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  • Our pals at J-List are having a Black Friday sale through Sunday night. Peter has supported and been a friend to 4chan for over 7 years—J-List and 4chan even share a birthday (October 1st).
    Be a bro and check it out if you like the animes and all things Japanese ^_^ Or life-like texture ;_;

    File : 1321900107.png-(12 KB, 90x90, safe_image.png)
    12 KB Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)13:28 No.5169071  
    FL cosplay thread. Legit shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)13:33 No.5169075
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)13:34 No.5169077
    Yeahhhhh. I don't actually know anyone though. I just cosplay and hang out with my other Florida friends who don't. So lonely.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)13:34 No.5169078
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)13:44 No.5169093
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)13:58 No.5169109
    the cosplay itself is good, but panty has major posture issues....she shuold do some treatment...that causes a lot of backpains!
    >> Beloved_of_Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 11/21/11(Mon)14:00 No.5169115
    FL = Fat Lasses?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)14:32 No.5169176
    I don't recognize either one of these girls. Then again, these days the familiar faces are fading and a slew of newcomers are aggressively promoting themselves. In a year or two, I'm sure I won't recognize ANYONE.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)14:33 No.5169180
    Fat Lasses? None of the featured cosplayers aren't fat. Unless your speaking of other cosplayers, then yes we do have fat lasses. Just like ever state does.
    >> Beloved_of_Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 11/21/11(Mon)14:42 No.5169215
    >None of the featured cosplayers aren't fat
    I couldn't fail to disagree with you more
    >> Korin !Ls0QbhK90s 11/21/11(Mon)15:37 No.5169357
    It seems that a lot of the familiar faces are moving on to other cons out of state, or just to other things in life.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)18:59 No.5169891

    Pretty much this.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)19:03 No.5169905
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    Best of the best for cgl!
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)19:13 No.5169931
    But but that Madame Red is actually really decent.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)19:16 No.5169939
    I agree there. Shame the rest of the group aren't the same level.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:04 No.5170118
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    Florida is the 80% of /cgl/ Just wait until the con season starts. That's when the shitfest begins
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:07 No.5170130
    Really? A Ciel with the wrong hair and sneakers? What the fuck.
    >> Korin !Ls0QbhK90s 11/21/11(Mon)20:49 No.5170259
    You know, there really wasn't much drama this con season. Especially for how drama prone this state is.
    >> Moé !HgDmQWBGxE 11/21/11(Mon)21:09 No.5170367
    I'd have to agree with you. Hell, AFO is usually riddled with drama, and yet, I didn't run into any this year. Though I will admit I was drunk most of the day I was there, so any drama thrown at me I probably just didn't realize it.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:12 No.5170390
    The drama has died down a lot over the years. Most of it is online, and either just people being too cowardly to say something to someone else's face, or an attempt to try to rile people up to incite some kind of drama. That kind of petty bullshit. At the cons, I really don't see or sense any drama, or maybe I've just lucked out.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:17 No.5170413
    Just wait for voodoo to try to establish how cool she is
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 11/21/11(Mon)21:21 No.5170436
    I actually think drama on here followed me to a con.
    One girl was a total bitch fest at EXPcon last year, and I posted about the shit she pulled on here. [Long story short, she ruined a photoshoot because she was mad that her ex-girlfriend was getting more attention]
    I'm pretty sure she found out because I ran into her at the convention and whoooooo shit. If looks could kill.
    >> Moé !HgDmQWBGxE 11/21/11(Mon)21:31 No.5170478
    I remember you mentioning this to me when I got there.
    EXPcon didn't really have too much drama, it just didn't live up to expectations.
    I'm honestly planning on not going to any Florida cons this next year (MAYBE Megacon but eh...), and going to my first out of state ones (Otakon and AWA).
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:33 No.5170481
    For a long time, all drama was concentrated on 4chan. Now, with everyone scattered to the wind amid DA, FB and other networking sites, there just isn't as much bullshit to go around.
    >> Korin !Ls0QbhK90s 11/21/11(Mon)21:36 No.5170494
    Megacon is the best con in this state, I think. You'll definitely enjoy AWA. It's a great change to what you see down here, and you'll get to meet so many awesome folks! I've missed it the past two years, but I'm thinking of going this year.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:36 No.5170495
    Sarah and Kendall trying to stir up some shit again?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:42 No.5170522
    looks like it
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)23:13 No.5170804
    Moar pictures/dramu/stories!
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)09:11 No.5171503
    Question? Who would /cgl consider the less dramu filled cosplayers?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)09:13 No.5171506
    Was Kendall the Mami cosplayer that everyone on the exp thread basically cheated?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)09:40 No.5171514
    Yes she was. And I agree. I think she cheated as well.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)10:39 No.5171563
    Then the craftsmanship judges from exp came on and defended her, stating what they saw up close and that it appeared to be hand-made.

    Anon (including myself) scoured ebay, cosplay sites and cosplayer websites looking for duplicates or anything with the same combinations of fabric/material, to no avail. It wasn't a matter of lighting/color, but the material of her corset and such made it unique among anything I've seen.

    Until someone finds the same outfit online, I'm not going to accuse her of cheating.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)18:57 No.5172523

    Parts looked made, like the corset, but parts looked bought, like the blouse.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)19:37 No.5172620
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    This again?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)20:09 No.5172689
    Eh, that could be true, but only the craftsmanship judges know. I've judged contests before where people in the audience were soooo sure that this outfit was better or that outfit was purchased, but it was all pure conjecture.

    You can call someone fat/anorexic/butterface/manface all day long, but calling someone a cheater is entirely different. I know it's 4chan, and the function is to accuse others of sucking a plethora of cocks, but I still refuse to call someone a cheater unless there is solid proof.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)20:44 No.5172742
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    The almost invisible amount of drama this year gives me hope for this state.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)20:47 No.5172749
    As a Floridafag myself I can honestly say that I never encountered the cosplay drama that other cosplayers from other places are weary of.

    I guess I just didn't go to the right conventions?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)20:49 No.5172752
    Drama is mostly confined to 4chan itself, with people grumbling about costume contests or who fucked who. The cons themselves are awesome and rarely have problems.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)20:51 No.5172757
    Florida was at its worst when JACON was around, Wasabi Anime and Tom Croom had more of a presence, Roy was running MetroCon, and Kim the Cheat and Boner Robin were active in the community. The last few years have been pretty tame.
    >> Korin !Ls0QbhK90s 11/22/11(Tue)20:55 No.5172765
    I remember some of this! Then again, I was just getting in to cosplay at the very end of all of this, so I missed all of the good parts. JACON is still one of the worst cons I've been to.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)22:03 No.5172908
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    Here is her cosplay.
    Let's first focus on the shoes-
    I found this pair on ebay that looks surprisingly similar.
    Now, if you have ever bought shoes for a cosplay on ebay before you will notice they all are pretty much made the same. I wouldn't be jumping on the shoes so much if she wouldn't have said her and her mom's friend put them together with bits and pieces of other shoe's soles. That seems kinda silly.

    As for the cosplay, I've found one that looks pretty similar. But we have to remember that there are other sites out there besides ebay.

    I agree with you. Before we say she cheated we need to find the costume that she could have bought. But I don't really have any more time to waste on this.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)22:06 No.5172918
    Is there anything that's giving it away as 'bought' rather than commissioned from someone off coscom marketplace? Not accusing the girl but I'm just wondering why everyone's running to eBay suddenly to see where she got hers
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)22:08 No.5172923

    The shoes are obviously the same. Did she actually say that bit about the shoes being constructed that way? If so that's a huge red flag. The costume also looks very similar, and with eBay sellers, they are usually stock images so there may be differences in the actual product.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)22:14 No.5172933
    The corset has entirely different buckles, both in color and style. The gloves are different, the cosplayer in question has plain cutoff gloves whereas these are adorned with rings. The proportions of the collar are nothing alike and the trim on the yellow skirt appears to be a completely different kind.

    Not close enough for me. To say "well, china can't produce exactly the same outfit," is not grounds to accuse someone of cheating, especially when ebay pics have been exact enough to confirm lying in the past.

    I've looked through many pages of Mami cosplayers, and no one else has an outfit with the same combination of materials and buckles. If the pics didn't match, then surely at least ONE other person would order the same outfit, right? Especially on a popular series that all cosplayers are bandwagoning.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)22:15 No.5172934
    >>5172908 I still see a lot of differences. Straps attached to corset vs. shirt, the lace on the corset. The fasteners on the shirts are different in shape and thickness, the shirt collar is shorter and the detached sleeves are tight on the ebay one. The brown band on the skirt is different. The belts on the front of the corset are very different. The hat flower is very different in size. Gloves, etc. I won't keep going. I will say that those boots are extremely similar. I wouldn't bitch if she bought the boots, it's not an uncommon thing, and not enough to condemn her to cheating.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)22:16 No.5172939
    I'm pretty darn sure she had a lot to do with the construction of her costume. I saw it in person up close and there are so many differences from all of the ebay sites (and others as well) that it seems hard to believe she didn't make it.

