
    allows a child to be used in any
    sexually explicit visual material.

    7) Knowingly leaves a child alone in
    the same dwelling with a person
    who is not related to the child by
    blood or marriage and who is
    required to register as a violent
    sexual offender.

    In addition, the law requires physicians
    to report to CPS any newborn infant
    who tests positive for drugs.

    Okay, I didn't read all of this (and I'm not about to read through it now, just kinda skimmed) but someone somewhere mentioned that her father may have been abusive towards her and she lives in a dirty house, someone c/d?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)01:57 No.5171097
    >1) Causes or threatens to cause a
    non-accidental physical or mental
    >3) Neglects or refuses to provide
    ...emotional nurturing, or health care.
    >5) Fails to provide adequate
    supervision in relation to the child’s
    age and level of development.

    I'd say these count at least on some level in this case.
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 11/22/11(Tue)02:14 No.5171141
    Okay, I'm not familiar with the whole story, but from what I understand, some people have dealt with this girl on a personal level (I assume she's under the age of 18? If not, all of this is moot.) and what they read on her deviantart. Now, the story is that father has previously abused her in the past (is there any solid proof other than he-said/she-said?) Physical indications of abuse in the form of photographs, possible hospital visits, school? If that were the case, those professionals are mandated reporters. Threatening child abuse is more difficult to prove and would be more valid if the claim was made directly by the child to local authorities rather than a general reporter as sucky as that may be. Again, I'm referring to VA law which I'm not familiar with. If the information provided was good enough (such as an address, phone number, age, names of the people involved), they should have sent someone over, but forget about knowing if they did or not because CPS won't tell you that they did and this girl could essentially be lying about their involvement, or they simply didn't think it was a valid claim.

    Another claim I'm seeing is that she lives in a dirty house. You would be surprised the amount of times I've been in a house that I deemed as essentially dirty, and the agency wouldn't consider it deplorable housing. Nastiness to you and I can mean one time, and something completely different to another person. As long as there are working utilities, food in the fridge, four walls, roof and a bed for the child and there isn't literally a mountain of human and non-human shit piling up all over the place, it's adequate. I've walked in on a house with at least 30 cats, and the smell, swear to God, singed the fucking hair out of my nose, it was that potent, and it wasn't considered deplorable.

    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 11/22/11(Tue)02:16 No.5171144
    As for the last point, how old is she? These are mostly for children who are under a certain age where they couldn't get themselves out of a sticky situation like a house fire or something else or who are mentally and/or physically challenged to the point that if someone wasn't there to aid them in case of an emergency, they could potentially die.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:25 No.5171171
    She's 17.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)02:29 No.5171179
    You work for Chow Yun Fat?
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 11/22/11(Tue)02:35 No.5171190
    :O I've been exposed!
    >> Beloved_of_Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 11/22/11(Tue)02:43 No.5171208
    CPS? What have the Crown Prosecution Service got to do with anything?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 11/22/11(Tue)02:47 No.5171217
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    She works for CYF because she's a PYT *snaps fingers in Z formation*
    >> LilWayneDesu !I2btWOD6Bo 11/22/11(Tue)03:47 No.5171287
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    So happy there is a part 4. ;___;
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)04:43 No.5171335
    There is a lot of contradicting information.

    I'm hearing that she's suicidal and that she's a danger to herself and others, that she's bi-polar and that she's depressed

    And then I hear that she lied and regrets everything because she doesn't have friends anymore and did it for attention.

    THen I hear she lives in poverty, and then I hear that she lives in an ok environment.

    which is it?

    Environment does impact your psychological stressors.

    The main consistancy is her suck-tacular parents. If anything it seems that the main cause of her stresses/ most likely possible depression are her parents.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)07:59 No.5171469
    The people who actually know her are saying she needs help, have seen her acting out and have seen her home looking awful and smelling of dog piss.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:49 No.5171575
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    I can smell all kinds of bullshit here. I want to believe that anyone reaching out for help so fervently really needs it, but I really don't think that anyone reaching out for help so often would slap away that help so quickly.

    Her home life might suck- I can understand if it does- but I'm really thinking she's really stretching it about her relationship with her mother and father.

    I don't think her real concern with CPS is that they'll remove her from her mother and father- I think the real concern is that they're going to find nothing and that there will no longer be anything for whine about.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)12:01 No.5171645
    >I'm hearing that she's suicidal and that she's a danger to herself and others, that she's bi-polar and that she's depressed
    This is from her old posts and what people around her know of her.
    >And then I hear that she lied and regrets everything because she doesn't have friends anymore and did it for attention.
    She's backpedaling and saying this now because she doesn't want CPS coming.
    >THen I hear she lives in poverty, and then I hear that she lives in an ok environment.
    This is debatable, but there are multiple people that say she has a shitty house/yard, yesterday another person spoke up in private attesting to the conditions of her house.

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