11/20/11(Sun)02:51 No. 5165437 File1321775478.jpg -(115 KB, 748x544, developers.jpg ) >>5165369 Oh that makes sense, actually. Keep using the slang. heh. Well as for specifics, I don't remember them well. I was pretty young back when. (2001, so I was like...16? I'm 26 now) Keep in mind the setting: 1. Cosplay communities were a new thing, and the net was just in the middle of it's bubble (this group started in 98). 2.
Previously, cosplay drama was unheard of. There were no real online
communities, so people simply showed up in costume, had fun, went home. As
for me, 97/98 were my first few conventions as a kid. I had never been
to one before, so I simply knew no one, was not part of a greater chain
of friends and people i know/knew like I do now in the cosplay
community. I was a random kid attending a con, and had only recently
found out about cosplay that year. And even "I" heard drama
gossip and heard quite a bit around every corner about this group. They
were the Beatles of Drama, as well. The first pop drama band, call it
whatever. Their drama was so huge and well known, casual con attendees knew what their shit stank like. I'd like to see someone's drama that can compare.