    However I do have a problem with how she explained her shoes and some other parts of her costume. Its really dumb to lie about those things though, so who knows.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)22:29 No.5172957
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    >FLtards still believing their state has lots of drama

    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)22:51 No.5173002
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    Looks different to me. I don't know why people are so hellbent over this. It's not like she won best of show or anything.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:29 No.5173065
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    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:36 No.5173081
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    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:39 No.5173086

    Did this costume actually win something? It just looks poorly fitted and falling off of her, to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:42 No.5173101
    I hate when people bring up stupid shit thats not even drama. Like Kendall, Sarah, Krista, Valeria, etc etc have all been like....really chill this year. All the drama is obviously from the same person (or people) who have it out for them to start shit. Hell, even people who I KNOW came onto cgl last year to selfpost/vendetta thread are actually friends with who they used to bash. Its just frusterating that once we all get along, here comes the same 2-3 vendetta-chans trying to stir up stupid shit.

    Yes, I'm mad.

    Im wah-wahing I know but c'mon guys. theres no drama. Everyone is getting along. why cant it just be okay that way? why do you need petty dramu to get through your day? Is it because no one talks about your cosplay? Did these girls actually do something? whatever
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:46 No.5173110
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:46 No.5173111
    ITT: FLfag using the word "chill" for the 100th time today and thinking there is no drama in florida. When we all know its the one of two of the biggest sources of cosplay drama.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:47 No.5173115
    Oh look, this slut again
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:51 No.5173130
    To me, a flconvet for about 7 years, all the drama gets passed down to the "newer" cosplayers or the ones that are just getting a taste of "fame". And I use the phrase fame lightly. More of I mean >1000 views on dA. They get in fights with eachother, start shit on here, and constantly look for asspats. But Im pretty sure at least 50% of us if not 80% have had the phase where you post shit on cgl either look for compliements or hate. But they seem to grow out of it, I know I did.

    But to me you'll see shit with people like "Bi-dentiy", "Lawlipop", "Yussette Cosplay" and the newbies who are making FB pages. Then next year or the year after it will be a whole new fresh crop. Alouette, Sarah-boo, ExileFayte, Valrixa, Cosplay Cousins, Otakitty, Junicorn, theyre all moved on. I barely hear shit from them anymore and I used to remember sitting by my laptop and just seeing SHITSTORMS come in about them and others (FL hottest cosplayers anyone?) for months at a time last year. Thats the cycle of drama.

    tl;dr: thats just my two cents.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:53 No.5173137
    Never hear anything about otakitty..

    Look 5 posts up you dumb cunt, she just self posted
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:54 No.5173139
    because its only people like you that make drama.

    chill bro, chill
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:55 No.5173144
    God between those three there's like 11 different pages on facebook alone.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:56 No.5173145
    Read my whole post and really comprehend what Im saying before you go name calling.

    My point was that this time last year her and the others I listed were in shitstorms at least every other day. Now, its the newer people I see.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:56 No.5173146
    Just stating the facts bro. I know you all like to think that it dosen't exist, but you guys are still drama capital of the cosplay community by a huge margin
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:57 No.5173149
    Clean out your ears, because all those names listed still have daily drama
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:57 No.5173150
    ^My point. Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:58 No.5173154
    ^ samefagging to make themselves feel important
    >> sage !!rGxutZjWR7L 11/22/11(Tue)23:59 No.5173161
    please please please just stop this. If you really want a cat fight at least do it in person. Get some real bloodshed up in here.

    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:00 No.5173164
    ^ being a bitch to make herself feel pretty
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:02 No.5173171
    Yeah this thread just proves you guys are having a pipe dream.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:03 No.5173177
    This new wave of newbies sure has gone down hill Their cosplays are seriously lacking in quality.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:05 No.5173180

    Same person, still trying to insist theres drama. proof (and I mean real proof) or gtfo
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:05 No.5173184
    anon, thank you for bringing clarity to this thread. this always happens with newer cosplayers. it'll always happen..but i hardly ever hear shit about that group anymore, they are all pretty mature people from what i get about them. who cares, drop the dramu already, i was enjoying the quiet
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:07 No.5173188
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    how's this for downhill. this yusette chick? hardly even know's a thing or two about half the outfits she does. it's pretty sad..
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:08 No.5173189
    >when 3/5ths of the girls you mentioned have dated each other at one point or another.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:10 No.5173195
    Her boyfriend was in Team Avalanche. That should explain enough.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:11 No.5173201
    Well anon, does she at least make her cosplay? That is pretty sad though. Don't know much about her. But she sure does have buttery cheeks.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:12 No.5173205
    her boyfriend is fucking psycho, i had a run in with him at FAE, shitty mcshit con. and he and this chick were having a full blown argument in the middle of the con, this guy has some serious issues. and so does she..probably..for dating her
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:16 No.5173216
    She and her BF drive me crazy. She just thinks shes the hottest thing to walk gods green earth and wants everyone else to think the same. She only makes about half of her shit, then lies and either buys or alters the rest.

    She kind of reminds me of jnigiri in florida. sept for nigri is actually bearable and kinda hot
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:17 No.5173218
    i know this chick, shes a friend of a friend..she does but half asses all of them. that lollipop chainsaw outfit was bought, half of it..and her millions of boyfriends at gamestop gave her the shitty cardboard chainsaw. not much else i know from there

    i saw her TF outfit at shadocon, wasn't much of a talker when i asked her about her outfit.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:20 No.5173223
         File1322025628.jpg-(34 KB, 340x392, 320533_209580489107225_1000016(...).jpg)
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    I'll just leave this here..
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:20 No.5173224
    this. shes like your steryotypical "omgsonerdy! gamergrrrrrrl!!" chick. especially all over fb
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:21 No.5173225
    Proof is in the posts above me. Get out of denial please.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:23 No.5173228
    Friends with her on Facebook. God is she annoying, gonna delete her in a bit. She just uploaded a video with her dog. She does the fake "cute" high pitched voice. Always complaining about her parents and money. Bitched has been deleted.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:28 No.5173233
    i think im going to do the same thing anon
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:31 No.5173239
         File1322026298.jpg-(48 KB, 720x480, 317423_209347879138050_1755478(...).jpg)
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    Here's one of the newbies an anon spoke of Bi-denity cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:36 No.5173251

    Same person?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:36 No.5173252
    I might get shot for this but I actually like bi-dentiy. I like when dark skinned girls do shit right. I just wish she would do more cosplay and not so much "fashion" or whatever, like her "pinup" pics
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:41 No.5173259
    All of the worthwhile cosplayers in Florida keep a lower profile these days.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:45 No.5173268
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    And here is another newbie lawliepop.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:45 No.5173270
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    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:49 No.5173280
    oh god her face
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:49 No.5173281
    pretty much this. the ones who are 'out there' promoting themselves, in general, have crappy construction or just buy their costumes

    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:50 No.5173283
    >>5173270 Bi-dentiy has ok cosplays, it's more of flooding peoples news feeds with 5 or something different profiles. And that she asks quite a bit for people to all her pages.

