Gijinka Thread? Gijinka thread.Post reference pics or actual cosplay pics. Please label which series it is from.Hard mode: Sexy gijinkas for women AND men
Kirenenko (left) and Putin (right), from Usavich.
Hard mode: Umbreon from Pokemon.
Kirenenko (left) and Kirunenko (right) from Usavich.
Kanschkov, from Usavich
Vulpix and Ninetails ^-^
Actual people, fan gijinka concept art, what?
forever my favorite gijinka
Sage for selfposting art but have a Voltorb and Weezing. I never see any gijinkas of them.
>>5160230I have some others from around to dump.
sorry 4 the poor quality
Rover from Animal Crossing.
>>5160397Omg that wiiiiig. Anyone know what it is?
Entei gijinka, drawn by me.From pokemon, derp.
>>5160436Looks like an orange wig with yellow wefts.
Need a better size and res for this one, one of my favorite cosplays
>>5160178i think i want to do something like that...
Dragonair. I only see girls cosplay this, I love that a guy could pull it off too.
>>5160876>that's a chick.
Throwing some Monster Hunter into the thread.
>>5160881Oh. Well then.
How about some God Gundam and Nobel Gundam mecha musume?
>>5160894Sorry bro, she's a friend of mine.She can do one hell of a cossplay let me tell you that though.
>>5160901*crossplay, I am riddled with the typos.Have a kinda gijinka.
I need some sexy mens gijinka references.. Maybe slight midriff, but nothing requiring guns & washboard abs. I'm too scrawny for that shit. inb4 hit gym.Here, have a sexy Latios.
Bump for intrest! I'm looking to make a Dunsparce gijinka!
>>5162143I date white guys too. I'm not an exclusive rice queen.
Have a kabutops!
>>5162101I have a few male gijinka, hold on.
>>5163570Now that is cute!
Not sure if this is a gijinka or a trainer that really likes Koffing.
>>5163592What Pokemon is this? I'm not at all familiar with the newer ones but I've love to cosplay this one.
>>5163594It's uhh... uhhhh...It's from Black/White, so I haven't played yet (waiting for Gray). It's... Chandelure, I think.
Okay, so this is less gijinka reference, more cute Pokemon-girls. I hope you don't mind, though you could still make stuff out of them.
Need to take a shower. I'll post more after.
Any good Suicune or Articuno gijinka designs?
>>5163677I have a few of both.
I might have something.
I guess that's all I have picture-wise for either.
>>5163681Course, good is a relative term. Don't know what peaks your fancy.
pokemon found it on da
More non-pokemon gijinka?
Requesting some female gijinkas of Arcanine, Luxray and Suicune.In return, a picture with a bump.
>>5166686Ah, thank you!I also found a tumblr with more pokemon gijinkas.
>>5166644Sure thing.Boris, from none other than Usavich.
Punchy, from Animal Crossing.
go on /vp/ you fucksActually no please don't ruin that bored like this one.
Dark Tiger certainly counts too.
Non Pokemon
>>5166722>>trolls says to go to /vp/>>then says not toContinuing back to the topic.
LSP counts?
Any Starfox? I'm planning a Falco cosplay. :]Also thinking of doing Knukcles, do you guys reckon I should use a spiky wig or dreads?
>>5166801Only ones of Fox and Falco I saw were on't for the life of me remember who they were. I was planning a Falco one year too; once I got a decent Fox though.Knuckles; I recon spikes would look more accurate? I've seen dreds once and I dunno; personally didn't appeal to me. >>5166722>bored >bored>bored This made me laugh rather than be offended.