    Captcha: our MeHigh
    >> Notable Events in early Florida History Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:51 No.5173289
    1999-2005: Calistra (Now called Ana Aesthetic) competed in a Luna costume that was purchased from She claimed it as her own, called her commissioners liars, stirred up huge amounts of drama on mailing lists (Before 4chan, coscom, cats on mars, cosfu and LJ, there were ML)
    Jacon and AFO, two anime events in Orlando that started the same year, feuded openly, both accusing the other of starting a rival con out of spite.
    Kim the cheater begins buying costumes. Her modus operandi: find costumers who won contests in other states or countries, buy their costumes and recompete.
    Athena and Hime No Toki discover similarities in Kim's costumes. Athena calls her out and a huge war begins between both groups.
    >> 2/2 Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:52 No.5173291
    Amano costumes allday erryday. At AFO 2005, eight out of the ten costume contest awards go to Amano FF cosplayers.
    Kim confesses to cheating, stops competing, rarely cosplays, still judges and runs cosplay events for Megacon and AFO
    Maboroshi gets banned from certain cons, feuds with wasabi anime, refuses to photograph winners of contests if they are affiliated with wasabi
    Pikabellechu wins every costume contest for years, finally begins to lose and accuses everyone of favoritism and bias
    Otakucon occurs in 2004 in Miami. Fails miserably, lack of security results in a rape and financial failure, con goes bankrupt and Manny Camacho becomes a pariah
    Wasabi Anime begins boycotting Anime Express
    Tom Croom, having once been an avid supporter of Metrocon, feuds with Roy Harms due to the con being openly "for-profit," even though BOTH EVENTS are registered as LLC.
    Houkocon happens in Port St. Lucie, results in disaster and never happens again.
    Chibi-pa 2006 is cancelled and the con owner posted a furious letter to fans, blaming them for lack of donations even though he wanted to make it a free event
    A nude photo of a wasabi member is posted on Anaaesthetic's LJ. Wasabi blacklists her and the LJ wank went on for years.
    Kim and Troy are asked to leave Anime Sushi's costume contest because many cosplayers boycotted due to their presence
    Former tripfag Henry Hall kicks a guy in the nuts at a con
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:53 No.5173295
    i learned something today....

    go on....
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:55 No.5173298
    see look people. thats real, good dramu. Not this shitty catty shit that goes on
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)01:00 No.5173313
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    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)01:01 No.5173316
    more? more recent history? Im genuially interested...
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)01:01 No.5173317
    Jacon 2007 drama

    Wasabi offers no prizes for awards except best in show. The winner gets 1k, no groups allowed, only single entries that must go through a screening process before being allowed. The setup intimidates too many people, and very few turn out impressive costumes. The winner was Athena, and the arguments about who should have won went on for years

    AFO 2005 drama
    Almost every winner was a well-known cosplayer and everyone did Amano Final Fantasy. One unknown cosplayer won best novice, a chubby Sophie cosplayer who made a Howl costume for her boyfriend. Massive butthurt followed. The judge that year was a prestigious professional costume maker, and that was the only year he was used because of complaints. Why go through the trouble of having an unbiased master level costume maker judge if you're upset he doesn't pick what everyone expects?
    >> 1/2 Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)01:05 No.5173326
    Chibi-pa 2006 drama. Letter posted from con owner to attendees:

    We are sorry to announce:

    Chibi-Pa: Next will be canceled. In recent months Chibi-Pa has been over come with the strain of holding an event that is free. Most free events are held at locations such as schools and churches. We on the other hand have been trying to rent a space from the City of West Palm Beach. The space seemed perfect because the actual cost of the location was $500. But in the end we also had to come up with a $2500 deposit, $500 of insurance, $300 for a crew to clean the bathrooms, $400-500 in special guest fees and many other things.

    We felt that as long as we had a sponsor that would graciously cover the deposit that our dealers and advertisers could cover the rest. In the end we got no where near the 20 tables of dealer that we needed. Also the group that offered to take care of getting the Daiko Drummers could not come through with their end either.
    >> 2/2 Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)01:06 No.5173329
    Lynn and I tried our best trying to find county parks or cities in the Palm Beach county area to host our event. Sadly enough this was not the case. We put up a donate button on our site. All we got from that was responses on message boards about how it would not be a free event if attendees were asked to donate any monies. This attitude led us to believe that no one wanted the event. This should make all the conventions in Orlando and Tampa happy. None of them are free and they believed we were taking their business.

    So Lynn and I decided to make this announcement considering we believe that there is no chance that we will be able to come up with the required monies in the next 10 days. On that note we would like to apologize to the people who have helped us and worked very hard to make this event. We apologize to vendors and advertisers that wanted to come to our event. We also apologize to the artist who have lined up to attend Chibi-Pa. On the other hand we do not apologize to the attendees that came to our website and saw the donate button. $1 form 1000 people may have kept Chibi-Pa alive. But you are so busy worrying about your daily lives that you do not care about the big picture. And for that you can stay home and twiddle your fingers. Maybe you can dress up like your favorite anime characters and go to the local mall. Just pretend your at a free anime event. Cause thats as good as it gets for now.

    We will be leaving Chibi-Pa active. We hope that we can help other groups to put on their own events in their areas. If you have an anime club in Florida and would like to know how you can make your own festival contact us. We can help."
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)01:09 No.5173336
    I really appreciate you posting facts. This is truly something insightful. Please, by all means keep going.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)01:10 No.5173338
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    >On the other hand we do not apologize to the attendees that came to our website and saw the donate button.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)01:22 No.5173360
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)01:27 No.5173367
    People complain that Julie (, Shannon ( and pikabellechu ( only care about competing, claim contests are rigged, insist no fresh blood on the award dias will be the death of contests.
    Hime No Toki, Athena, Lainabug, ExAstra/Diana, Katie, Lystrade and Miko accused of same thing, told they are destroying contests, not worth entering anymore because of bias and rigging

    Cue to present, same arguments go on, cycle continues
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)01:28 No.5173368
    Was this the one that was supposed to be held at the amphitheater in West Palm?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)01:33 No.5173373
    2007: Troy/Boner Robin makes a post on his LJ lamenting drama, warning people to stay away from 4chan and online nastiness, ranting about how starting anon drama is ruining the community, and he would never ever do such a thing, and can't we all just get along? Shortly thereafter, the cosplayfucks forum announces they are adding an anonymous section to mirror 4chan's model. One of the first posts are nudes of Athena, hacked from her personal computer. Admin intervenes, and provides the IP of the poster, who turns out to be Troy, despite his adamant public stance on not causing drama. Troy and Athena were former roommates, and he was posting in retaliation to Athena exposing his girlfriend Kim for cheating.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)01:36 No.5173381
    2008: Lystrade ( a well-known and well-liked Florida cosplayer posts multiple items on for sale. She collected over a thousand dollars and then deleted her profile and dropped off the face of the earth. Word has it she resurfaced in Michigan, but no one ever received their costumes or was able to contact her.

    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)01:39 No.5173386
    well damn
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)01:46 No.5173399
    I feel like the Fldrama has pretty much died down. Other than the usual attentionwhores (which every state has),the ones that caused the real dramu way back when are older now and don't cosplay anymore/moved to another state.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)01:46 No.5173401
    Metrocon 2004: Kim the cheater enters and wins Best in Show as Myoubi from Alichino. Kim bought the costume from Rinka, a Hong Kong cosplayer who visited the US in 2003 and won a special award at MTAC that year. This was the final nail in the coffin, as cosplaylab featured Rinka in the same outfit, and the evidence was overwhelming. Shortly thereafter, a canadian cosplayer produced emails in which Kim solicited her, asking to purchase her Mint from Galaxy Angel costume that won at Anime North in 2002. It was the last time she cheated in a contest, besides the 2005 best master award where her boyfriend made the prop, and Kim merely embellished her stories, claiming she hand-dyed her fabric multiple times to create a multi-colored effect when in truth it was purchased just like that
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)01:51 No.5173407
    This is true. Drama now is really nothing, just people trying to boost their pageviews. All this old drama eclipses everything, and people should realize how much more chill things are these days.

    Metrocon 2006: Costume contest goes awry. Judges were the mascots, and involved in various chess matches and panels. Since all events ran over, costume contest judging started so late that many who registered were not judged and turned away after waiting hours in line.

    Even those who paid, registered, received a pre-judging time, and on top of that, a special number to ensure they made the cut literally had the judging room door slammed in their face.

    Many cosplayers boycott the contest, and the outrage was shown in many, many threads on where even the general discussion area was full of people debating and placing blame.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)01:54 No.5173410
    Kim and Troy spent a couple years trying to assassinate the character of everyone who exposed them. But by 2008, most of that rage puttered out. I never found anyone to be a lasting cause of drama besides that pair, Tom Croom and IchigoKitty, who has calmed down and dropped off the radar these days.

    There were no other single people who really caused shit, it was just the collective grumblings of a hundred people.
    >> Oldfag FL drama historian 11/23/11(Wed)02:03 No.5173421
    Okay, that's it for me, I'm off to bed. It was nice strolling down memory lane with you young whippersnappers.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)02:04 No.5173424
    Gonna back up the person posting history.

    I've been around for 7 yrs and I remember every single one of these things happening.

    What I also found hilarious was the reaction by the perpetrators. It was almost always righteous indignation. As if they were wronged that someone found them out.

    A tip for future cosplayers. Admit your wrongdoing, no matter how much you don't want to.
    When a couple of years have passed and if anyone brings it up chalk it up to immaturity. Say that when you had to admit it you grew up a bit.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)02:18 No.5173435
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    Oh Florida
    Forever a shitstorm
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)12:07 No.5174102
    So which FL sluts have nudes? I heard something about a few girls being in Cosplay Deviants.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)12:12 No.5174115
    no, its just that a lot of the cosplay deviants (at least the most dramu ones that shove themselves down your throat) live in fl
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)12:48 No.5174186
    Like who?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)14:07 No.5174335
    Hey FL, anything interesting on Iam Logan? He's been creeping on me on facebook and I heard something about him being banned from a con for harassment? Tell me more.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)15:13 No.5174478
    This guy is an icoragable asshole with his stupid "snikt'd by iam logan" shirts and shitty claws that he sells for way too much. Plus his gambit is terribad
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)15:50 No.5174577

    Wait a minute, AnaAesthetic was the one who posted a nude picture of MK on her journal? I remember MK posting that someone posted a topless picture of her somewhere, but it was Ana who did it?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)16:37 No.5174696
    >>5174577 It was posted on ana aesthetic's journal, but she claimed it was a drunken friend who logged onto her account and accidentally did it
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)17:28 No.5174818
    i call bs on ana
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)18:42 No.5174929

    Not surprised.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)20:20 No.5175077

    Truth. He's arrogant as fuck, can't stand the guy. This is the end result of when someone becomes 'famous' for cosplaying a character they sorta look like and it gets to their head. I hate his Gambit, he looks terrible.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)20:58 No.5175139

    Same. Been around the same number of years, still remember all of this happening. Which is why I say that the drama has really calmed down, these days it's just a few egos here and there and a lot of younger cosplayers trying way too hard to get noticed and achieve 'fame'.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)21:22 No.5175205
    Man is Florida weird when it comes to cons and drama. I have been cosplaying and going to cons in Florida for 4 years and I have yet to even make it in any pictures on here, lol

    Now I do know Yussette Cosplay and Lawlipop and have hung out with them at cons and talk to them all the time on FB. Here is my take,

    Yuss can be pretty inmature at times and a bit of a bitch, but she does make her own costumes.
    As for Lawlipop, she is generally a nice person and mature. She is actually moving up north, out of Florida next year.

    Florida cosplay drama in general:
    Everyone just posts shit about the people and cons on here, but no one ever mans up went at the events or to said "fame" cosplayers.
    You'd think a large group of 20 somethings would at least be mature enough to fucking enjoy something fun in their lives without making a big deal out of everything. We all go to cons to have fun with people/friends we have made over the years and goof off for 3 days and forget about our boring lifes.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)21:30 No.5175225
    I think lawli is even more of a bitch than ashley
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)22:40 No.5175362
    I wouldn't count buying clothes from the local good will and cutting it up as making her own cosplay. Which is most of what her stuff consists of. Most of it not all of it. Her props look sloppy and rushed. Was at Expcon. Saw that chainsaw. She claimsto be "well known" whatever fame she has, has now been injected to her fake yet fitting blonde head.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)22:52 No.5175380
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    Im pretty sure shes convinced that shes so hot cause shes a "gamer grrrrl" and cosplays. Fuck, her fb name is "da'geek" for her last name. An I agree anon I was also at exp. That shit was bad. Was at shado too. Not impressed. Other hot girls in FL with actual talent, shes low tier

    caption of this album "little miss yusette herpderp!<3"
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)23:08 No.5175415
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    I shat brix when I saw these three posing at EXP con this year.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)23:19 No.5175424
    that ox king guy is so sweet. all my love
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)23:28 No.5175441
    Yusette boyfriend is the biggest ass wipe he always argue's with everyone and he's always yelling at her for no reason.
    >> Oldfag FL drama historian 11/23/11(Wed)23:39 No.5175457
    Alright, I'm back.

    My one word of advice to the newer folks would be this: If you dislike someone, do it because of what they DID to you. Not because you think you have dramawhore spidey sense and can somehow read assholery through vague DA posts or FB status updates.

    I challenge you to genuinely get to know anyone you think is a miserable cunt, and do so with an open mind. Chances are, you'll find yourself to be completely wrong.

    Of all the people I heard were bitches, be it through gossip, Cats on Mars, cosfu, 4chan, etc, only one or two ever really lived up to the hype.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)23:40 No.5175460
    he once tried to tell me all of his crazy conspiracy theories on how all phyics are a lie at FAE. As yusette flirtied with old men half a foot away

    after that I want nothing to do with either of them
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)23:41 No.5175463
    this. this so much thank you.

    though I am terribly curious, who were the one or two that did live up to that?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)23:46 No.5175472
    Agreed, you couldn't meet a nicer guy. He has the uber nerd look down.. fat, beard, glasses.. the works. But he is one of the most down to Earth guys I've ever met. It's a shame he isn't gay or my friend would totally hook up with him.

    Ladies, one of you needs to snatch him up.. I bet he is all cuddly.
    >> PEDO 11/23/11(Wed)23:50 No.5175481
    hey remember that time when tom croom cheated on his wife with that ugly bitch...good times
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)23:56 No.5175501
    He in love with himself case close lol
    >> Oldfag FL drama historian 11/24/11(Thu)00:32 No.5175582
    AnaAesthetic and Ichigokitty. Online gossip isn't evidence of anything, but a long, long trail of burned bridges and broken friendships is. When numerous good and caring people cut you out of their life over and over again, it's a good indicator that something is seriously wrong.

    There are a few other people I choose not to associate with, but I have accepted that it isn't because they are worthless human beings...we just have incompatible personalities.
    >> 2/2 Oldfag FL drama historian 11/24/11(Thu)00:33 No.5175586
    Now, there are plenty of people out there with serious personality flaws, but once I got to know them, none of them were truly mean-spirited. In the end, people who get called standoffish and snobby are painfully shy, and people who are "attention whores" end up being either extraordinarily sensitive (and just want to connect with like-minded people) or extroverted and it gets misinterpreted through the medium of the internet.

    And on a final note, I will never accuse shit-talkers of being jelly or insecure. I used to be one of those people too, slinging shit around on a whim because it was entertaining to see what kind of fuss was kicked up. Chalk it up to youth...didn't anyone else used to put two bugs into a jar for the sole purpose of watching them fight to the death?

    I'm not gonna fault this thread for existing, so I'll keep trying to recall and type up descriptions of drama old enough to not really shock or scandalize any active cosplayers out there.
    >> Oldfag FL drama historian 11/24/11(Thu)00:42 No.5175608
    2007: Lystrade, the Florida cosplayer who sold her dothack Kite costume and FFX items and never mailed them, found a new way to scam people. She made a new name online and offered to commission BJD clothes for people. You would send your doll to Lystrade, and she would make the clothes using your doll so that the tailoring/proportions would be perfect and custom-fitted. After this, the doll would be sent back along with the clothes. Well, she would receive the dolls, keep them and repost them on ebay and other communities trying to sell them. She succeeded multiple times, until she screwed over the wrong woman. This woman hired a lawyer who sent letters and called Lystrade demanding the return and money or legal action would be taken. Despite the fact that Lystrade had completely dropped off the face of the earth and seemed unreachable through any means, the scammed customer was immediately refunded. The community was warned, but Lystrade could be pulling similar scams under another name.

    The Lystrade drama always baffled me, because she was a fixture in the Florida cosplay community for many years. She was a great seamstress, won contests, had loads of friends, and then suddenly started intentionally scamming people over and over again.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)00:55 No.5175640
    I don't hear much about the older gen of cosplayers, but the best advice would be, never lose your love for costume making. These new people are attention demanding, avoid them. Enjoy and have fun with close friends. And don't let any attention you get go straight to your head. This is suppose to be a fun hobby.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:11 No.5175685
    I want to shake your hand. You are a lovely person and very right in all your advice. Thank you, truely
    >> Oldfag FL drama historian 11/24/11(Thu)01:15 No.5175693
    Metrocon 2008 gong fiasco:

    Metrocon's cosplay contest used to employ a gong. If your skit was terrible, it was gonged and you were immediately asked to leave the stage. It was a staple of the contest since the beginning, and there wasn't talk of abandoning it until 2008.

    That year, the format of the contest changed to try and mimic cons elsewhere in the country. In Florida, we separate skit and craftsmanship, but in most other areas of the country, it is combined into a single event. The result was a lot of confusion and a lack of skits. Metro had 20-30 skits normally, but only 7 skits registered under the new rules.

    Of those 7 skits, three were gonged: One was a Naruto skit that rewrote the words of the "Tango Maureen" song from the Broadway musical "Rent" into "The Tango Sasuke." The next was a Final Fantasy skit that was gonged at five minutes due to time constraints (this group still won an award. Their full track was 8 minutes and they knew it would happen). The last skit gonged was pikabellechu's skit in which Ash and Misty dance with Pikachu to Weird Al's "I'm Fat" parody of "I'm Bad." After the first verse and chorus, the judges felt it became repetitive and gonged it. After the con, a shitstorm of drama ensued, both because Pikabellechu was gonged and because she didn't win an award. Needless to say, the gong is gone.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:20 No.5175699
    Assuming you are speaking to me, maybe we'll meet one day anon. You a fl fag anon?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:22 No.5175704
    yes I am. And Id like that, as a person you just seem like the person Id love to sit down with and just chat (and well, shake your hand of course haha)
    >> Korin !Ls0QbhK90s 11/24/11(Thu)01:23 No.5175706
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    He and his friend are the broest of bros. They let me take a photo with them at Metro, and then afterwards gave me a senzu bean (which was a pear jelly bean, MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE). I about died from the sheer awesomeness.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:24 No.5175708
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    One of my colleagues did some photos for these guys...I don't know them in person, but thir outfits looked nice!
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:25 No.5175710
    MegaCon! I'm planning to be there all weekend. We should meet then.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:26 No.5175713
    perfect! I will definatly be there
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:28 No.5175715
    In fact I'm calling it right now. /cgl/ Mega Con meet up! We should do this.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:29 No.5175716
    I think they're called Cosplay Cousins? They have some cute stuff on dA...but the outfits are con are very hit or miss :(
    The Stocking one was really nice, though :)
    >> Oldfag FL drama historian 11/24/11(Thu)01:31 No.5175722
    Jacon 2004: The con had been held at the UCF student union for several years, and it was a fantastic location. Jaco, an anime club that did showing twice a month and had a library of fansubbed anime (an extraordinarily difficult thing to come by back then) held its meetings there, so it was a familiar and well-liked location. However, a couple of fucking idiots decided to light a trash can on fire, and as a result, the venue was no longer offered. Jacon was pushed into various hotels before staggering into oblivion.

    Respect your venue, kids! Instead of dicking around on the UCF campus for all eternity, Jacon ended its run with a whimper in a hotel that couldn't even provide adequate air conditioning.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:35 No.5175728
    What was the drama involving Ichigokitty? I never seem to find out.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:41 No.5175738
    yes thats them!
    hannamaru is the stocking, tranquilty the panty
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:42 No.5175739
    Historian, do you know what happened with the whole scene with a drunk/incapacitated individual at Jacon? It was 2007 or 2008. I don't really recall.

    I was there, but didn't really hear about what exactly happened.
    >> Oldfag FL drama historian 11/24/11(Thu)02:46 No.5175766
    As stupid as it sounds, I wanted to post all this old drama because it is entertaining without really poking at active cosplayers who would genuinely be hurt by it. IK is still around, and I don't want to get into specifics because it would cause problems for people I like.

    Without going into too much detail or naming names, she had a pattern of starting threads about anyone and everyone she perceived as an enemy, which included local cosplayers, famous cosplayers and anyone who did the same costumes. She would self-post, both to fish for attention and to bash herself in order to play victim. There was a lot of unfounded paranoia, financially taking advantage of people and bizarre behavior that had her burning through friends, roommates (three sets), cosplay acquaintances and more. I have never met anyone with such a sick pathological need for attention, adoration and playing the victim.

    In the end, I can't hate her. It sucks to see someone trapped in a destructive cycle of behavior that will prevent them from every being happy. There is something seriously wrong with her, and I just feel really bad for her and hope she grows out of it or gets the help she needs.

    I recall someone drinking to the point of unconsciousness and just laying on the ground with people walking over them. Eventually an ambulance was called because the person was completely unresponsive, and there was a lot of controversy over all the bystanders that didn't help or show concern when someone was clearly in need of assistance.
    >> Oldfag FL drama historian 11/24/11(Thu)02:54 No.5175776
    There were several incidents involving drunk people needing to be removed. A couple of near-rapes happened, including a straight guy who got really drunk and was groped/fondled by a couple gay guys.

    Then there was someone who fainted due to exhaustion/dehydration, and everyone assumed they were drunk/passed out and completely neglected/ignored them. They had to go to the hospital and people felt really bad about it.

    Also that con, the hotel changed management and the new company had a strict "no mask" rule. If you wore a ninja mask or any facial covering, it had to be removed. There was a group of 20-30 furries that went to Jacon every year, and in the middle of a giant photoshoot, staff walked up and forced them to take off their heads in front of everyone.

    Lots of refunds had to be given, and a lot of people were forced to either unmask, modify their costumes immediately or leave. I remember a domo-kun that had to go home and cut a square into the front of his costume so his face showed.

    Quite a few people stopped going to Jacon that year, and while people complain about furries, they counted for quite a few rooms rented/badges purchased.

    Room blocks are the number one thing that determines the cost of a con. If you don't fill your room blocks, you are required to pay more.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)03:05 No.5175790
    Ah thank you. I just remember someone from the staff sitting on a person as they were lying the floor.

    I assumed he was being restrained, but I guess he collapsed and they were trying to wake him up. Anywho, thanks for the info! I'd always been a bit curious about it.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)03:18 No.5175816
    That's fair enough. Thanks for posting that info.Finally I somewhat understand.
    >> Oldfag FL drama historian 11/24/11(Thu)03:49 No.5175855
    Oh, damn. Security did restrain and interrogate people that con, and really overstep their bounds. Anyone who was being loud, drunk and obnoxious was getting targeted by con security. I recall there being talk of it on the OA forums years ago, when a member witnessed some of the behavior.

    Lol, there are so many things that happen. It's hard to know exactly what instance you're referring to.

    That last Jacon was great, though. Pepper spray in the rave, and a guy getting arrested for groping and sexually assaulting girls.
    >> Ox King Guy 11/24/11(Thu)08:12 No.5176041
    Awww, thats me, and all of my love right back at you two.

    Heh, I remember you from another thread asking if I was gay/straight/bi. Just know that quite a huge percentage of people on this board are either too young or too high strung for me. Thanks for the sentiment though.

    You were totally awesome too. I'm only sad we didn't get much of a chance to hang out. Seemed you are your friends were constantly on the move while my friend (The Yajirobe) was really taking it slow. Metrocon was his very first con.

    On the topic of con drama. My advice to you, all of you, is learn to laugh. Someone is talking shit about you? Laugh it off. Huge conspiracy that you bought your costume? Post progress pictures and laugh it off. Laughter kills drama, it kills it dead. If people WANT to cause drama and attention whore by attacking themselves and trying to get people to defend them? Laugh and walk away. If you can laugh at yourself and laugh at other people trying to boost their own egos (rather than getting angry) the drama slowly fades away and you go back to the heart and soul of cosplay.. simply enjoying a hobby and the company of those that share your interests.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)08:26 No.5176047
    Oh shit...

    Sorry that I couldn't be more specific with the year before. Cons just run together for me nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)01:12 No.5177991
    Can we talk about Zona Con
    >> Oldfag FL drama historian 11/25/11(Fri)01:46 No.5178090
    A repost of "The Con of Zonacon" report about none of the guests being paid and all the insanity of the owner threatening legal action:

    Link to the thread:

    Link to Tom Croom's entry, one of multiple ones were he states the con owner threatened legal action and sent cease and desist letters. Funny thing is, Croom actually tried to help the con:

    Scroll down to philmarc comment, where one of the zonacon founders claimed Tom Croom tried to blackmail them:

    The tri-county comic threads were just as insane. I am glad those people quickly got out of the convention business.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)16:52 No.5179520
    Hard mode....list and show some of the lesser known cosplayers who you never hear anything about
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)18:52 No.5179766
    Wasn't Zona a spin-off of Janicon in disguise of a new name, or am I mistaken? Actually surprised I don't see the Janicon dramu posted here. That was pretty hilarious, especially the whole Mr and Mrs Janicon ordeal.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)19:03 No.5179785
    >post me post me!
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)19:13 No.5179805
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)19:25 No.5179824
    I've heard a few stories about the Metrocon/Flugtag clusterfuck of 2008. The first year I went to Metro was 2009, so I missed out on the crazy.

    Anyone have any memorable tales?
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)20:10 No.5179935

    Basically the lower level of the convention center was nothing but drunks, some of whom harassed the cosplayers. It was a really bad mix. I personally didn't run into any issues with them but I know some people slipped and fell in beer in costume, and it stunk to high hell from all the open alcohol and rednecks. Much worse than your typical summer FL con and that is saying something.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)21:57 No.5180204
    Yeah that and 2010 D*C were my worst experiences with drunks. I had one at that metro hassleing a large group of us and his sloshing of beer around stained my pale pink dress. No big deal really, but I was super pissed and irratated.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)21:59 No.5180207
    This sums it up. On top of that though, Roy and his staff claimed they had no idea the event was going to lap with theirs. They criminalized the event and convention ceneter instead of sharing the blame.
    They knew full well, almost a year in advance. The convention center had called and asked if it was ok to share the weekend, and Metro said sure. metro was excited for the publicity and extra money they thought it would bring the con.

    Putting drunk 20 something's that close to a bunch of nerdy kids trying to have a nice weekend......they should have known what would happen and worked to prevent it.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)23:16 No.5180370
    >> Oldfag FL drama historian 11/26/11(Sat)00:07 No.5180496
    Alright, I'm back for another round. Janicon, Flugtag and Zonacon? Wall of text incoming.

    NOPE.jpg I would much rather rehash old drama than start listing active cosplayers. That would turn this thread from mildly entertaining to serious business. Half the people would be uncomfortable being named, and the other half would feel insecure that they *weren't*
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)00:14 No.5180509
    hi buddy that wants to shake your hand at mega here. I cant wait to see what you have to say about Zona, I was there and might have to add some stuff in haha
    >> Oldfag FL drama historian 11/26/11(Sat)00:18 No.5180519
    Flugtag seemed like a good idea, and something that would appeal to nerds. A bunch of people building hilarious flying devices that exist purely for crashing into the bay for the amusement of the audience? Red bull? The kind of drink people down when they grind on MMOs or spend ten hours playing CoD? Most people were excited and really, reaaly looking forward to it. It wasn't until the con was actually going on that people started freaking out.

    Metrocon knew flugtag was coming. They had two choices: Pick a date in a different month, which would fuck up everything, or go through with the date and increase exposure for the con. Cons share space with religious groups, sporting groups, business groups all the time, so when you really think about it, sharing space with flugtag wasn't a crazy concept, and in fact, seemed WAY COOLER than the alternatives.

    Nerds don't like to be judged, don't like mingling with normies and DEFINITELY don't like a bunch of alphas mucking up the atmosphere. Weaboos are easily intimidated and pretty beta, so the presence of flugtag fans alone freaked them out. Saturday had a lot of drunks roaming around, though in my opinion, the whole outrage over it was overblown. A few people were accosted by drunks, and Pikabellechu's fiance was actually punched while he was in a pikachu mascot costume.

    People glomp each other, creep, harass and do dumb shit all the time, but because it wasn't nerd on nerd violence, attendees flipped their shit. My take on the 2008 fiasco is different from the norm, because I found the normies to be total bros and a lot of fun.

    Also, as a sidenote, there were cosplayers and metrocon attendees participating in the actual flugtag. Even metro staff built a winged vehicle to fling into the bay. No one foresaw disaster, just a really cool side event that would appeal to lots of people.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)00:21 No.5180528
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    Fuck Metrocon for the flugtag bullshit!
    >> janicon 1/3 Oldfag FL drama historian 11/26/11(Sat)00:43 No.5180609
    I can't talk about zonacon without talking about tri-country janicon, and I can't talk about THAT without talking about janicon. I was on staff and had personal relationships with the founders, so this one is a doozy:

    Janicon was founded by Tekkie, a longtime staff member at just about every con south of the mason-dixon line. He was an important volunteer, ran game rooms, helped organize events, supervised others and was an integral part of many cons. He could walk into a con without being on staff, and somehow get roped into assisting in half the duties. Surely, with all this experience, a con that he founded would be fantastic, right? And even better, it was in an area of Florida where there was virtually no competition, so as not to upset or compete with Jacon, AFO, Metro or Supercon. Tekkie contracted out the entertainment, booked guests, advertised and signed vendors/Artists. And then, the contract was signed. That's when everythingt went downhill.

    This is the way cons work: A certain amount of rooms (room block) is guaranteed by the con. With a fixed/minimum occupancy established, the hotel then lays out the cost, which is to be paid in full when the con begins. If the room block is not met, then the amount a con must pay for the space must go up. In short, the more rooms that are booked, the less a con pays. If enough rooms are not booked, the con must pay more for the same convention space. Generally, a 3k-5k con will negotiate a room block of 100-300 rooms. Tekkie, not wanting to pay hefty deposits and high fees, promised SIX HUNDRED (600) rooms to be booked.
    >> 2/3 Oldfag FL drama historian 11/26/11(Sat)00:43 No.5180610
    Tekkie frequented many websites, and networked feverishly to get the word out about janicon. He boasted about the high amount of fans who had pre-registered. He warned people repeatedly about room blocks almost being full. He advertised a pageant promising 500 bucks, a custom costume, free admission to every Florida con and the chance to be a mascot for Janicon to one male and one female. He contracted concept galaxy to bring on more than thirty entertainers and offered to pay them. Bonzai Anime was contracted to run all cosplay-related events. Numerous activities were planned with generous prizes.

    When the con finally happened, it was chaos. No one was actually assigned to run or maintain ANYTHING, and the entire con survived by relying on concept galaxy and bonzai anime to improvise, even though they couldn't get ahold of Tekkie or anyone with actual power or decision-making abilities.

    Tekkie wasn't the only founder. The other was Ryan (who now runs EXP). Ryan wasn't a con regular, he was interested in the business side of cons, and wanted the experience. He financed the con, with the expectation that room blocks and registration fees would cover the rest.
    >> Oldfag FL drama historian 11/26/11(Sat)00:45 No.5180613
    When the con actually began, the room blocks were grossly undersold, and there was NO MONEY to cover the rest. Tekkie made a bad, bad business arrangement with the hotel, and owed about 10k, even though up until this point he convinced EVERYONE, even Ryan, that there were 1.5k pre-regs alone, and they would be over capacity and at 7k attendance (actual attendance was 2-2.5k). Ryan, Manny Camacho, Mike Broder and others finally tracked tekkie down (who could not be found for most of the con) and demanded to know where all the money went, and what the hell was going on, but there was nothing to be done.
    Tekkie wrote a check for the hotel, but it bounced, so the hotel actually held him. The con was nearly shut down, but his friend/boyfriend, Dashren Nolan (A high-ranking staffer), got his mother to come to the hotel and cover the cost. In doing this, Dashren also became an owner.
    After the con, Ryan split to form his own con, while Dash and Tekkie aggressively promoted the next year, without ever paying anyone, not even high-profile guests. They ignored all emails, and occasionally swore money had already been sent. In the case of Ichigokitty, they promised her check was sent NO LESS THAN FORTY TIMES. They also lied, shifted blame and faulted everyone but themselves, even though there were logs, witness accounts and proof to show they had deceived and defrauded others. Ryan lost a LOT of money, and Tekkie hadn't put any of his own capital into the con.
    >> Oldfag FL drama historian 11/26/11(Sat)01:00 No.5180652
    Even though no one had been paid from the previous year, Janicon 2008 was being advertised. Tekkie and Dash collected AA table fees, vendor fees and pre-registration, both through the internet and at other cons from their table. Many people paid in cash at Megacon and Metrocon for Janicon tickets since it was a discounted rate.

    Meanwhile, debate raged on internet forums about receiving prizes and money from the previous year. Many people called for boycotts, while others mass emailed Janicon staff demanding explanations for the financial obligations that were not met. Many correctly predicted that Janicon would never happen, since Ryan was starting a con in the same area, and his financial backing was no longer available. Sure enough, shortly before the con, it was abruptly cancelled.

    When Janicon was cancelled, they offered three options for those who pre-regged, and for the vendors who paid for space:

    1. Use the ticket at Mizucon (Another weekend, in a city almost four hundred miles away)
    2. Use the ticket at Tri-County comic con in Orlando, and receive a complimentary meal and full tables for vendors at no cost.
    3. Ask for a refund (Most were never refunded at all, and there was no phone number to call, only an email that was never answered)
    >> Oldfag FL drama historian 11/26/11(Sat)01:04 No.5180666
    Tri-county comic con hastily became tri-county janicon, and when the attendees arrived, they found an event that was empty (Generous estimates place it around 150-250 people). Vendors did not all receive the space they were promised, and many had to argue and fight in order to not have to pay AGAIN. None of the complimentary meals or perks were included, and the con owner turned out to be FUCKING CRAZY, and had people kicked off the premises. Loretta (TCCC owner) had never run a con, knew nothing about anime/comics and absolutely freaked out under the pressure, threatening anyone who spoke badly about her with legal action.

    The next year, Tri County Janicon was renamed Zonacon, the nightmare of which I already covered here. >>5178090 I highly encourage people to follow the links, especially the first one, because it was verified by numerous guests.

    Mike Broder from supercon felt so awful that anyone who was swindled by janicon was admitted free to Atlanta anime day and supercon events, and concept galaxy, who was never even fully paid for their work, gave the people who never received prizes free tickets to universal studios. They even tried to organize a fundraiser for Ichigokitty, who never received her full prize, but janicon threatened legal action.

    In the end, EXP flourished, Supercon is nearing 10k attendance, concept galaxy is going on year 5 of being contracted for conventions all over the south, and Janicon? It died and dash and tekkie vanished from the convention scene.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)01:28 No.5180728
    I applaud you.
    I only experienced zonacon which was all kinds of terrible (like all the crazy mentioned) and many of the events didnt happen or were never announced/poorly sceduled, and I felt like it was the biggest waste of my money. I came with high hopes since Terrance Zdunich was going to be there (he and friends were the best part) and while I got to meet him, I also got to be locked into the Akatuski Maid cafe for about an hour since "there was a gunner on premise". Thankfully, the cosplayers at the cafe were not only super nice, but super protective (since we were lead to believe that this was a real threat. as in, lockdown threat)
    >> I probably forgot my trip a year ago. Henry W Hall !!EJ1THcjN4Ps 11/26/11(Sat)01:37 No.5180762
    >>Former tripfag Henry Hall kicks a guy in the nuts at a con

    Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... WHO DIS?
    >> Henry W Hall !!EJ1THcjN4Ps 11/26/11(Sat)01:47 No.5180800
    It was Jacon 2004, Sunday morning.
    >> Oldfag FL drama historian 11/26/11(Sat)01:58 No.5180839
    Ha, we have never met, I found out about it during an old farty conversation years later. Because really, I have nothing better to do than sit on my rocking chair and reflect on the days of horseless carriages, bad chinese fansubs, anime club meetings and drama far more juicy than anything kids these days can muster up.
    >> Henry W Hall !!EJ1THcjN4Ps 11/26/11(Sat)02:01 No.5180854
    Did it at least come up in context?
    >> Henry W Hall !!EJ1THcjN4Ps 11/26/11(Sat)02:06 No.5180872
    Also that seems hard to believe, if you were around from 2001-2004 you had to have seen me around being as obnoxious as possible. Still did stuff with Metrocon and hung out at Mega until as recently as 2009.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)02:08 No.5180881
    >So ALL of this is put in the contract since these past guests stated it wasn’t in the contract that they cannot have sex with children or dealers
    >in the contract
    >cannot have sex with children

    I have no words...
    >> Henry W Hall !!EJ1THcjN4Ps 11/26/11(Sat)02:12 No.5180900
    Hey man that shit's a problem in FL, alright? Sometimes you're walking down the street and before you know it *BAM*.
    >> Oldfag FL drama historian 11/26/11(Sat)02:13 No.5180910
    Yes, it was in context, and I've never heard anything but praise for it.

    I was around at that time, but I wasn't in "the community." I hung out with my high school friends and didn't interact much with the more prominent cosplayers and convention regulars. If it wasn't cosplay-related before 2006, I probably didn't know about it.
    >> Henry W Hall !!EJ1THcjN4Ps 11/26/11(Sat)02:38 No.5180986
    Ahahahaha, then I know who you heard the story from, because there's still a camp of people who told me the girl he was accused of (and to me he admitted to) raping "Had it coming.", "Deserved it."

    Dude was high out of his mind when it happened, I'm not too sure he knew what he was doing until after it happened. I felt bad about kicking his junk in for a few years, actually, until I reconnected with him and he told me that it was sort of a wake-up call; the people who were praising this action had him thinking it was no big deal. Last time I spoke to him he had cleaned up his act and thanked me, actually. The girl at some point told me it might not have happened the way she had told everyone that morning, that she didn't really know what went on that night either and had freaked out and could have been overreacting - was drunk the night of.

    To this day I have no idea what to think about any of it, not really... Thing's aren't so cut and dry in real life, not as black and white as I want them to be.
    A lot of what happened still gets my blood boiling, though, so many people that I used to consider good friends were telling me that the girl deserved to be raped. The girl's boyfriend at the time didn't seem to care that it happened, the boyfriend's mother told me she was glad because her son was dating a harlot, wished the girl had died of alcohol poisoning the night before.

    This is something that still bothers me, often... It will just arrive, unannounced, and linger in my thoughts. I get so mad.
    >> Henry W Hall !!EJ1THcjN4Ps 11/26/11(Sat)02:49 No.5181001
    And I cannot put enough emphasis on this --- It was my argument for being furious then, and nothing's changed; Many people had come to me that day and said not that they didn't think he did it, which I would have respected but politely (maybe not politely) disagreed with, but that they "knew" he had done it and were glad.

    Even if it might not have happened I can't seem to wrap my mind around someone who condoned, especially someone who encourages, that sort of thing. To me it speaks volumes about a person. I'm an asshole, alright, and everyone knows it, and I wouldn't wish rape on my worst enemy.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)04:03 No.5181085
    I came to this board/thread by accident and the whole con drama thing in this thread looks really entertaining.
    Now I wonder if the whole con thing is dead since most of the events that people talk about happened around 2006-2009, anyone got an answer?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)08:36 No.5181341
    We always seem to talk about cosplayers in the cosplay convention scene. But I think we forget about the photographers. They are a huge source of drama between themselves and cosplayers. I really can't stand photographers here in FL.
    >> Athena !.hZ1JFfak2 11/26/11(Sat)09:08 No.5181362
    The story is mostly true, only it wasnt me, it was Ashley. (Cosplayed haruko a lot, dont remeber her handle) I never roomed with Kim and Troy.
    >> athena !.hZ1JFfak2 11/26/11(Sat)09:45 No.5181385
    My problem with the Flutag was that the main areas of the con where overly crowded with drunken idiots. I was running the costume contest that year and slipped and fell in a giant puddle of beer someone had spilled (and not bothered to alert anyone to clean up) and got a giant stain all down the back of my Seaking Kimono.

    >>5173317 HAHAHA was there? I'm not surprised, the contest was a close call, according to the judges it was just a hairs breath between me and that trinity blood guy.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)10:00 No.5181395
    with iacca and morataya and tuffy's shoots yada yada yada

    anyone got any sauce?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)10:20 No.5181408
    bampu im so interested in this thread
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)11:04 No.5181434

    Iacca is a creeper. I refuse to let him take my photo, he shares photos he takes with his guy friends and well, I'm sure you can guess the rest. Not only that but he looks like a creeper, I don't know how some of these girls allow him to take panty shots of them in costume. I feel dirty just thinking about it.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)11:17 No.5181445
    hes taken a few pictures of me. I dont know how to say no. But all the pictures are fine (abiet his typical crooked angle shoot) and none of them sexual or panty shots or anything. Not my favorite photog and he does creep me out but hes not as bad as any of the horror stories ive heard
    >> Oldfag FL drama historian 11/26/11(Sat)11:20 No.5181447
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    Oh, crap. I completely mixed you two up. She went by chico-chan on the cosplay websites. And yeah, that was bananas.

    TB, but also the FFIV costume. Furious debate. I agreed with the decision, but I still lolled at the rage over you using actual animal bones. Shit got PETA up in every thread, and a few literally felt like you used remains from an Indian Burial ground.

    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)11:25 No.5181451
    I was on a couple months ago and I discovered that Ashley had been taking costume commissions and either doling out shitty costumes or nothing at all. That was a couple years ago I think, old thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)11:32 No.5181456
    On a side note: are you going to be at Holiday Matsuri?
    >> Oldfag FL drama historian 11/26/11(Sat)11:35 No.5181460
    Her original scams date back to 2006/2007. I've heard rumblings about recent stuff, but nothing was as widely reported. I don't think she even lives in Florida, because Megacon 2008 was the last time I saw her, but she still attends Otakon, Wizard World Chicago and Acen.
    >> athena !.hZ1JFfak2 11/26/11(Sat)11:54 No.5181482
    Those bones where from a place where cows died natural deaths and their body just kinda decomposed naturally. I had to scrub so much dirt and cow jerky off of those bones. I'M SO CRUEL TO ANIMALS

    She lives in the Chicago area now.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)12:03 No.5181489
    well then, maybe ill see you there
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)14:13 No.5181697
    Oh god, this whole's like I'm re living my anime con days
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)14:32 No.5181736
    >> Oldfag FL drama historian 11/26/11(Sat)14:46 No.5181753
    You are indeed an asshole. But you are honest and completely unafraid of being judged for it. The kind of people that make 4chan a toilet are the polite, timid people who are so non-confrontational that being anon causes their snotty side to hulk out. Even if I don't always agree with your opinions, I respect them.

    What do you mean by "the whole con thing being dead"...? You mean the events, or the cosplayers themselves? Jacon died, Houkocon died, Anime Express is virtually invisible, Kunicon died, TCCC/Zonacon died, Janicon died, Shukakukon died, School House Rock died, Librarations died, Narutotrek died, Super is now multi-genre only and no longer anime centric, Assimilation died, and I'm sure there are many other one year cons and one-day events that didn't survive.

    As for a "Where are they now" cosplayer edition? It would be mostly boring.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)15:09 No.5181805
    id actually be interested in a "where are they now" thingy
    >> Oldfag FL drama historian 11/26/11(Sat)15:25 No.5181850
    Pikabellechu (, won in every single costume contest she entered until 2005. Still active. She doesn't compete anymore, and holds guest status at most cons running pokemon events and exhibiting her pikachu car. She's a guest of honor at Holiday Matsuri and will be holding a special gijinka costume contest.

    Shannon (, best known for Sailor Jupiter and Ulala from SC5, used to win a lot of contests in 2000-2003. Married four years now to Tom Croom. She lives in Vero Beach, hasn't cosplayed for years except for occasional appearances at dragoncon's masquerade during 2008/2009. She has a small pin-up model and burlesque business with one of the Cosplay Deviant girls ( Wasabi and CD have a pretty close relationship, so when CD appears at a FL con, Shannon and Tom are usually there.

    Stephanie ( I am sad that there are no pictures of some of her best cosplay. She dropped off the map in 2006, after a great run of award-winning videogame costumes. If anyone has info, that would rock.

    Lyn ( Lyn/Lucifer won a lot of contests from 1999-2005, and still competed from time to time after that. Married now, she attends sci-fi and non-anime conventions, and still cosplays actively. She sticks to fandoms like Twilight, HP, Trublood and traditional comics.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)15:28 No.5181857
    now a gijinka costume contest... thats actually a very good idea!! Ill have to check it out
    >> Oldfag FL drama historian 11/26/11(Sat)15:44 No.5181882
    One thing you newer folks have to understand is the change in photography. Disposable cameras were the norm, and there weren't nearly as many people taking pictures and posting them online back in the day, so the work of many fantastic cosplayers from the 90's and early 2000's wasn't documented. Maboroshi and AnimeBelle were extremely important to the community because it was often the only visual keepsakes people had of their costumes. Now, even if you don't do photoshoots, you can easily search flickr, DA or other sites on a high speed connection. Everything is accessible, everything is uploaded and you don't have to enter a costume contest in order to get a proper picture of yourself. I STILL have disposable cameras I never developed from conventions back in 2000-2004.

    Kim (
    Known for competing in a number of purchased costumes up until 2004, she strayed away from anime cons that she wasn't volunteering at. She was asked to stop staffing Anime Sushi's contest at Megacon in 2007, and stepped down from coordinating AFO's costume contest after 2009 to focus on cosplay deviants with Troy/Boner Robin. She attends cons to promote CD, though she typically does not cosplay anymore. Fun fact? Certain items borrowed from other cosplayers were never returned, and are now displayed on the CD models. Sidenote: All costumes that she did not make have long since been deleted. For a list of those, see image posted with >>5172957
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:28 No.5182348
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    >Iacca's mugshot
    >> Henry W Hall !!EJ1THcjN4Ps 11/26/11(Sat)18:46 No.5182386
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    The mugshot is from some rental car dispute if anyone wanted to know. I don't know the story so don't ask me for the details. OH GOD THE CAPTCHA
    >> Henry W Hall !!EJ1THcjN4Ps 11/26/11(Sat)18:59 No.5182412
    I don't get why people think that just because a photographer is an older guy they're a creep; I've known Mike for almost 10 years now and I've never seen him behave in any way that wasn't professional.

    If he's sharing illicit photos with his guy friends I want to know why I'm not on the list.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)20:04 No.5182495

    He has asked several girls to do private nude shoots for him, and even after they declined he kept going back and asking them. He has also made inappropriate remarks to myself and other girls.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)20:50 No.5182552
    I didn't realize the extent of Florida drama until the hottest cosplayers list went up. That's when the vultures and scavengers came out of the woodworks and shit in the fan.

    And though everyone would like to say that they had no part in it, at some point or time, EVERYONE saw it and had something to say.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)21:15 No.5182592
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    Iacca he always been nice to me and means well, but I do remember him making a rather inappropriate joke when I first met him. I got the vibe later on he just doesn't understand the power of his words when I personally brought the joke back up to him.

    I can't really speak for what is said about him other than that.
    >> fl cosplay anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)21:45 No.5182652
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    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)00:22 No.5183015
    LOL wow I did some stupid shit as a kid.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)00:22 No.5183016
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    did you...shoop that? Cause that does NOT look like Erika...

    her face just looks...strange.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)01:04 No.5183109
    she normally wears baggy clothing so it is hard to believe she has a nice body. very chill, thou
    >> Oldfag FL drama historian 11/27/11(Sun)01:35 No.5183180
    Eh, I take issue with any older man who asks a much younger girl to come back to his hotel room repeatedly to take naked pictures, especially when she has a boyfriend. I knew he did it to one person in particular, but I didn't know there were multiple ladies.

    Anyhow, most females have circulated warnings about Mike quietly amongst themselves for a while now. It's never been brought up on here as far as I've seen, probably because girl on girl violence is the norm in the cosplay drama world.

    There are photographers out there who are so socially awkward that people throw around terms like aspergers, but it's not creepiness that does it. It's his consistently inappropriate behavior. There is a reason he is no longer invited to photoshoots.

    I'd imagine you not having a vagina plays into his behavior around you.
    >> Oldfag FL drama historian 11/27/11(Sun)01:41 No.5183197
    The Hottest Cosplayers List drama died down quite a bit. The last couple times it was up, it was bumped off after very uneventful runs. It was simply a great trolling that no one caught on to for awhile.

    The problem with the hot cosplayer thread is and will always be that women just can't let men have their goddammed fapfest. No one with a snatch should be allowed within a hundred yards, and guys should be allowed to discuss who they think is hot without girls shitting up the place because they feel invalidated when not included (or worse, try to get them and themselves on the list, as if being part of a man's spank bank is going to improve their worth).

    I have no problem with hot cosplayer threads. Fap freely and fap away, men of Florida.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)02:11 No.5183268
    I agree. Although I agree for the reason being it's so much fun to watch all the drama take place. It's just sheer entertainment. Acknowledgement that's not really worth a damn in the real world.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)02:13 No.5183273
    Did we ever discover who made the list to begin with?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)09:24 No.5183726
    this I would still like to know. And proof that it was trolling and not serious
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:11 No.5183766
    They most certainly have not been "chill" this year.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:17 No.5183775
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:28 No.5183790
    >> 1/2 Oldfag FL drama historian 11/27/11(Sun)10:44 No.5183820
    The original list was made 2-3 years ago during a flood of hot/ugly/mediocre/good/bad/chill/drama cosplayer lists on cgl. It went from a casual list, to serious business, and by the end, to blatant trolling.

    Every few months, it was resurrected by a different anon and tailored to suit the needs of whoever felt like selfposting the most that day.

    Last year, someone with way too much at stake made a trip and religiously posted it after every con. Too many vagoo's got in on the action and fucked it up for everyone, constantly fighting to get people off and on the list.

    Many people believe that Makyz/Luis, a cosplayer known for cosplaying Crocodile from One Piece was the reason for the religious reposting and rehashing of the list last year, and not just because of his association with all the new cosplayers posted. He would brag and talk about the list at every con he went to, even while in other states and areas of the country where no one knew or cared about it. As funny as it is, while women perpetuate drama about who is hotter than who, a guy who wanted to improve his own "pimp cred" by builing up the reputations of the girls around him very well may have been the cause of it all. There is no tangible proof, because this is the fucking internet, but to this day, he is the only person whose name has been thrown around over and over again. If it wasn't Luis, I'd recommend he stop yammering on about it to complete strangers.
    >> 2/2 Oldfag FL drama historian 11/27/11(Sun)10:44 No.5183821
    The last two hot cosplayer threads have ended in disappointment for those playing spectator, as most of the ladies on the list are tired of the negative attention. It's nice for a day, but after weeks of everyone calling you an ugly, worthless self-posting whore, the glamor wears off.

    So yeah, if trolling is your aphrodisiac, long gone are the days of posting the list, then waiting anxiously with your cock in hand, ready to fap at the speed of light. It was a good run, though. Future oldfags, you will always have those memories of 11/10 trolling and fury of the ages to boast about to younger generations.

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